Abandoned 1920’s castle mansion in Canada. Explore #55

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[Music] [Music] hey welcome back explorers today we're at another abandoned mansion this one here is like a stone castle it's amazing oh I dropped something amazing stone mansion so I can't wait to take a look at this place I seen a few pictures online and I was pretty interested in taking a look at it so I hope you guys enjoy this one please give me a thumbs up if you do I'm going to do some more mansions I think in the future but I'm still gonna stick with the old ones so don't leave me let's go guys or the border oh there's a Mick Jagger I got moves like Jagger got moves like Jagger beautiful house here got like fake trees in here just store it in here I love these windows with the bars and very nice what a beautiful home so look at a TV built in there unbelievable yeah I sold this this house here and there's a few down the road from it we're all getting demolished developer bought up all them and they're gonna put in you're gonna put in all new homes they just jam in right they put them in the foot from each other they could probably fit eight houses in here take a look here just see the depth the duck is just rotten oh look at that welcome Carlo likes oh I can't read that hi Carlo anything guys are funny look at this guy's Wow I'm not religious but I don't know much of it about religion but if someone could tell me what this is for what religion this is I've seen it before and I'm just curious on what it is let's go to the basement here the lights on here ooh this is like a theater a room or something but they got a huge chalkboard here cons of cobwebs in here just crazy walk it through so many on the bathroom here if your wine wine cellar pretty rough shape in the basement here the upstairs looks very nice as you can see the floor like this rock like mice poop everywhere it's just filthy down here it's in here yeah the basement is pretty rough but up here is very nice very much whoops tears yeah with these big hoses I gotta kind of go kind of quickly I can't go really slow me every room the video will be two hours long and they're they're empty right there's not much to see houses that have all kinds of stuff left behind usually takes a lot longer to go through because you know you're picking up stuff and looking at stuff huge Oaks the carpet is just disgusting like stains everywhere I think no no but animals got in here or what this time beautiful nice there's a walk-in closet another bedroom big so man here it's just a closet this room's got furniture all still on it dad couch everything they're going bärbel looks like marble everywhere alright I think that's it this place I kind of whiz through it because it's so big and empty all right I want to get a couple shots from outside this place is amazing from the outside [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey welcome back guys hope you enjoyed that one what a beautiful house I know was empty I was pretty new looking but I love the exterior of this house it was like a castle it was amazing but hope you guys enjoyed it yeah like I said before I'm pretty sure this house is gonna be demolished just like the rest of them there's a whole bunch of houses on this street and they're all gonna be demolished for all brand-new mansions I guess this one's not nice is not nice enough I'm not sure but I loved it it was a nice house I love the exterior on the of the house I was all overgrown it was pretty neat to see but before I go let's say thank you to Mitch and Kathy Debby Leonora Elise Nick Deborah Brenda Helen Lars Michael Kevin Evelyn Jeff Toni Natalie and mark holy moly guys that's really nice to do that I appreciate you guys buy me a coffee my coffee page in the description of all my videos there's a link there when you click on that link can you buy me a coffee what are you doing anymore but really it's not necessary but it's there if you wish to do so I really appreciate it guys I'll see you guys on the next Explorer
Channel: Abandoned Urbex Canada
Views: 150,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned places, abandoned house, urban exploring, abandoned ontario, abandoned canada, urbex, abandoned urbex canada, abandoned mansion, urban exploring videos
Id: RY_9Rz_gRvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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