This house has been abandoned since 1981 with everything left behind. Explore #59

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[Music] [Music] hey welcome back explorers today we're in another abandoned house it's not a farmhouse i don't think it's a cottage it's just a house in the middle of nowhere that's not quite in the middle of nowhere like it is in the middle of nowhere but we are on a main road here so there is cars passing by but it's totally hidden from the road this place like unless you were looking to your left driving down this street you wouldn't even notice this place but behind me here i got a a log cabin we're gonna go check that out later this is not the house we're looking at here but the house we're looking at is behind me can't wait to get inside looks amazing looks old lots of decay let's go guys this must be the uh where they keep all the firewood for the wood stove look at this how old that is oh washing machine pretty sure old freezer that counter 1968. i'm not too sure if that's been if it's been abandoned since then but i doubt it wow this place it's got like stone flooring that they put the stone down natural stone this kitchen is just a mess wow it's like they just threw a bunch of stuff in the middle of this kitchen here and just never came back you got curtains and everything still up old cutlery a little cutlery here this looks good old dryer wow stinks 1981 so i'm not sure if it was abandoned in 81 or not but sure looks like it these are all tubes i think for a tv pretty sure look at the cobwebs there in the corner all kinds of stuff left behind in here look at the floor it's all chewed up insulation everywhere it was like another little kitchen out here oh yeah this floor is just i'm standing on plywood because somebody must have put this plywood down because it's all rotten oh geez these things are neat i have one of these you pump that and it blows air to get your fire going here's the tv here actually i can't see what kind it is but maybe not maybe it's just a radio what is this in here look at that completely rotten this whole floor is caved in in here i don't think i'm going to stand in here it's the old can opener rusted holy moly stuff is just tossed about there's a dead raccoon there oh it's an old hockey picture the toronto flashbacks all kinds of goodies in here all over the floor all kinds of stuff look at this thing it's like some weird lamp chandelier type thing oh that oh that's nasty there's an old tv there bags old clothes that's a really nice fireplace yeah it looks like a elderly person's house that's for sure just left forgotten what's this here al goodman there's definitely lots to look at here it's pretty dark in here so i apologize i got my light on but still oh jeez scared me i just heard hissing i don't know if it was oh man i don't was a raccoon or a squirrel or a snake but i totally just heard hissing and it was felt really close to my legs i don't know the camera probably jumped a little bit all right there's a there's an upstairs here so let's go take a look upstairs yeah this place is messy but who knows rightly look at the stairs here oh my wow wow very nice look at this old sewing machine monopoly look at the paint peeling this is a classic old abandoned house that's for sure love these ones the bed still made like they were coming back wow we got here we got a bathroom there look at this radio what kind is that it doesn't say pan am bag pan am that's like the airline in that movie catch me if you can look at this thing what is that all kinds of stuff in here a little suitcase here i can't open it empty anyways yeah animals like to make nests in these things in the drawers they always make nests in there wow it's quite the room here well there's some raccoon poop on the bed old trick-or-treat bags you fill that up with candy and hand it out to the kids where this house is though there's not going to be very many kids coming to your door we're in the boonies here in the middle of nowhere here's another bedroom but i don't think they used it maybe a sewing room we got chimney something was making a nest there big pile of stuff i can't get in this bathroom here because these doors but still stuff on the sink until the paper is still up there's an old iron there's an old newspaper where's the date 1980 yeah this place looks like it's been abandoned since 1980 be honest i think a lot of the animals got in here and just wrecked this place i noticed another another part of the house but i don't see any stairs maybe it's a the garage maybe oh what's this yeah this is a talking boot look there's a ladder going up there's a rope let's take a look here oh man look a bag of feathers there all kinds of stuff up here old magazines all right that's that's what i seen i knew there was another part of the house but i guess it's just like an attic oh sorry it's a pretty cool log cabin here but it's all locked up can't get inside the door is open there but it's just propped open just a little bit it's actually stuck i can't get in there looks like it's just full of junk and stuff um so i can't show you that it looks like it's some kind of outbuilding i don't think it was an old house there's another log house here like a little log cabin let me go check this out see if it's open looks like it's open i don't know if this was original cottage or it's on the same property here oh it's pretty rotten but there's some cool stuff in here looks like an old heater oh cool it is open very cool let me turn my light on here look at that little beds in here it's totally a little cabin there was a car look at this place so cool dusty i still could condition this log cabin just got to replace the windows and the flooring still good what a cool place it's an old stove there look at this thing oh it's so stiff it's a little swollen i think [Music] this oh it's a little radio oh look at that that's neat so cool what is this it's a math book somebody's math book well i'm glad this was open i was kind of neat look at the porch here it's this all sunken down it's totally collapsing here [Music] oh [Laughter] [Music] down [Music] hey welcome back guys i hope you enjoyed that one i really enjoyed that one all kinds of stuff to look at everything was left behind in that place uh it was scattered about um but vandals i don't think have been there i know there was a couple boards on some doors and some doors were open a bunch of windows were open so a lot of animals were getting inside pooping and peeing all over the place which wasn't good if there was a dead raccoon in there kind of gross but uh yeah that house was just uh pretty neat i'm not too sure exactly when it was abandoned i know the calendar on the wall said 1981 it looked like it's been abandoned since 1981. yeah i did notice a few uh like freemason stuff in there so maybe the gentleman that lived here years ago was a freemason i'm pretty sure just from some of the stuff i found in there off camera i didn't film at all but uh yeah so hey before i go guys i'd like to say thank you to natalie mark mickey and louie b sage genevieve edward jennifer and mark gill simon rachel and havana paul jeffrey evelyn and laura you guys are awesome i really do appreciate it guys for donating on my coffee page if you'd like to donate as well it's not necessary but it's there for you if you click on the link in the description of the video um you buy me a copy appreciate it if you guys haven't subscribed already please subscribe to my page i got a lot of great locations coming up you guys are going to love it and also i got an instagram account links in the description you can follow me on there as well see you guys in the next explore
Channel: Abandoned Urbex Canada
Views: 80,026
Rating: 4.9476833 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned places, abandoned house, urban exploring, abandoned farmhouse, abandoned ontario, abandoned canada, urbex, abandoned urbex canada, urban exploring videos, everything left behind
Id: TxLh8c_gZno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 30sec (1350 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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