Abandoned- Stunning Villa going to waste! I want this home! :-) Plus 2 more 50`s homes now gone.

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i'd like to find the road we roamed together swinging along finding the long way home [Music] remember i used this high at the end what is happening house lovers and explorers firstly gonna have to apologize for the traffic noise busy road but look at this old villa guys this is up for redevelopment now it is open and i've been for a walk through i think at one point there were squatters in here still beds in there but it doesn't look like people have been in there for a little while so let's go and check this place or i'll show you this place guys with a bullnose veranda nice little front garden here too yeah rose bush rose bushes [Music] there's nice stained glass on the windows and doors so so the return veranda oh there's some roses i'll say it every time guys built so solid [Music] yeah built built around 1910 i reckon this one guys still got the four panel door before the uh head height panel came in in federation homes just close the door get rid of that traffic noise check out the led light from this side i posted some a collection of led light on facebook not too long ago this one will definitely be added to the collection so no archway can't see the vents oh there's one up there sorry i was thinking maybe they've lowered that ceiling but uh no archway now this front room the corner thing you can see the original cornicing up there and that has started to fall down right here now someone's been now see this there's parts of the motorbike here there's a seat the wheel guards the mud guards and there's bits and pieces there too and uh some t-shirts and stuff in there whoops and bed wheels bed legs big wheels but as i said there's some beds left in here too so i think uh i mean the beds may have been left here from the previous resins that's bedding a dooner and bed sheet we've got the original fireplace there yeah i'm thinking about 1910 for this one for this home the ceilings judging by the cornicing in the other room i think the ceilings have been redone they've at least had a really good new paint job but i think they've been redone bedroom okay there's some near the first lot of cracks i only took a quick walk through to check no one was actually in here but they're the first cracks that i've seen another bit there see there's dust and dirt on the pillows and the sheets there so i don't think anyone slept on that recently a couple of little travel cases there every door's had a different door handle so far i don't think they're the original ones oh this is the main parlor room oh check it out yeah those those mantles are heading into your federation style so well they are federation style but this is the um the main parlor room off the return veranda door there that looks like it's uh let's hit a blanket take screwed over it ah cobweb the holy bible there definitely save those floorboards look there's no there's no demolition application on this yet but i do know it's being um advertised as a prime redevelopment location or it was sorry it was advertised at its last sales prime redevelopment so whoever bought it no doubt is going to knock it over thus the reason the back door may have been open and the squatters may have been kicked out maybe the um selvage guys have come in to assess things who knows or the all the current owners but this is um just trying to work out whether this part's original it is because the the floorboards continue straight through to here and the skirting bird's all the same but this is like a second foyer room maybe it was the original kitchen but it seems like the kitchen's in here nice leather couch left behind i think it's leather yep this is the kitchen the original kitchen because that's where the old stove used to sit decent crack there well nothing really major but it's a crack nonetheless now this would be an add-on a little lean to add on another cobweb that's got the air conditioning unit placed in this little room unless at one point this was someone's little office probably because i wouldn't do much to cool the place from back there now we missed the bathroom so we'll go back through here you know this is modern two toilets well they've done the bathroom up pretty well added a second toilet a tub with jets and shower nothing's been taken even all the taps are still here and we've got the laundry out the back here okay a dryer so this is a pretty large home and it's uh only really had this little extension so grand old villa so here's the the back courtyard guys a bit of a jungle nice big barbecue table there [Music] so kids cubby house big palm tree there too guys i don't really think there's too much else back here well there's the trampoline and well there's a garden shed here that's the back fence there guys it looks like there's like units at the back there so maybe the original yard has been subdivided over the years car seat no lost treasures guys he's a bit of a jungle now all right before we finish up guys i just realized there is a root cellar down here there's the trapdoor there so we shall take a peek down here what do you reckon hopefully not to find cobwebs or anything else nice and cool in here at least [Applause] had a new uh masonite ceiling put in here and a fan so maybe this was used as an office or something as well yeah it definitely was look it's like a computer desk there yeah it's about your um normal sized well it's it's larger than some but it's not as big as some so it's probably about your average size root seller all right duck and crawl up the stairs yeah i'll uh i'll get some photos of that so i'll just leave it for now all right well i'll keep an eye on this one and see the fate of it but it doesn't look good considering what i've been seeing lately get knocked over so with that said the obvious choice to close the video is a close-up of this glass so jump in the comments if you want to guys on to the next one thanks for watching and i'll see you there cheers guys bye so what's happening guys another home just about to be demolished so we're going to document it keep it on film kitchen area it seems to be split into two there might be a section that is not accessible you can see through one of the windows though the pantry there kitchen uh yeah i've known about this house being vacant for months and months and months but it um was always locked up so saw that it was starting to be uh salvaged so here we are this looks to be the laundry in there yep you can see through there there's some linen cupboards blue yeah 1952 or 53 from memory guys i've got some photos of the front of this place as you saw start of winner before it was boarded up so i'm with michael again say hello to michael's legs so you've got the 50s portholes the nautical theme now the ceiling's falling in here because they've got the hot water systems out so this this section's got the most damage in it but check out the black and pink bathroom vintage 50s although it's had a um a new cabinet put in there with a sink would have looked good with a hot with the pink pedestal base in there i think i've seen the black and pink once before but just take you through to living sort of in the main living area you've got the etch work on the doors there another chandelier nice little briquette fireplace the same each work on that door too you've got the curved front entrance it's a 50s waterfall art deco style original light switches and another cool nautical portal with a little mexican having a siesta under the palm tree but as you'll see here guys check it out this place has got huge foundation problems all the way down there and this wall as well so this is a bedroom bedroom number one and bedroom number two which has got a wardrobe wardrobe lying on the floor nice ceiling pattern up there and another huge wall crack look at it yeah so the owners have decided i can feel it bowing down i can feel the floor sort of bowing down towards that wall there guys so there's heaps of sinking going on now that's pretty much it but i'll show you out on the patio of where that other half was sort of sectioned off you can see through the window but it's all boarded up so we might not be able to get a look in there yeah there seems to be another section where there was a door there and there's more rooms in here so this section might have been another self-contained granny flat or something but anyway we'll take a walk around the front and wrap it up hey michael can you just close that door over you see there's a doorway that doorway leads into that section that's bought it off so i think they've um petitioned the house up to have another little self-contained granny flat and that part just hasn't been opened up properly yet anyway guys that's it this is what it looks like from the front a little bit different from the um photos i put at the start but it gives a good comparison of what it was like before it got boarded up what's happening explorers this home is actually next door to one that was boarded up um so depending on which ones i uploaded first you might be watching this first or second so but did you see that razor wire at the start there guys that's pretty military yeah this is due for demo along with the neighbor as i said the other one with the boarded up we were just in there so i'm with michael again he's in here taking photos so i'm going to show you through guys pretty sure this one was built in the late 40s early 50s as well as the neighbor this one's probably not quite as nice as the other one in terms of features but it's still still pretty cool so yeah this is the kitchen again they've plucked the hot water systems out of the ceiling we'll get another look at the kitchen from through the hallway front door there's that amber stained glass again it's the kitchen [Applause] so the kitchen's sort of that's michael's legs too if you're wondering it's not there's no one sneaking up on me um yeah the kitchen sort of sits in the central central of all the other rooms so okay we've got a bedroom through here you've got another little portal there that's been covered up it's a study desk got a cupboard linen cupboard which goes straight into the bathroom the taps are still in this one the pink bedroom and yes that was that chirping smoke detector cascade lachlan if you're watching cascade you familiar with those ones i'm sure you are lachlan is one of my younger viewers who knows everything there is to know about ceiling fans and exhaust fans and it's another bedroom but there's absolutely zero to see in there but we will go through here into the laundry and toilet and if we actually go through here there's another little self-contained granny flat guys that goes out to the back but yeah this little section in here is its own little self-contained unit you've got your single bed there you've got your bathroom in here loo your basin and your shower and what little using isn't complete without a kitchen look at that it's like a little uh hotel room this one reminds me of a cheap hotel room not that i uh book cheap hotel rooms guys five star only for me no just joking so yeah that's pretty much it quick tour this one will be gone like the neighbor very shortly starting to pick it apart already so we get it on film whether it gets uploaded or not well obviously if you're watching it has wrap it up here guys thanks for watching jump in the comments and i'll leave you with the last view of that razor wire again cheers for watching guys see in the next one bye remember
Channel: Urbex Indigo
Views: 77,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Urbex, Urban exploring, Adelaide federation homes, Old house, Abandoned house, Adelaide houses, Old Adelaide villa, Federation Villa, Abandoned exploring, Urbex Indigo
Id: 7WYtTzOgvfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 17sec (2237 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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