Investigating Conspiracies with Shane Dawson

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[Music] you don't know already see Keith is a ticket app that makes by person they put all the tickets in one place so you can focus on what matters most the live experience you can find all these events on see geek like ariana grande Travis Scott Panic at the Disco literally any show again you can think of its problem there in the last series I did that they sponsored a lot of you guys use the promo code and saved a lot of money so they're doing the same thing again if you use the promo code Shane you're going to get $20 off of your first purchase under 7 there's a link right at the top of description below click it download the app make it $20 off of your tickets when use the offer code [Music] because a rule where you need a kid to go in why but there's something going on [Music] it really has do you think I think he's gonna be mad at anyone that talks about this but what about showing like his face um we used me to lure that yeah even though here and you like it the best the best thing for you would be to blur your face these results I'm not thank you for reaching into every call you make Thank You Andrea it is 4:30 in the morning and I can't sleep something that's been on my mind that was like my first introduction to the the sound that you hear the casino I recently went to a Chuckie Cheese is this what we're teaching our children is this what we're teaching them I don't even know where to start with this because it's so a sake so we're doing wasted if you've been watching my videos for a while you probably know that we've known each other for 11 years Britney and Shane Ryan besties you guys know each other for a long time a long time yeah I mean she was the first youtuber back do I do your laugh oh yeah like all of my first company videos had her in it now we're filming a video right now and Britney's dancing and question I made my darkest valve and she was playing a friend I love interest we were like characters we were doing short films some of my favorite things ever and we kind of lost touch when she got into this relationship with his guy I've never met and it happened really fast and she got pregnant right away and then engaged and then a family blogger like this love it's crazy and I got the cutest photo of him can you see what fantastic twenties hey friends one day I got a tweet saying hey what happened to Brittany and I went to her YouTube and all those videos will go and all the pictures on the Internet her and her boyfriend all talk like that so I texted her and I said hey what's going on are you okay like what happened and she said I can't say anything yet because the FBI told me not to that's right oh this is that girl that you're talking about yeah and she goes I can tell you about it in person and even then I don't know what does that even mean I don't know and she was like you know but one day I want to tell you about this and I need to I need to tell people about this I just can't yeah so then she called me and she was like nervous to talk about Jews I just I can't say anything I'm so scared that they're listening I was like okay he's an alien day ladies my god just since then and found out bits and pieces but not with the story so I saw she posted a video saying that she you know is finally I talked about everything that she let a book about it having to be silent it's been one of the hardest things I've ever had to do but so she's coming over I haven't seen her in like five years because she moved really yeah when she met this guy he really quickly was like we had her second of all have a better child but she had a child and also I don't know why she was afraid to talk to him her phone and who wasn't listening sounds interesting and if you are even thinking of online dating read my book before you do [Music] well there you go down there wait so what's going on I jumped on the bed and and I kissed my dogs and my wife in that order so I just love this audio keys into vocal the wait a second and we have this and I kiss my dogs and my wife okay so how about we mess with who he actually kissed we can actually type something that's not here so let's remove the word my here and so just type the word Jordan and here we go and I kissed door and my dogs I can't believe that's possible you just type it in and it interprets the person's voice yeah this if this technology gets into the wrong hands don't worry don't worry [Music] there's a service called lie about the Zumba these guys are doing something amazing and frightening they're using AI to clone your voice okay so right now it's asking me to record 13 sentences into the app should give us a voice generator and we're going to ask the question can artificial intelligence really mimic your voice in just a few minutes so let's get started with a lesson I'm not sure what this is this is is it picking a ball and you're like syllables and all like they're different like rhythms of and everything like that yeah supposedly so you'll need to record yourself for a few minutes of audio and then it will process that and you can basically replicate anybody's voice and we are going to click start recording and it will go so we could like play me doing a couple of them and then maybe like we'll just be up there Martha and Mingus had been married for years their days always follow the same route Andres placed the shell against his ear so he could hear the ocean each morning Mingus bet on sure time even if he didn't have plans thousands of letters danced across the amateur authors screen must have been that junk Nicole Bordeaux it really ought to be easy except that right now there's an outstanding buck creating a digital voice takes at least one minute one minute oh my god he is a genius of stolen sounds it's gonna be interesting [Music] hi there I just got an idea how to make Chucky Cheese it's better than ever brand new pizza genius if I do say so myself so I have a theory that I wanted to talk about for a long time but I don't know if anybody's gonna care except for me I think it's crazy I also don't know if this can get me a suit so I'm gonna say once again like just a theory not a fact don't sue me could just be a joke hoax whatever now this is something that I actually thought about when I was a kid and I noticed something whenever I would go to Chuck E Cheese and my theory as a kid was about the pizza do you really know that I say literally no there's a theory that if somebody at Chuck E Cheese doesn't finish their whole pizza and there's like a few pieces left the employee will take that to the back take those pieces off the tray and form a new pizza with all the other leftovers and then reheat it and serve it to a new customer now I know what you're thinking Shane that's crazy well here is a picture every piece is a different size that piece is longer than that piece which is shorter than that piece these pieces in the back are shorter than those pieces and none of the pepperonis oh man line up oh it's not just this picture it's almost every picture you find of Chuck the cheese pizza and nobody's talking about it so I noticed this when I was like eight years old or something and I was like wait a minute how come all the pieces are different and I remember specifically being like okay we get half cheese and half pepperoni the half cheese side was so [ __ ] different than that pepperoni side like crazy right I mean if that's true yeah though be probably illegal you like FDA probably would actually cancel them once again no I mean like it it looks like that I'm at the end of the day of that actually if Peter I'm checking change means and we run a lot and it was always like this place really that's disgusting like every time it was just like a collection of random pieces of pizza oh yeah one time there was like one veggie one one slice and my mom's like for me wait is it a bison there and they're so they're claiming to make these pizzas on demand for you now listen there is this theory I knew in high school I asked her about this because she was working at Chuck E Cheese and she told me that she couldn't say whether or not that's true but that that was a thing like that was something that actually was going on a while ago and they stopped it but she also they've been lying and who knows right so I've never actually fully looked into this because you know I thought my whole cares nobody really gonna care about this so I just and I found like a forum and other people have noticed this - dude somebody's brought me to see really [Music] this is a guy's phone yeah that's my pin which isn't seeing it so long oh my gosh isn't that your huge oh my god this is her this is her [Music] I'm gonna meet my friend and her baby it was like already walking this is wait how does the baby like three oh yeah know what to think like this is all right [Music] oh my gosh this place it's beautiful yeah I've never we're coming we're gonna ditch our Airbnb surprise wait wait wait what do I change on the camera hi I'm your scary uncle he was like at that age where he's really awkward cuz he keeps growing what a beautiful place crash no we were joking we're gonna pack up all our stuff like Shane were saying here night I know can you believe that they sat in the living room they read books and listened to the radio basis of all shapes and sizes stacks of magazines and big box of old newspapers [Music] he put his glasses on it studied it was fun they were in a mess all jumbled up they sat in the living room they read books and listen to the says that I have enough of Fallot recordings digital voice really so let's see what this works again this person said pizza that is not eaten or so I've heard goes back into a dough grinder place your pizzas onto the conveyor belt this is my favorite at the bud and eventually gets reserved as part of a new pizza its recouped so you don't have to worry about germs somebody just doesn't taste like it [Music] you smell it that garlic is this even interesting it is to me I everybody's pictures of the pieces that don't fit together let it pretty crazy if you push to this Pizza together there's no [ __ ] way that's a circle I mean right it almost looks like they googled it together like to show like no it's the same so they just like put a bunch of cheese right here and then they really put it in the oven daughter you'll pull it that beats out of the oven only if you do the cheese I wanna finish it mouthing do you know is she's select the scene we should order like half cheese helper and then one with a specific instruction like oh just onion to invoke just a certain vegetable does it have to be [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jesus your work voice is being trained yeah this works is something actually that's I would never have to record my own books are you thinking of weights that you can make your life easier with it you don't want to talk to family I type of tans apology for her today's video is going to be the hardest video she said I don't want to say every boy she's looks thinking about [Music] what did they say we have to put in a sentence and I reach it back to my voice is it really gonna do that I don't know do you think your organs here are we sure that we didn't like do something to set up the system [Music] oh I'm not 14 thumbnails in a second I love you oh my god wait wait what it generated oh my god we I'm scared what it works I typed in animation hello my name is Shane wait now wait kind of did the shiny let me try something else [Music] [Laughter] hey what's up you guys yes mm-hmm pretty close hey what's up you guys yes there is an element of it hey what's up you guys oh yeah underpaying what's up you guys yes hey what's up you guys yes and what's up you guys yes Marie and her my voice here's what I think I think you have to do it much slower we couldn't you objectively find this out by looking at the cotton mark if you're proud of the beats of masterpiece go ahead and cut it they cut the pins like this and then it goes to different directions if they were cutting the pizza it would go right down the middle of that slice we're literally where does this where's this before you look at their pizza the more you're like wait wait where it is that okay ready you know it starts here okay so then what the [ __ ] where is it going we really wear to the goggle so clearly there's something foolish right literally you can see the cheese right here you could see the blue you could see that they threw some cheese record and trying to melt this [ __ ] together oh yeah there's the other half the other house right here where is it ah this this was two pieces for me to meet the rest yeah maybe draw a circle around that man this some random-ass versus piece and I think and they put them all together another pizza by Pasquale with a lot help from you of course if I was like an investigative reporter right I feel like I'm allowed to say all this I'll send it to my lawyer good like that's just the facts right no wait no it's not it's just we gotta we gotta do this really yeah since I just signed off about any pending we feels like no strike but but during my trial like summer it never recorded so it's considered public so I can talk about pretty much anything so you move to live with your mom I did and are you this like yours you feel safe wait I mean yeah like where we're at is a tiny little town all our neighbors know what happened my mom has like a six foot in Hong Kong fence and the security cameras I don't go anywhere alone [Music] like my mom no setting handle a gun whatever so yeah right now is my place because I can it completely sucks because like we'll get into when you you'll understand why we can ever like like I'll never have someone else to come up from school or I'll always be early so he's not waiting around like I'll never get him a passport on that bird but like when you have a kid you love them so much you're willing to do anything and it's like no longer just me so I have to think about what's best for Rex right [Music] [Music] [Music] this is like way more serious that's better I mean I know this serious this is like yeah actually me too I don't know she was like look over her shoulder for the rest of her life what does that even mean with the young security care well that was iconic moment there Martha pulled the box of newspapers close to her he rummage around in the box he looked very excited he thought about of places he might see he wondered how she and on the train Wyatt questions about Locke obviously abortion about it I have answers look into that they showed exclamation points in schools then Jack saw something that made him sit up straight there's a chapter that just says so sorry so most of a all except for one girl who was looking right at the camera a quick of a commission so triggering oh yeah okay go upstairs talk about everything Jack imagine the train and delivering supplies to a super villain super nice lady she's going to the super villains base too maybe she was a secret agent she sat with her legs dangling over [Music] Jack excitedly told his parents what he had seen but they didn't believe him okay so let's start the beginning okay just for a little background how did you meet or can you say his name yeah I mean the when I went to do the book the like the lawyers everyone we consulted said the best thing is to stick to his real name everyone else's identities have been changed but because there's legal records on things the safest thing is to say his name [Music] okay what about showing like his face um we need to blur that really yeah yeah just to be safe even though she's ended like it the best the best thing for you would be to blur his face I don't even mean that for the video like my report should I be scared about talking about this on my channel so you gonna be mad at me I'm oh if I think you I don't know I mean I think that he's gonna be mad at anyone that tell us about this but okay here we go try my digital voice hello again [Music] hello hello hello hello hello hello hey Dawson that sounded like you oh ah that Dawson oh my god oh my god this is freaky my name is Luis this is freaky my name is loose how did you tinder and then I remember when Emilio she was July of 2015 when he is like tinder profile popped up and it said from Europe doctor tennis player and you know even though these photos were kind of self-involved like he had a one of him like shirtless it was like a professional photo yeah it just seemed like something out of like a kind of a magazine or whatnot and then he had another one of him like on a lake was like an aura on his shoulders and like him with his dog the moment I swept right he'd already like liked me so we instantly match and then within minutes he was messaging me me like hi like that kind of thing and one of my number you didn't want to talk on what did you think what you meant when I was like Psalm he was obviously really attractive and in really good shape and tall and blond hair and blue eyes and get a cute accent which most girls are like sucker for for you to speak Serbian in the next video and then but on this date he started talking about money pretty quickly like about how his family like you know I had all these businesses used to talk to he basically had come with like you know all this money in his bank account cuz he just got into Medical School and he just wanted like kind of sow his oats and spend time in LA before like buckling down and being a doctor like it sounds like the perfect like oh the perfect guy yeah but for me it kind of turned me off a little bit because I felt like he was trying to impress me with this mmm bunny and I didn't really like him on the date but then he walked me back to my car and he asked me out like on a second date right then and there it kind of caught me off guard and then you miss on the next day and then every like couple of days after that he would want to see me like it was really not normal I got ya and then I remember we went on a date where we just and hung out in the park and then he like changed he like opened up but he was more sweet and it was then that I started to fall for him and then like within a month he told me you know he's gonna have to go back to Serbia he said the businesses were falling apart without maybe a month into dating his business partner and his mom would just call him up and scream at me at my house and she's yelling and they cut him off financially once he decided he was gonna stay and be around me so when I met him he had like a really nice blood Lexus yeah it's like money and the banks nice designer things and then within months he was getting rid of his apartments the car was going back like I I ended up taking out a car loan for him to get a car bleep do you think that like a plot or anything you know that seems I mean your slices are small the theory is that when people buy pizzas there and they don't finish the maintance the employees take the trade back in no way [Music] [Music] so I think we should go there is there's a chuck-e-cheese that don't want to go really remember and I get a job there [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] management here isn't talking they referred us to corporate who released a statement 2 Action News which reads in part maintaining a safe experience for our guests is a primary concern for us they added that maintaining a safe experience for children and their families is of quote utmost importance ok [ __ ] [ __ ] rat [Music] oh I thought they did that imperfectly it's gonna that way [Music] [Music] Masaya was never clingy or possessive and he would go hang out with his other like serbian friends and they would go to like state houses and whatever and i knew there was like other women there i don't care like it's their friends he told me that is call girl had an obsession with him and that he didn't want to date her and it's this girl context you don't talk to her that girl did end up sending me like text messages i'm surprised you yes but he showed me how you could manufacture them he's like this is how she's doing it so I believed him even though I think I just I believed it because he was so charismatic being believable and so um you know she left me with the dog we're gonna have some fun today oh yeah so um basically I am financially supporting him I'm paying all the bills I got to a point in like March of 2016 where I was ready to leave him it wouldn't take much for him before he was like screaming and yelling at me and it started out like being and you would go for hours at first when you did it you just happen like once a week or like but then it got to be where I used to count the days and be sure him yelling and when he didn't yell at me for a week I was like really excited it got really bad I mean and I was ready to break up with him but that's when my period was late so what did you think it was it was really harder because like like I always wanted to have family but I didn't want to be with me lush at that point this is even stupider don't be like Mean Girls because he was a doctor he told me that if he pulled out I couldn't get pregnant and trust me no one was more shocked that I was pregnant than me and I could ask him shouldn't be on something should we be using something because I was not ready to have kids yet but so do you think his goal was to get you break others that yeah because he wanted I think he knew at that point that I wanted to get out and he probably wanted me so we should test this out round and just walk in its q8 close your eyes well we need light in here around isn't gonna close for something I love you really do you not laugh I wanna [ __ ] you I want to have sex with you can you take me to talk now I wouldn't be like now to really put my computer voice to the test I am going to call my dear sweet mother and if it's on the phone it's you know she might just think that's what I was thinking it sounded like you were just kind of like going through a tunnel hey mom I think I'm coming down with a virus [Music] I was messing around with you you were talking to a computer all that oh that sounded like you yeah Morgan Morgan what are you guys doing Oh give me the T what the t stop giving me the T that sounds pretty good yeah okay yeah I was just googling to seem like chucky cheese has a history of lawsuits just in case' and actually found people suing them this was a five million dollar lawsuit and basically this one was from parents who were claiming that is technically gambling something that's been on my mind I recently went to a Chucky Cheese you know the place where kids would be a kid and what I saw was kids [Music] gambling that was like my first introduction to the the sound but you hear that you see bullet this like a family just a future spot play right here it promotes gambling it teaches your kids how to gamble all right Sean go ahead and have your spin is this what we're teaching our children your parents here in these [ __ ] cups 4.0 [ __ ] big never is this what we're teaching them what do you have where do you want to go with all your money Chuckie Jesus put it in this the biggest form of gambling I've ever seen in my life no one seems to care different nobody cares you know the place where a kid could be a kid I think that's what gets me most because let's face it money mrs. no God what if that's why games you always get one ticket so that it's like no you didn't lose your money you got a ticket right got it did you always wait at least one ticket just for playing at least one take what like that it's the job you tried maybe that's literally just a way to get around the gambling thing because if you didn't want it to get you just lost your boy oh yeah technically you lost which is like gambling still thought man it still is I love gambling so much is that because I went to Chuck E Cheese every other weekend and learned how to gamble well let's check the possibilities and eat and that's why I love eating and I love gambling I'm doing a YouTube video to show you that I have a gambling problem I said this is my gambling I'm showing you that I am a hardcore gambling problem it's a conspiracy overtime but I hated me much at that point and he died even like I'm kind of ashamed of it but I even thought about not keeping racks because I knew it would forever tie me to him and I did I didn't want that and they're a little bit older you give the money for a strip club but when it came time for it I couldn't go through with it yeah yeah this thing about not keeping wraps I had an appointment and I just couldn't go someone slips me to you every day would you want to have a kid I don't know why I put up with it but and then I remember one day it's the first time he was physically abusive maybe I brought tissue but they knew but but I know I don't want anyone to go through what I went through ok so I got like I wanted to finally get him out right when I was so pissed at him and the bills were piling up I'm so sorry him I gotta try like big black trash bags from the kitchen and I started gathering up this stuff and I'm like you need to get out at that point I was like I don't care I'm gonna be a single mom get out and he like just changed like that he went happening so I ran into the bathroom I was like screaming like help me you know because I would like my neighbors the kids always played in the yard so I thought we did it they're gonna be home and they're gonna see me right and that was the one day that they weren't home was that day and then I remember my was in the other room so I ready to get my phone and call my mom woman he wrenched it out of my hand and it hurt my pinkie and I was like two feet from the door when we were just like grab me I was trying to get him off and I was pushing his space he goes my my my and then also I was like wait a minute I just hurt his eye right then so I just froze he's like my my I'm never gonna be able to practice medicine like doctors to eat their sights or whatever maybe like rat the door got in his car and then like test me from the car like I need to go see an eye doctor Lee hurt my eye I mean I kept coming back with like an eye patch and like drops and whatever and what didn't like $200 news I felt so bad losing but let me come to the doctor's appointment so I wanted to go and see if anything was wrong with like you know it's I cuz I thought I've hurt him even though he hurt me first I like to this day I wish I would have just called the police that day but I did it [Music] that was weird FaceTime audio [Music] Morgan yes give me the team unity Morgan give me the team do you wanna talk about are you hungry what are you guys doing what are you doing what are you guys sleeping are you hungry what do you like to eat give me the teeth do you want to give me what taco have okay you're lucky Morgan do you want Taco Bell for them first when I said hey Morgan did you think it was me [Music] in the very beginning really what if we wouldn't have been on FaceTime it was just my voice she might have thought that was me boy when you hear back my reporting it's crazy like it sounds like you to a tee what were you saying on Morgan Morgan Morgan no that's creepy yeah I want sex with you that was crazy yeah well yeah it makes sense too because it kind of digitizes it but if you you know are listening through a phone your brain kind of cancels that out and you're just left with what actually sound like your voice but I can totally imagine a scenario where if you had less than stellar audio quality and you were in a different room from the speaker you could absolutely fake someone saying something real like that I mean let's try I am Quinn Nelson and I assassinated Abraham Lincoln I am queen Nelson and I assassinated Abraham Lincoln that one is really good I'm sorry I honestly don't think I've never been to cheez-its I don't have every been either to be honest I mean it's a squally would be in the ocean all of a sudden he told me that because he had money he said in a thong in Russia that when I first met Amy told me about this tastes like the sanctions we got him elected I'm gonna get money out he told me was getting ten billion dollars no joke and he showed me the forms and billion billion and he said that without like clapping he showed me form shame [ __ ] liar cease for con-artist oh yeah I see if any hops in his costume comes out there now he's got his filthy [ __ ] rat claws all over your kid way I feel back is actually really love chucky cheese look i'm exposing about it even do it that's so hard this whole video i really do love it I'm just curious so I had a she that had the 34 billion euros in the fund so we could go look at these places I have videos of me today is real estate day so we're gonna go get some breakfast and then look at houses yeah yeah yeah because we were gonna put an offer on a place it's like was an eight million dollar home I started to buy it like this fantasy million of our house the pool is absolutely my favorite part what's your favorite part cinematic ended honest it did honestly make you a little bit uncomfortable because I felt like that kind of money he would phone me and he was being really nice but he just changed back at any moment right he's like you know you should sell your house and then right as we were showing it he came into the living room one day I think said like such-and-such to ran away with the money so he said the banker ran away with the money that was coming in and we're gonna put down on the house so I want another house up for sale that that we were not going to be getting the house down there I mean like my house I loved and nightstand was Shane's book everyone get it it's so good from what I remember that was like I was shocked when you were selling it and he insisted - he was like Brittany I know you really love this house he's his but when we get down and tell the to San Diego all past my four exams before our son is born I'll have a job it's like the lease residency he'll get me getting like $15,000 a month we can easily buy another house right away and like I needed help I was seven months pregnant right that also does my almost like 30,000 undone because I wasn't working because Muellers didn't have a job and I was so sick do i stomach has been so sore that I was like randomly started crying so I don't really have a choice like I couldn't keep I like I thought about canceling and not selling it but then I could afford it I think I was just I was really vulnerable because I was pregnant don't you not to make excuses my life that's really like especially if he is like I mean he's charismatic orce you're gonna everyone different everyone had a crush on him like guys girls like if you're around it for two second it's like and then would be like let's go play basketball or whatever like the instantly wanted to be his friend or talk to him for hours like he just had that kind of personality and it's what she should try because like the girl's voice might work even better yeah you know it generates your voice and then you can type whatever you want to eat you it's amazing was that scary you're good oh wait I mean leave someone cause knew you would have to I actually think there's a rule where you need a kid to go in what I think so we're we're gonna do Iorek it wait is it weird walking in there with a camera [Music] children it's not like 15 year olds it's like children that's why that's how they get away with it right geez excuse us we're teaching kids how to share you let somebody else have Europeans you get somebody else's see somebody's happy but should I put the camera up you like it happen Jim Annette had it rolling wait can I close this thing when it's over Borden if anybody finds this footage we're filming conspiracy video about the pizza [Music] comes into town for the birth before I always thought she was kind of possessive but she's not mean but the moment she got there like everything switch she kept sailing and the moment my son was born that some things got like really crazy because at the hospital his mom was just like staring at me during my birth my entire burger she sat in that chair emile hirsch left by the way Jared pretty much my entire Birds and watching Angry Birds my mom 15 hours is my mom so his mom just sat there on the couch like this the entire time just like stared at me and I was really weird and then when my son was born she started calling my his mom start calling my son her baby with my baby and what he was crying she would take him out of my arms and he was only like a day old and I walk away and be like you don't do that to a new mom and that's when it became like really obvious that something was wrong I need to put this down right drug go to recording how are you yeah that sounded exactly like let me get a new it's a been a convincing impersonation first thing you see when you walked in kinda looks like they're uh just clearing the air right out of the gate the big puppets where why do I kind of like it this is the loudest place I've ever been can we go to the new cheese store see something really bad happened last night at the Alicia Marie party Jesus cuz then she'll be like oh [ __ ] like YouTube team wait maybe something crazy not something bad I think I'll be sure he hates me oh that all with you like people think I was real once again me she dragged me oh she says my channel son she uh Oh James Charles throw him in there Jesus Emma Chamberlin touch me all right let's call her do you have all this [Laughter] we took some personalities [Music] Helen penny like the sexy duck women ducks to neptune yoshi and then right away when we got home after the hospital they started talking about getting him bossing and serving in citizenship look oh well you six months old we're gonna go but that's when you could be off at breast milk and he wouldn't need any more right so thinking she started getting really strange from the start she kept saying like oh he has no flaws so good in his perfect skin yes i'm thinking what would it matter also they always just wanted pictures him she didn't want any photos of me with the baby cumulative maybe they just wanted photos of rats by himself she wanted to like vine his hips and like put multiple diapers on she said just straighten him out want to bind the hips as they say that they'll form and have healthier hips as every doctor a pediatricians that we went to said no that's barbaric Rex had an Audi belly button and she's like we need to use a coin right away and gauze and she said we can we wrap it and gods we tied around this little and then you know then he'll even won't have an outie belly button at the Keen know what I even said I need you to back off I need you to just support me and like you know and she said what he wants to leave I'm sick this escalated really quickly and then she was my baby no no you know that's my mom she was there and I got up I got bright in her face and I said no I gave my son to my mom I said no he is my son and then she went and grabbed all her clothes and started throwing up in her suitcase and meelo she left with his mom like I didn't know kneelers was leaving he went with his mom why was she trying to make the perfect baby don't know that I can't look like I hate him but I do monster but it okay so they literally think no hado no microwaves more freshly made fresh ingredients Nita I've never been to a restaurant where they've said in so many different locations yeah except for subway I'm like obviously right are we gonna eat it yeah yeah this is one things I started to figure things out he had strep throat one night he was they were to come to the hospital him and his mom and they ran some tests because the strep wasn't going away and he said they in fact out the he had cancer he told me that he had a property like an apartment in Russia the heat showed me pictures up before and he said if he died he wanted to make sure that Rex and I were taken care of and he kept on eASIC Brittany I need your passport my lawyers would have dropped off all the documents like you know I need rex's like it works to get such a green card I need your passport for them to drop these documents to put it in your name so if something happened to me that you would have all that stuff right so I was playing the wake one night and I was looking up like Rituxan and I was like how are these drugs administered like how do they do it like I'm just curious what mueller's was going through every day by IV look if you have IBS anywhere in your body like you get bruising there was a big mark on militias body and that's when I realized he was begging cancer yeah he was faking having cancer [Music] [Music] we're in the kitchen making the best pizza in town chucky cheese's is better than ever the employee will take that to the back take those pieces off the tray and form a new pizza I mean that's like crazy I mean if that's true yet and nobody is talking about the inflation rate so we only have a hundred and forty-three tickets which is basically nothing here and I got one five tickets which is a lot and what did I get but this thing this is all I got it spins around [Music] squeeze end of that there's also this final set for all the tickets they got like [ __ ] 9000 tickets they get a stuffed animal this big cost like 200 tickets for kiss candy you know blue $50 just so your child can walk out with a plastic spider their brakes as soon as you get in the goddamn car that's highway robbery the Machine owner can specify how often they want a jackpot to be won [Music] it always almost gets the bonus and stops just a part oh so close but yet so far away and it should be investigated at a number of restaurants fun kitty parties have turned into chaos people fighting children for many chuck-e-cheeses alcohol is served to adults I'm a genetic kid-friendly establishment serving beer that can't go together well with the alcohol I think that that just adds to the capacity to act out now what's Chuckie doing him back before he puts on his costume is he taking a couple nips off to the bottle is he chugging a few beers I hear you have this attitude [Music] maintaining a safe experience for children and their families her hair getting caught in the machine yanking her towards it I really thought that it was going to take her scalp off is of quote utmost importance what about that bump it's up they're filthy there could be anything in there you don't know what's in there there could be [ __ ] dead animals in there we're toddler and her 11 year old son found this my son is you have sister the birthday girl came upon a decomposing Wow we are here to expose Chucky Cheese there's another mother shared video the grimy conditions inside the play structure disgusting Chuckie Cheese promotes gambling so please tell me owner is breaking this is not frightening and unsanitary conditions [ __ ] Chucky Cheese and [ __ ] whoever invented it it's weird cuz it looks like it was like I want to see a big puss the cuts not even I mean this one is way off okay let's let's push it together maybe it's not the combos oh my god enjoy my god it's real I didn't tell you this before when the woman like approach that said that she had cheated on he said that his uncle would take care of it and I asked him what he meant by that who said his uncle was high up in Serbian mafia so he would know someone here who would go and see bunny and like kind of shut it down so I would that's always like oh yeah like you know we had friends in a fan like you know put a gun on her and she's not gonna bother us she's gonna leave us alone but he had told me that he had never killed anyone before like look you know it's not a normal break up like like if I broke up with someone else I wouldn't have to worry that their family's gonna come at me and like throw me into man right so you started telling me that I should watch movie the movie The Whistleblower Rachel Weisz which is about like human trafficking is like oh that's like my family and he told me the heat beam of bodies nailed to the wall heads in soup he told me that he got his master's in forensic pathology so if he killed someone he would know how to do it get away with it I didn't know what to do I liked I could be with him but I was terrified to leave him and I finally like told my mom what's going on and we made a plan so okay so our plan was before before anybody did exam I want to get like a real overhead shot at it [Music] now and check at the pizza real close [Music] the Chrysler should be puffy well around it when around [Music] also we look at the slices [Music] claiming bond we go on the mound so wait so do you think that's half of a pepperoni pizza half of the cheese pizza I literally a bunch of I started breaking up with me I told him like you know I need you to have like all your stuff out you were sending me like threatening texts like think about this think very well like what you're doing he's kind of hinting like think who my family is powerful I am and what the consequences will be if you decide to does that make sense oh boy this is what we need these things are good you can wrap up a body in then when you want to get rid of the body look Europe also what was really creepy is Milosz had done family photos with us if there was a video like a family photo shoot he wanted photos too yes he loves needed some photos for work they were all not smiling like cut up and the photos of mine he wanted mine like not some to it not smiling like the head shots right passport photos right yeah Wheeler's okay we're done because I understand what he needed pictures I'm like for what like why would you need pictures - did he staged the whole family photo shoot just to do like the passport thing when we got up to the apartment - I had to file another police report because my brother took it was missing I didn't she copies like he took one of my birth certificates so we went to the courthouse obviously I said I'm I'm like I feel like they're gonna try to take my child and leave the country you can fit inside yeah yeah I'm really sad right now why something really meant happened last night what do you say I think I'll be sugary hates me I think I'll be sure he hates me I get drunk she got me she's early waiting I got a boyfriend I was doing blonde asthma they attacked me she says my channel sucks James child says my makeup is horrible so inside me the tea what are you doing Do You Know Who I am can you take me to talk about cancer but then also too I starts like a thing if you thought about that what else is he lying about he probably did cheat on me I emailed her and I said I'm so sorry I should have believed you but there's things I found out about me low like you know and she wrote back and she said I'm so sorry and she's like pretty much tried so hard Oreo come to find out the bunny also said and we email that he's not a doctor just like just want to let you know that he's not a doctor he's just some like the poor kid Serbia looking for money basically there are emotional halogens who are doctors in Serbia but I don't know if it's Miami love also is like uni had told me that he was like a professional tennis player there's other milosz mihaela [ __ ] but it's not him he also told me that he composed music there's a mesh Mihailovich you compose music but I've never he never played anything for me or whatever lives so I didn't know like I wondered if he went on Google and just typed in his name and then anything that popped up ok I'll be that Nia I'm just putting the overgrip on my new racquet they got me for Christmas have you done that before you're pretty good at it I mean but that's that's there's there's something I don't know like I don't know if his mom is his mom their relationship was just kind of weird like the moment that Rex was born the Miller stopped sleeping in the same room with me you sleep with his mom in her bedroom Milosz and his mom went to his aunts house so they're having like a Christmas party and I can't go because of the baby and just living it up going wild ok so so why do you think he wanted to get you bring it yeah my my fears like because they treated it the moment he came like he was something they were just like how they were acting was like they they owned him I really we think they were probably gonna try to have like Rex or traffic me because they're trying to get me and him over there they were insistent we six months old we're going to Serbia or getting married we you think they were gonna traffic every every police officer and person that we have talked to thinks they were trying to gonna try traffic us and they said the only way to be able to think about it why do they do the passport photos what is my personal documents why don't need Rex's documents do you know did you know how about Lane how much like a healthy like male baby would be worth a lot and Rex is beautiful he's such a beautiful little guy like every memory every every police officer that we've talked to you say don't get up a passport don't leave the country like they're almost positive they're gonna try to traffic us what does that mean but like human trafficking like selling us excel Rexel me to who whoever wants to buy us police say social media and dating apps play a significant role in human trafficking they're looking for people or vulnerable who have multiple issues we see people who are enticed into trafficking through false promises threats are made towards them and their families and feel the need to protect their family members and they they prey on people today globally it is estimated that there are 20 million victims of human trafficking at the different dating websites lots of different social media websites these traffickers are hitting they're hitting all it's all about supply and demand but in this case supply is children I'm engaged in pregnant [Music] and if that would have happened just hypothetically if they did traffic you and Rex so it would be like what like they take you split up you in the baby you don't know what's going on think about that that's just so that's like the terrible right that's like the like they're really scary terrifying part about this is like what if I hadn't woken up sooner and like what could have happened can you tell us about human trafficking insomnia around to 102 victims identified every year victims are mostly at women and children like I was just in love and stupid like like what if I hadn't realized like what could have happened it's just so scary because I love my son so much and how could anyone tell you someone like a baby from someone and do that like I don't understand people in the world I don't how many other people like he knew so much about pregnancy like he instantly knew what sterilize there should get whatever and I'm like how does he do all this and I wonder like how many other siblings those rocks have and like coming [Music] and we'll she has to find out cuz you bet she's got like you know that he's gonna have an excuse for every small thing like you know something [Music] I think you just did a quality check if only he was deceptive she walked by he looked at it [Music] so there just sitting there why didn't take it during the trial this woman like message means just like you know I know that you're not with me anymore um let you know he's dating this other girl should you maybe warn her and I'm thinking I've tried a restraining order I can't be interfering with his new business so I didn't say anything and then someone else contacted me and said oh by the way you know she's pregnant so during my trial he got another woman pregnant and then got married to her the only reason I didn't like its it's out so now like it's all over gossip forums people already found it cuz they're just searching this last name they're leaving comments on my video like did you know that you know he's already married and has a baby and they're taking photos of my son and her son and putting them side by side and saying oh the nose is the same really oh yeah the purpose like did put this like woman in the book because like I bet her I had kind of given up on the idea of soulmate I wasn't looking for it and that's when I found it I don't want anyone to attack her baby interests like she's a victim as much as I was he was really cute and confident and a doctor and I was just like you're too slick and like the only way for me to go forward was to talk about that and part of me was like don't trust him he's going to take your heart because I need evil to know what happened to me lunch and he's already taxing me and I want to stop people like him and I don't because they all do the same thing he keeps texting me and then we see each other every day they all use the same tactics about like date night I was like oh I like him and if people are aware of what I felt for no one was more shocked and I was pregnant than me and maybe they won't fall for it here is the physical proof that I have something in my belly what would you tell the woman who is like go like fire an investigator and look into things that I have said and see what you find out he loves was shocked but happy because he wants like five kids [Music] Hey what are you doing I'm wearing my Gucci slides why does that work for me one steep just can't capture my greatness I'm so gay I think that sound like legal I know the best one maybe like type like a pretty long sentence or something [Music] why are you write so much Shiva also thank you next find the worst out of the three the worst out of the three of us I remember I saw your video about being engaged and there was a moment I don't even know where he throws his character really yeah and he like yeah so if we walked over so we're talking and then I say hey like what's like going on with the betta it's just like what do you mean she's laughing and then she kept doing this with whippings ready ask me like what's going on speeds up okay what's going on with the pizza okay so is it like do they put a bunch of pieces together and she goes hey aren't you filming what is there something going on she has beautifully I said no just like no no it's you know it's just crazy back there in the kitchen yeah I hear what you said about that I showed her the picture of our boy look at that and she just started laughing she's like yeah it's not good there was only one thing we could do we had to get more cheese have we not gotten arrested I have no idea we've been in a Chucky Cheese for three hours camera three guys looking so creepy I just walked back in ours a little girl like wine show me your pizza is it okay if we take a picture of that yeah yeah okay the lady working here is just like they probably see much work they probably they can speak electronically the voice that they've always had at the same time there are downsides if this technology gets so good that you won't be able to discern what is real from what is it not real that's going to be an issue okay your turn the United States is considering in addition to other options not being all trade with any country doing business with North Korea and then you picture somebody taking over your voice and critics of mayhem in your personal liability a meter stick like a metal meter stick it's like the perfect wave the line it's like the check how they cut it there right there maybe like wait let me grab the camera [Music] oh yeah hold on one second let me get the camera real quick unfortunately technologies it's not possible to stop it oh yeah hold on one second let me regular camera-- really play that's literally done it nothing say close yeah wait maybe Shane look at this right there this Shane look at this in combination with deep fake video they launched today their website where you can create a digital copy of your files that could be pretty scary what do you think after all your reputation as well as a mine is on the line I am queen Nelson and I assassinated Abraham Lincoln that one is really Wow that one is really close friends and sprit me and if you're new to my channel there's a red button below so I'm pregnant okay so that's like kind of the character right yeah she wants my hey Mary are you happy that you knocked me out I don't watch these okay we're at the first ultrasound and it was so funny because I looked over at him and I was like you did this to me he's like and I was so proud he's so proud so yeah it was like he was observing you and it was like I just got that feeling on my stomach and I was like I love you guys yes so like he start out with like the like I have to kind of money coffee doctor and he I didn't like that so then you switch to this sweet person and that's when I started to fall for him so it's like he I think my entire relationship was kind of maneuvering and trying to figure out who I wanted him to be and what I was attracted to and then he did more of that yeah I that to me looks like just like an empty percentages [Music] I just want something losers do all the darkest claims doctors in love [Music] [Music] [Music] so I have rearranged the pizza to be exactly the way that we saw it being chuck-e-cheese I am gonna give them this what this is like crazy okay so I think we've proven that this we've proven that these two halves were never together okay now when you mind all these up by the tips there's got to be some sort of reason I think that reason is good luck I do remember the proof is in it the glass I mean was even in real life I guess I couldn't be afraid of this guy and afraid of everything it is very scary but what [Music] a man if you were gonna do this why did you pick a youtuber like he's lucky he didn't date Trish you know enemies like that night like he put himself out there and you know maybe in some sick way he wants this he likes this idea Sam should I take my shirt off should you take your shirt off yes are you going to maybe her views why would you pick me youtuber well why would you pick somebody in the public why would you be and how many of it is with yours was he answered 35 videos benedict of yours we collect a lot he went this way if this whole thing is like he wants to be all these things mobster Nam at this time of that almost watches is the Sopranos and they chose a youtuber to date and to kind of [ __ ] over it's almost like did he choose you so that it would get out there because he wants to be this infamous famous person who's like whoa that's crazy I mean since what that's kind of live [Music] interesting [Music] are you checking all my videos yeah so okay here's the consensus I don't know and I hope it's just optical illusion now you try you think that this was this the same pizza the whole time this is one pizza which is different ugly well that's what you're trying to send trying to prove anything to make it so that chucky cheese isn't actually doing this [Music] mystery still unsolved [Music] cuz all my [ __ ] up and I'm so [ __ ] up and all these voices in my head won't shut the [ __ ] out cuz imma [ __ ] up and I'm so [ __ ] up and it's 5 a.m. and i just woke the [ __ ] out [Music] [Music] [Music] and I'm sorry but I promise that I hate me more than you do pose another [ __ ] lie on you too careful about the judge you might get shocked [Music] and I'm so [ __ ] up [Music] and [Applause] is on a [ __ ] [Music] that's good [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh my god I wonder if this was farther into jeez you know oh come on Cartman how do they have endless breadsticks breadsticks and they're like running out throw these away let's put him in no no but wait I gotta call a certain you can take them down [Music]
Channel: shane
Views: 44,421,152
Rating: 4.9458966 out of 5
Keywords: shane, dawson, conspiracy, theories, journalism, investigative journalism, docuseries, documentary
Id: sNuKpwX6Tz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 30sec (5670 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 11 2019
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