3D Printable Hinge in Fusion 360 tutorial

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hey guys come here impossibility safety tutorial I'd like to show you how to like moving him I got inspired by Angus from makers muse he made quite a few engines in another video I'll put the link down in the description but unfortunately I didn't find almost any tutorials on how to make hinges in 5360 so I decided I'll make that video for you at the end of this tutorial which should have hinge like this which is a moveable within all those frames has all the necessary tolerances and Stevie printable inflates so and just control the writing on this one if I have the component we can see we have one point which has an inner shaft and the other which has a hole in the middle for which the shaft oh so this is an inseparable joint once this is done you can very easily for example remove this midsection move it around and make it from it the hinge that you can actually clip out but that's for another time and I'm sure you can figure out this one so we're gonna start by clicking start by creating in this project but I'll save it going we're going to start by sketching the full file of this thing so I want to create a sketch a rectangle since it's from the profile I'll get on the XY plane so the profile if you hav back so and I want to draw a circle which is going to be the reason John so select the midpoint that's for the finding same on the excess material by the way I am showing it to you all that you want so that spirit amusing normally I'd be using short for flight BC L which are either at regular so let's put some dimensions and constraints on this right now if I move it all it works nicely actually but just to be sure let's make a circle tangent tangent this flying motion hmm this line and into the semicircle thank you we can add some dimensions to make so that actually let's say 15 millimeters and we can have a 5 minute now we're actually the shaft and the alcohol so because this is going to have a some tolerances we're going to create two concentric circle one two let's not mention them so the outer ones say this is five millimeters we can add a custom 3.5 anyone we want to die mention me to be just enough so that there's nothing else for it to move I found out that all my sitters 3d it's a point three millimeter so because this is the diameter we take the outer circle diameter just click it minus 2 times the prominence which is 0.8 I think so and last I want to create the line through here which is going to represent the actual body so we're done with a sketch you ready to start extruding so step one how we're actually going to do this I'll show you on that one we're going to exclude one this profile then we're going to extrude the shaft and the rest of the body and we're going to mere it on the other side so step one exclude the whole thing sizes are sort of arbitrary so if I exclude it I like three for their total body if I get into the sketch it's time I'll know what let's do the shaft and the body so once again I've had a clear screwed and this time it's the half line so I want the inner shaft lengths to be ten millimeters but it has to be minus the length of this so that's half of it five millimeters plus 3/8 so don't I can't into simple math so once again committing it is plus half length is there anything and capping isn't a good idea let's join that there we go alternative negative just extruded five millimeters in the other direction Oh dopey so here we have half of the profile now we just need to do it again sign just like for anything else you could make this joint in million ways you could also instead of learn this you could just move copy rotate and action I found Milligan Cleese construct an offset play on either of these two faces okie dokie then we're going to create a mirror of bodies not get the mirror at this one and the mirror plane is drawn just created so now we have the whole thing we can modify it and combine it and we can create audio for the component the reason one components is so that we can create joints on the taken me half way so let me find this component now we want to create the other shell I'm sorry for its point to the penetrating here and not being able to rotate I you leave Steven 3:16 a window now I'm on a Mac to listen to me properly so this time we're gonna start by screwing the inner body and then extracting these excluding these occupy so this is actually very simple we just take this and out the back this inertia let's say this mid circle is all in ministry on excluded this our tolerance donaga me even I said I want the inside 10 millimeters the mark you know you are already starting to noting that I will have a problem later on which I'll fit in just a bit now I'm going to extrude this face upwards and if I do it now it's going to join it in the body which I don't want half pound so I'm going to fill it up please and I want - 3 millimeters to the other direction I'm going to label the body see if I have to join in there I wouldn't be able to read on the other side I could have also just 5 millimeters on this about the same way but to show you another way to do this we can construct a big plane I'm gonna select the outer flange of this inner body it's a mid plane and now barley we can mirror the side objects over the mid-back so the body combine anything it's the component body part define you can find the construction plane which does align their that spit just drawing a balance your two beautiful bodies so I shall not be a component after this the two components which we can attack with joints don't let me move them just a bit out of the way so you can see if you have any modify mode we want to tie them together with joint or assemble joint so quickly for those who don't know how joints work first Buffett is always select your motion type you know accusatory this revolute that means it rotates only around one axis next select the component you want to move to the other so we want this cylinder to be rotated upon by this whole chunk it's like the midpoint order the same way here I'm gonna select the myth of the cylinder it'll go through each other and show it to us beautiful that's exactly how we want it well but we move down back into the bobbin to assemble a bit much work and it will contact you to allow the physics so they should not mention you to the language stable contact okay let's say we Brown one component so we can beautiful so let's see if meaning the problem we have an inner tolerances of the circles so those will be to finish together and Phoebe friend however we did not leave any tolerance over here so these things will actually choose in three differential there are a few ways we can bend this one would have been I could have started by creating a sketch on the XZ or the Y Z plane and create a line extrusion here but the easiest quick fix at this point and just to go back to the first first experiment isn't it I did it and because we not the following six point three instead of extruding for three millimeters understand extrude minus point three in the images and with X our father on the South you have tolerance is everywhere kneading it moves around and the last part two is definitely look we need to add some elects so I'm just gonna select for all these faces I mean 30 face no that's a it's for I'm not sure whether it's a British Iron Age nonetheless I'm gonna select all four I'm making modifying limit and put it so that it looks statically feeling there we go I like that so there we have it how to make your in place into the feet joint ideally before printing you actually want to align beautiful I know you need to now do it well that way know so one last trick because it doesn't want to join the two bodies like this their picnic we can right click at the top level of the project and saving this PL and here you get the one we actually want it doesn't give up the preview image so it's a lot faster and you can write listen before your print utilities such as see this simplified video review so thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed this video and see you next time
Channel: Mae Nova
Views: 82,018
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hinge Fusion360 inplace 3D
Id: UvY4laqJZPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2017
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