101 EXTREME Minecraft Would You Rather Questions! ft MrBeast, Unspeakable, Brianna & Noob1234

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this is the most extreme would you rather movie on youtube would you rather this is the ultimate minecraft challenge for married couples pretty seriously take some of these free take some of these would you rather be turned into noob one two three four or girl one two three four oh this is easy come on bree which one huh you'd rather be noob one two three four than girl one why would you want to be the new one two three four that makes no sense look how ridiculous you look right now you look absolutely ridiculous do i look natural look no like bree go break your wooden block look i've got a gravel block you've got a wooden block three it actually tells you girl one two three four struggles to break apart the gravel block mine is not even a wood block it's dirt this is ridiculous would you rather die from lava rain or from falling anvil i know exactly which one i'm going to choose are you doing this just to trigger me brianna are you just like oh my god wait i haven't died i dodged it i dodged it yes i did sorry bri you chose to die to the acid rain i chose the anvils because i assumed i would have a chance at surviving them and i did ladies and gentlemen leave a like on this video if you would have chosen the anvils only a noob would have chosen the acid rain hey oh sorry not acid rain lava rain i apologize oh would you rather do a parkour race with a theme of ice or fire okay come on this what do you mean neither you gotta choose one horrible sparkle choosing okay we clearly don't have this marriage communication thing down breathe you literally are choosing ever i think she's doing this intentionally no you don't have to like all the same things as a married couple i respect your choices i just don't have the same ones okay or you're just trying to be a pit bree you're not even done with your parkour yet come on what are you doing you're just playing around come on you got parkour to finish i um try to avoid parkour at all times possible at the top [Applause] i finished you didn't even do any of your parkour what are you doing i definitely need some fireworks hold on i'll get there in 12 years i think ladies and gentlemen brianna and i might need to go to a marriage counselor after this maybe we should consult our local pastor at a church because we got some problems would you rather swim in water or lava oh this is easy i've gotta swim in lava breeze i'm made of lava if i swim in water i'll die oh my god you're dying why did the lava kill me that was not supposed to happen because it's lava wait i can't get out of the water brie i am made of lava oh see bree i told you what's that science say if i had to choose a way to go out between drowning or being drenched in volcanic lava i think the obvious choice is to get it done with fast break come here come here respawn oh i wanted to beat you up now yes where'd you get that from you cannot beat me in a fight brianna you are about to pleb free you're not going to win this fight you know that plus you in that water lava creature man guys we can't even guys it is not nice to kill your wife in minecraft mine diamond with a wooden pickaxe or obsidian with an iron pickaxe i don't know which one is faster i'm going to choose which one you think is faster i think you chose wrong we will see i breathe wait let's start at the same time okay and three two one go in the meantime audience if you are enjoying these videos do not forget to hit that subscribe button make it turn gray and enable those notifications and it looks like we are the winner brianna preston i can't hear you because i'm about to win and it's just too late i already broke my diamond block and i already told my viewers to subscribe and you are still minding your block you know what guys don't tell brie i'm bringing it back up i don't know what you're saying over there no neither breed don't worry no i keep destroying the floor how hard is it to just mine one block you want to try this no that's why you're on this side and that's why i'm on this side very far away from me take your wooden pickaxe and go somewhere else i think this has been the only time i have chosen the blue side i feel like i have betrayed the side of the red i am wearing blue preston styles ice cream fire merchandise so i guess it's appropriate would you rather fight each other with a diamond sword or an iron sword with sharpness one enchantment guys no i think technically they're the same thing here i'll let you get a hit on me for free please no here i wonder if i could beat you with my fists i'm not even going to use my sword i'm going to try to kill you oh my gosh she hit me okay hey hey oh my god damage to me please tell me here this is a joke you're pranking me somehow i'm not i promise it's if you just got a hit right at the edge of the hitbox in minecraft that's how you do it you're really gonna lose i was legitimately getting killed i can't believe i just beat brianna with my fists and she had a diamond sword no because you didn't brianna would you rather fight 10 regular zombies or one giant zombie i feel like i've got to go with a giant zombie just because you know i'm preston ah i haven't put on my armor put on your oh my gosh oh wait there's wait wait wait i've got two giant zombies hold on no that's that's like breathe they're so easy to kill that breath here relax you gotta breathe how did you die to the watch like i will kill your zombies there's a mechanic in video games called kiting and it's when you just you go backwards and then you hit things with your sword you go backwards and you hit things with your sword see how they're like following me in a circle this is called kiting this is a mechanic used in pretty much every video game oh yeah i kite all the time brian kill all your zombies let's go fight the big one here i'll let you fight them alone there you go bri have fun i'm kidding oh my gosh bree you are so dead preston would you rather dodge tridents or dodge arrows shot from spencer's uh i'm gonna go and dodge arrows i don't know yeah i mean oh oh oh oh oh i'm so dead wait who died first who died first preston no no no no no audience i want to know who died first who won this would you rather i wasn't able to see it was so fast preston i'll show you don't even try you're just gonna hurt yourself if you you can't even you can barely hit me bree this is just a little bit embarrassing at this point okay why don't you just go and stop by your head sweetheart oh would you rather be set on fire or continuously blown up blow me up brother see if i had slash heal being on fire would be totally fine wait who's gonna die first oh it's definitely gonna be me oh it's definitely gonna be me it's definitely gonna be me no wait wait hold on let's see how much faster i died than you oh i'm still chilling dying by fire is so much more boring like this is so boring i'm not boring i'm radiant now would you rather be surrounded by creepers or surrounded by zombies i'm gonna juice creepers but i know i'm gonna die you know what i kind of want creepers too you're gonna go okay we're both go oh this is bad here breathe i'm not gonna die yes i survived i won i think you blew up first and then now i can kill you oh my goodness i'm being bullied would you rather have maximum jump boost or be unable to jump i would rather have maximum jump boost yeah why would you i'm not using the same one i'm not choosing the same one hey brady why don't you press oh wait what damn wait wait wait what wait a second wait a second when did this become a thing okay nobody told me the floor beneath me was gonna turn into the lava that was just you know it was karma preston would you rather turn into mr chuck if you spend over 55 dollars from march 25th to the 29th at presentstyles.com you will get a free jumbo gaming red pizza mouse pack is right here in my hands i knew you were going to choose eloise you loved your cat more than me you can't leave her out oh brilliant oh he's so cute oh mr joy chickens eat cats right why you're hurting me i'm gonna take you out please this is the food chain i can't hit chuckles i'm too kind to animals chickens do not eat that's not a thing they do today would you rather be able to walk on water like jesus our savior or be able to swim in lava i want to be like our savior i want to walk on the water laddie oh oh okay bree sorry but walking on water is way cooler um i die because i burn all the time and so this is very helpful for me i would say yeah for a noob probably being able to swim in lobby i'm saying for a new bree but you are a noob through and through don't even try to get out of this no i'm not i've been playing for like two years now audience leave a like on this video if you think brienne isn't would you rather have a steve skin or have an alex again who's steve and alex you don't know stephen alex where you just told me you weren't a new man he's the creepy man and the creepy lady that's herobrine no steve and alex are creepy just you okay we just had a question of is brianna a noob and then she says what's steve and what's alex bree you're not helping your case here i'm trying to block them from my memory because they terrify me i'm gonna pounce you with my shovel take some of this died would you rather have a confusion or blindness effects oh okay okay i'm gonna go with the blindness bree you have chosen very incorrectly why would you choose oh like rusted i'm gonna hurl why would you choose nausea nausea is the worst it's a confusion yeah that's what nausea is wait hold on if i can find you hungry does this make it worse does this make it better just kidding i got you babe everyone there you go there you go is that better is that better if you have blindness spell how could you see to hit me oh because okay so like when you're blind you can still see like two blocks in front of you but i guess because you're a noob you don't know that would you rather eat a cake or eat half a stack of cookies oh no this is difficult yeah i'm gonna be honest guys i love cake but i like cookies more and you get way more saturation out of cookies wait what oh we get hearts when we eat cookies we love cookies bree i will beat you with a cookie here i feel like i don't want your okay give me all your cookies oh i was giving you cookies and you killed me i'm sorry i just got too into it would you rather fight a swarm of cave spiders or a swarm of irregular spiders breathe choose your poison preston what's a cave spider that means the cave spiders are bad they're not great i'm gonna be honest ibree if you can survive this onslaught of spiders i will paypal you a hundred dollars okay thank you i don't know if you're gonna survive though brielle i don't even know if i'm i gonna away did you even kill one of them you can't even kill one of the gay fighters why are they out of the cage okay so cave spiders are like regular spiders but they're smaller faster and they inflict poison damage if they hit you wait one of yours climb over to mine look at this spider he's doing a 360. do you see the spider look i'm being attacked in the light this might be your second death upper you're not gonna make it i already died two times oh this is your third death break would you rather throw a bunch of eggs or a bunch of snowballs at each other i would like to throw the eggs at you snowballs what's wrong with you take some of the eggs bree see because like eggs spawn chickens so they actually have some kind of use throwing this you gotta right-click it babe i was okay preston we have to count the chickens and then that's the amount of new chuckles as we have like 155 [Applause] video games sandwiches would you rather hear creeper sounds or gas sounds do you know what gas sounds like brie i'm gonna find out oh okay bree you might have made another wrong choice it's a preston preston i'm in the dark and the floor is red and it's a horror movie sound why are creeper sounds not creepy but why are gas sounds very creepy we need to know teleport to the side right now uh bri i'm sorry i'm busy with my own nonsense you're just gonna have to deal with it by yourself would you rather play with slowness effect or play with the speedness effect give me the speed why don't you you could you could go oh oh i almost hit you out who can win a pvp fight with speed me comment down below bree bree all the way it's kind of hard to hit people with all of this speed i'm not gonna lie guys i have too much power oh you actually gotta hit up i'm impressed i'm oh you got another oh okay okay why is bree better with speed than without speed this makes no sense speed my natural environment i actually thought you would do worse having speed because it's harder to hit people but for some reason you're doing better maybe i'm having to focus more i don't know breed oh my gosh i'm gonna sweat all over you i'm sweating all over you breathe i'm sweating all over you it's call of duty all over again i'm too fast i'm too fast prove something guys i'm too fast or too handsome breathe you're not gonna get away stop trying to run i could i could follow you he's bullying me would you rather be launched into the void or be launched into a lava pool i actually don't know which one will kill you faster i will choose devoid no i'm going to choose lava then oh wait who's going to win ew flies did you die where am i who died first i just died oh my gosh you won yes look at the void this is so cool it looks like a tornado it looks like a bunch of flies okay are you kidding me what's down there yeah it's the void what is the void the demogorgon bree you are the biggest minecraft noob that has a million subscribers i would like to see another minecrafter with a million subscribers who's like i love you brie i love you i just say i love you but you are a big fat noob would you rather fight mr chuckles or fight a diglett so i have to choose to fight diglett because i'm not okay with fighting chuckles i will fight mr chuckles so you could fight mr diglett i think it's only fair i've also got diglett on my microphone and i'd feel really bad about fighting him right now yeah if you kill chuckles we can't ever talk again oh my gosh there's two of them there's two digletts i've got two chuckles why are their eyes flashing oh my gosh this is the creepiest thing i've ever seen in my entire life cute free don't you dare kill my digletts it killed me leave my you died to diglett ziggler killed me would you rather fight each other with arrows or fireballs oh there you go i've seen hungry are you kidding me i know how this works seriously you're hurting my soul free come on breathe hit me i'm not even looking at you i'm just going side to side yes targets move bree you think a deer is gonna just stand there when there's a hunter with a boat i don't shoot dear brie come on you come on breathe i got one this is getting ridiculous i'm moving in a straight line right now there you go now what what because you made fun of me free eat some of this told you you should have chosen fireballs free no no oh if you do it in f5 mode it glitches thank you for showing me again i really appreciate it take some of these briefs hey i got more for you when you respawn stop take some of these free take some of these oh gosh i think i'm catching the entire server on fire would you rather be turned into a rainbow sheep or an upside down sheep rainbow rainbow why the rainbow sheep upside down sheep is way cooler bree i'm an upside down sheep this is the wave i could live the rest of my life like this and die happy would you rather be able to leave an ice trail or a fire trail fire trail any day of the week really you just copied me yep you really gotta be brutal because that way you can harm people but wait hold on breathe let's see if we can sit on it we gotta set every square on fire they're being unset on fire we're not gonna be able to do it in time oh yes we can i believe [Music] would you rather sink in soul sand or burn on magma blocks neither i think you'll die on magma blocks faster than i will oh my gosh what see um wait don't don't you don't die no i'm not even dead you're dead no i'm not i'm still alive you're dead no wait did you die no oh wait i i just died i just died viewers who won wait i respawned first which means i died first no no no no it doesn't preston i'm saying you won oh okay guys my wife she needs help would you rather have the ability to be invisible or the ability to fly dude the ability to flop be invisible why would you rather be invisible than to be able to fly because you're not going to be able to see me look being invisible is epic but being able to fly i don't have to pay for airplanes you know you basically are your own private jet like a billionaire no but see i can come up and attack you and you won't know come all the way up here i'm i'm asking for it yep i can come up and attack you [Music] that's what i thought you can't attack me because you're trying to cheat using fly mode aren't you i got you red-handed free you are a blabber would you rather wear impenetrable emerald armor or magical magicide armor i like magic and magicite is pretty way don't breathe put all your gear on and see who dies the fastest let the dog let the zombies attack you free put your helmet on it took me a minute now let them attack you let them attack you right now i'm actually not taking any damage bree i'm literally taking no hearts of damage i'm not even dating you i don't believe it we chose right would you rather turn into a red creeper or a red frog a red creeper or a red you're going for the red creeper i'm literally a creeper i'm bro i'm a lava creeper what do you what do you want well you know i'm going to go for the red frog okay oh my gosh i'm actually step on you i can just go with you guys oh my god the only thing scarier than a red creeper is a flying record oh my gosh look look look look i cannot portray my frog and let's be honest i've never really liked creepers in the first place well fine fine the next one nathan is would you rather live in a swamp or an ocean uh well i already live why are you facing why are you facing that what are you doing i was in f5 i was a okay i'm starting the next scene i don't want to die like this okay would you rather parkour with speed or jump boost oh i'm definitely going for the jump you real okay nathan you and i clearly are brothers from a different mother because we were not made up oh we're gonna do barcode okay hold on start the same time let's start at the same time ready three months down two one go let's go let's go oh my gosh this is actually really difficult pretty easy actually i'm actually just saying is it really okay nathan i'm doing it i think i'm gonna win i'm doing it i'm doing it i don't know if you're going to win this practice no i'm going to wait i'm going to go i'm going to talk nathan i think i'm going to beat you maybe i'm not no you're not no no oh gosh oh gosh big smelly boy okay call me a big smelly we had the boost for a limited amount of time nathaniel oh wait so you don't have your speed boost anymore i haven't no i have it right now i don't know why it hasn't run out maybe you lose it when you fall down i don't know i didn't wish [Applause] we are rolling into the next scene we now have read this one nathaniel would you rather fight a witch with a damage boost or a giant zombie hmm uh i'm definitely gonna go with the giants i'm gonna go for the witch i think you're gonna get clap nathan i'm gonna be honest i think you're i think you are going to get oh i don't know what to do i'm gonna win if i win you have to leave a like down below goodbye um we've got to eat a chocolate bar or eat sushi oh dude give me that sushi give me the sushi bro i'm literally going for the sushi dude i love sushi so much i know it means oh wait why it's nathan who's gonna die first i think it's gonna be you i think i think it's gonna be i think it's gonna be oh it's neither of us we're we're on easy mode okay would you rather be shot by flaming arrows or a super knock back snowball i'll take the super knock back snowball i'm gonna take the flaming arrows just because i made a fight nathan who's gonna die first oh my gosh i can't do it i'm dead nathan i am so dead very who can make it the furthest who can make it the furthest the first one is this one i've been trying to go into the sprinters [Laughter] this might be the definition of insanity okay we are not going to be able to accomplish this ladies and gentlemen i started the next one would you rather have a baby preston skin or a noob one two three four skin nathaniel i definitely do not want to be a baby come on dude baby bro dude my son is adorable yeah hey come here one two three i've got air away can i heal the arrows away i can't get rid of the arrows nathan what's the next one we got here would you rather fight with iron armor and a diamond sword or diamond armor and an iron sword um that is a very easy easy easy way which one are you going to choose nathan i would rather fight with the diamond armor oh yeah oh gosh oh gosh this might not be good maybe you might have chosen you might have chosen you might have to oh how many hearts did you many horses did you have i had six and a half we have would you rather have a dolphin as a pet or a seal as a pet oh i think seals are cuter i don't even care about this wait let me look at yours oh dude your guy is nathan he's ugly i'm gonna tp over look at his face look at his face oh he's kind of cute look at his cute little face huh i don't punch my jaw down by pistons or a tnt cnt cannon just sounds cool i feel like the tnt cannon is going to be slower though let's just both get let's see let's see okay i'm going to survive i'm going to survive where is it coming oh would you rather fight 50 regular-sized evil chickens or one giant-sized i'm going for the giant chicken [Music] all right my chicken's broken wait nathan wait what are the chickens all right what do we got would you rather be given levitation or withering um which one's gonna kill you faster go for the levitation oh okay i'll go i'll go withering i don't know it kind of depends on how much levitation i get i think you're right i think i'm gonna die first because this third 38 seconds oh yeah yeah i'm definitely gonna die first yeah i'll see you next year buddy you're probably having a much less painful death because it's going to be all go i don't know how much time do you have i knew david two and a half hours two hearts what are an achievement you can't you get an achievement you're not even doing anything oh nathan it's all over no you won because you died you died last you won um okay we've got would you rather be turned into a regular slime and jump high or a magma slime and be fire resistant i'm going to become my brother i think i'll be the regular slime you've got to become the magma slime with the fire resistance oh nathan okay i might have chosen oh my gosh i think i chose wrong wait did you die oh no no no all the way up on the wall wait hey come down here come down here come check him out he's gonna die no you're not no you're not just the water is fine okay the next one is a big deal it's would you rather have to wear a girly wedding dress or have to wear a girly skin i'm going to take the wedding dress i've already been married so bring it on that was a quick decision well listen dude i've already worn brianna's dresses for videos so bring on the dress you're not only just a girly skin your girl one two three four oh my gosh nathan i look ridiculous i'm moving on i don't i don't want the internet to see this no no oh oh what's better nathan boy guys or girl god sword uh it's definitely the girl god sword you're going to be oh we gotta have i don't think we're doing any damage to each other if you hold the shift key you spawn friends then if you press the f key you become shiny oh you didn't hate that am i doing any damage oh my god i feel like i'm doing nothing yeah okay there's no way we're killing each other with this story yeah okay it's too overpowered way too powerful insane would you rather fend off angry cats with a fish or angry wolves with a steak bring it off bring it up oh my gosh that's a lot of oil i'm bringing them to you i'm bringing them to you nate come here nathan come here hey they're here nathan come on nathan nathan i'm going out come on say i didn't watch nathan don't be mean you want me they don't even want me they're not even attempting man why good luck oh my what have i done what have i done to the animals who deserve this nathan read it this one looks dangerous i'd rather fight a horde of skeletons with only a stick with fire aspect one or with only a cookie with sharpness one i want the cookie with the sharpness one because i will deal multiple amounts yeah i'll do the fire ooh nathan let's see who can kill him first i feel like the sharpness is definitely better oh okay i'm not gonna die let's go i'm trying to kill all of my skeletons but my hearts are regenerating so slow i've got oh dude i've only got like 10 skeletons left i might actually be able to kill them all this is for you guys this is for you nathan yeah this is chopping them i'm chopping them i'm chopping them they're almost dead there's three there's so many arrows i've got one i've got one arm let's go the skeletons get the memo it's my birthday okay what the heck man oh would you rather be swarmed by bats or vexes okay definitely the bats dude i'm gonna i'm gonna take the mexicans oh my gosh neither do the bats do damage do the bats do damage yeah of course the bats do the damage oh my gosh i'm already almost dead oh look at the vexes they're not even they're like barely even attacking me the bats are more deadly than vexes that makes no sense look they don't even like okay okay okay now they're doing a lot of damage okay a big bully would you rather do wall jumps or head block jumps oh dude i'll choose whichever one you don't pick nathan i will let you have first of all dude i hate both of them come on but you've got to choose you gotta choose jumps okay actually that's sorry well it's like nathan that's the wrong one probably gonna go for the wall jumpsuit i'm going for i'm going for the head jumps oh gosh oh my gosh i'm already dead no no no no no no no no i'm going no i flew away okay i cheated somehow i'm going back to the beginning i flew hold on i'm gonna do this i'm gonna do this oh no no no no no no no no no i don't want to okay nathan here just fly back in okay here we go david i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it go here we go um okay why am i my character is a piece of he's a piece of poop i'm doing this date that i'm doing this i'm going big i am going to complete this if it's the last thing i do nathaniel i got this i got this oh boy this is actually not that oh boy oh my gosh i'm on the last one nathan you're already on the last one you're the last one i'm on the first one i did it yes you're doing that i think this is the neo jumps right yep yep they are absolutely um i'm going to see if i can do this okay i already fell in one ow ow i'm being burned okay okay i didn't even get too much oh my gosh you and i are being bots right why is this lava absorbing my body okay i'm going to go into god mode because the the lava is hitting me before i even manage to jump okay go naked in the world oh what okay that's what i'm saying bro i got you i got you like yeah yeah go nathan go go oh my god oh i got two i got two oh my gosh oh my god oh no oh i got it oh yeah oh yeah oh no the last one [Applause] [Music] we are now closing in on the last few would you rather this one just be a giant frog or a giant i'd love to die to a giant frog that sounds amazing i am going to become the biggest big one giant frog bring it on dude okay the frog is more dangerous than the diglett the diglett only does like attack damage your frog was making the earthquake but he's making literally earthquakes he's still going with him so uh nathan i didn't forget to uh do you remember that one time i pranked your house the giant frog he did that to your house i apologize i'm sorry nathan i couldn't help but i just love giant frogs would you rather be a skeleton or a creeper for the next round i'm going to be a creeper i want to explode i feel like i always choose the red ones i like i don't wish we always picked the opposite one okay i'm going to explode can i explode wait do we get to beat these for the entire round hey preston i don't even have a bow this is not fair i can't even explode that's wait a second so nathan would you oh yes nathan we get to be this for the next round [Music] no no no no no no hold on would you rather die okay okay boy my skeleton i am a skeleton would you rather die from 50 smaller lasers or one giant laser give me the giant laser ah i i mean the one giant laser kind of sounds funny let's see let's see let's see i'm gonna heal myself oh oh my god i'm not i'm not dying i'm not dying one big laser wait no i'll fix that one i'll fix that one stop it stop stop come here i hope the laser hits you wait does the lanes are not even difficult okay we have a broken laser ladies and gentlemen there is a broken laser it never said it was a strong i won't let you do it i won't let you do it i'm starting for the next scene a panda mount or a unicorn mount oh unicorn first panda dude yeah you're you're looks this is not good you're more like a pony this is not a unicorn you got the wish version of the unicorn not even a real unicorn i can't even control him he's just doing whatever he wants dude nathan it's because unicorns don't exist i've been telling you that for years but you still refuse to believe me would you rather be a rainbow frog rainbow frog rainbow frogs oh my gosh subscribe subscribe nathan your name is nathan do you see your names um your name is toast why why is your name toast the frog that is a big idiot maybe that makes rainbow frogs that's why you're upside down i have an upside down frog it's like i am so pretty this is the final would you rather question this one this is it dude would you rather blast off at a rocket ship or fly an unidentified flying lily pad an unidentified flying lily pad yeah i'm going for the rocket ship i'll take the ufl ladies would you rather have diamonds or emeralds obviously diamonds one of my losers are diamonds truly more valuable than emeralds i mean i feel like oh look at this i spawned in a building i thought you tricked me and you were killing me i was like you're an evil person there may or may not be some of those look i had to warm you up with a nice cute one okay unfortunately you don't get to keep the diamonds would you rather have a charged creeper i don't know why that was hard to say or enderman yo okay you and i both do a lot of hide and seek videos which one of these are we gonna turn free dude if he finds you he's going to explode on you bro but like enderman's okay yeah endermen are kind of terrifying yo yo who's gonna find him first so whoever finds them all first wins come on i'm looking i'm looking at you i don't see anything yet oh no where's the cinder no did you find him don't you dare beat me no don't you dare don't you do it there is supposed to be an enderman on my side and there's a charge creeper on your side how i i've literally checked no i got him i got him let's go yeah oh and i got 100 bucks okay would you rather be trapped in a store or trapped in a prison go over there i want the store i was gonna say dude why would you rather be in the prison in a store that makes literally no sense okay what's the objective yo um i don't know i've got a i've got why do you have security guards outside your store i'm pretty sure stores don't normally have security guards one see the security that's oh ow that's so cool like why are they attacking you though i feel like oh they split up aren't you there oh they split the story recorded no oh oh jimmy oh jimmy these security guards suck well i've got a pickaxe i think oh wait my oh yeah they're trying they're okay i'm already dead that was my last guys here first mr beast gaming is a better gamer than preston would you rather get a free car or a free airplane i got louder for you preston um i will take a car psych airplane i was gonna say dude like bro i mean like in the future you you thinking about giving a private jet to uh a youtuber you know maybe on our list is last to take hand off private jet keeps it all right how do i do it okay how how big of a jet we talking about here you go right click it i'm trying out oh i'm in the ground wait what happened oh wait this thing actually flies wow yo the models on that are so smooth insane would you rather fight with chainmail armor that makes you invisible or leather armor that makes you fly oh easy you're gonna go for the invincibility but wait a second no wait okay i'm not to tell you something but wait but if you're wearing chain mail armor i can't i see you wait are you here in front of me i see i see okay are you here in front of me right now i'm right behind you actually turn around wait doesn't this give me fly mode is that what it said leather armor that gives you fly oh i haven't seen you jimmy how jimmy jimmy i see you i can see particle effects i know you're here ah die oh my gosh you went invisible again where'd you go where'd you go i got it i see it this is like assassin's creed but minecraft yo you know you're here where'd you go where'd you go i could like see your particle effect every now and then when you stop moving i can barely see you oh i see i see i see no stop it i'm just no oh bruh how did you just hit it it's oh bro now you're just trolling me how did i lose dude darn it listen would you rather fight one giant zombie or ten baby zombies dude those baby zombies are horrible dude i'm telling you you have chosen wrong jimmy you are about to get absolutely what what i'm telling you did you already die oh dude the giant zombies deal so much damage it's basically a titan from attack on titan ooh i know we need to like say we need a three-dimensional maneuver gear so we can be like mikasa so i was killing my last baby zombie sorry baby zombie what is this one would you rather catch diamonds dropping from the sky or catch emeralds dropping from the sky i want diamonds oh we can pick the same one okay i know i i didn't want it anyways no oh wait can't wait this whole time yeah we can actually yeah we can pick the same one oh [Music] i was about to say i was like wait a second i only got 79. what i got 76. we've got uh shoot your bow with reverse gravity um or super slowly what does reverse okay i kind of want to try the reverse gravity same yeah you're gonna take this okay this is gonna be so weird okay we're gonna fan out because we're going to battle duel to the death uh oh the gravity screams up okay that's sick oh this is so actually this is really cool this is oh hey jimmy hey hey okay you know what i i'm gonna beat you with my bow i'm gonna just beat you i'm gonna catch you i can't hit you i'm coming jimmy jimmy i'm coming you can't get this come on you can't touch this okay big damage don't get away we have uh oh we've got a race here to my nether courts or race to mine coal i feel like this one i'm gonna let you pick because i know which one's faster you know everything you're a cheater no no okay let me give you a hint i think it's i actually i don't know who made this hole where are you going i'm picking from under the map hey i don't want you to wait i don't want you to see my choice wait can i make this work [Music] does this work ow wait wait all right screw you i'm thinking are you josie i was almost there too okay i think i gave you the better one go go go we got a race i'm pretty sure you're gonna win this one oh so it's just mining it yeah you just have to mine i've got six done what are you at uh oh oh i have a pistol oh my god you know what i um you've gotta either help noob1234 or girl one two three four in this situation which one oh you want me to help the girl fine i'll take the girl there you go i'll take the girl you can take it i'm calling i'm calling your wife preston's with another girl hey listen it is girl one two three four so i don't think she's too intimidating right now um oh dude i've got a builder oh my god this guy is ugly what do i do for him well bro he's noob one two three four don't be mean what do i do for noob you're supposed to help them mine diamonds oh really yeah you gotta help of mine diamonds okay i'm building one of the world's most ugliest houses right now i'm two you gotta oh no you gotta help them find diamonds that's the objective i will find diamonds oh well we're at bedrock i don't see anything all right going up this is literally all i was able to do i'm trash dude look at this this house is so bad i built the world's ugliest house dude why is he getting is that you i don't know is he is he mad at you is that you no that's not me is the npc oh he put law why do you put lobster i don't know but i'm gonna pour it down on him [Laughter] wait will it work oh actually i want i'm gonna say it but whoever's editing i want you to have someone who sounds like morgan freeman say it and overlay that audio just that's just what i want let's consider it done okay would you rather fight your opponent only with poison splash potions or wither splash potions uh well are you sure about that yep i mean i i'm just starting to question your um life oh you're you're always flying also i did listen i had fly mode on i'm sorry i'm gonna kill you right now you ready to die no all right there we go i'm on survival okay i'm gonna kill you i'm gonna kill you i got 30. no you like this you want some of this you want some of this how you like that you want some of this wait i have poison too ah no it's cause i've got wither oh oh are you dying are you gonna die hey what are you doing you're bunching me yeah i'm donating yep we gotta take some of this oh god i withered myself i withered myself yikes yikes hold on if i could just keep you kill i think i got you again with that one yep oh you're not getting a job okay that's it this fight it's fine we're going to make things a little bit more interesting for this battle yeah we have burnt through our potions i think it's time for us to get white you monster i saw that okay you can get a diamond sword i will get a stone axe are you ready i'm ready let's go let's go let's party let's party wait why can't you are you in gamemode what if i can what if i can d game mode you faster than you could kill me i got parkour skills jimmy you can't keep up oh god he can keep up oh no wait a second just gotta predict his next move evil snowmen with snowballs or evil chickens with eggs my brain can't even comprehend it i'm going to fight evil chickens i would rather fight evil chickens from runescape oh oh oh died look at this why do they look so weird look at how wait wait we got to keep one of the are you trying to kill them are you trying to kill me bro you really want to do this we've got evil chickens together that did you get you turned on me you don't bite the hand that feeds you although i don't think i feed you but you do feed me so would you rather fight with throwable creepers or throw away uh uh bro this is gonna be the sickest pvp battle you throw dnd okay so you've got tnt and i've got creepers oh my god stop stop bro yours is way more overpowered not even i'm never going to stop come here okay i'm keeping some distance here take some of these takes i want to blow the creepers towards you literally dude i think oh i thought oh you fell down wait this might be my opportunity this is my opportunity no don't get away get away get away get away let's go let's go get away get away get away get away get away oh i won i won dude throwable tnt so much better than throwable creepers let me tell you look at the map they can take some of these guys yeah take some of those you like these guys you can't even die to these guys stop it jimmy stop oh i got a strategy i got a strategy boys okay no he's spawn killing he's spawn killing yep i'm gonna type in flash god what if i type in slash god try to kill me now yeah you like me i got god mode enabled i'll destroy your whole map you know what fine i'm going to kill you i'm taking the map down with me how are we going no no how are we going to do it would you rather if you don't have a map okay we've only got a few more and then we can have that ultimate battle we've got to either play king of the hill as a wither skeleton or as a blaze so this is wither so i just gotta kill him or no wait oh wait we're battling as mobs you're the wither oh this is sick this is sick i'm gonna kill you oh shoot i can fly um i think you're gonna die yeah i think i think you just did correctly jim i don't think this was fair i i think this might have been raped from the start i think uh i think are you gonna shoot me once can you even hit one shot oh you did it oh that does a lot of damage i did like three hearts of damage i can't let you get too close though i haven't taken any damage yet does this do any damage oh yeah i'm taking i took half a hurt all right there we go fine oh wait wait why can you fly can withers go you can fly oh it's king of the hill dude we're so stupid it's literally kingdom oh oh wait oh we're so happy no i just tricked you also i was on half a heart your thing did tons of damage i just convinced you to stop i was so confused i was like what did he say i got one point that's king of hill the whole time you know what i don't like this one i think this one's not cool so i'm going to skip to the next one oh that one actually seemed like the most interesting one to be honest really you think so yeah go back to army of skeletons versus army of creepers like what okay fine fine fine i will choose no you choose first you're the guest on the channel creepers obviously okay you got keepers i'm gonna go skeletons and let's go okay let's put our let's put up let's put our armies together our armies need a battle i'm going to war you can't touch it come on come on let's go boys let's go i'm gonna punch him closer go go go go go apparently skeletons they also are cannibalizing each other listen here listen here listen here you little guy okay listen here you are either going to play spleef where you can't jump or with blindness and speed i want to do no jumping definitely i'm going to go blind this of course so do you know how sleep works yep the ground breaks right yeah yeah yeah wait wait i'm still blind too or can you see nothing no no you okay i don't know why it reversed so you have blindness but speed but i've got no jumping jimmy i'm pretty sure i could kill you in two seconds should i just kill you [Applause] i don't know what the map looks like what are you doing hey hey yo hey did you see me can you see me oh did you see me you see me yet what are you doing what are you doing hey watch you're going watch her go in there you wouldn't want to fall oh my god yes fight diglett or noob one two three four then we have to kill each other okay i'll do new um i don't want to do the giant diglett dude i don't want to fight diglett i love diglett uh okay neither of us got weapons that sounds good to me i'm punching i'm punching hold up hold up i'm going to try to do the impossible i'm punching diglett right now i'm playing i just saw you get i saw you get clobbered by the news i was i was trying to switch their creative so i could spawn stuff let the battle commence jimmy this is it this is for every subscriber you've ever acquired and every subscriber this is for my channel this is for our channels our channel this is for who gets the prank read for the rest of our lives jimmy get dinged stop it yo you got this poison arrow you would grab poison you digged you would you didn't come on there you go okay yo i'm about to go close quarter combat dude that's it i'm done oh you'll get that diamond sword out of that deal so much damage bro damage yes yes yes poison arrows are deadly deadly you know what if i just i'm going to crit you with this axe hold on get your poison arrows out of here jim beam you like some of this get away from me here you want some of this get away dude i literally can't even hit you yeah you like some of this ah yeah he likes it you're in godhood you're in god mode no i'm not it doesn't matter you already won you won the challenge would you rather die from reigning lava or a ginormous slime do not choose the wrong question here okay slim no not slim this is not the slim jim commercial for the beef jerky the noob is gonna new ladies and gentlemen no matter what you do i am chill wait a second wait a second the giant slime is much larger than we had originally anticipated ladies and gentlemen wow i didn't see that one coming raining lava deals barely any damage who would have thought giant slimes would deal more damage noob that is what you get for not making through your decision all right listen to your noob i am going to let you decide which one you can read this okay how about you type this one out come on don't be don't be scared noob go up there and read it out come on the noob refuses he has a microphone guys but i've never heard him speak in my entire life but one of these days he is going to do it listen here noob if this video gets 200 000 likes you have to talk in our next video deal let's see what he says it's a big drum roll please oh he's nodding yes that means ladies and gentlemen leave a like on this video i want to hear the noob's voice is it dorky is it cute what if it's really deep like this all right he's gonna go choose dirt i am going to choose the lava parkour ladies and gentlemen oh yeah dude okay noob how long is it gonna take you oh dude yo this is actually very difficult dirt parkour oh i'm a little bit worried for the new ladies and gentlemen i don't know this is gonna be very easy oh real talk though this lava parkour be mad hot and spicy anytime you've got the old magma jumps man it's a little bit difficult to do but i think we can oh my gosh of course there would be fire in my parkour as well would it be lava parkour without pressure getting set on fire now what it ladies and gentlemen oh i can just skip that jump oh big jump look at this guys tearing this up ladies and gentlemen about to be to the finish line just give me a few more moments over here oh look at these look at these moves look at these filthy lava moves last jump ladies and gentlemen yes wait um the noob has managed to complete one two three four five six blocks are you kidding me right now are you even trying parkour is hard yes parkour is supposed to be hard noob it's not supposed to be easy the next one mr noob is would you rather fight an iron golem or a snow golem and we do have armor don't forget to put your armor on put your armor on noob you lost it how did you lose your armor idk are you okay you know what just choose okay i would rather go dude should i protect the noob guys should i go hey what are you doing hey don't choose for me who do you think you are you think you're my mom you ain't my mom my mom is way more beautiful than you is i will choose the iron golem you can choose the snow golem i feel like this is gonna be a disaster for the noob though something is very bad is about to happen oh my goodness gracious you think iron golems could stop the preston no chance bro especially when i got full diamond armor these guys are gonna be easy peasy although i gotta admit snow golems might have been the play here snow colors don't even deal any damage what for once the noob decides to pick the right would you rather i love snowman he says listen here new it doesn't snow in texas okay i've seen snow like four times no don't break the glass what are you doing okay you're really trying to fight me right now but i'm wearing full diamond gear with a diamond sword moving on to the next would you rather would you rather have an army of zombies or have an army of spiders now i'm gonna go ahead and assume that the noob is going to choose zombies because he hates spiders types in the chat that spiders are scary dude don't be like that man oh gosh wait we have to fight them wait do we have to fight them or do they fight each other who's gonna win zombies or spiders ladies and gentlemen put your mats in the comments right now i have a feeling oh my gosh yo the noob chooses right again this has got to be some kind of would you rather beginners like there's no way he knew that zombies were going to kill spiders i didn't even know that zombies were more strong than spiders oh i'm raging i'm rage no don't lose your cool preston i'm gonna keep my cool would you rather run from zombies with slowness four or chased by zombies that have speed for i think i'm gonna go with the speed for zombies i don't think the noob could handle this personally i think i actually have a pretty good chance at surviving this uh okay maybe i don't have a chance maybe i don't know i take it back dude i take it back bro oh this is dangerous actually though since i've got the full diamond armor the zombies barely deal any damage i see the noob just spamming in chat listing noob i cannot help you right now i am dealing with my own zombies currently and they are very deadly and very destructive holy guacamole no i'm gonna die no no i cannot die i need to beat the noob at one would you rather come on preston i'm running i'm sprinting wrong sprinting wait the noob is he did you guys see that he was literally in a circle waiting for the zombies to kill him noob you're supposed to fight back with your diamond sword finally the last baby zombie ladies and gents stop it stop it why are you not using your diamond sword i let you win you didn't let anybody win you literally didn't even do anything are you kidding me you know what because you just did that i am going to do this you deserve that but you're not gonna make fun of me all right mr noob let's see how lucky you are on this one would you rather steal food from a panda or a polar bear i'm gonna let the noob choose because i know which one is more deadly don't tell the noob but polar bears are much more deadly than pandas what is a polar bear have you never watched a movie ever i've got a lot of patience for a preston but i don't have enough patience to deal with the new one two three four is he cute uh sure yes he's very cute totally harmless yeah won't do any damage to you totally not okay noob let's see if you chose right oh dude he's gonna get whacked bro look at the polar bears he died in like three do pandas even deal damage yes oh okay what i do not remember pandas dealing this much damage when did pandas become so so mean in minecraft is it because i caged them here for the video okay pandas i don't remember pandas being this difficult look at me says they are cute though they are not you just died to polar bears and you're calling them cute they just hit you through the glass that wasn't me that was the polar bears the polar bears are so good you really want to do this again if you ever try to pvp me i promise you there is going to be no competition would you rather fight girl one two three four or tb in our wife oh this is a difficult question either you've gotta fight my wife or fight your girlfriend oh my gosh you're really gonna fight my wife bruh you are going to lose to brianna i hope she bops you dude oh look at this girl one two three four i like how there's three brianna's but there's only two girl one two three fours barely knows how to even swing your sword ladies and gentlemen oh this is just too easy it's like stealing candy from a baby noob why did you not put on your diamond gear this is the second time he has somehow lost the diamond gear that is placed into his inventory ooh would you rather be turned into a blue slime or a red slime wait wait i've still got my why is brianna lingering is she gonna tag me uh we've got some uh i don't like to do this to my oh um okay wait a second we are red slimes why did you choose the same slime as me you pleb i was busy trying to remove the fake brianna's and then he decided to choose the same slime as me are you really going to kill me here no i would have definitely chosen the other slimes by the way just saying red slime noob you really want to do this to me you're really going to do this okay that's it noob you've gone too far i am sending the noob into the space as a red slime look how slow he's going he's like levitating so slow for a slime i can't send you down okay fine you want to go down here i will send you down effect clear noob one two three four that where'd he go oh he did die hey you told me to let you down noob that wasn't my fault you did not understand the laws of gravity all right noob listen up would you rather fight the other with a special diamond sword or an emerald sword ooh do i really want knock back on my sword let's see it let's see a noob i see it let's see come on i even are you even trying glenna didn't even hit me one time all right we've got another would you rather coming in would you rather be turned into pro one two three four or noob's girlfriend you would rather be the pro than your own girlfriend okay i will turn into girl one two three four you could become pro one two three four i think he's just excited because he's never been good at minecraft before oh look at him he's got diamonds oh this is disgusting guys look at this i literally have nothing but dirt blocks and a wooden pickaxe i think noob knew that his girlfriend is even more newbie than he is and that's why i didn't want to become her i'm telling you i feel like the noob is starting to actually develop some form of brains i don't like it would you rather fight ten skeletons or ten creepers okay i think the noob is scared of creepers so he's gonna choose skeletons but technically here dude creepers are way easier to kill the skeletons what's he gonna choose i will literally force put this armor thank you i am going to force put on the rest of your armor if you don't do it no no don't give me the why would you give me the diamond gear you put the you need the diamond gear ladies and gentlemen please i just i ask you a great favor if you see a red subscribe button please make it great enable the bell notifications so one day noob can grow a fully functional brain just go choose your just choose i'm going for creepers okay i mean look at this you can just make the creepers chain reaction blow themselves up i've literally got four creepers to deal look at that over there noob is going to die in the blink of an eye imagine going against that many skeletons who have enchanted bows look at the skeletons dude look at these bows there's an obsidian armor skeleton oh that's going to be coming later you guys just got a sneak peak you weren't about to see that so would you rather steal diamonds or emeralds from a chess noob he's going for the diamonds i'm going for the emeralds come on scoop scoop scoop give me these emeralds baby give me these emeralds oh oh angered the zombies hold on this was not supposed to happen ladies and gentlemen this is a new turn of events oh the noob got dogs he got killer dogs oh this is so bad bro dude this zombie stole my emerald i cannot help you noob noob listen you are just gonna have to deal with that by yourself man i still got four zombies to take on out okay now that we have dealt with the zombies and the dogs would you rather be swarmed in green particles or yellow particles i'm gonna go yellow no i'm i'm choosing yellow yellow is mine you can have green no don't you come over here that's right cat take a walk mr noob take a walk oh no i chose wrong the green particles give you emeralds from the sky and the gold or the yellow particles only give you gold okay noob would you rather be able to mind control mobs or turn into different mobs i'm gonna choose mind control because i feel like with mind control you could do so much more the mob target okay give me this oh look at this i right click the spider and now all the other mobs are killing it oh wait a second this gives me an idea ladies and gentlemen wait the noob has become an ender dragon kill the ender dragon mobs no i wasn't able to target him oh this is bad this is bad don't do it noob don't do it okay we'll be back right after this uh special message ladies and gentlemen oh this is a big one guys would you rather die from dirt or die from gravel i have a feeling he is going to chew i knew it dude he chooses dirt immediately anytime the noop sees dirt it's like when a fly sees a light and it flies toward oh like when a moth sees a lamp and it's uh oh gosh the noob's already dying yo look at you noob you didn't even manage to dodge the dirt bro come on i think i oh i dodged the gravel i'm the king we finally chose something better than the new let's go baby would you rather die from a creeper explosion or a gas explosion i don't even know what a gas explosion looks like you're gonna choose gas really you you know what no no no you you go into the creeper you're gonna go creeper whether you like it or not noob you're going there stay there okay okay we're both going creepers literally gets exploded immediately no check me out baby i'm gonna die to these jalapeno looking goobers all right would you rather chop down ten oak trees with a pickaxe or break ten diamond oars with an axe i would rather i guess i'd rather chop ten oak trees with a pickaxe to be completely honest with you i don't know how long it takes to mine with a uh an axe i'm pretty sure if i use my fist it's the same speed oh dude i don't even think he's done with one diamond block did he even finish one yet what are you doing what are you doing bro look at this he's not even using his axe wait would you rather have to navigate through a lava maze or a dirt maze lava maze easy peasy lemons are squeezy ladies and gentlemen come on if you get to one of my videos in the first 60 minutes you have a chance to have your comments featured here on the screen so make it to a brand new video as fast as possible oh oh who's gonna finish first who's gonna finish first she's gonna give you guys a little bit of a spoiler it's definitely gonna be me and if it's not i may or may not have to uninstall minecraft oh shoot where do i go where do i stay preston's running into dead ends preston i lost you know noob that is the first time you've ever managed to spell my name correctly without a typo i'm actually very proud of you oh i did it oh let's go baby would you rather have a pet cat or a pet wolf people are gonna hate me right now i'm not much of a cat person i'm more of a dog guy a wolf is kind of like a dog but also way cooler i mean look at this the wolves will attack the skeletons and defend you your cats literally did nothing go and defend your master brothers can we get a small clap for these dogs and their noble service would you rather fight each other with loyal tridents or fireballs to rydens dude loyal tridents look at this you can just yeet them and they come right back here we go come on wait for him to throw a fireball i mean i'm gonna hit it back at him come on okay noob you're about to kill yourself noob stop what do you do no no no i will not let you kill yourself i am going to be the person to take you out of this world let's go oh would you rather teleport around with inner pearls or fly around within a lytra i don't think the noob can handle in a light truck oh i've got a feeling guys the noob's gonna pick ender pearls because he's never been able to successfully kill an enderman yet look at this oh dude this is so much better bro this is so much better being able to fly like this in real life would be so cool oh there's a oh my gosh i didn't even know there was a completion button up here come on noob try to hit an interpol try to no no no oh okay what did i tell you what did i say would you rather wear preston styles fire armor or bedrock armor bruh preston styles all day every day wearing the smile fire t-shirt right now by the way yeah there we go whoa what's gonna be stronger oh this is only leather gear though oh but it sets the mobs on fire as soon as they damage me i'm literally taking almost no damage oh no but my preston styles gear is kind of weak oh no the durability is not very strong oh we have zombies dying oh my gosh no no my helmet just broke oh no oh no oh no oh oh no what are you doing yeah okay you literally just brought your zombies over here dude no no no no look at this i am keeping my preston leather chest plate i'm never taking this off i'm gonna keep this on for the rest of my videos for eternity you're trying to break my preston blaze chest plate you broke my preston place chest plate oh i you'd okay that's it how about the slash kill command that's what you get would you rather eat waffles or pizza dude this is the easiest question you're gonna really do this right he's gonna go pizza yo i was gonna go pizza you copied me noob you totally copied me yo this pizza looks sick in a perfect world where you choose both but i think i would rather live off pizza than live off of waffles if you punch me one more time noob i'm gonna lose my shrimp oh would you rather kill a giant with a god sword or a god bow bro always the god sword 99 of the time you g noob you're going to the noob you don't know how to shoot a boat noob you're not gonna okay the new noob no no if you shoot it up you are gonna kill yourself with the arrow coming down god sword time baby yo the god sword loki though ain't the god sword i'm dying no no no what this is supposed to be a god sword is this the after effect of my god sword what is happening right now how is the noob doing oh the noob is also wait that's the newbie shooting me with this noob no you are breaking my terror oh my god i just one shot the noob you broke my would you rather map ladies and gentlemen while i am cleaning up this mess from the noob click either one of these youtube videos that youtube is recommending to you
Channel: undefined
Views: 2,522,128
Rating: 4.9085655 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, challenge, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: hJeaaaplC0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 14sec (4154 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 02 2021
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