Crazy Magnet Fishing Find! Can’t Believe We Found this Magnet Fishing in Amsterdam.

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oh my gosh dennis dennis oh my gosh you are joking yes g'day guys we are back in beautiful downtown amsterdam for another magnet fishing adventure dennis here he's already started he's got a whole heap of birds around him which is uh as per usual for dennis check how beautiful this spot is it's absolutely amazing here and check this out we've even got the yellow submarine here so let's get magnet fishing ew usually on the first cast i do a big throw but i've kind of got a crowd here so it's uh magnets away let's have a look first cast all right not much on the first cast to some rubbish but better out than in well it looks like we've scared the birds away so it's time for a big cast oh i've got something massive here what is that oh it's yeah it looks like the base off a pop plane or something of a not a pop plant but a uh umbrella it's heavy that's that's all i know what do you got oh it's the first bike of the day this one looks cool yeah there we go look at that thing it's got its little logo here oh that just messed it up dennis bike count is one me zero time to step it up a notch that's not a bike all right what do we got here something big ah what is that i've got a bike bell a huge bit of rusty metal there i've no idea what that is oh pair of scissors i didn't even see that there that's cool what are we hoping to find today mate something old an artifact of some kind an old gun an old sword it's just a metal pole we're not getting too much here are we mate maybe we should go off to this other spot over there the bridge we're doing a magnet fishing crawl today how many spots will we hit how many bikes will we find there's only one way to find out let's do it okay here i come dennis magnets away what have we got i got a bike lock and i think that's a bike does that count as a bike it almost had a bike let's put that over here that's a bike lock that's the cog off a bike that's off a shopping trolley have a look at that i wonder if it's got the coin in there where you put the the coin in to unlock it i think that's gone bummer no that doesn't count as a bike mate i'm sorry the judges are tough i think this counts as a bike though does that count as a bike hey well not much that time just a bike bell oh look there's a casino chip it's actually no it's just a it's just a fun poker chip it's not actually a real casino one that's a shame because you can take them back and cash them in and get your money i'm going to try over this side one two three oh got some big ear what is that ah that counts as a bike ah that counts as a bike for sure it's got a wheel dennis that's one bike a piece bro oh it's heavy it's been down there for a while huh look at that that's a museum piece look at all the crabs coming off down there there's crabs everywhere over on it look there's another one he's just run away another one here they're all coming out of this bike there's another one under here they're like what has just happened hey don't run away fellas i'm trying to help you out there we go go back in your home crabs keep the magnet away from this guy here we are another bridge on our magnet fishing bridge crawl what do we want to find ah if some treasure would be great yeah oh hang on that looks awfully like a bike to me speak of the devil and the devil shall appear [Music] okay hey dennis i've got a bike with a wheel so that's two bikes to your one i've just taken the lead these are some really old crusty bikes these ones my gosh look at the state of that just totally crustified let's sit him down here eh let's go again there is something there just oh my gosh let me look at this dennis you gotta come and have a look at this mate dennis you gotta come and have a look at this quick come and check it out look at that oh my gosh i'm shaking that's a really old that's a really old gun oh i can't believe that look at it oh my gosh dennis just said two seconds ago he didn't have the faith he wasn't gonna film today because he didn't have the faith we're gonna find anything and i said anything could be anywhere my gosh look at that it's like i want to know what it is yeah does anyone know what type of gun that is you've got to let us know i know nothing about guns um do we have to call the police or is this too old it's really old so i think you can keep it a souvenir what a souvenir that is oh my gosh i'm so stoked that is so cool i want to get it off without damaging it to be careful here what do you think should i slide it off or just or am i better off pulling it off don't break don't break oh yes oh cool look at that i don't know if it's got some riding in there if that that's where the magnet attached to it and rip the the stuff off it's like a a proper like gun that you pull like that that is awesome man i am so stoked how old do you think that is yeah probably 17 1800s 17 1800s oh my gosh i feel like it's got like a bronzy finish there something that is incredible man i am so stoked yes most unbelievable find the gun i last found was like from world war one world war two i handed that to the police but this one's so old that it doesn't even need it it's from seventeen eighteen hundreds we are going to do some research on this thing i am stoked yes what a fire this is the treasure we hope to find isn't it we will report this to archaeology um because that's the rules you have to report all your old historic finds if it is that old and that way they can keep a track and we take a photo upload it to their database so they can uh you know have a look at it if they want to uh and uh it's on the registry for everyone to know that i am stoked can't talk i'm so excited dennis is coming on this side now we've got a hot spot dennis all right let's go for a cast out this way i've got something down here as well oh look at that that counts as a bike dennis i don't care what you say it's got three wheels look at it oh yes some poor girl by the looks of it it's pink had a bad day super cool hasn't been down there that long actually might come good i'll sit it over here for a kid they can pick it up if they want it how many bikes is that dennis how many bikes have i got two two three and you've got how many one ah i got a snag i might have to take this off and pull it around here hey man i love you [Laughter] i love you too mate how fun is that no i don't know he's obviously been watching my youtube monday i love you what a dude i love you too dennis there's a lot of love going on around here i am proper stuck over here man got him ah muscles from brussels dennis has got my back all right let's see what we got on here now i got something on there kind of looks like a a roll of film or something what is that it's a measuring tape look it's a giant measuring tape oh my gosh the weirdest stuff you find huh anything really could be anywhere and what do you got half a bike sorry mate there's no wheel on there doesn't count there's no one on the smoke boat that's that's unheard of that's the uh the smoke boat i think the name says it all right welcome to amsterdam but there was no one on it i've never seen that before the smoke boat is smoke free and here we go again got a gun oh man i really hope that's an old one so cool proper artifact what do we got here oh fishing lure still got the hook in it and the line there we go what a catch catch of the day what do you reckon dennis next spot i like this spot you've got faith in this spot all right cool let's give it a go every time let's see what he gets first cast oh you got loads man what is that oh you've got an ice skating shoe is it an ice skating shoe yes it hasn't happened for a few years but people actually ice skate on these canals in the winter but uh global warming and all that stuff they don't get frozen over anymore but someone uh probably lost their their shoe doing that oh i got something massive here yeah i'm getting a workout deep burn oh we've got a bike yep we got a bike and this has two wheels on it oh there we go look at that this one's actually hasn't been down there too long at all even the tyres aren't even flat she's all right what else have we got on here we got the bike lock oh that's the whole bike chain look at that you see that that's the rusted bike chain and bike lock petrified let's sit that here for now huh all right clean bike no mud down there another one for the list just pulling it out of the mud there yeah okay it's never ending that's it i'm done it's enough giant poles for me we're going to the next spot hey look who shows up i think you need an extra magnet on there ramon let me get this off i've got a bag full of mud oh hang on what's inside here you've got a bag what is this i've got something too what is this made in japan i don't want to break them open oh look at that let's go with your one first you have got a wallet oh this a battery is it off a phone oh yeah eriksen oh yes dennis you could end the day on a high please please please please please what have we got what is that what is that there's a cassette no it's not though it's too small don't crack it whatever you do what is that that's like a necklace that's rubber it's rubber oh it's from the actual wallet itself oh that's the it's a video oh it's so full walk man yeah it's like the same thing on there a tape player like that oh is there nothing inside look inside there nothing dennis i thought you were going to turn the day around and just like have the best find ever more keys where's my second car so this spot's interesting yeah and did you need a hand with the pole okay i'll throw my i forgot about it forgot about ramon with his pole he's just over here waiting oh my gosh it's heavy yeah look at the size of that thing my gosh there we go i got something look at all the bubbles yep dennis have a look mate straight out of the pirates of the whoa come back here buddy okay this is my workout for the day come here i'm trying to spin it around yeah yeah oh my gosh look at that that is totally smelly and rusty it's like being rusted entirely through look i can put my fingers through all the metal parts hey crabby they don't take long huh keep going you're going the wrong way hey remember i helped you carry that massive bit of metal down there we've got some really old bikes today you got a what is it oh yeah it looks gold but it looks also what yeah different as normal have a look at this coin shot shot to the camera there look at that 1903. oh it's from the dutch antilles look at this coin it's got a fleur-de-lis on there i reckon that's french that's cool man this spot's awesome yeah there's a lot of got something here oh i've got another fire hydrant oh sorry fire extinguisher and a chair oh my gosh there we go look at that oh fire extinguisher i'm not a fire hydrant from all the comments i got last time yeah there we go now i'll go back and get the chair i've got something here now probably or oh my gosh dennis dennis we've got a safe oh my gosh you are joking i don't think i can lift it up i'm going to have to drag it around oh yeah yeah do we should drag it to the stairs oh my gosh we can try to elicit very slowly let the water flow out okay yes we gotta save it looks close yeah it's closed as well what no way got it oh we are never ending with the safes here who would have thought it is it is definitely still closed it's got some holes in it i can't believe how many safe we're finding look at all this coming out let's just let it drain for a bit oh all right it's yeah it's actually locked do you want a chisel to take it over yeah if you got one a hammer yeah and a chisel thanks mate all right we might get we might get to this this is like it's got the drill holes in the back here where it was probably nailed to a wall drilled to a wall but the mud that's coming out is incredible i've never had such a muddy safe here's some water maybe thank you yes yes we need lots of water let's kind of clean the pavement first okay he's uh a fan that come and say hello and before you know what i've recruited him as a safe breaker in this video so thanks mate he's got the hammers and tools all right so we're going to try and bust this bad boy open let's see how we go okay it's getting some movement there okay come on never a dull moment magnet fishing dennis i'm getting another work out there oh rahman you gotta have a go at this bro come on i'm exhausted oh you got a bike look at that thing oh my yeah gosh would have been heavy pulling up mate yeah it was a heavy bike i don't know if you can open this like this no it's not going to happen huh no we can get a peek inside can you see in there no no don't think you can use the crowbar he has a crowbar should we get a crowbar you can try all right i'll go and get it okay we're not giving up on this there you go we're stepping it up a notch we're going for the crowbar okay if this doesn't work then we go to ramon's holy moly oh yeah that's in there okay [Music] i think i might try this down here see if i can get this one right down the corner he won't go under nice lucky for us huh couple more tabs come on come on which other side yeah right hey can you stand on there it calls me bondy yeah yeah oh dennis is a proper crate safe breaker come over here nikki look at that the door is off nice work dennis oh ramon nice right there oh this stuff here i don't know what it is but yeah let's go get that bucket we'll give that a rinse off but it kind of doesn't look like treasure but you never know until you rinse it off have a look at this mud in here have a look at that see you when you watch the youtube videos you don't get the smell do you okay let's give this a rinse see what this is it doesn't look like much just dropped it see this one i think that's just a piece from the inside of the safe anything in there ramon are you feeling with your hands yeah what is that i think there's nothing here no that's nothing no i think that's it man we'll just tip it out on the road just to be sure there's some proper amsterdam canal mud there look at that nothing inside there a lot of fun though thanks for all the gear man i appreciate that we wouldn't have done it without i'll give you an elbow cool shame there was nothing in there you would have earned yourself a diamond for that for sure cool all right let's go get some more water and clean this off that's looking a bit cleaner a neighbor with a bucket here another neighbor with a chisel crowbar it's a good neighborhood yeah there's some big stuff down here i'm on it now i'm lifting it it's definitely got the potential to be a scooter you're on it as well okay yeah nice work yeah we got it what do we got oh it's a bike no it's just a heavy bike oh it's two bikes ah it's is it three bikes ah one of those you've got one of them okay good stuff here we go again yes okay another black attempt number three oh i actually had a totally different bike here let me come over there now i've got your bike there we go seriously how many bikes are down here this is crazy oh my gosh it just never ends look at that it's a bed welcome oh good job bro we got a bed look at that it's all like the frame's all rusted out but imagine jumping over the bridge for a swim and you'll land on a bed that's it i am done i'm exhausted i've got to go and have a shower and a beer i think i can't pull any more out of this canal we might have to come back another day what a spot i think we will have to come back [Music] we got we got like one two three four five and a half five like and a half a fire extinguisher is safe that was an awesome magnet fishing adventure it was so cool the spots we went to you found the first bike man yeah that's cool and you started strong yeah but i went downhill from there i lost my face he lost his faith and that's what shows you don't lose your faith we pull a gun out two minutes later it was too much fun that gun was probably the best find i've ever had magnet fishing we got some motivation after that didn't we yeah and then we got a safe at the end of the day super cool i was loving it thanks man awesome another magnet fishing adventure thanks for watching guys and we'll see you next time for another one you [Music] you
Channel: Bondi Treasure Hunter
Views: 575,586
Rating: 4.8703403 out of 5
Keywords: magnet fishing, fishing, magnet fishing finds, magnet fishing video, magnet fishing amsterdam, bondi treasure hunter, dallmyd, magnet, magnet fishing gun, gun found, safe found, money found, river treasure, treasure hunter, metal detecting, metal detector, strongest magnet, how to magnet fish, bike, bike found, amsterdam, bondi magnet, found underwater, treasure hunting, biggest catch, neodymium magnets, ww2, ww2 gun, weapon found, treasure, custom magnets, fishing equipment
Id: WlG9AjJvg2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 30sec (1770 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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