So I Tried Palworld's Boss Fights..

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today I'm going to fight some of the end-game bosses uh I got I'm level 45 ooh what's in here I I didn't go down here what in the [ __ ] what's this [ __ ] ass doing over here oh bro bro I rolled this out the big egg I I rolled this out the big egg bro yep there it is I I got the red boy Red Gyarados yep he's got ferocious he's [ __ ] angry all right so I guess what I'll do is I'm going to go ahead and uh we're going to start with uh Ramen these nuts and then uh we'll go from there I'm going shoot him right in the head come here come here [ __ ] okay that didn't really do anything all right ooh that was that actually hit me okay come on get on look at big Damage Big Damage Big damage bro he's destroying him look at that damage holy [ __ ] he's out of control bro he's level 42 he's destroying level 44 dude I think this guy doesn't even care there it is I didn't want that to happen Dark Laser let me throw something away okay great um oh I need to make more space for ore too uh I guess I'll get rid of the wood Jesus man dark wait yeah what the [ __ ] fall asleep yesterday is this a new Pokemon no it's not I didn't catch them all my my guy like this dude is AB like this guy look look look Bro Look oo he's not [ __ ] around kill him all yeah he got lucky I know I might get this up stacked all right so my goal really is I want to get I think I need to get 46 right you have to get 46 for that this helmet I want to make this helmet and oh I got one of these bro I got a boss level of one of those and you know what he rolled pacifist he's [ __ ] useless yeah is that awesome lock of the assault rifle you want me to go make the assault rifle I bet it's probably going to be bad cuz like I mean I just feel like my guys are so good anyway I don't even need to do anything it's sick I don't know if it is man let me see I'm going to get over to here let me get speed wagon back out okay we're going to fight I found this guy over here too let me look around here I need I think one more green boy where are the green boys should I try to just kill these guys I'm might do it damn that was [ __ ] garbage Bro [ __ ] this I'm gone I'm actually gone bro like I'm out I'm out lightning versus Earth well it would have been fine if it double hit him but it didn't I'm going to get that egg oh wait no I'm not my inventory is full there's a cave like right here I'm going to go do the cave today I also bought the pattern for legendary balls I'm looking around to see if there's another one of those green boys like I only need one of them man that's all I need there it is we did a little grinding I did a lot of grinding actually uh I was playing a lot and this should allow me to fully max out my uh my capture power I'm just looking around around to see if there's anything else I should go after here capture power is bugged um what does that mean is it bugged in a good or a bad way course ammo I don't care about that in a bad way wow what a surprise okay I was hoping there'd be like a boss out here or something there's got to be a boss out here somewhere right I forgot if I did all these or not gotcha [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] you it's a 50% chance what the [ __ ] is this that's what I thought I do need more that's what I thought okay so there's nothing over this way oh oh I'm maxed out now this one is Runner I might go back and get him okay let me go back over and I'm going to find the boss and then I'm going to teleport over and we'll get ready to fight the next thing capture Effigy bug is whenever you use memory memory reset drug it's fixed though okay well I'm going to go get my next level anyway so that should help me out I also got a uh an uncommon po armor uh upgrade too which should help okay I got a blue version of that too out of an egg it lowers your catch rate no it doesn't [Music] o damn a red boy okay just looking around to see if there's anything I missed you know before I fight the next boss get the shotgun um I've used the shotgun a little bit I think it's really good but I feel like the best weapon is the sword because it just has like a lot of durability and it's free to use so like in my opinion I think that's the best one there any more bosses I'm not seeing any of them damn there's a lot of these [ __ ] chests huh holy [ __ ] I guess I can just I'm going to just go get these guys right now [ __ ] ass got it do I need the other one yeah I do Jesus bro he's going to kill my [ __ ] bird I'm running wait oh he's starving oh no Jesus how many [ __ ] foods does he need put these over here okay that seems like that's all the food that I have oh I have more berries Jesus what a what a fat loser how much do these upgrades give you oh let's go over here lucky sound no no that was just for looting that's all wait did I hear it no okay we'll go over this one it's bugged it lowers drop rate no no they said that was a bug only with the update uh or sorry with those reset things I didn't do a reset thing so it shouldn't be a problem for me okay PDF Tower okay I'm going to go over here and sell some of my guys okay PDF I need to read no no I just need to sell like probably I'm going to sell like 20 or 30 of them why is my bird so fast uh because he's uh literally his name is literally speed wagon of course he's going to be [ __ ] fast what do you expect are these any good oh wow these really suck dick huh I could buy one of these but like I don't really know if it's worth the money okay let's sell them um I'm going to sell this one because he's stupid we're going to sell this one cuz he's stupid and I don't like oh no this one I actually was going to make a an army of suicide bombers and so I think I'm going to keep them for now uh this one could do more damage this guy oh I can I can disenchant him muscle head this one's actually actually no this one's kind of good I might keep him uh this one is garbage this one's also garbage we'll look for ones with red let's look for ones with red bottomless stomach yeah we don't want a fat boy here uh unstable Glutton over relaxasaurus they're so fat we'll get rid of that one too get rid of these things they're stupid um this one's kind of cool I might hold on to him what happened to speed bacon I renamed him because I kept calling him speed wagon so I just renamed him to speed wagon I just figured like I mean why am I why am I trying to go against this whenever it's clearly meant to be and then oh I got all these like really shitty ones these are are so useless we're going to sell all of them okay aeri we don't need that garbage um Brun Cherry okay all right I think I've gotten rid of a lot of them at this point that should be enough for now oh we'll sell two of the sheeps too we don't want these let's see oh these things are stupid too I don't like them this one's ferocious no no no actually I might keep this one it does work wow this guy's a real loser look at him he's getting sent over to KFC okay all right we've gotten rid of a lot of them now we'll go back over and get everything ready to fight some of these bosses getting sent to the glue factory yeah it's just the way it is guys okay actually while I'm here I'm just going to take all the ore over from my other bases okay um I'll take that stone as well okay good and we have one more base use falope yeah well I don't need to do that because I have um Jesus bro like what the [ __ ] they're going ape [ __ ] okay uh next we'll go back to the main base sell Anubis for hidden achievement why would I sell Anubis he's really good okay um get rid of that and we'll get rid of this perfect it's a hidden achiev I don't give a [ __ ] Oo we got two big green boys here all right let's see how everything else is going just breed him oh I'll get more of them don't worry uh I have mine working on getting all the stone because I just need a lot more Stone right now like that's one of the biggest things that's holding me back is I'm actually thinking of like getting another like high mining skill character to do more [Music] Stone okay put all that away put all this away and then Emerald I'll get rid of that and we'll put these in here there that's good okay and I just put all my eggs in here I put all my eggs in one basket okay so all this should be good all right let's open up our first big egg here we go oh let me get another big boy too huge verdant egg all right let's see what the next one is not bad yeah it is it's bad and do I want to make more of these I need to get more of these paladini Frags ments that's what I really need to work on okay there that's a good start okay and let's see here all right we got their second big egg let's see what it's going to [Music] be come on you [ __ ] bonus bonus bonus come on okay so so we've got how many red boys do we have we have 86 red boys um we really need to get up to that 40 46 so I can make this [ __ ] helmet I could should probably make the assault rifle yeah assault rifle ammo ain't cheap yeah I see that I think right now we just need to focus on getting to the next level uh that should be like our main priority everything else should be secondary to that so let's go over here and we'll fast travel back over and let's go get this [ __ ] bird yeah let's just go [ __ ] this [Music] bird where is he over this way let's go bro we're going to bring out Robin Robin quill and just he's just going to destroy this [ __ ] bird where is he where is this stupid [ __ ] is that him no it's too small I do need to loot more of these where is he where'd he go wa is that even him it shows him as non- Elite should I go after him that's not him okay where's this [ __ ] look at the map I literally went to there he wasn't there [Music] that was him I think that was him too man cuz he's like way higher level than all the other ones I really think that was him and he was bigger too oh I knew it I knew it okay here we go he's fire what o [ __ ] get [Music] [ __ ] that's the big attack what what how he hit me Jesus Christ that's a lot of damage how speed I can doing I'm going to wait for one more attack okay get off get off get off there it is nice nice nice nice big damage [Music] ooh oh [Music] let's turn around get off do it again you [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] you were too far away hit him again hit him with the big combo bro come on hit him with the big combo what do you you're actually about to die one more there okay good okay um should I try to just get him low myself what do you guys think I mean he's already down like on 200 Health it shouldn't take that long Jesus I'm going to get closer I'm going to take this [ __ ] out [ __ ] it we're going in on him now come here [ __ ] come here you fat piece of [ __ ] oh now he's afraid there we go it's the Elden Lord at work all right all right all right here we go nope another one 5% 5% it's 50% 5% it's 50% 50% egg come on come on give it to me 50% ball on me not egg I'm going to get get right here this is me this is me this is me right here this is me this one's me right here I get it I get it right here here we go this is me right now I'm going to get it 100% 200% 300% % [ __ ] you I've only used a few balls F he's trying to do I'm trying to get him the ball bro I'm trying to get him the ball come [Music] on Lord come on come on get in the ball get in the B get in the ball get in the ball oh I got hit get in the ball get in the ball you piece of [ __ ] oh you piece of [ __ ] oh you dick sucker oh you dick sucker oh you dick sucker had to use 20 balls this is disgusting I'm I'm actually I'm actually mad no I'm actually mad I'm mad I'm I'm this is this is [ __ ] man how do I fail at 30% seven times [Music] come on man get in the [ __ ] ball get in the [ __ ] ball [ __ ] you finally I'm going to get it here this is ridiculous how is this happening to [Music] me I I used 40 balls 40 balls are you [ __ ] kidding me this is that's it I'm going I'm going back to base after this I'm going back to base I'm I'm I'm I I'm I'm going back to base bro I'm I'm going to make I'm going to make big balls I'm making legendary balls after this see like I I wouldn't mind if it failed it but like you have to fail the second one that says 30% you're failing the the 30% like fine you want to fail the 5% that's [ __ ] fine but you fail the 30% what the [ __ ] is this I I'm using 40 [ __ ] balls [Music] is this a joke I what the [ __ ] is going on this is insane I swear to [ __ ] God yeah I'm not going to get him I'm not going to get I'm not going to get yeah [Music] [Music] what he's not even good and he's not even good now I need to go get more balls this is disgusting I got to get more of these got to get a lot more of these I can't believe this man yeah I can't believe this would happen to me I'm no I'm going to get I I'm I'm just going to get I don't want to think about it let me just just go back is it worth it no [ __ ] idiot going to need a lot more more of these guys how many balls was that about 60 60 balls those balls suck from now on anything that's above level 42 we're going to use a big ball on okay like I I realize what the problem is is we need to go and use bigger balls because right now this is just it it's just where's Anubis where's Anubis where is he where's theis okay you come here I'm going to work make the balls see how fast that is okay we are going to make legendary balls we are making 12 legendary balls okay we're going to go in we're going to do what we need to do and we're going to make Ultra Balls too we're doing big balls oh my God this base is literally 10% efficiency I need to just burn it down I really do need to just burn down this base just destroy it the entire thing then I'm going to go over here we just need paladini fragments I think I make oh I've only got I've only got eight fragments why why do I have eight fragments who's this useless [ __ ] loser give me a minute I'm getting rid of him who has better watering dman tide Oh you mean the thing I killed so I can't use it is that the one that has really good watering that's it okay got it all right I'm going to go get another one it's fine not worried about it I'm going to go in there with uh all these legendary balls and I'm just going to capture them it's not going to be big deal get stuck a lot they all get stuck get another Anubis I need to actually aerobe is three watering no it's two watering I'm pretty sure oh I need some more paladini fragments [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] let me just go get some right now it's three really I wish I had a better way to get these things dungeons yeah I haven't done that many dungeons I I guess we can try the dman tide after this right Crusher just put in stone and you get them yeah but I need to use the stone oh no no never mind no I'm doing that now sorry I thought you meant something else this is just how it's going to be today that's just this just the way it's going to be today kill it good job shoot the seed at it idiot where's the other one bro you really need to do that to him Jesus Christ okay um um let me see what else we got is there another one of those mammoths if there is I'll go kill it if not I'm going to go back up to base looks like there's not let's go back up to base okay um so he's working on these that's good and we got some more of the paladini fragments which is good got 80 more that's really good get some more of this too okay we're going to do ultra balls are Ultra Balls even worth it I guess they must be right yes okay where's the newb assass I focus on legendary f cuz I have the resources yeah dude I use so many of the red boys man I think red boys are good for anything under 40 like they're not bad wait where the [ __ ] wait where the hell is he going the [ __ ] are you doing get back over here did you foret what your job was did you forget huh you [ __ ] is there anything wrong with him no he's fine repair armor I'm not going to repair my armor that's stupid I'm going to repair my armor whenever I get new armor I will repair it by replacing it is pow worldl the contender for Game of the Year uh yeah I think so I I I think so if it releases yeah I mean no I I do I why is it unreasonable to think that Dragon Z 2 yeah unironically yeah I mean it's been a massive game it's been like hugely successful like tons of people have been playing it nice we have our Max out capture power it's going to help a lot okay and I'm going to sleep yeah breaking steam charts looks like a buggy mess yeah but like a lot of games have bugs it doesn't mean that they're bad games okay so are we ready to go to the C the the cave what do you guys think oh actually no we were going to go kill this thing or wait yeah we we went and we did this one over here that's right yeah let's go do that first the water snake yeah repair armor before no wrong uh do I need that one no okay where's the Big Boy where is the big boy there he is do it you [ __ ] idiot do it look at the damage it's already down 1,000 look at that damage I'm going to let him do it one more time then I'm going to pull him out Jesus okay that's enough um look at that damage should I just go in and fight him do I One V one him let's do it [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] that is right you like that huh huh how about that about a little bit of those [Music] huh chill out that was in a roll Oho this guy actually thought he could square up against the Elden Lord the L of sight God reload man how the [ __ ] do I miss that okay we're going to use all right we're going to use a Ultra Ball and then we're going to use a legendary ball to compare okay one more one more all right 15% okay all right what about legendary ball 30% I think we just keep no way I wasted one no way how many of these is going to take bro I'm going to go back I'm not I'm not going to use anymore no this is this is insane okay I'm going to use him again I'm getting pissed I can't believe this if I I'm I'm actually going to quit if I [Music] what are you [ __ ] kidding me come here the [ __ ] out of here yeah this is [ __ ] up guys like I'm actually like this is not funny bro like I just can't believe this happened to me how could this happen to me good skills was worth it okay I'm going to go over I want to look at it I'm going to go look at them I I just want to I don't want to think about it anymore just go over to uh let's go over to this it's going to be okay there's a bug lowering the catch rates I know I know man I I'm fully aware of that trust me I need to get more of these are there any more over here no these are all dog [ __ ] dude I don't know how I can go from having good luck to having bad luck it's so dumb like cuz like yesterday I was doing so well like that's what sucks right is cuz like yesterday I was popping off like I got Anubis in like three tries like seven but like still and then like this one is just it's an off day it is it's an off day man nice I just need to get more of these uh these ball so like I I got this all right everything's going to be fine everything will be fine so let me just go back I'm going to go back to my base and we're going to take a look at what we have there everything's going to be totally chill like yes uh I have that one um it's like did I get completely cheated absolutely like absolutely without a doubt like there's not there's not even a question about it like it's just it's just a fact that I got [ __ ] cheated however it doesn't matter because what what what what does matter is I'm going to go through here and just lost dog it's 5% no it was 50 it was sorry 30% man and then two of them he deflected he you telling me he can deflect the legendary ball get the [ __ ] out of here he never does that okay all right let's see what this guy is where is he there wow wow wow so is watering three Artisan better than watering uh four base you think four is better now I'm going to replace this guy with a miner who who has level three mining or does anything have level four mining that I can use a dig oh are they still broken aagon well maybe I should just go get aagon let's see how his mining is going to do that's I mean decent I guess it's not great get blaze nut dude he doesn't make the he fast enough wait why isn't this guy doing anything I can't even pick him up this is the wrong one he's resting what do you mean you're resting you just got here he's refin what are you refining they don't do anything okay how many red boys do we have you have 38 I'm gonna try and to go into that dungeon this jman tide is good for battle I know he is I guess I can replace him and just use the aerobe in the base but like I just feel like it's kind of a waste you know I think that really like what I'm going to do tonight is I'm going to make a new base I'm just going to move everything over because this base is terrible and it's been terrible ever since the day I made it and it just all this base does is suck dicks that's literally all it does and I'm tired of it I'm going to make some more of these just in case I fight against some level once all right good ah make it to the bottom left where the Anubis statue is I need a place to do it where I'm going to have room for everything and I don't know where that is really -400 and 8080 like up here okay let me try over here I'm going to go over there forgotten Island I'm desperate man okay it's this way [Music] he's so good he's actually so disgustingly [ __ ] good it's insane [Music] didn't even do anything well he did do something there but you know what I mean okay so this is the place that you guys think I should make a base at this is it I feel like there might not be enough ore here but maybe there is there's like there's four you want one ore one coal I have that I'm right here by the way you say show out there it is check next to Pia boss she up here this one left side honestly like the more I look at this base the more I feel like this is the right base to have I'm actually feeling pretty good about this because like like I there is some ore here right there's like four ores in the area and I also have like two or farming bases so like if I already have two or farming bases do I really need a third base with all ore I feel like I probably don't coal probably one coal is enough I do have one coal uh I have a coal at this base right here I think we need to rebuild this try 9040 19040 okay oh I know what you're talking about I think I've seen this okay I'll go over there so like this area is really nice too in a way I'm going the wrong way there it is it needs platforms to make it flat okay let me just look and see what it is first does the do the attacks that I do do less damage whenever the durability goes down because I feel like I'm not doing as much damage as I was whenever the weapon was fully fully repaired yes okay that's what I thought okay um I guess we'll go over [Music] there oh that's this one it's up there I'm pretty sure right what do you guys feel how do you guys feel about this one L not flat enough really because I feel like this is insanely [ __ ] good it's a bad main base oh you could be right about that and there's no way I can have four bases right only three okay I think this is a better mining base than the one at the church I'm going to be honest I actually think it's better yeah I'm going to try and see if I can do this Tower you can't okay let's find out wait how do I get into it [Music] what the [Music] [ __ ] like I give a [ __ ] about that [Music] H [ __ ] I give a [ __ ] send out the big boy take him out that's right that's right let her know better know what it is bro that's right Robin these nuts let's do it oh o h this big damage okay I guess I'll bring him back out what what are you doing Reptar you piece of [ __ ] there you go good ooh it does big damage nice o bringing out fat boy oh we got to get fat boy out of there we got to get fat boy out of there hit her with the seeds bro hit her with the seeds there you go [Music] nice Okay God he's so [ __ ] useless we could bring in a noob ass oh wait no he's ground so we would take more damage o look at that damage this is actually going really well this is easy all right bring out Reptar again stupid oo get out of here are you [ __ ] stupid attack her there it is nice wait it didn't even do any damage okay that was pretty good I got to get out of that robing these nuts let's go [Music] okay repar is so bad he is he's a [ __ ] well he shouldn't be bad Jesus that didn't do anything go repar let's go Reptar come on repar let's go let's go big damage wake up [ __ ] wake up oh did they not blow up if go dude dude what are you doing rename him to [ __ ] I might have to this is insane how does this happen to me okay we're going to bring out speed wagon give me a minute all right go speed wagon go go bro go use your big attack thank you okay I'm going to use it on him again let me get out of this okay [ __ ] this I'm I'm I'm pulling out [Music] repar you [ __ ] idiot if he dies he dies he deserves to die if he dies see I just need bro I just needed to take the Reigns and everything would be fine that's all it was I just need to take the reins let let them know like what's going on I'm going to be real like I actually think that went really well I'm happy ooh that's right I didn't kill this thing I was waiting to show you guys it's a level 40 we can do it kit son I don't have these it's the easiest game of my life I'm not even going to look at him I don't want [Applause] to I'm so sick of red balls man I'm just going to use yellows okay yeah I don't think I have this give me minute One Tap two Taps twice this is probably the worst day of my [Music] life okay let's get another one where'd it go no just increase the catch rates I just feel like I'm getting cheated man I do I feel like I'm getting really cheated okay let's go over here and we're going to do this uh this boss I didn't mean to do that okay we'll just bring in a new bass I [Music] think frozen what what's what's powerful against Frozen we'll see if a new bass is fire okay I'll bring in repar again nice nice bro he doesn't give a [ __ ] Reptar wake up there it is hit it okay uh should I stop here yeah I'm going to stop oh god oh rard it's R hard bro why would he do that why would he do that whenever he knew that all I wanted to do is capture him I don't understand why would he why would he do that to me he's like intentionally trying to ruin my life this is a nice base area what about this see like I don't even want to go into dungeons that aren't level 40 dungeons because like they don't drop anything good like we need to be looking for the good [ __ ] could have unique Pals you don't go in there for loot you go in there for Pals okay fine I'm going to go in there it's up there right oh a chest [ __ ] okay we're going to speedrun this we're just going to go through this and the only thing we're really looking for right here is we're looking for um for good Pokemon so like those guys we don't even care about them I I have Cates you mean Pals everybody knows what I really mean this place sucks you said I should go down here why place is a [ __ ] hole [Applause] this just the way it is the best Dungeon is the ice one yeah [Music] okay I'm going to go down this way should in a dungeon like this cuz like I feel like I'm going to have all the pets that are here like it's just like these like random cesses like I don't [ __ ] need this oops yeah I'm going to go back over to the Water Area boss room plus two chest is more than all the other rooms combined yeah I think so too honestly cuz yeah it's usually this and then you go down the water and then there's the boss room like right after this yeah it's a bird wow I'm not even going to capture this it's just a [ __ ] bird get they ass speed Wagon speed wagon you know what to do hit him in this dude's whole career get him there it is there it is what we doing the [ __ ] out of here [ __ ] we got two Tech points big dick main base bass Tower is it didn't I go to that one I think I did [ __ ] ass give me a minute very large very flat no I think I know where I'm going to do it I actually do I'm feeling good about it you don't need any tomatoes so all I really need to do I want to try to get my next level come on down [Music] Jesus get in the Box get in the [ __ ] box thank you holy [ __ ] we need another one I'm on fire I lost I I've threw away a red ball oh you get get the [ __ ] down [ __ ] you why would you do that [Music] [Music] why okay just get in the box thank God thank [ __ ] God oh my God all right let me get this one too I'm trying to get 46 right now no way no way what's this God this is insane I hate this [ __ ] game how's this happening to me all right [Music] [Music] ya I'd restart the [Music] client there's something wrong nope there's something wrong it's a bug there a bug it's a bug I I I've got to do something about this this is not normal I I I got to call my dad dad probably go to his house for a bit um I I got I got to go I got to figure out like what the [ __ ] happened to my game like why the game decided to just betray me and uh [ __ ] ruin my life and I need to figure that out and uh yeah going back on I might play stream some more of that grand blue fantasy thing tonight if I come back and I feel like it but tomorrow guys tomorrow is going to be Monster Hunter okay uh as I promised uh I said I would do it uh the weekend the previous weekend I didn't get a chance to tomorrow we're going to play Monster Hunter again okay uh I'm going to go back to it and try to finish the rest of the content that uh that I didn't get to do so that's the [Music] plan Grand blue bosses are so sick yeah it's a great game you know as I said I I think it is is genuinely a great game short stream yeah yeah a little bit uh as I I said uh yesterday I was like actually really really I got like really really like I got the worst headache probably that I've ever had and I was like kind of sick um and uh I I it was so bad I actually felt nauseous and so I ended up like I actually told myself last night I'm like I'm probably just like not going to stream tomorrow but um I did and so I'm feeling good about it and uh migraine yeah I was so bad and um you know hopefully it doesn't happen again but we'll see what happens anyway guys thank you all very much for watching I really appreciate it and I will be back on tomorrow we're going to play Monster Hunter all right guys thanks allot for watching I'll see you then peace see
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 401,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: V9gmh0SVwlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 38sec (5438 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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