Kylie Skin Review with Shane Dawson

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what's up everybody welcome back to my channel hi how are you how are ya hi hi i'm nervous oh my god i'm i'm really nervous my skin cells are shaking right now but hi everyone today well we y'all know me and shane have been filming for uh our next series together it has been a crazy last few months it's been uh a journey and uh just look at me this is how i'm feeling you've been editing for a long time while shooting in between him and andrew have been working so hard so spoiler alert spoiler alert we're here so we thought we'd take a break from filming this insane journey and uh try a beauty review yeah and i really want to get into skincare and i want to start at the top okay i want like the quality you better listen i'm afraid am i gonna be in a drama scandal you already are oh yeah remember the rainbow brows i still don't okay yeah i know okay i apologized um good sweetie okay so anyway we i didn't know this video was gonna happen yeah so we're gonna show you guys the clip in a minute of what happened today but what how did we get here so we were talking about makeup conspiracies uh at your office and andrew was filming and we're talking about something else and then i was talking about kylie's skin and the walnut scrub yeah you were like you asked if i tried it yeah and then you were like oh i wanted to get some but it was sold out just watch this interesting yeah because today when we were driving over here i'm like you know talk about makeup conspiracies and all these ideas for other things i want to put in this video so many so many kinds of skin and all of this [ __ ] right so i was gonna do something about that and then i was like really skin is sold out we need to find someone that has it i bought it and i still haven't [ __ ] got it yet i want to review it together but i'm leaving oh my god it's coming today the eye cream is an exact rip-off of tatcha the component everything yes it is oh yes the [ __ ] it is and when she did her video with the [ __ ] everyone was like huh it's so phony the house the almond scrub tear me open [ __ ] surely oh my god oh my god it's after delivery i really expected to arrive today oh my god it's getting there today do we should we call it there's somebody to call no when do you what do you normally get your mail is it usps or fedex this looks like usps oh oh [ __ ] if it comes today yeah oh my gosh shane lynn ordered it that's so funny i love it [Music] okay so i'm a little nervous because when it comes to reviewing anything kylie people think like there's past tea which there is but like we don't care about each other there's no like real like animosity okay i just don't really review her stuff anymore on my channel my audience is kind of like but this particular thing with skin and high skin care um you know i tweeted like hey what should i review next oh my god it was like you have to review this so as a skincare expert i'm curious to see if the ingredients actually work are they good is it just [ __ ] also what should we wear okay i was thinking uh like ropes right like bathroom oh we have to do because there's makeup remover right there's like everything i just hate when it comes to her either people already don't like them so they think the product's going to be a flop i have everything she's ever made very hit or miss very some of it i love i like i'm like oh this is really cool some of it i'm like oh i don't really like this inconsistency of the house can't relate but yeah i've had some amazing reviews on my channel where i live or somehow stuff well wait i know you probably don't want to talk about it but what's up i want to know what's the tea oh why were you not at the party which party [Music] oh my gosh i wasn't invited come on so what's going on what i thought you guys were fine because kim stuck up for you when everybody was like you know mad and then and then like and then after that she put out her brushes uh a year ago and they were not it's this i still bought them you did so she's still not i don't know oh and the chloe thing oh yeah oh my god i forgot about that after the robbery and all this other [ __ ] i forgot about that [Music] [Laughter] sometimes andrew i don't know if you know about me but i i uh insert my uh opinion in other people's beefs when i know certain things or allegedly may have an opinion i am coming into this fully unbiased i just don't know if the skincare works oh then i love it i'm excited i want it to work i mean i spent 300 [ __ ] dollars on it you did yeah i bought everything they don't have a return policy i know i can't relate oh oh oh wait what ryland texted me no he didn't it just no it didn't riley's skin is here oh my god we're so excited it's really at the door oh my god i knew it i was like okay i'm okay i see i just love reviewing and trying things because so many people want to know the real tea or you know what i mean like the reality they realize the walnut tea oh my god there's a lot of controversy about this face scrub yeah yeah it's i don't know what is actually in it so we'll have to feel it but like a traditional walnut scrub has like granules in it which can rip your skin open and have tiny tears i know that sounds horrible i don't know so we're gonna see but i'm willing to rip out my skin for kylie lynn [Music] okay well everyone say a quick prayer and uh we'll see if we survived this one okay so shane got his package but there was some drama okay let's talk about this listen i'm gonna give an honest review because i bought the i spent three 265 dollars on this okay i wanted the whole collection she didn't send it for free um but today on the peer list um yeah i guess i'm still waiting for my how do you get on your list i need a lot of help you don't know they reach out to you and they say oh my god i want to be regardless and then they say oh wait is this jeffrey never yeah do you know him absolutely no cancel cancel so i'm not a pr list anymore and i haven't reviewed her brand in a while on my channel yes which you guys just heard so this came in the mail and i i'm like okay i want to i'm dying to test it out thousands and thousands of you guys have requested for me to actually try it it was sold out but then here's the thing and i'm not going to start this out with the drag this is an honest review from a consumer um it this isn't it that only half of it came okay so let's talk about it you ordered the full kit the whole moment okay you ordered every item which is great that's exciting to play with yeah but tell everyone what happened so okay it said you know your delivery was delivered and i look and there's only one box and i open it and it's just two makeup removers and then a soap and a toner and i was like wait where is everything else i go like where's the rest of your order yeah so it it said my order was shipped and delivered but when i clicked on a thing it took me to another website and it said two fedex numbers oh now the shipment yeah so the other half is coming from somewhere else next week and but they didn't tell me that and it said it was delivered so now i'm like is it coming what do i do i'm freaking out that's just so weird so maybe some other products could have been at another fulfillment center no because i bought four makeup removers and only two so why are you two in a different box it's confusing kylie i don't get it maybe they're waiting for more deliveries things sold who knows i bought it right at launch i had an alarm set who is he what's happening what's happening with my friend so i reached out to a beauty influencer who wants to remain anonymous and they gave me um all the stuff that shane didn't have so this is from the party that we weren't invited to oh i love that they wanted to remain nameless because they didn't want to get kicked off the list it's kind of i don't blame them i get it okay so what do we do how does this work i've never done a review well we're gonna do all the steps that you would normally do like we'll do the full everything yeah i'm wearing my nighttime outfit i like bra i'm sorry if it smells but i wanted it to be like real not bad it's really bad thank you though so take your stuff out so we have it oh my god okay whoa i've never even seen it in person before so the packaging is very minimalistic obviously it's very just oh does it make it what is that okay okay so we have everything here we have the face moisturizer the walnut face scrub oh my god here it is yes and then we have the eye cream we have the kylie skin vitamin c serum i love serums i don't know what serums are i use them oh okay i don't know i mean your skin has improved a lot over the last few months which will i started washing my face like two months ago three months ago hey improvement um we have makeup removing wipes of course and then you got the vanilla milk toner and foaming face wash okay so face wash twenty four dollars i'm trying to think of like like comparable that's like a little expensive but it's not too bad no it's a little pricey now i personally don't like foaming um products for my face okay like when i remove off my makeup i do a full makeup wipe whether it's neutrogena or mac and then i really tone and get everything off but uh there is fragrance in here which i don't like because skincare really shouldn't have added fragrance because that's like it could be an irritant if you have sensitive skin um now her products are vegan they're cruelty free they're paraben free gluten free okay so i think let's start wait first should i be putting on a little makeup so we could test the wipes on me too do you want to spray some [ __ ] on my face oh yes uh uh-huh work work work supermodel demonetized okay bam whoa uh-huh uh-huh i feel like kylie already so let's try the wipes all right product number one okay before we do this i can't i need my contacts out open it so let's uh let's take these off ready oh my god oh my god whoa where are you gonna put them look um these are you just put them on the table wait what are you gonna do well these are we use uh not reusable so i'll just go in the trash okay ready cheers wait honestly i i don't want to play dumb i know what i'm doing right like i've been doing this for a while i'm very specific about makeup wipes oh is she okay like some of them hurt my face yes they're like alcoholic and they hurt or something yeah some wipes are a flop okay ready so i'm gonna be honest oh the truth the truth i don't want to get in a scandal should i what but we have to be honest what's wrong i don't have any issues with kylie so don't come for me i'm not trying i'm not being biased is that the word they use yes okay they're dry right huh they're a little dry they're a little dry you're allowed to be honest it's a review it's okay just because someone's famous i mean their products have to be great okay i bought four of them you know i mean i've had some amazing um reviews on my channel of her brand like she's come out with amazing products some of it's hit or miss the wipe does feel a little dry but we pull another one out [Laughter] okay let me see how it takes off this mascara ready [Music] it didn't come off like i keep saying neutrogena because that's what i honestly use on the daily it would it came off a little easier but i mean it's taking all my dry skin off like it's kind of like exfoliating okay that's good right no it isn't but i also have sensitive i have sensitive skin i don't see how it's turning really red yes so i it's it's probably just me okay i don't feel any burning it's just taking a little um taking a little longer than normal to come off like by now i would have been done okay a lot of wipes later the mascara fully won't come off and i don't want to like rub my eyes a lot because [ __ ] anti-aging not here sis so okay next product we have our bowls of water sitting here we have our washcloths and now we are going to dive into the foaming face wash this i'm so excited about okay open her up okay i'm excited because i want to do the patrick starr did you see that where he put like 1700 bumps okay okay yeah i want to do that all right now the foaming face wash is 24 it is allegedly infused with ultra nourishing kiwi seed oil packed with vitamin c and e to help maintain moisture and improve elasticity cleanses skin by helping to remove dirt oil and make up and maybe regret uh and it's supposed to brighten my complexion i can't believe i'm washing my face something weirdest like i've ever done let me put my hair back yeah the fact that we're washing our face together how did our friendship get here let me actually wet my skin good okay okay i'm getting water all over myself it's okay i like it okay here we go oh my god [Music] i'll tell you when shane star let's roll more a little more a little more shanks oh my god i have a horse face so santa the house how do you think it smells for real how do you think it smells real start reviewing it first impressions okay i don't like that it has a fragrance i don't think it should but hey it's just me kylie only did it for seven seconds maybe that's why you can't breathe getting out of your nostrils oh there's is that my other package oh my god okay okay sorry it's burning okay but i use so much though so it's like my fault is it tingling or no no not really my skin can take a lot like burning burning okay get the washcloth right now might be okay if it's burning take it off wash cloth right there don't try me shame get my brows oh my god this is an asmr channel slap your cheeks oh my god i was choked okay ready yeah get your washcloth washcloth yo shane if it's if it tingles or burns wash it off immediately and watch and be careful with your eyes we're such gurus oh my god i know okay let's get this off i'm scared am i red oh sorry i think it's my fault i put it in my eyes because i'm stupid okay great i i didn't do that but sorry why are you waiting here how'd you put it in here [Music] in my mouth i'm sorry 30 seconds ago me saying i know what i'm doing i don't want to play dumb i know what i'm doing right i don't want to be stu i know what i'm [ __ ] doing i know what i'm doing right i'm a guru okay okay we're back on a real note okay so i don't know if i can give an honest review because of how much i used but it did you use a lot it's a little my face is sensitive it's burning for sure but it's also like my face is sensitive and i used a bucket that's like his skin always does that it's really red after a mask and mine will be normal so my skin doesn't feel like bad it doesn't feel overly dry so there isn't a lot of like harsh ingredients in it i would assume yeah because i've tried stuff where it like feels like my skin is stripped do you know what i mean and this it feels okay yeah i feel normal it's like i i drank it and i inhaled it so it's right now it's just in me so i don't know but it's i'm alive okay let's try the vanilla milk toner oh no now this is 22 it's alcohol free thank god toners with alcohol never buy stay away they age you over time okay on a real note like the inside of my mouth is like smelling what do you mean swelling like it's like well you would think well i drink i shouldn't well yeah it doesn't matter what brand anything with a planet you shouldn't drink a soap so i have to call your mom after this but let me get your pads ready thank you so much i want to smell this really quick okay um it smells really fresh and nice very vanilla [Applause] yes okay so here's what it looks like oh it's melgy the house okay is it okay so you put like a quarters yeah and i just press it together and then the whole thing is like wet sorry okay ready let's try it together shane oh my god because it just looked like okay okay it's turning me really red it's turning you really red i think i just have that skin no see what's kind of weird for me though is it's turning this kind of like a little more red right here which toners really don't do that on me but so what's the point of this it's supposed to tingle like no it's just a knot tingle [Music] oh what it's just tingling a lot for real yeah but you have really sensitive skin like on a like for real i've never used toner so this is but i wouldn't have done the foaming that's a lot of foundation wow so this did remove a lot of dirt hi and so that's good yes i just would have skipped the first step and just went in with this so i don't know but yeah my skin feels kind of tight is that good um if you like that feeling but i don't know it's really time to try the walnut face scrub why is this a scandal um because usually walnut scrubs have more like granule like granules in the in the formula so it could like tear your skin and cause like micro little dermabrasions which you shouldn't do a lot i i've never felt this i mean hi let's open it up so the walnut face scrub is 22 and great okay let's give it a whirl what does it smell like is it nutty oh that's okay that's not chunky at all here let's move it around let's touch it let's play with it okay it does feel granually but not like chunks of like you know [Applause] this is giving me like like grandma vibes okay my skin's wet i'm scared okay i'm really scared i want to do it like she did with the big okay with the oh you look just like the ad yes okay i feel like the little it's almost like sugar is what it feels like it doesn't feel harsh it's not hurting it feels nice oh that feels weird i've never done this before oh yeah it's like little sand it's like gonna remove all the dead skin and exfoliate it's like when i like when i was a kid i would go to the beach and i was like trying to get all the sand out of my ass yeah okay is the hype too much that people are like oh my god it's like hurting people um i think until they saw maybe the formula they weren't sure and they also a lot of people just thought like it would i don't know this wasn't right right when i said that my face started burning i was like is the height too much it was like but mine feels fine but let's see how it looks like after i remove i've patted off my skin my skin feels dry let me do the ultimate test here let me give you a little towel to pat off this is a lot of work it's a lot of work to look like her honey i know that's okay i'm getting there let's both fill our skin together now that it's dry let's let's oh catch me this little little residue even though i wipe hard with the towel girl get this off of me this is crazy i've never done that before okay it's smoother huh it's kind of scary it's yeah yeah it's a little scary though i feel like did i do i probably did way too much oh you could have stripped your skin a little bit but cool what do you think mine feels like i think it's time to do the face moisturizer yes now this guy is 24. it has a little blue light protection so when you're staring at your phone all day you're editing the um lights from the computer and the phone won't um that sounds like [ __ ] right that's a clue that's a claim that can't be proven guys oh face and neck yeah don't forget that neck honey anti-aging the house feels nice i think it smells um like uh it's really light and mild shane that's a lot oh well and nick you're right okay ready you're like here we go we're putting on my face for the very first time now kylie says that she puts us on before her makeup and she literally can't get ready without it now okay moisturizers on i need a little bit more for my neck okay how do we feel well um because you've been using a lot of face products right from drugstore to tatcha to everything so let's it's interesting it's it's um it feels like a lotion you're not supposed to put on your face but just you know what i mean like you know how there's like face lotion and then like leg and arm lotion yeah it feels like like an arm one texture wise but obviously it's not so i don't know if it's because we've already used three products prior to this i just don't feel as moisturized as i should like i'm not like yes my makeup's like ready to get laid down foundation let's roll if it feels all right it just feels like something's missing like well we have three more steps okay i'm gonna be honest okay everything feels to me very like basic like which is totally fine and there's nothing wrong with that it but is that a good price for the basicness of it i guess you're kind of paying for kylie it's pink it's cute that's kind of what you're paying for and then it's like it kind of were it's basic i'm kind of agreeing with you so far like i think it's time to try the last product or two and then really give our final thoughts okay now it's time to try the eye cream now i love eye cream so i'm excited to try this but when i saw the packaging and the component and the tip i was like look a little familiar so hold that purple chopstick there is a product that i've been using for a long time it does not look identical the same band same everything it's just now take off that top and look underneath so i have a lot of moisture as well so is that bad is that like a bad baby oh my a copycat moment it is yeah but it's not a bad thing but i want you to feel that versus this just as an eye cream before you apply it to your skin so there's the kylie one which is like kind of bananay yellowy okay let me just feel it i know what the tattoo one feels like it's tinted you want to put a thin layer under the eye because the skin underneath is a lot more sensitive than the rest that's on your face so don't like put a lot on yeah i mean the touch one feels better but i mean also is the price crazy difference yeah that one is more like 58 you know what i mean so yeah it's luxury but it's really good skincare yeah okay let's apply this to the eye put a decent amount i feel like peanut butter baby oh wow oh my god yes it doesn't matter what i feel about in the in the past right i'm just reviewing this yeah to review it right because everyone's asking the eye cream it just feels really basic like i've tried so many eye creams and i'm not just comparing this one because it looks like the other one it's just like i don't feel great it just feels kind of like basic and i haven't felt like that in a long time that's way too much i saw people doing it like full on like like full cheek is that is that not supposed to happen seriously i saw like multiple different people like really packing it on their whole face that's a lot that's that's now we're entering sunscreen we're at warped tour there is a like set of alcohol in here and it's high up on the ingredient list right there after the seed oil and the glycerin which is like a you know whatever but that shouldn't really be in an eye cream you're you want to hydrate and there's an alcohol ingredient so i'm like and then the active ingredients are at the very bottom which means they're the lowest so it's like is it really doing anything you know what i mean so i'm like uh this ingredient for an eye cream there's one more product i don't want to put it on my face because i feel like my face has had a long day um but i want to feel and touch the product so this is the eye serum right vitamin c serum okay 28 dollars uh-huh 0.7 fluid ounces sold out and it's sold out it's just it's supposed to help improve your overall skin health oh yeah i just want to feel the texture oh wow it looks interesting i like the compost heavy but see i wish the face moisturizer felt like this wait what is that smell it's the um uh wait it's a chamomile leaf thing no okay it's like uh it's a it's dog bacon oh my god earthy wait it's dog bacon wait smell my fingers yeah it does it's a bacon strips i love you i love bacon i love you i love bacon begging yeah get him up here get one of the dogs oh my god okay nate come and come in here this is a kylie's serum what do you think it smells like like we're not even gonna tell you what we think or thought just really close your eyes and it's like a familiar smell what is it we don't know what what do you think though start i can't remember like i know it's like it's on the tip of your tongue right yeah yeah it's like you're like but what is it to you though like what kind of like does it smell like candy does it smell like it's candy i feel like it's does it smell like something that should be like like like does it smell like face stuff or does it smell no i don't think it smells like it would be some like face cream to me does it do shane thinks it smells like can i give you a category yeah a category um something you'd give a dog [Laughter] oh my god i have terrible sense of smell right now like bacon strips bacon strips okay yeah that shit's hilarious um right like the bacon like do you smell that at all i think i mean i know what you're talking about i haven't smelt that in a long time yeah it's like childhood like yeah mom has bacon bacon strips don't wipe it out i've only smoked those a couple times when i worked at a pet store so that's where you probably you were like remembering like i was like it smells kind of familiar but i could not remember what that smell like you know we're about to give our final thoughts and i really appreciate you coming up here [Music] when this was drier than the [ __ ] mojave desert i was like okay everything else has to be great maybe just like the top wipe and then the fifth wipe i was like from someone that has been using skin care for a very long time and someone that is a new skincare expert let's give our real final thoughts okay i think it's cute i think it it'll look cute in my bathroom i think ryland will think it's cute i like the colors i like the bag i think it looks good i would never like i would never use it i think in like a pinch like if i if the house is on fire and it's like it's already in a bag and i need my serums yeah all right i'll be honest if i because i have six dogs so i could use those to clean up [ __ ] my face feels basic feel me basic like i don't feel like myself i'm like i'm i'd say kylie's gonna be sad and offended but i feel like she just doesn't give a [ __ ] she's like she cares about this one absolutely not she's fine in her seven houses in her 60 cars she's probably pregnant right now he doesn't give a [ __ ] okay so i think the packaging was cute um it's very monochromatic i like it obviously but overall i'm just not like really impressed like i didn't actually feel like wow my skin feels great you know what i mean because if it did i'm like whoa you guys this is amazing everything's like i just wasn't really wowed by anything my skin didn't feel like it was ready for makeup and it felt like i'm like you know amazing it didn't feel like that at all i mean what were people expecting is my question because i feel like if you have problematic skin i feel like you you kind of have to invest in certain things and do you have a certain regimen it's really hard to bring in a whole new but she was also a billionaire with dermatology people on call and does like other things so you okay so genuinely like not even trying to be funny you think this should have been better yes i think for the price point because if you're in the mid-20s i think it should have performed a little bit 100 is there anything in here that you would recommend the toner but i don't know i would like to try it on its own without using that foam stuff because i would have never used that so maybe at the toner on its own i mean it smells nice it'll yeah oh no i'm sad are you sad because the products didn't really work or that your skin's burning in flames both air a b or c here's the thing it's already sold out she already like did well like i don't it's this isn't gonna affect her business right i feel bad i've never done a review i've never done this like you guys tell shane that it's okay to be honest you had that's the way that's why people watch my channel no one wants anything sugar coated they want reality who cares that i've had past issues with anyone where we just reviewed the product they saw exactly what happened and girl you look i look burnt okay well hey we gave it a fair shot everyone wanted to see if if it was gonna be you know a hit or a flop and i just i'm really not into it you guys sound off below what did you think of their products if you tried them or you have them at home sound off below and see if you agree if you don't agree wait you have to say it what oh my god um you guys the kylie skin by kylie jenner is not jeffree star approved or shane dawson approved [Music] and that's that so thank you guys so much for um watching today's video shane it looks like darth vader i'm in love robes are the only thing we're wearing this year and um get ready guys because the rest of 2019 it's gonna be a wild one i think we should try it all again okay let's do it yes let's go open your mouth okay i'm done deceased cremated i love you guys we'll see you on the next one bye guys [Music] foreign
Channel: jeffreestar
Views: 36,004,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kylie skin, jeffree star, shane dawson, jeffree star kylie jenner, kylie jenner skin care, kylie skin review, jeffree star skin care, shane dawson skin care, secret world of jeffree star, magic star concealer, kylie walnut scrub, ryland adams, james charles, tati westbrook, jaclyn hill, morphe brushes, dolan twins, tips for perfect skin, kylie lip kit, jeffree star the gloss
Id: gnhub9-KLsE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 11sec (1991 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2019
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