Magnet Fishing GONE CRAZY *Police Everywhere*

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hey guys how you doing we're down in Amsterdam today we're gonna do some magnet fishing the city's 800 years old so some of these canals we're gonna break out the Beast this thing that really is the Beast it's probably one of the strongest magnets you can buy if it's down there we'll find it so we're looking for things like iPhones as well sunglasses we'll find coins wallets handbags bikes can also find some gun you've got to see this Oh what do we got what do we got this is pretty promising oh yeah see look at this this is really old this is like some type of crest like which could have come off of a house or a boat that is old that's exactly what we're looking for very cool fine how about that for a start really cool there now I'm gonna get my magnitude yeah very excited with this one this is a super-strong magnet it goes all around has no casing on it and it's specifically made for magnet fishing and we are in like I'll spin it around don't fall off don't fall off mention it's a real one I'm going back to the casino and cash that in it's in there it's a fake clock look at that stuff now let's just move it up everything that is a square nail check that out that's a really old nail and a big one too what's this little key there that's a bike key so we take that off and rinse oh yeah you got to buy click a day yeah first bike of the day yeah you can do it come on okay let's get this bike yeah oh you got him yeah can you reach down and grab it fabs scrub on your near you grab the wheel okay can you hold the rope grab this rope for me this one yeah hold it tight got it yeah all right nice work bubs how did you lose the bike two months in the canal all right come come and get your bike we just found this girl's bike in the canal here if you've got the key for it it's yours otherwise five euros and it's yours all right Cinderella with the bike key let's have a go okay there you got all right there's the walk point it up for you enough you know you can get a maybe a beer light a bit of a cleanup bit of love and she'll be all good so much fun this magnificient you got to come down to try it you might have a black bear suit look here we go keep going drop it back at all or you've already got some stuff on there yeah yeah it looks like I thought it was a phone cover no there is it's a wallet you right there you go look at that you got a wallet man I thought it's a phone cover and then stolen wallet we'll try and find on Facebook yeah it's been in the water since 2010 that's when it expired yes I mean it's a long time let's see if we get it okay I'm on it it could be a scooter oh I got slipping I'm back on oh my gosh it's slipping it's off I lost it too let's try again I gotta get I can see I got money on there already yeah yeah look at this thing that looks cool like vintage door handle yeah it's a doll Dutch Guilder free free euro ten cent there we go there's another coin two coins here to you all right now we're making it rain with some real money okay we could this is not off an old door hinge the magnets are because I all right let's get it then I'm on it now this is super strong look at the bubbles coming out from there as I pull it up I don't to fall in I'm actually slipping man look at the bubbles come yeah all right I got it it's huge first of all I can barely just that's like thank you look at all the bubbles come on it's off its off okay we're gonna get back for that scooter at the bar that is crazy let's go around this pull this thing out huh look at it weighs a ton Gobert bill he's so sore so the Beast magnet ages the Beast I pulled this whole I don't know how much it weighs maybe 200 kilos I feel like 500 I pulled this whole thing out with that magnet and maybe it's a bit too much because I am exhausted police have just turned up it's probably a stolen scooter so let's try and find out you know if we can get some insurance for at least for the owner I don't know how I'm gonna get a magnet off now you know that's something else anyone want a scooter here comes the crane down here it's gonna pull up stole a bike guard right now so many people are walking around on the look so that was one epic magnet fishing adventure first of all we got the flag which was stolen from me oh she thought it stolen but I fell in the river and we got this scooter to be taken away by now we just stole when the police came craned it out and I am exhausted got some old artifacts and coins what what do you want magnet fishing don't forget to Like subscribe and comment if you want more videos see you soon
Channel: Bondi Treasure Hunter
Views: 1,255,926
Rating: 4.6799259 out of 5
Keywords: magnet fishing, magnet fishing gone wrong, magnet fishing finds, magnet fishing ww2, magnet fishing granade, magnet fishing iphone found, magnet fishing best finds, magnet fishing police, police involved, magnet fishing best find, 1000lb magnet, amazons strongest magnet, 1200lb magnet, Metal detecting, river treasure, bomb found magnet fishing, magnet fishing outdoors weekly, magnet, dallmyd, magnet fishing cops called, river magnet fishing, how to magnet fish, fishing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 17 2019
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