Crossing the most dangerous bridge in GTA 5

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All right. We're checking out the only game where the best bridges are, the ones that you burn. It's GTA! Totally normal day in GTA... Just driving an apocalypse vehicle on a giant bridge made completely out of glass. So Alex has created three different- Hold on here. I have the ability to jump. That kind of worked. Alex has created three different bridge boards that I have to try and complete, and the first one is, quote unquote, an IQ challenge. What happened to this police car? Why is the police car just randomly on fire next to this river? He gave me a bunch of cars in order to try this, and I figured since this one had the 69 on it and Alex loves that number, it would it would probably be this one. Now, you are supposed to restart the board if you fail. But I thought maybe I could just get at least, like, partly far with this. But I'm not getting anywhere. Yes, that is a dead body laying next to me, by the way. Well, technically, it's because. Hold on. Let me show you. This is part of the board. I don't know what this is here for, but Rhino is up there just randomly tossing motorcycles at you while you try and climb- Ow! Oh God! Oh my back!!! Anyway, what I was saying is Rhino is tossing bikes at you while you try to climb that ladder. And you have all these different vehicles to choose from. I guess the lightest one would be the best. It's there's actual glass physics is the problem. So the glass the glass does break if you ride on it. Right. So. Oh, that. Oh, yeah. Oh, never mind. This is great. Oh, God. Okay. It's a lot less great. I'm still- I'm still on it. I'm stil- No! That was a new personal best. Oh, yeah. Everything's under control. Every- I'm falling to my death. It's not under control any longer. All right. I've got tons of fresh neck severing glass. Kind of medium speed. Little speed? Oh, yeah. Look at this. This is- Owwwww!!!! What happened? Why is there not just glass on the bridge? There's actually glass there specifically for me to break my neck. Don't you do it. Don't you do it. Owwww! Right in the middle. There we go. So I've been given a brick, so I'm guessing. Yeah. You throw the brick to- Really? New plan. Doing this on foot. How about that? How about that, Alex? Yeah. You like that? My bodyweight can't actually break the glass. Now you just take your brick and you bloop it out here so that when it falls like it, does it break the glass underneath? Yeahhhhhh! *evil laughter* Yeah! Here's your IQ board. All right, so now we can just walk through here. Here we go. Got to watch out for that piece there because there's a little hole in it. Yes. If you just touch the glass when it's even slightly hurt, the whole glass pane breaks. All right, let's keep rolling over- Now there is a gap, but watch. You can just walk diagonally like that. Okay, so we're going. We're going. What is this? Is that a ramp? How did you do this? Can I- Can I like human ramp myself off of this? I don't know if I can get enough space. And yeet! Oh, God! Ow, my feet! So I've been at this for a while. I think Alex did think about this. There's no way to make that jump. Okay, I have an idea. I have an idea. I have an idea. Look at this. Look at this. No. How did he turn the collision off on the rope on this side? Because he's totally collision on that rope on the rest of the board. All right, fine. We'll go back to the vehicle. Yeeeeeeeeeee..... Oh. Okay. Oh, yeah. Okay. Oh, God. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Ohhhhh!!!! I'm so close. All right, here's what we're going to do. We're going to smash this stuff in the beginning. Okay. Just because, like, racing and trying to do this is. It's just a recipe for disaster. So I'm going to break all this glass now. Use my head and use my head to break some of the extra veins to run back here. There we go. Okay. Are you...... *crickets* ...ready? Alright. Doing good so far. Now, if I don't have to throw my brick, I don't have to worry about it going through the ground. Oh, I don't think this is going to work. All right. This looks good. This looks like- It's like a UTV. See? So... Okay. Okay. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Just pedal down. Pedal down. Don't look, Gray. Do not look. Just keep driving. Oh, wow. This thing does get really far. I think if I reset the board, we might be able to make it on this. I don't think I've ever had success in a choice this early in my life. Okay, go. Full speed. Full speed ahead. Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go. Just smash through the- Oh, man... You can't smash that glass. I know this looks stupid, but I have an idea. All right, here's what we're going to do. Watch this. The wheels are the exact distance apart as the rope look. So what you can do- Oh oh ohhhh! I kind of messed that up there. Look, it doesn't even matter that there's glass here *manic laughter* Now it makes sense! But the stupidest vehicle is the one that can complete the board. Alright. I got it, Alex. Yeah, sure. All right, so now we just have to just slow and steady wins the race here. I cannot fall if I'm on the ropes, see? Say now. You may say to yourself, Great. Now, you may say to yourself, "Gray, isn't it agony driving through this board at one mile an hour?" Yes. Yes, it is. I want to die. But if this gets me to the next map. Oh, God. Okay, the wheel's starting to glitch through the rope, there. Not a big fan of that. There we go. Whoaaaa!!! God, I'm like a baby gazelle being born. The liberator just has absolutely no dexterity. I'm dead... All right. I feel like this is possible. We're just going to go a little bit faster. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Yes, yes. Yes, yes, yes. Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. *laughter* *gibberish* Full back flip! Sticks the landing! Oh. Oh, I almost managed to save that. Now, the cool part is, I don't need to reset the glass because we don't need it. See this? See this? Oh. Oh, I forgot. Hold on. I forgot that Alex turned the collision off on the ropes right by the ramp so that you can't just, like, walk this board and finish it. This is. This is the one that we did the best on. So I feel like this is the winner, right? Because what else is there to use at this point? The one- Hold on. Yes. See? See? See? You just got to- You just got to full send it the whole way. Full send iiiiiiiiiiiiit! Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. It's like being in an action movie. It's like being in a- Nooooo!!! Just real quick, I just want to see something. Is there any- Is there any way that this is the right one? You know what I mean? I still feel like the UTV is the right one, so we're going to peel out, get as much speed as possible. Oh, wow. This is nuts. The thing that's pretty good, actually. So there's something I thought about, and I want to know if this is possible. There's a dude over here. Obviously, he's throwing the bikes. But there's a guy over here with just a totally random rifle just chilling out. He doesn't attack you or anything. So I'm curious. You can take his rifle. Okay, oh, I'm sorry, it's a heavy shotgun. Then we shoot him in the rectum. Boop. Stay down. Now we have a motorcycle. Oh, I didn't actually think this was part of the board, but it says finally. So I think that Alex was expecting me to eventually get in the motorcycle. Maybe this is the right one to beat this. Are you kidding me? Right now? Come on.... Alright. You didn't see that. Everything's fine. Oh, yeah. Oh, get ready. Nice. Oh. Oh, I can do this. Need for speeeeeeeed- Gah! Alright, max distance. We're going to get max distance. I've got a brand new glass bridge. I actually don't want to pop a wheelie, because when the front wheel- Hold on. Boop. When the front wheel comes down- UNGHHHHH!!!! Yeahhhh!!! Oh, my God. And the blood spraying out of my cranium meanse we get to go to the next bridge. In order to go there, though- Where is it? Oh, okay. I was going to say I'm following the arrow. There it is. All right, onto the next bridge. No trespassing. This looks very, very unsafe. Under construction. So, Alex, is this like an unfinished board? Is that what this is supposed to be? There's just cargo bobs everywhere. So... Okay, so all these glass is just regular, breakable glass. Why is there just a bunch of random shirtless guys in the distance? What- Ow! What was- Whoa, whoa, whoa! They're shooting the glass out from under my feet. I love that. This is like an action movie. You know how in action movies, they always shoot just behind the heroes feet? Ouch! I think that's happening here. They're intentionally shooting the glass and not me. Can I kill this guy? No, he's invincible. All right, so I have to run while they shoot the glass out from under me. He said this was a speed- Owww! He said this was a speed run, and I understand why, now. The longer this takes me, the more glass gets shot out, because they just keep shooting the area. Oh, there we go. Oh, yeah. Oh, bob and weave- Nooooo!!!! Only someone else gets to die with me. I just wish that I could actually- I did it! I thought he was invincible. Oh, my God. Yes. Oh, float like a butterfly! Float like a butterfly- Ah, there's someone else is shooting me Sting like a- Sting like a bee! Please don't shoot- I hate you. So I can kill the first guy. But the problem is, I don't have time to kill the second guy. So even if I wanted to, I have to just run. So you just- You just have to do it. There's no other way to do this. Because if I stay in one spot to try and hit him, Oh, actually I can probably stay, way out here. There we go. Oh, what was I- What was I thinking this whole time? Doing this the hard way. Hold on, ready? Head shot! Okay. He did get one shot off, but I- Can I get around this? Whoaaaaaaa...... Okay. Alright, hold on. Let me kind of go se- Well, you two guys need to leave, so let me get rid of this glass. Let me just. I'll just walk through you. Can you- Can you please move? I'm trying to complete a board. Oh, no..... Ruuuuuuunnnnn.... Big roll! And a throw! And a second- Ughhhhh!!!! Guy number one, boom! Guy, number two, bing! Now I can take my time. There we go. Right. You want to throw it? Yeah, like an angle. This way it doesn't hurt the floor. Go ahead. Walk straight through this. All these glasses are- You know what? There someone else gets to feel my pain. I just decided that at least I wouldn't be the only one rolling down this hill. So now there is some broken glass over here. So I'm going to have to kind of go at, like, an angle and just clearing this out to make sure that nothing else is attached to it. Yeah. Okay, cool. So then go through. And what is that? How come there's a giant hole here? I can't make it past this. Wait a second. Is this. Is the helicopter dropping something? Maybe I can balance on the rope. Hold on. Here we go. Yeah. Nope. Can't do that. So I finally found out what is- Come on!!! What is going on? What happens is there's- Ughhhhh!!! This is absurdly hard. There's a helicopter that drops a boulder through the glass so you can't waste time. It actually is a timed challenge. No survivors!!! Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, it's happening. My ankles. My ankles are like iron. They're like a Marconi baby! Straight through the side. No, that was my personal best go. Gooooooo!!!! Whoa whoa whoa whoa!!! Okay. On the right. Go, go, go, go, go, go, go. Squeeze through here if you go. Oh, my Lord. Just go. Just go, Gray. Just go. Don't look at- Oh my God, I almost died! Uh- Jump! Jump. Oh. Oh, no. Oh, my God! *celebratory gibberish and laughter* Aaaaaaaaahhhhhh.... What's that say? Bring it up. Oh, hold on, there's a checkpoint. Okay, we're going to jump here. Nice. So now what is all this? What is this? Is that. Oh, do I just- Do I just jump off of this pane of glass? Do I jump out of those panes of glass? Do I just. I just kind of, like, shuffle onto this, you know what I mean? All right, we're going to- Nice and slow. Nice- Whoaaaa!!! Okay. All right. Okay. So now find the reinforced glass. What is it, like squid game? How would I know? They both look the same! All right, here's my plan. Every time I choose left, I'm always wrong. It has to be left today. What- *sad sighs* I hate my life. One day, like a year from now. There we go. Alex is going to finally make the left the right option. I don't know when this is going to happen. Okay, so it was right this time. Would he alternate or would it be the same? He would alternate. He would alternate. It's going to be left now. It's got to be left this one time. Oh, oh my God! What? Oh, wow. The glass is so reinforced that it doesn't even need to exist. Okay, so would it be left again? Yeah. Let's try left again. Okay. So it's not left this time. I need to mention to you guys again, there are no check points. So every time I've been falling down those stupid areas, I have to do this entire board. So now it's going to be right. Right. Ready? Annnnnnnnnnd.... Yeet! Yeahhhhhhhhh!!!!!! And we have a checkpoint!!! I am so concerned about this board. It says which vehicle can cross the human bridge. That's the human bridge. *laughter* Just a bunch of T-posing peds. I mean, I never really thought about it. I don't know. Is this is just me? It looks like me. Like me, as in Gray. It's got my sunglasses and everything. So are they invincible? They're invincible. I love this stuff that he gave me to do this. There's like a tractor. Like an older tractor. A bicycle? No humans were hurt? I feel like- Why is there a random windmill way out there? And how do you get up there? Right off the bat, I'm going with the stupidest thing here. Right? Because it's Alex. So pick, pick, whatever. All right. How good is this thing at running on human beings? Right about there? There we go. Oh, yeah. Oh, it is. It actually is- These tires are human compatible. Okay. Oh, you know what? It's it's the grill on the front. You know what we're going to go with? We're going to go with something the next extreme. There the bicycle. Okay. If it's not the biggest vehicle, maybe it's the smallest vehicle. I have done impossible things with the bicycle. Okay. Oh, yeah. Oh, their arms count as, like, part of the ground. Oh, no. Just go, Gray. Just go. Full speed. Full speed. No, no, no, no, no, no. Oh, got halfway. All right, real quick. Going to try the dune buggy. See, this thing is weighted correctly. Tires look roughly the size of human arms, right? Oh, wow. People are very slippery. What- Did you coat these humans in Crisco? I'm stuck. I'm literally stuck on human beings. We're going to go for a cheat method. I'm just going to run. Ow. If I don't fall- Ah! Come on!!! The problem is this dune buggy is just stuck in between all the people. I can climb on top of it. Oh, there we go. Yeah. Oh, no. Oh. Luckily, this dude's rock hard abs just saved me. Thanks, brother. This is doing this in first person is probably the best way to do this, But it just looks terrible in a recording. So as long as I- Yeah, here we go. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Alex. Ohhhhhhhhhhh easy! What is that? A teleporter? Is that, like, a black hole. What does it do- Whaaaaaaaatttttt?!?!? So that's what that- What does that say? I don't think so. That's what that one random windmill is for. You try and cheat. I'm sitting here. I've been blowing up this dune buggy because it's in the way. It was just stuck on the people, and I couldn't get past it. All right, how about this? It's light. It's agile. It is made for running on the groins of mankind. I'm stuck out the groin of mankind. Now, I'm falling to my death off the groin of mankind. Ow! Plot twist! It didn't work. So now I have to blow this off of the bridge, too. I am running out of cars. You know what? We're going to use the tractor. Just got to take a little off the top. Oh, yeah. Oh. All right. Doesn't really climb people very well. I guess it kind of shouldn't. Unless you're trying to make a sequel to The Happening. I can't even get over the first person in this. All right. Bigger, more impressive tractor. How about that? Actually, this looks. Oh, wow. Oh, this drives- Okay. It's a little rocky. The suspension to me. I'm going to make it in this thing. How?!? Oh, there's a boost! What do you do? Oh, you grab the boost. Boost, and then. Hey! Yeah!!! And we have a winner!!! It's not too late to disappoint your parents by using your Christmas money on merchandise at the Gray Still Plays dot Store. Did Santa leave you a giant pile of sadness in your stocking? Use code "last chance" for 20% off Christmas merchandise until January 16th. Well, I spent the day learning about bridges, Anyway, folks, hoped you enjoyed this episode of GTA. Until next time: Stay foxy and much love!
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 3,325,319
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Keywords: simulation games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, gta 5, gta 5 caylus, gta 5 mods, jelly gta 5, gameplay, funny, gaming, game, games, comedy, challenge, gta, gta v, grand theft auto, grand theft auto 5, gta 5 mod, GTA but, mods, best mod gta v, gta 5 bridge, bridge gta 5, glass bridge gta 5, bridge challenge, gta 5 bridge challenge, dangerous bridge, dangerous bridge gta 5
Id: -Wpab65JMGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 14 2023
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