Most Unbelievable Magnet Fishing Catch! (Caught on Film!)

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we're in enkhauser and let's go magnet fishing this is an old city this one and this bridge is right at the city gates originally so it could have anything down here super old they're famous for their herring they caught a lot of herring and their city symbols there's three little fish but we don't want to catch any fish today oh there's something big down there oh i've just got something massive down there yep i've got it it's come out oh this this might be a challenge to get this up here we go oh you might have to come around that way nikki come around that way okay here we go try and pull it up it's big whatever it is ah it's just a giant piece of pole have a look at that it's got some barnacles on there oh there's some fish in there did you see that fall out there was a fish inside the pole and not a small one either see this place is famous for herring maybe i just caught one come around and have a look in here we might see another one there you go have a look inside there do you see anything i'll tip it out over here see if it oh another fish fell out did you see that that is crazy two fish living in there i only just caught my first fish with ramon the other day in the motorbike if you haven't seen that video check it out we found a bmw motorbike and there was a fish all on the ground and then we got two massive fish out of this one pole i've just stolen someone's home here i kind of feel bad how funny is that two fish all right there's loads down here this is awesome we'll keep going i've got some wheel looking thing there look at that it doesn't look too old and then just some old what's that an old nail big nail look at the size of that nail and some beer bottle caps of course you can't go magnet fishing without the beer bottle caps oh yep got something yep we've got something cool what do we got here well it looks like a blade off a saw and a piece of wood over there with some metal on it this side i'm not sure what it is or how old it is and i don't think we can tell at this point either oh i've even got five cents on there stuck on there lots of bits of metal the good news about this place it's not clean so we could find some awesome stuff today we might get some old stuff today there we go looks like a looks like a great offer wall of a house a side wall or a fireplace i did read somewhere i think that they drained one of the harbours around here but it definitely wasn't this one but it looks pretty high up today huh i don't want to fall in all right what do we got this time just some more rusty bits all right let me throw it out over here yeah right in the middle there that was a good one and cows are good at city rights in the 1300s very popular reached its you know peak in the uh 17th century and actually back then it had a bigger population than what it does today which is probably not that impressive because if you look around you can't see anywhere anyone i've got something there we go piece of wire cable and a key there we go that's cool all right look at that i don't know how old that one is but yeah that's cool that's a cool find i like that i love old keys and old locks like that so we'll keep him that's it that's a souvenir there from encauser proper one right out in that middle again getting right in the old stuff yeah i got something again down here something pretty big oh something fell off i've got a pole here it kind of looks like an anchor with a bit on the top there there is loads down here loads and loads that's a big heavy piece of metal that all right let's throw it this time right under the bridge here people have been walking across here for hundreds of years surely there's got to be something down there drag it right along the edge here like this oh yep got something yep we've got something cool it's always exciting pulling it up and wondering what you've got on the end of it what is that it's pretty big oh no i got stuck on the middle pole down there oh it's still yes i got it almost lost it look at this giant piece here there's loads and loads and loads down here it hasn't been cleaned which is a great sign but that's not really anything special but under it could be some old stuff here we go look at all this rubbish huh oh look at that we've got two knives on the bottom there they're like still taped together they're brand new perfect hey they're about 400 years old these things oh hang on there's a coin there look at that look at this one what have we got there it's got i can see a five five oh you know the magnet wants him back what did it say five can you see that um give him a good scrub there for finning something like that does anyone know what that coin is let's check the other side here check the other side it says 1971. oh that's cool does anyone know what that coin is cool in 1971. it almost looks like a gold coin there doesn't it wow another souvenir so we've got the key and an old coin 1971. i have to find out what country that is we'll clean it up later and have a look for now we'll put him down there with a key one last cast okay one more whoa i got loads here have a look at this oh and another coin there you go that's five euro cents i can tell that straight away and that looks to be like an old bucket oh that's a door knob or a handle off something have a look at that and then over here i've got oh that's off a boat like a loop eye i'll give that to ramon ramon can make an artwork out of that i'm sure that's a cool piece and this is an old handle off a bucket that's seen better days have a look at the condition of that oh that's not bad for the first stop is it a couple of coins and a and a key like that cool looking key but i know there's more out there so we'll get going huh i'll pack all this stuff and put it in the bin [Music] all right this is the old harbour i think we should have a throw around here where there's no boats i'll try off that brick wall there cool i got something here yeah what have we got oh there we go there's our bike there we go oh it's a gazelle it's actually a pretty good one it's really heavy i'll just let it drain out here we go oh just fell down oh we're working out here i've even got a big block of metal okay ah i got him it didn't make it easy having that extra bit of metal on there that's for sure all right let's see just try let's see him up over here oh it's still got the lock on it so someone had it locked and someone still took it and just threw it in the canal by the looks of it look at that it's a pretty decent bike you know it's pretty rusty down there but up here the the brakes are still good oh now we're magnet fishing look i had this thing on there as well as the bike and this thing itself almost weighs as much as a bike oh do you hear how loud that was it is i don't know a piece of a railway track or something my magnet's gonna have a field day with this thing whoa look at that oh pulling that up and the bike hey we'll do a few more cars here and see how we go we're going to try and go right along this bridge here yeah oh hang on we got a coke bottle i don't know how it's holding on oh it's attached there it's a fishing line it stinks oh man stinks so bad tip that out what is going on there is that some type of like crab trap or something oh there goes the there goes the thing look at this it's some type of trap like the coke bottle's been chopped in half and then upside down it's been squeezed into there does anyone know something about fishing that i don't that that's some type of fish trap i wonder if there's any fish caught in there let's have a look i'll try and open it up look see this this is fishing lines attached to it so it must be something to do with fishing here we'll pull it out see what they call what they caught oh i can't tell you how much that stinks what is that is that a fish oh there's a fish in there it did work whoever set this trap you got a fish but i'm going to let him go and then we'll throw this in the bin okay next spot let's go give it a go here actually looks shallow i think i can see the bottom over there it's actually feeling clean i don't think i got anything wow look at that nothing there let's try under this bridge here it says 1894. there's all this moss on the on the bricks they're so slippery oh it's really muddy down here i don't think i'm gonna find anything for all this mud it's like two feet of mud down there oh hang on we got something what is it what have we got here oh it's two bike lights rolled into one i thought it looked like a pokemon ball doesn't it okay we'll give it one more go let's go down there that's a good thing about when you just go to a new city just do a few casts you check it now it's no good here you just explore as you go i've got something on there where is that uh looks like i don't know kind of like a candle holder i'm not sure but let's go to the next spot all right this looks like a cool spot [Music] this is a cool spot to magnet fish look at that view what i do is i look at the old maps and i check for bridges where they've been for hundreds of years or where there were bridges and there aren't bridges anymore and i go to those spots and hopefully find something new or find something old but you get really cool views like this sometimes and when you're exploring a new city it's awesome no nothing much at all on that look just some small rusty bits in a bottle cap okay we'll do a big cast this time you ready all the way out there okay let's see let's see if we got anything this time no nothing i think it's just too muddy here it's time to move on [Music] that's where we first started off at that bridge and this is the old harbor it comes around here and this looks like a perfect spot just made for some uh magnet fishing big cast right out into the middle i got some stuff over there by the bridge hopefully i can get some stuff here too i just think it's going to be oh i was about to say really muddy and i won't get anything through the deep but i just got something wouldn't it be cool if i got something really old just now you can see all the bubbles there [Music] is this new spot the spot oh okay have a look at that we've got a very muddy bucket have a look at that oh it's just falling apart did you see that i don't even know if i'd be have to get it off the magnet look it's just absolutely falling apart it's been down there that long oh and another five cents i'm finding loads of five cents today okay i'll try and get it off there we go it has been down there a while it's just paper thin look it just falls apart whenever you touch it well that's one thing down there i was hoping there's gonna be something really old let's do it again what a beautiful spot this is huh so quiet there's just no one around oh i just got something right down here straight down oh hang on what's going on there maybe it just felt heavy because it was stuck in the mud or something oh where do we go we got something else get the mud off oh look at all this fine bits of rusty rusty metal look at all that on there just handfuls of rusty stuff all right i'm going i'm going further out look at that trolley piece and all that rusty small stuff not finding much here eh all right let's walk it along this edge then oh hang on i did get something down there look that's coming out too oh this one's big this will be the biggest farm i've got of the day oh i think oh no it's just stuck in the mud look at that oh it could be off an old barrel or something like that you know like a wooden barrel look i wonder if that looks like it's been off an old like wooden barrel or something like that that's pretty cool huh cool fine there's too many metal plates i can't drag along the edge so we're gonna go to this spot over here i think i've got a good spot just over there right off those bricks yeah this spot looks awesome let's just check all right it doesn't have the metal edges as well cool so we can throw here this is great this is the old harbour the other old harbor there's two here and uh i saw in the old picture there's lots of boats here and there's still lots of boats parked up here now so nothing much change let's see what those old boats lost eh yeah another giant piece of metal and then just some rubbish that's a bit of a closed peg and a and a screw and a bottle top okay well it's a bit cleaner than i thought let's go again it's a beautiful city it's great to get to come out and explore these different cities and you know have a look around and you know hopefully find some treasure as well you get the best of both worlds we're just exploring around one or two cars oh there we go we've got a lock or what's left of it what's left of the lock but i want to go just over there i love it just a few casts here have a look around and off to the next spot all right let's give it a go out here i must have tried 100 different spots today hey this has been loads of fun the finds haven't been amazing at the first spot they are pretty good but it's been yeah it's just awesome let's see if we get anything here eh oh i got a knife here we go it's a modern one and it looks like a car area we'll have a look at this one what does it say diesel jeans germany i mean it's still in good condition look at that it's not even rusty we could still use that i'm definitely going to bring this home with me look at that that'll clean up perfectly does anyone know that brand maybe it's a fancy brand dijon ease dijones cool probably a fishing knife yeah whoa i got something here yeah it's pulled it out of the mud too it's coming we've got it let's see what we get decent size don't be another pole what is it let's clean it off a bit muddy looking pretty old and crusty what is that it's heavy very heavy oh got a fishing hook on there look at this bolt look at that look at this mud on it what do you reckon that is kind of looks like a like some type of sword i wish i wish it was it's just a piece of rusty metal yeah but then thick in the mud there we got that one out and uh the mud can go back let's go one more huh could be some more stuff down there right along this edge here let's see what we've got this time oh not much it's actually pretty clean out here as well all right okay this is it this is the last stop of the day that was the first stop of the day and uh this is where we get the best finds so i just want to go from this angle and see if we can get anything fingers crossed we get some old artifact before the end of the day oh that's metal down there i've got something over here now have a look down here let's see what we get i've got something oh it's heavy two poles look at that there we go oh whoa whoa whoa oh i thought it was a key i thought it was an old key look at that it's an old pair of scissors there we go very old pair of scissors well we got a bike lock we didn't get a bike there we go it's only a small one come on what do we got oh there's something on there i can see five cents yeah just five cents and i have no idea what that is looks like a broken part that had wood in it you see there there's wood in the bottom and here we've got another five cents somewhere so we're getting rich off five cent coins there's another one thanks for watching guys i hope you liked ent cows causer as much as i did had a great time here we're gonna keep exploring the netherlands maybe we'll do some metal detecting or magnet fishing or scuba diving who knows so stay tuned for the next adventure and we'll see you then [Music] you
Channel: Bondi Treasure Hunter
Views: 526,418
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fishing, magnet fishing, magnet fishing finds, bondi treasure hunter, magnet fishing usa, magnet fishing america, strongest magnet, river treasure, magnet fishing uk, magnet fishing video, magnet fishing gone crazy, neodymium magnet, metal detecting, metal detector, treasure hunting, best magnet fishing finds, found underwater, magnet fishing crazy, magnet fishing amsterdam, magnet fishing police, found money, cash found, river treasure finds, catching fish, crazy magnet
Id: HhNifoeRXFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 22sec (1342 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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