Deep Bible Study on Gold | Dr. Gene Kim

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all right uh let's get going revelation chapter 21 we'll read verse 10 through 10 and 18. the first thing that you want to understand about gold that's what we're going to be covering today in the bible is gold all right gold know about the tabernacle and then what you'll hear is that gold gold is supposed to represent deity it's supposed to represent holy deity and there's a lot of historical background on that pretty much even bible pastors scholars and even the liberal secular scholars will all admit that gold it has a place of so many rich so many rich details about the shine and then the admiration when you look at it the quality of its element and they would connect that to the divine to the gods or to god a scriptural background is filled where if you look at all the references concerning gold in your bible especially on the tabernacle it's something very close to god and so gold represents deity and you know just a small note this ain't scripture obviously the same doctrine but it is interesting if you take out the word l in gold you get god right so that's just something i just threw in there all right revelation that's not scripture though all right there's no verse to prove that all right revelation chapter 21 and verse 10. now let's uh lay down the detail on why gold would represent deity first of all heaven city is all gold the bible says and he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain and showed me that great city the holy jerusalem descending out of heaven from god all right what comes out of heaven its own city in verse 18 18 and the building of the wall of it was of jasper and the city was pure gold like unto clear glass so notice right here that it is all purely gold heaven city so we're going to look at ex dis uh keep your hand at revelation go to 22 22 and then go to exodus 28 exodus 28. now we know that heaven city is all gold and then holiness it's so interesting it would be equated with gold as well and if we were to add one plus one equals two together it would be pretty obvious if gold is representing deity we know that the most important attribute to god is his holiness so then it wouldn't be a surprise that holiness would be also equated with gold as well all right now look at this so heaven's city it's all gold we know that and then we also know that deity and holiness is all attributed to gold as well now look how all of this connects together exodus chapter 28 and notice how your king james bible words it at verse 36 verse 36 thou shalt make a plate of pure gold okay so we're at exodus 28 36 and grave upon it like the engravings of a signet so on this plate of pure gold you're supposed to write on it what holiness to the lord now that's interesting so there's no doubt that god he puts holiness very close with gold uh he connects it together but revelation 22 would be more apparent because in heaven the only people this is the important note here which will connect a lot of dots in heaven city which is all gold sinners and sin is not allowed there sin is kicked out of heaven's gold there so it shows that god he separates the gold from the sinners but he puts holiness with the gold so look at revelation chapter 22 and then we'll look at verse 11. the bible says he that is unjust let him be unjust still he which is filthy let him be filthy still and he that is righteous let him be righteous still and he that is notice right here holy let him be holy still but look at who enters inside the city of gold there's a distinction with the unjust and then the holy right at verse 11. all right who are the ones that go inside the city the ones who are holy at verse 14. blessed are they that do his commandments that they may have right to the tree of life and may look at this they the ones who have access are the ones who live in holiness who are who keep his commandments may enter in through the gates into the city see that verse 15 for without those who don't qualify are what dogs sorcerers whoremongers murders those that are sinners see that so there's no doubt gold is the one that would connect to the ones that is holy and then those that are unholy god separates the gold from them which is why it makes so much sense in romans 3 23 for all have sinned and come what short of the glory of god why because they fall short of god's glory in heaven and he puts gold all over heaven they fall short of the gold as well this becomes even more apparent when you look at first peter 1 7 first peter 1 7 we fall short of the glory of god and what god connects something with his glory something that is holy what kind of material material or element would be the most ideal that he would use it would be gold but look at first peter chapter one verse seven the bible says that the trial of your faith being much more precious than of what gold that perishes we're more valuable than that though it be tried with fire uh might be found unto praise and honor and what glory at the appearing of jesus christ that's why we all say during preaching or teaching that when we go through suffering we come out more than fine gold gold tried in the fire but then what god mentions right here is that when you go through that fire it's for his glory as well that why you're that gold that's tried in the fire during suffering for him to manifest his glory that should be something right here one thing i learned is that sometimes when you go through some of the deep meats in doctrine you'd be surprised that in some areas right here while like you would take your own christian life more seriously right you would go wow i didn't know that so i got to live better for him first corinthians chapter 3 is even way more apparent we're not going to turn there but if you know that passage what did the bible say about your good works and your bad works at the judgment seat of christ your bad works when they go to the fire they get burned up but if those works are not as sinful or as bad as your bad works and they're really good or holy then what do they turn into gold see that so there's no doubt when you look through all these scriptures holiness is connected to gold and sin is separated from that one god doesn't want to put sin with gold right there let's look at genesis chapter 2 genesis chapter 2 genesis chapter 2 and then we'll look at verse 7 genesis chapter 2 and then we'll read verse 7. now you may have heard a crazy old man and of course he doesn't know what he's talking about that adam when he was created you know he had a golden image you know or maybe he knew something to that book that was way ahead that maybe some of us you know took a little bit more time to catch up right all right genesis chapter 2 verse 7. one thing i learned is that when the lord uses some preacher or god's man to teach you something or preach to you something don't don't get all prideful arrogant and then dismiss it so easily i'm not saying for you to believe it easily either okay but you've got to one thing i've learned especially when you hear preaching the temptation is to critique constantly and if you do that then you're not going to spiritually learn or spiritually grow just take it what it is and if it's me let it sink in until the digestion finally goes through when the lord sees fit okay that's it all right all right genesis chapter 2 and verse 7 and the lord god for man of the dust of the ground so adam we know that he was created from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul now dr upman what he would claim is that this was actually golden dust where adam came from and the reason why is because verses 10 through 12 adam he was created at a ground he was created from a ground nearby eden and a river went out of eden to water the garden and from thence it was parted and became into foreheads the name of the first is pyson that is it which composite the whole land of havala where there is gold and the gold of that land is good there is bdellium and the onyx stone so in this land of havala there's gold now nearby the garden of eden dr utman's point is that near the garden of eden there is terrain there is a terrain that has gold if adam was created at a ground nearby the garden of eden then we would say that he was created with gold dust but let's just put that as a perhaps for now now remember when we go through deep doctrine it's not just one verse you look at all these other verses and then you're going to get an answer more clearly you may not get a hundred percent answer but you're going to get it more clearly that's what's going to happen uh so let's think about this suppose suppose adam was created with a golden image from the ground nearby eden it would probably make sense then why because he didn't have a sinful nature that time now remember in heaven sinners aren't allowed if you have sin you can't enter heaven's gold you can't enter that golden city it could probably make sense adam was in a holy state without sin holiness is connected to gold so perhaps so let's think about that logic okay if we look at right here again gold is what it's a holy state without sin so let me add this too okay sometimes we need to see it in writing or in picture so that we can get it right sometimes that is necessary okay okay so we see how gold is connected right here okay it's without sin and holiness is connected to it think about uh some of these other factors if adam if i say if he was created with the golden image it could answer the question that you've all learned before why did the bible say he lost the image of god when he sinned when he sinned he lost something important the bible says god's image unless it was gold maybe it's connected to that that's why you would word something like that but let's look at first corinthians 15 all right this will become even more interesting all right let's build these are just thoughts that i'm throwing in and then let's just add all of this together then then it could connect and it would answer so many other questions look at first corinthians 15. first corinthians chapter 15. and then we'll look at verse 49 first corinthians chapter 15 and then we'll look at verse 49. okay now we know this is that praise the lord that when we got saved the image of god was restored so say if you're saved in the lord jesus christ the image of god is restored but if you're lost you do not have the image of god and then the scriptures i've taught you that before so i'm not going to do it again just take it for granted but second corinthians 4 4 is a great example of that if you're lost you do not have the image of god actually the devil blinded you from that lest you get the image of god right unless christ can give you that image that's why the devil's job is to prevent you from getting that second corinthians 4 4 but anyway the point is right here is that when we got saved the image of god is restored right we get that but look how it ties to something very interesting to gold first corinthians 15 49 and as we have borne the image of the earthly we shall also bear the image of the what heavenly okay so first corinthians 15 says we're gonna bear the image of the heavenly now we know that ties to your rapture what praise the lord at verse 52 at the rapture we get that incorruptible body right so we're going to get the heavenly image verse 52 is your rapture in a moment the twinkling of an eye at the last trump for the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed so we're going to get that heavenly image when we go to heaven all right we're going to get that heavenly image when we go to heaven why you need that image to go to heaven hmm now it becomes more evident when the bible shows our heavenly image is like the stars at verse 41 through 42 look at verse 41-42 there is one glory of the sun and another glory of the moon and a glor and another glory of the stars for one star different from another star in glory so also is the resurrection of the dead that's our rapture it is shown in corruption it is raised in in corruption all right sorry heavenly image is going to be like the stars now get this all right hey i mean something that uh scientists took years later to catch up didn't you know so interesting that stars are made out of gold didn't you know gold scientists say try to find out where do we get so much gold in the universe they say didn't you know that you know scientists teach that it only took them 1900 years to catch up that's how our how advanced our scientists are you know praise the lord for such geniuses right these are the guys that taught you your great great great ancestor was from a rock or a monkey all right only took them 1900 years give them a little bit credit right you know so when you uh this is found at the article by raffy lester too much there's too much gold in the universe no one knows where it come from well i know where it came from but this is from live science october 1st 2020. all right this is how they mention it right here so this is what they mentioned they tried to mention that all this gold where it would come from is from the stars then out there but they say it's too rare when these stars would burst out but not when if you know your bible that we're gonna be uh like if our rapture is gonna be like the stars and it's gonna be innumerable in number revelation chapter four and chapter five and not only that the angels are likened to stars too but anyways i okay let's just go back over here during a magneto rotational supernova a dying star spins so fast and is racked by such strong magnetic fields that it turns itself inside out as it explodes as it dies the star shoots white hot jets of matter into space and because the star has been turned inside out its jets are chalk full of gold nuclei but gold remains an enigma something out there that scientists don't know that's what you get when you don't believe there is a god see you you never have your questions answered you don't know something out there that scientists don't know about must be making gold koba kobayashi said or it's possible neutron star collisions make way more gold than existing models suggest in either case astrophysicists still have a lot of work to do before they can explain where all that fancy fancy bling came from it's simple just go to a dollar tree store buy yourself a king james bible there you go problem solved all right all right then look at daniel chapter 12 verse 3. daniel chapter 12 verse 3. that's why it makes sense the bible says we're gonna shine as a stars how about that daniel chapter 12 verse 3 now this is making a lot more sense now see that all of this is starting to make a lot more sense daniel chapter 12 and verse 3 so if adam had the image of god and then obviously the same people have the image of god our image as save people will be like the heavenly stars and remember the stars are chock full of gold so then yeah it's possible and it's like these gold little dust or nuclei or whatever they called it right then maybe the old man wasn't too far when he said adam was created from gold dust all right then uh daniel chapter 12 and verse 3 daniel chapter 12 verse 3. the bible says and they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever how about that isn't that interesting stars that will shine but satan likes to replace the stars that shine that's why he has the hollywood stars putting their stars on the pavement on the streets trying to make it look gold when it's it's not even pure gold itself they attend golden globes see that and they want to get oscars that look like golden images when our image that we're gonna get is gonna be gold how about that see that all of this is just starting to make more sense now and that's why because the hollywood stars they like these golden images for their oscars and it's not even real pure 100 genuine gold itself and you you see these actors actresses crying over some fake gold piece like this is what they sweated and died for man people die in hollywood i kid you not actors actresses just die just for this dumb little thing like you heard your preacher said that it's going to rot in a garage or something right man but satan loves those golden images don't he revelation 9 20. that's why he has his golden images revelation 9 20. revelation 9 20. everything satan does you know he always tries to mimic god he tries to imitate god why because he just wants to one-up on jesus christ's life or if he couldn't do that i can do a better one so he always copycats him we know that look at revelation chapter 9 and verse 20 and the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands that they should not worship devils and idols see that of gold uh look at exodus 32 exodus 32 and then ezekiel 28. exodus 32 and ezekiel 28. exodus 32 uh exodus 32 and ezekiel 28. now you notice in this uh church we don't take like 20 different modern versions and only go on one bible verse and everybody don't sink in on the same verse in that one verse and then they just give a little ditty devotional and they're done you know that's how much lack of bible they had is so sad they not only just cover one or two verses they have multiple versions so basically they get zero bible then see that that's very sad that's the sad state of our churches today if they would only have a pure word of god and just keep getting that word of god and go with so many scriptures my goodness that word of god will blow up your mind every single time all right let's look at exodus chapter 34 32 excuse me and verse 3 exodus 32 verse 3. that's why satan he likes that golden calf right he likes a golden calf a golden image verse 2 aaron said unto them break off the golden earrings and what happened if you look at verse 3 and all the people break off the golden earrings verse 4 and he received them at their hand and fashioned it with the graving tool after he had made it a molten calf so he made a golden calf a golden calf satan not only likes golden images he likes a golden calf why he used to be that golden ox up in heaven ezekiel 28. ezekiel 28 well look at verse 13 [Music] verse 13 this is thou hast been in eden the garden of god well that's pretty obvious that's satan every precious stone was i covering the sardius topaz and the diamond the barrel the onyx the jasper the sapphire the emerald the carbuncle and gold so notice right here satan he is made out of gold it was his covering verse 14 thou art the anointed what cherub all right that proves he's the ox what what do you mean that proved easy ox well i'm not going to show you in the other verses but i showed you many times in bible study so it will be repetitive but if you look at ezekiel chapter 1 and ezekiel chapter 10 you'll find out that cherub means ox all right i'll just leave it right there now you go home and do your bible study all right all right so that's what you're going to find out real fast with these four living creatures and then one of them is called cherub but then ezekiel replaces it later on with ox so it's the same thing but anyway satan is called ox ezekiel 28. but then he they mentioned he's made out of gold that would make a lot of sense why satan likes this golden calf in egypt and the children of israel i don't know why they just keep making golden calves right oh why do you have to always put a cow in there you know why do you have to do that unless there's something strange behind unless there's a demonic mindset behind it unless satan likes something well just look at the scriptures let us show you right all right let's look at john chapter one john chapter one now here's something really interesting now we're going to talk about the elements of gold the elements of gold didn't you know that gold absorbs light really well now there's no doubt from the previous things we learned that gold would mean holiness and sinners are separated from gold at least that much we can agree upon when we see the scriptures there's two that holiness is tied to goal and sin is separated from gold at least we can agree that much but this becomes even more apparent when realizing god is light so because if we have the golden image we can absorb god's light really well because god is light but who can't absorb that light really well darkness who is darkness lost sinners that's why they cannot function they will not survive in heaven they cannot absorb god's light they cannot absorb god why too much holiness and they have too much sin look at john chapter 1 verse 4 john chapter 1 verse 4. look at this the bible says right here let me turn the page here in him was life and the life was the what light of men all right we're able to get that light now once we got saved we receive life and the light shineth in darkness and the what darkness comprehended it not the lost world cannot comprehend that they cannot sink in their head that's why you can sink in the preaching the teaching and then the doctrines and other stuff better than the lost world sometimes the bible says a natural man lost man cannot receive the spiritual things of god why is that because the reason why is you got the image of god restored in you you got the image of christ second corinthians 4 4 ties that image to what the light as well but then the devil he blinds the world and that darkness can't take it in why darkness cannot go in with light it just doesn't work that way that's why the spiritual things of god can't sink in with the lost world makes more sense now why god would liken all these things together look at luke 10 luke chapter 10 luke chapter 10. one thing i've learned is this is that once you get one of those deep doctrines in even the simple verses that we've all memorized and we read through a thousand times and we go oh i know i know no you don't know you'd be surprised john 3 16 you some of you still just don't get that verse yet and then you'd be surprised that when you read your bible the 10th time 20th time the 30th time and then especially when you get into a deeper doctrine then you might go wait a minute that reminds me of what the verse that you memorized before the verse that you hid in your heart before and then you're gonna go oh that's what it means over there all right luke chapter 10 luke chapter 10 and verse 18. luke chapter 10 verse 18. this book is endless and no matter how deep we go we'll only scratch the surface we will never reach out this book is endless no book is like this book and this book is unlike any other book where it doesn't need revising like science textbooks oh excuse me you got your modern scholars who think that it needs to be revised because we heard from the preaching right when they put their understanding in rather than letting god's understanding flow flow from the words itself you're going to miss out a lot all right look at luke chapter 10. isn't that amazing 16-11 man let's go back to the original greek man go go back to the first centuries never change bro it's man amazing luke chapter 10 and verse 18. gold is also a good conductor of electricity actually god is light but satan he's obviously rejected as light why because he's darkness you ever heard that phrase from that preacher light rejected becomes what lightning you've heard that quote before from some preacher and satan has a hold on gold through what electricity lightning rather than light look at luke chapter 10 and verse 18. luke chapter 10 verse 18 and he said unto them i beheld satan as lightning fall from heaven and that's why satan all he can do is imitate you know morph transform that's why the bible says he is transformed as an angel of light he's fake he's fake light all right here's another interesting thing about gold it can become red liquid like blood when its nano particles are in colloidal suspension in water isn't that interesting didn't you know there are also other interesting terms called gold veins and gold blood you have you ever heard of those terms before it's interesting gold blood is actually referring to a very rare blood type that i don't know if you've heard about before it's rh no blood and this blood all right i uh if you if you get this you can run the bases if you want this gold blood is basically a universal blood type that just fits for all blood types around the world i don't know if you got that one all right like the preacher said right it just went over the head right you know all right let's look at some interesting verses here about gold gold being connected to blood first peter 1 first peter chapter one first peter chapter one do you ever wonder why uh your gold comes out more fine when you go through suffering hmm you thought of that before they're tied they're tied look at first peter chapter 1 verse 18 out of all elements in the universe god picks gold as the comparison to the blood of christ that is universal for all person types he didn't pick like brass or stone now he picks silver too but i'm not gonna mention that part i'm gonna that's gonna be interesting all right so let's just forget that for now but i'll show you why silver is tied later okay but he didn't pick stone or anything else he picked gold for a reason look at first peter chapter 1 verse 18 for as much as he know that you were not redeemed with corruptable things as silver and gold from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers but with the precious blood of christ as of a lamb without blemish and without spot wow now look at first peter 1 7 first peter 1 7. now that's a universal blood over there that goes into any person and not even calvinist can kick that out it's not a specific elect or a specific blood type it's for everybody out there everybody out there that the lord would give them the blood of the lord jesus christ it's a universal blood type so interesting that out of all the elements in the universe he would pick gold as a comparison for his comparison where it would pale to the blood of christ being a much more valuable commodity and element now let's look at first peter 1 7 we read this verse that the trial of your faith right suffering being much more precious than of gold that perisheth though it be tried with fire see that when you suffer blood when you go through suffering for the lord jesus christ when you shed blood for his name the bible shows how all of that is considered to be fine gold to him look at zechariah 13 zechariah 13 not just to save christians but the children of israel as well the children of israel go to zechariah 13. zachariah 13 the children of israel as well zechariah chapter 13 that's why god has to put them through that bloody persecution at the tribulation so that he can reign down as king why they have to get some sins iniquities cleaned up uh if you know daniel 9 god gave them 70 weeks to fulfill the transgressions the iniquity as a nation and then once they fulfill that at the tribulation then look at what god words that as look at zechariah chapter 11 verse 12 they come out as more fine gold zechariah let's chapter 11. we'll look at verse 12. and i said unto them if you think good uh no excuse me i looked at the wrong verse here zechariah 13 sorry zechariah 13 i'm sorry zechariah 13 verse 8 verse 8 verse 8 the bible says here and it shall come to pass that in all the lands saith the lord two parts therein shall be cut off and die but the third shall be left therein so that's a prophecy about the tribulation all right when the tribulation goes through the suffering persecution of the antichrist during this persecution the third that goes through that fire go through that suffering and survive the bible says in verse nine and i will bring the third part through the fire kind of like first peter one about the christians and will refine them as silver is refined and we'll try them try like first peter won the trial of your faith going through the fire as what gold is tried how about that god connects the suffering blood for his name with gold look at matthew 20. this is even more interesting matthew 20. matthew chapter 20. this could answer all right so i say it could answer i'm not saying it's a solid answer but some people ask me why would it uh why did god pick specifically moses and elijah for the two uh olive the olive sticks that are on the right and the left hand of jesus christ for the golden candlestick why would god pick moses and elijah and i couldn't answer that question but maybe now i found an answer this is interesting look at matthew 20. somebody wanted to get the right and left hand of jesus rather than moses and elijah but what did jesus say the qualification was do you recall matthew chapter 20. it's suffering matthew 20 and then verse 21 the bible says and he said unto her what wilt thou she saith unto him grant that these my two sons may sit the one on thy right hand and the other and thy left in thy kingdom all right she's talking about at zechariah we're going to look at that later where god has two people on uh or the two witnesses one on his right hand one on his left hand and we know they are moses and elijah but let's keep reading here all right verse 22 but jesus answered and said ye know not what he asked why he's giving them he's asking her giving the qualifications are he able to drink of the cup that i shall drink of and to be baptized with the baptism that i am baptized with that's the baptism and that's the cup referring to suffering we all know that they say unto him oh we are able it's just like you during altar call oh i'm able you know i'm able and jesus like nah i don't think so and then he's like sure you'll get it that verse 23 he saith unto them ye shall drink indeed of my cup and be baptized with the baptism that i am baptized with but to sit but he doesn't give but to sit on my right hand and on my left is not mine to give but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared of my father we know who they are zachariah now verse chapter 4 zechariah 4. we know they are moses and elijah but look what the bible worded this as look at this now it ties to suffering zechariah chapter four so we see that it ties to suffering at matthew 20 but guess what god calls these two witnesses one the right hand one on the left he calls it he poured golden oil on it and a golden uh candlestick that's why he called these olive things that's what he called it zechariah chapter 4 and we'll read verse 11 then answered i and said unto him what are these two olive trees upon the right side of the candlestick and upon the left side thereof right that's what matthew 20 is referring to and i answered again and said unto him what be these two olive branches look at the wording here which through the two golden what pipes empty the golden oil out of themselves that golden oil goes at verse 14 anoints anoints those two witnesses verse 14. then said he these are the two anointed ones that stand by the lord of the whole earth how about that you got your answer there so gold the reason why jesus christ didn't give it to them is because he said you have to get that baptism of suffering then why why do you have to get baptized with the suffering because to get on the right hand the left hand you have to get that anointing of gold right there isn't that what the verse shows right there golden pipes golden oil poured out and they are the anointed ones hence gold that's why recall zachariah 11 first peter 1 how you come out more fine gold to god you have to go through that fiery suffering for him and then if you know your bible about moses and elijah what did the bible say the bible says moses he chose suffering shows suffering for the affliction of his people not the wealth of egypt and then the bible talks about elijah where he went through so much suffering that he said lord you know uh no one's serving god except me and god's like no no i have plenty of hundreds of others that you just didn't know about but see that's why god chose elijah too why these are the two that went through a men's suffering for him that would make sense all right that's why you hear a lot of preaching nowadays about you know when you want that anointing of god that power of god that feeling of god or you know you you know not what you ask you better be careful of that you know what you're getting right you're getting trial you're getting suffering why because that flesh needs to be crucified more it needs to be more dead so that the holy spirit can fill out and pour out more out of your life all right let's look at uh another passage here we're going to look at revelation 15 revelation chapter 15. look at revelation chapter 15. revelation chapter 15 and then we'll look at verse 2 verse 2. now remember uh we are christians who become more fine gold why why because we've been tried through the fire right if we cut gold is the thing that can withstand fire that's the thing that's right at the judgment seat of christ gold is the one that comes out of the fire at the judgment seat of christ not your bad works then it would make sense why we can go to heaven and withstand it you know why that floor that sea of glass in heaven has fire on it look at revelation 15 2 revelation 15 2 if we come out as gold for god we can come out we can withstand that and i saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with what fire and then they had gotten the victory over the beast etc see heaven's floor sea of glass is mingled with fire how about that when you have that golden image when you get saved and raptured up in heaven that's why you can withstand and walk on the fires but i wonder who did that too before he fell ezekiel 28 again ezekiel 28 before he fell he was able to do that too ezekiel 28 what and then we'll look at verse 14 ezekiel chapter 28 and then we'll read verse 14. notice that lucifer also was the one look at the last part of verse 14 thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire how about that look at daniel chapter two daniel chapter two i told you there was going to be a lot okay daniel chapter two i'll try to condense it as best as i can daniel two now there's going to be three passages all right there's gonna be three passages all right get ready daniel two and ephesians two ephesians two daniel two and ephesians two the next one is first corinthians 3. first corinthians 3 all right i'm going to repeat it again daniel 2 ephesians 2 and then 1st corinthians three first corinthians three all right now this is interesting right here notice that satan when he builds up something with his kingdoms right he built up his kingdoms on the earth it was through nebuchadnezzar and then persia greece and then rome so those are the worldly kingdoms the kingdom of satan and that's why satan tried to offer that to jesus right i'll give you all the kingdoms of this world in a moment of time i'll just give it up to you like that so we know satan's in charge of these kingdoms so let's look at his image of golden head huh daniel chapter 2 you know that daniel chapter 2 and then we'll look at verse 37 thou thou o king daniel 2 37 thou o king are the king of kings nebuchadnezzar for the god of heaven had given thee a kingdom power and strength and glory notice that he calls it glory right here right at verse 36 uh verse what was i reading i look thank you all right i'm lost 37 connects it to the gold verse 38 the last part of verse 38 says thou art this head of gold that's why all right but what happens it falls apart through a stone at verse 45 verse 45 it falls apart through a stone verse 45 for as much as thou saws that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands and that it break in pieces the iron the brass the clay the silver and the gold the great god hath made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter who is that stone all right go to ephesians 2 who is that stone so uh one by one here the nebuc uh the image of nebuchadnezzar falls apart it's a head it's satan's image and he has a golden head over here but that gold head of the image of satan falls apart through a stone and this stone lays a foundation start for you to build up gold on top of it ah look at this all right look at this look at this you read it a million times you just weren't paying attention all right ephesians chapter 2 and verse 20 and are built something's built on top of this upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets jesus christ himself being the what cheap corner stone we know that that stone is jesus christ and knocks down that golden image that satan built because we're building on top of that look jesus the foundation isn't right he's the cheap cornerstone all right now look at this first corinthians three corinthians 3. you remember that passage right first corinthians 3 verse 11 verse 11 for other what foundation can no man lay than that is lay which is what jesus christ now if any man build upon this foundation gold silver blah blah blah blah blah et cetera et cetera the verse says how about that now it makes more sense why satan is mad at you why satan wants to destroy you because he built his kingdom right here and god just puts a little stone and knocks it off and let weak human beings who are far weaker than the devil and you don't even have a piece of gold in your pocket but we're able to build gold on top of that you don't think satan's mad at you after that how about that all right exodus chapter 30 exodus chapter 30. now let's talk about the silver all right now dr upman he mentioned that silver is always associated with gold all right and then i'm like yeah it does common sense but no no no you're missing out all right so just studying a little bit more and i'm like my silver is associated with gold and you're like what do you mean you'll get it you'll get it all right exodus chapter 30. this is cool stuff man exodus chapter 30. now for some of you who don't know when you study the tabernacle you'll hear that gold is connected to deity all right there's no doubt about that we saw too many verses on that one okay yeah holiness without sin it doesn't it def in heaven where god lives there's no doubt it connects to deity gold is deity silver is supposed to represent redemption redemption so i don't know if some of you have heard about that before and the reason why is because of these following verses all right it's talking about basically redemption wait when you think about redemption what's the first thing on your mind you're talking about a soul that's bought back by jesus christ we know that silver is associated with gold but it's inferior to it in the bible why is that unless it's a redeemed soul that associates and can live side by side with god up in heaven even though we are inferior to him we are the chief of sinners makes you wanna run the aisle after that man a deep doctrine like that can make you yeah man look at uh here let's look at it one by one all right exodus chapter 30 all right exodus chapter 30 and verse 12. notice how silver is representing ransom buying back redemption verse 12. when thou takest the sum of the children of israel after their number then shall they give every man a ransom for his soul unto the lord oh why would the king james bible put that there you know you can put body why do you put soul over there oh man uh look at verse 13 this they shall give everyone that passeth among them that are numbered half a shekel after the shekel of the sanctuary for some of you who don't know shekels usually they are made out of silver all right for some of you who didn't know that and the half shekel shall be the offering of the lord why would it say that verse 15. look at the wording here the rich shall not give more and the poor shall not give less than half a shekel when they give an offering unto the lord to make an atonement for your souls oh just worded it that way god didn't put a specific construction like that when god gave all those rules to the jews you are missing a lot of gleaning out there oh man you can see how much of that pictures your re your redemption when jesus bought us right all right let's look at zechariah 11 zechariah 11. so we see right here that to purchase a soul that's silver silver has to be paid this is very plain when you look at our lord and savior jesus christ on the price and the buying back of a worth of a man look at zechariah chapter 11 verse 12 zechariah chapter 11 verse 12. zechariah chapter 11 verse 12 what's the worth of a soul or a man zechariah chapter 11 verse 12 and i said unto them if you think good give me my price all right see the worth of that soul that man and if not for bear so they wait for my price 30 pieces of silver see that the lord said unto me cast it unto the potter a goodly price that look at this i was surprised at of them see the worth of that soul that man was what 30 pieces of silver look at psalms chapter 12 psalms chapter 12. so we know jesus christ was sold for 30 pieces of silver that's how much he was just worth just that small amount to jesus iscariot but then you know what that was the price of that was the price of the great plan of redemption uh we were saved by the word of god right the bible says that being born again not a corruptible seed but of incorruptible by the word of god right we got redeemed we got saved because of that book why do you think the bible says the word of god is tried as silver psalms chapter 12 verse 6 we know that verse we know it a million times a million times you know no uh you got to go to step number one again right like pastor donovan mentioned you know you go a b c d all right f lord no go back to a but i memorized that first alert no go back to a oh i didn't know that i'm such an idiot yeah that's how idiotic we all are man so trust me reading through your bible once is not enough read it again read it again psalms chapter 12 verse 6 the words of the lord are pure words as silver tried in a furnace of earth purified seven times that's why that word of god is known as silver because we got redeemed from that book all right let's look at luke this is even better look at luke 15. this is more evidence this is probably the greatest evidence luke 15 luke 15. you're that lost one missing piece that god had to find and save and you know what god called that missing piece silver luke 15. look at verse 8 verse eight either what woman having ten pieces of what silver if she lose one piece doth not light a candle and sweep the house and seek diligently till she find it and when she had found it she called it their friends and her neighbors together saying rejoice with me for i have found the peace which i had lost likewise i say unto you there is joy in the presence of the angels of god over one sinner that repented there's no doubt about that see we are that silver we are that silver man and let me tell you something the bible uh to my knowledge i could be wrong about this but i didn't see where the bible talks about how heaven is decorated where it mentions silver i mentioned gold and all the other elements but mostly gold and all the other elements but i don't remember reading silver unless we're that silver that associates with that gold and god sees us as his silver that just fits right with his gold up in heaven and that's why silver and gold is always associated in the bible man glory to god man that's just awesome isn't it all right let's look at isaiah 13 and revelation 14. isaiah 13. we're going to look at three passages because i got to finish it now all right all right isaiah 13 isaiah 13 second one revelation 14 revelation 14 and then the third one matthew 3 matthew 3. all right let me repeat it again isaiah 13 isaiah 13 revelation 14 revelation 14. and lastly is matthew 3 matthew 3. now this one is going to be really mind-blowing here all right look at this one we're going to look at start off with isaiah 13 first all right so then lost sinners obviously we know that lost sinners they can't go to heaven they can't go to heaven because they don't have that golden image so to speak or they can't survive the light they cannot produce gold they're just fit for the fire fit for hell if these lost sinners refused to become fine gold for the lord then what happens you know what's interesting there are some verses here that would show that they would be fine gold for an eternal fire for hell then oh wow look at this one if you don't believe me didn't you know lost sinners are likened to gold i didn't know that either but it shows that too lost sinners are likened to gold look at isaiah 13 verse 12 verse 12 uh well let's start verse 11 for context all right verse 11. and i will punish the world for their what evil and the who wicked for their iniquity these are lost people and i will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible see these are wicked sinful people what does god liken that to us i will make a man more precious than what fine gold even a man than the golden wedge at over how about that man god's going to what if you uh look at verse let's see right here he mentioned verse 13 what therefore i will shake the heavens and the earth shall remove out of her place in the wrath of the lord of hosts when god puts his wrath on these lost wicked sinners he's going to say you're going to become more fine gold for me what's the wrath of god if you know john 3 36 or revelation 14. you can turn there if you want to and then verse 10 you can look at revelation 14 10 but some of you who already know you don't have to turn there you know that wrath of god that's hell fire he that the son at life if you don't have the sun you don't see life and then what happens but the what wrath of god abideth on him and guess what that hellfire it does like you know the fire that cleanses to become more fine gold right we learned that right god called hell a cleansing purging process matthew 3 matthew 3. look at matthew chapter 3 verse 12 verse 12 what did john the baptist say about that matthew 3 12 whose fan is in his hand and he will what truly purge you see that his floor and gather his weed into the garner but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire hell you know when the catholics talk about purgatory it's like what jesus told the two you know not what you ask i want that baptism of fire the charismatics you know not what you ask think twice before you say something dumb like that all right you know what that is that's eternal hell fire for a lost soul who dies and burns in hell now you uh man that this is what you can learn about gold man one way or another you're gonna turn out fine gold for him why whether you go to heaven or to hell it's all done for the glory of god god's gonna get glory either way out of your damnation or out of uh you eternal life with him he's going to get it either way what but the difference with us in calvinist is you have a choice on that one so what choice will you make to give god the glory all right let's close with the word of prayer heavenly father what an amazing book i pray they will start laying up and building up gold you're giving us a precious opportunity but we've wasted so much time on petty things of this world that the devil has put in our eyes and i pray that we'll focus on set our affection on things above not on things on this earth satan's trying to blind us with his golden head image the kingdoms of this world i'll give it to you moment of time but lord we know that's going to crumble on that stone that rock and we're supposed to build a better kingdom than the devil when we can put build gold on top of that and the millennium that's when we're going to reign in our kingdom with you with that gold i pray that we'll start working in jesus name we pray amen all right we have lunch okay i hope uh so you know the routine if you can uh church you know the routine set up the tables please and then uh put the chair surrounding it and before we do that before we do that let's pray all right i forgot to pray ask god's blessing on the meal let's pray and ask god's blessing on the meal all right father god we thank you so much for good food to eat for this time to fellowship together i pray that you'll bless the fellowship make it sweet help us to draw closer to each other but more importantly to you in jesus name we pray amen you
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 18,292
Rating: 4.9193358 out of 5
Keywords: gene kim, bible believer, bible study, kjv only, deep doctrine, gold in the bible, dispensationalism, end times, revelation, revelation explained, conspiracy theory, biblical prophecy, king james only, once saved always saved, rapture, how to understand the bible, debunking false pastors, right doctrine, Cherubim angels, real bible believers, cherubim angels images, gold universe, king james version bible, whiteboard teaching, dr kim, dr gene kim, strong meat bible
Id: blITM6oqFp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 0sec (3660 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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