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what is going on YouTube I am prepper princess the author of living on almost nothing if you're interested in purchasing the book I'll go ahead and leave a link down in the description box to below so I live in extremely simple and boring life most people consider me boring I don't consider me to be boring but you see all these people doing all these super flashy things they get all these cool new cars and they go on these extravagant vacations to Paris and England and Rome and Italy and and all these wonderful the Bahamas Fiji all these amazing places and people assume that I have not taken a vacation overseas I have I've been to several other countries in my youth before I developed a fear of flying due to a bad flight that I had I'll never fly again that's okay I did all of my traveling while I was young that's all right unless I take a boat and deal with sea thickness that's another story but uh you know a lot of people I I I'm so out of touch with normal people these days like normal people wouldn't be sitting in a park like me taking a walk to walk off their big old lunch that they just ate at home they would be they would have gone out to a restaurant to eat their lunch and instead of walking in a park they would have walked in a mall and in the mall they would have made probably 200 worth worth of purchases and then after this I'm gonna go home and watch a movie by the way I had a patreon member of mine gift me Disney Plus thank you again I know I've thanked you a million times but thank you so much again Hocus Pocus 2 yes yes and now I'm watching The Green Arrow guy from from Marvel the green the green guy with that cute girl that is in purple I I don't know their names Jeremy whatever and I had a friend gift me not give me share their password and stuff with me for their Netflix account so I like I'm in heaven right now like I'm in hog heaven but if if I were anybody else my guess is I would have eaten out I would have gone walking at the mall and I would have bought a movie ticket for fifteen dollars to watch a movie in a theater and today I cooked at home I had pizza and a Caesar salad and I I made a video for it so pizza and a Caesar salad and I feel like I ate too much so now I'm walking it off you know beautiful Green Park in the desert and after that I'm gonna go home and watch a movie probably Hocus Pocus 2 again just because it was really fun and then I'm gonna watch some Netflix I'm gonna play with my doggies it was it was a great day I I have spent about ten dollars and fifty cents all day and that's all I'm gonna spend all day and when it comes to the extravagant vacations in Paris France and Italy and Rome and all that stuff I was never interested in taking those types of vacations because once something becomes so touristy you kind of you have to wait in line to see anything that's touristy and it's not even something that I'm interested in so when I went on my vacations I like I went on the Amazon not not amazon.com I went on the Amazon River in Nicaragua you know I went to Venezuela I did the ziplining Cloud tour in the clouds like the cloud tour they called the cloud tour because the trees are so high they're in the clouds and it was a cloud zipline tour in Costa Rica totally unsafe I did it over a 400 foot Gorge over a river did that in Moab Utah too yeah I'm not afraid of a zip line but I'm afraid of an airplane try and figure that one out but I have traveled I've and I think that anyone who lives in the United States should be required to travel to a third world country to realize how amazing you have it here and I've been to several third world countries and in not in one single country I could go to the worst the worst part of the worst city in the United States Compton California the Philly uh the the ghettos you name it and I feel more safe here than I did in some of the best neighborhoods of those third world countries so that tells you something and yeah I live a simple and boring life what what does it take to live a simple life I don't know I mean I really don't I'm so out of touch with with what I guess I mean I know I live a simple life but I don't know what it's like to live a non-simple life you know I I wake up I work I walk my dogs I walk by myself I explore Outdoors always outdoors I never I don't go places that are touristy to explore because that's already been explored a million times but I feel like I feel like I live a really really fulfilling amazing simple life and just because I don't buy all of my experiences I don't I don't buy stuff I don't buy experiences I create them and I create those experiences for free and I think it's kind of important for people to try that once in their life or a few times in their life I think I'm rambling I'm pretty sure I'm rambling I don't know it's a beautiful day I'm finally able to go out and not get my skin fried but now the bugs are out so that I'm literally wiping my arms as I'm making this because the bugs are crazy tried to make a video this morning and the bugs down at the river were just I couldn't I filmed some I'll put it at the end of this video it was awful couldn't couldn't take it but yeah anyways and we have green stuff in the desert can you believe that yeah lots of green I I don't know if you can tell that there's green stuff behind me and trees there's trees and green things behind me which is kind of amazing in the desert totally goes against all of the laws of nature but we do have it I don't even know what my point of this video was do you hold on to that simplicity be cheap be frugal if you want to buy something find a way to get it for free if you can't get it for free find a way to get it for super cheap reduce all of your expenses at home once you reduce your expenses and you increase your income and you're debt free life becomes so much easier so much easier and I've gone over my bills with you guys and they add up to like nothing they add up to like 750 a month maybe less I don't remember exactly but now that I've ditched one of my cars I sold one of my cars they're going to be even less but um you know I have an older car 98 not just for the low insurance and registration but they require almost no maintenance my internet I called my internet company got the slowest possible speed that brought the bill down by about 30 a month I switched my cell phone from ATT for I believe 72 dollars a month down to Mint mobile for 15 a month that saved me fifty dollars a month I took I take showers instead of baths these days because we're in a drought but that lowers my water bill and my electricity bill in keeping my water heater turned on I lowered the temperature setting on my water heater from 140 to 120 once I replaced it with an energy efficient model because my old one finally died on me I switched all of my light bulbs a long time ago from incandescent to CFL and then CFL to LED and the LED light emitting diode light bulbs are the most efficient bulbs you can get you can get them as low as six Watts now six watts in the last 10 years and they're just as bright as a regular light and you can get them in different Hues too so you can get them in yellow which is like a sunlight hue and blue which is a different sunlight Hue so yellow or blue I prefer mine blue because it makes everything look crisp but some people like that warm yellow incandescent glow and those are available in LED lights you got to make sure you're buying the right one my dog one of my dogs was free I found her in my backyard my clothing I minimized my wardrobe to almost nothing I don't even have a dresser anymore I've got four bins 12 by 12 bins that I keep all of my four of them so one's for like underwear and socks and handkerchiefs ooh a butterfly ones for shirts one's for pants one's for pajamas and that's probably why you're seeing me wearing like the same shirt in like every video is because I only wear like five three in the summer and two in the winter no not really I have I have more winter ones that I need to pull out that are in my other closet I believe but we're not at winter time yet I don't replace things until they're broken and I only replace them if I can't fix them these sunglasses are like old four dollar Walmart sunglasses Foster Grant and the grant is gone it just says Foster and then it has half a g on it and actually I have repaired these several times there's a little screw in here oh looks like I need to tighten down that screw again it keeps coming out so I'm going to have to do that when I get home I have a little eyeglass repair kit it's got you know the little tiny screws and little tiny screwdriver I'm gonna have to screw this back in again it's going to be like the fifth time I've repaired them because I can't seem to find the same pair of sunglasses and I the sunglasses I had before didn't have these bedazzled things on the side but now they only make them Bedazzled when I do buy new things it's typically with rewards points gift cards and bank and credit card churning I just recently bought an iPhone 14 so you might see an in Improvement in the quality of the filming and the sound because I've only always bought used refurbished old phones and my old phone finally the battery was only lasting for like an hour and a half and uh I would film and then I'd go to the library to upload and I'd run out of juice in the library while I was uploading because it only lasted like an hour and a half and it had like no memory like it kept saying my storage was full over and over and over and I'd have to keep going in and deleting videos and and uh and photos just to have enough storage to make another video so hopefully this new phone is really going to help out bought that all with rewards points I got I mean it's nowhere near Christmas well it's kind of near Christmas but I did my Christmas shopping back in March and April for my nieces and nephews and I don't even remember what I bought them I know I did it with credit card reward points but rewards points but uh when Christmas comes around I'm gonna be just as surprised as they are and that's kind of fun if you guys have ever done that like you bought your Christmas presents like super early and then you just wrap them as soon as you get them and then like you go to open you're like oh yeah okay I remember getting him that okay all right yeah what what do you have what do you have open yours I wanna auntie wants to see what it is because I don't know what it is but I just live a super super simple life and I love it I'm just having a really good reminiscing day and I'm enjoying the grass and the weather it's a beautiful day I hope you all have a beautiful day do what you can with what you've got pepper princess out I thought I would come down to the river and film the sunrise and talk to YouTube but the bugs um I'm gonna have to go back home and maybe film this on my roof or something because I can't even they're flying all over me now and these are everywhere so what changed then because after that it started killing people on purpose well we started
Channel: Prepper Princess
Views: 51,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simple living, frugality, money saving, poverty
Id: d58g4AR48ys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 09 2023
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