Create Satisfying 3D Animations | Easy Blender Tutorial

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have you ever watched a super satisfying seemingly impossible video and wonder hmm I wonder how they did that well the answer is actually most often with 3d rendering and that's exactly what I'll be showing you guys how to do in this video so the other day I found myself watching compilations of these satisfying videos and just really enjoying it so naturally I decided to make this super unsatisfying animation here and it posted all over social media [Music] and of course you guys kind of hated me for it but I thought it was funny and ultimately I am a nice person so I will satisfy your needs and show you guys how to easily create this ultra satisfying animation in blender 3d with all the tips and tricks and secrets and how it's done heyyou I don't know what else is super satisfying having all of your passwords credit card and personal info being auto filled for you online while being stored away in a safe secure easy to access account using - land - land is the password manager that I personally use myself now after having some of my accounts get hacked into last year and it's been great for protecting all my personal info while making the web and easy to use one-click autofill experience whether you're logging into accounts or checking out with purchases - lion is a mobile and desktop app and it's completely free to use on your first device plus you get a free 30-day trial of their premium service and that includes some useful features like a private VPN and more so go ahead and try them out with a link in the description below no credit card info or anything needed at checkout so you might as well give them a shot and now let's start creating so starting off in blender 2.82 we're gonna go ahead and delete the default cube by hitting X along with the lamp just to give the cube a little bit of company in the trashcan and we'll go ahead and go shift 8 and add in a UV sphere this will be our first swinging ball and we'll need a cable for that to swing by so go shift 8 and also add in a cylinder we'll just pull that cylinder up along these Zen access and then scale it down nice and thin by going s x and Y to scale it down on every axis but DS exs here I'm just going to tap into edit mode then and grab the vertices and move them down so the origin point is at the top of the cylinder this ways it will rotate from that origin point so numbers we go face select mode grab that bottom face on the cylinder and then just pulling that face down until we have a nice long cable for that ball to swing on something like this looks about right and then you can go ahead and move it up so it's connected to the top of the ball there perfect now we want to join them together by first selecting the ball and then shift selecting the cylinder and going ctrl J to join both these meshes into one now you can see when I rotate it it's rotating on that origin point from the cylinder we'll go ahead and click on the dev view just to give ourselves a nice looking a viewport here now with the origin point still on our UV sphere wouldn't go shift a and add in a circle let me go ahead and hit R and 90 degrees to rotate it along the x-axis as you can see it's exactly lined up with a UV sphere we're just scaling up to be a little bit larger than this now still in edit mode you don't want to make sure you're in a vertices select mode by checking the little box there then we're gonna go ctrl R and Tapp G to add two vertices at the top of our circle right before our cable that's coming down this is so we can then delete that Center vertice right in the middle if we choose the reveal hidden vertices there and then X and delete that vertice right in the middle there now with all of our vertices selected we can zoom out grabbing them all and hitting e to extrude them out a bit larger pick a nice sort of size similar to what I have here and then when we go over to the modifiers tab and in a solidifying modifier we'll start off by changing the offset to zero so the axis is in the middle and then we'll just adjust the thickness till so it's just as thick as it is wide so we have a nice sort of cylinder that's bent in that circle shape next up we're gonna add in another modifier this will be the subdivision surface modifier to give ourselves a nice rounded looking bent cylinder here so go ahead and increase the view count there a little bit right click to shade smooth and then tab into edit mode every to go ctrl R and just tighten up those corners up at the top there by putting in an edge loop and sliding it up to give it a nice sharp edge alright so now it's time to start animating that ball to swing back and forth so I'm gonna go ahead and get myself a little bit more room in the timeline here we're gonna split our window so we can open up a graph editor over on the left side here so I'm gonna start off by grabbing that hanging sphere there and in right orthographic view I'm going to grab that sphere and rotate it 30 degrees this is what I found to be a good amount of rotation for our swinging motion and I don't need a keyframe so checking the automatic key frame insertion there and then just grabbing my sphere and letting go will automatically add a keyframe there on frame 1 now i'm gonna jump to frame 120 as i found that to be a good amount of time between frames for a 60 FPS animation and rotate it 60 degrees negative this will give me the exact opposite and as you can see scrub into the keyframes here we have our first animation now I'm gonna go ahead and give ourselves just 240 frames as we want this to be a looping animation and then copy the first keyframe all the way to frame 240 here you can see that it'll now come back that's looking great and I'm just going to switch over to our render settings real quick and choose 60fps as our frame rate now if you wanted to adjust the swinging motion a little bit of that ball by giving a little bit more weight and maybe making it take a little bit more time to come to a stop and then gain more speed we can grab the handles here in the graph editor and just scale up to something like a 1.2 and if we scale them all the same this will basically give ourselves a little bit more of that gradual swinging motion and this will sort of adjust the weight and feel of that ball so you want to play around at these to get the right animation feeling that you're going for just skill all of them the exact same amount now I'm just gonna go ahead and hit n to bring up the properties tab here in the graph editor choosing the drop down on our object I'm gonna go ahead and uncheck the visibility and all of the different accesses except for the X rotation access and then going to the modifiers tab here I'm going to add in a new modifier on that axis I'm going to choose cycles and this will just make our simulation loop perfectly in blender so now we need to make this crazier with a second swinging ball so I'm gonna go shift D with our severe selected and go head over to our graph editor and turn off the X rotation and turn on the Z rotation here I'm gonna go G and grab all the keyframes on these Zed rotation and just grab them along the Y 90 this will move it up in the timeline and give it a perfect 90 degrees rotation along these that axis but there's an issue the balls are hitting each other right at the center and that's not exactly satisfying let's sort of the opposite of satisfying so what we're gonna do is gonna grab our second ball that we just duplicated and we're going to turn on all of the accesses over in the graph editor here and then I'm just gonna grab the three keyframes down in our timeline and move these 60 frames to the left here you can see now that that would offset the keyframes so as the one is on its swing up the other is not swing down and they never collide with each other which is a lot more satisfying in my opinion so before the next step of our animation I want to quick add in a plane here for the floor I'm just gonna go shift eight add in that plane and then line it up to be a right underneath our cylinder there then selecting the cylinder I'm gonna rotate it 90 degrees on frame one so it's automatically gonna add a keyframe there just to be aligned with our first swinging ball so what's going right through the center of it then grabbing our cylinder jumping to frame 60 I'm going to go ahead and go to top view rotate it 90 degrees along these that access so now it's lining up perfectly at frame 60 with the second ball coming and I might see a pattern here we're just gonna go ahead and do that for the rest of the keyframes jump into frame 120 rotating it 60 degrees along these that access and so forth until we have animations all the way across our 240 frames which will make it line up or perfectly with our swinging balls now we're just selecting all of the keyframes in the graph editor on that cylinder I'm gonna go V and choose vector as the keyframe handle type this will allow it to spin with no sort of curve between it as it's gonna spin at a consistent speed the whole time now and as you can see that works just perfectly with our ball swinging through it okay so now it's time for a few quick materials and some renderings so I'm just gonna go ahead and give our floor a little bit of thickness split our window and open up a shader editor over on the left here and it close off the properties tab and create a new material here I'm gonna jump up to the blender preferences and enable the node R angular as this helps with materials a ton for doing simple basic materials it speeds up your workflow a ton so enable the no triangular and here I'm going to use a few PBR materials from CC 0 textures comm it's a great website with all kinds of free textures that you can download I think most of these are all made in substance painter but go ahead and download some of these PBR materials are you some of the metal and paint materials for my surfaces here so go ahead and download them a link in the description so with the node angular add-on enabled all we have to do now is grab our PBR shader and go ctrl shift T and this will allow us to open up all the PBR materials at one time so going to wherever you saved out those textures grabbing all of the PBR textures in that folder and you can see here if I switch the thumbnail view we can see what they look like we have them all there and click open you can see that with the node regular Anton we automatically open up the roughness and normal Maps we're gonna go ahead and delete the displacement as we don't need that but here you can see it did all the hard work for us we have our normal map a reference map and our color map all opened up I'm just switching over the cycles here now and choosing GPU compute as I can render a whole lot faster using a GPU and it will render eating faster if you enable optics and you have an RT X GPU because blender is now RT X accelerated and Rho render almost twice as fast in most cases when you're enabling optics so switching the rendered view here we can see that would PBR material that it opened up there on our floor and that's looking pretty cool but it needs a little bit of lighting so we're gonna jump over to our environment settings and open up an HDR from HDR Haven again I'll link to it in the description where you guys can grab that but opening up that HDR you can see we have a much nicer looking result right now and that PBR material is also looking really cool so now let's quick set up our camera for a nice and rendered animation so I'm just going to grab our camera up there in the outliner and then go alt control zero to snap it to Maya view as I found an angle from about 45 degrees on the scene it looks nice and increase the strength that HDR up to about a 1.5 over in the environment settings and then under film enabled transparent so we have a transparent background on our scene cool so now I'm just going to add in a few more PBR materials by grabbing our sphere going new material over in our shader editor and then go in control shift T with no triangular to open up an entire PBR material all at one time by grabbing our painted material here and selecting them all and here you can see it's working a really nice you do just want to double check to make sure that it got the right material in every case because as you can see here for the metallic color it actually opened up the wrong texture as the naming scheme kind of messed it up so in this case you just have to open up the right texture for that output but it definitely speeds up your workflow quite a bit using this shortcut and the node angular a dot so just repeating the same step on the red severe they're giving it a red painted material as well I'm just repositioning my camera and making my aspect ratio a little bit more square as I found it worked well for this animation then you might want to jump over to your render settings and enable motion blur as that looks really nice or rendered in cycles with an animation like this and then we'll also go to our camera settings and over on the right here we can enable depth of field and then change the f-stop down to something like 8.5 for a nice shallow depth of field effect if we enable limits in the viewport display you can see that plus is gonna be our focused object so I'm just adjusting the distance here then to make sure that plus is right on our spinning cyllinder and that will work nicely then you know to the color management settings over in your render settings and we'll just change the look to be a medium high contrast as it gives it a little bit more contrast deenis to our scene then before we do a final render we're gonna jump over to our render layers here and enable the denoising data so running a quick render here you can see we have our nice ball swing and animation I'm just gonna switch to the compositing tab click use nodes and you can see we have those extra passes there for the denoising data we're gonna go ahead and go shift a add in a filter D noise and then just connect the denoising albedo to albedo the denoising normal to the normal and then the noisy image to the image control shift click that denoise noted a viewer note as you can see we have a clean image here is before he was after it's definitely a lot cleaner now I'm gonna show you a quick tip to add in a nice sort of gradient background behind our satisfying stimulation animation here and by doing that I'm just gonna go shift a and adding a box mask here I'm gonna go ahead and make these size to be 0.45 on both the X and y axis then I'm gonna go shift a and add in a blur change it to gauzy and blur connecting it up right there well change it to Y and then give it an X & Y blur of about a 15 to 16 amount blurring like this gives ourselves a nice sort of vignette gradient look then I'm going to add in a color mix node we'll change it to soft light will move the blur node to be connected into the factor of that soft light and then for that top socket I'm just gonna pick a nice sort of blue gray material and this just gives us a nice sort of soft gradient light with a little bit of a brighter inside and a darker outside which I thought looked kind of nice then I'm just gonna add in a color alpha over node connecting our denoise image to the bottom and our last gradient to the top control shift clicking that and there you have it you can see we have our finished rendered image and ready to be rendered as an animation now if you want to add even more intensity to that light you could just duplicate that soft light and repeat it one more time so you get a nice overlay making an even brighter in the center and then for a little bit of a vignette effect you can duplicate your box mask and your blur node increase the blur maybe a little bit more this time and then duplicate that mixed node one more time switch it to multiply this time and then if you connect the blur to the bottom socket you can see we add in a vignette we'll go ahead and turn the factor down and that just gives a nice little subtle vignette over the whole scene to connect your last output to the composite node and the viewer node and you'll be ready to start rendering an animation out switching over to the render settings here just to show you the file that I usually use for animations I use ffmpeg video and then change the encoding container over to mpeg-4 this is what I found to be a good a file format just for test renders and if you hit rendered animation right now after choosing an output you'd be ready with your rendered animation here is the final result that you can see we have but that's gonna wrap up this video guys I hope you had some fun and found it ultra satisfying if you did you can leave a like on the video or if you had a question you can leave in the comment section below I began like to thank - land for sponsoring this video you can check them out with the link in the description but that's new for me guys I had keep on creating I'll see you guys in the next video Baba
Channel: CG Geek
Views: 790,450
Rating: 4.9004998 out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Satisfying, Animation, Video, 3D, CGI, VFX, Animated, Tutorial, Blender Tutorial, Easy, Beginner, Free, Cycles, Eevee, 3D Animations, Oddly, MIND-BLOWING, Slime, asmr
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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