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good morning and welcome to flannel Hill Farm my name is Britney for anybody new here I know we got some new subscribers so um a little bit of background we are situated on about 2 and A2 Acres um we have we're building a house um we got a garden that has kind of been taken over by weeds we're working on it um we got six laying hens and that's what we're working with we got four dogs we got a a Beagle a border coli lab mix got Bentley and KK and we got Creed uh East German working line German Shepherd CKC registered we got Kona same thing they're half siblings same dad different moms um so you'll see them guys they are both very rare colored German Shepherds so that's why they look different okay this is a big update we clean this out we can move around in here now guys this is exciting this is going to make things a lot easier um still a disaster but we're able to move around so we should be able to get some stuff done and organized a a little bit more we have had quite a bit of rain I'm a little worried about the beans and the radishes that I planted I keep coming out here to check on them oh bean plant look at that look at that bean plant look at that yes yay that's exciting okay there's more radishes and beans in this one um and then of course we have our onions here and uh cabbage broccoli and cauliflower and then this one is peppers and tomatoes so that's what we got so far I'm working on more it's just been you know we also down at the bottom in the pasture where the chickens are right now there is fruit trees and bushes so working on it not as many fruit trees and bushes as we want but it's coming along the sun is really causing me problems um is Benny done Benny you done eating buddy here's monk monk monk monkey boy all right buddy he's still eating takes a lot to get him to eat I think because of his nose and everything he gets really bored with kibble so okay go in the house a second show you we also have a new addition to the farm which is exciting so we had a really Broody hen and I wanted to see if I could give her some chicks and she would take care of them she did not but that's okay so um I'm just going to keep them in here and then we're going to put them in the chick tra the chicken tractor where we put our meat birds which is this tent looking thing here I'll put them out there when they're ready and then we're going to put them kind of in with the laying hens in their fence but in that chicken tractor for a little while until they get acquainted and then we'll let them out so this is the house two beds two baths 900 is square ft um we have quite a bit done just not complete so bathroom is green boarded on bottom plumbed except for the drain here um there's a toilet room so it's coming along um it's all basically insulated we went with rock wall insulation and foam board there is an operational attic upstairs so it's coming just little slow we don't have uh it's kind of hard out here we are in rural Southwest Missouri so it's a little hard to find professional Tradesmen that aren't busy there's so we're working on it um basically doing all of it ourselves we had an electrician do most of the wiring so far so they just ran all the wire and then um under the slab we had a plumber do that and then the slab we had concrete guys do so we've had a couple of professionals we haven't done it all by ourselves but most of the most of it has been done by us so so metal outside metal roof so that's where we're at um those chickens are the chicks are not buff or pinons or Bard rocks that's what we have already they were what we could get I don't even remember what they were that's pretty bad but they were as close as we could get um that day so we just picked them up from our local farm and barn so hey Creed how you doing buddy how are you cedo big guy he's a big dog you're a big dog so that's where we're at oh there's Kona cona Kai hi pretty girl hi pretty girl kona's basically mine she protects me and Creed is Big K it's good for him Creed is more than 26 in at the withers which is 26 in at the shoulder blades so he's a big boy right craane all right well that's a fairly quick update for you guys um I think we're going to start talking about gardening a lot more cuz that's where I'm going to be spending most of my time I got my tan started already so all right on your way back down the hill if you wouldn't mind liking sharing subscribing hitting that little bell notification button thing and I have a beagle so you don't have to search for him we appreciate y'all
Channel: Flannel Hill Farm
Views: 42
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: p864cVkqBhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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