Modeling a Shoe in Fusion 360

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hi this is how to model some stupid shoes or whatever using fusion 360 alright so before we begin have got a couple disclaimers first very little effort was put into the design process of this shoe so the focus here won't be on design also this is the first year I've ever tried to make so I've made some mistakes and I'll try to call them out as we go and finally I should also note that this is not meant to be a comprehensive step-by-step guide to shoe modeling I just wanted to share some modeling techniques that I've seen some people use but not very many people talk about so hope it's helpful and let's begin all right so I started by bringing in a model of a foot I think it got this graphic grab CAD if you have an SAT or a step file in any kind of surface or solid model you have to upload it to your project folder and then you can open it that's what this guy is right here and what I'm doing here is I'm scaling this rotating it making sure that it's in the right orientation and scale for what I'm working with and you can also create a sketch with dimensions to check and see if the dimensions are correct and here I'm going to do an on proportional scale to scale it to the dimensions that I just created and when we were done messing around here we're going to export this as an STL file you can do that by right-clicking on the body and say save as an STL and save out the meshes low-resolution because we're only going to be using this as a reference so here in a new file we're going to import our foot that we just exported to do this you need to create a base feature and then you can go insert and you can insert your STL file that's this guy right here we're going to do a couple checks here to make sure that's in the right orientation it actually wasn't in this particular case I actually had to rotate this so that the top is top four on this front all that stuff so you will only be able to manipulate this mesh when you're in the base feature once you get out of the base feature this will be kind of a lot object in your in your model tree so it's best that if you have to do any manipulation or modification to this mesh file you do it while you're still in the base feature and here I'm just rotating this guy into place so when we're done with all that we're going to exit our base feature and then we're going to start creating the model so we're going to start our model by entering the sculpt environment and we'll start by creating a plane that is 1 by 1 face we're going to just use this and we're going to manipulate this until we create the base of the shoe giving the first plane into place and now I'm just alt dragging and creating the the ring around the ankle and bridging the end here continue to manipulate the top and then we're going to alt drag down kind of getting the rough shape to start with or just welding when necessary and bridging when necessary now we're just close enough to bottom so some people would probably like to create this model using starting with a box and then it manipulating the box and that's that's okay I just tend to like having a more direct manipulation so I start with a plane so now I was just tweaking the vertices and making sure that the form is what we want and that this can be as long or as short of a process of you as you would like to be quite honest I would have rather spend a little bit more time here because this ultimately is what's going to define the end shape of the shoe so if you get this right then the the better this you will be it would have also been nice to have found a cleaner topology for this mesh ultimately the topology is what's going to determine the cleanliness of the resulting surface after we exit this sculpting environment and here I'm just continuing to manipulate trying to get these things into shape here I switched over into the different display mode this is polygonal mode so I can check and see how the the underlying mesh is actually shaping up manipulating some things here to make sure that the vegetable result in a clean surface and when we're done we're just going to turn it back into smooth mode and just continue tweaking here and then when we get out of sculpting mode we have our surface now if we go into patch mode we can go in here we can flip the normal so we can see it correctly and then create a copy of the surface body so that we can keep our original intact while we continue to model and now I'm going to go back into creating another tooth blind body in this case we're going to create a feature for trimming out the top of the shoe just going to insert an edge here this at this point up here so that get a little bit tighter curvature also going to create a cleanup here to trim out the top section and now when we exit the sculpt environment we're going to try and trim out actually made a mistake here I didn't that there was a portion of this body that didn't intersect so that it go back into the teeth spline body and manipulates that it intersected now we're just trimming out some of the sections and again this is trimmed off of the copy of the original body that we made the original body is still intact we're just going to make another copy of it we're going to make another layer of the shoe do kind of a similar thing we can actually see the other body in this view so we're going to use that as a reference but you know manipulate this so that it goes a little bit further out again I'm going to use this to trim out this layer and that's the tongue and now we're going to use a thickened command to thicken the tone make this into a solid body just moving the face down fill it in the edges you we're taking the first layer now we're going to create an offset of the original surface we're going to start creating the next layer of the shoe using some of the references we already have for trimming out some stuff now we're going to go back into the sculpt environment create some more surfaces for trimming out this particular layer just trim it out this layer going to thicken this layer as well I didn't like how the resulting body turned out so I actually going back and editing this this sculpt it's the benefit of having this be parametric it's making some quick tweaks here trim this guy out so I'm adding a couple Phillips here but in the end these are actually gonna be hidden so ultimately these don't really matter all that much so there were a couple things that didn't quite like so I'm just going back into the history tree and making a few changes cleaning up the curvature a little bit a couple things broke in the history so I had to go back in and fix them but turned out okay you and now we'll offset the original body again for the outer layer go back into our sculpt environment create a new sculpt and now we're going to create our trimming surface for this outer layer so I started this particular one with creating a sketch on the side view and necessarily the spline which in the end actually turned out to be kind of a mistake because I'm trying here to create some lines at a reference to a single center point but what happens is when I go back in here and they trim all the references end up getting lost so the spline geometry that I created when I reread this to the center point it all kind of gets broken so what I ended up doing is just deleting all the spline profiles extending these lines creating new splines and then trimming them out you'll see that in the minute here again kenny kanita is in position using angular constraints now going back in here with the spline and here's where we're going to start trimming them out now this top spline here this also turned out to be kind of a mistake because I ended up not even trimming out the top with a a spline from this direction but I went from the top view and trimmed out from the top view in the end and now we're just trimming out all of our geometry here now that this is actually bad practice what should be happening is I should have used the untrimmed geometry and created a new sketch that references it so we could go back and edit if we wanted to but I was impatient so here I'm just extruding this profile and the T spline body I'm selecting the bottom edges and I'm uncreate these so that they become a soft profile I'm going to be adding another segment through the center so that I can have a little tighter tighter curvature and since these shoes are asymmetric I'm actually going in here and selecting both sides and kind of moving these to the corresponding positions at the intersection point so now we get out of our t spline body we use these guys to trim out the outside surface that we created before and here's where I realized that I should have trimmed out the top from the top view so what I'm actually doing is I'm modifying the teeth blind body to kind of be over built so that when it trims this grate goes all the way across and now I'm going to go in and create a new teeth blind body for trimming out the top view and now we're going to create yet another T spline body so that we can trim out from the top this is the same as we did from before a better way to go about this would have probably been to create one master geometry for the top profile and then use offsets for each layer that way if I went back and I wanted to change the profile of the top cut profile for any of the layers it would all be referenced from each other but I was trying to go as quickly as possible so I went for a more direct approach you so there we have the outside surface of the shoe now we're going to start thickening this and then adding some detail you so we're going to be creating some piping along this top edge so what I'm going to do is I'm going to create a plain on path I'm going to create a circular profile on that that plane and then I'm going to sweep along that top edge I'm going to combine that with the body below and to make a couple of tweaks here because it actually coincided with the inside edge that's creating that so not so happy geometry there we're just going to fill it some of the edges you now we're going to create some hollow piping on the outer layer for the shoelace to go through now this is probably one of the bigger mistakes that I made on this model because what's going to happen is I'm going to have to create swept profiles for each of these individual sections and what I could have done is made one single sweep along the whole entire top edge before the cuts from the side that way I would have only had to do this once and not ten times or whatever I have to do here you and now I'm going to go in and make a few extensions so that they go a little bit further beyond the cuts from the side selecting all these moving these out I think it was like 0.2 millimeters or something like that I'm just doing a shell here selecting both sides so it goes all the way through and now I'm just combining these with the outside with the outside body I wanted to make this outer layer just a little bit thicker so I went back into the history and I made this about half a millimeter thicker and then when this builds it's actually going to break quite a few things but I'm just going to go back and edit some of these features to fix it it actually wasn't too bad making sure all the Philips build correctly and now we're going to be adding a few extra Phillips to the the trims from the side this one's a little bit more finicky some some of these I had to go around and select all of the individual segments if I built the very original surface and a cleaner away with the cleaner topology this wouldn't actually be an issue but this is a quick workaround by just selecting all of the individual segments and here I'm just quickly changing the appearance of one of the bodies just so that I can use it as a reference for the next step of the modeling process I'm going to create a quick spline profile and use this to trim out the top section here I hid the tongue here just to make sure that didn't cut through that as well and again we're creating an another plane along a path for our next sweat profile and sweep along that edge and actually went back and edited the sketch a little bit so that it did more what I wanted to do I cut out one of the sides so that I could fill it this and add the detail that I wanted you and here I'm just going to change the color real quick to make sure it matches up with the layer of the shoe and now we're going to begin working on the sole if I were to do this again I probably would have done this a lot earlier on in the modeling process and that way I could have matched some things a little bit better but here I am I'm creating a sketch from the top view this is going to be extruded in the t-spline body the spline actually doesn't have to be that accurate because you're going to end up tweaking it quite a bit here we're just moving everything and trying to make sure that the intersection between this surface and the outer surface of the shoe match up in a nice way that's the trickiest part is really trying to figure out how these guys match up you now we're going to move everything down just a little bit because we're gonna over build and then trim out the bottom just went into a wireframe view to see how much room we have underneath of the body of the shoe creating a sketch for the side profile trim you're just tweaking this spline here I'm going to extrude this and then modify it a little bit so that it matches up with the bottom of the shoe you and now we're going to leave our sculpting environment start making some preliminary trims and see how things actually ended up matching up I'm taking the original surface off setting that I'm going to be using this to trim the the top of this top of the sole is using the trim tool check out the bottom drill at the top and then we start seeing our geometry which at this point is pretty wonky so we're going to go back in the history a little bit and modify the t-spline body and we're just going to continue to modify this thing until we until we get to a point where we're happy with all the intersections here I'm just doing the quick measurement using a line from the side view and here's I'm continuing to edit the side profiles here I'm noticing that the tangency ZAR actually starting to break so i actually go in there in the vertex mode and linking all the handles on the for the outside edges this is one of my most aggravating things about T splines I would actually rather have them always be linked and I figure out a way to deal with them otherwise but so be it and just continuing to go around and modify these profiles you know when we're finally happy with these we'll combine all of the surfaces together knit them together create a solid body you and now we're going to begin working on the detail of how these guys combine with the main body of the shoe is going to create a side trim profile going to create a offset of again our original surface body and use that to merge with the bottom of the shoe I'm just using this to trim out that that body thickening this surface here and then I'll combine this with the sole that we've created I'm just adding some fill it's at the front edge here kind of make it merge together a little bit better fill it in the side adding some final radii here and as I was looking at this and viewing this from the side view I decided that it was too flat not to be completely flat so I'm just taking this trim body and flattening this guy out so now the main portion of our soul is more or less done at this point and we're just going to begin to add some details on the bottom you so for creating the detail on the bottom of the shoe first we're going to copy some of the reference geometry that way you've used before for example the bottom trim profile and now we're going to create a sketch from the bottom and we're going to just going to offset some of the geometry that we have so I'm going to offset this they're going to trim out some of the top okay so note what the offset to go all the way to the top and I'm going to create a spline and unfortunately I couldn't get this to be tangent with the offset geometry so I'm just going to eyeball it and then fill up the hell out of it and Here I am creating those those big fill it's kind of combining that together just creating a couple offsets here and then we're going to extrude this geometry as a new body we have a couple of these going in both directions I'm going to be using some of our reference geometry to trim out the top and the bottom of this making sure the AUSA isn't too much so that goes through the shoe we are splitting the body and then we're just going to remove the top and bottom sections that we don't need for defining part of how we're going to cut the soul I'm actually going to take some of this geometry copy it and move it around a little bit and then we're going to use this to trim out the top of this particular section get it into place and then we're going to split it and then great going to remove it and you can see here that there's a little bit of an issue at one of the sections is cutting a little too high it's actually cutting through the sole so just modifying that profile and that's fine now we're going to create the tread detail I'm starting by taking some of the geometry that we have and projecting that on to our current sketch we're going to be using this to trim out the edge of some of our sketch geometry that we're gonna make so just creating one profile and then I'm going to create a radial pattern from a point that we're going to create right there specify the angle and the amount and then we're going to extrude all of these profiles so select all these profiles and extrude in both directions and now we're going to use our reference geometry to trim off the top and bottom like we do before after splitting we'll go in there and select all of the geometry that we want to remove from the model and say remove and then we can combine this and then do a Philip do all that around here do some final detail Phillips and that's about it for the Soul you so now we're just going to create the detail for the back seam of the shoe we're just referencing doing the offset of the original geometry trimming off a couple sections and then we will trim the back and thicken it just doing a quick trim here turn both sides we have our back detail we thicken this guy do a couple Phillips and that's about it for that I'm just going back and making a couple changes to the radii here so now we're going to start work on the laces I'm just going to be creating a t-spline body to reference the center point of the lace so we're going to create this geometry trying to keep as close to the center of the pipes as possible again adjusting both sides so here we have a reference geometry and I'm going to go in there and create a sketch from the top view and I'm just going to be using a spline and going through all of these and I'm going to terminate it toward the end of half of the path and I'm doing this because if we create a single line the intersections will actually cause problems in the future so I'm going to create two separate spline entities you and just making sure that our sketch goes beyond our reference geometry now we're going to create a split line on two copies of our reference geometry so we end up with two reference geometries with the spline profile that we created in our sketch and now I've created a separate sketch and I'm including the 3d geometry of each of these two and now we have our spline profile or a 3d spline profile that goes around the whole thing and now we're going to go into sculpt mode and create pipes based on these sketches so now we have T spline bodies that use that underlying sketch now we're going to go in there and we're going to tweak this T spine body to make sure that it is on the center of each of these sections and now we're going to be working on the overlap of the laces and it's going in there double-clicking the rings and getting rid of some of the profiles so it's easier to edit I'm just moving up the center section you and now we'll exit the sculpt mode flip the geometry if necessary we're going to change the color of these guys to black to see if there's any overlap or anything that's poking through and there are there's a couple of these so I'm going to go back into the T spline body and edit this a little bit make sure that nothing pokes out looks pretty good except for a couple at the top which I'll end up editing a little bit later and now I'm just creating an offset plane from the top plane this is going to represent the ground and now I'll create a sketch on the top plane just a quick spline and then I'm going to use the Move command to turn this into a 3d spline just taking the these segments moving them up trying to match these guys as close as possible try and make these splines look a little bit natural but I don't know if I succeeded in that or not you you and when we're finally if you happy with these splines we'll use a pipe command again create both sides and now go in and combine these with the other the other geometry here just use the bridge command and then started to edit do the other side here actually using a weld vertices command on this side I found is a little bit easier and then I'm just capping the ends here so that they could turn into solid geometry making a few extra edits to this top profile you and here we're just going to create a couple quick planes at the end of these laces so that we can create the little hard caps at the end of the laces you you and now the shoe is mostly done the last thing I want to do is add some stitching detail so I'm going to again offset the original base geometry to the outside create a sketch from the the side view and then just start sketching wherever I want the stitching to be now a much smarter way to have done this would have been to just take some of our original reference geometry and offset it use that as a trim profile but when I was doing this I wasn't quite sure what I wanted to do with the stitching so I just kind of started sketching this is where I ended up you so that's the first half but since our shoe is not symmetric we're going to copy this to the other side it's going to create another sketch and start going at it from the other other direction modifying our profile to match the second half you we're going to extrude each half separately do the other side do all the trims that I had on the other side on this side - I didn't really do this side right because it doesn't quite match the other half but oh well I'm just going to add some Phillips to the top edges of these surfaces and now we're going to trim out the center section of our reference geometry and use that to trim out so this is most of the way down but what I want to do is I want to merge and loft from one side of these to the other so this is one one surface that way when I create the sweep that goes around here it goes around the whole thing not just half there are some bad geometry at the bottom so I just trimmed it off who has lazy creating a plane along the path sketching on that surface initially I was actually going to create real stitches and create a pattern along the path but it ended up not quite liking it and crashing the computer so I just said screw it and swept along the whole entire path and that's pretty much the end of the model there's some other things we can do which I'll show you in a minute here but here's our entire thing we're going to delete all of a reference geometry at the end just so it makes a cleaner file I can add some materiality to it and then if we want we can go into render mode and render this guy in Fusion I'm not a particular fan of the render quality of fusion but we can if you want to and in it here I'll show you how to bring this guy into a external renderer get a little bit higher quality renders out of it and just really quick I'm going to show you a couple things you might want to do with this model I'm just going to create an offset plane from the side view and then you can create a mirror to the other side so you can have a left and a right shoe that's one thing you can do with it you can right click and you can export any of these bodies as an STL file you can also export obj files from Fusion but it's a little bit tricky you have to go into base feature and then convert the solid body into a mesh and then the obj export option will be available to you you you can also create create a quick photo studio by creating a ground plane and then creating a back surface and then fill it in that to become an infinity plane make sure this is curvature continuous otherwise when you render you're going to see a curvature break now I'm just creating a couple large planes to be used as softbox lights for the studio move these around into position wherever you want them you can extend the sky add a little bit in there here our studio so I'm going to export all of these bodies and since I'm using octane I need to export obj files but I find the easiest way to do that is actually to export STL files through mesh mixer and use mesh mixer to create obj files if you want to export a solid or surface file you can just export a SAT or a step file very easily you can also if you have programs like 3d studio max you can bring in the entire scene into that with just one file rather than what I'm doing here which is creating each individual file for each part so that's all of our parts and now we're just going to bring these guys in to octane going to link these guys up into a single scene and after we put some ugly textures on there we have our final shoe you
Channel: name notimportant
Views: 283,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fusion 360, shoe, cad, tutorial
Id: hRwdzwYd5iU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 19sec (3439 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2016
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