Fusion 360 MODELING EXERCISE - Creating a Wall Bracket

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whoo what's up guys Justin here with the fusion essentials comm back with another fusion 360 CAD modeling tutorial for you so in this series we're just gonna practice creating different shapes using fusion 360 so in this case I'm just gonna create a simple mount that you could screw to a wall and then it has a hole for like a pin or run through it or something like that but I really want to just kind of do some exercises or we practice using the different tools to create different things inside a fusion 360 so since this is a new seriously we comment below and let me know what you think about it now let's go ahead and just jump into it alright so for this video I don't want to get too complicated what we want to do is we're basically creating kind of a bracket that you can mount to a wall but it's got a hole in it that you could put some kind of a pin through or something like that so obviously it's just a practice object so it may not be a hundred percent practical but what we're gonna do is we're gonna start by just creating a sketch and then when we get into sketch mode and I'm gonna set this on the basically the red-green axis and I'm gonna start by drawing a circle with a radius or a diameter of one inch so I'm gonna draw a circle right here and then I want to draw another circle starting at the two inch point so if I draw a radius right here that means that now I've drawn this with a length between these two points of six inches so this overall piece is gonna be six or sorry three inches long so because the center of each one of these is a zero and at two so you've got an extra half inch here and a half inch here which gives you three inches so now what I'm going to do is I'm just gonna activate the line tool by tapping the L key I'm just gonna mouse over until I get this little intersection point on my grid right here and if you're not getting any grids and snaps you may want to activate the option for snap to grid you may also need to set your grid settings to either fixed or adaptive so fixed would allow you to set what your grid spacing actually was so let's say for example that you wanted this to be every if you wanted a grid to show up every inch or something like that you would set your major grid spacing to one inch and then your subdivisions would mean that this would be divided five times four major division in this case I'm just gonna leave it on adaptive and click on okay but we're gonna activate the line tool draw a line from this point to this point and also from this point to this point and so now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna come in here and I'm gonna trim off the rest of these circles so I'm just gonna activate the sketch tool and I'm gonna click on or I'm gonna look under the option for modify and I'm gonna click on trim I'm gonna click on each one of these points in order to trim this now I have a shape that's basically continuous around here and so what I want to do is there's two things I need to do I need to offset this curve outward in order to create the base and I also need to offset it inward to create this wall that we're gonna extrude up so we're gonna go ahead and activate the offset tool make sure the option for chain selection is turned on that means that when you click on this you'll get this whole circle instead of having to select each segment manually we're just gonna click on this and in this situation I'm assuming we're gonna offset this out probably we'll call it a half inch so I'm just gonna type in point five and hit the enter key so that's giving me kind of the width of my base then I also want to offset this in by we're gonna call this negative 1/8 by 1/8 of an inch and I'm gonna hit the inner the inner key in order to accept that as well so now we've got our shape roughed out enough that we can start creating all the parts and pieces that we need so to start off we're gonna click on the button for finish sketch and I'm gonna start by giving this some thickness and so to give this some thickness I'm gonna click on the extrude tool and I'm gonna select all of these different edges and I'm gonna extrude this down by we'll call it a quarter of an inch so negative 0.25 so that'll give me my base thickness in here one thing you're gonna notice when you do when you do that is your sketches went away and they're still in there but what happened is this automatically hid those sketches or the edges making up your sketch so I'm gonna go back into sketches and I'm gonna turn this on so that I can see those and so right now I have my base created well I also want to extrude this object and in this situation we're gonna extrude this up maybe we'll call it an inch let's say you can either set this so that it's a join operation meaning it's creating a new object or a new body or even a new component if you were gonna make this up of different pieces in this case these would probably be the same piece so there's probably not a huge reason to make it as a new component I'm gonna go ahead and create it as a new body only because that gives us more options to edit it in the future but then I'm gonna click on ok so then what we're gonna do is now what we have is we have our base and we have our walls that make up this base and so what I want to do is now I need to add in the holes for the screws as well as the hole for the pin opening so we're gonna start by adding the hole for the pin opening by clicking on create sketch and then I'm gonna mouse over this face and click on this face so I can start drawing my sketch right there I'm just gonna tap the C key in order to activate the circle tool and in this situation I can find this inner point pretty easily on a more complex object what you would do if you wanted to start something from this Center as you would mouse over this edge until you see the little triangle that means that you've moused over your center point and then you'd also mouse over this edge right here to find the triangle over here well notice when I move my mouse off of this I get this dotted inferencing line indicating this is inferencing off of that center point when I move my mouse to right here you can see I get the blue line here as well so you can see how I've found the center of this space using the center of these edges and I'm just gonna click right here to set my center point in my circle and I'm gonna set my diameter to be three-quarters of it and I'm gonna type in point seven five and hit the enter key and so now we've done is we've roughed out the location for our hole well now I want to extrude this hole somebody's gonna use the extrude tool I'm going to click on this I'm just going to click and drag this and notice that this turns red so that's fusion 360 seeing that you've intersected an object and a that you want to cut an opening if you wanted to create a pin or something like that we would probably use the new body function but in this situation we want to use the cut because all we're doing here is we're just creating our hole so this is now a hole that whatever can go through our pin so if this is like mounted to a wall or something like that we can put a pin on here now what we need to do is we need to add our screw holes so in order to add our screw holes what I'm going to do is I'm going to draw a sketch using the create sketch function and I'm gonna click on this face so when I click on this face I'm gonna get this top-down view that I can now use in order to set the location for my holes so in this situation what I want is I want to activate the C key and we're gonna do the same thing or we can find our midpoint by mousing over here and so in this case because we have our adaptive grid in here we can see pretty easily that this is the exact center point of this space so I'm just using the grid and notice how when i zoom out that kind of goes away and then I can't see where this center point is so what I want to do is I want to zoom in until my grid fills in and I can find this center point and alternatively you could measure the distance between this point and this point maybe using the inspect tool like this you can see how this tells you the distance and then when you did your sketch so if we go back to our top view you could draw like a little guideline based on your center point to 0.25 which would be halfway of that point five distance and then you could draw a circle based on that if your grid doesn't show you exactly where the center is so we're gonna go ahead and say this is going to be a and it doesn't really matter right now because I'm actually gonna use the whole tool based on these circles that I create so I'm just gonna make this a point one inch circle for right now and so then what I need to do is I need to do the same thing up here over here and over here so for this one because I'm not sure what the overall length is I'm gonna draw a line between these two points and then you can see how it's really easy for me to find that central point and we'll go ahead and set the diameter of this two point one and you could also use the mirror tool to do some of this if you wanted to model half of this because there's not a ton of additional work in here I wasn't really worried about that for this tutorial but again I'm just gonna draw a line right here and then I can use the center point of that line to find the center where my hole is going to go and I'm gonna click on finished sketch and so what you could do in this location is you could use the extrude tool to extrude these holes through this object but I don't want to do that I want to use the hole tool because the hole tool allows me the option to add like countersunk holes and other things like that so what we're gonna do is we're gonna activate the hole tool by finding it up here in our solid tool so we're gonna click on hole and then you're gonna notice what this is gonna ask us is it's gonna ask us if we want this to be at point meaning a single hole or from a sketch meaning we can select multiple holes well in this case I want to select multiple holes then I'm gonna click on sketch points and I'm gonna select all of these different points so you can see I can select all of these points just by doing this and obviously these are way too big but notice that you can set holes based on points doing this and so now what we're gonna do is we're gonna go in and we're gonna adjust the size of these different objects we're just gonna use some of the presets in here so for example for this one I want this to have a head width of a quarter of an inch so we're gonna leave this at a quarter of an inch and we can also set the distance of our counter bore and notice that you can also set this as simple if you set this as simple all you set is the diameter and then the depth and the angle here I'm gonna click on the button for counter bore so that I can actually create a countersunk head in here and I'm gonna put my counter sink or the depth of this head - we'll call it - maybe point one inches we'll do a sixteenth of an inch so notice that you can set the head depth the overall head width and also the width of the actual hole that's being created so in this situation for example I'm gonna bring this down to point one seven and click on OK notice that all of these now have the recess for the head they also have the size of the screw hole in the bottom now we're gonna click on OK so if we look at this you can see how what this did is this has created our screw holes in here for easy use so now all we need to do is we need to round off some of our edges so I'm assuming that we're gonna want this to be a little bit beveled so in order to do that you can just activate the fill up function up here and we can actually select our edge and have add a bevel so in this situation for example let's add a bevel of point we'll do a sixteenth of an inch again and so we've added a sixteenth of an inch bevel right here so now if we were to turn our sketches off you can see how this has a nice beveled off smooth edge and so notice right now that if we activate the Filat tool and then click on this edge it's only allowing us to do this on the inside not on the outside well the reason for that is because I selected the option for bodies earlier and I created this as a new body well because of that it's seeing this is a completely new object and so when I tell it to fill at the edge it's saying okay you want me to fill out this on the inside which isn't correct but it's not allowing me to fill it the joint right here so in order to fix that I'm gonna combine these into a single body so I'm just gonna click on the button for combined and I'm gonna click on this wall this object and click on OK and make sure this is set to join and we're gonna click on OK so now I can use the Phillip function and I can round this off a sixteenth of an inch the other way so I'm just going to type in 1/16 and hit the enter key you can see him now we have this object that has our parts and pieces where we want them and so now what I want to do is I'm going to create a quick drawing so before we create a drawing what we need to do is we need to save this so to save this we're just gonna go up you're here to save I'm gonna save this as CAD exercise 1 then what we can do is we can click this little drop down right here and we can go over into drawing mode we can go to drawing from design and it's going to give us a few options I'm gonna go ahead and create a new drawing we'll set the template from scratch we'll leave the sheet size is 11 by 17 you might do this as 8 and a half by 11 depending on what you're doing we're gonna click on OK we're going to go over into our drawing settings and so the first thing it's gonna ask us is it's gonna ask us to place our base view so in this situation that just means move your mouse and just click and so the first thing I want to do this base view is I want to change the orientation once I've set it so notice this is now in here and if I was to click okay you can click and move this around you can adjust it you can do whatever you want with it but what I want to do is I'm going to edit this view and I'm gonna set the orientation to top and then I'm also going to adjust the scale so maybe I'll do a one to one or you can even do it smaller than that you can do like a you can do like a two to one to make it bigger so we'll go ahead and leave it as a 1 to 1 for right now and we're gonna click on close so now what we have is we have a drawing that shows this object well let's say we wanted to add a couple different views here what we can do is we can go up into our drawing views we can click on projected view in order to create like an isometric or an ortho or theg on old view so you can click on this then it's gonna ask you for a parent view I'm gonna click on this one and I'm gonna move my mouse this way so I can now move this so that it's a hundred percent aligned with this other object and then really the same thing over here so I can click again to place another projected view and then finally I'm gonna move my mouse diagonally like this to place one more view then I'm gonna hit the enter key and so we've done is we've added three different views in here and so this view can be moved wherever you want it to go right I can place it right here and it'll be good to go you can right-click on it and edit it and you can set it up to be like a solid or an actual shaded view whatever you want that to be and then for these others notice that you can only move them along the axis that keeps them aligned with this object that's because these are actually in here these are aligned so that if you were to pull dimensions off of them or place gridlines or something like that all of this would actually be aligned so you can add a dimension say of you add a dimension right here you can add a dimension showing the radius of this circle or of these different objects you can also add a dimension showing things like the diameter so just by using this dimension tool you can add these different dimensions in here really quickly so that's permanent in this video leave a comment below let me know what you thought you find this helpful would you like to see more exercises like this I just love having that conversation with you guys if you like this video please remember to click that like button down below if you're new around here remember to click that subscribe button for new fusion 360 content every week as always thank you so much for taking the time to watch this I really appreciate it and I will catch you in the next video thanks guys
Channel: The Fusion Essentials
Views: 10,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fusion 360 tutorials, the fusion essentials, the fusion essentials tutorials, fusion 360 lessons, fusion 360 for beginners, getting started with Fusion 360, getting started autodesk fusion 360, autodesk fusion, autodesk fusion 360, autodesk fusion essentials, autodesk fusion 360 essentials, fusion 360 practice exercises, fusion 360 exercises, fusion 360 practice
Id: 2bUp0XVHu4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 24 2020
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