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people love buying Mario games and then they gave us Mario maker 1 and you see that and you're like cool I get to make the game myself and then they gave you Mario maker 2 and they're like hey we made the game for you here's story mode and I'm like but that's just the mario game you got Mario man wait I paid for Mario maker too this is you guys know who the best Mario maker speedrunner is you might think I would say you're looking at it well you're not the Mushroom Kingdom Mario just makes a castle right in front of everybody and all that progress cool so let's go Mario maker to a brand new castle oh we got a z-axis that's never been done in a 2d Mario game wild and yes that is the joke I can't believe it we have to build the castle can we Kickstarter this tote it you get access to Internet we didn't go fund this castle a downhill battle made by Goomba lover that has some serious implications cuz they don't know where the government stands on love and goombas well they're dead oh that's just it I just people I just beat the level all right we collect 11 coins got paid a hundred coins how much does a castle cost Construction has started on the foundation cool there's one thing I got to try real quick okay so this is what I've been theorycrafting nice okay I want to see if you can make it go down it looks like it oh oh I don't like that so if you see this block and you say huh I gotta hit it from above these are gonna be so boxing that's all I wanted to test back to story mode I I messed up I have made a grave error all right so I lock him up in gay baby jail can I kill him huh that was violent I guess like when I say that Mario maker story mode is just a Mario game they would never do something like that in a Mario game but the thing is they could and Team Coins nice you guys might not remember this but when Mario maker one came out I was like making Ponton for that game like crazy this game is so fun and I'll probably just play like your codes or something so if you've already made a level or something just leave it in a comment below or go make a level and they got it you know what to do oh look at all those coins go to 96 points no that's money right there all right toad give us the castle the foundation is done but you can't come in here because the grout is still dying oh that's what he looks like okay I was thinking mr. angry son I he looks like his mom doesn't let him stay up past 7:00 p.m. that son is not someone I would trust a few moments later it's sure that was not a fun level I'm not made of money toadette you turned down my Kickstarter idea so I'm just going in the pocket what do you want this is a Mario game where coins are actually valuable yeah it's a kind of insane all right so spooky scary Haunted Mansion I'm feeling at this door the nicest part about this level is that I know I'm not about to be trolled because like and didn't know wouldn't do that to me right I mean there there's a good chance they do and I'm gonna hate them when that happens can the exclamation marks be triggered by something else other than Mario because if so well we're about to check let's say I get drawn right here I don't people want me to make a level after this but I'm just gonna finish story mode I'll probably do a level of my own free time and just show it here [Music] [Music] all right jump-scare yo you guys watched Toy Story 4 remember when they put an actual jump scare in it hello oh I can't really tell if I can stand up okay that's a no you guys have walked catfish there's one episode I don't think the show is like it's the same thing every episode is the same but there is one oh my god I almost I love it there is one episode of catfish where one guy legitimately thinks he's talking to Katy Perry it's like season 5 episode 15 yes I know this I've showed a lot of people who's episode let's take it back the castle is 8 percent done you know what that means let's get some more percents and smash that like button and the other things youtubers say run run god oh oh no don't don't hurt me please god this is obnoxious this doesn't the fact that sound is not going away because I'm warping a lot it's driving me crazy man I'm gonna go insane in here thank you thank you for ending now let's go up hear me out what if we didn't I feel like all of these can be read in a very 1950s like newspaper delivery boy voice like extra extra these shoe goombas not too much but the kicks they're rocking are useful because they can let you walk over so you feel like I didn't get better than this I'm gonna protect this with my life okay then big big Koopa bit Koopa can't hurt you they say I don't think that's true now let's just go over here it's like I would like to go up but I feel like it's just optimal to just work as much as you possibly can here hey you're working harder not smarter that's actually not how that expression goes damn it let me grab that okay this is weird good guys like turn the screen upside there we go that's much better extra extra I'm not gonna need that voice again but here's a challenge to get through the whole level without jumping off the ground and landing any takers sure a clickbait video to be like in Mario beat this level without jumping in the entire game it's one of those things like I can't even hate on that level because you know that video is gonna have like 5 million views I was actually terrified for a second I did not know how that was gonna go oh white oh yeah hey a big bro if you're having trouble with that Luigi that's some bitch-made stuff but I'm just curious and just huh yeah that level was just not fun jumping is like he's jump man why made Chuck made not jump then he's just man I'm man I'm boring like you don't make a game after a man okay I jump down my allows you Paul that feels good what are you gonna do drown oh you go see lava I don't know I can play dead look okay that's cool that I can do that but but why well how how do I do that is my question I wonder how I'm supposed to kill Bowser in this climate Wow I bet he feels really stupid for picking the high ground now I feel like this guy wants to sell me drugs hey kid looks like you've been hard at work I suppose this time I get back to work myself adios like what did that mean wait wait no I want that that was worth my life man thirty bucks I'll do anything I didn't mean to do that look how stupid I am oh I'm stupid god I'm angry and stupid that's a dangerous combination oh no I don't need that excuse me what how long I've been doing this I'm ten person twenty percent of the way through I don't even know why I had to like estimate that's the number the percentage is literally on screen right now so and then just just run drop it cool that was by far the worst death I've ever had an eating video game I didn't jump into him I just I just walked into him watch out see it's very scary the Goomba comes down and then oh my god okay there's another one behind me oh no kill them all kill mall kill mall reach the goal after doing a handstand on all 12 tree why why I mean I guess that I can't do that I do have the toolkit to do something I'm definitely capable of it I'm just a I've never been asked to do such an odd task in my life yeh main hall to floor is complete now what I do not have enough money for whatever they want to do next toda I'm just gonna tell you in advance I am a poor [ __ ] right now what do you know doc this is all your fault oh I have jobs I just Crouch under this oh that is that the secret it wasn't I need the corn but I don't need to die Oh God I said I don't need to Oh No okay don't scare I don't know what it was Oh No they're throwing me into real life boy oh no no America I don't even know I just missed I accidentally pressed the button that's all it was and now let's start shut up Luigi I'm scared I'm scared oh my god I really press jump right here huh right yeah yeah cool thanks Nintendo sorry undo dog or I mean thanks very much if I should think you or not let's go talk to the crew they're slacking off the ground is done drying or dying or either/or what do you got for me red toad reach the level while holding a stone this sounds fun I mean he's got bad news the chief took my Klout what why did I get to have this to the end oh the level is literally over right there I've been tricked I feel like green toad was just sitting there with his ladies and gentlemen we got a meme blast and they have Break bought playing in the background like this toads cracking up I can't believe I've fallen for another classic blunder and again like I use it that level was so if some simple first try blue toad what do you need Oh God oh do you not say exclamation blocks I know the horrors of those things reach the goal with one toad III think I can get one toad here's the derpiest smile on his face I don't know what it is about him something just looks off oh nope nope nope no capital nope I'm out II got it oh my god that actually scared me I was not expecting that oh we created matter and life mario is now god oh water level my favorite might that be funny and that was actually true when you guys like unsubscribed now that was true be sure to subscribe your anti water level that's how you get the people and everyone comes together for that I really wish I could think of like some commentary right now but that's a kind of off the table right now I'm just kind of thinking about like man could you imagine paint drying right now that sounds incredible toadette need more coins whoa [ __ ] I don't see you doing nothing you're just standing in front of the blueprints chief this ain't it kids you get it Oh God like that was supposed to be an ironic joke but just felt miserable you know like that that wasn't that felt like I can jump like the thing is I can jump once and it does not eliminate me from winning it's the landing part that does god bless america Jacob do you hate this game really doesn't seem fun at all I love this game but you have to realize this level sucks is this game more of a disappointment than sword and shield how could it be a disappointment it's mono maker you just make Mario 2 and down we go I'm gonna do this cuz oh that's all I get jump to the flag if I wanted to god bless go this is the level from the trailer whoa I've seen this before I try to make an evil dungeon by watching my dad but I'm not sure if it's good enough the first one to make it to the end gets half my allowance name withheld by request I was focused on my combo video right there cuz I was trying trick shot him and then well the guy whose house I stole just came back at me with revenge money back I did not touch me money back literally all my money all my Japanese yen that I spent getting this game early Luigi you have no part in this salt wait I see and I see the end B line I'm out I don't think that level was too hard I think whoever made this probably a castle amateur for a pro gamer like me who'd be on his first try I've got a Grand Theft Auto this real quick that was that Super Mario Famicom thank you why are there cars in this game like I was aware of it going into this it just blows my mind seeing it all over again I just felt like that could have been a mobile game it's what it felt like honestly I mean it genuinely just felt like a Mario flash game I could make it 2008 it's just so scary to miss because you're just gonna feel like a stupid idiot if you miss that block like especially that one or that oh hey you racer how selling drugs going I'll race those pipes in the block okay molten rain nice work kids I'll off these blocks oh I don't like that wording this eraser has definitely killed something before I don't know what just happened here but this felt oddly sexually charged and he died huh well hey look I found a little what is this a sentient block this is giving me like a very Super Paper Mario kind of feel when I step on him no he does not like that catch it's so funny his name's Patrick chomp again alright yeah god I always forgetting go over I have no one to blame for myself but this one thank you says Patrick I'm gonna make something good I'm sorry I need to mentally prepare myself for this one and they only build earu through miracle Roo what the therapist says the big rotten mushroom cannot hit me oh god oh god oh god hey kid want to help me out with another job erase those blocks I just don't trust him but sure you ever think about how mystery racer could be like The Godfather and he's just hiring us as assassins to take out everyone he doesn't like because like his addiction definitely gives off that vibe you know thank God three police is doing it again I'm very uncomfortable how do I get down Oh country roads take me home to the blaze alone Mamma Mia [ __ ] mushroom take me home Mario someone said why do you sing when you're in trouble I think it's just a nervous thing I don't really know what to do and it calms me I sing not for you but for me it just pulls me dude what because I can't I thought I was gonna be like a floating cape mission like I'm in like the boy wow-wow like the flying I don't know how else to describe I feel like that sound effect painted the picture for you guys like the whole floor is lava aspect I don't like that cuz it's terrifying cuz I can lose at literally any corner that's the thing about these challenges that makes it hard is that you can lose virtually anywhere how much longer was it alright oh okay no cloud cool you know what yeah but they're not like scared like what if I mess up somehow I'm just no no no that's it that's it our new part what I can get parts I can what yeah yeah there it is alright [Music] you know the music changes yeah they just bounce around that could make freeze like some super interesting levels it stays out for a long time and I can only have one out of time people would honestly sit here for hours watching it hit the corner oh yeah that's the stuff god bless america floor please reveal yourself good because I almost went left and I'm missing one damn it I miss one and you all saw it didn't you oh my I didn't think that counted [Music] why am i doing this with all these bullets chasing me I'm just gonna join now and hey hear me out oh yeah ooh that's the stuff excuse me hammer bro what's gonna jump over you this is just our sunshine playthrough excuse me oh oh well I guess that works too boo ring chorus oh it's like boring I get it oh god this is not booing this is just terrifying oh my god I can't get that mushroom oh no guys I'm jumping here this guy's I can't I feel like with the cuphead game journalists on this level this is where the game ends right here look how do you supposed to complete this oh look at the percentage oh we're getting there oh yeah we're getting there come on how dare are we uh-huh damn it damn it god this game is awful what the hell was that this whole time I'm prepping for 69 and they don't even give it to me this game sucks dude alright how do I start over how do I write uninstall my progress can I do that why do I have a Nintendo 64 logo just pop up I mean I guess the song is from Super Mario 64 oh I can long jump that's right yeah let's do that oh I actually I'll be honest I didn't know I could long jump I was just acting like I could get you guys definitely knew I could long jump straight into that wall someone asked who is the best girl in Smash Paula Tina free and I think Robins like second I think Robin is Matt under that's right if we're talking about wife who's never again I think one thing impressive about like Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood is that I think one of the most attractive characters in all of anime is definitely lust can i slide upwards is that right is that what they're telling me to do that feels wrong I just like pelvic thrust of them to death and said wow how about that Goomba clubhouse oh I like this I love goombas I love them so much so I made them a clubhouse aren't they so cute when they scoot through those clear pipes so please go hang out with them I'll pay you sign Goomba lover coming 300 that's not hanging out with him that's killing him pounding Goomba lover 69 is gonna be happy with us we are not doing what he asked at least not the way he wanted it to be all right toadette let's look at the castle let's get this main hall roof it's worth 17% apparently I mean there has to be like a final boss in Mario maker I hope it's like Bowser who's become self-aware of building things and then you just build right in front of you Oh Yoshi Yoshi it's me it's Yoshi yes Yoshi you don't die in vain brother I'm here for you partner what am I waiting for he's [ __ ] baby easy look what that felt like a 13 year old made that level to trick his friends Nintendo really put that in my game huh god I you guys thought I was dead right I thought I was dead these are okay buddy this time your target is a single pom pom they probably already know you're coming to expect a trap adios amigo why why is a mystery racer Mexican why do we assume that why does he speak Spanish so that's the real question do I assume your race I'm assuming mystery racer is Hispanic if he's speaking in Spain listen if he's not then maybe just rosetta stone did I don't know okay he has drug money he has dirty money and now he's paying us to do his dirty work we just assassinated a pompom for reasons we don't know no I did was give us a t-shirt can't wait for these to be released as amiibo and then you say oh it's like the game but hey just like the game we did it we built the castle it looks just like he did at the beginning of the game before we press the whoopsie button and I still got 90 wait what but where did my crew go oh they'll hook that kidnapped huh operation total eclipse total total eclipse who wrote that who had the audacity to write total eclipse and to think it was okay I can't believe the taskmaster saw his friends being kidnapped and said you know what it now is the perfect time for a climb not just any pun total eclipse is the pun I hope that like this being the final boss really sets a precedent that like the intern who was hired or named these levels this was the end of his job and he said you know what I'm gonna go out with the bank I'm gonna call a total eclipse of the heart and no one gets to care about it no one gets to contesta me on it just his face and then they all look at you and it's terrifying it's like the binson dolls of Toy Story 4 just top it we'll get them you stand still and they all turn their heads at the same time like what hey what do you mean we do that hey we're just having a good time isn't that right Mario oh but there's two arrows on this one which makes me think another one's down the look at that look at that they say I've been waiting for you we all have oh that's the end level she really put up a good fight didn't she oh my crew finally came back was there a lazy toad conviction wait what [Music] you son of a bit many hours lay down all right so that's the stained glass money we need and wouldn't it be really cool if we just bought it and they say hey that's it you beat the game congratulations but uh that's gonna happen and then we wait two hours late oh they're really hitting me with this and this is terrible the chief has been abducted by Bowser who would have guessed it's Bowser the bad guy doing bad things all right are they gonna bamboozle me huh what I don't think Bowser has lapped out how toxic these are it was like if he really wanted to make these talks like he could just just to take a lesson from my stream's man I can teach Bowser thing or two about being people thank you he did the best he could oh my God he's back oh Jesus excuse me boom-boom the matt'll had trying to block my road kitty kitty thank you POW block that looks good I just dodged by doing this okay there goes the interactivity of the game Oh nope huh that was too close was that it wait I got a key no no I was like pixels away from dying on that [ __ ] no it's not the end right it'd be too easy if there's the end right oh I'm really just trying to stall until they present the stained glass but they're really taking their time with this one and here's the reveal we've been waiting for and that's it 100% we did it we Mario maker two guys [Music] whoo you're welcome Mario Jesus Christ I'm about to make a Michael Vick joke in 2019 [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Alpharad
Views: 4,340,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alpharad, super smash bros ultimate, smash bros, not, not alpharad, alpharad smash, nintendo, nintendo switch, mario maker, super mario maker, mario maker 2, super mario maker 2, story mode
Id: 5ow58qlFhMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 4sec (1564 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2019
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