I Survived 100 Days In Palworld!

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it's no surprise that I love open world survival games and recently power does it the best you can go around and just trample small animals with a horse and then Chuck a metal ball at their head repeatedly until you capture them to join your team and then repeat the process with others very phenomenal we all love it this is episode to but don't worry we only started a small base and added some of the tables that lets us build stuff we really haven't done much which is what I want to do in this episode for the next 100 days we're going to be capturing every boss we encounter explore the island then the IM Med areas around this island take on the first real boss with a trainer and work on capturing 10 of every pal we find basically we're going to be focusing on progressing in this game immensely so starting off it's been a little bit since I've actually played this game so I just ran around trying to remember how to play this game and where I left off firstly I went after the cat the Sheep the chicken really anything in front of me and I just kept on chucking pokeballs at them which now really awesomely they can hit it away so that's cool my goal for right now is just to level up because we're still very low level and there's a lot to unlock and I still need to explore oh there's actually something really fun that I want to try this might go very poorly I also don't remember any of your comments so uh oops but with this one um apparently you can capture humans and I think it'd be really funny if I tried capturing him which I remember killing you so I guess it doesn't even matter like you do respawn wait wait wait pause pause pause pause hold up hold up stop Sho me please I'm just I'm trying to capture a human okay I swear I swear this is normal this is totally normal and okay please oh God okay come on I don't want to I don't want to hit you again I I think I might kill you come on just stay in my ball stay in my ball come on okay here one more okay good there we go come on just stay on my ball there we go good sign good sign [Laughter] yes oh it's so funny oh we actually captured a human there we go you have been spotted oh no whatever shall I do okay I need my e my deer how about that I just need my deer to not die also can I capture you that that's looking like a very strong possibly no okay so what we need to do just like last time we need to lead all of these guards also don't don't kill my my Pokémon but we need to lead these guards over here to the mamis which I'm still incredibly sad that I wasn't a bble to capture in the first episode because you know stupid not me the game cuz so yep just keep coming I know I'm wanted oh no ah criminal activity ah okay now we're going to be playing a very dangerous game you know I'm going to try no no no no no run the other way please other way other way I think I leveled up I honestly can't tell I was more preoccupied on the guard okay fine can you guys please just shoot this thing I I need you guys to attack it so that it goes for you are you look really weirdly watching me are you out of ammo no you're not all right here let's ride see if I can do any damage to them my God you guys are just tanky you guys are just okay okay just start start running okay they're they're a little bit too tanky I should really go for that bird whoops let's see can I hit them oh this is so cute they're just going to keep on following me God I love you guys will this kill you yep that's a yes and if I didn't know any better i' would say that these guards are really angry at me I wonder if we just run away you know just like keep on trying to get away from them will they just despawn and then you know we'll be safe don't worry guards goodbye see you later unless I can get you to shoot this mamist you know that' be be really appreciated if you guys would you know what no I'm okay we're sticking to the elephant we're going to get them to harm it come on you're so close what if I attack it would that work let's try it there we go and then we start running oh my God move move move move move move move okay nice nice the other Pokemon are starting to help me please Dismount Dismount Dismount Dismount there we go okay we're going to try and capture this one oh my God what is that is he pooping from his mouth Oh my Jesus Christ oh my God burn Kansas this is such a good start to the movie we're we're having a good old grand time in here huh Rocky egg something com turns within place on an egg incubator to incubate it huh actually kind of cool okay I wasn't expecting that whatsoever okay let's just return home and then we can drop off all the stuff that I just picked up oh my God I thought my legs were strong enough to carry the world but God I'm just oh God I'm so slow oh nice they actually somewhat fix the um the UI for you know when I'm looking at this it actually lets me select that like actually huge props okay I feel like I'm just missing it but I swear to God there was just a button for you to press and then like everything would automatically go over whoa wow you guys got upgraded jeez man they're all eating better than me okay so let's just do some little bit of cooking got to do all the boring task out of the way now have I unlocked the egg incubator at all cuz I don't ever remember actually unlocking anything and then I'm really just curious about the oh egg incubator ancient technology point oh that's cool oh wait no I think I already have that I just need to get everything else I just need ancient CI I was about to say civilian I just need ancient civilian I just need ancient civilization parts and I need Palam fragments how did I even get the ancient stuff I don't ever remember finding that uh debr excavated from ancient runes contain blah blah blah extremely valuable people from all the walks of life are now seeking such crystals so I think that we actually just need to go out and explore so uh here let me just not carry those yes that's right come here let me ride you not like that I'm just going to take a wild guess that those ancient parts that I found before somehow and they're all the way down here like maybe uh in the next area really want to capture you can I Dismount please please I I I would I I'm holding F there we go thank you Game uh apparently I can oh yo yo yo yo okay definitely unlock you and let's unlock you yeah give me give me give me give me gim me perfect okay we got four of 10 and then since there's just so many of you right here don't mind me please hit it thank you ah don't hit me oh another random egg I think you're the one where I can actually hatch right no you're the the delicious one that I can eat okay [Music] okay well I was hoping to not kill you but okay oh no way his brother's back why hey if you and your family are wondering where your brother went I have no idea okay he's not in my ball I I promise you that is that oh okay I thought I could steal that from him so I just I can't wait to get to a high enough level to where I don't need to attack them whatsoever I could just Chuck the balls at him and then I just get them also how did you how did I not get you here we go just stay in my ball give me okay I'm I'm really starting to hate you buddy you're starting to give me Darin Vibes come on just stay in my ball there we go thank you are you something that I can do no okay let's not touch that oo okay so perfect time I actually can I can you get off of the thingy there we go actually here let's go for you first cuz I know that I need some of you and then I don't I should have put you away yeah he's actually dead okay that's awkward uh here you okay wow there is no drop whatsoever with the oh my God you're tanky oh my God you are very tanky never mind you can come out and help me okay so you're a little hard to dodge come on okay there we go you're good there we go please let me actually get you and then okay no no no no no no no trust me I can do this all day okay bud no matter what I I'm I'm just going to keep chucking them at you I I don't think you understand your situation I'm pretty sure yes okay thank God I actually got him uh carries newborn Pals to its nest and raises them as a surrogate parrot a parent once the baby pal has fattened up it hunts them wow okay so you're very uh messed up I'm pretty sure I can actually ride that bird if I get it a saddle and then I'm just going to make an assumption that it's actually going to be one of the faster ones to actually use Oh my Jesus Christ it is so dark oh wait speaking of dark actually oopsy Poopsy I totally just remembered that okay but don't kill it oh my God see like I I wanted the light but you know I didn't want it to be dead hello hi buddy yeah can you come here I I need to capture you okay think of my XP okay just just just be very kind to me please okay what are you a tany yo aren't you like really popular in the uh like the game art okay I want to capture one of you pretty sure I can give you a gun yes I think that was the first one I've ever caught long ago this pal used long objects like tree branches As Weapons after coming into contact with humans however it found something slightly more effective guns yep yep they that's my goal at least during this movie I really want to get it to where I can have one of my pals having a gun I think that'd be hilarious uh Nightwing Syndicate Thug are these dead bodies yeah those are those are definitely dead bodies uh well don't mind me here we'll just we'll just Chuck you oh my God not the why did you go for the monkey I'm shooting the human can I capture you can I capture a human with a gun I think that'd be hilarious oh oh oh syic get Thug captured human very nice okay uh you oh yes actually here let's just go for another don't hurt me actually okay that that should be good enough I don't want to get it too low please come back here it's super dark I really wish that I could chuck my fox I'm going just hit him there we go God okay you're going to be one of those birds I see please please thank you okay beautiful hello light can you can you come here and stop like being weird I guess that's not bad I got I guess he's just going to be a statue and then whenever I need light I just recall him and I just Chuck him again uh I mean they are low level I I actually don't see us having an issue capturing them so don't mind me hey okay well apparently my fox really wanted to fight you that's awkward I really hate these pokeballs I need to stop using these worthless blue ones like we need to start using the green ones please hurry because I see a combat back there isn't that no you're a Daydream what's a combat there we go now you actually move around oh my god oh that's cool okay um okay wait wait first off okay you're not a boss so that's really good but here let's go for you first cuz you look really cool and then I'm going to go back and get all those other ones oh my lordy you're so tanky come on just hit it once there we go okay recall you Shu that I'm already ready oh okay nice you're not even going to try and break out sweet thank you you know what let's just call out the big boy why not okay well if Big Boy wouldn't miss that' be greatly appreciated oh my God okay can you can you do anything other than Miss okay listen your buddy okay listen here buddy okay give it a little bit more damage oh my god oh [Music] use you suck like you were going around killing all the other Pals that was cool but then like of course right when you know that one is nice and low that's when you decide to actually hit it and not miss that's awesome I'm I'm just too scared of attack I can't lie oh my God I don't want you to die though hi would you like to uh do something not bad okay I think one more hit actually please thank you okay please stay in there stand in my ball there you go okay it's going to work one of these times okay come on it's one of these is going to work before it can kill me oh dear God just let me capture you there we go thank you damn okay I see another monkey over here I know I was looking for all those ancient rolls or whatever they're called but you know just seeing all these PALS like I kind of just want to go and capture them all a you're so cute you're a little level three a look you're happy to be shot by my arrows a what a what a little little happy chap right there okay good captured him I think there's a one right about there yes okay good I'm an amazing shot what can I say please don't okay can you come over here though it's a little awkward having this like super far range fight Oh my Jesus Christ never mind you can go away the hit yes there's no way you break out I'm so hungy Wy is that is that the dead body or is it actually alive yeah it's a dead body okay waa what oh my God what are you chillet dude I thought that was an artist or like a type of cut of meat okay let's go after the oh my God what what was that Pokémon wasn't it like like a feret it's like it was like one of the little fret Pokémon God I can't remember but let's see if we can take on a boss cuz I'm pretty positive you can actually capture these oh my God there we go we're doing phenomenal work I love it how it's not really attacking us no no no don't don't don't prove me wrong okay you don't need to attack me I'm so scared to keep my little pal out I'm so worried that he's going to kill okay no no just recall that one no no don't run for me though come here Bo okay okay stop stop attacking me from in there now don't worry okay I have 82 tries wrong one wrong one wrong wrong wrong look at that one that's the right one there we go but don't worry okay we got 81 more tries so don't worry no matter what you will become my friend and then if this doesn't work I have like one or two green ones okay so I'm just there you go wow we actually just captured a boss boss first kill acquired one ancient technology wait wait does that mean I can actually do this now I think it I can't tell oh down there okay yeah yeah yeah so we finally have one we have two of the ancient civil civilization parts and we just I think we have all of those back at home like all the other stuff I mean we'll go back and do that sometime I I want to keep exploring cuz wow I'm not immediately seeing anyone cool I definitely want to try out that bird and that fret once we go back home whoa hi you seem like a very wise person no don't run that's not wise here uh help me don't kill it please okay never mind you can probably kill it I won't really mind okay you're just like you're playing with them like you're just it's like you're just tossing them on the bed being like wee you know like you like toss them into the air and they kind of just like Bounce Around they're like okay can you just wait for me to capture your wife and then I'll go for you thanks and hello all of this new ore what is over here okay good captured what are you are you something actually useful no you're just more ore okay well if I ever need any ore we'll just hopefully take the bird up here but yeah uh don't really care to collect you right now oh hi that's where you too went h a little little nervous go for you guys but let's do it okay oh my god oh it actually hit it nice oh please capture please capture oops yes beautiful okay please help me with it that thing is so tanky and it's running away come on there we go no no recall recall don't want him to die there we go okay then you stay just right there okay okay come on buddy did I actually just jump over that attack God I'm so cool come on there you go okay bad boy okay really bad boy come on oh my God you're just like your mother there we go I need to shoot you again see you just got to threaten with shooting them with a bow and arrow and then you know they become complacent and they'll actually you know listen to you uh let's see another Camp down there I kind of don't want to travel that far though because it's going to be such an annoying time getting back home I think we actually need to start killing uh some of the pals I'm getting a tad bit low on food don't fall okay F don't fall all right come here buddy come here there we go oh what is that whoa Cy that one looks sick okay I want it one of the goals is 100% to actually collect all Pals okay that did nothing that's really awkward okay that missed okay I'm going to die if I stay on you so yeah woo there we go let me just recall you I don't want you to kill this thing please okay thank God okay so we captured that buddy and then let me shoot both of you okay good wait no you're going to kill him you're going to kill him you're going to kill him no no no no no no no uh you have a better chance of not killing them D you actually just killed that one oh my god really okay well I I thought I was throwing out one of mine that's not going to deal that much damage but apparently I just threw out a Barrett 50 cal against a oh food it's so sad and then honestly we should probably collect all these berries what are you tant I I don't think I've captured that one don't no don't run do not run do not run nice there we go okay one more don't die yes oh my God he's actually so close why was I in another language was that Japanese wait pause wait go back to that was that Japanese I think that's either Japanese or is that Korean why is that in a different language what is that normal oh my God it's Eevee I didn't mean to do that I'm sorry I'm sorry I know I know that's a really bad luck I'm so sorry wait wait wait come back without you wait are you are you really not going to turn around and try and fight me where are you you going wait no you're not acting like all the other ones where are you going I can't hit you you're too tiny oh dear God uh damage it or something oh my nothing wants to work with me okay here let's go for this one oh my God you guys are so annoying damage it get back here you I need to capture you oh my God just come back there we go yes yes just stay right there no no bad squirrel okay wait wait wait wait come on come on come on come on did I yes please please oh achievement caught 20 kinds of Pals nice please kill it thank you okay uh we got some berries dear God they really just don't do anything for Hunger you know what since you want to run so much here uh run from this oh come on dang it okay come on come on come on come on we need to chase him we need to chase him come here come on yes I'm going to get you I need to capture 10 of you come here little buddy W I'm actually surprised I didn't kill him okay wait don't jump off the cliff God you're acting as if I'm terrible okay Dismount don't kill it there we go okay you don't move don't don't stop trying to Juke me you're going to make me look really bad in front of everyone and everyone thinks that I'm really good okay so I need you to not embarrass me you're going to ruin my reputation sweet thank you I don't know what that is but thanks oh yes yes yes the Effigy is that another okay yep you know what to do not that but that was really good thank you for getting him really low my go capture that bad boy beautiful oo see finally a level up okay let's go and get this food over here though that's what we like to see that's what we love to see go for this one too too but no no no don't hit it too far okay thank you uh let's see are you dead you're not you're level one okay if you can survive this I'll capture you you did not survive that don't run don't don't don't don't W okay good few I beat my pal to it oh come on that was a little squirrel so powerful come on come on there we go okay let's throw you out I want to see if I can capture another one of you oh my Jesus okay wait wait wait don't don't kill it though hi buddy how would you like to become part of my team huh even though I think I have like two of you okay wait wait wait wait wait I was just kid I was just kidding you're you're my one and only you're you're my universe you're my everything it works every time you say that fools let's see oh hey it's you guys again please don't run am I able to throw the PO balls while I'm on my pal I can okay wait that's actually really cool I like that oh my gosh no don't protect your boyfri there we go there we go good work on that one I think one more hit to you there we go come on get in the next one ready I know you're going to break out of that one oh you are a smart one okay wait maybe this says cancel oh it does okay good I'm so good at guessing it's actually insane oh it's you wait no why are you running from me why does everyone act like I'm so mean okay wait wait wait wa wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait okay there we go hurry your friend is getting away even though it's like really it's kind of embarrassingly slow okay there we go ow one more hit one more hit there we go capture capture capture monkey monkey don't monkey don't there we go ow come on come on we're doing the legendary twofer we're doing the legendary twof for oh wait yo a man that would have been so cool to capture them both at the same time okay we're so low on health yes yes beautiful uh let's not go through there we really need to head back home okay wait no no I'm not done riding not like that oh an elephant okay wait wait wait I know that I'll kill you in one hit so hi buddy please don't come on don't don't make this more difficult than it needs to be Oh my Jesus Christ you're making it more difficult oh okay I can't use that anymore okay um things are about to get really awkward and I want you to know I'm not like this as a person but I need to start stabbing you I'm not British I swear nice I I wonder if I'll be able to capture it oh there's another one awesome and you already want to fight me well come here bud let me show you London style in it did you just fart did you just have yourself a toot you really expel your gas through you you bum now I don't know if this is obvious but I have no idea where my base is I thought it was this direction but now I'm I'm having second guesses it might actually be this way and this is why I really need oh wait no isn't that my house up there this is why I really need the bird yeah yeah yeah cuz I remember that always been back there I'll leave that elephant alone hi don't attack me good good his guard is down how okay how did that kill you huh that's actually really surprising to me uh I don't know how but sometimes my my Pokemon can actually do like two hits instead of one and I don't understand how that happens okay wait I think what we need to do is actually go this direction Jesus over a th000 damage oh it's you guys again is it dead okay yeah I think that one's dead oops don't die ah like I guess it's like a good problem to have you know like it's awesome that my pal is like too strong and I just kill anything that I touch like it's it's cool until it's like oh hey I really want to capture you and you don't stop running from me just like you know just watch me kill like 17 of your friends right in front of your eyes so like I don't know why you're running away like you're acting as if I'm a bad person and that kind of hurts my feelings let me capture you let me capture you I said let me capture you yeah uh-huh uh-huh I saw you trying to run come on you're acting as if my Poké Balls are not comfortable these are literal sweet pen houses no don't don't hit me though that's rude I would never hit you we can keep doing this all day you're going to get captured like you you literally can't even make it away from me I'm so goated with the sauce it's actually insane like you know hey at this point it's it's getting embarrassing for you if I'm being honest my friend like we just we keep going back and forth back and forth come on you know you want me I want you let's go there we go I don't know if you can swim I know some games water's just insta kill and I'm a little scared to go down there I please don't die okay well see over O level five let's see can a level five survive it did please than you oh wait wait come on okay thank you yes okay C that one come on I don't know why I Chuck that one so come on like I I I just don't get it you know like sometimes it's like oh you know don't worry I I'll just shoot once like that and then other times it's like oh don't worry I'll shoot seven times it's like oh okay cool I didn't want to capture it I know it's really awkward penguin I'm so sorry please don't die please I I really want you for very obvious reasons come on there you go be a good penguin see that's why all penguins are good not really seeing anything else but but here let's just keep making our way home oh God damn it I didn't mean to press Q I meant to press e obviously that wouldn't have worked and Capt oh God this is this is really awkward now this is so weird oh God how am I missing okay you you oh my God I missed I missed both of them okay how about this one there we go that one didn't miss okay can I hit you there we go okay lordy that was so awkward oh hi maybe this attack's weaker nope that attack is not weaker okay so first off let's feed [Music] everyone Jesus Christ nice okay we have a metric ton of berries that's awesome okay now we can actually go and start cooking ourselves stuff oh nice Bak mushrooms oh okay that was you know uh incredibly difficult okay one thing that I kind of want to do just for the fox that's at our house is one he can actually just come over here and start cooking all this stuff which like it it doesn't exactly take that long but there's no way in hell that I am going to stay here and hold F on 510 berries so yeah we'll just have him do that but I know you guys are so excited don't worry we're going to be getting you guys so many berries it's going to be incredible okay and oops probably shouldn't have you know made those how do I make how do I make you I'm guessing the spear workbench produ the spears yeah wow would you oh what a thunk oh we can also get the egg incubator so yes please oh yes we need that oh my God a lith monk submachine gun and a tany assault rifle I can make both of those I think I I need like four more palum fragments but I can actually make both of their guns oh my God this is going to get incredible why do I have 2500 weight oh it's because of all the wood Oh my Jesus that is 7,000 lb no no there's no way I swear on my life I had like 50 arrows left why why do I only have three or did I mistake the uh the Spears oops okay wait didn't mean to do that sorry go back oh God okay so I guess I'm mistaken the spears for actually here okay before we do all of that what raid too too implode unit no uh-oh okay come here yep no uh-uh we need to go get rid of these nuclear devices before they come to the house okay that that's got to be cheating in some way like you're standing behind that unit like that that has to be like a little bit of cheating right and oh my God you're actually going around it like you're actually trying to hide from me no no that's okay you you don't need to go to my base that's totally fine I probably could have captured them if I'm being honest probably like a possibility okay anyways if I can now get into no if I can get no if if I if I can get into this one there we go okay see they somewhat fixed it still a lot of work to do though where Arrow Arrow now let's see do I want a regular Arrow yep I do okay cool not even going to finish that sentence I do want a regular Arrow because oh my God all the other ones look very difficult wow there we go I think 200 should be good why does that say 600 oh okay oh oh I don't want 600 oh okay while he does all of my work there okay good you're doing fantastic how do I build I completely forgot how to build oh that's right yeah we need to redo our party we have way cooler Pals now so curious what you do you're you're interesting oh my God the monkey is insane wait you do okay wait no so I still need you for mining but you chop down trees you do that you can honestly replace him you do a lot more yeah I'm down for that oh wait you're better than them I think I think you're better yeah let's let's do it why not oh it's these guys oh that's what you look like okay you're kind of cool okay dude our base is actually starting to look pretty dope I like this okay uh to build build is B wow would you look at that it told me in the bottom um how do you next there you go okay these are such bizarre buttons Nails cool that sucks uh I can't make a Nails right oh no no no no no wait weren't you Nails no you're charcoal oh don't mind me it's just me and my son over here uh making Arrow oh wait that's totally right I keep on forgetting that I have five stat points hello let's do that a little bit let's get up the weight you know let's get to 700 i' like after watching some streams it honestly seems like Health uh stamina seems to be pretty good actually I see a lot of people doing that one but like your attack Defense work speed is not that important because you know you can just make all the pals work for you so honestly I think we should just do maybe stamina and weight like I kind of want to get that weight to a th000 and I think we'll be pretty good there can I can can I can I require thank you okay let's see how many do I have 41 yeah no we need way more we got a lot of crafting to do pal I'm not your pal Bud okay 200 can cancel all of the hello why you oh my God why do I pick up all of that stuff I don't want to carry it I'm so I'm so heavy okay got he not as heavy there we go let's actually build another one yeah so that there we go bada boom okay cool now I can actually put away all the other stuff oh my holy where are you guys getting all of this from oh my God okay uh next up yes yes we need to make some nails so you let's just let's just do 10 of these like why not I think that should be 20 total it's very trippy when they're inside of each other kind of just like that he's still going on the the berries there we go see I can at least throw you out and you'll actually help me okay perfect thank you everyone who helped me out with this now if I go over to a sphere workbench watch here we could I think it's okay to have this wooden object right next to the fire why not oh dear God please not okay I I kind of forgot that all of you would run over here please don't step in the fire oh my God you guys are getting really close okay good good okay now everyone go to the left not the right there you go Okay so for you honestly that's actually not that bad it's barely any more expensive it's just those ingots so that's definitely going to be an issue but I think this is it's totally worth it seeing how like these are just so much better um yeah let's just make Max that we can okay so we need to go and do a lot of mining for you I forgot oh the egg incubator yes you awesome so remember how I had a lot of those palum fragments well not anymore so that sucks before we head out I really want to focus on our team and oh my God there's so many of you uh I think level five is the highest really we don't actually no I'm okay I'm going to keep the fox just because I like using him at night time when it's really dark and then I'm going to use Nightwing instead of the Peng one very sorry penguin I do love you and I want to try out the boss I want to see what the boss does instead of Daydream I'm really curious about you and I think that's pretty good like I'm not really seeing any other pal that I would want to take out really but I definitely want to make his gun which I oh it's in here okay yeah we need to go on a massive massive mining exp Expedition heavily need to do that one um okay so if we're going to go on a mining Expedition next question how many cats do I have I got three okay so we're going to put our actual team in there and slot three then what you do is you go and then you take all of the Cats and every single cat that you carry unless the update changed it but every single cat that you carry they increase your um your max carrying weight by 50 so they'll give me an extra 150 so now I'm at 850 instead of 700 and then what do you look like are you still huge yep you are I think that's the same size you might be a little bit smaller that thing looks sick I love it recently I don't know why but I've been starting to love ferrets a lot more they're just such dorky Little Creatures I love them all righty so I I might I might try and collect like a few of these just so we can get some more Ores cuz I know that that's going to become an issue but our main goal is to get uh these little thingies right here I need like maybe 100 palum fragments nice didn't even tell you to do that but good job bud de go I hate you I hate you I hate you not you didn't even just do one no no no you didn't do one you did two of the mamist we have two empire state buildings with the power of the US Navy coming after us oh whoops I thought you were a paldum fragment or like little cluster thingy oops dude you have got to be joking okay well I was going to try and capture him but never mind I guess I'm not and then I was going to go over here and collect this thing but I guess not at the very least they are attacking each other so that's pretty cool I'm just trying really hard to get that awesome cool okay you no don't you've already done more damage there's three I have three elephants over here oh no this is totally good this is this amazing I love having them all you know just come after me okay well last time that didn't kill a level five oh nice o nice ER okay I think we're out you get you get back here okay but I think we're out of range of those mamis I don't think they're going to be coming after us anymore okay fine I'll capture you why not oh oh nice XP bonus 500 XP that right there folks is why I love capturing every single pal I see and then don't worry you two di don't worry I know that's a teleporter just don't care to use it ooh Why You shiny large dark egg sure why not going to take a wild guess and say that that's probably going to give me a legendary maybe can I can I wish it into existence so how many do I have okay we got 58 we're actually not doing that bad and let me see just so I can get some XP I think you're the one that I just got 10 on so I don't need you my god oh dude I actually hit him let's go yeah I got seven out of 10 Penguins one more lovely 8 out of 10 I think I saw some on the beach or was it the firefox's come your browser does it tell me anywhere which ones I haven't captured 10 of oh it does wait down there oh okay so we don't even even need a guess we could actually just tell a that's awesome okay so you oh yeah I only have one of 10 okay got it so no I do need to capture you okay that's a cool feature I like that I'm shocked that they actually tell you lovely that should be a capture right good yes level 19 okay let's let's start leveling up stamina because that is astronomically low and I really hate it hello Governor let me show you me London style oh God wait no no no wait I just I just really want to save on arrows please okay thank you for understanding don't hit me please wait wait wait wait wait wait don't worry you can join your wife don't worry I'm not mean I don't only take the wives I'm here o nice kind of better than you okay wait this is really awkward sorry I'm I'm just so thick can you please wait while I uh replenish my energy thank you okay that should be good enough oh come on come on there you go beautiful okay sweet 9 out of 10 we just need one more I think I know where they spawn as well they usually like to spawn around here I'm also not finding any more of those palum little ore cluster thingies and that's kind of bad news please let there be out here oh you actually can swim either that or it's a God why do you act like I'm so cruel and mean like I just want to capture you wait wait wait wait here see cuz I want this one but you I I got really bad news for you bud um yeah that building right behind you yeah it's going to kill you thank you oh come on just stay in there I don't even care for you I just want the XP there we go beautiful 558 XP from that one okay we got 90 I just want to get 10 more and then I'm pretty confident that that's going to be everything that we need like I think we'll be able to build all of the stuff that we actually want to ooh o another egg I'm just really hopeful that you're not garbage like I'm I'm really hoping these large dark eggs are actually good like I don't think I'm asking for much I just want them to actually spawn in like the strongest legendary pal that will just oneshot anything that I you know throw at at you know just reasonable Things o hello penguins please don't make this awkward okay oh my God you're fast wait come back what is that a rush Roar rush rush ore okay I see you got your little buddy in the background you know helping you out okay don't worry I'm going to get you too I think I need both of you oh my Jesus Christ hi barely barely like seeing them like uh just just swoop by me why are you guys mad at me why are you all mad at me I just want the Penguins I haven't even gone for the boes yet okay that one's captured you're going to be the last one that I need oh dear God will you just wait don't worry okay I will capture you next I swear to God if you guys hit the the penguin don't don't okay good good there we go okay next up yeah I'm going to have him help me oh my god oh Jesus okay uh I got really bad news for you buddy okay good you almost died you are so welcome I saved your life now I'm going to capture you perfect okay got another one Simba everything you see that the sun touches is yours except for the shadowy part don't ever go there oh hi should be good enough there we go D I'm just I'm on a catching Rampage what can I say what is that is that a bullseye no no you can jump down don't worry huh common egg I think that will give me a legendary ooh and there's a blue one right here uh let me let me let me let me think this one through how am I able to get to you I think if I just jump I can grab onto a LGE and start climbing oh okay or I can land in the water and then start climbing oh my God my legs are weighing me down come on honey you can make it oh my God woo oh my God we barely made it come on there we go pH please be a good egg you spawn in a penguin don't you damp egg like that it's the vibe I'm getting from you you're you're giving uh penguin egg yes oh my God we actually kind of made that if I didn't I don't think I would be able to get up yeah we were be able yeah we were barely able to do that just halfway no come on okay just get up here spawn in you no no no give me a ride thank you okay I see a little Effigy over there and I want to go and collect that before we head home wait don't you double jump oh my God it double jumps well cool okay well you know what I wanted to see if my character was strong I wanted to put him through a little climbing test what is that blue is that a blue Pikachu is that a platypus uh okay here if we could be fast enough oh hi egg we could be fast enough I saw the Effigy there was somewhere around here oh God okay okay well I didn't mean to do that but oh well there you are I knew I saw you somewhere uh let's see I don't think you're going to be able to jump up yeah darn okay well if only you were a okay not that but if only you were able to do a triple jump that would have been dope uh I think I can climb up this give me I want it give me thank you oh and then a tip from my editor darn men so apparently I shouldn't use those I should actually just hold on to all Effigies that I find until later on when I find like more rare and wa cool uh house oh that's sick okay thank you for that okay where did platypus go I didn't forget about you and I'm going to now constantly search around for you is that him yes I don't know why you're running pal you ain't making it far no Oh my Jesus Christ okay I thought I recalled them fast enough uh let me just try this ow no okay well you know what we're going to be doing this for a while then pal okay you're not is that thing moving its third leg oh my god dude that poor wife of his that thing is that thing is swinging jeez man you trying to like I'm not even going to continue that what are you oh wait is this where the uh the boss is that you know the tutorial wants me to go and fight forgot Penguins okay penguins are done uh what about foxes foxes are done I think I need those EES though I don't think I'm done with you I've seen these I've seen those and I've never caught them weird okay I don't remember that dud there's no way it's that oh no it's you there we go okay yeah no no I do need to capture you okay so hi please don't mind me okay I just here let's go to London okay we can go to a London Fashion Show see it's really nice there you go okay there was one more penguin penguin where's your friend there you are why is it running yo it's the it's that one thingy that I saw why is there so many of you just right there okay this might go poorly and I use might really loose okay well unless you're all just going to start running away from me but I'm faster than you oh God you're tanky okay ow Yep this might go really poorly like really fast um if I wasn't so goated with the sauce at dodging okay there's one don't you worry every single one of you is going to be captured by Me Oh my Jesus Christ you almost just killed me okay okay chill chill uh boss boss I need I need your help right now boss boss boss boss boss boss boss boss boss boss God damn it okay okay wait I didn't even want to spawn right here I wanted to spawn back in my house okay you know what to be fair I was tanking it perfectly fine in the beginning everything was going all smooth and dandy you know and then out of the blue I just lost half my HP so I I just want to say that that was pretty unfair you know like it just very randomly happened also give me all these berries they're mine now I need them for my tummy wmy cuz I'm hungy Wy well I don't have anything but at least I have my pals so here you go yep does it tell me where I died I mean I have two way points this direction and I don't know why uh okay here can I make a custom way point marker e yes there you you're fine yes I I I like that yes okay does that really not do anything for me okay so there's no point at all in having a marker got it but here if we just follow this road actually yeah if we just keep following this road we should be able to get to our dead body I wish you could still move while looking at this but did I even Capture One okay yeah I did capture this one oh that's cool and then at the very least we can go super fast with our little reindeer have you guys always had a flower on your head that's cool I like that wait I was really this close to the entrance you're telling me all those little babies left right when I died really and they don't want any of me huh they're too scared oh no it's SK he so strong okay well at least it like requips everything okay fine you know I'm not going back though I I can't pronounce your name or else I'm going to be demonetized by YouTube but that's really funny that's actually really funny I I actually love their names you come here you're making me look like a fool Will you come here come here Donald Duck yeah that's right yeah take it Daffy Duck there you go yeah yeah there you go okay now you're mine I said now you're mine that's why I said now you're mine there we go Jesus Christ almighty hi that's what you get for sneaking up on me yeah mhm yeah yo come back here I know you like it when I smack you there think I finally use my bow all you guys do is run come here cream pie okay good captured him let me capture you there we go the other one got away but whatever oh nice never mind there's more I think I need you I'm actually pretty positive on them Jesus man huh almost looked like you wanted to hit me oh come on oh dear God dude just just go into the ball that's all you need to do come on just go into my ball just go go into the ball just stay in there I hate these blue ones these blue balls are 100% useless okay you know what I'm going to get you now even if I don't need you because you keep trying to get me wait that's a new pal I never captured you before really I can't believe you didn't tell me that I needed these Darin that's a pay cut where do those little boogers go that killed me huh I'm not done with them dang it a man I was really hoping that it wasn't going to be a crit don't be a crit okay good good there you go needs one copper key aw how do you get a copper key uh let's actually mark this on the map we go about there there and then I like how none of you are chest but sure we'll just start making all of these uh can you can you go go wait go away there we go yeah we'll just make all those chests that we find that we can't open oh I'm pretty positive this is actually like a boss fight right in there and I definitely do not have the right Pals for it and I also don't want to fight bosses hello I do want to get all of you though I'm sorry Eevee I'm sorry okay just just just let me capture you okay trust me you're going to love it nice captured you captured that one capture you it's you the one that always tries to run don't you dare don't you dare just let me capture you you're very annoying there we [Music] go wait now it's an actual Waypoint that I can see that's weird there's so many way points what does the bird mean does it mean that there's a T-Rex over here I also feel like this over here should have held like some massive P you know or maybe I need to come here during night time I come here ooh hello there another penguin egg okay we have 101 palum fragments so let's head back home and hopefully make everything I really really want to make the guns for everyone and I really want to make that saddle for the flying one I think it'll be really enjoyable to actually be able to fly nice that actually didn't kill you I know it'll kill you though don't run from me don't run from me get back here get over here boy boy get over here I like how they're just watching me beat the soul out of this guy right in front of them and then they think I'm not going to do it to them there we go there's number seven and number eight wait was that seven and eight there we go okay we just need two more and I think there's two more like right here and then we'll head back home hi everyone please don't run okay this is really awkward wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I just need to catch my bre wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait oh my God wait okay I need to catch my breath again thank you okay wait wait you're you're not being fair to me please there's no way you break out of that demonetized word come back here ow [Music] okay nice captured you and you what secret area did you guys just lead me into whoa King Paca we might actually be able to do this I I no no okay know I did capture you guys we might actually be able to fight this thing I think we can even though I do three damage it's mainly onto my deer that just took a free hit okay cool cool my deer does one damage that's good I was really worried that you know he he would actually do damage to him so never mind we cannot do this Oh my Jesus Christ we need to run I'm sorry I'm sorry okay I I thought I was actually you know able to Oh my Jesus Christ I thought I was able to take you one I'm sorry I'm sorry your thickness uh let's see okay good good it'll actually wait is he staying on the map if I leave yeah he does okay beautiful let's go let's go let's go I saved you come on let's go need to get out of here Syndicate thugs are going after a mamis yo depending on it if they actually lower him oh hello if they actually lower him I think I can try and capture him with my green balls but I have a very strong feeling that they're not even going to do like a little bit of damage to him okay cool you guys are just scumbags got it no no please I love it how you guys were going after a boss and then you just see me and you're like oh yeah we should actually go for him instead hello Raichu how you doing bud nice I can hit you both at the same time oh God sweet we just got two new Pals I like how you could be in the same area but then new Pals actually come by like that's actually a really nice feature beautiful they're 820 Shah don't need Penguins anymore I forgot no we don't okay you guys are safe um which way was it home wait no no no wasn't it this way and then yeah I just go through there I'm coming home I'm coming home tell the world something something something I actually do need to capture you guys though and you are pretty low health I didn't mean to hit both of you at the same time little awkward woo barely stop that hit you again get in my ball beautiful and beautiful okay let's also get you guys I think I need both of you okay this is going to be really awkward okay because you guys are really low and I don't want to kill you but yep figured for whatever stupid reason my uh my pal had to do two hits please I really don't want to try and hit you again please please please please please thank you oh my God yes it's a shiny no no no get off get off you go away you not screwing this up for me again so I remember in episode one I actually found one of these and then you guys are like oh man you killed it it's like no I didn't my pal killed it but I do want to collect oh my God you're tanky oh you are you really tanky okay it's a good thing I have a lot of arrows [Music] okay let's see can I capture the shiny I forgot what they do I think shinies actually just give you like special abilities like they they have like different uh fighting moves something like that youve captured a lucky pal see what special abilities they have yeah exactly okay but perfect we finally captured a shiny I'm really shocked that there wasn't an achievement for that okay let's see not done yet but able to pick up all of you and then here you guys go for absolutely no reason whatsoever here's some cooked berries dude we have so many eggs it's actually insane say I don't even think I have any storage for all the eggs so we really do need to make uh can you I need to make the other stuff you know what here Fox can go and do that while we go over here what too close too close too close too close there we go okay wait can I okay here so what we'll do is we'll just like put you guys up here oh God okay I need more cloth and I feel like we should make more more than just one got a strong feeling about that okay well we need more ancient Parts but we can actually make two of you guys and then let's see the large dark egg very curious about that one oh my good God okay that's going to take forever and then my next question that's going to be answered pretty soon is do I need to capture them once they're born or do I just get them like are they automatically mine like I really hope I don't need to uh capture them or else that's going to be really entertaining with everything else going on so now oh my God yes yes okay let's make the monkey assault rifle oh my God I love this oh this is going to be so much fun and then yeah let's hope just go ahead and make wait wait wait wait before I run out of anything no we're going to be making you because I really want to be able to fly oh cool I was worried that this would take a super long time but wow that's just it's moving really fast oh God so quick learn Dragon burst oh sweet o actually yeah yeah here while we're doing all this stuff we oh yeah it's my humans nice yeah let's definitely go and get our old Squad back I think it was I think it was all of you I don't think I need anyone else oh my god dude I four boxes of all of these guys I don't even know if I want to put in the time to go through and just like you know Cleaver them a question if you catch my drift okay so the saddle's done I think definitely we should make should we make this like but I don't use either of these the the penguin rocket launcher is pretty funny but I don't I don't think we actually need to waste of the materials yet on making those cuz like I'm not using them you know I forgot however oh this is how yes yes okay so why can't I give it to you or do you already have it oh okay wait wait I think he already has it I think that's how it went so like if I throw you out you have your gun no you just have berries on your back okay wait wait wait show your rifle hello wait do you not want your rifle come here hello oh come come here come here no no no stop juking me out come on it's your gun I know you want it come get your gun okay here what if we go down here do you want your R you stupid monkey do you want your rifle stop trying to do work and come have fun wait what's this purple bar going up on the circle oh gotcha okay so I just need to hold F and then it's going to take forever and then he'll take the rifle okay wait isn't my egg done hello my little eggy wigy are you done nice let me incubate the egg yes oh my God a Gil claw nice yeah I just got Gail Lew D let's go to Walmart okay let's try out the damp egg uh 7 minutes okay I'll be back okay yep I'm stupid okay I mean not bad it's kind of cool I was expecting him to be bigger but eh I don't think I can ride that like I trying not to make it weird but like I don't think I can ride that bird so I don't really care I like my other bird but he's cool kind of useless but he's cool cool seems just a little hot well I hope that doesn't matter like I'm guessing that's just like the incubation speed of it but you know I don't want to do anything about that okay you get the rifle yeah oh my God what are you doing stop shooting what are you stop that what are you doing God he's such an American I love him okay so if I throw you out okay so rise ah okay got it yeah so it's just like every other game but oh my God we can actually just fly around okay so what is air cannon ah nice okay and then tornado attack oh okay gotcha we can oh dude that's so sick oh okay but I see it so your energy this is the part where it sucks so we can we can fly faster but then you just fall to the ground and then okay then you just replenish oh okay that's not bad I like this it feels God like it feels a little bit slow lower I think it's actually faster if we take our deer and we like run to wherever we want to go but then when there's like a lot of obviously you know like when there's a lot of mountains or I want to get to like another spot it's like oh man I have to go through a river to get to it then you know then we use the bird but I mean not bad what does he do what's his special powers thingies okay you're just Gathering you Gathering cooling oh my God wait you're an actual Mount nice okay and you actually is that actually powerful yeah you're on par with him that's not not bad you're weak you're pretty weak you're actually pretty strong with that tornado attack okay we're getting a pretty decent party I'm I'm not against any of it it's pretty all right I'm just a little confused about the monkey and his rifle that one seems really difficult to actually control I think this is worth it I want to make a lot of you cuz I'm getting really sick and tired of the the blue balls you know cuz like no one really likes blue balls oh we might actually want to make you wait what okay so I can shoot three arrows and then some strange mechanism it only consumes a single Arrow when fired that's actually sick I like that I would make these but making their arrows is tremendously difficult but okay yeah I think I'm down to actually make you so we can get rid of our bow and then we have a cool one lovely and honestly here so we'll just equip you yeah you're the old boat let's just discard you I don't care okay my Pooky is ready let's see do we hopefully get something new oh dud don't wait we got a manate okay uh we'll just do that one so huh oh God okay so they always have different uh little uh incubation times okay but you okay you do water and you put stuff away but you're a slacker okay but let's check you out oh dude that one's actually cool what would be really awesome with it I don't know if it does this but if it actually lights up because it has like those little yellow Parts on them that' actually be really cool if you could like light up the night that's a cool one I like that dude hatching is actually really enjoyable in this we can actually get some nice things and then speaking of nice things so some of my uh my pals are very low level and I don't like that and I'm now completely out of Ingot so that's even worse oh yeah I also need more of this stuff so yeah what I'm trying to get at is that we need to do a lot of mining again which honestly seems like the only thing to do in this game like I'm trying to do other adventures and this than just Mining and like resource Gathering but at some point no matter what you're just forced to do it you know what here uh you want to go have fun with your rifle okay well I was I was thinking yeah there you go there you go pal go go pew pew I'm not going to lie you're kind of you're kind of dog water with the gun you know like it if I could speak freely here like you're kind of bad and you don't even use it for that long why do you keep trying to get behind me I also still haven't found this but I strongly believe that there is a pow oh wait yeah no it's the it's a cat never mind I was going to say I really wish I had a p that would actually help me mine but never mind okay let's see how can I command you more like I I just I want you to go after just all of these PALS like go have fun there you go there you go see just go attack go let loose you know let Daddy go around and just mine while you uh while you go play with all your friends and then the nice thing is once I come back boom we have all of these nice little food items for us that's someone left behind actually I just realized there's probably better guns that I can give the monkey how am I already over encumbered he really way that much know here what we'll do is this okay so what we do is take one okay so we drop all that ore right there and then we get the Lovely bird out take this and then we fly up to our base and then we go over to you we do this go do Max start production and then we very quickly fly back I'm really hoping that they didn't despawn I don't think they do at least not fast oh de God no wait please was it up here there's no way they okay no never mind I'm just insanely blind okay good good then very luckily we have this nice little one right here next to our base oh my not monkey I like hanging out with you you're very chill he's so cute how he runs I love him love the monkey like gido from Jutsu kis uh can I add pretty please actually wait what if we just cancel it and then I go to this and then we just do Max and then boom there you go okay good luck Fox you're going to be getting a whole bunch from me pal okay so we're going to be doing a lot of cooking oh dear God I really need to make another storage these wooden chests are not it at all oh God I'm so stupid I'm dumb I'm dumb oh my God I'm in the water i i l i oh my God I'm literally diving around in the water but whatever oh hi Mammoth no please walk right through my base I don't mind wait I actually love this the chest respawn oh that's actually amazing oh copper key oh we can actually go to that chest gosh oh dude we definitely have to do that I love this sound so much I'll fight him come on there you go come on there you go monkey proud of you okay dear Lord I didn't what are you doing oh my God there's so much death in the valley I didn't mean for you to do any of that but you are really strong I do like that oh yeah I totally forgot a base upgrade oh build a cooler box I think I can do that I can't do that oh oh wait wait wait wait oh hey look I can do that uh oopsy Poopsy completely forgot about base upgrades okay where can I even put you can I like get you away from so close to me but whatever okay so we'll just push you right there why not perfect okay so in you isn't it CU like how does oh my God wait that's a glitch watch this okay so watch the timer so 2855 boom that goes up to 30 timer's going down boom I take it right out it just yeah it just refreshes it that's so funny so I can just put all my food in there and just take it right back out and boom it's all good don't think that's supposed to be a thing I'm I'm very positive that that is a glitch but that is hilarious you can actually put a password on that good thing I'm in single player with all of that then boom now we can get to base level 10 build a cooking pot build weat Plantation build a mill cool everything that I don't want to do I can have another pal here which God what do we honestly I think we need another Fox but wait can two foxes work on this at once Let's test that if two can then that'll be perfect let's see doesn't look like he's going to come over and help you bud okay so never mind we don't want you we want honestly probably another monkey the monkeys are so goated they do so much yeah I think we want another monkey a monkey they just do everything they're honestly just one of the best workers uh okay I think you going there yeah I'm pretty positive on that okay but the next stuff was build a cooking pot uh we need more ingots cool you know what like before we do anything with the base let's just keep on mining very obviously we just need a metric ton of ingots and that fox is almost done going through all of them so here let's just start flying oh there you are oh dear God please get out of my way okay wait wait wait wait wait wait okay so stop continuing that cancel you go to this so I'm starting to realize the importance of actually raising my maximum uh carry weight because oh dear God you cannot carry anything in this game wait can I really only make 40 at a time oh okay well H God I kind of want to make a second one and then we could just have two foxes going but I I don't want to waste the resources on it because I don't think it's that important of an issue right now to go through and spend you know all of that stuff to make a second one you feel me not really seem to be important uh can I can please I want to repair my stuff never mind I don't think that they've actually fixed anything I think I was just getting lucky at the beginning of the movie anything to lower weight okay let's do this boom you okay there we go we at least have all of those going please get over why do I oh cuz you take two Ah that's right right now I'm not saying I would be against it but I would really appreciate if one of these rocks right next to the house would actually have those ores you know at least there's always one like right there don't don't attack no ooh an actual New Egg a verdant egg ooh we can make a nice omelet out of that okay I just got to try this that's actually not that bad okay I thought you would do like a lot less damage oh God I can hit it did I oh my God I actually landed that okay please get C captured there we go okay so whenever we need to go and capture these little green squirrel thingies I don't know why I want to call him a vegan I don't know why then we'll just use the bird whenever we need to go do that also hello boss are you the same as this one yeah I think you are I think we should actually try and capture that boss over there I don't know if you get anything for unal living them God I really hate that I have to use that stupid word love you YouTube but I wonder if if it's better to do that or to capture them I'm pretty sure it's the same outcome if you were to capture them like you know whatever I'm not even going to explain that never mind I'm just yapping hi I feel like it's probably safer if I were to attack you on here okay so I hope you can survive this woo okay that's a very fun attack okay please don't hurt me I'm sorry okay well this is really awkward this is really awkward oh my God okay can you chill you're acting as if I hurt you why is this not working okay at least I hit you with that one oh my God you might end up killing that never mind just wait oh my Jesus Christ help me dear you're going to have to do all the work for me okay I know it's very different from all the other times that I make you do all the work for me but oh my God please there we go okay don't kill it I don't hurt me though like that was actually almost incredible oh please please come on you're only level 11 come on you're you're only level 11 stop trying to act like you're a big boy actually here let me just do that yes so I can immediately do it to you okay this is why I hate the blue balls oh god oh Jesus okay everyone hats getting blue balls oh my God stop trying to kill me you know what no no no okay I'm just going straight to the green one I I can't die I I don't want to die don't want to die oh I never picked up the green balls at the base I got like 40 waiting for me or something please please please oh thank God oh what a nightmare okay now we can actually relax and be safe phew go there we go no no no no no wrong button there we go okay we need to head back home let's go oh no this this is cool why are we all gathered right here o speaking of gathering right here hello large dark egg please be something cool come on give me a legendary a man I got a like a lavender Eevee oh man okay let's try this one I'm in a sweep and you do like next to nothing okay that's cool wait no I don't want my food to spoil please wait let me just reset the timer on everything oh I love that I love how stupid is I don't love you that I swear to God if any of you hit him if any of you hit him and if he starts a fight I swear on my life please please just leave please God I want to capture you I think that's the goal you know it was just like in episode one I really wanted to capture him this episode I'm going to try and capture him okay can all of you make that do M wait 50 oh wait let me guess the max is actually 999 not 40 because now I can actually make 50 I'm actually trying so hard to not make more of those ache incubators but I think I have to what was the the the the thingies for this one okay cooking pot wheat Plantation build a mill awesome do I have any of those I'm not going to lie I just forgot like everything that it just asked me to make uh okay cooking pot can I make you cooking pot I swear to God I unlocked yeah cooking pot okay yeah we can already make this one sweet we should put you like right next to the campfire just so it's like really nice and annoying to actually use it please for the love of God do not step in the fire but just so it's really nice and annoying so so then I'm like trying to like access the campfire or the cooking pot you know like just how like it's very difficult to do all that stuff yeah it's going to be really good I without a bed get stressed oh oopsie Poopsy need to go make another one uh okay so you basically do the ex I am I I hate you I hate you so much okay we need we need to destroy this uh I don't know how to do that like I'm not seeing anything obvious okay not bad we just I'm just going to assume this is the only way but if the cooking pot does everything that the campfire does yeah let's just get rid of this cuz I'm just tired of things lighting themselves on fire not that like I I've never done that myself because I'm really smart and I'm just very skilled like that so I'm just looking out for my pals not me there we go I mean it gets rid of the life but oh well okay you next one okay wheat Plantation I believe I actually need to unlock that I saw it somewhere but I thought I unlocked it oh wheight Plantation there we go and then did it say that I need to make a mill yeah build a mill okay let's unlock you too oh no please I've always wanted to be inside of a mamor I actually can't move there we go no I've always wanted to be inside of an elephant so thank you at least was able to live through my dream okay nice and you're actually super cheap so I can I can I place you over here you good there we go okay wait almost almost there we go come on game you're edging me oh wait there we go perfect oh wait o we also need to make a bed I should really do that before forgetting about this so you okay wait okay go the the bed okay you got to Edge a little bit almost there okay wait yep right there perfect woo okay perfect oh okay sweet you guys can already do that for me nice okay I was worried I would have to go out and actually like collect some stuff so I got scared but I thought I was going to have to actually like do some work oh that would have been awful and then the last one it was just a mill right you build a mill got it hopefully I got everything for you where's the mill oh there's the mill God I don't know how Darman didn't see that difficult of seeing I guess uh honestly we could probably just put you right next to the house why not so I'm guessing once the wheat grows we just come over here use this and then we just make it into flour and then we can make bread o i wonder we can make like cheeseburgers and stuff okay yeah I was actually correct about that cool come on penguin I mean you're not really watering you're kind of just staring there but come on I want one of you to put away that stone I don't want to do the work but now base upgrade amazing dude what is the max level for there's 100 like this is awesome though we can have 11 Pals here build weapon workbench awesome I love it how it's only one thing and I think I actually just unlocked that uh yeah weapon workbench cool and I can already un uh build it uh God this is actually getting a little difficult on where to put things uh we'll just put you here here why not there you go God we're making such amazing progress and then base upgrade whoop straight to that one build a fluffy pal bed you think I like them that much come on you think they deserve it okay what do we need next I'm honestly thinking just put more monkeys they're just so goated they they just do everything that we need yeah um fill in a lot of monkeys oh my God wait you do more than a monkey uh okay so you do something something with a mortar and Pistol I believe and then he can just put away stuff so I mean sure why not I'm down to have a green Eevee around here see whatever they do okay so then need to build beds have I ever unlocked a fluffy bed that looks like a gome do I even have points for it that would be a gnome okay where do you even get it I haven't even seen that before oh you're kidding me I have to be level 24 ah okay well well I still think that we just need to go around and just keep mining as much fun as that is but yeah it just everything that I need it just requires so much metal dude it's actually so annoying how fast you fill up your uh your max carry weight it's so annoying and there we go perfect I'm going to assume like a really good max weight to get to is like 5,000 which going to take like a while guess oh God I completely forgot about the eggs okay uh can I acquire thank you okay let's just finish that one cancel all of you please let me do this there we go maximum 49 I completely forgot about the eggs ooh I wonder what I will get got a is that a pirate penguin pen King wait is that like the evolution of uh penit that's kind of cool okay let's do another big boy we can I get give me a mamist come on you know you want to what the is that supposed to be like the pink version of L bunny you know what here uh you guys go put away the wood for me I feel like I should also mention this is most likely going to be the last 100 days on this game because I feel really bad whenever I do 1008 videos and then it's just a lot of resource Gathering like this I just feel like it's just so boring ooh hello oh nice 542 gold awesome don't know what that's still for it's like if this was a regular video I would just skip through all of this of me just Gathering stuff and then just show you guys like me uh capturing Pals building doing boss fights stuff like that so it's like I I'm trying to go through you know but I I feel like I should keep focusing on progressing in the base we we do go out and actually you know try and capture Pals okay few almost went over Maximum white Love you monkey but good by you call me crazy but I think the bird should be able to fly twice as fast I feel like this is like really slow 69 in being made yeah you just move so much faster with the deer oh my God oh my God please I you don't need to kill everything I just wanted to go around and collect some ores huh you are so stupid Oh my God wait wait wait wait I'm not at like like maximum waight yeah don't attack me don't attack me run run run run run run I hate I dear so much you suck you suck you suck uh okay put him away I don't know if he's dead or not no no no we are not fighting this thing I think if we at least get off the ground we should be fine uh okay that's not good okay you know what this bird is so painfully slow I just I I can't oh my God we're not fighting just run okay if we're un luck he's not going to follow us up here to our base 93 I did not mean to hit that oh my God it did like 300 damage I feel like we're actually getting like to a relatively close level it's being able to capture a mamist hi bud we we're we're on good terms right okay okay before stupid over here starts another boss fight here you go oh my goodness look at this graphical glitch right here my immersion is destroyed ooh another Rocky egg give me oh you're collecting okay I mean I don't need that I think I have close to 10,000 wood but hey you do you Chief was me okay wait can I actually just fast travel back oh my God I can't yes fast travel there fast loading screens and then I just throw you down boom Oh my God do not do that but now boom we can just rush straight to our house oh my God that's actually so much faster I don't know why Darin never told me about that ooh and our Rocky egg is finally done so I get a legendary no I what is that I can't think of anything but uh yeah I got I got that thingy cool I also never checked out that one uh penguin thing wait where did it go where is my emperor penguin there you are pen King so you okay so one two one two this one does everything and it mines oh my God you're actually so much better okay hey you can uh you can replace that one yeah you're literally everything that he does but more and you do it better like okay so we need to get a lot of you and you're just pretty useless cool okay oh dude I completely forgot yes okay so with these shinies they actually come with special abilities like that nightmare ball that does 100 damage uh insane I dude I honestly think we just take this instead of the fox I I honestly think that's worth it cuz I'm just looking at the damage that that monster does like it's just insane oh my God wait you're kidding I actually I don't even need the cooler if I just click on sort it actually resets the timers on all the food and I don't think it's cycling through them so like it it's not pulling up like a new one you know like it's actually just extending the timer oh I love this game it's incredible wa oh my God you're huge it's exactly what your mother said oh my god dude that thing is a unit I thought You' be like a little bit taller than them but no you're just a monster awesome I want more of you so if we definitely see that out in the wild we have to capture them it's just so much better than the Penguins back here at base also out of curiosity how many berries do we have Jesus we have about what 1,500 1,400 yeah I mean that's close enough to the see we have like about 1,400 of those that's insane uh we'll keep the wheat in there oh here wait let me let me uh you know just extend their times oh oh my God I almost hit you hi you Tred to Ambush me I'm not I'm not here to attack I don't mind me please I just want some ores what are you Arrow sweet oh actually where okay it's actually this way and then to the right we could finally get rid of that copper key can finally see what's in there also I need to capture you so I'm really sorry about this oh you did live like can you survive this no okay well it wasn't meant to be yes please be good okay wait open open open for tundra outfits okay that was actually pretty useless but something that's not useless hello you Birds I do need to capture all three of you don't mind me oh my God please don't blow up please no no oh my God dang it okay well at least we got one of them so that's really cool but God we should actually go around and actually collect all of these what and then I'm curious if I could take out that one boss to uh that's to our right up there you know I wonder I don't think it was that much higher of a level than what I am right now I think we can excuse you what did you just do who did you just kill why would you kill him it's one of the ones that I actually need don't don't don't don't don't don't chill don't run from me though I need to get you come here come on come on it's not going to hurt that much come on come on come on you're you're being very ridiculous here no oh my God forget it okay we can't have any of you guys out oh it's right it's the triple Arrow I completely forgot about this you're not dead right oh my God you're not dead holy there is no shot that fails thank you nice okay we just need one more of you which honestly we should be able to find one around here like really easy I feel like it's smart to go over there and just unlock that fast travel right I would you look at that I actually have the power that can let me do that have I no I think I've captured one of you right was oh it is this one okay three of 10 o I do need to capture you okay well first off whatever this is if I I can there we go and then lock that and okay so we're now in Elden ring I very much remember this very specific place that's good and hello you player capture power oh actually yes I will be getting that because I feel like that's a lot better than like if I were to enhance my pals which I can't oh hello didn't even see you nice okay sweet actually very happy that we came over here we got so many free things that is a metric ton of ores okay all righty hopefully this is smart oh God it hit both of them at the same exact time okay this should be good oh awesome you can hit me up here yep yep mhm yep don't worry I love it how I can't Dodge yep sir okay we need to get off of you uh let's actually try out you why not I'm curious how good the shiny is you're going to kill him aren't you you're going to do like some insane oh my God holy oh that was sick I love that oh my God you're almost dead no no no no oh my God I'm almost dead uh big boy go go what this is going so poorly stop attacking me I You're Dead Aren't you dang it okay I didn't want him to die oh my God can you do something please do something something dear dear come on come on this is getting embarrassing okay maybe we need to bring out the monkey monkey do something uh we can probably try this I know that's not going to work but whatever yeah figured as much okay wait don't kill it okay yeah let's just recall you because I think I'll definitely die very soon don't don't oh my god of course now the boar has to come in awesome please please please please please please thank you okay cool next uh yeah you help me with that thing you can't get up here right okay thank God okay no no no I need you to hit the board not the tree I didn't actually mean to do that I meant to press F and for some reason I pressed q but you know what here uh use your gun oh my God oh my God no oh my God okay both of you dear Lord both of you are actually so close tonight come on come on come on come on I need both of you I just don't want to put my monkey away I you oh my God oh my God okay that that was a bit intense uh immediately enhance void I I can't stand how weak I am wait I think that's the last one that we need not the monkey not the monkey not the monkey okay not me yes 10 oh my God that was 1,000 XP okay why are you already running I just got here here please I need you please join my team I mean you're not going to ever be in my team but please like I just I I I need you for the XP think about me here oh my God okay four of 10 we're doing amazing we're doing absolutely fantastic do I need the fancy Eevee anymore awesome I don't okay I wish that they would have like a symbol above them saying like oh yes you are you still need to capture 10 of them or like you know sybol like no you've already capture time like there's something to where like you don't have to pull out the pal deck and then you know the thing just runs away also here you go monkey you want to use your gun on it oh never I get tired of this it's so funny oh my God it's so funny a monkey with an AK one of the greatest things okay four of 10 for you ooh another egg awesome yeah we need to build more egg incubators we just do not have enough whatsoever wasn't there wasn't the boss down here what is that that's a new one a dire howl awesome yeah I swear to God there was a boss here all righty Dire Wolf oh cool there's a mamus back there that's the one that I was hoping for actually no no no no no no no no no you're 100% going to kill this thing what okay that's awkward here's a green one ow there's no way that doesn't capture you first try awesome and yeah okay sweet that was a new pal is it no okay so this is a different area where was the boss oh it's back there level 23 can pack out o I actually really think that we can take that on wait but I see another fast travel right there let's just go get that one first don't you dare attack the amorist a jolt hog oh my God they're so sick they're little like little porcupines let's see can you guys survive this you can okay over here okay what don't worry I'm going to capture you too okay uh awkward okay wait wait wait wait wait come on okay no no no cancel okay hit him with this there you go now hit him with that and then let's unlock you I forgot do I still need one of you dude the green ones work so much better it's actually insane they're so much more enjoyable okay uh survive this okay survive this there you go survive okay yep I figured there we go okay that one should be captured let's go for this bad boy oh God come on you know you want to come on there we go God we're so good at capturing things like I'm honestly probably the best it's actually insane just how much better at this I am than Darman oh sweet I don't need any more of you guys uh sorry you need to die then level 24 yes the stronger I get the easier time we'll have with the boss yes also wait what happened to all those electric groundhogs porcupine Things o actually sure you know what we'll just keep picking up the blue ones even though they're kind of just like pointless weight why not hey okay wasn't expecting you to die from that I mean well you were level three never mind ooh love me some chest said every guy ever and then what are you I figured okay so abandoned M shaft I thought it was going to be like a little base for an enemy uh God okay well I not that but I do want to go and uh fight that one one king pack I want to try and capture it but I guess we can you know check this area out and oh my god oh dude it it's literally just black oh my God this is so difficult to see uh black marketeer um well I'm going to assume you're not friendly cuz it has that you you have that scary skull symbol are you friendly can I talk to you talk wait you're actually friendly I tried any kind of pal whether it's stolen Pals or even prohibited types take a look sell Contraband what no shot oh my god dude I can actually just sell everything like I don't need to go through and just kill them one by one oh oh God okay so we might be here for a little bit I feel like we I should just sell the villagers you know like all the humans that I captured I feel like I should capture them my god dude they actually give you a lot of money now does he have okay he actually I think that's how much gold he has like here I don't need you know all of these guys don't care I don't think I need these like whatsoever I'm sorry Penguins I do love you we'll just sell all of you why not sure boom okay that literally did nothing whatsoever oh wait no is that my gold oh wait so I can just keep on selling like this what's mine okay mine's 16 that's a 10 don't need don't need don't need sell yes oh okay so you have unlimited gold nice I love it when games allow that it's actually very rare now I feel like I let's not sell a Daydream I feel like they're somewhat useful or like you know feel like I just shouldn't sell them don't need these you're telling me a boss is only worth 500 gold really and boom sell all of that my God I now have 23,000 gold hopefully that's good I honestly can't tell if it is or isn't then now if we go to buy oh yo what yo War SEC dude that sounds sick s them knocked are any of the like is there a way to tell if it's like a legendary or are these Pals that I can only get from him wait didn't don't I have a nox I think I had a nox and I sold it to him but dude War sex seems so cool and especially since you're the most expensive sure why not I'll buy you and since I've never owned you before let me just buy you too cuz why not I like how I bought them for 19,000 I can sell them back for almost a grand that's really cool but you do those okay but oh dude you're a really good uh tree cutter and someone that can put away things oh dude he looks so sick oh I want to go see him okay you're cool I love you wild wild question am I able to capture him oh my God I don't know how to get out of here dude it it's literally just black like I I can't see uh at some point we should be able to find the door uh I think it was somewhere over here okay I think I think it's somewhere here D okay this is this is stupid okay come on there has to be some way for me to see oh God I have a feeling it's just harder to see down here be why why am I climbing I wonder if it's just because like it's just impossible to see down here because it's night time like do I just need to un alive myself I don't know what to do I I legit don't know how to get out of here why why is my tany above me now okay is there like a gamma option wow this sucks so oh what is this oh my God I found the way out you're kidding holy hell dude that was so stupid okay Jesus that was a nightmare what is that oh it's a Sparky little thingy uh actually no I do need to capture you now I know you're asleep I'm really sorry and you're already dead so never mind I'm not going to capture you as I kick you around never mind depresso no way dude I found my editors you know just use a rifle okay see if I can capture that one and come on start shooting the other there you go Oh my Jesus Christ you killed them so fast okay well hey at least I got a depresso oh green ball W okay barely captured him barely got that in time okay let's get out the bird and we need to see if we could just find a teleporter I'm just going to see if I can take the easy way home this is a nightmare what is that what is that a building oh it's one of the iron deposits God that was really hard to make out not that it'd be like difficult to make out with it but like you know it just hard to tell what it was ooh a depresso o okay yeah yeah all of you I do need to get let me hop off you go you damage it come on thank you okay captured that now let's go to this depresso God it would be such a shame if I was able to see please attack it don't kill it okay pH and then you know what here let's just be smart we're just going to collect some ore get close to our max weight and then we'll teleport home wait I noticed a chest please please have something good please not bad I'll take it why not oh hi you just want to join your friend and be captured too oh that looks sick oh that looks so cool oh you could just fast travel straight to your base really oh nice huh didn't even know that was a thing okay you uh I God I really want to keep the lambell 50 and 30 30 3 maybe you're actually better than the chillet I think he's he might actually be better cuz I don't know anything else to give up cuz I kind of want all of them and I love the monkey he's just hilarious uh sure I'm really hoping that that's not like the wrong decision but we got to see this monster yeah oh you're a Giant Beetle oh my God that looks so cool where do you think you're going don't don't mind that dude oh he looks so cool oh yeah oh yeah I'm I'm happy with that one that that's a cool one he looks awesome oh nice you actually completed all of these hell yeah go do 40 more like am I going crazy I swear on my life there was a button that would just like drop everything into the chest if there's like one of it in there already I sore on my life that was an option let's see can anyone put that away from me se you guys like pretty pretty please anyone actually wait can I make my monkey do it okay NOP that's a no well it it was a dream okay I was a little curious speaking of curious Hello both my eggs that I always forget about you see a part of me is just like I'm trying not to make more of these because they are pretty expensive and oh sweet we got another Tom bat that's actually really nice I'm just trying not to make more of them because at some point like I'm not going to have that many eggs I just have a lot of eggs right now because I keep on exploring and oh nice another deer and then I know that they're going to but I really hope that they never fix like sorting just rep fines the timer of your food uh oh my God wait we're level 24 now we can actually get it a fluffy bed yes uh sure we'll get the gloves for you should probably get the armor stuff it's probably useful and we'll just save everything else but nice so now is another that two of you need these okay yeah we need some Nails which I can very luckily make not in there come the thing that I'm looking at there you go okay so I overestimated on how long it actually takes to make nails and I just wanted to complete all all of this instead of making one of the pals do it so the entirety of today was just making Nails oh and I made the two little fluffy beds okay so let's upgrade you and so we just need to make a sphere assembly line and build a power generator that actually sounds kind of wild that actually sounds really cool there's one thing though and I'm actually like really positive that this isn't possible for me but kind of want to like move our base like this spot is cool and all but I'm just like eh you know you're actually not that bad L is actually pretty decent honest I think we just need another monkey uh CU I mean Floy is cool but hon I just dude the monkeys are just too good they're too amazing and cool now I need to make another bed which these are cool and all you know love my pals um this is so much cheaper though and like yeah I may maybe in the next base you know we'll make that why not but uh yeah just for right now because I just don't really care about this spot whatso ever yeah we'll just make you and then speaking of useless Hello both of my eggs which I hang you that's cool and oh dude another dire hell so I won't lie I saw I've seen a uh a live streamer playing this and uh oh my God can you move fast with the dire H these things move Stupid Fast if you could put a saddle on them and what are you like you're okay that actually not that bad of an attack same with the dire hell but okay whatever and then let's see do I even have the the pow ball assembly line or the pal assembly line whenever it was called I got to oh my God wait hip lantern that can be attached to the hip it lights up automatically at night just one is enough to find your way in the dark oh oh dude okay those are crazy expensive oh my God but wow do I want that makeshift handgun not bad sphere assembly line yes okay so we need to get to level 27 o and then speaking of 27 I actually unlocked the gigas spere which you're also like barely more expensive than a megasphere but hello I'm going to going to make 73 which will use up all my ingots but let's do it you know like I feel like that's heavily needed so yeah we're just going to leave that and hoping to God one of you actually starts making it o there we go see it didn't use up all of mine we're so good and yep just like before it is time for us to go back out and just keep on mining it would be really nice if there was like a machine or like a table that you can make and then you can just assign some Pals to it and then those Pals will just go out and actually start mining or chopping down trees you know but like go out into the world you know I feel like that might be overpowered but at the same time it's like it would be really enjoyable so then we don't have to just do this nonstop you know cuz I would love to make it so they can help out with the mundang task nice hello okay love that one we actually got some nice spars from you and then I saw one more thing oh yay another egg so from this one I get a serent that actually sounds really sick I like that no idea what that is and then from you I got a chill out okay but see this is why I didn't want to build any other ones cuz boom we're finally through all of our eggs but if I look at you uh okay cool you do basically nothing so that's really awesome and you really do nothing so that's really cool so I'm not going to use either of you oh let's actually to like what do you do when I'm out and collecting stuff nothing okay God he looks so cool though what are you doing no okay sick I got someone that has a Gatling gun at the where are you going okay okay you know what as long as you just don't attack the mamor I Don't Care Plus you are getting like you know some decent amount of XP and I was starting to run low on food like a little bit so I don't mind that yeah it's just kids being kids you know I'm just using a Gatling gun on each other wait what Meek oh cuz I picked up some wool and some meat on the ground ah oh well okay well as long as we can just you know continue moving fast back to the base totally fine never mind oh I just realized okay so yeah so there's a green one so there's actual Rarities to these like even though I know it says like common for all of them but okay so then they really give you a lot of different things nice no no these are my ingots everyone go away I know I'm right here no the mine not sharing no there we go no no still mine maybe around day like 50 or something that's when we'll try and leave this place and then we'll just just going make a new base somewhere else I'm going to see how good of uh 69 kind of curious how good of food we can actually make with this required watering uh well I know am I carrying anyone in my party that has a water power is there any way to see and tell okay not you not you not you definitely not you no okay okay but good good okay we got the Penguin on it that's why we are superior okay so I'm then to acquire you okay cool so I'll just let you do that that we're actually starting to make like so much in here uh bread I don't think I need bread for anything no okay so bread is cool but I'm very curious about Jam filled buns I'm actually surprised that this takes a while to make it I actually figured that it was going to be almost instant the jam filled bun 51 oh my God that thing is actually like pretty up there oh dang it me the entire reason why I came back here was to repair my stuff and I just I did everything but that and then since you guys are actually right here I I'm pretty positive I still need you guys so let's just go for both of you okay that was a good hit oh dang it stop moving there we go I know it's not going to capture you I just really want to get rid of the blue balls ow oh good lordy there we go okay good God you yep okay so four of 10 XP bonus 1300 I didn't even get 10 but okay won't ever catch me complaining about a whole buttload of XP there's no way that actually captured it wow okay 1,300 XP for that one jeez those guys are worth so much okay so if we find more of them I'm definitely capturing them why is why are you angry at me all the way over there why are you trying to come over here and attack me so interesting you know what here go have fun there you go go go play with the neighbors kid come on okay fine don't why are you all mad at me what is going on go go and attack everyone oh you're attacking each other okay well here if my guy for you know whatever reason is just not going to attack here let me let me get on you there we go see I would capture him but like I just don't need to so I just really don't care to so instead here we'll just go and have a whole lot of fun just killing everything okay here fine you want to attack too here you go okay well you just caught as stray I actually didn't mean to attack you at all okay just hit the fox there we go and I can't have any Witnesses okay there we go and then for once in my life let's use you and I think it was this one I'm pretty sure this is the place that had all of those um a Syndicate Thug but it also had them yes all the little iron deposits uh here you go you can go have fun with him he actually is there you go go dear go ooh 50 coins oh don't shoot me nice ooh what are you coarse ammo nice all right perfect see 900 is not bad but I definitely think like 5,000 Max carry away is definitely going to be like the perfect number then you can actually play the game and explore and loot everything and time to go back home and then the next question oh my God I can actually just fast travel from my base dude Darin why are you not telling me any of these things oh my egg's done and okay well another Gil claw I'm pretty sure that's how that one's pronounced so like eh o also I should actually see if I can quickly access no come on come on there you go okay quickly before any other pals come by there you go let me do maximum 81 one perfect and then fast travel from here back to over here and I'm me just go straight back to mining okay so this is definitely how you're supposed to do it I should probably bring a cat with me actually I should probably just trade out my entire party for cats since I don't need to travel anymore I could just teleport so then I can get like 250 more wax wax more max carrying capacity and I can have a cat help me mine I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure they'll actually help me oh no wait I think I oh no I actually got rid of all my cats so oops when we go back home we need to capture five cats and then I just need to always keep those for whenever I need to go out and start Mining and collecting resources I wonder how long it takes for these to respawn because this actually doesn't take that long to mine all of these ooh next question totally forgot to pay attention to my max weight can I teleport while I'm over encumbered oh my God wait you can actually do it you can actually fast travel while carrying all this are you is are you God are you oh my Lord he is so yeah if that if if it doesn't even matter honestly I might as well just you know max out my weight to where where like I could barely move and then just teleport back here okay before we head back out I need to go get me some kitties am I lucky and just like Chuck this without God no I don't like those odds same boom okay there's one all right awkward okay hi okay wasn't expecting to kill you sorry probably doesn't help that I have three arrows of course when I want to get them that's when all of them are just gone oh my God you're level one I'm actually shocked I didn't kill you it should be good enough oh oh I didn't hit him wait really I still need to damage you okay well I guess I'm just going to kill you oh dear God okay so don't use arrows got it I'm too strong so now we just have to go frolicking through the meadow while I just chased down kitties come here oh come on please just just hit him oh my God okay you know what we're we're going to see if you can survive an arrow there you go who knew it was going to be so difficult to capture such lowlevel ones okay where are the cats why why are they so rare now there you are see okay I figured it was actually going to be really useful to do that so here instead of attacking you I just need to run into you and then I just Chuck that I don't remember if that's four or five five let's just capture you just to be safe what there you go that should be F oh wait oh yeah yeah okay I just need five not six okay uh we'll just store all of you like over here just so nothing bad happens boom there we go okay so now 1150 I like that way more okay now we can fast travel back over here I'm pretty sure I could just collect all of these iron ores over here and and then just like very slowly walk my way back like I don't I I got a feeling we could probably get all of these in one trip oh if you weren't almost broken awesome I love how I forget about that every single time let's just go repair it all righty hopefully you can actually help me out I for got wait can you mine oh you actually can mine okay but can you actually help me mine I forgot the last time that I use them I don't think they actually help I'm really hoping you do okay let's see please help me with this cool you suck okay what ever at least you can like somewhat protect me while I'm mine in case like a barar charges me oh I do need you but I think that you're going to absolutely demolish any uh pal that I throw out okay so I want to test on my theory because I really don't want to have to like travel back here so let's just keep on collecting I just need to pay attention to my movements wow okay never mind okay let's let's just drop that and let's just run okay so in theory yes I probably could do that but oh boy do I like being able to move more than one pixel per minute so yeah never mind but I just want to collect all of those ores and then we're going to go back to capturing Pals and exploring also these loading times are absolutely insane in such a good way oh dear God you guys barely even did any of these oh wow okay I work way faster than the penguin I don't know if no I can't I don't I don't feel like sitting through and doing all those but I do I need these before we go back out because I'm going to try and get one of the bosses now this might surprise you but I did hyperfixate on this one task I gave myself just like every other time I focus on something I was searching around the island for Pals I hav caught 10 of and also looking for some bosses and teleporters just exploring the game and throwing my balls at everything I could even finding more balls on the ground so I can throw my balls at this thing throw my ball on this thing's forehead just a lot of action anyways I did that for days 45 through 52 and then on day 53 I was done throwing my things around and went back to the base you are really difficult to actually capture okay let me just Chuck that just so I hopefully I don't die please get away from me body you know what here I'm going to Chuck that out cuz I know you're not going to stay in there okay he actually stayed in there dude we're literally going through War zones like I am in World War 17 right now I have seen things that would crush the normal human you know what let's try out caping you too I haven't learned my lesson okay okay let's see 46% there we go 70 come on you see like there there we go okay you're actually captured I wasn't planning on capturing you but fine we'll do this one too come on baby let's go give me a nice and easy one nice and easy one okay that was a nice and easy come on give me a nice and easy one there you go there you go okay perfect woo okay now we'll head back home oh there's a level 28 okay yeah no we can't do that one maybe we need to go farm bosses like maybe maybe I need to go and farm the king Paca at the very least I love it how when we fall asleep our Pals also fully heal very nice touch heavily love that and honestly I think it's going to be a really smart idea to build a second one of these especially since it is you know one of my main food sources now uh if I could even place this sure right here why not this is why like we actually need a new base I know I could actually just build like a platform going off of the mountain so we have like a huge base I really want to do that but I just don't really like this area like it is really cool to uh to be here cuz like if all the really weak Pals and then there are some like really good um ores around here and then you know the nice little weak Pals that's just like free food but if I'm building all of those uh wheat Farms like then we don't need those Pals but I just I want a new area I want new Pals that are closer in My Level from whenever we defeat them because I think that gives me more XP but I just want like a nice change of scenery as well I like how One of the pals on the base is starving when they have like around 1,800 berries in stuff just saying like I find that really difficult to starve in here with everyone fully healed now though actually here let me let's work on uh replenishing everything we've never actually explored this settlement and I'm kind of curious if there's like loot in here or is this supposed to be a place where I can build at and make this my own like area getting a really strong feeling of no but hello are you a shop oh there I got some grae Pals and stock in a funny business and only legit trading guaranteed sure let me see uh wow okay you got some like pretty useless ones the the Gob fin that actually looks really dope I actually really like that one and loot Moon you know what let's start selling we got so much to go through so depresso are cool but like eh holy okay yeah Robin quills are actually really nice they can do a ton same with the floppies are actually not that bad okay so let's go by so I don't have you so let me get you and I don't think I've ever caught a loot Moon before so let me capture you too and that should be good for now so is there really no store in this game that will just like sell you uh balls and stuff ever explored a cave blah blah blah okay so you don't do anything that's cool but it kind of sucks that there's no storefront for like actually purchasing like pow balls or anything or like just any kind of resource like if it's everything with this okay you sell it though hello I love you farming watch okay so kind of useless eh I mean you sell milk which I guess is good cuz I don't know how to get that yet but you know it's something you know it's not bad I wish that you had something better than the literal worst spear in the game oh but I can just sell you food oh so I mean we technically have an infinite money Farm then CU if I just keep on selling them Jam filled buns it's honestly probably the best route to go huh funny okay so actually a really nice place so this is the the main town I'm guessing yeah let me not talk to a person that's sleeping oh and we have this interesting cave and we have a nice little egg over here so I would love to go into that cave trust me God dying to do it but um I don't have any way to see so I'm good I think we need to get up there for the king uh the king Paca now let's see am I correct yep yep I didn't even need to finish that question they do respond sweet oh actually I'm very positive I need to go for both of you so I'm me hop off actually here uh let me use you okay don't kill it please okay good capture you definitely need to capture you too got you nice more XP o are you going to level me up please pretty please ah didn't level me up okay I think we capture like two more Pals then we will actually wait I think I need to also capture demonetized word over here that I can't pronounce pretty sure I need you yes I do okay sweet I remember there's a few more over here hello okay let me get more energy don't run no no no no no no no no come on come on come on come on come on there we go okay good I was actually able to hit him oh God please don't tell me you're in the map no okay please get out of the rock okay I can still hit you for some reason okay this is going to be a really awkward capture if I even can okay let's see yeah wow that was a really good hit you almost got me there um that actually hit him yes level me up please PR please yes awesome okay so now if we go to technology let's see it was the assembly line we need a power generator let me get the hypersphere mounted crossbow what improve the planting efficiency of Pals ooh let's actually get you why not ooh get the saddle oh King Pekka saddle yes okay now I think I'm ready for the boss uh might TR let's try and capture the ones on the back oh man I can't like run into them okay good as long as the boss doesn't come from me oh okay oh my God okay uh you know what forget it h Stone Cannon come on oh my God oh God I don't think that actually went off I think it actually interrupted it oh my God I messed up I messed up I messed up oh dude ah you took so long to be able to move okay well let's not die you're being very silly right now use your gun use your gun yes yes okay I wasn't expecting you to do almost half of its Health you know what here let's have a king Pekka versus King Pekka fight why not I think it'd be kind of funny and mine's a higher level than you so you suck W this this is intense honestly this is this is a good fight like wow like I I would expect Disney to put out this level of fighting like this is some Marvel level stuff this is crazy okay are you stuck in there I feel like you're stuck oh Jesus Christ okay I was trying to you know move him and you I wasn't expecting you to attack me please just attack it please there we go okay you guys really love the forest it's almost like you guys also want me to do 200 days on it like everyone else woo it was this is intense oh man like able to go on my phone and like slack off this this is crazy I want to make a saddle for this thing so bad cuz I just unlocked it so I think once we go back home I'm definitely going to do that cuz it's just I think it'd be so funny to be able to ride this thing around what are you at by the way okay so you're not going to be able to tell me there's no way the game only lets you capture one yeah huh wait oh my God don't put that in Dear God that that's that's that's mine that's not mine oh my God Jesus well here let's not let you die Nightwing please do something dude okay can we get out of the forest we have this entire area there we go like you you you guys are choosing the most difficult spots ever to have a fight nice there tremendous amount of damage see I don't want to God I don't want to get rid of War suck because he just looks so cool but wow is he useless oh I mean he can slow him down so I guess that's cool but I mean it's really not a bad idea to keep him because he does like how tanky are you he has like 2,000 HP so he's the second tankiest one I have you know if you look at the deer's Health like it's slowly going up so he is pretty useful to you know allow my others to actually heal here let's go monkey monkey use gun just like You' use in the rainforest please did wait really I tried to make you use the rifle but you got hit and now you can't use the rifle wa oh my God you're strong you actually just learned that move like unironically that's actually amazing okay I don't want you to get two hers let use you was that an invincibility frame like I swear that should have hit me but I was able to go like right through though got one more hit uh don't kill him okay that should be good enough Boop and let's see if we can capture our second boss I said let's see if we can capture a second boss I said let's see if we can capture a second boss please dude okay what you need to be lower or something like why why why is this proving to be so difficult there we go okay we at least got through the first tick there we go thank you Jesus that was a tremendous amount of XP uh do I need you don't go anywhere don't attack me I do need you awesome hi I don't know why you're staring at me like that like I'm about to attack you cuz that's my deer not me I would never attack you oh let's see what really really okay you know oh my god well I was going to but I I need to remember like you're overly powered like for anything that we go against for whatever reason you just hit the hardest well here let's at least go for the demonetized over here like to capture before I have to go back home but I really don't want to use these purple not purples these yellow balls to like capture cannon fodder I guess you can call them oh bad base yep bad base uh here you go you want to hold this for me oh my god oh hello sorry not really but here you go yeah here you go you can hide from this huh Boop ooh what's this in the cage both them release cannot do while writing fine I guess I'm not a good Rider oh hi uh don't mind me yep exactly just stay over there while I free this pal and I got you oh cool I got a rub bunny occasionally it gets tentacles tied up in a knot that's disgusting all you seem really confused let me just ride you and then I'll just take care of these guys okay you know here you guys are right next to each other so hold this dang it I don't know how that didn't hit you okay I believe that's an a base conquered where where's the village there you are ooh that egg that I forgot about oops ooh okay the egg is ready and we are lucky enough to get uh Nightwing eh not the worst could be better whatever here we go got two more eggs hopefully we get something actually new wait holy okay yeah so just like Pokemon you know all the pals have different kind of stats dude you have almost 100 more Health in my current one5 475 okay so 17035 okay so the abilities are the same but the base stats are different yeah I'm I'm I'm going take that one Chief since you know you have 100 more HP that's insane ooh also here before we go out oh nice okay you're actually done with all of the ingots boom 267 God we're amazing so then over here oh thank the Lord I can actually make it uh wherever it is hello King Paca oh God okay well this is going to take a while okay sweet now with that finally made uh let's go down here okay so you God you are so huge I like how there's not even a saddle on him and like this is such a weird way to ride it but I mean maybe if we're going to go in and like fight things this is a really good uh pal to use okay I just got to try this okay that was really pathetic never mind oh wait wait wait here we go we got to try out the Power Bomb on them gorgeous is that 200 damage or two th000 okay anyways here I'll take that one it was a funny one at least so I do like it okay so we're definitely not going to go for you again uh CU I mean the king PKA I think it gives like 3,000 or 1,600 XP so it's like it's not the worst but honestly maybe we just want to go around the desolate church because we should be able to find a lot of Pals over here that I haven't caught 10 of so for some XP this is probably the smartest like this rush or worst thing is how I'm going to be using my yellow balls and I really don't want to do that woo oh my God that was incredible by me there you go ooh lot of fighting up there please get captured this place okay sweet okay let's quickly run up here don't run no please I want you I want you both please oh my God okay I don't want you like that though let's capture you no oh my God I almost killed him woo oh really okay fine take a green one oh this sucks yeah we only got yellow left H yeah King yeah go go have fun with him okay literally impossible for you to miss him but okay come on actually you know what here let me oh God never mind jeez 1,500 damage ooh and he had a ball and now you're going for everything else okay oh wait don't kill him and thank you perfect okay 10 of 10 so we don't need any more bores God do I still need you I honestly don't know woo okay beautiful one no way I don't C you what like that's what I'm talking about dude that's basically a 90% in your really going to tell me that that didn't capture him on the first try like really no I'm not going to hurt you I promise okay not nothing nothing bad just just just don't don't hurt me though don't okay just there you go yep just keep taking it there you go yep that's right yep there you go good Sonic the Hedgehog and Boop there you go it's such a stupid strategy but like it allows me to not use any of my arrows and it's the only way that I can actually deal damage to them with a pal without killing them in one hit no no no don't run no no no no come on join your friends okay well I didn't want you to fall through the map we got n out of 10 I want to capture one more of those little hedgehogs o you should be able to take a hit nice and this one nice wait wait wait pause pause breaks breaks there you go okay let's see can you survive this that's a no nice okay nine of 10 so we just need one more of both of the electric ones I need a raich shoe and then a sunny Sonic the Hedgehog oh god well I mean you know if we're here we might as well head shot okay there we go got rid of both of those ooh nice we actually leveled up okay so since we're here mineus well and okay that was actually really good on your end oo wow you really T that now here let's try monkey there you go monkey use your gun oh okay well I was hoping that you would have been a lot closer oh God you did a big boy attack there you go come on use your gun use your gun use your gun use it shoot him shoot him shoot what are you doing oh dear God there's so many joining in the fight all right see this fight is so intense it's insane like I could just go ins my inventory and not worry about anything like wowe difficult I want to see some more war suck like just calling him War sucks like it's more fitting whoa okay I thought you actually just killed him oh nice you actually learned a new move okay he's doing some damage now so he's not completely useless I want to see my monkey use his gun though I love it oh God it's not up yet there you go okay so he has an ability that looks like a gun and then he has an actual gun okay just don't die I need you to you know actually go after him I'm about to make you use your rifle come on come on before you die come on yes okay call you back go I no matter what I'm going to get you bud okay so you might as well just stop trying to break out of my balls there you go yeah perfect and yeah like almost 1,00 XP so it's like he he's not bad to go for for like leveling up like I still need to do it 10 times regardless and hello I hope you can survive this oh nice you did and there you go there's no way you break out right okay nice okay done with that one now we just need our our little right shoes also here I hope you survive okay well I wish that it would have hit you okay well I okay I'm going against a God here there we go there you go yep just stay in there yep there you go good boy okay okay wait stop running thank you I need to capture you I don't think I've got intent of you ow don't hurt me that's mean you know here just take this okay yep that I don't know where else I need to aim other than the body so that's all I was looking at there we go okay well I wasn't actually expecting you to kill him with that but okay okay bud I hope you can survive this yep it was just a whole lot of hoping from me wait did I get you oh I did okay uh sweet we only need one more and let's make that you don't come over here buddy okay there's nothing happening except for that a little bit of those okay and some of this stop using the Glock stop using the nine here hold this for me thank you what a terrifying way to go you just see a giant boulder just come out of the ground and fly at you oh boy okay we can do this cuz I want to capture these ones too but oh my God okay we're this is going to be the deadliest war zone I'm going into and I dude how do I always miss that oh my God you're tanky oh God you're you are so tanky okay got hold this for me hopefully this lands there we go do that okay let me just get off of you because you'll be able to actually do your abilities a lot more often than I can use them there we go don't kill it there we go oh my God no no oh God scary thing ever hey this is all you dear okay I'm going to be hiding because for whatever stupid reason he only wants to go for me and not you at all oh let's get you out of a Minefield oh my God okay I really want to capture him but I don't my God no no no no no no no no no no holy hell dude that actually almost killed me okay free pal Alliance love you guys you actually kind of saved me there love you Jesus why is this area so stupid hard why are dude he's already dead he you don't need to like like desecrate his body I'm I'm dude really come on okay you know what here answer to the AK oh my God holy okay wait here you go come on go and do like a little little attack on him actually let me just bring that back 11% let's okay yep never mind I I was just kidding by the way JK LS like I I I wasn't actually trying I I was just kidding I swear hey you better be careful where you oh no no no no no no oh my god dude it takes too long to put away your power it's so stupid can I capture you can I capture you now no please I want to have a human that has a gun please come on dude it'll be so funny with you at our camp come on you know you want to oh my God yes please yes it's so stupid I love it oh it's so messed up hi you want to play with my monkey come On Monkey oh he's in the wall got it never mind you can't play with my monkey uh you can though please stop trying to come over here and hurt me nice see now we're working together so that's what we should have been doing the entire time okay love you monkey very useful to me hey monkey uh would you like to hurt him what is with you in that bomb you know what here have some fun you deserve it okay but I need you to actually hit him yeah he's he's really not good with that got to be honest there you go see when you don't use your land okay oh my God please please please please please dude okay I I don't know why I keep using you like I very clearly just cannot use the monkey cuz he just kills everything also yeah here come come over here we need to go home I need to make sure that I ride in style I don't want people to laugh at me because my Mountain looks really silly oh my God okay so oh wow that was 142 XP for you guys h H now I'm not saying I'm going to do it to the brista right here but um oh God it didn't kill him oh please please please please please please please I need to run I need to run please okay good got you okay okay see you guys don't you guys worry okay I I'm not actually you know coming through here to hang out with you guys I just really want to take the teleporter right here and go back on so don't you guys worry I am out of your hair also I just want to say I am so unbelievably grateful that I was actually able to teleport with all those andies what the hell was that Jesus man that legit sounded like my cat's fighting IRL really even with two Fields like it's really that slow planting and watering oh hello why I mean that's really fitting for you to be up there but um why okay from a damp egg I get a Sur fent I did not mean to spawn you in oh my God don't please be careful time to cook I think we're still safe on not needing to collect supplies so here since we keep going up there and we're just getting absolutely bodied maybe we need to go over here and then from here we go this direction let's see if there's like Kinder things for us what oh hi oh Raichu hi boy is this a bad day to be you I did not mean to do that that that was genuinely a misclick uh buddy where you running huh why why you running away oh Jesus Christ there we go just get captured come on come on just get captured buddy come on oop that's number 10 so now I don't think we need any more electric ones that we've discovered so far funny thing so I don't know how I didn't pick up on this earlier but it seems like every single time you collect a PO the next one it just gives you more P so you just keep going up and up and up and up and up cuz in the beginning I swear in my life we were getting like 50 XP 20 XP per capture now we're getting 2,000 okay let's see can you survive this oh my God he actually survived it awesome why is the aiming in this game so stupid here we go capture you guys who are nice and super low okay please don't miss awesome please please please please please thank you oh it's so cute you you guys barely do any damage yes level 29 let's go a okay well I thought you were going to be able to tank one more come here Chief an I need my XP please don't die okay well take Dam okay come on take take okay come on take take take damage okay come on how how how is this not working how am I going against a boulder no oh God okay I I don't know how you actually just took damage an interesting place like this actually looks kind of nice to build a base only downside is I don't yeah there is no teleporter here so it' be absolutely awful to do that oh God dud we are zooming through it ooh free chest oh and look at this one running over here for me to capture them I love that okay don't die there we go okay take that thank you ooh Rocky egg perfect okay no more Mana Rays I still think I need some elephants oh hey look there's an elephant nice okay we need two more of the you oh hey look there's one more like it's kind of cool that the first 10 that you uh capture give you like a lot of XP I no never mind like I completely understand why they don't just have that go on forever or else they need to get to max level within the span of like maybe 30 minutes maybe 3 hours okay so that should be number 10 I want to say I think I've caught 10 of every pal on this island like I don't think there's any other kind on here that I need which is kind of cool kind of lame I was kind of hoping for something other than a chicken o Place some require a key yes yes and it was fierce oh and an egg you are a scorching egg awesome dude that one has to get me a legendary right oh hey look you can actually swim sweet get ourselves a nice Rocky egg okay I'm hoping this isn't going to be a stupid idea but I feel like there's something on the skeleton I actually wasn't that stupid that actually worked out pretty decent I'm me give me that don't get me wrong I love the copper keys but I hate holding on to them okay I don't think there's anything else with the skeleton hi penguin okay fine if you want to be a little mini doooo head then hold this oh okay wait wait wait malpa please I need you this is heavily important I need you for XP okay let's see I think this will be the least damaging one maybe maybe this one too okay good thank you I could just stay it is 90 thank you dude we're actually so close to being able to take on a mamist I really don't get like I feel like you're not supposed to be up there I feel like you're actually stuck and you're not just posing so yeah let me lift this big boy up and uh yeah you go down there there you go yeah see you're already hungry no work available in immediate vicinity switching to automatic work mode what such bizarre creatures but speaking of bizarre hello two finished eggs a yeah chill it I'll take that why not uh let's do the scorching egg someone's actually new wait what okay good it's still going down okay few thank God it's not like Ark and it's super annoying to hatch eggs and another nox guess that's cool we'll do Rocky egg why not oh no God well we were able to play a whole lot without having to go around and you know uh collect things but yeah I need more spheres because yeah I only got 27 of these left and I don't like how low that is I would like to get it to 100 so badly we actually have to go around and do GH work oh while in same K Paca helps carry supplies increasing the players maximum carry weight oh my God wait so if I get five of you wait wait wait wait does the other one do that as well king of muscles yeah I think that's the the skill king of muscles oh my God wait so screw the cats they're telling me a big chunky over here actually gives me plus 100 that's insane oh I love that also I totally forgot we can actually like upgrade our base we we could could actually go and do that ooh and a giga Shield oh and a handgun I don't know why I'm still using the bow but I feel like using a handgun and then like making ammo for it it's going to be really tedious yeah I kind of also feel like I'm going to one-hot a lot of the pals so yeah o actually here since we do need to go and do some G Manual Labor uh yeah let's just we'll put War SEC away for right now I'll pick them up later but yeah give me you I have a third one oh I totally forgot about that uh I'm so yeah I'm sorry monkey I got to put you away dog okay I'll take that and then you know what here the second to last page that's where we're going to be putting all of our bosses that we catch bet okay so with me having those three wasting now 1,300 oh my God I love them oh it makes me want to go back and keep on farming them well don't mind me time to get back to working how to do manual labor I got to say making episode two of this series into a 100 days video video just so we can progress really fast got to say really smart idea really genius oh good job yep no cause some suffering there you go good boy there you go make sure you run through the chicken there you go good boy okay now let's just keep running through him there you go yep make him suffer there we go run through the lamb there you go you're who's a good boy you're a good boy oh make sure oh okay never mind I thought that one was alive trying to think maybe I can hit all three of you almost almost that was close okay here how about this one okay oh okay no no we still hit him see I was completely right like the dude I think I've gotten three of these nodes and I still haven't gone back to base like I I was so correct about just getting like an insane amount of just max carry way this is this is a little bit of a silly goose move my pickaxe is actually going to break before I hit my Max carry weight was actually like getting crazy low you know I do think I need to capture more of you oh God there we go don't kill him don't kill him don't kill him don't kill him I'm too scared to do that that that one just oh God it it just scares me so much oh that's cool you can actually shoot through the rock that's awesome don't kill him okay thank you yep nope you go away now hi buddy here you go you want my ball okay hi buddy you want my ball there's no way it breaks out nice yep five of 10 yeah it actually broke there's no way oh that's actually so tool my tool actually breaks before I hit my Max carry weight okay let's see so from doing this trip even though I did focus on getting a lot of those yeah okay we got 63 but the thing that I was focusing on mainly when going out was the palum fragments which there we go at least now we have like a somewhat of a supply again ooh and both of my eggs are done okay so please actually give me a really cool fire one please don't give me the fox oh okay he looks sick fuddler have I gotten you before you you sound a little familiar familar I'm not seeing any of them that just hatched uh uh I blind okay no no here's one which okay you're two you're better than the fox okay actually yeah we're going to use you instead but then where's the other one that I got oh you yeah fuddler uh completely useless dude I have like no recollection if I've ever gone one of you before oh yeah that's my second one ever and hello oh my God you holy you're fast I believe he's twice as fast as the fox to he looks so sick oh I love that design it looks really really cool I like that and then speaking of really really cool what about you can I make a lot 25 not the worst but like eh and then I'm just going to set you up because I have a feeling that you're going to finish all of those ingots before I get back so then boom you can just go and make the uh butter jelly toast thingy and then actually here if I need to get a lot of ores maybe I can be lucky and the ones over here respawn yes okay cool so it's just all time based maybe everything responds after an hour oh and we can actually collect so many of these now until my tool breaks okay so I'm not entirely sure how but yeah my pcks are not even like I'd say it's like maybe like 25% actually wait can I go faster if I were to ride you a little bit but I would say that we got roughly half of the ores down from there so we're going to come right back once I drop off everything I want to collect all of these and then we'll head back home and then collect some of the paldum fragments everywhere oh my God actually are you okay who what [Laughter] okay I mean heyy I don't I don't judge man the stupidest looking animation ever is awesome oh no dude I oh my God I can't believe I actually forgot to repair my uh my pickaxe okay now we can go back even though it's about to become night time please please dear please please oh my God I really want to drop a fine oh oh I wish I could see I just know there's a monster near me did one of you just fart disgusting I got a little farter in my base oh my gosh we were actually so close to collecting every single one okay maybe not okay perfect so this area is now done so let's head back home and then we're just going to immediately go for the paldum fragments ooh our egg is done and cool another fuddler I feel like that's going to be the only way that I'm going to be getting that pal is by just hatching it from an egg ooh I do I need you I think I do let me hopefully before my pal attacks him I do okay no no not like that no no here okay yeah like that what huh wait you're not mine right what the hell dog what I'm so confused why are you down here I wow okay uh yeah Dar me don't put that in the video yeah thank you Jesus Christ it's Jason borne sounds like something's happening behind me how how he just always attacks everything like I I'm I remember like episode one I said it so that they would like be super aggressive but it's specifically the deer that just attacks everything at least the other ones can you know be kind I swear to God if you go for the mamus I'm going to put the cleaver into your O Okay so every single egg just spawns in the exact same spots ooh a rocky egg I think I've actually almost cleaned out this entire area of helium fragments I'm not seeing any left which I feel like that's kind of wild o wait do I still need you please don't go anywhere please stop running uh uh yes I need one more of you dear attack attack but please do not kill oh nice I like how I hit you and then you know you just go for him okay thank you oh good oh few god dude I thought he died okay so let me go that want come okay come on kill this one there you go it's a little angry at me for something for some reason it's just a little angry it might be because like I don't know like probably killed well probably captured his girlfriend but you know who's counting okay but our weight pretty good and then honestly if we ever need more weight I'm just going to go get more of those King pacas I feel like feel like we should just put everything into stamina from now on like that's probably the best one oh my God we're level 30 didn't I start this at like level 14 I want to say ooh fine bed oh oh I never realized that so you place on the base to improve the lumbering efficiency of Pals dude oh okay I I never noticed that before Oh my God you cost 50 ingots huh like what am I making Iron Man why why is it 50 his legs look like mushrooms oh just dice up some mushroom put some onions in there ooh sauté M okay birdie it's going to hurt you a lot more than it's going to hurt me okay so I need to uh I need a capy bud okay I'm really hoping that my king Pekka does not one shot you he's going to onot you okay good good okay hopefully you survive oh oh my God you actually survived W that was actually that sick wasn't expecting that whatsoever that actually okay wow I mean I wasn't expecting it to capture you on like the first ball but sweet thanks all right there you go go have some fun there you go have fun with your friend you you're going to kill him aren't you excuse you wait what he had like an inch of Health and then it just randomly disappeared what o wait I can push his body around no no don't don't disappear here you go here go go swimming here you go there you go there you go he was really thirsty I care about the well-being of every single pal regardless of their mine or not so that's why I just wanted to push his dead body into the river cuz he looked really thirsty oh yeah I just noticed the tutorial like I'm really good like this will surprise any of you that have been subscribed to me for longer than like maybe a week so you know like I'm insanely absorbent of just everything so yeah I totally just kind of been ignoring the tutorial so yeah we should probably go do that I feel like I'm like really overpowered now for that oh hi oh that's an very oh my god dude it's a mammoth versus a mammoth oh dude this is sick okay I think I can actually capture it with my yellow sphere oh don't stop attacking each other come on really that's it okay there you go Jesus there you go nice nice dude hey I wanted one but I will take two ooh you're telling me there's a chance oh dude there's a chance oh my God hello wait is this seriously how I'm going to be getting a mammoth oh my god dude if this is if the oh no no no don't go for me come on dude this is why I wanted to make so many more no way oh y no way okay no no no we have to go for this one too he's so low go for him go for him come on come on dudee dude we're so close I can't believe I actually got one and it was only because there was a mammoth fighting a mammoth dude that's insane should I oh my God you know what oh I'm okay with that percentage why not oh oh first try yo dude I can't believe that I have two mammoths now oh my god dude that's insane I can't believe I actually have two of them holy man I I actually didn't think I was going to be able to get those at all this movie I I was planning on day 100 like setting it up to have it so that we would go for the mammoth on episode 3 but oh my God we have two of them now oh my God I can't believe that oh dude I love this game random moments like that are just so amazing oh look I have 11 balls not like that please please the thing that I am literally looking and facing towards the thing that I'm on pleas yes there we go thank you Jesus you know damn I was going to put them over here with our actual bosses but fine because it's not the boss but okay so it's going to go down five levels whatever oh my god dude look at that HP look at the damage I why wait do you not okay no no you do actually show up as a boss okay so here we're going to put all three of you they're cool love them you know if we're going mining and stuff but like in general just kind of weak but if we're going to go against a boss I feel like I should you know maybe cheese it a little be be a little cheap you know and uh maybe I take two mammoths with me oh my god dude this is so sick oh my god oh wait that's right what can you guys do e not the worst okay you're two on mining chopping wood and I'm guessing foraging I think that's like planting the seeds not harvesting the seeds I think oh my god dude I can't believe it yes oh I was able to do the goal of episode episode one in this episode oh my God this is amazing um you know what n we got time let's let's go so let's see Ryan Syndicate Tower entrance gotcha I don't know how I don't have like any teleport there but whatever let's go to this what okay wait wait wait no Noe never mind going right back home okay where down there dude hey you guys want to come over here I got you here have fun with this guy there you go buddy no no no no you go for them there you go yeah yes don't be shy okay be shy are you going to do anything dude attack there you go come on oh my god wow okay you do very serious damage oh my God yep I I'm very grateful that you're on my side now what is the oh there okay I was like what is that annoying sound but okay here uh d i base can handle the raid whatever I don't care hi let's go for you're going to kill him actually never mind uh here you go monkey don't kill it please pretty please oh my God you suck the one ability that I was hoping that he didn't use and he had to do dude I should have just taken out the deer and then just start like running into it that that would have been so much smarter oh my God again I don't want any comments about it that was not me killing the shiny I wanted to capture the shiny okay Jesus Christ almighty dude so yeah I I want that to be known that that was not my fault well funny enough we can actually capture him too ooh what do you guys do you have like any special ability gu a Crusher can be ridden improves efficiency of cutting trees and Mining Ores while Mount oh okay so in the future when I actually unlock the saddle whenever we need to go mining or you know chopping on some trees which I never need to do then we just stay on him and then he'll just mine it even faster for us I'm down I wish that he would increase my uh my Max carry weight I genuinely hate the sound that that combat makes when he's mining because that identical to how my cats sound when they fight that's actually awful I'm going me help you out with this oh yeah it' probably be smart to you know put away everything before we head out why do I have mam meat huh I don't think any of them ever died what ooh and very luckily these are open so there you go start cooking those two nice all 110 of you are done so now we have 43 te so I'd say that we're doing pretty good need to cook before a big fight I have a feeling Actually I don't even think eating heals you so I don't know why I'm doing this oh my God 38 not bad like do I need to make like seven wheat Farms like is that something that I'm going to have to get into at the future base I you know we'll probably I think episode three if you guys want it I think that's when we're going to work on like making a new base and moving out of here now I know that I'm low on arrows however I don't think I'm I'm you know going to be shooting whatsoever when we're in there just seeing how we deal with bosses out here so if we're going against a boss in there got a strong feeling it's going to be entirely up to my Palace can I please use the stupid table thank you yeah next base uh we are not going to be building anything right next to each other like this we're going to make everything spaced out because this is demoralizing trying to use any of that stuff God I can't wait to get that that boss I think we'll we'll SA that mamor boss for episode three as well I think if we can get into like a nice position to actually be able to take it on then boom you know then we can actually say that we uh that we really caught a mamor still oh I can't get over that I can't believe that's how we actually got a mammoth okay so let's see cuz I'm guessing that Tower I'm hoping I don't need anything cuz I'm not seeing anything like a key or you know hopefully no specific level even then like level 30 there's no way I'm underleveled for it don't mind me awesome give me that fast teleport a okay so Senate base right there don't want to fight you though I want all my pals to be full health all righty so I'm not trying to look at his gonads I swear but I remember seeing like some kind of bird up top okay nope nope nope nope nope don't don't do that nope NOP oh so join wait I have 10 minutes to beat the boss really okay I mean I'm in single player please do not tell me oh begin boss okay yeah okay good I was like I'm in single player like I could probably Force some of my editors to get in here and you know and help me out with this but it's like I don't want to do that I want to do single player okay so we're in genin Impact Mommy what Mommy sorry Mommy sorry Mommy sorry oh no way it's the Gatling Pikachu I think I might it might be a thing I of a different one but I'm pretty sure oh dude okay dude I love the Borderlands intros oh that's sick I love it okay so I'm just going to take a wild guess here and say that I can't capture him but at the same time I'm going to say that I can because there was that one um I guess it was like a black market kind of dealer don't don't come over here no no oh my God you can actually capture him once it gets down to a low enough health I think we can actually capture him what level is this thing 26 no that's my guy what level are you oh yeah don't worry you're totally going to hit him nope sorry I'm faster than you I'm better what can I say uh here you can use your gun though you going to have fun no no no no no no no go for him not me dude I have such a strong feeling that I am way too overload I feel like it's only it's only been a minute and he's already like about half dead here you go you want to have fun with the mammoth all right go Mammoth go come on there you go don't be shy yes oh my God what was that like two 3,000 are you okay dude he's not okay that's for certain he does no damage oh my God wa how much damage do I do like a see him I do 30 yeah I do 30 yeah exactly like I'm not attacking whatsoever it's just going to be my guys I genuinely believe that I could have came in here with one Mammoth and I would have won like I think just one Mammoth would have killed him he didn't even get rid of my shield yeah we might be a little overleveled so oopsy Poopsy my bad dude oh I look so cool maybe my Mammoth just does this during fights cuz he's just wanting to disrespect the enemy that or because I'm just too low of a level to to use them are you going to attack dude like you're just showing off here I know you're stronger than but like you're really just showing off this is so pathetic on just do one more attack come on okay you know what you're you're taking a little bit too long okay I want to get this over with okay hopefully you don't kill him there we go oh my God okay there we go so pillows CH should be immune to spear Spears not Spears probably not immune to Spears at all fine I'll just kill him actually I want to kill him with a monkey with an AK I feel like that's funny oh it's so funny achievement defeat zo and gbot nice there's the first B kill so can I take on the tower again and capture him oh unlock fast travel nice why the hell is this a fast travel there you go if you fast travel here you can go and die oh my God why I mean I could have just taken the fast travel to the one that's like right next to us but like I just really want to see if I can actually like go all the way down without dying that's right baby yeah okay so I feel like I can right I I don't I feel like that's not like you know a wild uh wild want you know a desire Mommy I'm sorry okay mommy sorry okay yeah let's just skip that okay uh hi yes don't touch me whatsoever I know I'm very low on health oh dear God my my PS are going to oh my God D my PS are going to be the end of me dude these guys are pissing me off there you go finally you're attacking can the monkey kill this Boss by himself I honestly think he can like I haven't even you know gotten him to use his gun yet and he's they're kind of tied on health oh my God never mind he's yeah he's beating him this a little monkey dude I love him a dude I just want to use the AK please okay never mind yeah this boss this boss can definitely kill my monkey why can I not use the rifle there we go okay I think he actually can beat him I'm just way too scared to like leave him in there cuz I don't want him to die but okay cuz there goes [Music] you okay thank you so much for that a that's so lame so I'm guessing any bosses that we fight in these towers you just can't capture them okay you're taking too long just kill them please please please please come on come on there we go you actually get pretty decent XP from doing this that's actually not that B okay yeah let's let's just fast travel down I I just I don't get it I really don't get why there's a fast travel all the way up there it's really stupid me oh maybe you're supposed to use a flying pal and then you can go Glide to some next place or are wait are you supposed to use that as like a lookout to see where you're supposed to go to next but hey at least now we finally have the tutorial off the screen so I'm really happy with that one yeah kind of want I want to find more Towers like that oh maybe that's what these are oh yeah that make a lot of sense I'm pretty sure all of these are just Towers honestly this one's pretty close so let me let's go teleport okay so we need to make it up to that bridge yeah okay so we run this way go up to the bridge go across it and then we make a left got it oh wait a second I need you okay let's see how many of you can I hit with this oh nice okay hey hey hey hey so I know that I stop it stop it I know that I need there we go I I need to capture you guys okay so I'm sorry I'm sorry okay just H got so many balls everywhere oh my god dude it's just like oh God it's just like the the gym locker room again oh God okay there we go we're getting so much xp we just got 10,000 13,000 we just got 15,500 XP in like what maybe 20 seconds so that was fun definitely going to do that until you know we get all 10 which while we're really close now okay then once we're up here we need to start heading this direction I believe need to find some kind of Main Road ooh hello yes I would love another fire type oh my gosh dude yes rock is not supposed to be up like that it's killing my immersion you're the worst game ever oh let's see I spy with my little eye possibly no that's not going to be a dungeon oh there's one I'm pretty sure that all the way on top of the mountain right there yeah I think that's a dungeon oh and that's Elden ring dude how big is this game I thought I was like making some decent progress on uncovering everything but oh my God this map is huge okay nice some Mammoth too bad it's not fighting another one would love to capture them both oh wait there's an egg up here and there's boys just hanging out again okay another Camp no no Towers there I don't I don't think there's a tower there oh yep there's one all the way back there okay wait so if I'm looking I think these two spots is there's a tower right there on top of the icy mountain and then there's a tower over there on that icy Mountain so like I I'm pretty positive both of these oh wait but there's one all the way back there like 500 Mi away from us oh my god dude we can actually do so many episodes on this but this game looks like it would take forever to actually be oh my God I mean maybe we try for that mountain maybe that's the best spot I don't see anything over there what are those CU that doesn't go to those two here let's go to this spot first I want to see what these actually are okay if I do this are you going to die Bo oh my God nice didn't even take any damage I love going mock 27 oh no it's okay you guys really don't need to touch me please uh but here you know if you guys insist not on the touching me part but like being all together like this I wasn't planning on killing all of you but you leave me no choice and hello you what are you a depressed Eevee come out come out please please join me what are you oh just an ox okay so yeah a depressed Eevee so it's more over here oh wait is it trying to make me go to the castle okay hopefully you have enough energy and oh my God you have like nothing how how does a bird get so tired of flying so fast Sea Breeze archipelago oh is this supposed to be like a base spot do another base okay well I was hoping that you would be a base spot cuz you know it's starting to get dark and I get really scared at night time and yes absolutely abolutely we're going to level you up are we even oh no no no no okay we are actually close to a Teleport there you are okay good we can teleport home come here buddy how did you get into the church sweet thank you okay let's travel back home ooh and hello Rocky egg pleas something new please dang it got let's do another fire egg very excited for you and hello meic ton of wood let me help you guys out I don't know why you guys are struggl why are you over there Bo both of you watering why are you watering the waterfall don't understand these guys especially like when I need both of them to water something right now so that's awesome okay you know what here let's remove all of you guys okay and then all of you guys come back in and then now hopefully you're not a silly goose and you guys actually do something instead of getting stuck and then speaking of getting stuck uh what's your max level 35 35 okay you're 390 how do you wait you're both of you are Level 35 oh my God how does he have 300 more Health okay well hey I'm going to keep you you stay there give me war SEC back don't mind me might as well just go around and collect all the palum fragments around our base oh wait can I make my mamist actually attack the rock yes okay I'm not going to lie I was expecting you to do to do a lot more but never mind at least you'll be helping like not bad 261 I still need to make a lot of you 53 what's holding me back oh Stone wait no we're not low on Stone yeah exactly we have 2,000 right here don't worry I'm only at 6500 lb out of 1,000 okay so just give me like a minute I'll be over in the chest okay so don't almost there brushing the soul out of my joints you know this good yep don't mind me you know just doing all your guys' jobs I don't know why uh the Gathering part is like really slacking okay there we go we go oh my God 5,000 dog oh don't worry guys if you thought that was bad before I'm only at 15,300 lb out of 1,000 so yeah it's it could be worse yep don't mind me it's still going hey I guess we're going to find out what is the maximum that you can have in a chest and there there might not be any maximum where's all the rest of my wood that's not all my wood whatever okay so now that I did all of that you maximum 130 I'd say yeah you know it's going to take all the Palam fragments and half of our ingots but o wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait don't I have the next one unlocked already hold up yeah I do why can I not make you requires sphere assembly line to craft crap okay oh h a saddle hello sucks so much okay well since I'm not going to be making that assembly line until the next base sure we'll just make 130 of you there you go thank you the flower is finally being made thank you now make 40 I don't know where you're running from it I need you to do it bud okay you boom make more of those okay you're making all of those okay at least we got some stuff going uh let me help you guys with this seems to be a struggle train around here oh my eggs yes something good something good dang it okay well here at least I can get that out of my inventory so that's awesome I forgot what do what are the tomats good for other than having a really annoying sound that I hate okay yeah more mining I kind of just want someone who's like really good at carrying things like I might just get rid of a tomat and put down another Robin quill I think that's actually a smart idea cuz we seem to be heavily struggling with actually you know carrying stuff and delivering it to places and of course you're just going to okay yep maybe you guys can't bring uh the resources from this to the chest but I swear to God you can I'm actually so positive that you guys can whatever okay we need to not get distracted here I think I think I've done everything uh I got 39 of these here got 40 okay we we just need to like not really you know go on a capture spree but here let's travel back to you these loading times are actually like bat [ __ ] insane coming from playing Fallout 4 you know making a video on there to this night and day on the loading screens like it's actually insane okay so I don't think we need to fly I'm I'm pretty sure there's going to be a lot of land so we can actually take you and go faster than our super rapid bird where where where where shiny shiny oh shiny shiny kit okay well I was hoping that I could do that no not to him okay wait come on get up here you go you go away okay you and me we're going to have some fun okay but please stop running away from me why does that look dangerous what the hell was that am I going against Goku no no no no it's okay you don't need to hit me with a Kam hameh ha stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it okay there we go boom 100% you you're you're just dead I don't like you you're insanely annoying but sick oh my God there's so many balls around here oh my Lord my God it's like some old dude at a gym there's just so many balls everywhere like look another ball that looks kind of different than the ores that I was collecting could just be going insane just had more red more balls more balls yes more yep oh hi can I capture you can I talk to you talk can I do all writing okay hi bud are you a Cast Away with rotten look finding yourself here this whole area is known as palp go Island oh yeah basically blah blah blah L of yapping nothing important from you but you know like what if I were to hit you with this nice and then if I hit you with this oh it's so messed up yes no come on come on don't be a coward just stay in my ball just stay in my ball come on there we go good good [Laughter] Islander I can't believe I I'll never get over that it's just so it it's just so wrong that you can do that in this game I guess in the way it's kind of like Minecraft you know you're just capturing all those villagers nice dude this island is insane there's just so much to collect sorry sorry okay my bad I'm sorry okay sorry ooh nice hold up wait wait wait are you new Ruby the booby hello I don't think I've ever seen you before but since you're a level three come here Ponyta D weit I have found like 20 of these little blue balls that wow this island has so much okay good okay I think and you little there we go okay now I think I captured him there's no way he wants to break out there we go lovely 2700 XP from that that's absolutely Bonkers they're just so cute I love these guys I say as I'm killing them but they're just so adorable okay anyway oh we found a boss let's go level 11 uh this might be a challenge to capture him do I need you guys uh let's see celery celery no I don't okay I chew oh God I'm so sorry I'm I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I just wanted to get the loot I can't lie I was feeling like Travis Scott Hi boss oh my God he only has 1,000 HP he's going to be difficult to capture okay please don't die to this okay not bad you survive okay and let's see do you survive this okay nice okay yeah it might not actually be that difficult to uh capture him here I do that too there we go okay how does this look oh whoops you know what actually no you're level 11 I don't want these blue balls so yeah we're we're just going to keep using these up if I capture you with the blue ball then that's cool but okay well I was I was expecting to you know use more than like three but fine how much xp was that only 500 okay I mean interesting spots I have a boss but you know I'll take it okay you know I I was trying to be kind like I accidentally ran into you guys but whatever oh oh okay that one's going to be a challenge but I think we can take it on like we're we're not that far down from level 30 so I think we can actually take on that boss D I can't help it there's so much loot everywhere actually wild also yeah level five Syndicate thugs you're unbelievably Brave to go against a level 32 Mammoth just putting that out there oh it's you hi come here booby really I can't run him over now is this okay so this is the boss uh dude I really please tell me I can actually capture this like please don't be someone else's pal please oh my God I think we can actually capture him you only have 2,000 HP oh my God you're weak okay let's see don't don't be scared to you know go and attack Mew come on oh my god dude you've got to be kidy come on dear come on you can hit him once come on hit me wait have you hit him I I honestly can't tell you have okay so you barely have any HP but you are pretty tanky okay you're you're driving me in saying use your gun what you little oh my God you guys are such an embarrassment okay there we go pH Mammoth there's literally no way that's you Jesus Christ you can't hit him come on there's literally no way oh my god oh I'm going to die because my pals suck and they're not attacking please go for my pals not me I'm sorry for insulting you please please please please please oh okay I don't think you're doing anything whatsoever because it's a flyer so what if I throw out a flyer there we go finally someone's doing damage to him and also no I I'm not going to be shooting him at all because yeah if my powers are doing that little of damage to him then I'm going to do my Jesus Christ I'm going to do like one damage okay well my bird's stupid so I don't want him to die so come on deer come on deer come on you can start attacking there you go you see would you know ride my pals and then you know attack for them but I can't really Dodge when I'm on them and I really just don't want to be hit and killed you know like not not exactly something that I'm into okay well monkey your turn go go power monkey okay use your AK now there you go see now you're finally starting to shoot him and I'm going okay God I don't want to die dude you guys are driving me insane yeah I knew it I only do one okay well I need my tank to go out cuz you guys are starting to get really low but he does have like an actual ranged attack so I'm hoping he does something okay that seems a little cheap for you to go up there no no no here I no wait no no I didn't mean to do that I just didn't want you to get any like free shots are you are you stuck this is the weirdest boss fight I've ever had in any video game okay uh can I throw you up there come on that was unfair there you go but that is fair I like that a lot oh wait actually if you just if you're stuck this is kind of perfect from me okay but are you guys just like kissing or something you guys getting intimate like you guys like feeling some kind of way okay I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry okay I know you guys are lovers my bad okay well here if you guys are lovers and you don't want to fight anymore how about the monkey Jesus Christ man let me just do one move damn dude okay well here if there's no timer in here I mean you know I'm just going to be wasting days while I'm in here but like am I just going to stand right here and like while I heal hey this is a good fight oh actually here use your cheeky rifle yes shoot really dude oh I'm too scared to run back over there and like put down a different P oh now you do it okay yeah like I'm just I'm too scared to put down a new pal because it's just going to hit me okay well it's been a little bit so here what can I throw a mammoth up there I hate you so unbelievably much Mammoth please please like how are you going to ignore the mammoth's butthole that's right in your nostrils but you're going to go for me that's across the entire map okay actually I'm actually so down to just wait this out if that mammoth keeps on doing that stomping ability if he does that dude I'm I'm I'm okay then and then I would shoot but I only got 41 arrows you're telling me there's a chance though okay wait wait but he actually is attacking okay I think we found the way to beat it I don't know why Mew is you know stuck up there but you know I want to capture it it looks really really cool oh cool I'm full health now we got some water mammoth's doing a good job yeah things are going swell I'm actually like really shocked that the only reason why I'm able to beat this boss right now one because it's stuck I actually think that this is helping me out tremendously don't know if I would be able to do it without it being stuck probably could cuz you know I'm goated with the sauce but also it was those two mamist that um you know were fighting each other so I was able to Capt them both so you know without without those two key things man this would have been a fight okay so you can't kill a guy but hopefully we can go and Capture One also I am hungry okay what are we at 2% oh dude that's like 4% more than what I need aha miss me now you got to kiss me aha miss me again oh now you get in my ball I don't care how many times this takes me I'm going to capture you I love Mew one of my favorite Pokémons okay so I want you H makes no sense dude I was not prepared for this like to capture something so I I'm really really hoping that I have enough balls for this like I I got I got balls you know but like I'm hoping I have enough oh my God yes it can control those who carelessly stare into its eyes those seen with a lunaris are in its mind simply under its control huh sure let's go and use it why not I'm down to be under control what also wait before we leave is there like any kind of loot in here or was this strictly just for a battle I think it was strictly just for a battle but that was fun that was really cool um hi Mammoth uh oh God you're not even that low on health uh they're not going to do enough damage darn I was going to say you know I'll definitely get a third Mammoth I have no like nothing against that at all but yeah know you guys are pathetic okay while we're here is there any teleporter because we've now done two bosses I mean there is this place where with I yeah no I I think I know what pal that is and I don't need that pal so very sorry no offense whatsoever but not going for okay it's a little awkward so let's get these boobies but I'd really appreciate it if you know you guys weren't so low level so I can actually like you know use my pals for you guys I do not want to use that I want to use that all thank you for not running no oh yeah you thought you thought you were going to escape but I'm a master of balls you'll never get away okay good and good awesome and level 31 now let's keep increasing stamina I feel like maybe 3 to 500 stamina is actually really good it's cuz like you can just you know constantly mine so much you can run and actually like climb wait can I use this on just any pal and then they'll actually learn the move can I see like how much it oh power 30 wow that's like really bad okay what about you power 50 wait what if I give it to the monkey and get rid of sand blast and then we just have him do like some electric attack can I has learned it wait you can switch skills from the pal screen wait wait wait wait wait wait which one did you get rid of you didn't let me choose oh wait that's so sick oh my God that's so cool okay I love that oh that is so cool wait so I can actually just like go through and oh God I love this game so much it's so good it's like it was made by actual humans that understand games and people actually want and they're like oh my God this is so cool so then you can just teach a pal whatever skill you want and then if you don't like it boom you can just go back to their original move set like oh my god oh it's amazing wait waa wao there's a teleporter hold up I'm glad I looked at the map where's the teleporter somehow there's the sun coming through the mountain there you are I want to get a grizbot wish I was able to capture the mommy boss's you pal G unfair I'm tempted to mine I mean I really should oh my God there's so many here you know no I I can't no no not that okay I I just I I can't there's so many of these and I did just I think yeah I did just use up all of mine back at base so we do need more oh it's another person for me to capture let's see what do you have to say huh oh no okay so basically you know just a lot of yapping just like the last one but this one dude they're saying that they're so tired and what do you mean criminal activity under what wait what do you mean oh my God okay well I wasn't trying to kill them I was trying to capture them it's a lot better but uh that's uh awkward okay well I was expecting a whole lot more those like little pum fragment thingies but yeah I think I've like I've done the immediate area on the beach I don't really want to like go too far out and explore here we'll get this one and then go ooh an fig have to get that beautiful uh we might come back here this this Island's okay it just seems like it's a lot more for just getting blue balls so I don't know if I'm going to come back yes thank you oh my god 30 how many do I have 30 so did I really only use nine of the yellow balls when I was out seems a lot lower I thought I used way more but sick okay we're back up to9 and we're not depleted anymore there's no way I actually need to make another chest fine let's make another oops no not no no no no dear God I was pressing all the wrong buttons okay you like really there has to be another one to build like there's no way that that's the biggest size oh dire house harness I yeah we should actually look into that wait metal chest okay there we go so that's probably something hopefully double the inventory size ooh high quality Hot Springs sure and a frag grenade hello oh my God wait okay you're 75 yeah we're definitely going to be using you 30 might might delete that same with you yeah yeah 40 is not too bad anything that's like 40 and below I think I'm just going to delete those cuz those are just way too weak so we don't need to make another chest right now so that's really good love that but yeah uh no I know I could just go to a store and sell these but I'm like too lazy to do that so goodbye to all of you and then you H should I give it to waru so then he actually has some kind of redeeming qualities I I actually think that is a good idea yeah I think that's a good idea to give it to him and then uh uh I think we honestly get rid of seed machine gun because this thing has no damage the stone blast at least does something but yeah you like eh it always does like one or two damage whenever we go against something and uh hello my completed egys let's see you got me a runny cool start up that one and please something new a new fire type oh I'll take it I don't really mind them and okay good good we're all caught up on our eggs okay I think we're all set my God I have 123 of you okay I think we're all set to go back out again I don't think I need to go resource collecting even though let's just get the ones right here since they have respawned am I crazy or the higher the level you are can you mine rocks faster I swear that took so many less hits than what it took me like maybe 30 days ago 40 days ago when I was out okay then while we're all over here for no reason let me just do that boom you can make 20 oh actually here let's see this will be good time oh dude I totally forgot about you oopsies here you go go make 70 now okay uh 200 yeah I I don't think they actually put no because they have to because like I I saw them bringing him over here oh unless they were collecting the natural trees around here oh that would make more sense give give me give me no give me give give give ball ball thank you sound like a dog I think we have enough time in this movie for like one more Adventure and oh actually wait I've never gotone that one uh like this entire left side has been okay but honestly I feel like we're it's just slacking in content and like actual important so instead I think we should just teleport to this little boss area that we want to okay do this let me take you and then okay so we need to go this direction I love how you don't take any fall damage when you're falling there we go unlock you very nice and of course I'm just no new Pals this is this normal know there's over aund so I was kind of figuring that you know when you travel out you'd actually find some new ones okay and then I feel like next which you should go across these islands I got I got a good feeling about this next place really want to fight more bosses we don't exactly have much time for more Adventures oh okay level 23 we should be able to walk over them uh let's go unlock the Fast Travel first just to be safe all righty let's do this okay uh if I'm lucky Okay cool so it's the exact same place now I wonder can I get you stuck up there as well not going to lie I was actually expecting a human to be in here with like their pal but this works too and you already know that I going to be attempting to capture this I am not going to let you go okay there we go nope nope nope don't don't look at me and don't kill him here uh monkey use AK oh my God oh my God the monkey is going to town holy okay but don't kill my monkey no no I like I like my monkey there you go here I have a mammoth nice little jump there jeez how did that Miss okay but don't be shy you they're hurting you now you have my permission to attack don't worry there you go you know he's he's just a little special you know he's trying his hard as and that's all that we could really ask for like it's it's tough for him to you know do the one thing that he was born for you know fight go you're starting to make me nervous with how much damage you do okay yep nope that okay yep there we go get rid of you and then no leave me alone how did I okay I suck at dodging okay okay okay okay uh hi here you go you want you want my ball there you go oh my God you're already at 45% okay this should be an easy capture okay I said this should be an easy capture there we go there we go come on yep there we go okay sweet woo let's go baby another boss woo what what wait oh is it night time I was like why does it look so scary out here okay cool cool we cannot see whatsoever Why Oh okay that's just a thingy up there uh what are you oh can't say that oh and hello egg and cool okay useless but speaking of who's not useless wait oh that's right you're a boss okay that's interesting you oh okay I completely forgot to put you in my party uh okay I like how tanky you are um you actually have pretty good damage uh dear God ah cuz I really want to use you cuz you look so cool let's just get rid of War sex you know I love sex as much as anyone else but I'm kind of curious about the white Mew so yeah let's just use them and then there you can go into there I think that's all of the bosses that I've had but yeah we'll just leave you on like that box so I can easily find you again but I'm just curious like if we use Laris instead of War sex like how how how much stronger are we going to be plus it's also really nice that they're level 31 or no wait what what level are you actually which is your real level 32 okay yeah you're not bad why not there we go cool I need to fight you guys please stop trying to hurt me okay how how how do you miss someone that's literally in front of you there we go okay now you're not a loser but I'm liking this direction a lot more than the previous one oh boobies uh let's see Ah that's right like I can't like run into you but I can do that so that's really cool and then there you go and uh yep hey I know I know you just witnessed everything but thank you so much for not moving y continue St right there there we go per huh what what killed it I what Darman this has to be a way to like a strong pal right is there finding these super awesome archways I actually I kind of want to build this in the uh the Minecraft series on this channel I don't know why I love archways in uh video games they always just look really cool like this okay how is there not one teleporter out here is there anything important this way dude I thought those were two crabs for a second I was like like holy I about to be so excited I was like oh sweet they have like King pincher in here or whatever his name was all right please don't run please wait wait wait wait wait okay I'm sorry give me give me a second okay the cool Down's almost done wait if I do anything else it's going to kill you please wait okay okay well I was hoping for a little bit more cool okay um things are about to get really awkward Chief okay no don't hurt me that's rude okay let's see what if I aim like right next to you well I was trying to hit him with the less but apparently deer had a different mind what a different idea mind make sure you cut that out or else I'm going to look really stupid okay yes run over here quickly catch this Boulder for me it's so bad and funny oh wait there is a teleporter hold up am I blind oh there it is I don't want to test this out but do Pals not take fall damage ooh more booies hello okay yep kind of figured I was hoping for a bit more damage but but I'm no this is awkward now wait wait wait wait just give me a second give me a second okay can you guys like kind of like Bunch up how God I wish I could just like Ram into them and just lower their health that way there we go okay we just need one more that's all I need I just need the luck of finding one that won't die in one hit ooh green balls finally finally yes another teleporter OA like what's the point of this entire Island I hope it's not just like oh the game is super duper massive but you know there's just nothing the entire map like I hate that Trope in any open world game ooh but thank you for the loot okay do I have oh my God a g gigas spere thank you uh you wait oh okay so I just need three more of you good good I hope that's like the best thing to actually put those figs into I'm really hoping that it's not like no Sky you should be saving them for the pals you can make them stronger like I hope I'm doing it right uh let's see so I think I just circled okay no no so we've almost circled the entire Island and I'm not seeing anything so that's pretty cool other than this chest sweet more balls okay so I mean something over here uh okay sweet yeah they don't take fall damage there's no way Pals take fall damage unless it was because I was using a move and that's why deer didn't take any fall damage but it's it's looking like we're pretty Invincible if we just you know launch off of a hill and wow I'm I'm a little shocked with how common the mammoths are honestly expecting them to be like a bit more rare and then speaking of rare yeah there's like nothing on this island so let's just start hugging the right ooh please be good please be good yes thank you okay good I took the copper key God another schematic like are they are they good like is that actually stuff that I want oh level 17 oh we're so in also speaking of in yeah start feeding everyone poor babies are all hungy Wy okay please don't die please don't die there we go yes perfect I swear to God if you break out of my ball what oh oh wait this is the boss okay no we're getting rid of you you guys are annoying okay so only 1,600 HP this is going to be like really easy let's see how much does my Boulder do only 100 wow okay you're pretty strong okay don't don't don't don't go okay now let me get off let me let me let me get off there you go okay go have fun with the kitty n Go for the thing that's hurting you not me wait I'm scratching my ear don't attack me wait wait wait wait wait wait oh my God I can't believe I dodged that oh I love in ability frames oh my God it's still going for me go for the thing that's doing damage to you I need to scratch my ear again wait wait okay there we go oh my God I hate you so much I don't understand the random walking when they're fighting like I I really don't get that okay I'm starting to get a little worried about the health if you could just do like one more attack that does 100 damage that'd be perfect okay no no no no no no no no no no okay there we go few I it's like you know we're we're getting a little bit too low here for my comfort first try oh okay yep okay uh that's why I said first try okay there we go sweet okay lovely ooh let me actually see you again I think that's the same size yeah okay so that's actually really nice that bosses don't change like at all oh there totally has to be something up there cuz I would really like to unlock every pal on the pal deck whatever they call it in this I'm really hoping all of the ones that are remaining are not bosses like it'll be fun cuz you know then there's content to do but like my God that's going to take forever which I think you guys would love hello you're new oh my God you're both oh my God you guys are so high level wow okay a lot of new ones here never mind okay you're not all bosses uh go have fun okay don't worry you can go play with the uh the neighborhood kids please stop trying to get near me don't make me throw out Mew oh my God you explode Oh my Jesus Christ no oh my God how did I live oh my God okay so you're another boom boom bird so that's really awesome you know what uh Mew here you you go how about that I want to see what you do what are you going to explode on my face as well like get away from me please okay me is starting to get absolutely wrecked this is bad okay let me uh throw you over there let me throw you at you 4% oh okay never mind maybe maybe 4% ain't that bad come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on oh my Jesus wait don't kill him okay come on come on come on I dude I'm I'm going to keep wait why am I using blue I caught with blue both how did I do that okay so I'm a legend I caught him with Blues right oh my good God uh wait I caught him with Blues right not yellows I I swear my life I caught him with Blues okay Mammoth I don't know what you're doing okay there you go good good okay uh monkey yeah you use gun you use gun right now there we go yes good monkey Oh my Jesus Christ please leave me alone what are you at 3% let's try it what I dodged that I can't Dodge no no no no no no no get the hell away from me no come on can I at least get him I got him monkey res me res me monkey god damn it okay well at least you know we're able to respawn right here uh this is really going to suck so yeah we we need to actually rush back there but I'm I'm really positive that we actually captured that uh that bee queen bastard I'm having a rough day can you please not attack me thank you thank you for this can I Dash over oh my God it actually works okay sweet I love this game o wandering Merchant hello uh I don't have any money but I can sell things if you want so okay so you do that uh oh my God that's how you get the milk ooh o okay yeah yeah yeah we we we got to do this okay give me a little bit got to go selling there we go so thank you you for the 23,000 and then dud I think we should buy two cows let me first buy one of you and then I'm going to buy you just so I unlock both of them and we barely have enough left so buy you as well because uh oopsie Poopsy I don't have my money on me for no particular reason so I can't buy anything else but hey thank you so much okay that was cool uh how much damage were you doing by the way while I was shopping the entire time hi why do you all want to fight me oh no oh no there's a shiny oh there just a shiny chicken uh let's see if we can capture that I only have two blue balls that don't take that out of cont Oh my Jesus Christ don't take that out of context wow yeah that almost killed you okay never mind maybe I can actually capture you with two blue balls did I seriously just capture you with one blue ball oh my God I'm I'm I'm dude I'm literally so amazing with my blue balls there's another okay you know what here uh get rid of you I need to take you it's about to get stupid dark out here so we need to hurry see what kind of a oh dude it's a shining booby oh let's go uh let's try Power Bomb if that kills you I'm sorry okay good good uh okay I have to try one okay good good okay we need to do a couple of these I need you as low as possible we have one ball dude dude dude what what are you doing come on oh my God just just shoot it there you go okay let me try that I don't think we're going to capture this one I I I have very little faith in this is why I would have said if I was a loser but I'm like insanely cool and dope and awesome so obviously we captured both shinies with one blue ball my God how far did I run before Oh wait there's a teleporter over here Darin why didn't you tell me dude I'm scared actually no let's go I I don't know if there's like a timer for your stuff like you know if it's only there for 5 minutes so why are you guys fighting oh s to get Thug never mind but yeah never mind let's actually just go for our dropped items and then we're going to quickly rush back home and and cool I'm now I'm now slowly dying so that's fine all right please don't attack me I'm not trying to fight thanks my stuff please okay don't don't wake up don't wake up there we go yep give me everything oh thank God okay now that we're fine but don't worry I can't see anything because apparently your eyes do not dilate during the dark just like in real life God I I need to stop mentioning that I know but God I hate it whenever video games act like this okay let's just grab this Effigy thank you very much just keep going nothing wants to kill me for once mine just get up there there we go okay beautiful and then go all the way back home oh God that's right we're all hungy Wy thank God okay I need to sleep I need to sleep this nightmare away God I had a nightmare that I was dying go more of you okay let's see uh how are you guys doing over here pretty bad uh yeah let me cancel that and then let me force you to make even more 73 okay so I didn't really change whatsoever and then don't mind me just need to get back into cooking come here Giant foxy thing lion Sheba Sheba Eno maybe okay perfect make 42 more sandwiches finally you're getting back onto the balls I really wish that they would focus on my balls because like I really want to get those 74 I would also really appreciate if I can acquire that one thank you why am I not wearing my metal armor I just realized that why would you equip the weak one okay we're ready to rock and roll let's very quickly get out there hopefully we can do like two more bosses I think this entire island is uh connected together and it's just a pure nightmare like I I I think this is like middle to late game probably shouldn't head that way I want to go and take on this boss I don't know why I haven't beaten or caught that one so you know what yeah let's go and see if we can capture that boss oh my God it's the Nightmare location okay I completely understand why I haven't done this boss yet we are not fighting no no no we have to save everything for the boss zasi okay I remember I caught some of you oh God it's the nightmare walking over there Jesus what was that oh okay okay so this should be the boss okay Spirit over here let's do this sup I know I'm in your house but um uh I need you to come with me it didn't want me to talk to it right because like it I it it was a little weird how the health bar never showed up and like it just wasn't doing anything I don't know it it was giving like awkward Vibes W this is the first boss where it's actually focusing on my pal instead of me this is such a bizarre feeling go let me take you out go go monkey use your gun shoot it shoot it oh my God no get back into range with it don't attack me Oh my Jesus I'm sorry monkey I know they completely ruined your rifle times kind of sucks you know what here go white Mew okay cool that was a good time for me to throw them out so I couldn't Dodge kill them do damage what are you doing wait did you just make the sun over your head just for looks okay throw it this time there you go there you go actually Chuck it nice I'm actually so tempted to Chuck it right now but was that you oh that was sick I'm so tempted just to try this but I know it's just going to be a waste actually here let me let me let me just try it just to see what happens there's no way there's no way there's no way oh dude there's no way like I'm not even that much higher of a level than it and first first try with like 2% I can't believe that actually worked o another Effigy I can't believe that that is hilarious please please how does that how am I not able to make it up there o God I don't know if I want to explore this area though this place scares me yeah no I think we just need to make it back to the teleporter and then we definitely need to just head in a completely different area I kind of want to come back here once me and my pals are like in the 40s you know like it's just a part of me that really likes to be overpowered you know so I'd much rather be like a God to all of the pals in here before I you know come back and start fighting him and trying to capture them and then in here oh my God that is a huge mountain we're cool we can make it oh my God we actually made it okay sick I thought it was going to fall and die oh brosaurus Cherry okay sick but oh hello boss I see you right there oh no way it's a dinosaur I love those uh this should be relatively easy I think I just need to try capturing the bosses when they're a lot higher on HP because like I I'm starting to realize that I'm just a lot more capable of capturing them than like than I'm giving myself you know like I don't really know what I'm saying yeah see it's already at 1% and he's basically full HP okay don't kill don't don't don't kill me okay Monkey GO monkey there we go good monkey there you go see nice big Target doesn't move and just stays right in front of you while you just shoot it we love that we love a good wall oh my God okay yeah no never mind that why is the no why is my monkey just so powerful I I don't get it that little monster is just a demon okay s got that boss yes ooh okay so continuing this one honestly I feel like we should try and unlock the entire outside of the island and then work our way in if we have enough time I'm kind of surprised how many bosses there are like I thought they were going to be way more Uncommon like when I play this I'm kind of just thinking of Ark you know so all the like the super strong stuff is like very rare but it's pretty common in this it's kind of fun there you go nice little surprise for you yes I know I did kill your boyfriend I'm so sorry here hold this for me thank you I kind of want to check out this entire area but I feel like we should at least leave something for episode three just depends on how fast can I check the rest of the actually no no no we should leave that for episode 3 we'll we'll leave that for later there's a lot more to explore over here also I'm so happy that like every boss that we're finding is level 20 28 25 like it's it's really fun I don't know how I got to level 30 so easily without doing all of this so uh yeah this is really fun being insanely overpowered ooh an egg didn't mean to do that I was just trying to get over here quickly so I can go and get this egg get out of my way uh oh wait here you go I got you here uh just hold this for me thank you oh dude this place looks sick see I would I would love to build a base right here you just clear out the trees right there oh wait there's even an opening it's literally calling to us to build right here I would totally build right here here cut down these trees have a nice waterfall in the background nice flat ground so you can actually build things like this spot is amazing oh hi Monkey it was a love tap it was like a fist bump cuz I like my monkey so much yes oh barely uncovered them and it's an easy one it's a level 11 oh he's a goner I probably don't even need a lower its HP I could probably just go and capture it immediately kind of want to test that oh are you down here oh no oh it's two mammoths fight oh yes and the boss is actually like really close to them down there but oh guess who's getting two more mammoths let's see uh okay yeah you guys need to be way lower don't don't come for me please not like that I I mean like c o m e okay but don't be friendly okay there we go see My worry is that I'm going to get too close to them and then they're going to start fighting me okay you need to be captured there we go don't do it oh my God please please please please uh just to protect him I'm just oh my God no please please I don't want you to die you uh start attacking me instead how about that stop it no oh my God I'm shocked he's not going for me okay now he's going for me okay not good come on come on come on come on come on come on come on yes yes that's good yes oh my god dude that is so baby girl of them to actually get captured okay amazing and then yeah no we're not done I I I think I'm strong enough to actually start attacking you I don't need to be scared of you anymore okay I was just kidding I'm sorry there we go the boss is right behind him okay let's just get off of you oh Jesus I would throw my monkey but I'm scared that the monkeyy is actually going to kill him here uh how about that yeah you go my Jesus Christ oh you got to be kidding me everything is mad uh let's just start trying to capture you and let's see uh yeah let's start trying to capture the boss oh my God here we go yep yep things are going swell okay we're about to capture the boss never mind broke out there you go oh my God it always gets so crazy whenever it's moments like this please please okay good good we got the boss okay I don't want my Mew to die so take that I'll just let Mew go Mew in his ball dude it's not going to stop like come on just just let me Capt you come on come on I know you're dying to help me go mining okay don't run for me that makes me feel bad oh my God you're so annoying this is not baby girl of you whatsoever okay do I need to lower your health a little bit more is that is that what I'm getting at because like you're not even doing anything like you're not even letting me get the first tick I might kill you okay there we lowered your health a little bit more there you go now we got 7% is that what you needed the extra 1% yep it was okay oh my God just let me capture you please holy dude what is this why was the other one so much easier to get thank you holy hell damn okay uh let me go for the squeeze go come on swayy let's go come on go about there 100% perfect oh my God what an eventful day dear God let's see okay good good there is a teleporter right over here perfect let's go back home no unlock no unlock there you go holy oh my God we have so much to put away oh eggs yes oh you're kind of bad never mind uh let's actually destroy you I don't care for that beautiful flower ew uh what is just get rid of that ooh tomato seeds interesting so if you capture mamist you get their meat that's interesting I've never actually wanted another man's meat before but sure I'll take that I like to make my editors work I like to make them Wonder can I put this in the video or [Laughter] not yeah I think we need to make another chest but I remember we actually yeah we got this one which let Let's test this out I'm curious do you actually give me a lot more space Oh my god wow look at everyone actually coming over and doing work we are amazing we're such a good unit beautiful uh is that double okay yeah it's like over double the space okay I mean not bad it's a bit pricey but not really okay you okay no no I I want my ball I want my ball thank you oh okay thank you so much Fox I thought you actually came over here and did this oh wa we should be smart uh monkey here you go yeah don't worry you can go around and have some fun okay dude what a good monkey he's just immediately going and making my balls ooh thank you for all of that let me come back over here and have you start doing all of this so I think the game plan is going to be we can head out for a little bit I think I'm okay with going out until like day 96 and then I think we should come back and start Mining and getting some more Ores more palum fragments kind of just preparing for episode three so that then I'm not coming back to like oh no I barely have anything you know we got to spin this episode going and collecting resources like that that would just be really boring you know so I think we should do some work for the future to make future me very happy and grateful and why go away filter I don't want two Sho Sho go away so I think I got a feeling there has to be something like right here some something something's making me want to go right here so let's travel to you okay so let's just check this out because I want to completely uncover this part that's going to bug me okay perfect now we can actually start heading this way just a little bit of OCD like that dude there's no way one floppy is taken on three direwolves and actually like kind of winning all let me let me let me let me help him out let me see if I can nail you with the rock and I just hit the floppy with the rock so that was cool you can't harm the pals of this world only I can do that yes I knew it I knew it there's a boss yes oh I'm so good at predicting that is that that might mess me up okay so yeah that might mess me up uh okay you only got 2,000 HP hopefully your defense isn't high but I definitely want to get you oh cool you're very strong that's okay cool love a strong independent Queen okay uh you give me off of that horse and good luck buddy I hope you don't die no no oh my God I almost jumped into that attack don't go for me you can go for the thing that's dealing damage to you I'm not doing anything whatsoever oh my God it's a sniper okay so when you're going to snipe that's when I need to throw them out please move oh hi no no no no no no no no no no no no dude everyone just wants me cuz I'm just so thick like it's just so tedious nope uh not taking that damage there you go monkey monkey use monkey monkey help me help me monkey stop it God you're so annoying monkey Help Me Oh my Jesus Christ okay you're almost dead okay no more monkey this fight God you're actually like somewhat difficult you're actually able to like hold yourself uh what am I uh 0.32 okay we're not even going to try that we need to get you way lower why is my bird running NOP there you go yeah exactly try to hit me now when I put a literal wall in front of you oh oh my God okay well he was my tanky one I'm trying not to okay there you go phw there like I'm trying not to get behind the mammoth cuz I don't want him to take the hit but I don't want to take the hit okay well now you guys are just kind of hugging you're kind of cuddling in the forest what is with every boss and just wanting to go into the forest with my units I I don't get it here actually what we need to do is we need to take Mew and then we need to get over here okay I need to get stupid out of the forest and I am talking about you you are the stupid one okay okay you can stop now you can stop now you can stop now stupid there we go there we go not taking that shot me let me see you know 1.61% up to a six okay yep that's exactly what I figured and things are actually starting to get a little tricky on who to throw out there you go nice okay gotcha okay don't worry I've learned that Cannon now so we have to wait until like we actually see some blue and then you dodge got it okay let me see let me let me see what's our luck now okay yep don't that L him unless I do this okay come on come on like you're you're you're low enough okay we don't need to keep un lowering your health come on you know you want to join me that's exactly what I thought that's exactly what I thought I was so baby girl of that boss to actually get captured wait did that just was that the second time I've caught that kind of Boss did that did I just read that right I looked at it like the last second uh okay so we uncovered this entire Island I feel like we should not do that didn't mean to do that don't want to do that okay let's okay dear God wait did your abilities change that's supposed to be your dash not your your little shotgun Stone blast Stone can wait what who are you why did you change wait Power Bomb now wait you antler uppercut yeah no uh-uh cuz I like doing this cuz then I can what I just changed are you okay here wa maybe I need to throw you back out andler uppercut there we go like that's why I like doing it because you know it allows us to travel lot faster I'm still very tempted to go for a dire wolf in this actually it's called a dire H actually kind of tempted to go for that one because I've seen that they run really really fast all right if we can just go and find one more teleporter is this a new boss this is a new boss and there's a teleporter right there and there's cows right there so I didn't even need to buy these uh here if you guys can survive this I'll capture you nice you did at least there you go there you go Chief yep figured Okay so that's how we get milk lovely uh yeah let's do it you know I'm feeling confident I think we can do it fast enough then we'll give ourselves like a little bit of time to go mining oh you look so cool oh I love this one he looks so cool oh yeah know we we have to capture you bushy okay nice you're pretty weak I like that for now then you know once I actually start using you I need you to become unbelievably strong and like one shot everything dear God okay I didn't realize that my bird was that powerful are you stuck okay no you're not good good oh this is this is intense it's rare for me to have a boss that actually focuses on my pal instead of me nice dude this bird alone is actually like about to beat him so that's actually really nice uh okay let me just recall you let me put you away okay hi pal don't worry there you go don't worry we're we're going to start doing this cuz I really want you you look unbelievably cool come on come on there you go come on there you go beautiful a question I guess I have should I even keep the bird cuz like the flying is cool whenever we need to go up over something but it's just so slow and other than the boss that we just did right now its attacks are really pathetic you know like I I don't really care for it that much so it's like I'm kind of tempted to put him away and then use uh bushy and also here you go you survived nice okay let me see let me do one more attack to you D that's going to kill you okay F sorry I'm trying to I'm trying to get used to your attacks so okay uh don't kill it okay good pH that was my weakest attack there you go okay and then for you don't die nice I'm going capture you there we go we got another New Pal we've actually done a tremendous amount in this one episode like this is actually insane wait aren't you the boss that I captured recently I don't really remember but I kind of want to capture you here we'll do the slow attack first nice we get the shotgun close oh never mind don't have the shotgun anymore that's awkward Boop there we go nice that was a really good attack back by you okay let's do this again I think you're low enough there we go okay okay come on come on come on give me give me give me thank you love you and now we can actually head back home oh that's where of my eggs and in here we're lucky enough to get nothing okay cool I just I hate that P because of how they sound whenever they hit something there's another night one cool the one that I'm like contemplating on getting rid of oh what is this huh is that actually something that I wait so accessor that's slightly lowers neutral damage I feel like why can't I have like 10 rings on I never understood that in any game the yeah I feel like the electric one's probably more useful to me than neutral damage that's cool I'm just going to discard you oh that's cute okay I like that okay uh let's see who do I want to change oh cool now we're being raided uh honestly I feel like I should give it to you again never mind I can okay uh God uh I don't know just give it to the deer why not I don't care okay let's see who's invading oh okay here don't worry I'm going to send out a really good one okay so um okay wait wait wait wait wait chill chill chill okay there you go here's monkey monkey use gun Jesus Christ I don't even know what's going on everyone's just being destructive oh my god oh cool are you all glitched no nice okay sick I don't have to destroy my base and you know rebuild it and waste uh resources that's awesome what you doing bud isn't that mine that is mine what are you doing why do you guys always get so stuck oh wait that's right okay so I don't is he still stuck over I'm not even going to check let's not even check uh I think it's you yeah I believe I grabbed the right one so now if I put you there there okay now you're actually going to be in the base and you know do work oh what a shocker you're hungry hey couldn't be the fact that you for some reason went to a cliff and you know we're just doing nothing let me also save the little cat why not I don't know how you guys always get stuck dude they really need to fix their path thing in this game okay well all of you going do all the manual labor for me love you but yeah let's starty going around and quickly collect things I like how I have a blue ball in my hand at all times now like for whatever reason this game is so glitchy but I love it this game is actually phenomenal this is how you know it was a safe bet to actually buy this game early on it wasn't made by a AAA company oh wait I totally just remembered we need to go and get every single Mammoth that we have so we can actually go stay out here and collect everything my God you're going to make me lose it there we go uh yeah let's just repair everything why not oh wait wait wait wait I almost forgot I need to go get my big boys oh I did capture one but it wasn't a boss oh I bought you that's right okay see I I remember now I don't know why Darin was forgetting about that silly goose okay there's all my shinies oh you uh yeah you can go there why not he it's not the worst we definitely need to give him new abilities but I kind of really want to use him just cuz he looks so awesome oh okay so now now with all of that why why did that not go up wait oh you're kidding wait am I going crazy I swear to God the mammoth actually gave me more carry weight what shouldn't it be like right there right there wait am I going crazy there's no way I swear they actually give you 100 more carry we that's so stup what okay well uh never mind I guess I don't need my mammoths oh God this is awful uh which one was actually mine okay I think it was actually you because of your HP I mean regardless all of them do the same thing I Crush there's no way I swear to God they actually give you more carry weight that's so stupid yeah I don't know if I should get rid of Nightwing or not cuz I really want to use uh bushy but I don't I don't even know if he's even good to use like should I even use that one I don't know out of all the pals that I have you know if there's any experts out there if if you want to tell me what's a good team to have I'm totally down but anyo let's go that's going to hurt yep but any who let's go around and start collecting things has this rock always been there I feel like I'm getting gaset I don't think that rock was ever there before oh man I almost have enough stamina to completely destroy one like ore block we're almost there ooh I think if I get to like 210 I can actually do it okay now don't worry okay we're going to make it to that teleporter down there in record time I'm hoping this actually works I mean it's something I just don't want to drop anything so hoping you know this doesn't take that long we're actually competing with this little white Eevee to get there oh cool yeah no no I didn't want to move at all it's fine oh my gosh we actually made it now uh game creators please don't ever change that you know where oh if you're over encumbered you can't fast travel like play don't ever change that amazing love it I wish that Fallout would do the same thing actually it's probably faster if we just teleport down there just to go mining I feel like this actually saves us a lot of time where's my deer hello i' like to ride there we go no I forgot to repair it back at base oh this is so much faster when you're not over incumbered in weight like wow we got here in record time there we go okay sweet got 72 of you going how many do we even have okay 188 yeah no we all 207 yeah we 100% actually had to uh collect some stuff because that is just not a lot same of the 273 right there it's really not that much oh dude I'm such a silly little goose why am I doing this area okay leave the kitty alone that was really nice he did 4,000 damage to it it totally deserved it that thing was a unit but I totally forgot yeah no we need to go to the church and then we could just get a whole lot of ores there where what oh chicken oh my gosh I love you here uh I hope you survive nice you actually did here I got a lot of blue balls so let's just start using those on you okay don't attack no go go away shoe no no no no Sho Sho there we go nice we got ourselves another shiny the hell oh thank you D I didn't even know that they were here you see that's why I threw you out so you can save me please okay I don't know why I decided to go over encumbered you know we're very limited on time but don't worry this is totally fine don't shoot me I nuh-uh no I heard you load that magazine uh-uh my God he's really shaking it jeez okay we can do it we can do it I think I can collect like at least four more of these before we have to get back and sleep wait no please okay well I think I collected like an okayish amount like we shouldn't have to do too much next episode like uh Gathering wise okay so I mean oh my God you take forever oh jeez it's just Jam filled buns why is this why does this take so long what oh wait there has to be some pal like hiding somewhere being glitched isn't there I could I could just feel it there's no way all of you are actually active oh maybe you guys actually are okay that's wild but my word we made it to day 100 and we did so much I feel like I feel like for like the first episode you know uh compared to this one I feel like we've done maybe five times as much I feel like we actually like truly played the game explored a metric ton captured a lot we built like an okayish base didn't really add too much to it but I don't know we probably made it like a little bit higher tier and then basically now after I go and collect this ore over here I'm just going to AFK in here just to like go through everything so that the pal finish up everything so we don't need to wait next episode so yeah that's the plans for this one but I hope you guys enjoyed this video thought it would you know try something different on the second channel to upload like uh stuff that this would normally be uploaded to the main but I don't know if I'm going to be doing another one like this on this channel I just wanted to try out something different just to see like how you guys would uh take it and enjoy it you know but if you guys would like to see more po world you like to see a third episode I would love to try and complete this game and capture all Pals just leave a like And subscribe and then you know if you guys wanted enough I'll definitely do an episode 3 so I hope you guys enjoyed and I will see you guys next time see you
Channel: SkyesToo
Views: 123,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skyes, SkyesToo, Sykes, I survived 100 days in palworld, palworld, pokemon, pokemon with guns, is palworld like pokemon, did palworld ripoff pokemon, how to catch pals in palworld, how to survive in palworld, can you catch em all in palworld, catching em all in palworld, modding pokemon in palworld, modded palworld, I survived 100 days modded palworld, how do you mod palworld, nintendo suing palworld, did nintendo make palworld, is palworld like ark, is palworld like genshin
Id: Eu9GchItXFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 226min 51sec (13611 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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