Crazy abandoned retro mansion with flooded basement. Explore #58

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[Music] hey welcome back explorers today we're in abandoned mansion let's go [Music] so [Music] we're just in the pool area here it's really hot i might go take a dip i haven't decided yet the water is pretty green but anyways i heard this place the basement is just flooded i heard it's got about three feet four feet of uh of water in the basement so i've been pretty interested to check check that out but this house is massive it's a bungalow and i think the whole basement is finished as well but i like to get down there in the basement if it's not full of water obviously it used to be uh a airbnb so they used to rent out a lot of the the rooms in this mansion i guess i'm not sure it was half the house sorry i just hear something i'm not too sure if it was half the house or they rented out each bedroom i'm not really sure but i was told it was an airbnb and they've got the pool area here so the guests can come here and go for a swim but there's a basketball court in the back tennis courts in the back i think there's a little guest house in the back but we're gonna check it all out today guys can't wait to show you let's go wow look at the stone work here this place is just ginormous this is going to be like a maze this place so i'm just going to kind of go in in each room it's pr it's empty so i'm probably gonna be going in pretty quickly and i got a mask on because i was told there's about three feet of water in the basement and there's some mold look at the pool out here it's amazing the whole house surrounds the pool all right well let's uh get this party started here look at the beams so nice this is such a weird house look at the windows up top here lots of mirrors in here tons of mirrors this is wild look at that their old benches they built some benches here and they put some cushions on it there's a fireplace there i don't know if that's gas or what yeah it's a gas fireplace we got a sink here so i don't know what this is then this is like a refreshment room like this is like a ballroom sit here and have dances and stuff i don't know place is massive look at this chandelier holy moly all right let's go this way mirrors everywhere all right well this is the back here oh this is the doors wide open i think this is an eat-in kitchen there's a kitchen here tiny kitchen not what i expected in a house like this maybe there's other there's another kitchen maybe there's um a bigger one somewhere else i don't know got some california shutters here look at the backyard the grass is about five feet tall we got an old school tv there new tone looks like a intercom system all right let's go should we go to the basement first no let's go what is here let's go down there later so many mirrors here i'm like getting confused because i feel like i'm going to run into the wall yeah very nice cedar ceiling yeah see what pretty sure this was used as an airbnb and they rented this mansion out door won't open here we'll go out later yeah i'm pretty sure this place is an airbnb they rented different parts of the house out at the same time yeah see we got exit signs emergency exit here's all the laundry it's a weird room closet i don't know very strange i don't know how many rooms is in this house but it's gonna take me a long time i want to check out that tennis court what is that like a rocket ship or something oh it's going through a cobweb look at this room very fancy oh wow there's even basketballs out there still that could be a fire pit no maybe not i don't know what that is we'll go check it out that's a nice room this probably uses an office i'm thinking nice wood wow fireplace so yeah there's no power here there's no water it's all shut off oh man there's lots of water down there i'll go take a look at that in a bit man if i was a squatter i would totally stay here just live it up live in a mansion until somebody kicks you out so now we're over here see i came in to over there that's the front door we walked around a walk-in closet that is some crazy tile wow i guess this is one story i guess it's a bungalow this is yeah i guess it's uh not as big as i thought but i don't think there's a second story no there's not okay look at this unbelievable look i don't know if you can see it's really dark but see that fireplace the water is right up to that oh man so this is a whole another the whole basement is finished so we can't go in here so i'm not i didn't bring my boat or my kayak that'd be actually hilarious if i brought my kayak here and we actually went kayaking in a basement of a flooded house look at that woodwork just rotten look at that completely flooded these are fake plants by the way that is unbelievable oh my god there's a kitchen there i could see a kitchen living room and a couch i'd love to go take a look down here but yeah here i'll come back with my kayak that'd be the first all right well let's uh move on here oh yeah i'm sorry i can't go in the basement because it's just completely flooded i would like to go down there check that out i think we're going to go out by the pool oh what's this this probably flooded too obviously oh no this is well it is flooded but i thought this is another way into the main part of the basement but it's just like a laundry room or something oh here's the garage i didn't even notice there was a garage here oh look we got stairs going to the basement oh look look at the water look at the door the water is almost up to the doorknob it's crazy so yeah we're in the backyard now i'm gonna go check out that guest house or whatever that is see if it's uh open i wanna go check with this first i don't know what this thing is looks like a spaceship or something i thought it was like a fireplace snake i don't know what that is what is this it's like a empty box i don't know what this thing is the top was caught caught off maybe it could be a fire pit a chimney on it i'm not sure yeah this is a huge tennis court i guess but they just got a bunch of basketball nets here instead i don't know if you hear that that's canada geese there's no shortage of them here there's so many of them around here look at the grass this definitely hasn't been cut in a few years this thing's cool it's a little guest house oh it's just like a storage room i think [Applause] nothing that's a balcony right there nothing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey guys hope you enjoyed that one crazy house that was this unbelievable i've never seen a house like this before it's very unique very strange i'm gonna try to get some drone shots of this place it's pretty uh it's pretty cool before i go i'd like to say thank you to jason susan mariska and robbie margaret jeffrey and julie rona david laura patty deborah billy edward lori sherry daniel arvin wow that's amazing guys i really do appreciate that it really helps me out um but if you guys like to donate as well it's totally not necessary i have the page there if you want to but in the description of all my videos there's a link there click on the link you buy me a coffee appreciate it see you guys in the next explore
Channel: Abandoned Urbex Canada
Views: 226,825
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned places, abandoned house, urban exploring, abandoned ontario, abandoned canada, urbex, abandoned urbex canada, abandoned mansion, urban exploring videos
Id: kluEsP9eD_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 38sec (1238 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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