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this is not whatever I'm just gonna keep going if there is one thing an honest person cannot stand it's being called a liar I can't even tell you how many times people have commented she's not a millionaire she lives in an apartment she's a liar a thief all this other stuff my greatest personal attribute that I respect about myself the most is my integrity and my honesty so I don't know of any apartment complex who will allow you to take out a wall heater and put in a shelf I've never seen an apartment complex with a front yard stay I'm in my front yard that's my driveway that's my car here's my house I'm not a liar and a lot of you are probably saying oh no prepper princess don't do that don't that's not safe well I just locked myself out of my house that's awesome ah I got in thank goodness um I'm moving everybody this house house was always meant to be a rental property I'm moving in a week one week I'm I'm all packed look I'm gonna show you this let's go into my backyard I don't know of any apartments that have backyards here's my laundry room with all my packed stuff now this house is going to be rented fully furnished I already have a rental renter who's gone through the process I've got a property manager an LLC a statutory agent uh two million dollars of insurance I don't not my money that's insured for two million dollars look I please for the love of God don't call me a liar I've had a hard life I've been stepped on abused I've had horrible horrible jobs that underpaid Me by thousands of dollars every year I've had I'm on YouTube now where it is just you guys are seriously mentally hurting YouTubers and and then we are quitting left and right uh we are publishing less content than ever before and it's not because we don't want to teach you it's because we are being mistreated to the point of insanity insanity so I want to talk to you guys about my life and I don't talk about myself on YouTube very often I save that for my patreon members let's start at the very beginning okay from Age 5 to 12 I was abused as a little girl and you know what kind of abuse I'm talking about that I cannot put in more detail I was abused by my mother's boyfriend's brother my mother was the most wonderful woman in the world but she had horrible taste in men then from the age of 12 to 17 she had a different boyfriend who was you know tattooed Harley guy in and out of prison on drugs um hard drugs and I was physically and emotionally abused from age 12 to 17. so my entire childhood and teenage years was just abuse that's all it was I was just abused and it's my mother was so busy because my my father not my he I don't he doesn't have the right to be called a dad my my sperm donor um left us when we were two and when I was two and um moved back to Ohio and anytime my mom tried getting child support and took him to court and they deducted money from his paycheck he would quit his job and move out of spite when I was 12 years old there used to be a law I don't know if it's still a law now there used to be a law that when a child turned 12 they could choose which parent they wanted to live with and that's when my dad made my father my sperm donor made contact and um we visited him one month every year until he died when I was 16 so I out of 16 years I spent a total of four months with my father and he didn't even like me I knew he didn't even like me and I didn't even find out until six months ago that not only I I have a journal that was my mother that I never found before and I finally read through it it had to do with the divorce and dad took everything from Mom I'm taking the I'm taking the money I'm taking the cars I'm taking the house take it take it take it just get out of my life um and then uh he said I'm taking the kids and my mom said no you're not and he smiled and grinned and said that's how I'm Gonna Get You and then that law took effect where when you're 12. so that I found out later that that's the only reason he made contact with us when we were 12 is so he could get back at my mother by trying to convince me and my brother to move in with him he didn't even like me like I know he didn't love me but he didn't even like me come to find out just another six months or so ago that we have a sister my brother and I have a half sister named Nicole um my dad cheated on my mom while they were married and we have an older sister so she is the oldest and then my brother and then me um so he had her out of wedlock and we've been trying to meet her we took a trip to Los Angeles a while back uh because she's a movie producer or TV producer she's some Hollywood producer and we went to try and meet her and she canceled on us at the last minute and I think me and my brother are like yay another sister yay woohoo more family and and she doesn't look at it the same way she's nervous and standoffish and kind of scared of of adding all these new people into her family um but I do want to go into some other things is uh when I was 18 my mom started getting sick uh it's she smoked three packs of cigarettes a day um and she was born with asthma so if you anybody knows if you have asthma and you smoke it's like 10 times worse and she died from everything on that they warned you about on the pack the side of a pack of cigarettes from emphysema um COPD chronic bronchitis and then finally lung cancer lung cancer is what did her in and from the age of 18 to 28 that entire 10 years I lived in my own apartment but I was only about a mile away from my mom I should have just stayed at my mom's house but I didn't I had my own apartment um once with a roommate and and that was a whole other story but then I got my own apartment um I stayed with my mom for a year two or six months to get debt free and she wouldn't let me leave until I paid off my debt so somewhere in there around age 21 22 I stayed with her for six months and then I got my own apartment but all the while I was taking care of everything I was taking care of the house the repairs walking the dogs go grocery shopping for my mom taking her to her appointments I never missed a single cancer treatment um making her bed cleaning her Linens her oxygen concentrator her prescriptions you name it I was taking care of it for 10 years 10 years I was working two jobs and working full-time helping my mom and I never asked for anything and I never would my my mother's love for me was unconditional it's the only unconditional love I've ever experienced in my life and you know she made mistakes with her boyfriends and I of course I have to forgive her for that because I love her and she wasn't doing it viciously she wasn't intentionally trying to hurt me and my brother um she was working so much you know 12-hour days including her commute that she didn't really know the full spectrum of what was happening uh my brother and I both got beat up every day every day uh didn't want to go home uh sometimes I would go and sleep in the park just so I didn't have to go home and I would wait until my mom got home because there was a little bit more protection when she was there uh and this the second boyfriend I actually looked him up which is pretty sad I shouldn't have done that I looked him up and he is alive and well um and still living in the Bay area of California I don't know how he's still alive because he was so heavy on the drugs and the and the hard drugs back then and when he anyway and the other one the man who abused me when I was Age 5 to 12 is in prison for doing it to five other children and I never told anyone this except my mom until I was and I didn't tell her till I was 15 ish um so she she had no idea what was going on and I just recently told my brother um about all of it just within the last few months and and he brought up some things that were different he wasn't abused but uh he he the man who was doing the abusing had two babies boys and my brother said that those boys acted weird towards him um in a manner that was inappropriate I don't I can't I have to be very careful with my words here so I took care of my mom for 10 years I was there every day every day and she died when I was 28. and if there is one mistake that I've made here on YouTube it was using the word inheritance I wish I never used that word because when you say inheritance people think of everything being handed to you you know for free so so let me rephrase that um when my mom passed away I took over the mortgage on the house along with all of the repairs and Renovations that needed to take place took over the mortgage and I paid it off myself with my own money that is the wording I would have used as opposed to inheritance and you know several years passed by I had a significant other a partner who was using me for free rent um that's is that's as simple as it is she was a roommate for free rent uh there was not a lot of intimacy um and the only thing she paid for was cable TV because I refused to pay for it and she refused to do anything she she did she refused to cook or clean mow the lawn dust walk the dogs give the dogs attention anything I remember one time my dog had an accident and she left it there and she said your dog had an accident it was there all day and she didn't pick it up because she said it's not my dog absolutely complete it's completely self-absorbed and whenever I said what about me and she would her response was always I gotta look out for number one that's me um and it's not my responsibility to make you happy and uh you don't spend enough money on me and just ridiculous things you don't take me anywhere but she never took me anywhere either in fact in the eight and a half years we were together she took me out for dinner once which was paid for with a gift card by her father um she never took me out anywhere in eight and a half years I took her on vacations I sent her on vacations I paid for it free free everything uh I was I was used I was used uh she wanted me to quit YouTube she didn't want any she didn't want my anyone to know who I was she didn't want to be on camera um she didn't want me to succeed at anything she just wanted me she literally wanted me to quit both my jobs and just be at home all day which was weird um and then you fast forward a couple cup a little while after that and my brother decided he wanted the money from the house that I had already made my mother verbally told me she wanted it to stay in the family she wanted me to have it and then when I passed on go go to any grandkids the the my brother's children weren't born at that time and I had assumed that she had the same conversation with either she did or she didn't it doesn't matter he wanted his half um and our aunt Pam had a 20 stake in the house too um I did try to buy my brother out uh at the time the house was valued at 7 32 I offered 200 000 he said no I offered three hundred thousand he said no which is 17 000 more than we made each then um and and my mother was we were poor growing up you know no single mother no child support she filled vending machines for a living I went to bed hungry I went to bed cold I had to skip meals because there was no food in the house I couldn't play the sports I wanted to uh sometime I had to wear old clothes that had holes in them and I got made fun of all the time uh I had I was overweight I weighed 212 pounds I was overweight and I got made fun of um nobody really showed me any love in my entire life uh except for my mother um and you fast forward to now and I bought this 67 000 house because it was all I could afford I bought this house before the sale of my mom's house and because my mom wanted that house to be passed On to the Next Generation I decided that if I can't give them the house I'm gonna give them the money from the house so my goal is that by the time I die each of the children gets 283 thousand dollars each and there's four of them so I have to take that 283 000 and I have to quadruple it in 20 years the only way to do that is in the stock market this sixty seven thousand dollar house was paid for with my own money that I had saved over 10 years um I had some extra money left over after that because this was actually a much cheaper house I had a hundred and four thousand dollars in cash not including my retirement accounts and when my brother wanted to sell the house ironically I was looking for a rental property and I bought this house I fixed it up over the last two and a half years and now it's time for it to become what it was meant to be and that is a rental property I have over the last two and a half years I've been saving my money um because I live a Frugal lifestyle I I'm different I'm weird I hate shopping I don't like eating out I don't like traveling um I prefer to spend time with my family with my dogs making YouTube videos fixing things up to make them look nice that is what brings me joy and and I like doing it for free or cheap as cheaply as possible and that brings me even more joy so when the kids are older they will not only have two hundred and eighty three thousand dollars each they'll also each have hopefully each a rental property that is my goal because I believe that money is meant to be enjoyed but it's also meant if you are a good Steward of your money it's meant to give and people on YouTube Just based on the comments think that I am a real a-hole I mean seriously they think I am like the biggest jerk on Earth let me let me tell you a few things about myself okay um my book sales all goes to charity all of it every penny of my book sales goes to charity my patreon supporters all of it goes to charity all of it goes to charity my YouTube income I live off of a little and then I invest the rest for the Next Generation okay so I'm not all about me me me I I think that I'm it is my duty to make life easier for my family I'm a giving person I'm not a I'm not a selfish person I I surprise people that give me good service with hundreds of dollars in tips I volunteered at the food pantry senior citizens centers um I've done Meals on Wheels uh anytime anybody needs a volunteer I'm always there anytime anybody ever asks for help I will be the first person if you're at a gas station and you're out of gas I'll be the first person to fill up your tank if you need new need need new clothes I will not just give you the shirt off my back I'll buy you a whole new wardrobe if you're somebody who is close to my heart and in need Christmas time I give so many gifts to the needy the poor children that can't afford gifts and even if it says that you're only supposed to get them one gift on the list I get them everything always and that's not just one kid that's like ten I do it for like 10 kids okay I found she's over there found a puppy in my backyard I kept her because I know that the shelters here will give her to a family that's going to keep her out in 115 degree heat because the laws here are if they have shade and water it's okay I knew that I know that she'll have a better life with me walks in love every day I have been used by every person who has ever come into my life any friend I have ever had was not a friend I told you guys a while back I had a roommate I let him stay here rent free so that he could get back on his feet he trashed my room he trashed it trashed the room and the bathroom wallpaper falling off he was using chip Clips uh all over the walls and he hadn't vacuumed in four months I went into the bathroom and there was like a a small Trail where you could walk and the rest was covered in hair and filth and dirt he used me for free rent and he said he he cared about me and we could be best friends and I don't want anything more from you and as he walked out the door he said some really inappropriate sexual things towards me that he had been daydreaming about me and weird stuff I had a best friend of 17 years who ghosted me straight up ghosted me he he got a girlfriend I was happy for him I went to his wedding and he never returned one of my calls ever again I had another friend um Age 5 to 21. best friends called every single day talked to her every single day then one time the phone call stopped I showed up to her house and she said I don't want to be friends anymore who does that after 17 years of friendship I didn't do anything wrong she just said I don't want to be friends anymore you know these are things that happen to me I I have never had any love in my life except the love of my mother and I took care of her for 10 years and I lost her and then after I took care of my mom I took care of my significant other who had a terminal illness and then after she left me I took care of my grandma who who died of old age in a nursing home I did everything for her that I did for my mom doctors appointments prescription medications I went to her house every single day I cooked I cleaned I did everything and here I am on YouTube getting bashed for being a horrible person every single video every single time makes me feel like I'm the worst person in the world like I have done nothing right with my life like nobody appreciates anything that I do anything I told you guys I tell you guys how to save money if you don't invest that money and you just save money on a t-shirt so you can take a vacation in the Bahamas you didn't I didn't do anything for you you didn't save any money you just didn't spend it on that and you spent it on that instead you have to invest you have to if you want to die with dignity if you want something to leave to your family to your friends to charity to the Next Generation you have to save your money and just because I have money I'm a millionaire just because I live such a Frugal life such a Frugal life and for those who say that everything was handed to me in life you don't know my life at all you don't you don't know the pain and the struggle and the horrible treatment that I've had to go through to get to where I am today and sometimes I come off as bitter on my videos or arrogant or condescending please don't confuse confidence with arrogance I am not arrogant I am confident everything that I have said on this channel to the best of my knowledge has been the truth it has been researched in every single step that I tell you guys how to do in order to save money has worked time and time again please don't stop coming back please don't listen to those YouTubers who tell you just to make a quick investment here and you'll be a millionaire tomorrow please don't believe people who tell you that the stock market is going to crash forever and the economy is going to go into the dumps do the smart thing live a life that makes you happy but does not harm other people do what you can with what you've got pepper princess out
Channel: Prepper Princess
Views: 99,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Poverty, money saving, finance
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 5sec (1505 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 24 2022
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