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what is up everybody i am back with another high risk coin pusher video for you all today and as you can see here this is the first time i've seen a coin pyramid in here but there's a pyramid in here today huge coin pyramid and there's a bitcoin on top i see a few 20 bills on in there and a few hundred dollar chips and there's a tower of regular 50 and 25 chips it looks like yeah i think i'm right 50s and 25s so yeah today's buying is a 500 buy-in so let's see if we can get this pyramid of quarters off of here and maybe some of these chips and some bills and stuff let's get right into it well i forgot to start recording again and uh i guess this is what happened it moved the pyramid a little bit closer well the quarters underneath it are starting to slide out i put about five dollars in there at one time and that tower moved and stuff so yeah i forgot to start recording again so that's why y'all didn't get to see the first one [Music] yeah i don't know if we're gonna be able to get this stuff on the right side off of there like that hundred dollar chip and those twenties like they don't usually move good on the right side the left side's the best side on this machine it seems like that on most high risk coin bushes like the right side doesn't move as good as the left side not sure why but [Music] so yeah it's been a little while since i've uploaded i've just been busy with school and stuff like that [Music] all right come on well a few of the quarters slid back wow all right come on oh twenty dollar bill just fell out fell out of there i think it got stuck though yeah i got stuck hopefully when the quarters fall off it'll it'll like push it on down to the hopper well i was going to try to do a video without dropping any quarters but i guess that just happened so i dropped the quarters so i guess that's out of the picture today it's like every single video i've done i've always dropped quarters like i don't know why i mean i do hold about five six bucks in each in each handbook there's a lot of money in quarters so [Music] i think the only way i would ever be able to do a video without dropping quarters is if i um oh that just that bitcoin just fell backwards come on get something up there there goes that pyramid off of there all those quarters just fell back there we go all right well oh no the hundred dollar chip got stuck but the 20s finally fell out of there yeah i think we got 220 so far yup two twenty dollar bills so that's 40 bucks made back so far so yeah i was saying something earlier oh i remember now the the only way i would be able to do the like challenge to where i don't drop a quarter because y'all know if you've watched every video i dropped quarters in every single video so the only way for me to pass that challenge of not dropping quarters is to uh only hold like a dollar in each hand because i keep dropping them all right well the hundred dollar chip finally fell out of there i kind of hope they get a new machine soon stuff gets piled up in this one too easily like when it falls off the edge when it falls off the edge it gets stuck against the glass or it gets stuck that and it won't fall down to the hopper so all right so this is how many quarters i've got back so we got plenty of quarters back and uh a hundred and forty bucks made back so far there might be more than one twenty dollar bill in these i don't know just have to wait and see at the very end it's gonna be a surprise so yeah 140 made back so far and that tower of chips is still hanging off of there and uh twenty dollar bill right there bitcoin i see two or three bitcoins in there and the 20 bills on the left side just waiting for those to fall off of there so so yeah let's keep on trying to win [Music] wow that was a lot of money that just failed yeah we usually went a bunch of quarters back whenever uh locked up like when there's a tower in here or a pyramid just anything that's like a big buildup of quarters i usually end up winning a lot of quarters back then that makes it a little bit harder to win the prizes out of here like the bills and the towers of chips and stuff like that because there's too many quarters in the machine so [Music] [Music] all right come on well everything's getting pretty close that 20 dollar bill it's stuck on the edge on the right side so yeah i hope everybody's been doing good hope everybody's having a good day [Music] haven't uploaded in about two weeks so if you haven't checked out my my previous video i'm pretty sure the buy-in was a 5 000 buy-in and uh the top prize to win was 50k you could win 50 000 [Music] let's just say i did not win 50 000 not even close to it because it was a tough prize to win [Music] so i will put that video i'll make it to where you often click on that video at the end of this video [Music] if you all want to go watch that go ahead and watch it it's a good one let's just say there was a huge surprise at the very end of the video [Music] something crazy happened all right i'm trying to get this 20 dollar bill off of here and won't fall off you all see what i mean about the route side i mean if you haven't if you all haven't watched my videos before be sure to subscribe if you like the coin pusher videos or the high risk coin pusher videos [Music] if y'all haven't seen the videos the right side does not fall off easily at all like see that 20 bill has been on the edge for a very long time now but it's still not falling off all right come on so close [Music] oh that hundred dollar chip just fell backwards it fell off of that tower back there [Music] well at least that tower of chips ain't as heavy anymore that means it should fall out easier it seems like the towers of chips and stuff are tougher to win than the quarters are like the towers of quarters and stuff cause i remember one time i was playing this like it's in one of my older videos like i thought i was gonna have to make i was i thought i was gonna have to do part one and two of the video like i thought i was going to split it into two videos because that tower of chips would not fall off of that like [Music] i don't know what was wrong with it it just was not falling off all right second wave one quarter oh looks like that 20 finally fell off of there yeah we got it nice look at that so that makes 160 back so far that's not bad and i'm going to do a collection on the quarters well i don't think i'm going to have to do another buy-in at all because i've got probably i'm going to say 30 40 dollars in quarters right here so got plenty of money back they're building up in the middle there look at all those [Music] [Music] there we go all right come on come on get that left side yeah i don't know about that tower of quarters over here on the left that's like not quarters i meant chips i don't know why i said quarters four i meant chip [Music] i don't think it's ever gonna happen i don't think i'm ever going to be able to make a video without dropping like quarters in every single video i do i now have to go and pick up about five dollars worth of quarters so i'll be right back all right i got them up yeah that tower of chips on the left side that looks like a good 500 so the buy-in for today was 500 so if i win that i made profit there we go we got a 20 another 20 bill out of there but it got stuck again like always [Music] so well i think i seen that tower move right there yeah that tower just moved a little bit yeah it moved again now that tower is going to be falling off of there so [Music] [Music] come on get that tower off there it's moving well at least a minute ago it was oh there it goes it just moved that time i seen that [Music] yeah it's getting close all right well i'm gonna go ahead and do a collection on the quarters because there's a bunch of them down there all right so pretty much the same amount of quarters back again maybe a little bit more i don't know and uh 20 bill fell out of there so it makes another 20. that's good now i'm trying to get this tower on the left side this might actually be a time i can clean every prize out of here like i can win every single thing out of the machine there's another bitcoin on the right side that's going to be kind of tough to win though but it might fall off there i don't know and all this stuff on the left side usually will fall off most of the time [Music] so [Music] there we go that was a bunch of quarters that just fell [Music] so all right come on get it off of there yeah i don't know it stopped moving now let's just keep on going [Music] so so that one was a pretty good one come on wow all the quarters around the tower just fell out of there but the tower's just having a hard time falling [Music] [Music] that tower's moving a little bit [Music] it's getting close [Music] oh i just seen it move again come on get it off of there so close [Music] well yeah that hundred dollar chip right there it's stuck against the glass so if that does not fall out of that i'm gonna go ask them to get that out [Music] yeah i think that tower's gonna fall off right now look at that it's so close it's gonna fall off here in just a second [Music] so [Music] so i don't know why but it don't seem like anything is moving now [Music] [Music] [Music] come on tower don't walk there come on a bunch of quarters fell off there in the middle but at tower i don't know why the towers are always so they're always so hard to win i don't know why all right well i'm gonna do a collection on the quarters i'll be right back same amount of quarters back notice uh the quarters on top of that tower just fell off of there so all right come on get them off [Music] all right come on get them off alert yeah i don't know that tower's being stubborn today [Music] so yeah i don't know [Music] i mean it is more than halfway off the edge look at that it's hanging off that edge [Music] it moved just a little bit that time oh my goodness it moved again [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh my goodness that tower just moved even closer oh my goodness it's gotta fall off of there [Music] all right come on get that tower off there [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] see that happens every time like it never fails i always drop quarters so [Music] all right come on it's so close look at that oh my goodness [Music] so [Music] come on get get that tower off there this time come on how much closer is it going to get before it just falls off of there [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so all right it's getting very very close that bitcoin is getting ready to fall off there we go oh no i think that hundred dollar chip is getting ready to fall off to the owner oh goodness it's not gonna fall off to me [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my goodness it just about failed that time did you all see that wow [Music] so come on get that thing off there oh my goodness it moved even more that time i don't want to get my hopes up but i think i'm going to win that tower this time [Music] come on fall off there come on well it was moving good luck just a second ago i don't know why it's not moving [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] come on get that tower off there sorry i'm not really talking i'm just i'm just really really trying to concentrate on this tile it almost failed just a second ago [Music] [Music] [Music] oh there it goes it's stuck it's stuck against the glass though my goodness i think i can claim that i'm not sure i don't know wow it finally fell off there but it's stuck yeah i'm gonna have to go ask them to fix that or get that out or i don't know what they're gonna do so let me go ask them about it real quick i'll be right back all right everybody so good news they got those tips out for me it was just a bunch of 50s and 25s so there's probably at least five six seven hundred dollars right here so i'm pretty sure i've made a profit i don't know yet but i might try a little bit more and try to get that hundred dollar chip right there i don't know if i'm going to win that or not but we can try [Music] it moved just a little bit that time so yeah i'm pretty sure i can get that hundred dollar chip off of there [Music] so [Music] come on it's moving a little bit [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] yeah i think that tower of uh chips was blocking that hundreds from falling out of there that's what was going on that's why it wasn't falling out of there [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] do so [Music] yeah i don't know what do y'all think about that hundred dollars should i keep on going for it or should i cash out yeah i don't know i think i might keep going look at all those quarters in the middle right there getting ready to fall that's a lot they're all piled up in the middle [Music] so [Music] so all right let's see what that does yeah i don't know if that hundred dollar chip is gonna be falling off of there or [Music] [Music] not [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] yeah it's not moving too good now [Music] [Music] so yeah i know i know a lot of y'all are probably going to disagree with my with my decision here but i think i'm going to go ahead and cash out i think i've already made a huge profit so i'm going to count up my money and i will let you all know what i've got back let's see what that quarter does nope nothing all right i'm gonna count up all right so guess how much money i've worn back for five hundred dollars so today's buying was a 500 buy-in how much money do y'all think i've won back 930 dollars right here there was eighty dollars and twenty dollar bills and uh the rest was in chips and we got a bitcoin out of there but i thought we got two bitcoins hmm that's weird i thought we got two bitcoins but anyway so the bitcoin if y'all don't know what that is that is an entry into a 500 buy-in giveaway so like if you win the giveaway like you get a free 500 buy-in basically so it's basically like today i did a 500 buy-in instead they would have just gave me a 500 for free to play on so yeah that's how that works if anybody was wondering so if y'all enjoyed leave a like subscribe turn on the push bell notifications that way you get notified every time i upload a video i will see you all in the next one have a good day
Channel: A&V Coin Pusher
Views: 8,860
Rating: 4.8823528 out of 5
Id: xyB5uPy9UDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 26sec (2966 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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