Fusion 360 Simulation & More

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so welcome everyone my name is Matthew McConnell a technical specialist working out of the Melbourne office for order desk and today's webinar is called fusion 360 simulation and more let's get stuck straight into this and firstly just a few details about myself if you'd like some further information you've got some follow-up questions feel free to reach out and contact me and whatever your preferred format is I note that you will have time to ask questions in the go-to meeting panel there so if you've got any questions during the session please ask them and I will attempt to answer them during the session otherwise I'll make sure that I'll follow up with them afterwards a quick note before we start this session and that is that really the purpose of this webinar is to show you around the user interface and how to use the simulation environment inside of fusion 360 so it's not to teach you the fundamentals and basics of using finite element analysis if you're new to FAA then really you know the best ways of trying to educate yourself around that a looking at some of our more advanced webinars that have got more specific topics on some of the background around using finite element analysis and simulation you know look for some of the products such as an Australian CAD simulation mechanical and safety they've always got a host of information that you can pick up new tips and tricks talk to people who use FAA so if there's people with inside your organization or there's people with inside your industry that are known to use FAA then don't be shy and reach out to them ask them questions I use so often referring to reference books I've got a few of them on my desk right here now they'll often refer to to again some some knowledge and then of course you know talk to our channel partners they're running regular simulation courses where you can get some further information around this and the topics that we'll discuss today and further to that there's also a range of online training from a host of providers so don't be afraid to get out there and learn a little bit around how you can use simulation ok so firstly why do we use simulation and I've shown this if you've attended any of my other simulation webinars you'll probably have seen this slide before but I think it illustrates very well the reason why companies and individuals should use simulation and and in particularly using it early as part of the design process so here we have a a timeline across the bottom showing a project or a product in development ranging from its initial conceptualization right through to release to market where it's out in the field and you can see that the influence that we have on the design through those stages dramatically changes so the ability for us to affect the functional capabilities of our design early in the conceptual stage may be whilst it's a an idea in our head or a sketch on a piece of paper it's very easy there's very little cost associated with that we can make an implement change outright very quickly and easily whether to that and you'll find if we consider the cost associated with this the cost is the inverse so the cost associated with making change early on is very you know cheap if not non-existent for an idea that's in our head for us to quickly make a change to that idea there's very little cost or if it's a pencil sketch is very little cost but the further through the design process we get the more expense associated with making that change so if we look at the typical areas where we spend a lot of our time and money invested and where we're often using simulation it's around the testing stage so we've already gone through the conceptualization of our design we've done a lot of the detailed design so we're potentially we've done all of our you know tooling and fixture design as well and it's not until we actually get to the testing stage that we start to incorporate and start thinking about how this part going to react in a real-world environment so what we're trying to talk to people about companies about is shifting the thought around where simulation should be being at this testing stage shifted back to much earlier in the process through so early in or latter part of the conceptualization and early part of the design engineering stage is really the optimal fit for simulation it's going to mean that you're going to get a ton better quality parts you're potentially going to use or have lower costs associated with creating them and you're going to potentially end up getting to market faster as well okay so what can I analyze in fusion 360 well this is the perfect time to be running this webinar because as of a release which came out in January this year we now have four types of studies that can be conducted prior to that release there was true there was static stress and modal frequencies January release of fusion 360 is has added capabilities for thermal and thermal stress so there's a whole range of capabilities predominantly most people are concerned or most of our users in this space will be interested in learning about static stress and that's what I'm heavily focused on today though I will run through a couple of quick examples to show you a modal frequencies and thermal analysis as well so what do we mean by static stress well we're assuming making a number of assumptions and we're often making assumptions when we're running analysis and that's something to keep in mind because assumptions are always going to affect the final result of our la our studies so one of the key assumptions that we're making in a static stress analysis is that it's a linear a linear study or a linear analysis what do we mean by that well it means that the material remains linear and that the stress is proportional to strain so if we look at a stress-strain curve you'll find here here's a you know what could maybe can be considered a typical stress strain curve for a material like steel so it's linear up to yield at which point it becomes nonlinear goes through a strain hardening stage and then in a necking stage before final failure when it fractures now the is great you know a lot of materials like steel exhibit linear profile stress-strain a proportional relationship between stress and strain but then there are a lot of other materials that don't such as wood composites plastics and even some materials that you might consider as being linear such as aluminium so aluminium is not necessarily a linear material so the way that you can gauge this is look at the stress-strain curve have a look at the stress-strain curve of the material to try and understand whether it is a linear material and whether you can assume that you can run a static linear stress study form further to that we're also assuming that the deformations are small so in this instance we're saying that the final shape of our part in essence is very similar to the initial shape and the stiffness because when the part changes shape its stiffness is affected so the K factor associated with that would need to be amended now that this linear static study isn't taking into account the change in stiffness of a part as a load as being applying so that's another key consideration and then finally we're also assuming that the loads never change during the solution so effectively we're saying that the magnitude the orientation and the distribution of our loads is always the same okay so I've probably done enough talking about this to begin with so what I'm going to do is I'm going to jump straight into fusion and get stuck into our first example so here we are in and I've tried to use a very simple example in this first case to highlight the workflow of using simulation because there's a number of key things that I want to bring out or point out to you as part of this workflow firstly fusion 360 has embedded simulation so it's embedded with the other environments enabling us to do all of our modeling do our rendering do our animation do our machining but also to do our simulation so to switch to or from our you know geometry creation environment patch and model to simulation which is go from the toolbar down to simulation and we're now inside this simulation environment so it's the one tool the one environment a lot of familiar familiarity that you will have gained from using the tools in the other areas carried over you can see here that the environment changes the toolbar has changed so I've got a completely different set of tools available to us and all I'm going to do in this first case is create a new study because when we go into the simulation environment there are no new studies associated with the geometry that we're bringing in so I'm just going to create a new study and it's going to bring up a dialog box asking us well what type of study that you want to run in this case I'm just going to run a static stress and go ok so it's going to then in the browser give us a range of different parameters that can be assigned variables and things like loads and constraints and contact and materials can be assigned to these these buckets or parameters with inside the browser environment by default things like material so all of our bodies from our part will obviously be carried over but also things like our material so the material that's being used with inside the design environment is also brought inside the simulation environment but that doesn't stop us from changing these so if I wanted to I can say right click this the study materials turn on the study materials dialog box and you can see here the original material so the material that's being used with inside the design environment is steel but I can then go and change this so maybe I want it to be an aluminium where I can choose an aluminium and I can choose some other things so what's the safety factor associated to is it see the yield strength or maybe it's its UTS the ultimate tensile strength I can also get the the properties dialog box to show me the properties associated with the material that I'm using so if I want to check what that that aluminium is maybe its yield strength and just make sure that it's around the number that I'm concerned about then I couldn't quickly and easily access that information just by clicking the properties icon there however Oh in this case I'm just going to leave it as steel and and and carry on with the rest of the study note that if you were to assign an aluminium or any other material there it doesn't really inside the design environment these materials are specific just to the simulation environment further to that window we can either you know typically work sort of from top to bottom or from left to right across the menus or the browser to add the other parameters that we need as part of the study so we've created a new study we've assigned a material or in this case we're leaving the exactly the same material we can also go and add some constraints and constraints as where we're going to tell the part how its how its held in space and how its interacting with the environment so in this case what we can do is I'm going to assign a fixed constraint so we're assuming maybe that the end of this plate is bonded to something that's infinitely stiff or welded to something that's infinitely stiff or it could be a part of something that's infinitely stiff that we just haven't included as part of the analysis now the shortcut for their first selecting a face that's in the background is you just hold down the left mouse button on a single click you'll find it then you can go through and select any faces that you're hidden from you in that case I've just selected that back face and you'll see here the dialog box that's come up the structural constraint gives me the ability to be able to use the fixed constraint which I've chosen from the constraints menu here but I could also switch that so I can change it to a pinned or frictionless or a prescribed displacement as well in this case we're just going to use the fixed constraint here it's showing the faces that I've selected I can deselect them all by hitting the X but I can also change the degrees of freedom that that has so I can actually restrict rotations and displacements in this area as well and each different type of constraint will have a different type of or set of abilities to manipulate that constraint so let me just select that face again and go okay and you will see that it's diagrammatically giving us a little indicator to show that that part there or that face there is fixed in space okay so now what do we want to do we want to add a force or a load so I'm just going to choose force you can see there's a number of different types of loads force pressure moment a remote force you can toggle gravity on and off and even edit gravity so if you know G loading and you can associated G loading and you can also assign a point mass as well so in this case we'll just assign a force we will use let's assume roughly a thousand kilos or a ton of load you can change the units that you're using so in this case we're using SI units but if we wanted to you can override that and use a number of other different types of units and you can also flip the direction so if wanted to I can change the direction of that load note that I can also limit the target so if I wanted to rather than apply the load across the whole face maybe I just wanted to choose a specific part of the face then I can assign it as as a diameter here that's applied to the part you know across a specific area or face so maybe you want to do to be 7.5 you can see we've now applied that load just in that 7.5 diameter circle in this case I do want to apply it over this whole place so I'm going to deselect that we can change you know the orientation or the direction of the load as well using a number of different input types you know one of the more commonly used as a reference angle so if you want to apply it at an angle and you've got an edge then you can use the edge to define the direction of the load and simply go ok so we've now got our simulation that's been set up and let me just make sure constraints loads context there's no contacts in this analysis because it's a single part of the single body so we don't need to worry about that and I can go into my settings and the settings area enables me to come in and quickly make a few modifications I'm going to turn one feature off curvature meshed elements so that's the only modification that I'm going to do from the default settings because I want to I straight a couple of things to you and that's the reason why I'm doing it so I'm just going to simply hit solve and you can see here we now have our analysis result so very quick and easy I'm just going to rotate around to look sight on there's a couple of things that we can do you can see here we now have our plot area where we can look at the various different factors such as safety factor or stress or displacement or strain and we can switch between those and then choose subsequent types of stresses in this case so assert you know maybe we're after the first principal stress or maybe you're after shear in a particular plane we can go and interrogate the results and look at them and gain further insight we can go and change say the units that are being applied and the other thing that I like in this area is the ability to give it I'll narrow down the area that we're concerned about so maybe we're only concerned about stress that's a you know greater than 9 mega Pascal's then we can look at the strengths the areas of the model or the narrow areas of the simulation where we have high stress and in this case you can see here that it's around the top and the bottom of the hole in the center of our plate ok that's all good and well what else can we do so our results we can change the deformation scale so if you want to look at it slightly more exaggerated so if you're getting very small deformation it's hard to see how the part is reacting and you want to exaggerate that so you can get a better understanding of the proportionality of the displacement and you can you can modify that using the deformation scale so under formed or actual you can use as well so you can actually look at the actual deformation what else can we do here we can create a slice plane so say we're interested in cutting a section through and looking at internally what the stresses are so I can create a slice plane and choose say a face and then I can drag that through our part and then look at the stresses and those localized areas of our part further to that then I can also probe the results so I can put plug probes in place even through our sections and understand what the stresses are at specific points with inside of our design and you see that those those probes can stay there as well you can hide probes as well and show probes and if you don't want probes to be seen anymore you can simply delete them as well so there's a range of things that you can do now the other thing you can do is that you can you can do put turnoff your slice play here down here that's all trying to find suppress so a slice Plains actually stay a part of the simulation which is great because you know say you want to temporarily hide parts of our design and then come back and then interrogate the design after you've run a subsequent analysis you can turn back on that slice plane you could potentially turn back on the the probes that you've used to probe certain elements nodes with inside your design and you can interrogate the data knowing that you've got a consistency between one analysis to the next but in this case I simply want to turn those off so that I can see the overall geometry now the other thing that I want to show you is at the display or this display icon the display icon enables us to do out some other things so sometimes depending upon your mesh density you may want to toggle mesh on or off because if you've got a very dense mesh it actually becomes somewhat difficult to see the you know the graduation of stress or displacement through your parts so the ability to be able to toggle that on and off is a welcome addition also you can switch back and just say look at the Model View and the mesh without the stress results obviously if I want the stress results I can just go and turn them back on so it's very quick and easy to be able to switch and manipulate the display of the results and you're set up to suit your particular needs so the one thing that I want to point out before we move on in this instance is the geometry there's a critical thing that we need to keep in mind and I'm just going to switch back to our presentation to highlight this and that is that here's a you know snapshot from our simulation looking at some maximum in minimum values of this part using a similar setup you can see here that the CAD geometry that we've imported doesn't necessarily depict the geometry that's used to analyze our design and that is because as part of the process the part is broken down into elements and nodes which represents the geometry of our design so and you can see here this is really most obvious around the hole that's in the center of our part and you can see here it's a very faceted hole which doesn't look at all like the geometry that we had so the one key takeaway that I want you to have here is that the simulation recognizes elements and nodes and it doesn't necessarily recognize the CAD geometry or the design geometry of your 3d model so it's it's the translation of that that design geometry into elements and nodes that is a critical part of the process and to highlight that let's have a look at a couple of things so firstly here we have an example of a part that's fixed at one end up here then we have a load applied at the other end it's a tapered part and what we can expect is that we're going to maybe see a high amount of stress and deformation of the tip here especially if it was to say a plastic or a rubber part it's going to have some large deformation so you can see here that on our mesh density it's not very dense you know we don't have very many elements and as such nodes with inside this area to accurately depict the the true deformed or the actual deformed shape of our part so that the problem with this is that we're not necessarily getting accurate results in this localized area so let's have a look at what happens when we add additional nodes in this area and you can see it's now better conforming to the actual geometry and then furthermore if we add even more nodes and elements we get an even tighter a correlation so the important takeaway here is that you need to have elements and nodes in areas of high stress high strain high displacement to ensure the accuracy of the results because if you don't have elements and nodes in those localized areas then you may actually be overlooking areas of concern within sighted sign how can you try and you know confirm that you have enough elements and nodes where you can use what's called convergence and so if we look at the original example that we've just run there with a plate in a simple hole in it you can see here our stress was around sort of the 14 to 15 mega Pascal's if we then add some mesh refinement on our design in this case may be changing some settings in there to better to depict the geometry of the hole in the center and you might find that the stress is then going to change in this case it does it changes quite dramatically around 17 to 18 mega Pascal's it's gone up to just by simply making that simple change and then if we then go and add a quite a dense mesh you'll find that even doing that it may it may give you some difference in differentiation between the prior study but in this case it may have given you very little difference and in this instance it's gone up to around sort of 19 mega Pascal's so what we're trying to do is we're trying to find a correlation between refining our mesh in areas of high stress high displacement and and trying to make sure that those those results that we're getting back converging on a common result so what we would expect or hope to expect is that as we add more and more elements and more and more nodes into it the area of high stress that we would end up with a result that would be converging on a common value in this case around sort of 19 to 20 mega Pascal's and typically you know you have convergence limits associated with this and and they're generally sort of written as a percentage you know a 3/5 percent of the overall value and and effectively you're looking to make sure that your values are converging with inside of those limits that you choose apply to your your product and your design the the the critical thing to keep an eye on there's diverging results diverging results could be related to a number of different phenomenon which talked about another like we said at the start of this webinar are the more specific and detailed presentations but we are really looking to try and make sure that we have convergence wherever possible in our our results okay so let's go back to our our study and I want to step through a quick design here we go okay so let's make a couple of modifications to this to this geometry in the first case what I'm going to do is I'm just going to look at refining the mesh so there's a couple of ways that we can do this if I right click mesh and go mesh settings I can go with inside this environment I'm going to make a simple change I'm just going to change the average element size as a percentage of the model size so we're going to change that from 10 to 3 let's hit OK and let's generate the mission just have a quick look at what the mesh looks like so you can see here it's a much more dense mesh ok so you know we hope to we'd hope to see that as a result of running this analysis which I'll do now that our results are becoming more accurate in areas where we have high stress so you can see here we've gone up to so 18 point 4 5 mega Pascal's so quite a considerable increase over our our last settings so simply by adding more elements is adding to the accuracy of our results in in this example okay so what happens if we wanted to do look at it in a slightly different way because fusion 360 actually comes with the ability to be able to and I'm just going into the study settings here to do some of this automatically for us with inside this environment we've got our like I said our study type setup we've got the mesh dialog box the same one that we saw previously by right-clicking mesh and then editing this I'm going to change this value back to its default value which is 10 I'm going to simply turn on create curved mesh elements let's have a look at that and see what happens in this instance let's hit solve and it's going to solve it again so we've used a fairly similar and I'm going to display our mesh visibility we've used fairly similar mesh settings from the initial settings that we had run but we're again we're getting quite considerably different results you know around sort of 15 mega Pascal's initially we're up around 19 macro Pascal's using the curvature based mesh so this is adding to the accuracy of a design and our results because it's better depicting geometrical changes in these high stress areas you know our mesh is conforming better to our design rather than being faceted like we saw previously so one more change let's go back into settings and below I'm going to leave all of these settings the same below mesh we have adaptive mesh refinement and what this is going to do and I'm just going to drag it all the way up to the high end go okay hit solve what it's going to do is is going to go and run our analysis and continue to run our analysis between each iteration refining our mesh in areas of high stress then showing us or diff'ent you know coming comparing those results between each iteration until it meets a threshold or criteria which we've defined in that case and then it says okay I'm comfortable with the results that I've got now in this case achieving a converged mesh now we can see here that we have a convergence plot so we can open up that dialog box and then look at our our mesh and you can see here that it's run an initial iteration a subsequent iteration a subsequent iteration and then a subsequent you can see here that each time the threshold was too great for it to accept that it had reached a converging result until finally it's achieved it now between the last and the second last study so it's actually run through for solution steps our target in this case was 5% whereas we actually achieved an actual difference between the two studies of only one point one six percent to one point one seven so this is a nice way of negating the need to manually do that in this instance manually go through and refine our mesh by having the software run through that process for us again we've come up with a reasonably similar result to some of the other methods that we chose but I suppose the key takeaway here is to don't just accept the first set of results you get from your study as being right look at the results that you're getting trying to understand the the reasons why you're getting those results refine the way that you're analyzing your parts whether it's the mesh the constraints the white types of loads using try and make sure that they're accurate they're depicting the way that they would they're representing the real-life way that the part is being loaded because remember rotate we're making a number of assumptions and and then you know rinse and repeat is effectively what we're doing is rinsing and repeating and then comparing our results to make sure that we're comfortable with the outcome okay so now we've analyzed this simple part let's look at a slightly more complex design so I've got a wheel support here and we want to analyze this part I've done some of the preliminary setup I've applied a load I've applied some constraints I'll fix the two ends of the plate I've applied a an upward force or damage depends upon if we rotate it around the other way but we've applied a force upwards and I've applied some contacts between the holes just to simulate a bolted type connection in this instance but really what I'm interested in is showing you two settings so in this first case what I'm going to do is generate the mesh and just go continue and we'll wait for it to generate should only take a few moments and you can see here that we have our mesh back you can see here there's a couple of things that we've learnt from our prior example that maybe we could do differently so let's go into our settings and make that change so in the first case I'm going to turn on the curvature mesh elements which will get rid of the faceting that we're seeing in some areas of our design or it should reduce it and the other thing that I'm going to do is turn on use part based measure for assembly mesh so what this means is that rather than using a global mesh size for all parts it's going to look at the parts individually and apply a mesh that's specific to those based on these parameters here so rather than being a global setting it's much more local we hit okay and hit generate our mesh you should find a couple of things have changed and you can see here so our you know our we our our bolt our holes are much more accurately represented because we've changed that setting but also you'll see on things like the fast fastener and the washer the washer has now got a much more specific mesh size for that for that individual part or body so you'll find that that helps when you're working with multiple bodies or or arm or parts with inside of an assembly okay further to that let's talk a little bit about constraints now the one thing that you need to realize is no matter how much preparation and time you take in setting up then the assembly with inside the design environment so constraints and contents or constraints and mates or whatever you would like to refer to them as the it doesn't matter once you come into the simulation environment all of that information is lost there's no association with bolted connections there's no association with parts of the touching one another and and and bolts that are going through holes and the like so you need to to reassociate a lot of that information now thankfully there's a great tool that helps you do that so we've got a contact area up here where I can go automatic contacts so in an example like this where we've got multiple parts all interacting with one another I can quickly come in here and define a range of contacts simultaneously now the thing the key here is how are all of these defined and applied well if we go back up into our settings for our study you'll see here in the general area under the default contact type we'd set our contact type to bond it okay and we'd also defined a contact tolerance so in essence what it's doing is part of this automatic contact generation it's looking for surfaces that have got a contact tolerance so there's a you know 0.1 or less gap between faces and it's applying then a bonded contact to them now we can adjust these prior to applying that automatic contacts so we could have come and in said well actually in reality they're all separation or separation and sliding and rather than a being point one it could be 0.5 now in this instance I'm somewhat happy with the results that we've got so I'm not going to worry about changing those and recreating them and in this case then it's just a matter of choosing the contacts that you want to modify so in this case I can group select as well a number of contacts and apply say separation and sliding to all four in one fell swoop so there's a the ability to be able to quickly go through you'll also see by hovering over the contacts it does bring up a visual representation of not only the parts or bodies that are being affected by it but then graphically on the screen the area of the model that that contact has been applied as well so you can see here that it's it's reasonably easy to go through and and navigate when you've potentially got hundreds of contacts that have been generated so in this instance I'm just going to make a couple of you know this generalized change at the bottom where we've got a separation no sliding the rest of them go I'm just going to leave as bonded may not necessarily be accurate I'm not overly concerned I'm really just trying to illustrate to you the procedure associated with making in and modifying these but beyond that we can then simply hit sole materials okay so the good thing is and I should highlight that is if I run a study and the you know the inputs required to be able to run it don't exist I don't have enough constraints or I haven't applied in like in this case a material then it will highlight that information to me as well you can also go through and you know turn on the models degrees of freedom as well so if you wanted to understand whether the part had too much flexibility then you can see that as well and it's a absolute using the degrees of freedom view is a good way of making sure that you're not over defining or constraining your parts as well which is one of the more common mistakes of first time simulation users okay so let's go back into our study materials and have a look and you can see here there's a nut that doesn't have a steel a material associated with it so I can go down and choose say steel if I wanted to as well I can make some changes to the other materials so maybe I want to change you know this one to aluminium and I'll change I won't get too wild I'll choose maybe another aluminium 5:05 two for the two bushings so we've made a couple of modifications to the materials hit OK we should be right now - just hit solve and you can see here it sound wanders previously the materials need to be added but now that we've got the materials it will run off and solve and you can see the one thing that you can actually see is this is taking a little bit longer so the more complex the model is the more such as more mesh more elements more nodes but also the addition of things like contacts that parts are interacting with one another the harder it is til the longer will take to solve these types of studies so here you can see we've got our study back and I'm not again concerned so much with results just more the you know the workflow associated with creating and modifying these constraints you can see here we've got our safety factor stress plots and the like so we can go in we can animate something like this so if we wanted to we can choose you know the number of steps hit play and it will then go and animate the displacement and stresses throughout a part you can see we can rotate around and it's interacting in the way that we would expect so the bolts which are bonded together are interacting in a similar way that we would expect in real life the parts pulling a away from the subsequent part but it's not allowing it to penetrate through all of the other parts are bonded together so the next step would be to maybe look at this and say okay the you know maybe a connection detail here we could refine that a little bit by modeling in the the geometry of the bolts and assigning that loads and constraints and contacts likewise up here maybe we would we would change the way that the contacts are being defined so rather than them being a bonded contact that we could have separation at no penetration on those as well so there's a range of things that looking at these deformation stress plots and working through the process of setting up running our analysis and then redefining it rerunning will enable us to do okay so let's say that's it for the static stress analysis so what I'm going to do let me just save that and then go okay we'll give that a moment whilst it's saving which is good okay so let's have a look at a couple of other different types of studies that we can run first I have a tuning fork here you can probably guess what I'm going to run how what type of study on a run here so we'll go to simulation study modal frequencies and go okay and we can quickly analyze this structure to understand what its natural frequencies are the really only thing that you need to do here is to set up the structure by constraining it so I'm going to add a fixed constrain on the bottom two faces to assume that it's being rigidly held at that location of those locations we can just simply go solve and it will then come back with a range of analysis some results you can see that we've got a number of different modes that are being analyzed and you can change the number of modes by going into settings so we've got eight modes but I could change that to ten or twelve I can also change you know the frequency range so on looking for say a range of the natural frequencies in a range of between a thousand and and 1800 Hertz then I can put 1000 and 1800 and it will only look at the specific normal modes in that range as well you know we can do things like turn on enhanced accuracy and the like one thing to note so we can switch between all of these modes the displacement plots of them so though the displacement plots show a max of 1 its unitless so the displacement that you're seeing is is only a visual or graphical representation of the expected modal shape at that at that frequency but it's not of the actual displacement okay and then finally then we can look at say a thermal study so in this case we've got a PCB a CPU a chip and then a heatsink and we won't want to run a quick thermal analysis where we can do that quickly and easily so I go into my study click thermal go okay again all of the material properties and so forth abroad over so we don't have to worry about that I am going to apply a couple of things firstly an internal heat onto the CPU it's going to be 39 Watts 39 39 go okay and and let's add a couple of other loads so the other loads that so the first load that I've applied is a load that's coming from the thermal output of that that chip but then we be able to dissipate the heat through a number of ways and the way that I want to show you is through convection because the heat is going to be then transferred into the what have we known two component the cooler and better then it's going to be dissipated through yeah so we can select all of the faces of this cooler and the way that I've done that is choose select all faces simply choose that body it'll run around and select all of those places I'm going to deselect that tool now because I actually need to turn off one face that we've selected and that's the bottom face of the the cooler because it's not subjected to atmosphere so I'm going to turn that one off let me just make sure that I've got deselected here we go and let's add some parameters here associated with this so I'm going to say the convection value is 30 the temperature value for ambient is 30 go okay I'll turn back on the other components this is also one thing I haven't talked about this is where you can suppress components so if your assembly comes in with components that you don't want to analyze you can simply turn them off you can hide them or turn them off hide them means they're still in the study turning them off or suppressing them means that they're removed from the study and then let me just apply one more thermal load convection will apply it to all of the faces of the PCB or the circuit board we'll choose the same parameters for this as what we did so 30 and 30 for the cooler and we'll hit run or solve and offer go nope there's no need to apply any other contacts or constraints there's actually no area to apply constraint in the thermal load because there's no need as a result it comes back and we've got the ability to be able to see temperature again we can use a maybe a slice plane to look at our design so we can choose maybe this plane here look at the part through the center there okay we can then attach some surface probes to our design okay we can interrogate these results very quickly very easily okay so what happens if we wanted to make a change to some geometry associated with this well it's very quick and easy for us to do because our simulation because it's incorporated in inside the one environment enables us to then switch back to the model environment and you'll find that in this case I've set up some parameters that are that define the height of the CPU cooler so in this instance all I have to do is change this from 13 millimeters to 15 millimeters I'm going to hit OK and you'll see it increase in size here it goes go okay and then we when we switch back to the simulation environment you'll note now that our mesh and our results are highlighting to us that they're both out of date the reason being is that the geometry has changed so the mesh doesn't accurately depict the geometry of our design and then furthermore the results then don't match because they don't match the mesh in the mesh doesn't match the geometry so what we have what we have to do here is simply hit Seoul and simply hitting solve will update the mesh to depict the geometrical changes of our design and then it'll rerun the study and calculate the the study outputs that we've requested so again you can see here that we've now got our second set of results we've retained things like our our slice plane all of our probes and like I said before we can come in and turn these on or off you know using a variety of different methods at our disposal okay so what I'm going to do actually before I move on if you want you can access these or share this information in a number of ways so in this instance and this is the same for the other type study types you can export the results in a report format so correct click report choose the studies that you want to incorporate give it a title and all far scription summary likes I can hit preview and then that will open up a hey Chi ml report showing all of the information associated with the stat up the type of study they're set up the element parameters that I've used or the mesh parameters the materials the constraints and load scenarios that I've applied the contacts if there are any and then result plots as well showing you safety factors stress first principle third principle online so there's a whole host of information that's created which is fantastic for keeping track of all of the change and the results that you're generating is part of these studies furthermore if you go inside your data panel you will find that some of this information can be accessed directly from a 360 as well so if we open up this model in a 360 and which is what I'm going to do at the moment so I've just opened it up directly from the data panel inside of fusion 360 which you'll bring up the file in a 360 again this case data could be shared with a customer or with a supplier or with you know parts of your development team then I can quickly come in here and then look at the results that I have previously and this includes you know the not only the original CAD geometry or you know modifications to Abbott simulation results as well so this is a recent enhancement and you can see here that we can see our study looking at the static stress analysis of our design looking at things like as a factor of safety von Mises stress displacement likes we can see values associated with them and of course then we've got the ability to be able to add things like markups to our design where we can mark up and provide feedback and say well you know maybe your analysis needs to be improved in this area or maybe you can look at changing the part design in this location add a gas adorable add some material thickness or look at the different type of material so we can quite quickly and easily come inside this environment and collaborate using our simulation results which is a very very very powerful tool okay so let's just quickly finish off our presentation for today the one more aspect of the presentation was specific around some of more recent updates I want to highlight a few of those to you so there's now a new onboarding experience I believe this was released in the latter part of last week you will find the ability to be able to choose the CAD experience that you want maybe you're coming from a different tool and you would like to you know customize fusion 360 to work in a certain way where you can do that and it also gives you access to a lot of the QuickStart tools that can get you up and running sooner rather than later also and we've talked about this was the addition of the thermal analysis capabilities to be able to run both thermal and thermal thermal stress studies so there's a range of new capabilities that have been added which are fantastic tools further to that there's also you know some of the modeling and geometry creation tools have been added to or improved and there is now things like associative offset which is a fantastic addition to this recent release and then no further to the collaboration aspect of using a 360 and the 3d web viewers there's been a number of enhancements in this area there's now the tools that enable you to do two-dimensional measure directly from the mobile apps the layout of the public share pages has been updated so you'll find that there are changes in those areas there you can now directly export to DWG format from your 2d drawings directly from the a360 site and furthermore you can now measure markup and redline directly with inside the 3d web viewer so again just adding to the collaboration as of using fusion 360 in conjunction with a 360 and then finally you'll find that there's now a new scene environments that enable you to create those realistic rendering some of your models so there's a whole bunch of new scenes that have been added to that to the environment area now this is just a snapshot of some of the you know the more interesting ones that I found you will find a complete list of the recent updates just by doing a quick search for fusion 360 what's new and otherwise I'll point out a few areas for further reading so if you're interested in finding out more cut you know collaborating with other fusion 360 users or with the development team you will find that the forum's is a fantastic way of doing that and there's a lot of interaction on the forums for the fusion 360 community and it is growing exponentially at the moment if you're wanting to keep a track of all of the changes and ways that people are using fusion 360 then the Twitter account or a desk fusion 360 is a fantastic way if you're on Facebook fusion 360 also have a channel there that you can funnel follow and you'll also find that the YouTube channel is a valuable resource for a lot of tips and tricks and highlighting functionality and the way that you can use fusion 360 furthermore if you're looking for some more local manufacturing related topics please follow the LinkedIn future of making things group it's a a great forum where we're talking about all kinds of technology and changes to industry that are affecting manufacturing across Australia and New Zealand specifically so and you're more than welcome to participate in that otherwise I'll just finish up by saying thank you for your attendance today my contact details are there I and see a couple of quick questions in the system but I'll answer those once I get off line and otherwise thank you for your time today and I hope to see you at a subsequent webinar in the next week or two
Channel: Autodesk ANZ
Views: 30,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fusion 360, fusion 360 simulation, thermal analysis, stress analysis, fusion 360 fea, modal analysis, fusion 360 whats new
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 13sec (3193 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2016
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