Easy Cyberpunk Text Animation In Eevee (Blender Tutorial)

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how's it going so in today's tutorial we're going to be making a really cool kind of cyberpunk uh logo intro you can use text you can use your logo whatever you want we're going to use this almost like a template so you can drop in whatever you want but let's get into how to do this so this is going to be rendered in eevee we got some really cool stuff going on and if you press play we have a really interesting parallax effect going on in this scene now if you want to get the already finished ready scene you can grab it on patreon for two dollars on tier one there is tier two in tier three and you can get a bunch of really cool stuff with that including exclusive tutorials ten procedural materials a month i show my client work a bunch of other cool things are on the patreon if you want to check that out in the description but with that being said let's learn how to make this really cool thing now first thing we're going to do is head on and get what uh you know a really cool font so i'm going to type in sci-fi font and make sure to put free in the search just to make sure that you're not so make sure that you can get free stuff it looks like daf font is always going to be a really cool option for this so you can go ahead and just download whatever font you want and you can unzip that file and your font will be ready to be used but you can use really any font you like now i'm going to open up blender here and we're going to go straight into the text modeling portion of the tutorial so we're going to do is hit shift a and we're going to click text and i'm going to go with rx90 just to make sure we have this guy rotated correctly and i'm going to hit the period key just to make sure my whole world origin is in the right spot now let's click the a and right here on the horizontal click center now that we have our text centered out i'm going to hit tab and i'm going to type in just any word i want for me b-l-e-n-d seems appropriate as you know it's a blender tutorial and now we have that now let's get our font we're going to click the font section click this little thing and you have all your other fonts that are in your computer if this dialog doesn't come up that's all right you can go to the font that you saved this one right here and now i have my font now what you're going to want to do is take this font and hit shift d and then i'm just going to go here to the outliner and hide the one i just duplicated that's really important to do because one of them is going to be sort of the base of the text and one of them is going to be the neon sign of the text so with this one we're going to go down here to geometry and extrude it just a little bit something like that and then you can see how this is you know full there's no empty open spots we kind of want this part to be um hollow so right here on fill mode i think we're going to do front no we actually need to do back so now the back is nice and empty let's go ahead and bring in that new that one we just uh duplicated and i'm going to go ahead and move him to the front just like that he's flat but we'll do the front right now and right here on fill mode click click none this is how you make a neon sign the really really easy way and then right here on depth you can just bring in and make your sign as thick as you want it your you know your neon portion of the sign and then we're going to pull it back until he's just kind of touching this section here and right now it's a little bit too big you can see how it's you know going above the big part of the text so we're going to go here to depth and just bring it up like that until it meets it so and then we can just take the neon sign and bring it in and now they work together really nicely now we are going to be in eevee so to make sure you are an eevee click this little camera icon and right here select evie turn on ambient occlusion bloom screen space reflections and if you'd like motion blur so i'm going to hit z and go to material preview so for this right here we're going to make one material that's going to be sort of everywhere on this scene we're going to kind of reuse that as much as possible for easy use so i'm going to click this little icon here click new make it metallic and make it pretty dark and then we're going to head on over to the shading tab i'm going to hit the period key to bring it to view and we can see this guy let's go ahead and start shading so i'm going to bring this up here and then shift a c o l for a color ramp on the search let's redo that always click that vertex color all right click let me put it right into the roughness and now let's get a noise texture in oi noise texture now go to your preferences here in the add-on section type in node wrangler and enable the node wrangler once you do that ctrl t on the noise texture and use the object coordinate and plug the noise texture into the color ramp so now we have all this craziness here you can really start to see how the roughness is affecting this so i'm going to bring the detail up and the roughness up and we're going to bring this in something like that so we can start getting some reflections in this uh this guy here and then we're going to bring this in to really accentuate the rough portions and now we have a really nice grungy material on the black portion though i don't want it to be like a mirror in this like these sections here so i'm just going to bring a little bit toward the gray so it's not completely reflective but still nice and shiny and now we have completed our little grunge material that we're going to keep using throughout this tutorial now i'm going to click the neon sign here and you can click on these gizmos to make sure he is selected and i'm going to click new i'm going to delete the principled shift a type in emission click that and click him into the surface so now we have that we can bring the strength up to make him nice and glowy and make him orange but we're not actually going to do that specifically we're going to get a little more detail here i'm going to collapse these windows they're kind of distracting so now we have this what we're going to do is shift a search color ramp now plug the color ramp into here and let's pick the color we want for this sign which is a nice really fiery orange now we do want this black portion here and i'll show you why let's get a noise texture plug that into the factor i'm going to hit ctrl t for that node wrangler and use the object coordinate and so now what we're going to do is crunch in this color ramp this direction in this direction so we start seeing this type of action and we're going to bring it back a little bit we don't want it to be completely black but we do want to be able to see some brightness changes some color changes in here to make it look more like a realistic neon sign i'm going to bring the scale up a little bit and then you can bring this in some more instead of linear let's go to b spline just to make sure we actually don't you know clip with that blackness so you can bring this as much as you want and you won't you know go completely black and so now we have this really cool neon sign with a nice amount of detail to just push a little bit of realism this isn't going to be photo realism as we're using evie but to be able to kind of fake this realism is really going to go a long ways with your design and add in this nice amount of detail all right so for the text section of this we are finished let's head back over to layout and let's start modeling the scene i'm going to save this guy and just call it um sign and then save it on my desktop for now so now we have this scene nice and saved what we're going to start doing now start creating the scene around this whole thing so i'm going to go and shift a add a plane i'm going to hit s5 just like that so what i'm going to do first is make this guy around about that wide something like this now i'm going to hit shift a apply scale i'm going to hit tab and make sure you are in the edge select mode right up here click this one hold down shift click this one and the back one now on the keyboard i'm going to hit e for the extrude and z for the axis and then bring it up so it's something like this i'm going to hit tab to go out of edit mode and i'm going to go to the the modifiers and add a solidify and give it a negative and solidify it out to be something around here let's get a bevel modifier bring the amount in and i'm going to just give it a little bit on the amount and bring up these segments till we get a nice beveled edge what i'm going to do now is bring my sign back to the to the uh to the back here because we are going to be running our camera through this section here okay now let's make a quick wall so plane so rx90 and then i'm gonna bring them up like this and i'm gonna bring it past the back here now i'm gonna hit the tilde key which is right above the tab key for me and click front shift a add a camera now we're gonna start working on our composition hit zero to go to the camera view i'm gonna hit g middle click and bring it to the back now i'm gonna go i'm gonna click on the green portion of my camera and bring it in the focal length until it's filling up the camera um nicely like that so we can kind of play with that now back some more i want to be at the very edge of this scene so what i'm going to do is i'm going to take this guy and scale him up a little bit and then here and then i'm going to click the scale tool and bring him out and then bring him up ctrl a apply the scale now i'm going to go back to the material view here and of course nothing's reflecting it doesn't look very cool and that's because we need to apply some materials go to this little icon here and apply that metal material we made on the the text go here apply the same metallic material now what i'm going to do is go back here to shading and play with the material a little bit more to make it look the way i want it to look i'm going to go here to the view and i'm going to bring my scale up something like this and then i'm going to bring maybe this down a little bit more to make it more reflective so now it's starting to look really really cool now i want to add some weird kind of details to this scene so i'm going to go to hit z and go to the material preview and i want to add some bumping to this scene so we're going to go ahead and take this material and go a little bit crazier with it so shift a and add a bump node just like this and click on the normal i'm going to get a voronoi texture vor and before that though i do want to get a color ramp so i can manipulate it if i want to and then plug the color into the height the distance into the color ramp so that we can actually eat into the metal if you use color it's not going to actually really eat into the metal like we want it to it's just going to have these sort of flat lines so we want to use distance and then let's use this vector here in the mapping and plug it into the vector so now that we have this really ugly craziness i'm going to bring the strength down a little bit i'm going to switch from f1 i'm gonna go from ilucidian to chebychev to get a really cool pattern i'm gonna go f1 to f2 to get a little bit more detail f2 has a lot more details in the uh chebychev pattern than f1 which is why i'm a big fan of it i'm gonna bring the scale up i'm gonna hit zero so we can actually go to the view so we can kind of see how it's gonna look in the render go to the color ramp sort of play with it maybe go something like this and then we can bring that strength up and down as we like so now we have some fun stuff going on within our scene so this is going to be super cool you can play with the invert if you want to go up or down it really doesn't matter it's all up to your preference i kind of want it to be eating into it so i'm going to keep the invert off so now we have some really cool details going on in our in our scene okay let's go ahead and kind of tackle the lighting first before we add those weird wires so shift a go ahead and get a area light and i'm going to click this and click our gizmos up here so we can see what's happening and bring him up right above the sign and then i'm going to bring it up above the camera view give it a nice blue color and bring up the strength to it so it looks like this now we're getting something really cool looking i want to add some ambience to this scene so we're going to get some volume so we need a volume object for that so get the cube i'm going to hit s8 it's going to and hit ctrl a apply the scale and then let's go here to shading i can't really see anything going on i'm going to hit z and go to render view again nothing is really happening that's okay click new make sure the cube is selected delete principled and then get a volume principal volume go to the volume and click volume and then if you bring your density down all the way to zero everything comes back and so you can bring the density just a little bit so now we get some of that ambience and then all the lights need to be brighter because volume does dim everything and then of course click on the neon sign and make that brighter as well i'm going to bring in that black a little bit so now we have our scene nice and lit how do we do those cool weird looking wires and chords it's super easy first thing i want to do is click on this volume box click on the orange square viewport display texture to wire so now he's not in the way how do you do those weird wires we're going to use we're going to use curves so go to curve and then path so i'm going to hit r z 90 and then i'm going to scale it up to tell it you know what fills this whole scene i'm gonna hit tab and i'm gonna left click and subdivide it once so now we have this weird wire here's how you um you know make it look like a wire as you click on these little portions right here i'm gonna go to the move icon and start moving around the wire until you like how it looks so what i'm gonna do now is sort of position him i don't want it to be too crazy so something like that and then how do you add geometry to that click on the little icon here on geometry go to depth now we have a weird chord and then now let's just make sure that it's not intersecting with the ground so bring it up a little bit and now we have this really cool weird looking chord so what i'm going to do now is shift d duplicate this chord and then go ahead and just start moving it around and get a nice line of chords so what i'm going to do is speed up this video and you can you know do that yourself on yours and we're going to have a really cool set of wires all right so now i've finished putting in all my wires here we need to texture them so we're going to make a really quick material let's click shading and then just click on one of the wires click new make it metallic keep it nice and bright now i'm going to click on the wall and i'm going to steal some nodes from this section here so i'm going to highlight this control c click on the wire again control v plug that into the roughness and bam now our wire is nice and textured so now we're gonna do is click all the wires that don't have a material by holding shift and clicking them i'm gonna make sure you don't click anything else and then click this and the last one you click is the one with the material ctrl l click materials and now they all have that material attached to them which is really really cool now we have two more things left to do on this tutorial make the uh sort of elements that are going to go around the wire around the sign and animate our camera so let's go ahead and make those assets around the sign what i want to do is bring this guy up over here so bring him you know up a little bit maybe to around here that'll be really cool and then i'm gonna go ahead and make some sort of scaffolding style elements to go around this scene [Music] all right so i finished with my scaffolding modeling here to some quick cylinder stuff and array modifiers now what i'm going to do is apply that same apply the same material on these wires onto these guys so again selecting all the ones without the materials on them and then selecting the wire with the material ctrl l and then you apply the material so i'm going to do that really quickly so now all of them have the material which is really great we have this situation right in the middle i'm just going to go ahead and quickly bring up this sign to the middle of the scaffolding and then now we have our finished piece here the last thing i'm going to do now is animate the camera and use that really cool parallax effect on this situation i'm going to click on the camera first click on the green viewport display and then right here on password tout i'm reading that really quickly so i'm saying it wrong but we now have this situation here so what i'm going to do is click my camera g and then middle click on the mouse to make sure i am on the edge of the scene now we're going to animate it so i'm going to give myself like 500 frames just to make sure i don't run out of any i'm going to count to five so i'm going to click on the camera right here i believe it's the y-axis that's going to bring him in and so just like that and i'm going to bring in the rotation here i mean the angle here and again the y-axis so it's something like this so we're going to click this on the keyframe and then click one two three four five or you know however long you want your camera to be moving forward and then i'm gonna bring it in to be something like this click that and so now our camera is going in and then it slides in very nicely i'm going to go ahead and just bring this out a little bit more i don't like how quick that was so now we have our logo going through next thing i'm going to do is click on the camera here and then play with the focal length and what we're going to do is we're going to widen that focal length once we get closer so let's click on this give it a keyframe go to the very end and then widen the focal length until we like how wide this section is here and then watch this really cool effect you get this really crazy effect what i'm going to do though it's not very extreme so i'm going to go back and i'm going to redo my keyframing so i'm going to clear the keyframes and click that go to around here zoom really close into this or something like that and the closer you get the more extreme the effect is going to be now let's click on the camera's focal length area go to the end and i'm going to bring my focal length out like this and then oops i forgot to add my keyframe let's go back 85 click that go to the end bring that focal length until you like how wide it is click that and then let's go now we have crazy parallax going through it's like it's stretching everything out and that's such a cool effect so now we have finished our logo animation looks like everything stops at around 263 so we'll give it 263 on our frames and our scene is finished i do want to animate one more thing and that's the angle so i'm going to click this go to the end and then bring our angle up so that logos in the middle i like that now let's check out the final product it's going in really cool just going straight into the scene nice parallax effect and your logo name whatever you're trying to use here is cool alright so now that we're finished we're going to go here to the printer icon i'm going to go and select where i want to save it i'm going to go png to ffmpeg video encoding go to mp4 medium quality to perceptually lossless and then i'm going to go to render render animation and you're done so i hope you enjoyed this tutorial this is the final result i hope you enjoyed it and again you can go and check out the patreon file it's got a few more little details in there that i took some time to make it really cool so if you want to check all that out patreon's in the description thank you for watching
Channel: Ducky 3D
Views: 251,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Beginner, Blender tutorial, Blender Animation, Blender Loop, Blender Animation Loop, Blender Glitch, Blender intro, Blender Text, Blender Text Animation, Blender 2.8, Blender eevee, Eevee Animation, Abstract, Blender Abstract tutorial, Blender Modeling, Blender Enviornment, Blender Easy, Blender easy tutorial, Blender cycles, Blender 3D, b3d, Remington Graphics, Intro to Blender, CG Geek, Olav3D, CG Cookie, Midge Sinnaeve, Gleb Alexandrov, Blender 2.81
Id: BuizutL2MJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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