500 Year old Dagger Found in the River (Fishing with a Magnet!)

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oh my gosh richard just got it oh my god g'day guys and welcome to another magnet fishing adventure we're on a very special one this time because we're coming back to a spot where we found artifacts with three and four hundred year olds old knives old cannonballs you name it you have to check that video out i'll put a link below but we're back with richard how's it going hello hello hello and the legendary who's busy at it hannie oh you've got a um i've got a deck look at this what oh look you've got a fishing lure on you okay is this what you've got already oh cool old key yeah old nails it's a good sign all right it's time to get my magnet wet let's get magnet fishing [Music] let's see what the gopro sees hopefully it sees treasure down there i've got something on there there's the gopro made it out that's always a good sign there we go the gopro not really too much there at all what is it a big lure oh my gosh that's the biggest lure i ever saw it's a good one too look at that yeah it's a big one i don't know what fish i'll catch with that sharks or something yeah take going home you can use that that's really cool you got a what oh you know a bucket handle yeah yeah look at that oh that is an awesome nail look at that really big one look at the size of that one he's massive yeah i feel like i just got something there oh we've got something big down here look at the bubbles coming out from over there handy look in the middle of the lake it's all the way out there oh man i think i've got something too big it's not actually going to come with me i might need some muscles here pull it together oh got it we got it off anyway we got up here richard but uh it's the old stuff yeah you're in the old spot huh it's an old spot but almost empty it's some stuff here look oh you got a piece of a watch there old square nails and this key is really cool look at how black everything is huh bike light not working what have you got oh horseshoe yeah yeah that's an old one what's wonder what that's doing out there cool i hang it up shirt for good luck i'm hoping today to get an old padlock oh you got a car steering wheel he's got a bit crazy you've got a lot on there there's nothing old no not good got to get through the old stuff to get to the good stuff that's what someone told me that's true first you have to take the rubbish yeah then we're gonna get to the daggers all right let's get some daggers let's try this new spot here i think this is where we were last time we got all the good stuff what do you got look what is it oh yeah what is that it's yeah it's got a handle on it on the top here which you can see and then it's uh it's a bit of a mystery item does anyone at home know what that is let us know it's got like a circle here we'll send you to the side it's a mystery item i'm not sure if we're getting some stuff oh something down there for sure okay oh look at all oh my gosh i got a pair of scissors on there that's like a a d loop that's an old square nail oh yeah this is a good spot oh what do we got here i've got some type of bottle have a look at that let's get the canal mud and the mini lobsters out and whatever else has been making that home all right that's cool nice metal bottle what else we got on here oh that's a big square nail look at that one that's awesome that's cool yep if i can find that i can find a knife what do we got this time oh i got lots on there whoa look at all oh my gosh these are all square nails as well wow that's the spot down there let's go through this i wonder what that is some cog looks cool ramon can use that for his art what all right so i found something old without even realizing i found something that's why i sat to the side i was a little bit curious this is the from here is the other side and this is between it okay cool i think i got a looks like it kind of looks like a knife there doesn't it hey richard is this a knife is this a knife yeah pocket knife pocket not oh so it's modern no oh no no it's and the handle is in the curve yeah cool i got a knife hanny awesome finally have a look at that for an old loop an eye loop it's a big one huh and the nails are all magnetized to the top of it cold are you honey yeah look at all these fines you've got all cleaned up over here that one looks interesting a lot of fishing lures mate all bits old bucket handle that's cool the square now this is the one i found really thin that one awesome i'm getting lots of bites down here what you got a dagger oh oh my gosh richard just got it oh my gosh oh look at this incomplete oh my gosh look at the detail in there oh dear yes oh my gosh that this is a happy face that is a knife that's hundreds of years old still in good condition he's got tears in his eyes he's got tears in his eyes he gets a dream once in a lifetime fine look look at the shame oh yeah look it's it's probably gold gilded no it's copper it's copper oh look at all the detail in there 15th century yeah 1569. [Music] oh look at that oh my gosh let us look at the handles you see here in three yeah i'm gonna go even close there we go look at that and i think it's a french lily i turned it around oh my gosh [Music] incomplete oh it's got the maker's mark yeah this is fine people yeah that is a true treasure look at the size yeah yeah it's like that we get to hold that's the best part about this hobby we get to hold things that you only see in museums very rarely but it does happen you see credit to you rich because he kept staying in the same spot casting in the same spot he got through all the old rubbish and here's what i told you yeah you didn't listen to your own words you've been moving up and down well it is on now oh my gosh look at the angle there is it's bent over yeah why is it bend oh i'm holding it now yeah such a privilege to hold this oh my gosh look at that 15 16th century knife i'm shaking yeah and the detail on is incredible where was that maker's mark you said we have to we have to make for a run now yeah come on i've never been so motivated to magnet fish the reason it's so well preserved is it's been set under the mud protected from the oxygen and now it's out it's going to start rusting so richard's going to run up and get his bottle go get it made and then we'll put it in that so cool sometimes there's a name and a date on the side but not this no yeah that is the best knife i ever saw pulled out of the canal incredible can you imagine the fisherman or the guy on the boat who dropped that he would have reached down the water oh my god my knife yeah maybe his uh knife before was broken or something yeah and he put instead of the wood on the new uh knife yeah so it would have been a wooden handle originally you think because you can see that he put it on because it's hammered down yeah hem it down and also bent over to hold on oh incredible that that looks like it's it's too nice made of one yeah back in the days a proper artifact a proper treasure [Music] look at this guy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this is it this is the last cast of the day last time in this same spot i got my best find on the last card can i do it again what do you think annie are you feeling me oh i have a knife too that's what i got last time unlock i got unlocked that was my dream on the last one oh my gosh and it's a good one yeah it's a good one whoa i can't believe that just happened on the last cast i got my dream fine henny you said you wanted to get a um a cannonball i set a lock and look here it is i wish it had the loop on the top look you see the keyhole there that is a super old lock and there's the studs on the back there it's already been done before oh stoked well i hope you really enjoyed this video i had a great day even though it's wet and cold and rainy when you're out here magnet fishing it's great fun i know hannie you're ready to go home mate your mate i'm really cold unfortunately you didn't get your find of the day but richard stole the show i'm the mother so that's what it's all about having fun with friends and maybe if you're lucky find some treasure so thanks for watching hope you enjoyed it we'll see you next time for another magna fishing adventure and like like oh yeah what he said [Music]
Channel: Bondi Treasure Hunter
Views: 89,341
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magnet fishing, magnet fishing finds, best magnet finds, Fishing, metal detecting, magnet fishing uk, Found dagger, knife found, artefacts, magnet fishing usa, bondi treasure hunter, metal detecting finds, underwater treasure, river treasure, strongest magnet, metal detector, found underwater, treasure hunter, treasure, best magnet fishing finds, ww2, ww2 artefacts, magnet fishing amsterdam, magnet fishing video, found real treasure, found gold, mudlark, mudlarking finds
Id: OcB3TuJfs4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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