Create an Easy Sci-Fi Environment For Beginners (Blender Tutorial)

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how's it going guys so in today's tutorial i'm going to be doing one of my classic things which is a quick easy sci-fi environment for you beginners it's really easy let's get into how to create this just a heads up if you do want to get the project file for this tutorial it is in the description for a dollar everybody on patreon you'll be getting that on all three tiers if you don't know about the patreon you get 10 procedural materials a month exclusive tutorials speed art videos breakdowns of my client work and a lot of other stuff you can go check that out in the description so we're going to be in blender here i'm going to be rendering this in cycles but don't worry for you ev users you can follow along everything works just the same in eevee except for the glass orb so let's go ahead and start doing that i'm hit shift a and we're gonna go to get a plane i'm gonna hit s eight enter and we're gonna hit tab to go to edit mode we're gonna subdivide it 100 times all right so we're gonna do that there i'm gonna go ahead and bring this guy down a little bit and then we're to go ahead add a modifier displacement first off control a and apply the scale that's very important click new click that little button there we're going to go here to distorted noise and we're going to bring that size up to say three for now maybe yeah we'll keep it at three and then we need to click colors and we're gonna bring this contrast uh back so that there's no flat planes everything is a nice looking almost cloth looking scene oops brought that contrast a little bit too far so something like this and then now we have that going on i'm going to go ahead and add in a subdivision surface modifier and i'm just going to hit that button to go up and then i'm going to click the viewport of two and shade smooth so now we have this nice section going on i'm gonna bring the scale down just a little bit and then this guy's gonna be here so i'm gonna bring it down some more i'm gonna duplicate him and bring him up and then i'm going to actually go to the looks like the y rotation and give it a 180 degrees so now we have this fun thing going on i'm going to go ahead on the tilde key which is right above the tab key for me i'm going to hit front hit my camera do that so now i'm going to bring him right here to the middle and then bring him back and then i'm going to hit r just once to rotate him in this way and then now we have that i'm going to click on the little green camera icon and bring my camera pretty wide and then just bring my camera up a little bit so now we have this i'm going to go back over here and make sure i'm in a cycles render engine or whatever engine you like to use let's start shading these guys so we'll go here to the shading tab i hit zero i'm gonna click new make sure your base color is pretty dark because once we start adding that area light over there it's gonna want to be pretty dark so we can get better reflections and then i'm gonna click this guy up here and add in that same material so both things are happening okay so let's get a color ramp and we'll go get get that over there we need to mess with the bump so we'll get a bump node right here plug the normal into the normal and then we'll plug the color into the height and then we'll get a noise texture right here if you have the node wrangler add-on enabled hit control t comes with blender by default you get a mapping and a texture coordinate plug the object into the mapping the factor into the color so now we get this i'm going to bring the detail all the way to 16 bring my distortion up until we get some really weird swirls and then i'm going to bring my scale to be pretty small so we get this very alien looking landscape situation now we need to play with the roughness it's all just one thing all the lights reflecting the same way on the uh on the entire thing i'm not a big fan of that first i am gonna bring down the strength of this to be maybe like that we'll see once we'll probably change that once we get the light going so let's go ahead i'm going to duplicate this color ramp or just add in a new one roughness and what i'm going to do is i'm going to take this noise texture and duplicate him and then add the mapping node to the vector the reason i'm doing that is i'm going to plug the factor here and you might say why don't we just use this guy on that factor well if i bring in my color ramp you can i don't like the way this roughness is behaving and that's because of the detail so i'm going to bring my detail down to something like three and then i'll bring this roughness up and i'll bring this toward here and what it does is it gives us a more globular looking roughness here and the detail doesn't really get us that so it stays everything stays the same in terms of the shape just the details different and that's really important for the roughness that i'm trying to achieve for this render so everything's done here i'm going to go ahead and get an object which is a cube and scale him really big control a apply the scale and we're going to add a new material we are going to delete the principled and add a volume vol volume principled volume and we're going to add the volume to the volume and we're going to bring the density to 0.1 right now so now we have everything going on let's go ahead and add in an area light we'll plug this area light make sure he's at the top and i'm going to bring him all the way to the end here i just went to wireframe view and i'm going to make him pretty small so something like that so now we have this going on i'm going to hit render here in cycles and see how it looks very small i'm gonna give my brightness about ten thousand now we're cooking looks super super cool i'm gonna give them i'm gonna give him a blue tint and bring him over here so we can kind of utilize that rule of thirds and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to take this area light shift d and duplicate it i'm going to bring it over here and i'm going to rotate it to be pointing this direction so by hitting r i'm going to hit rendered and to add some interest some off-screen interest which is something that can that always looks cool in a render i'm going to make him a nice fiery red and then what i'm going to do here i'm going to hit f3 type in set render region and then render region i'm going to do that so now it only renders the square but i really did that so i can see how the render looks when it with this red thing off screen really making this look super super cool and i'm going to leave that there now we're going to add in some objects something that will look really cool for me when i was designing this and it ended up being a glass orb which is always very very sci-fi looking so i'm going to add in an ico sphere and i'm going to subdivide him just like that or you can just add in a subdivision surface modifier and i'm going to bring him right back here right in front of my area light and then i'll just bring it like this scale them up and we're going to do that we're going to add in a glass material so we're going to make it a no roughness and transmission and now we have the glass orb but it's not behaving like i want it i want to mess with the roughness on the glass so it does you can kind of see through it better so i'm going to go here to shading i'm going to hit the period key now that i'm uh centered here on the guy and we're going to add in some roughness here so c o l for color ramp i'm going to plug that into the roughness we're going to get a noise texture and then hitting ctrl t to add that mapping and that texture coordinate node using the object coordinate noise texture and then we're going to bring this black portion in maybe bring up the distortion some definitely bring up that detail and then bring up that i'm going to hit rendered i'm going to see how that's looking so it looks a lot better i'm already liking it what i want to do is make this area light a lot brighter so it interacts with this glass orb and the surrounding areas much better so instead of a one we're going to give it two so maybe twenty thousand makes that a lot brighter and then i think this ground plane can be a little bit brighter as well just to make these reflections easier to see easier to look at and um yeah so so far we have a really cool scene i think it's just not rough i mean you know glossy enough so i'm going to go back to my shading here on the plane and i'm going to make it more glossy by bringing this black portion in and we're shiny and all that stuff and then bringing that back and we'll see how that looks i l what i wanted to do is to really reflect this ground um a good bit better within this scene getting this really cool orb but then i'm going to bring some of that roughness in some more so now we have our glass orb i think we can make the volume a little less you know thick so we'll give it 0.06 and that's probably a little bit better for our scene starting to look cool and i think the area light with the red is too bright so we'll give it five thousand so now we're working with something that looks really really cool one thing i'm going to do is increase the strength of the displacement on the one here on the ground so we'll do that and then maybe we'll get that size to be maybe four how is that looking all right now it's starting to look like i want it to look so more pronounced here i kind of want to play with the rotation here to get a better look so the light is reflecting in a really cool path kind of like this right here so i'm i'm really liking how this is looking it's very noisy it's very muddy but don't worry we are going to solve that um once it renders it'll look much better now what i'm going to do is get a character for my scene so i'm going to pull up mixamo so if you go to mixamo this is a really cool product by adobe that's completely free you don't need to pay you just make a free account here and we'll go and click on characters so you have a lot of characters to pick from i've chosen this guy and we're going to go over here to animations and i'm going to pick a animation so i'm going to type in walking just walk and i'm going to pick just this walking cycle right here just casually walking that's all we need and then i'm going to press download and keep the default settings here fbx 30 frames a second with skin and download it all right so we're back here in blender what i'm going to do is i'm going to go to file import and we'll go here to fbx right there go to my desktop walking and he's going to show up right over there and i'm going to keep him in this section you're going to want to click on the armature in order to actually play with the size of the character and we'll do that make sure his feet are on the ground get him that way scale them down and when i press render you should be able to see the silhouette of your character walking toward the orb which is creating a really cool sort of emphasis looking at your orb which is sort of the the goal to make things look more interesting i'm going to bring my camera a little bit closer to the action something like this and we're going to check out the render here it looks really cool i love the materials i love how everything's going in it's super noisy in this case because it is a very high contrast render you are going to want to go with a very high sample count so right over here i'm going to give my render about 800 samples very very heavy but we're not really going to go super super technical in terms of getting this rendered i'm using a gpu i would recommend if you have a gpu using the gpu compute settings and then i'm not going to denoise this because i do want to have a little bit of noise in my render to give it a little bit more that gritty look so i'm going to render this now and you're going to see how it looks rendered all right so this is what the finished render looks like you can see really cool how this glass is really warping everything and doing all that stuff which really makes this super weird super cool looking you have this nice interest with this red going on nice little slight blue color everything coming together really nicely with these crazy swirls and these nice nice geometry so that's how you do it thank you guys for watching
Channel: Ducky 3D
Views: 134,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Beginner, Blender tutorial, Blender Animation, Blender Abstract, Blender Particles, Blender Lines, Blender Cinema 4D, Blender Abstract Tutorial, Blender loop, Blender VJ Loop, project breakdown, blender breakdown, Blender 2.80, blender 2.8 tutorial, Blender Eevee, Blender 3D, Blender Guru, Remington Graphics, Intro To Blender, blender vaporwave, vaporwave eevee, CG Cookie, Midge Sinnaeve
Id: sX8_JJwUcwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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