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see if we got anything oh dad look look look yeah what up y'all welcome back to another one before we get into the magnet fishing and camping i want to let you all know today through sunday through mother's day all the thermal hoodies over at ducks waterfowl are 20 off today through sunday go get yours i will link them down in the description let's get into the video yeah what up y'all and welcome back to another one the camper i have i've been telling y'all i was gonna show you um i'm gonna give you the full tour after we're done magnet fishing i've been asking you all what you wanted uh to see for videos and y'all have said catch cook cleans uh or catch clean cook sorry magnet fishing is the most wanted uh and then more fred and the family and fishing so we're just bundling everything together and here we are here comes the summertime videos and i can't wait because they're gonna be fun to get into i have a lot of great ideas we got frederick are you ready to go magnet fishing frederick you know frederick he loves to go do him some magnet fishing uh i gotta grab our magnets we are at a lake that we come to very very often to camp uh we don't magnet fish it a bunch but it's me and dad does anybody remember these shirts oh those are old that's the og bobby guy film shirts old school we need to bring him back yeah there we go the beast i got both of the beasts dad and i are going to magnet fish like normal and then we're going to come back and do the whole camper tour but i'm going to stop yapping we got to go by the marina to see if they have some gloves dad has his own pair of gloves mine are long gone i don't know what happened to my pair from last year they probably literally fell apart but we're gonna get everything rigged up ready to go here's tucker this is dad's dog i tucker boy he's a lab he's a chocolate he's a chocolate pretty boy oh well hi there freddy come on well we are here finally uh man all the docks at the main lake were all full of fishermen so and it was really windy so we took a break and now we're here this is one of our favorite little spots i'm just having a conversation with your fine friends over there oh you got some ducks yeah and we always got ducks at our feet here they're usually swimming right here while we're magnet fishing and fred's staring at them saying hey you're supposed to be in my mouth but here we go easy casualty remember last year when we were doing this old frederick he didn't know what to think oh that is deep that is really deep that's every bit of 10 foot deep don't go falling in fred and you can't jump in because we don't have your dog cattle and i don't want you wet inside of the truck okay man it's a nice day today low wind sitting at about 63 degrees right now supposed to get up around 70 71. oh what was that was that something it is about 10 foot deep for sure anything on there we got a nut in the money we are in the money all but these are just a little local public fishing docks this is a good spot we love coming here at least once a year because this dock is heavily and i mean heavily used this pond gets fished an absolute ton so the more fishing on the dock the more the more likely uh they lost something or they kicked over a bucket with their stuff in it or they kicked over a bucket that didn't sound good but i'm just kind of bouncing it up and down traveling right next to the dock i'll do this real close then i'll go out and do it again and make lines back and forth kind of working my way out nothing yet i feel i feel something but just you feel i think we got a christmas tree down there full of stuff you can't say it's not magnetic you're going to get roasted in the commons for that it's not ferrous dad ferrous okay the piece of metal isn't magnetic the magnet is magnetic i'm just correcting you so they don't roast you down in the comments again because last year we got it pretty bad it feels like something's bouncing on it let's see let's go ahead and take us a gander there's something on there what do we got we got an old old rusty hook and i mean a very very very old almost completely deteriorated hook well i got my nice new gloves look at them bad boys make sure you got your gloves on because look here's some little bitty staples too little staples make sure you guys are roasted if you don't have them you'll get rusted and roasted if you don't yeah if you don't have gloves on you guys also roast us for that too so but that's something i do appreciate because you're just keeping us safe out here man it feels like i'm pulling up something here oh no man something was on there what was that so now you can tell i got my line out there about a foot oh it felt like something good there yeah that feels like something if you feel like you have something on there bring your magnet up real as slow as you can so you don't jerk it and it falls off no all right i gotta i gotta get my season i gotta get my magnet fishing legs on my swimming legs because every time i feel something it feels like i got it on my magnet and i don't yeah these baggages are the further down the water you go the heavier the magnets and these are huge uh by the way these are aren't these 1100 pound that or that's 15 hundreds that one there i think it's 1300 well these both are the same oh i did change last year yeah so we both have whatever these are these are 1200 or 1500 they're huge we've used them so long now i've almost forgot what the heck they are i'm sure you guys remember all the uh well these are we did have a thousand pound but these are like i always forget i was using an 800 pound then i went to this one i think it's 12. yeah i think yeah you're right these are 1200 pound pole magnets for sure they make so many of them now i remember when i first got these these were some of the first ones that were were actually this big now they have huge ones and i don't i don't think the bigger any bigger than a 1200 or a thousand probably wouldn't be the best option just because if you get over 10 foot deep it becomes so heavy it's hard to tell if you have anything on there and boy howdy do you get the arm pump your arms get tired the heavier the magnets so one of the things that people will make though these two two nuts tied together what do you got for a sinker oh someone took fishing look at this someone took fishing wire tied two nuts together for a sinker hey innovation innovation got to be innovative sometimes i'm gonna try a little bit of the drag method here now there's definitely a lot of fishing string or a tree or something down there how you doing cleaning all the junk out now just magnet fishing had a city worker what was it weight lifting machines yeah everything that was pretty much snagging on all the fishing poles and everything i had a kid on instagram i had a kid tell me that he was like you should find a wheelchair out there on that dock this thing's so deep everything that hits up here is probably going to go yeah it drops off if we pull up if we pull up a christmas tree or something for the fish we usually put it back but you got something i drug it up about right in there now well he was nice yeah real nice guy real nice he was he thought we were seining for fish got anything that's a big ano dad no i felt like i had something while we were talking i was gonna wait to bring it up until he left i don't know probably not come on give us some luck nothing nothing what's that an old spring of some sort and the bucket she goes well i'm gonna steal your side dad i'm coming over here i'm coming right here give her a go coming in hot see dad he's got them short arms he's got to stay up close i like to get way out yonder where dad's short arms can't reach my feet you can use your feet come on uh all right i've done this corner pretty good see if we got anything oh dad look look look a phone oh look i got a bunch of stuff no way no way look at that no way i hit the look at that i hit the jackpot look at this that's a key what type of key is that look well right there's like one of those metal cash drawer box keys and then we got bottle cap bottle cap michelob ultra a heineken a sinker a key and then a phone that's been it i don't know that's been in there forever let me try this out and see if there's a memory card in there let me see it well what do we have here what type of it looks like an lg what type of unit do we got going on this is an old old unit and it is it's been in there for far too long is that an ipod an old ipod uh no let me see the bottom why didn't we hit that last year i don't know that's crazy there's a car that thing has been in there for probably a couple years it looks like let's take it apart and see if there's a memory card in there that's definitely not i don't know what type of phone guys drop a comment down below what type of phone is this man i feel like i've seen this phone before but it's old it reminds me of an old lg it looks like an old ipod too but does it huh i'll be darn that's the best fight of the day yet and i was just over yeah i told you my long arms get it done son all right i've been jigging here for about two three five minutes before i went all the way back up there and all the way back around let's see if we got anything on her again who wins the the phone or that well what'd you get a good looking jig head right there good find i'm gonna get a piece of paper and this year i'm keeping pause on who wins yeah i ain't got nothing this time i don't think never ever brought up a phone before yeah a phone never it's pretty special an old hook pretty special that's pretty cool we always talk about finding phones yeah and the first trip out we do seems like it the beginning of every magnet fishing season we always seem to get something we've never got before yeah true it's freddy he's a good luck charm i'm going to stay on this side for a minute i'm going to throw her out just a little yonder uh-huh give her a dangle actually what i'm gonna do thor way out there and pull her back i think that's the key today it's always rewarding finding something real cool because all you're doing is just searching you you know now the thing is you go to a dock that you know has been heavily populated well then your chances go up but you're always just treasure hunting you know treasure hunting for junk but it's fun i recommend you all get out there and try it especially if you're out camping like myself get out there during the midday there's nothing better to do anyways unless it's nice and you're on the boat that's a lot of fun all right let's see come on give us some luck a little more luck we've already had good luck oh we got a ferris rock oh i got his face wet oh what's on your face bud huh look at there got a part to a bait a blade bait got the blade oh yeah those yeah we'll keep those look at that there we go bucket material nothing huh look how clean your bag it is you've been over here with a scotch brite pad shining her up every time trying to bag on me because i'm losing but we're slowing down here this dock is slowing down we're now resorted to the chuck method go ahead and show them your chuck method dad there we go always stand on your rope before you throw it i tied it to myself i'd probably go in with it yeah we're going to move over to this little bridge over here there's a walkway bridge right here that we've never really tried and i think it might be decent but we're going to do the chuck method here just a little more see y'all told me there's been a lot of people that said bobby you need to shorten up your rope well if i shorten up my rope i couldn't do that and that city worker that just came he was a nice fella he said that there should be some bicycles out here because if you can imagine kids come rolling down here and you probably put a ramp right here and they jump off i had one kid tell me that there's a wheelchair down here too and we have you have to find it what are you doing you got a different method going on here i gotta try this out oh i haven't found anything in a while oh what's that look at that's a big blade yeah it is look at that big old spoon boom bait look at that yeah try to clean that one up that's cool that's big look you can see where they come unconnected from the bait or no that's the hole on that side that's cool man i bet that'll shine up lots of blade baits in here i guess it tells us what we should be fishing with good i can't read it but look at the blade on the end of that one oh there you go oh that's a little chatter bait look at that's got the blade up top that's a good looking that's not old at all check out the hook looks pretty fairly new too little chatter bait that could be reused yeah i like the i like that end piece there chatter base that's a chatter bait the original chatter bait is that what it says yep the original chatter bait i keep it that's a good bait that's a good small one too i've never seen them that small we've got a little nail okay well it's time to move over to the little walking bridge over here uh we've never tried it i think it'll uh i don't know where the shot right geez every time old dad he has to beat me to the punch look at him he's already trying to get a one up on me got anything yet nope you're always the first one to the dock to put the old magnet when i'm losing the game well here we go this is where i'm going to start sorry about the wind it's a little windy over here how deep do we go it's not very deep at all dad oh just felt something click right there what was that i got a bunch of fishing string oh look at that look at that oh battery brand new yeah that's not very old literally brand new almost and some fish and some fishing line yep there we go first battery in a while i guess first battery of the of the season there we go you got something [Laughter] oh look at you not much to say huh coming back we got honkers over here just getting it you get it oh i missed the season so bad what do you got there an old rusty pair yeah those are in there holy smokes holy smokes those are old wow they've been in there a long while well there we go hey this little bridge it might uh it might actually provide all right all right i see you little bridge i see you you about lose your magnet what are you doing you already gave up on the on the tiny bridge you just found something you already gave up on her i got to find something big look he's going for the gold man this corner i just felt something else click oh look whoa what all do i have here i got some lettuce got that we all know what this is what's that what is that it's a screw what is this dad what's your best that's a magnet yeah it's a magnet mount i wonder if someone else is magnet fishing with a itty-bitty little magnet down here that's a magnet there's a magnet and you can attach stuff to the top of this magnet you need a you need a fork for your leg where's my lettuce well the tiny bridge is providing bucket materials all right well here we go here we go here we go this uh little corner right here seems to be the money hole i'm going to go ahead and toss her in over there and drag her back yellow and we are going to head back to oh i think i got that sprinkler line we're gonna head back to the camper after this because i got to give you the tour of the inside of the camper oh yeah i got a sprinkler line [Music] thank goodness it's plastic man i bet you a lot of people have gotten caught up on that sprinkler line what did you get there what's that looks like somebody made something out of it the rear fishing pole holder yeah a double fishing pole holder out of rebar that's exactly what that looks like oh be dead gum yeah i think you're right someone heated that bad boy up and bent her all up either that or their hulk one of the two you might use it you might have to reuse that see if we can pull anything out here this little bridge man i'm surprised it's providing never know that's what we were saying that's what me and dad were talking about earlier you just never know you got to get out there and try you know and you got to give it some time you can't just give it 10 minutes and quit a lot of you know that have been here for a while we spend hours at one pond trying each dock out at about a hour or half an hour out of time you just got to give it your patience and your time that's all all right we've been at this little bridge for about 30 minutes i'm gonna uh give her one last go here you got something on her let's see he said he felt it click what do you got that's the thing with these big magnets when something attaches to him you can feel it oh no you ain't been in there you dirty dog it's so unfair that you got a cell phone look at you well those are nice look those have been there for just a little while very long not very long at all or somebody working on this water line that could be huh it's crazy you know every year we come here we pretty much find about everything we can um today really good day we've been here for about two hours and we found quite a quite a bit of stuff so far all right one last one let's see if we got anything [Music] oh this isn't easy one-handed bam oh look what is it what is it guess what it is this is you can't look at it a miller highlight corona extra corona tabs one of the bottle taps we find hundreds upon hundreds every single year guys little public service announcement don't throw your bottle tabs in the pond or battery put them in your pocket or your batteries well we got all our findings on the tailgate like usual if you guys are new to the channel you need to subscribe because this is what dad and i do during the summer when we're done magnet fishing on the docks or the bridges or wherever we might be in kansas at that time uh we come to the bed of the truck and we lay everything out and we go over it i'm glad the season's back it's fun it's fun i'm glad it's back getting over this uh springtime cold yeah we both have sinus colds if you can't tell but uh dad that fishing rod holder that's a good one i like that i came through with two spoons a bunch of small stuff we found a big sinker some homemade sinkers a couple a bobber i can't did you find that yeah that was sitting on the pillar you threw it in here you're like yeah i found it uh that's a good dad actually found this this is the best bait of the day this chatter bait here uh still usable i guarantee you i would i'd be using that if i would put a new tail on it and use it and then dad came through with two sets of pliers and really really old old worn down pair and then a brand new pair which i guarantee you will be usable i came through with a fork a battery like always uh this weird magnet deal but this yeah find of the day an old phone i do not know what brand this is again you guys have to drop a comment down below and let us know i've never owned one like that i don't think but there we go oh and this little key a cool little key look at that well we're back at the camper and before i show you the inside i want to show you the outside because it's windy and we might as well just get it done oh look at her and she beautiful so what i bought is a kz sportsman it's a 34 footer and it is my dream camper uh i grew up camping i grew up tent camping small camper camping big camper camping we had a motor home at one time but all in all i grew up camping my entire life so i've wanted my dream camper my whole life and i can tell you that this is it um it's very luxurious to me it's not the most expensive camper in the world but for me it's expensive enough if you guys know anything about me i like to take care of my stuff so i like to buy nice things to take care of them it's got an electric awning it actually has four slide outs and back here this bad boy back here i'm gonna eventually put my generator on that i just bought just bought a generator an onan a cummins remote start and uh here's the driver's side of the camper it's got three slides on this side like i said it's a four slide out camper and this is all storage underneath we got our water pump and everything under there and then all of our toys all of our camping supplies now it's a fifth wheel i told myself the next time i ever buy a camper i'm getting a fifth wheel and thank goodness i did because the ease of pulling they pull way better on a big three-quarter ton truck uh the ease of sitting up and tearing down so easy check this out i've got electric jacks front and back and it just makes it so much easier than i'm even remotely used to you just put them on down quick and easy deal i love this camper so much again this is a kz sportsman 34 footer let's go inside and i'll show you the reason why i chose uh this this exact unit and it's because of my kids uh with the kids we needed a bunk house come on fred let's go come on we needed if i told myself if i'm going to spend enough money like this on a camper the kids are going to have their own room and their own beds that meant a bunk house this is one of the coolest features of this whole camper is that they have their own room their own tv their own bunk beds top and bottom boaties on the bottom harper's on the top she's got a window which is pretty cool but they love it they love having their own room this is actually a slide out in their room own door own fan they got it outfitted in there and then this is the living area dining room table uh reclining sofa here and then this sofa sorry love seat and then this sofa actually turns into a bed um this is a slide out this is a whole slide out it's got an electric fireplace which just puts off heat which is really nice it keeps the whole trailer pretty warm just it it in its own uh refrigerator the works i really wanted a fifth wheel with the island feature and sure enough this had bunks and the island it's beautiful gorgeous camper y'all i love it so much um we will use it for a long time uh up here you can tell we still have some of our laundry from camping that needs to be washed but up here upstairs this is the bathroom toilet stand-up shower which is pretty spacious and then counter sink this is a little closet for the bathroom then this is where all the magic happens just kidding uh this is me and mama's room this is a slide out as well uh makes it it opens up a lot of room it open actually opens up this entire walkway to go in and out of the bathroom we can oops come on now for privacy we can close this and shut that our own space and we have our own ac up here this uh camper has two acs one in the main living room and then one in our own bedroom which is nice real nice i like a loud fan and or a loud ac so i sleep i sleep probably better on this bed mama has made it very very cushiony and comfy i sleep just as good in here as i do in my house and uh i love my bed at home so here she is old frederick i'm sure he wants to go out camping again he loves it as you can only imagine but absolutely love it it's gorgeous i'll keep it forever i'll take care of it forever it is beautiful love it so much we're going gonna be able to get out more provide a lot more videos camping videos magnet fishing videos let me know down in the comments if you guys like the magnet fishing and camping i really want to get to camping and uh start cooking do doing like cooks on an open fire cooking um on those you know like the public uh little camp grills that are over the wood burning fire stuff like that so let me know what you guys want to see as for us we're gonna go inside and finish a bunch of paperwork that we're behind on aren't we frederick do not miss uh my boat video you all know that i bought a new boat that video should be coming next but thank you all for being here subscribe if you haven't don't forget the thermal hoodies are 20 off through sunday
Channel: BobbyGuyFilms
Views: 33,903
Rating: 4.9591837 out of 5
Keywords: MAGNET FISHING AN OLD FOOTBRIDGE FOR RARE FINDS, Bobby guy films, bobby guy films magnet fishing, family treasure hunting videos, treasure hunting, best magnet fishing videos, magnet fishing setup, strong magnet fishing magnets, what is magnet fishing?, bobby guy magnet fishing, where to go magnet fishing?, best finds magnet fishing?, strongest fishing magnets, underwater treasure hunting, camping 2021 videos, 2021 magnet fishing, best magnet fishing youtube channel
Id: 0wONNNrI-ek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 56sec (1916 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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