Coffee Table Assembly using Fusion 360

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all right everyone let's begin a new tutorial here a little furniture designing tutorial uh creating this very simple coffee table uh but in creating this coffee table there's actually going to be quite a few important uh tools that we'll use in order to complete this and what i really want to focus on is creating components that are assembled together for this particular design so this is a coffee table here that i have here's a coffee table right here okay so there's a picture of it that we're actually going to create so i measured up this coffee table here and just quickly designed it in fusion and you'll see just how easy it is especially once you get more comfortable with the software there's numerous ways we can design this there's there's different things that we can do to kind of get to the same final product i'm going to show you one way and as much as possible i'll try to explain other ways as well that you could have completed something like this all right so some of the important things i want to show you is of course the assemblies okay the assembly here creating new components so in a the previous birdhouse video in one of my birdhouse tutorials uh we created components after we we created bodies and that's one way of doing it but in this design i'm actually going to show you how to just create components right from the beginning instead of creating bodies first and then turning them into components so that's one thing and then assembling those components together the other important feature is going to be a copy and paste uh feature and there's two two different ways that we can copy and paste here that well there's a few different ways i'm going to try to show you or at least talk to you about a few of them okay so that's an important uh little piece of information that we'll get from this and then as well um cutting out these these holes here from this piece of wood okay that is kind of like the shelf at the bottom of the coffee table so i'll show you how to easily do that as well and then what i also want to do is you know let's pretend that we are going to uh create or construct this ourselves we would want to create some 2d construction drawings and so i'm just going to quickly take you through that as well and show you how you can component by component show dimension to show dimensions of your drawing so that if you were to create it yourself you have the full plans in order to do so all right and then of course applying appearances and materials as well okay so let's begin with a new design all right so like i mentioned we are actually going to start a new component from scratch here before drawing any bodies all right now the top component here this is the parent component okay it always is just named by default unsaved but you can rename that all right and all components will fall underneath that and the first thing i want to do is actually go into the document settings here and change from millimeters to inches because i did measure everything in inches so let's do that first okay and like i said here is your top component from which everything stems from that's your parent component okay we are going to now create a new component that goes under that so you're going to go to assemble new component okay and let's it's an empty component let's call it we're going to start with actually the tabletop that is going to be the first part we're going to construct and we're going to activate it and the parent of course we have to make sure that we're selecting the proper parent right now it's our only option so it's by default already selected this is the parent okay that we will be stemming from and hit okay all right so what i'm going to do is i'm going to create the tabletop then i'll create the legs okay then i'll create these support brackets that attach the legs and the tabletop and then we will slide this table top down into this position here and then make sure everything is assembled together okay so let's go ahead and do that so let's we've created our new component so now everything we create now goes under that component so i'm going to go to new sketch so this sketch now will be in this component let's go with that top view and let's just do a rectangle are on your keyboard from here and change the dimensions it's at 5.4 inches we need to be much bigger than that table is 48 by 48 inches so 4 feet by 4 feet hit enter okay zoom to fit just so you can see your rectangle here okay so this little button here zoom to fit and let's finish that sketch okay that's pretty straightforward and i like to see in 3d here before i hit extrude so that i can see where i'm pulling this arrow up from whether i'm pulling it up or down all right now my tabletop is only one inch thick so by the way for extrude i just hit e on my keyboard and now i'm just going to type in my one inch okay and there you have it so you've got your one inch table top all ready to go all right and it's a component next let's create the legs alright so what you're going to do now is again go to assemble new component but just make sure that you go back to the parent okay and make the parent activate the parent component versus having the table top component activated all right so we're going to go to assemble again new component and you can see but because i already have done that it my parent components already selected okay so let's call this leg one and hit okay all right so you can see that um now that this is no longer activated this shape kind of goes gray that's normal goes a very light gray and what i'm going to do is i'm just going to orbit around to the bottom and i'm going to go to create new sketch and you can see i'm selected in my proper component here new sketch and i'm going to sketch on this bottom face of the tabletop so click okay now i'm actually just going to hit rectangle and i'm going to create a rectangle here [Music] okay um let's say that this is just going to be four by four okay so four by four inch leg and you can see it's not fully constrained yet so make sure that the distance from here to the edge okay is actually just going to be 0.75 inches and the distance from here to the edge will also be 0.75 inches okay all right so um at this point now um i am just going to extrude this okay and i am going to tell you about a couple different things you can do in order to draw your other legs so i'm done with this sketch it's already fully constrained finish sketch okay hit e on your keyboard and let's select this profile right and notice i'm still clicked in my component here that's what i want and let's drag this down 20 inches okay 20 inches and because we're already in a new component you don't have to select new component here keep that as a body so that it'll be a body within this component okay so it's a body within this component that's what we want so hit okay all right so if i kind of come out of here now and i activate my parent component you can see this is what i have so far now there's a few different things you can do i can just copy and paste this leg into these four corners i know exactly how far away those legs need to be okay i've already kind of measured it out so i know how far away the legs need to be um i can also do a rectangular pattern as well okay um so if i wanted to do a rectangular pattern okay you would go to create pattern rectangular pattern now by default the pattern type is faces you want to change that to components okay and then select the object here's the object okay select the direction okay so we're going to click on that and now you have your your axes pop up and you can select the direction in which uh you want to create this pattern all right so we want to come across this way so i'm going to select this line okay and we also want to go across that way there as well okay so now let's see here look at as i pull this out it's making three copies i don't want that i just want two copies okay and i actually because i measured it out i want them to be 42 and a half inches apart that takes me exactly where i need it to be okay all right and let's just orbit around and make sure that we're happy with this okay now that's the first part now what you can do is actually just take this arrow here okay and drag that out and look at this now how easy this is now the only thing is it made two and that's because i chose two directions i chose this line for to go in this direction and then i chose this axis here to go in the other direction so when you choose direction make sure you do two directions this way and this way all right so that's important if you only choose one direction then you can only go in one direction now to escape here i only want to create two all right and because it's negative i'm going to keep that negative 42.5 so this is a perfect square remember that it was 48 by 48 and hit okay and you can see that it actually created four different components here four different components okay which is which is great it's perfect now i could have copied and pasted as well so i could have taken this leg right clicked on it right clicked copy okay and then come to my parent function okay this is important so you copy it here and then you right click on your parent function and go to uh your paste i know i didn't copy it so paste it and show up here okay but if i copy this okay there you go now there's two options there paste and paste new i'm going to talk about paste new a little bit later for the leg because they're identical legs i would just go to paste okay but later we'll talk about how important the paste new button is all right so that's another way you could have done it just copied and pasted each leg and then move them into position okay so you definitely could have done it that way all right so perfect next let's get our support brackets in okay which is those horizontal brackets that go across here all right so let's draw one so to do that i'm again make sure you clicked on the top component here go to assemble new component let's call it horizontal bracket support actually let's just call it horizontal support okay all right so now everything goes light gray because now we're in the horizontal support component and what we're going to do is go to create sketch and this time i'm actually going to create the sketch on this face okay this face right here okay that's on that leg and you can see i'm going to get this side view here but i've got this other leg in the way so what i'm actually going to do is just kind of orbit around i don't want to see this leg here so i'm just going to hide it so i'm going to just come here let's hide all the other legs right now so that i only see that there and go back to the right view so i can see it straight on again and let's zoom to fit okay so that i can see that a lot more clearly all right so first thing we're going to do is we're going to create a rectangle right in the middle here okay and we're going to extrude that rectangle out all right but how are we going to get that rectangle in the middle well one of the things you can do is hit the line tool l on your keyboard and choose the construction uh little button there and we're going to create a construction line right in the middle you can see it snap to the midpoint when that triangle pops up and just draw a line doesn't matter how long it is okay and hit the check mark when you're happy with it that's going to be kind of like our symmetry line all right and now you're going to do a rectangle r on your keyboard and just draw from anywhere it doesn't matter and you can oh i still have the construction button selected uncheck that back to rectangle and just draw your rectangle and you any way uh that you want as long as it's snapped on this top line here and now what you're going to do is you're going to apply a symmetry constraint so click on the symmetry constraint and there's three clicks this line and this line i want to be symmetry symmetrical so i click on them and then i want them to be symmetrical across this middle line and there you have it now it is perfectly situated in the middle now you can dimension it hit d on your keyboard and this is only going to be one inch thick all right and this line i want to be bigger not four inches i actually want that to be let's go with six inches and there you have it okay so we can finish sketch and i'm going to turn everything back on so i can see everything except for the origin there and i'm going to go to my 3d home view here and i'm going to hit e on my keyboard and select the profile that you want to extrude and just bring it out a little bit here and now what you're going to do is you want it to touch this face here so you can put in an exact dimension no problem or make it easier on yourself and actually instead of choosing distance under extent choose to object all right and then now it's saying okay select the object you want it to touch well sorry about that go back to two object and let's select here orbit around and choose this face right there there you have it that easy and i'm happy with it being a new body because i've already created my component and go to okay perfect okay so next uh you can see i'll activate my top parent again and you can see i only have one of these i obviously need to move all of those into position and that's actually going to be fairly easy to do where once again we can use the copy and paste method but i'm going to show you even another way to do it just using the move copy function which is the exact same as copy and paste except with copy and paste you have the option to paste new meaning these parts can be unique because if i copy and paste this if i make a change to this it changes everything that uh that i pasted that came from this okay but when you go to paste new it keeps it allows you to have unique parts even though you've copied and pasted uh it you know if you change one part then it doesn't change all of them that you copied and pasted but for this these are going to be identical the only difference is going to be that we have to change positions here so what i'm going to do is i'm going to select here okay and just make sure that it's selected see it only selected the face there all right so be careful there um there's something in this menu here it must be if we select priority okay let's select component as a priority so that the first thing this software looks like looks for is components and not faces see that it's selecting whole components so let's do that let's click on it right click move copy okay and the first thing you got to do i know you want to start moving this don't click on create copy now it's going to create a copy and we can drag this out all right drag it out and it doesn't matter how much you drag it out as long as i can see this face because you'll see i will join this face to here and notice how it created a new component underneath the parent component because i was clicked in the parent component when i did this move copy okay hit okay all right now what i'm going to do is create a joint from this face right there now see i don't want it at this point now i don't want it to actually choose components but let's see what happens if i go to joint perfect there you go i want this middle point right there right there i want that point and i'm going to orbit around and zoom in and to that point right there so i want those two midpoints to be butted up against each other and to create a joint and i am going to stick with rigid joint i don't want this joint to move and i'm going to hit ok all right and there you go now you're just going to repeat this so i'm going to go a little bit faster here so i'm going to select right click move copy create copy and drag this out okay just enough so i can see this face here and hit okay and let's orbit around zoom in okay all right and let's go to assemble joint right there see that and i want that to assemble to that right there and hit okay let's orbit back around let's just go back to our home there and last one select the component right click it notice i'm still activated in my top component even though i've selected this move copy create copy and drag this out this way enough to see my face hit okay zoom in assemble joint and you may have to zoom in more just to get the point you want there it was right right there pan across and orbit around right there and there you have it hit okay we now have our support brackets in now i've joined three of these uh these horizontal pieces but i did not join it looks like this piece here i believe right yeah you can see i can move this piece and so if you can move a piece it means that you haven't joined it and so if you move a piece just ctrl z undo or command z on your mac or you can go to revert position and it'll go back to where it was but you can see that the other brackets okay sorry the other brackets are attached to the leg because i joined them to the leg right okay so just revert that position or control z but this one here isn't attached to anything so i do want to make this attached to something so what i'm going to do is just create i'm going to not click on anything actually and go to assemble now i'm not going to go to joint i'm actually because i don't want to move anything i'm actually going to go to as built joint meaning that i want it to stay the way it is the way the way i've assembled it here is how i want it to stay and so that's what i'm gonna do so i'm gonna click on assemble as built joint and i'm gonna assemble this piece to i suppose we can do it to this piece here it doesn't really matter okay and hit ok all right the next thing i want to do actually is i want to ground this body here so i'm going to join everything together but right now like i don't like that i can move uh this piece here and this is actually gonna be my ground this is what everything i'm gonna basically like pin this in space and then everything will be attached to this so the way you do that is you just right click and go to right click the table top and go to ground all right now watch i won't be able to move i'm trying to move this and i can't okay all right so i'm not going to create still i can still move these pieces right i'm not going to do those joints just yet why don't i just move this piece down into position okay because remember i need to do that little shelf at on the bottom all right so the way i'm going to do that is i'm going to select right click okay and notice like i'm still remember my priority is still component that's why it's selecting components and not faces right in the select menu there so right click now if i go to move copy it is going to create the exact same copy and if i make changes to one it's going to make changes to the other that's not good enough for me here because i need this now piece to come down but i needed to have holes where the legs are so this is one of those ones where we're actually going to right click on the actual component in the component tree there click on copy and then come to my parent component right click paste new okay so paste new now now i can drag this down and i can make whatever changes i want to this piece now and it's not going to affect the original piece all right so let's do it 16 inches down sure and let's hit ok all right now it looks like we're almost done let's create all our joints alright what i'm going to do is show you something called a rigid group so i'm going to actually connect this this everything basically except for the table top and make it all a rigid group so that it's all kind of joined together all right and actually you know what no before i do that i'll cut these holes out where these legs are and then we'll join it all together let's do the joints at the end all right so let's cut out these legs because as it stands now we've got a problem like if i go to inspect watch if i select my entire if i select everything here oops okay and i go to inspect and i go to interference capture position and it's already selected and i go to compute it's actually going to show me an error i have four interferences meaning i have not cut out holes and i have like overlapping geometry all right so we're going to fix that right now what we're going to do is use the combine tool combine capture position and the combine tool says okay choose your target body this is the body that we want to cut all right then it says choose your tool bodies okay well we want to use these components these ones kind of disappear but you can still hover your mouse over it and click on it we want to use these components to cut our holes out okay but currently by default this goes to join we want to cut the holes out all right you can see the holes now show up and we want to keep the tools we don't want these legs to disappear these legs are our tools our cutting tools we want to keep them and hit ok and now you can see the holes you can trust me are in fact there and if i select everything again and i go to inspect interference and i compute i get no interferences detected that means i have no overlapping geometry okay so let's finish up the joints and like i said i'm going to make everything a rigid group because this is all just going to stay together right there's nothing opening or closing here so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go to assemble rigid group and that just allows me to make fewer uh joints joint assemblies like this is a lot quicker so i can now do a rigid group and select all my parts here here here here and here i don't need to select the horizontal brackets because they're already attached to my legs i already joined them like you can see there's a joint there joint there and all the way around they're already joined to my legs so if i try to click on that it's going to give me an error because i've already joined it and it just says that it's over constrained so i'm just going to hit ok there's my rigid group so now watch when i go to move just one component it actually moves that whole bottom half that whole bottom part down revert position up here and now all i have to do is create one joint instead of creating multiple i go to assemble as built joint and let's assemble let's just say this leg to the table top and now everything will be you can see i can't move anything out of the way everything is attached to each other all right so it's fully assembled and if you want to hide these little assembly symbols here just go into joints and click that little eyeball and hide them okay last thing here is we're going to apply material and then i'm just going to show you quickly how to bring this into a drawing and split this up into all the different components to measure and dimension so let's quickly do here let's do our table top first we will do a physical material and we are going to choose wood it's kind of weird when it does this this is the this is what we want to actually bring down because we need to drag our wood finish here let's say white oak here i'm just going to drag this up here okay and actually don't even need to do that but then i'm just going to drag this just on the table top itself make sure that the component the whole component is highlighted there okay perfect and hit close and then what we'll do is i mean i could put obviously i could put wood material here as well for all these but i'll just go to the paint it black here so i'm just going to right click sorry right click on an actual component there and go to appearance and this time let's just choose paint let's do a glossy paint black sure drag it up and now drag it on all the components that we want to be black you can see when where we copied and pasted it see how it changed all of them whereas the one that we pasted new we were able to apply different materials or different uh um different colors on it but the ones where we just copied and pasted okay they all turned once we turned one of them all right and hit okay there you have it you've got your table your coffee table okay and it looks pretty close to a picture that i have here okay so we did a good job all right the next thing i want to do okay is create a drawing file so we're going to go to the design little menu there and go down to drawing from design okay and i've already done this so i don't need to save it as anything in particular and now what we're going to do is just hit ok so it's choosing by default a 17 by 11 sheet of paper sure let's just hit ok and you get into the kind of drawing space here of fusion 360. all right and the first thing you're going to do is you can see it already has a base view to drop in and you can choose the orientation you could do the front view top right home all these different views okay let's start with let's do the front view okay and i don't want a scale of one to twenty that seems a little bit too small let's do one to ten and i'm going to drop this right here click to drop it in and then hit ok and let's say that i just wanted to show the dimensions of a leg i don't want to show all these other components because i just want to show the dimensions of the leg itself what you do is once you've dropped it in you have the option of hiding whatever you don't want to show so i can watch this i can hide the tabletop i can hide let's go with this leg this leg this leg i don't need those horizontal supports right now right so the only thing i have showing is leg one perfect and now if i go to dimension and actually let's move this over i don't like to move it just click and then grab that center dot and just move it and then click to drop it dimension from here to here and from here to here okay and let's say you wanted to also show the top view of that right you would probably also want to show the top view because yeah we know the the width here is for the height is 20. but what about the length right so then okay go again to base view and drop in instead of a front view do a top view alright and then just drop it in anywhere and make sure your scale is one to ten stay consistent okay drop it in and we're just gonna hide it all anyways except for the leg and hit okay so now it's the second group here right this was the first group where we hit everything now it's the second group hide the tabletop hide everything except for leg one okay there you go click on it and let's actually move it right underneath okay click to to drop it in and then dimension from here to here okay to show that that's four inches and you're gonna go around and do that to every single part every single component so let's say the tabletop so base view now let's do a top view of our tabletop one to ten oops all right drop it in and hit okay and then now it's only showing the table top because everything is underneath it because it's a top view but scroll down and you still want to hide everything except for the tabletop right and now just hit dimension this we know is going to be 48 and that we know is also 48 and i'm not following any sort of standards here in terms of the spacing for my dimensioning because it is i said this was just a construction drawing for myself if i wanted to try to build this coffee table you can add text by the way as well as little leaders or arrows pointing towards text there's a whole slew of things here that i'm not going to worry about right now let's just worry about the dimensioning and maybe you want to add text potentially somewhere just to leave yourself a little note you could do that as well but then for this i wanna this isn't showing the whole tabletop i need to show the thickness of the tabletop so again i'm gonna go to base view and i'm gonna go to instead of front view i'm gonna actually go sorry i am gonna do front view this time so i can show the thickness one to ten let's drop it in right under line it up right under there okay and hit okay now scroll down and hide everything except for the table oops hide everything except for the table top okay and then maybe just move this up there you go and now you can dimension and show the dimension of that there that it is one inches so you would go around and do this to everything okay each component so now you would do the leg and then you would even do the shelf part which is identical to to this i'd probably do that right here okay right next to it where you can show the location of the holes right so let me just do i'll do that as my last one so i'll do another top view one to ten okay hit okay scroll down and hide everything except for the bottom component which is i forgot to rename it it's still table top but it's table top one bracket one there it is there okay and so now at least you can dimension okay the spacing from here just zoom in so you can see better okay three quarters of an inch there three quarters of an inch there okay so you can at least see the spacing you should already know that these holes are four inches okay but if you wanted to show it again you can show them again okay and then of course show the thickness of it okay underneath here but we already know that it's one inch and then when you're done you can output it as a pdf so if you wanted to print this okay output as a pdf and uh then you can just print it out and uh and you'll have a construction drawing to go from all right so that concludes this tutorial um what we went over was uh quite a bit of copying and pasting and pasting new the rectangular pattern tool the combine tool which cut out the holes for these legs as well as starting new components rather than starting with bodies and of course making an assembly of this coffee table okay
Channel: Daniele Palermo
Views: 447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 20sec (2360 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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