Abandoned farmhouse has been sitting for over 10 years with lots left behind. Explore #50

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[Music] [Music] here welcome back explorers you guessed it we're at another a banded farmhouse I do a lot of bad in farmhouses there's all kinds around here that's why so this one here I drove by at a few times looked abandoned to me but I never came here before it's my first time a friend of mine named Madison told me about this place so I'll put her Instagram link into the description thanks Madison you sure this is a good one so there's a few outbuildings here we're gonna try to check them all out there's a couple empty ones I probably won't go into the empty ones but we're gonna check out most of the buildings here we're gonna definitely check out the house it's all wide open we're in an area of all new development so I'm pretty sure this house and all this farmland behind me we're all be new homes one day I don't know if you could see you probably can't the way in the background behind me there's some construction vehicles they're already starting the work so I'm pretty sure this house is gonna get demolished as well but this place has been abandoned for quite some time and I can't wait to check it out so let's go what kinds of stuff left behind in here get some damage here some old pictures here these are all in this picture picture frames is a nice one that's a painting another painting this kitchen is actually in good shape coffee here fellas it's right there [Music] [Music] actually my new abandoned house once and I open up a coffee container just like this one and it was full of marijuana electric lettuce I don't know why they left that but yeah it was crazy two tubs of it well that's food here 2009 Holi 2008 yeah so I'm thinking this place has been abandoned since then I know it's an abandoned since 2013 for sure there's all kinds of mice mice poop all the tins and stuff okay there's nothing much here look at that the height of their kids growing up that's cool just like a bathroom slash laundry room I'm not sure it's got a laundry tub that's still a good shape well that's like an old-school desk right there yeah Oh baby my sir make it I guess something stinks it could be those dead mice [Music] while the service is definitely I can't believe it's not vandalized so it's probably been abandoned since 2009 I'm thinking I've just been sitting here yeah I'm surprised squatters haven't found this place and just move right in cuz there's there's hydro hydro in here I know for a fact it's been abandoned since 2013 cuz I seen pictures somebody posted on this place in 2013 so someone's been paying the hydro bill I'm pretty sure it's a developer cuz just down the street just down the street is all new homes going in so I'm thinking they're doing their construction right now so I'm thinking that this whole property was bought up by the developer years ago it's an old classic Dustbuster my mom had one of these when I was a kid see if it works [Music] there you go [Music] vacuum up all that mice poop someone knows our vinyl in here in summer wood so like this wonder here is definitely probably original thinkin these are like closets my kids coat there [Music] pretty big house actually you could tell there's been a few additions over the years on this place like these doors these the hawser Club original got some old hockey clothes alright let's go downstairs yeah sometimes if when developers buy up land they usually leave the powers power on these houses until right before they demolish it so really it's like around 35 $40 a month to be hooked up to the power without using any power just being hooked up so $40 a month for a big developer that's probably not much money through them okay that's good no stairs here trust in the Lord no no dial tone this room here it's like another kitchen here but just the sinks in here there's a date on this water there may be a squatter brought this in oh yeah know what 2008 Wow so this thing's probably froze and thawed out every single here this must go they must go in the other room it must have closed it off alright let's go downstairs here in the basement we go in the basement we go oh the lights are mr. Murray I nothing much in here little kids green coat there has all kinds of rooms in this house ey open here look that's the garage another room here I'll share their let's say a little kids here alright let's go inside there's a bunch of barns I think I'm going to take a look at the barns see if there's anything inside things interesting [Music] you [Music] [Music] well the tractor back there Oh Mike what kinds of stuff back here here's some shelving I think here fences and chicken cages Oh some skis over there a couple old sump pumps oh yeah this that's been used in a while the dust on this thing who that seat hard-working farmer rots for sure sitting in that seat for hours and hours a day you know this thing just sits here retired hey welcome back guys I hope you enjoyed that one this is a really nice house it's untouched vandals haven't been here yet I'm really surprised it's actually on a main road so I'm pretty surprised the vandals haven't been in here but I'm assuming this place was all locked up at one point years ago or a year ago I'm not too sure but somebody must have got themselves in this house but it's all wide open now so yeah it's it's a pretty nice house but it's only a matter of time until the Vandals find this place and just destroy it so I'm glad I got to had a chance to get in here before they before they found it because Paul Bell if I come back in a year from now this place would be this a disaster but I don't think it's gonna be standing here in a year from now we're plugging to demolish this house hey before I go I'd like to say thanks to Nick Mickey and Louie Christie Jeffery Melinda Evelyn Brenda Debra Allister you guys are awesome I really do appreciate it you guys still donate it on my coffee page it's really nice of you but if you guys like to donate as well you're welcome to do so and all my videos in the description there's a link there you click on that link and you could buy me a coffee or you could donate more but I really appreciate it guys you're awesome and I'll see you guys on the next Explorer
Channel: Abandoned Urbex Canada
Views: 141,947
Rating: 4.8986201 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned places, abandoned house, urban exploring, abandoned farmhouse, abandoned ontario, abandoned canada, urbex, abandoned urbex canada, urban exploring videos
Id: Kdnvhh8Qq1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 1sec (1501 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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