Frozen in time! Abandoned rotting house with everything left behind. Explore #43

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[Music] [Music] and welcome back explorers run another abandoned house this one here right behind me I heard about this house a little while ago and it's just full of stuff everything's left behind it's like they just packed up and left but the ceilings they all came down there's water getting in but it's an amazing place so let's go take a look holy moly this house is definitely full I'm wearing a mask because it's pretty cold in here you can see here I'll show you look at all that the whole roof is leaking another Explorer actually shared this location with me Tyla at urbex Anonymous shared this location with me so I'll put her link in the description so she's a really good photographer so go check out her Instagram account and give her a follow some old fishing rods here I actually collect fishing rods old fishing gear old reels love all that stuff look at this old VHS the flying deuces I thought of the Three Stooges look at this bag it looks like an old like doctor's bag I'm not gonna pull that I'm not gonna open that up it's very delicate look at it this is gonna fall apart I'll put you there original window is here like I'm going to imagine heating bill look at this vacuum oh well look at this well water just coming right in here oh look at that I thought that was a animal sitting there there's a pull-out couch beds all made still oh look at that look at that that is nice look at that beautiful yeah piano let's see you what the make is here oh yeah there's a picture of the house is this here so a block the door off there oh yeah okay nothing nothing in there the whole toboggan this place is totally trashed totally trashed it's probably been ransacked but like the drywall is all fallen down here on the floor so it's just like the whole ceiling is just just fell down here it's definitely a lot of mold what's this room here this is like look at this there's the faucet for the kitchen hahahaha that's so old-school you just pump that look at the paint peel in here oh this is the basement oh boy you guys make me go on this basement but I don't go in the basement everybody's like you didn't go in the basement so I'm going in the basement and this one I don't want to go in the basement it's all firewood in here look at that just Farah wood everywhere another toboggan they're called furnace yeah there's the wood furnace well I just seen an animal whatever that was buy that for sale sign I was an animal I don't like going these basements because if I fall breaking a leg just stuck down there hold the stairs breaks yeah I don't actually think my cell phone with me because I'll be getting feedback from my cell phone into my camera so I hear like a funny sound so I I either got a turn put it on airplane mode or does not take it with me but it's a nice chair all kinds of stuff in here [Music] okay well here's the bathroom that tile color reminds me of the movie The Shining okay let's try upstairs here I hope I don't fall through the floors oh man the sunroof skylight crazy okay let's go here first like the ceilings are all coming down look at this baby crib old wood one towel still there Oh 19:34 okay nothing else look he's here I'm gonna keep a highchair blankets somebody stronger take holes in the wall doesn't take long once the roof starts to leak place is completely overgrown you can hardly see this place I'm pretty sure this has been abandoned since 2012 at least so I'm not sure why they left or what happened here but you could tell everything was left behind it's like they just packed up whatever they had on their backs and left but what I could see here is an elderly person lived here maybe a couple so maybe they passed away or they went to a home passed away at the home I'm not really sure holy-moly this floor is so mushy Ocelot oh it's locked I would love to see what's inside that box oh there's small computers here and I'll shoe so long the boxes still purses up there haddock or something here okay I'm not going in there floor looks very weak let's keep going here okay let's head downstairs so rotting up here that's better I had my light off because I was taking the pictures okay let's get out of here oh wait we got another kitchen here it's dark in here because it's all boarded up whole another part of the house here [Music] alright let's clean clean Oh somebody something took a little number two on the stove there I call that bum gravy you [Music] hey welcome back guys I hope you enjoyed that one I love these type of houses so much stuff left behind if it was crazy but the yeah the ceilings are all coming down is heavy mold in there the floors are very soft I didn't feel too safe in there yeah the place looked ransacked a bit definitely vandals haven't been in it really I don't think the Vandals smashed stuff but it's just mostly decay like when the drywall comes down like the floors are just disgusting because it's just soaked drywall shingles the roof is just fallen down so it doesn't take long once the roofs are so leak these places just decay very quickly and before I go I like to say thank you to Mickey Connie Helen Katrina David Barbara Lizzie Kevin Marci Brenda Douglas Evelyn Margaret Richard in August holy moly I really do appreciate this guys sending me the donations on my coffee page that's awesome and all and all my videos in the description there's a link there where you click on that link and you could buy me a coffee or you donate more but I really appreciate you everybody that's been doing that it's it's the best it really helps me out so I'll see you guys on the next Explorer
Channel: Abandoned Urbex Canada
Views: 287,483
Rating: 4.9039688 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned places, abandoned house, urban exploring, abandoned farmhouse, abandoned ontario, abandoned canada, urbex, abandoned urbex canada
Id: 8adoSeErByY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 44sec (1604 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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