OnShape 3D Modeling Hinge Tutorial Exercise

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of course I want to say thank you everyone for joining us today my name is John from on shave pro today I'm going to show you how to create a hinge using on shape start off by creating a new sketch on the front plane a right click it's like view normal to sketch plane select the line tool draw a few lines here give them some dimensions see here 1:25 is the dimension of our top line eight millimeters on the side here I'll select the circle tool and we're going to draw the circle right here first circle is 25 second circle is 41 I'll give them some dimensions here so 24.5 we could see the other dimension right here is five I'll add some more lines add a line right here then two more lines bout in here select the tangent make this line tangent with the circle this line tangent with this circle select trim trim that line trim this line trim them two tails and we wouldn't need to trim this one before we extrude but we're gonna go ahead and trim it make it a little more clear now you go ahead and extrude this and we're going to extrude it to 292 millimeters and you can start to see on side of our hinge take shape here I'll start a new sketch for the holes these holes have two dimensions the bigger hole is 32 which is what we're going to start with I'll select the circle 32 and for this one we need to find the center so we're going to select the line tool and construction and right there where the square shows up as the center put a line across there for a guide go back to the circle tool we'll draw a circle right on that line to mention that at 32 oh well that was construction we didn't need construction there turn that off we can right click on it and select construction it turns it back to normal liner now we need to make another line down here on the other side and we're going to use mirror for that so select a mirror line use that construction line we've created select entities to be mirrored select the circle and give them some dimensions and see for when drawing here it's 58 millimeters or from the side so you'll go 58 and we can see here it's 30 millimeters down here to here 30 millimeters and this one here is also 30 millimeters over give that dimension of 30 now you can see all the circles turn from blue to black that means they're fully constraint and now we can stop the sketch flip the hinge over and we'll start a new sketch on this side and I'll select use because we're going to use the center points from the previous circles we drew and I'll select the circle tool and then the smaller circle on this side is 24 mention that at 24 dimension this one 24 and our third one and you'd see them turn from blue to black once they get dimensions and they're fully constraint this one is also 24 stop that sketch I now to make the holes we're going to use our loft tool to cut and remove these remove here I'll select the circle there's a couple ways you can do this you select a circle and then you can flip it over and select the other circle I need see it cuts a hole there turn our sketches back on or you can do it without flipping it over and select the off tool remove and select our smaller circle which is on the side that's facing us and then you can right click select other and then go through here until it selects a circle that's the circle right there we want we don't want any of these other ones face up sketch to select that green check down our circle and then you can see it cut it the same way there without flipping it back and forth I kind of like just to flip it back and forth seems a little easier at this point remove we'll do the last one here circle the circle okay and you can see we got our one side of our hands with the three holes and we want to make the second one which will be a mirror of the first one so I'm just going to right click on this plane select offset plane or an offset a plate at 150 millimeters we're going to use that to mirror this part click OK and select the mirror this part at mirror plane plane we just created okay now we've got our two parts we'll start a new sketch this face here and select use and use this line for guide select that same on this handle use that line for guide and we're going to select corner rectangle draw a couple of rectangles here three on the side two on this side we're going to use these four cutouts and we'll give them some dimensions you can see here 58.4 is the dimension all of these so I'm going to go 58.4 I'm going to do a select all copy enter so I can just paste that dimension on each one of these 58.4 enter again just paste that in makes quick work paste enter and do that over here too one more time here and I have to do this part but I like to dimension the tops here so we can fully constraint the sketch here is you see these blue lines here we can move them around yet because they're not constrained they have no dimensions not tied to nothing and like I said we could do the cutout with it like it is but it's good practice to fully dimension your sketch all the time so we want to dimension top here let's give it 100 millimeters same over here 100 millimeters do you select the sketch tool and then we'll just drag this here to reference now that's dimension fully that one there now our lines are black and we just got this one here left wake that up and now this Goetsch is fully dimensioned all our lines are black give it the green check and an extrude this one this one this one this one and this one and we want to remove marriage at all and let's go with 100 and right now it's just cutting down blind so we're going to do symmetric so it cuts up and down from our sketch that was in the middle there to use a slider here see a preview a before-and-after looks like we got it all there click OK green checkmark and now we have our two parts I will select our fill it see our fill it is 2 gives us 2 millimeters and like to do this in a couple sections here seems easier to break it up than to do it all in one step go to millimeters now we can get the rest of it here this part takes a little time [Music] looks like we got everything there click the green check mark then just rotate around it one more time looks like we got it all there and go over to the other part do the same thing 2 millimeters just like to get these inside pieces and sidelines here green checkmark once again 2 millimeters it's kind of nice if you can position the part so you click a lot of these lines what I happen to do too much moving around I think we got it all there click the green checkmark take a look at it it looks like we got all the edges there click the cube up here and let's take a look at the front view when I put these two pieces back together now and create the pin in the middle so I go up here and select transform Oh select this part and XYZ and grab the arrow here and drag it over I didn't get it lined up that way or you can go up here and enter a dimension I know from doing this a few times that it's 251 millimeters I'll enter that in I'll put our two pieces together click the green check mark and see where we're at here we don't need this plain one anymore so I'm going to turn it off just to make things a little clearer click the I there and don't really need these other planes here right now so I'm going to use the P shortcut on the keyboard and get rid of them and we're going to start a new sketch create the plane and we're going to start sketch on this face right here and select the circle tool and we'll find the center hold us here wake it up there it is and see this pin has a diameter twenty four point five and we can just go right into extrude here without clicking the green check mark too so we're going to do that on this one and we can see it's extruding the wrong direction also we're going to click the arrow here and the length of the pan is the length of the hinge 292 enter 292 millimeters enter and we now have our pin goes from one end to the other and see that by turning off the other part here click the green check mark and now we're going to create the head on the pin start another new sketch select the surface of the pin select the circle find the center there and that dimension is 41 millimeters so enter 41 enter and then either click the green check mark select extrude and what we want to extrude there it's kind of a shortcut just to click extrude right away and we see the height of that head is 8 millimeters so we're going to enter 8 millimeters here and you just enter the number like I've been doing or you can hit 8 and millimeters whatever works out for you and we want to add that to the body of the pin we created which is part number 3 click the green check mark now you can see how that's joined and I'm going to finish it up here click fill it and that 2 millimeters got to fill it there fill it there come down to the end of the pin here and our last fill it right there click the green check mark change our view and we are finished see we still have a sketch on here we can turn them off couple sketches take a look at it there looks pretty good change the views here to see and that's the end of it I want to say thank you everyone and have a good day
Channel: OnShapePro
Views: 92,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Onshape, CAD, Tutorial, Exercise, OnShapePro
Id: Cs7QjwOaowE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 52sec (1312 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2017
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