Craziest Conspiracy Theories

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The video where Shane discovers exchange value vs use value. He was like ‘it can’t be just the brand name causing this price discrepancy’ but yes, that’s exactly what it is. Look at Ryland’s reaction to finding out what ‘feels’ like $30 is actually $120. For whatever reason, Champion has started to trend the past few years so the exchange value goes up, people are buying the brand name for $125 over the USE value of a $125 hoodie that is actually really nice but NOT a trending brand name. So Champion hoodies really should be on the lower side (as they have been) in terms of use, but now that the Champion brand knows Champion is in high demand and they can gain more revenue then you will find higher markups in some stores or websites. Material might be slightly different from store to store but not so entirely different that it would be hundreds of dollars in discrepancy. Part of consumerism is this idea of choice when there isn’t much of one. A shirt is a shirt is a shirt, whether it’s Adidas or Nike or Champion or whatever, but we ‘think’ they’re different just because of the exchange value we ascribe to the names and ignoring the use of a same ole cotton blend shirt.

👍︎︎ 51 👤︎︎ u/Questforfilm 📅︎︎ Apr 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

This was a fun one. The airpod spy session with Ryland was sooooooo uncomfortable but also true tho lol. The transition from Ryland on the couch to current Shane was also super cool. A goofy video about dumb shit like this was exactly what I needed today.

Sidenote, I loved the one girl who kept saying dasayna/daseena but simultaneously had some weird experimental device to measure something in the water. A science icon

👍︎︎ 75 👤︎︎ u/MightyDebo 📅︎︎ Apr 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

I just want to point out that Potassium Chloride is an electrolyte. You drink the same shit in Gatorade. It’s not a poison. They use it in lethal injections because having TOO MANY electrolytes makes your heart rhythm too chaotic to function properly. Having too few electrolytes can cause the same shit. The people in the clips pushing the “death row poison” narrative were infuriatingly stupid.

👍︎︎ 100 👤︎︎ u/HeyQuitCreeping 📅︎︎ Apr 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

I know we always diss his editing but that cut from Ryland on the couch to Shane talking in his editing room was slickkk

👍︎︎ 95 👤︎︎ u/taylrbrwr 📅︎︎ Apr 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

his jeffree pillow scared the absolute SHIT out of me when he was in his edit room

👍︎︎ 42 👤︎︎ u/ScreamingAloe 📅︎︎ Apr 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

I feel like the whole water subject was dragged out waaaaaaay too much, a chem student could've explained the whole thing in a fraction of the video's time.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/hackmedaddy 📅︎︎ Apr 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

I needed this so bad. So bored in quarantine. Not doing much besides playing video games and doing school shit.

👍︎︎ 31 👤︎︎ u/ThinkingOfYou75 📅︎︎ Apr 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

Dasani water is garbage tasting imo 🤢

👍︎︎ 50 👤︎︎ u/Wintertime13 📅︎︎ Apr 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

currently watching - his intro about coronavirus felt so real and genuine. Loved it.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/chelsnic 📅︎︎ Apr 04 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] understand go back in time champion sudden become the hubs bandage supreme uttered a brand that was sold for cheap at Walmart less than a decade ago become so relevant in the world distinct in Hancock it seems like a lot of kids under like 15 years old are all like freaking out saying oh my god you can get champion hoodies for ten dollars they didn't know this is crazy right so I tweeted champion sells $10 Walmart Cody's and also $100 hoodies and other places I'm confused all the comments what they sell champion at Walmart I didn't know oh my god what are you talking about okay I'm famous for like the last couple months ever since I saw Tina mojo wearing champion hoodie and I saw a rapper wearing like a champion shirt champion has been killing it the last two years Kanye war which built a lot of hype for it I'll say his champion like a bougie thing when I was a kid champion would literally like and what I would get because it was so [ __ ] cheap because we're hands all mine [Music] champion oh yeah this whole time I've been wearing a hiss brand not even so this hoodie was probably what $10 at Walmart yeah I could probably sell this on like Poshmark for like $100 vintage champion hoodie from the 90s it's so crazy I'm like let me see if they still sell champion at Waller cuz I'd understand if they didn't I'm like champion was only sold in like Urban Outfitters but no it's still at [ __ ] Walmart pretty much the same champion hoodie is being sold at Walmart for $29 orbán Outfitters for $70 and some place both far-fetched for a hundred and ten dollars and yes I'm sure there's difference in quality and maybe like the stitching or whatever but it's the same [ __ ] brain am I crazy is that crazy uh well I just don't know how it they got to that point at some point everybody was just like wait let's be okay with paying five times as much for this I don't know when that happened it's I mean it's marketing it's the idea that and it's something I've been looking at a lot recently missed all just cells right I'm like oh I'm gonna take this thing for 10 years ago 20 years ago and repackage it and make people get that feeling they had when they saw 20 years ago and they're gonna buy it again it's a reason that people remake please this is my my it's the reason that sodas and snack foods like come out with their vintage packaging because it makes you go oh my god I remember that so I feel like some new brand representative or something got the idea and said about champion that thing from when we were kids let's repackage it and sell it for a long time because now those kids are older and they could really afford it and it doesn't make sense to me because the brand is still being sold at discount stores it's like it's very confusing because it's like okay they're selling JC Penney's your coals and that's like a $30 hoodie and now they have Urban Outfitters female or hoodie it was $84 so I did think that was a little bit pricey and then they have high tea stores for like $150 and that online eBay $300 so it's the only brand I don't think who's catering to all markets and getting all their money yeah it would be like no cheap selling like a shadier version of the Gucci backpack at Walmart yeah like I don't yeah because then their niche is out the window and why would anybody buy Gucci the whole thing is its exclusive and expensive and it's not cool anymore it's like a weird pocket of time where everybody's falling for this idea that it's oozing cuz it's not we have a champion hoodie guys a Creed champion chori but honestly it's a really good quality honey of these will go perfectly with the calabash Easy's corner if Walmart would have them Walmart should be promoting them more yeah why should you like get your champion here I guarantee well I don't Darrin to you but I bet there's somebody in the champion office trying to convince somebody to get all that [ __ ] out of Walmart like we don't want people to catch on to this okay here's what I think we should do I bet we could get shoes at Payless whole outfit of war maybe even something online from we're gonna warehouse somewhere is that even interesting and stupid no I'm interested I'm like I was thinking about the other day people you got the little seat right here on the sleeve on the right arm they're like that's an expensive but if they only knew logo is on my dad 20 year old booty that smells like garbage you should go somewhere where they also so expensive you want even a Walmart okay so let me explain what you just watched that was actually filmed in May I think of 2019 and it obviously is very stupid it gets clearly not a good theory it's literally just yeah companies do [ __ ] like that all the time which is one of the reasons you've never seen this before there's also two other theories they're not even theories they're just like ooh this is weird and one of them's really stupid but I wanted to edit something this week to get my mind off stuff well know what's going on in the world it sucks it's scary it's probably one of the worst things I've ever lived through and it makes me really sad for you guys if you're younger this might be your first big catastrophe or big you know anxiety provoking situation that you've been through I'm so sorry that this happening now that I caused it but you don't have to just I don't know and I didn't want to talk about this I don't want to make a video about it I haven't really been tweeting or Instagram your doing anything because I feel like there's nothing I can say that can make it better and I'm already a hypochondriac it's been obviously once again nothing compared to what other people are going through but it's made me not want to make things like I don't want to film something right now I don't know I'm just not in the head space Andrews quarantined he's you know I don't so he can't come film I don't want to make stuff without him I also don't want to make stuff in general like I just don't feel that like fun right now I don't but I wanted to write something because I love editing more than anything so I took all this shitty shitty footage and I don't lot of fun and just make something out of it so I wanna lower the bar is stupid is lame but you know what whatever I think it's fun and entertaining so yeah I hope you get some laughs out of this and you'll know why I never posted it hopefully it takes your mind off stuff [Music] yeah would you go out for like lunch break in here with your teachers are saying this is crazy yeah all you have to just hide the phone anywhere in the rooms it's like planting a bug in someone's house yeah because if you think it's cheating the key to catching him might be in your pocket right now okay well they have a function called live listen your parents and your parents are just like oh this is like Apple spying on your conversations but just real life [Music] Jesus and I was gonna come up with a water plan to say as I can't wait what are we [Music] so how many bottles are they good should I get every type of water they have yes why am i nervous strength water I'm like actually nervous about it hi everyone happy Friday so I'm here to rant today about a product that I did test so today I'm going to be telling you guys all about why it's so detrimental to your health I can go no longer holding back this opinion for I know it is the truth and must be spoken to the world hello and welcome to my 48th water review for YouTube hello there ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the average review bottled water review I most of guys it's the list of other waters I've tried and I'm gonna be filling this list up this week I will be reviewing next up we've got if you haven't guessed from the title already Dasani Dasani just saw me see any water right decided to see me you know what I'm talking about I can't believe I'm touching this right now this basically feels like I'm touching a piece of [ __ ] but whatever I like so we're touching the water all those videos all those people's like spitting it out as you can see here I've got some month old Dasani and today I'm just gonna be doing a review on it baby let's go let's start off with the taste which for the record is abysmal and hey maybe you're a [ __ ] psychopath and you like that taste so I guess I'm gonna taste it now and just show you guys how we're bolting it is it does seem pretty healthy but of course we have taste it find out I'm scared three two one [Music] that was [ __ ] disgusting oh my god this thing tastes like your acid it doesn't taste good you know oh my god oh my god I didn't know people had such hatred for Dasani if you want to tell me you don't love me give me a bottle of Dasani water because you're telling me that you just don't care and and according to the Dasani website Sahni water is expertly designed water I bet the Saudis probably made it a literal shock I just pictured like in like a shock of people just pouring like toilet water into a literal bottle I literally need to and chase with some mountains great water oh not as good as ice mountain though Ice Mountain as Queen was to survive because I've always said since I was a kid I was like why does Dasani have a fizz when you open it that's a soda thing when you open the bottle you hear it do that loop like he does like we open a soda bottle there's no other waters that when you open it it goes like does it make sense right that means there's something else in it yeah and if coca-cola is making it then it's like oh so it's not just water first manufactured by really and I want to put that on the [ __ ] stove you put water on a stove the water evaporates Bellevue's behind salt if there's any that's the word on the street is that you put a bunch of salt in there salt is another dry ingredient that would just make you more thirsty too salty and when I drink it I am still thirsty it's gonna make you thirsty well any water supposed to [ __ ] make it somewhere you don't feel like dry at all you feel like you just drink water but it makes you thirsty err and that means it makes you thirsty err you consume more water which makes coca-cola Richards so so I feel [ __ ] trying to be sly with those dumbass marketing techniques but like get your [ __ ] together tooth on you yeah no but that's a big know if I've ever gone to a hockey game of basketball game that's the only time I ever see Dasani as I could trap there you have no choice you're in an airport and that's all they sell every movie leader every single game part reason why theme parks sell Dasani it has salt you can't get water at certain places cuz they only sell Dasani it's like owned by coca-cola coca-cola bought out all these places and runs a monopoly on this basic human necessity if they could find a way to buy the air we breathe and add chemicals to it I bet they would that's [ __ ] but yeah that's what I'm saying it's like water it's like what is like one of the three things you need my [ __ ] water and if they're gonna create a product that puts you in a situation where like you feel like you keep on needing to have it and you're in a place where you can not have that it's like you're [ __ ] so I was fortunate during sassani water and it honestly felt like I was in prison that's like a money-making machine baby like I remember one time going back to school and there was Dasani and machines everywhere and I was like what the [ __ ] like we just use water fountains by the way is there this but then everybody got like so into it did you get to this cycle of like constantly being thirsty and like kind of quenching your thirst but then not really oh yeah I was like so thirsty every time I would drink well that's not me I'm like I need another one and they get these weird like burps like not water burps like weird like let make any sense like I would start burping a lot Oh God a lot of people say that Dasani doesn't go your throat the same way that normal water does it does not go to the throat so it's probably like a burp or something like that maybe it's like a unlubricated I was immediately dude this is like maybe there's a bunch of maleic acid Merilee something it tells something that is not just water I have always thought and said that Dasani is like zinc it's like syrup water I don't know how to explain it there is a soft residue mouthfeel to the water just sounds like it's like molasses man sorry I just got that feeling it's like good heavy-eyed you feel that way this is like insane they're doing collaborations with like designers this hoodie which is just you know like a pretty basic hoodie with the little logo 140 bucks like what this champion supreme hoodie it says three hundred and twenty-eight dollars three hundred and twenty-eight dollars that's crazy people are like kind of shook over this I feel good that we're not like crazy what do you mean we're not yeah but it really does have a different quality you like it's thick and it's like made in Honduras same place that my champion it's like it's not just all around here's why I'm confused right cuz I say well maybe you're just hanging for the branded but you can get that logo at Walmart so it doesn't mix it yeah right am I crazy but I think as much as I think it's Scania of course I think why not if you're the company because you're worth what somebody will pay so they're obviously selling at the 70 dollar rate so why would they price them cheaper it's just you can't be like it doesn't make sense to be a brand that has your brand lousy and expensive and selling consumer expensive but then also making the same exact sweatshirt just a little bit differently and selling it at every single like love it she bends the whole thing it makes this seemed like a scam or maybe their genius well yeah but it's still it's still crazy well yeah there's nothing that kids don't know I don't know that they can get these studies they think that they're not rich enough for it but they are that's like that's what I'm trying to figure out if I'm archives every box on your precious checklist why am I still a stranger that the old friends do not recognize who's the human punching bag when you feel the pressure rise who's the one that calms you down when you need to rest your eyes I feel like an officer just trying to get you to cough it up investigations on you cuz your friends like the Mafia they cover up and they mafia but they don't even put in half the work that I do like a murder murder murder murder if you try to cover me up but no one has ever heard her ever heard her because you keep it all hush but but if you love me love me love me love me why doesn't anyone know but nothing you loves to get caught up you get a white like a pro like a murder murder murder it's like nah water be love me go back when I was in third fourth grade we like champions gonna be cool if you suck if you get up and wipe those tears away you're not poor you're just hitting your curves most crazies very small [Music] my god looking like one [Music] relative wait no what are you like hearing like no wait [Music] okay start talking in like five seconds [Music] he just said his favorite color is blue he just said his password for everything is about martial arts [Music] favorite colors blue response words I love marshmallows this literally is just a bug it's just like you it's just a bug in your hands like I understand give your heart of hearing or if you're in a good loud place and you want to hear your restaurant what's your most expensive champion piece of clothes definitely the shoes my cheek this is crazy [Music] but dude they know you're coming from kind of bypassed the whole man section even though there's a lot of shoes down here literally Kahless champions this is crazy you say return are you wanting Olive Garden why am i scared right now to try [ __ ] water I'm like scared to let you know what's inside something as simple as bottled water with all these chemicals and just like they won't tell us what to encode they won't tell you what's in the water but I'll tell you it's just it an independent panel of scientists recently discovered that the discerning this included some interesting ingredients in their waters Dasani Hut's of some sketchy ass [ __ ] into their water so what chemicals are they using in their water not only does Dasani water have additives these chemicals can at high levels cause birth defects but I do want to go with the four ingredients that's end of a sunny bottled water first ingredient and Dasani tap water just basic tap water right nothing special now we're gonna take a look at the sunny which is made by coca-cola for probably one tenth of a penny Dasani for instance acknowledges it uses local water supplies it's just a blur it's just plain of the number two ingredient is magnesium sulfate do you even know what that means iam sulfate is magnesium sulfate is a drying agent agent so it literally dries out your tongue add you drink this on you know this could explain like the dry taste in your mouth you might experience after drink in the Sahni water beside the Saudi water bottle drink for me you'll taste the dryness of a thousand suns third ingredient potassium chloride all right it's commonly used as a fertilizer probably do this a fertilizer friend who works at a farm and he came to him and told him I just found now that one of the ingredients that we use as a fertilizer is an ingredient in Dasani water but it's also used in lethal injections let me repeat that again potassium chloride is used to kill criminals in jail it's literally like a source of venom or like poison or whatever to like literally kill people on death row actually the last take when doing a lethal injection to stop the heart what typically happens is that three drugs are given in the last drug is potassium chloride potassium chloride which essentially causes cardiac arrest it stops the heart and causes death why the [ __ ] would you thought you put that in there now of course it's the dose that matters but even as small dose I don't want to be doing why why would I want that I googled it because I was so confused and they were like we put it in here for taste they say it's all just to help with the flavor potassium chloride literally has a metallic taste so why the [ __ ] would you want something to taste my talent that's not being added for taste the poor thing is salt salt you know I've always been those tea every single time I drink it what to make me toasty its water salt it's crazy this stuff ins up in a water you're doing a drug dealer I thought I thought I heard a fizz now's like oh damn that's a fish and then that wasn't even it it was like the brief is hold on all right let's open it let's let's listen throw so we're getting a bit of a hiss as we heard popping the cap on this I'm gonna open up just any other bottled water and see if there's a fish boat [ __ ] okay Arrowhead well [Music] Fiji [ __ ] businessman a guy SmartWater heart [Music] I mean I have more yeah Evian here's the thing like somebody could like oh let's just all the pressure right but that feeling of pressure that the Dasani had all of these have Wait Wait Wait move your left hand I got the [ __ ] bubbles Oh what oh what is coming oh man we're definitely have some degassing going on as you can see there definitely some gases that are are in this water that are coming out of this water wait can you tell the - I can see the ingredients [Music] [Music] water why would it have to the other ones say that what is the ingredients on that natural spring water okay so that's actually [Music] how about I go outside then I dr. Allen you film us on the security camera and put [Music] [Music] [Music] updating live with what does that mean [Laughter] smell here it's real spit perhaps like a chloride or a fluoride what I know what you mean it is big dick what weird it's definitely different than the other odd right head it tastes a little bit weird to me yeah I is it something I don't know it tastes like a penny or like middle well every time I drink the signing I think this doesn't taste like water it doesn't taste sort of like normal water should the feeling I'm getting is like it's thick it's slimy there's like a metal flavor and it tastes like it tastes like um like roller coaster ride water or like um like water part water we're like when you're on Jurassic Park and like all the water flies up and hits you and hold your mouth yeah it tastes like that okay I'm definitely getting that like penny off the ground taste what like underneath my tongue there's like a weird metallic like reaction yeah it feels weird after I swallow I still feel it in my mouth like it the weight of it like I still feel it like I'm like oh I already swallowed why is it so there look at all those [ __ ] bubbles that's crazy why looking No I bet there's somebody in the champion office trying to convince somebody to get all that [ __ ] out of Walmart like we don't want people to catch on to this [Music] they probably are like wow it's kind of working people believe we're bougie we need to like get all this [ __ ] out of Walmart and stuff before people realize what the [ __ ] is going on I mean what's the difference just the story and it's pretty [ __ ] up does it even have a thing on the side of this thief - yeah so like you could clearly hear what we were saying Oh 100% yeah I heard everything that you saying you gotta have a work/life balance right separations I don't know if the I don't know if they can't see isn't it scary did you not know about that oh my gosh I'm gonna leave my air pot on when I go to bed and I can hear that you guys are talking [ __ ] about me collecting there was a whole threat that you were cheating whoa wait okay when Morgan comes over I think we should do that to her I think now that you know maybe when I leave the room you get Morgan to say something bad about me and she doesn't know shouldn't be risky she loves me [Music] okay well I'm not trying to like personally [Music] today we are going to see which water is the best water extra extra maybe it's like it's [ __ ] water there's no begin [Music] see any activity going on just yet little something is going on with the Sina but nothing is going on with aqua finger which is interesting oh wait that was weird right well yeah like yeah I don't think yeah I don't fist well went to last me badges not unless it's like forced upon me because I've heard rumors about them we look like just this like it's not all water so this is a thing yeah that's like okay cuz I had never heard that this was like a thing until recently I mean also if you can zoom into this it looks like it's fizzing like my Lacroix do you see that and it's like a bullying inside like if I go oh yeah like waters don't do that Jamie water I mean I'd have to like this you sperm yeah that is weird I'm gonna do that after my fizzy water I don't want to compare exactly side by side with another water at all detect if it's acidic or dua or neutral if it's green blue or purple good do you want purple do not want anything it's not good for you let's start with this blue it's good and as you can see water comes out green it's good for you to see me it's getting a little bit of color now we're showing a little bit of dirt activity but Aquafina is really doing it Wow alright just saw me and said I'm just gonna go ahead and touch it into here let's do it how Dasani will we check it whoops big boo-boo but we can still go on rtu you can see how a city it actually is it looks like pee and you don't want to put pee in your body a little bit acidic that's not good for your health oh that doesn't look good that cannot be good okay I will say the same it is dirty of course of this this has about the same Sophia's about so no wait what the [ __ ] that's what they look like before [ __ ] I accidentally purchase blood glucose test strips these are for people who are like [ __ ] diabetic or something oh my god I'm so stupid [Music] see how far we can get he just [ __ ] disconnected the other side of the house that's how far it goes that's pretty far yeah okay over here okay [Music] there's we [Applause] the champion hoodie from Kohl's has arrived I also got one in the private Neiman Marcus which is like a really expensive store this one is that my higher quality than the cheap one but this is really weird that this brand is making knockoff versions of their own clothes right Julie Turner I mean I am just saying what if anything it feels like a little more plastic on the outside but that's just my opinion like kind of like [ __ ] rough it doesn't feel like expensive maybe Chevron try it on finally try it on don't tell him how much it was and have them guess well together the hint of like there's a hint of something is that one heard this one tastes clean oh my god what oh yes oh my god wait can you move just I'd be like holy [ __ ] we talked to them I know there's a hair in the that looks insane oh yeah I see [ __ ] Shane can't hear you but I can hear perfectly fine that's so crazy that he can't hear me hey Shane hey Shane he can't [ __ ] hear me oh my gosh when kids figure that out and then they like plant it for their parents like strap on their parents whisper [Music] um I don't hate Morgan and I don't here light me on fire like that was the lowest second thought okay I have something I wanted to try so we're gonna give you a couple of different champion how you should try I mean the texture I would never wear this around the house aesthetically it's cute it's not my vibe but it is cute how much do you think it would be like yours a 73rd okay it's 125 dollars from where Neiman Marcus George I mean it looks cute though I think it looks like you now you like it cuz you know it too I will give them that this is the first time it's comfortable well now time to try the $20 one this is incredible bang love holy whoa but like actually comfortable I would buy this see that just makes everything more confusing to me why aren't the expensive ones so expensive and also not even what is this it feels weird right what sirens taking it it's the difference between wearing $1,000 Gucci hoodie and a $2,000 Gucci hoodie they're both Gucci so why does it matter yeah and this even does have like the embroidered stitching on the side yeah that is literally the same thing people are gonna start to figure this out you shouldn't have to pay more just because it's in a different store if scam it's so crazy like how many things there are that are like scams like even the stupid one I told you guys about earlier with hot dogs excuse me sir what are you doing I'll tell you what I'm doing like the fact that when you go to the grocery store hot dogs are sold in a pack of 10 but hot dog buns are always sold in a pack of beat I want to buy eight hot dogs and eight hot dog buns to go with it's like you have to buy two things about it's like they don't they want to [ __ ] you all consumer videos do so well on YouTube because people like to make educated decisions you really can't trust the stuff you buy anymore you can't do it now assuming you know that Dasani water has four different ingredients in it one being tap water to being drying agent three being chemical used in lethal injections and for being so would you take Dasani water or what you think about it's been called the marketing trick of a century would you agree with that well in a way yes because it could come out of your tap and you could put in a bottle but you pay really high margins large you know rationale they said people irrational your marketing serves to rationalize behaviors to give you the sense yeah this is this is a good idea this is what you should do yeah or you this is a weird sense but you should not do it you shouldn't like white hot waters good for you I don't know if I can see that but in motor to make sure we are become a more mindful of these things here's the thing that scared like I already know you know that like pack was listening to everything we're saying rant obviously so that's not my shot but I'm giving us technology to listen to what other people yeah yeah that's really scary even at a grocery store you could like plane here from like behind a shelf for the rest of your life can you imagine that any time anybody goes oh hey I left my phone I just headed it's over it's over oh my god someone's car like an apartment building you could leave your phone at someone above you oh hey I left my phone up there is it cool if I get it just like tomorrow just [ __ ] listen I feel like so long as people don't realize it it's just like oh they left their phone there's so many things you do a confessional booth at a church you get the dirt then you black milk scary are like a leasing office where people come and like give their social security numbers wait yes leaving your phone anywhere now is not a thing I don't want to shock you we and wonderfully put salt in this wait no no put salt in it and then stir it around and see if it this looks like that I tried this is it gonna taste like this one you know [Music] [Laughter] just like the tiniest bit [Music] it tastes like this ani now looking try it Wow are you serious yes West K they thesis him I bet if we put a do it it's like it's like the weight of it I'm telling you okay good [Music] oh my god that's so trippy looking at that [ __ ] from this angle bro you literally [ __ ] [Music] you
Channel: ShaneGlossin
Views: 15,266,937
Rating: 4.9443321 out of 5
Keywords: shane, dawson, conspiracy, theories, journalism, investigative journalism, docuseries, documentary
Id: RTybvkaPne8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 21sec (2961 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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