Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy Glitches - Son of a Glitch - Episode 75

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son of a Crash Bandicoot insane trilogy the much-anticipated remakes of the classic games from the PlayStation 1 era and now with us and with those games comes some surprisingly strange glitches maybe even more glitches than the original games themselves so let's kick things off in the first game and that classic stage balderdash in this stage if you die after the last checkpoint when you return to the part where the boulder drops it now rolls a lot slower than it should do for some reason this means crash can easily outrun the boulder without even breaking a sweat now this is technically a glitch in itself but the real glitch comes when you make it to the end of the stage and jump on the purple gem platform now there is some timing involved with this but if you jump on the purple gem platform at just the right point crash will actually go through the rolling Boulder but that's not all that happens if you keep holding down on the control stick to have crash run towards the screen eventually the bolt will hit crash and then start floating off into the distance you can see it glide majestically through a wall and then I guess it's going back to its respawn point now the results may vary on this glitch but this is pretty much the best version of it so give it a try here's a glitch that if you do it just right you'll softlock your game at the end of the stage temple ruins is this corridor with bats that fly down to try and hit crash it's possible that crash can get to the very end of the stage and get hit by these bats at the same time now again this is a timing thing but if you get it just right when the stage completion screen appears crash is nowhere to be seen and the game is completely softlock the only way to get out of this is to press the PlayStation button on the controller and just start again from scratch I mean I know it's called Crash Bandicoot but I didn't actually mean to crash the game here's a glitch that really cracked me up the first time I saw it it takes place in crash bandicoot 2 in the stage the île deal where you can find these monkey bar sections what you have to do is slide jump and grab the very edge of where these monkey bars begin and if you do it just right this will happen no you're not seeing things that is Crash Bandicoot doing a Monkey Bar actions swinging just the out everywhere where there are no monkey bars you're able to take crash all over this section until you can reach the very end of the stage and sadly this whole thing has no real purpose other than to look absolutely ridiculous this kind of thing is just what I live for it's a perfect glitch now there are these kind of sections in crash bandicoot 3 but sadly I wasn't able to trigger the same kind of glitch but hey I'll take this any day of the week hey guys don't mind me I'm just just swinging on by this is just what bandicoot's do you know it's just it's normal crash bandicoot easily has some of the most entertaining boss fights in any franchise in videogame history and the insane trilogy adds a whole new glitchy layer onto that which makes it even more interesting for example let's take a look at Ripper ooh now Ripper ooh has a very interesting glitch that well while it's difficult to pull off is very funny when you do to pull this glitch off you almost have to perform some kind of choreography just to get the timing down but it goes something like this when the big TNT box is just about to reach this spot here at the bottom of the screen and Ripper Roo is just about to jump to this square here you need to then jump on that same TNT box when it's about to explode get clear of it and then heads the left side of the screen ready to jump on this box here jump onto this TNT box and then immediately jump onto this TNT box if you have the aku-aku mask make sure you take damage at some point here and if you time all this right Ripper Roo should get damaged in the middle of the screen while he's recovering jump on the TNT box to his left he'll jump over it and then take damage yet again and then all you need to do is jump on this TNT box and then jump into Ripper Roo which kills crash this may take a few tries but with correct timing what will happen is the boss will restart but before it has enough time to do so Ripper Roo respawns right next to the exploding TNT box and takes the final hit from the last fight this confuses the game with hilarious results what happens is crash now celebrates beating Ripper Roo but Ripper is not actually dead although he kind of is it's a pretty confusing situation Ripper Roo just bounces around the screen now all blacked out and smokey from the TNT box but this actually counts as beating the boss Ripper Roo is a pretty crazy character but I think this is overstepping the mark just a little bit another really interesting boss is nitrous Brio who likes to shoot these green blob things it turns out if you destroy one of these green blob things the moment it appears then this will happen Oh take it easy doc maybe you should put down the colored liquids now as hilarious as this glitch looks you actually cannot continue this fight but on the plus side nitrous Brio won't be able to hurt you anymore you are you're just gonna do just gonna keep doing that that's yeah okay in Crash Bandicoot 3 the boss entropy also has a strange glitch sometimes if you damage entropy and then fall into the void to lose a life when the boss fight restarts entropy will be invisible and invincible naturally this makes this boss fight impossible to finish and also you can still get killed because it's Crash Bandicoot man these games have some really glitchy bosses anybody who's ever played the crash bandicoot stage road to nowhere knows that it's pretty difficult well here's an exploit from the original games that still works in the remakes all you have to do to avoid the difficult platforming in this stage is jump on the ropes at the sides of each bridge to avoid falling off the ropes I'd recommend using the d-pad and just pressing up when you reach the ends of certain bridges I do these kind of jumps instead of jumping and just going full hog because what's gonna happen is you're gonna find yourself falling off these ropes more than you're staying on them it's one of the most useful exploits in the game and I would abuse it as much as you can another thing you need a lot of in Crash Bandicoot is lives oh my goodness you will need a ton of lives thankfully glitches provide some useful ways of acquiring lives quickly to even begin this glitch you're first going to need the green gem which can be obtained from the lost city level of crash bandicoot once you have it you then need to go to the castle machinery level and there you'll find this green gem platform jump on this platform and it'll take you to an area with a ton of lives collect all the lives and then press Start and exit back to the main map all you need to do then is save your game and then reload that same save file and then you can go back into the castle machinery level all the lives will be back so now just pick them up once again and keep repeating this process now this is a really quick way to pick up lives but the glitch comes into play when you notice that usually you're not allowed any more than 99 lives the game caps you 99 but if you keep repeating this process you'll notice that you're able to go way beyond 99 lives I was curious to see just how high the lives would go but I kind of tapped out a 274 lives I imagine the most you can get is 999 but somebody will have to test that out for me and let me know in Crash Bandicoot 2 there's a great method of getting lives our biet a lot slower than the crash bandicoot 1 method but it still works in the stage behaving just head to this pile of beehive I guess it is and then just stand in this spot and then simply spin if you spin at just the right time before the bees are about to sting crash what will happen is a bunch of bees will get killed in one shot and this will generate an extra life and you can basically sit here for as long as you like getting lives and like I said it is a lot slower than the previous method but hey you're getting free extra lives so just go with it while we're still in this stage I want to talk about something to do with the pits in this game now normally when you fold down a pit in this game you're supposed to die however if you jump down this particular pit for some reason crash is able to stay alive for a brief period of time before the game decides oh actually yeah you are supposed to die there it also plays havoc with the lighting for the stage for some reason but it's not the only one of its kind if we head to the stage unbearable where you get to ride polar there's another pit glitch we can experience if you purposely jump down this pit sometimes you can get the game to freak out in a crazy way polar will continue running down the track so the camera is moving and then suddenly crash will race out of the ground with his arms in the air it's like some kind of crazy backwards rollercoaster then crash will get stuck on a Ledge and the big polar bear will actually go through us which is kind of weird and gross and then suddenly this will happen crash will teleport and then get stuck in this animation pose but there's more to this glitch it may not look like anything's happening but if we speed up the footage we can actually see that crasher is rising into the air and if you wait a good five minutes crash will eventually just disappear off the screen altogether it's such a weird glitch but it's definitely one of the most entertaining of the entire game it's pretty difficult to trigger these exact results you may have to try a few times but it's definitely worth it any time he gets a ride polar opens up a whole bunch of other glitches we can try out for instance in the stage bed down if you write polar into one of these seals and crash gets sent flying to one of these TNT boxes if it explodes it'll kill crash in a strange way that when he respawns he'll actually be taken off the polar model and you're left with well this I mean what is this it's kind of like crashes riding a mechanical bull the coolest thing about this glitch is you can still control polar until you'll inevitably get hit by something and you'll die once again this is just too weird oh but it can get weirder in the stage totally bare if you grab the stopwatch and before the animation for crash jumping on polar happens press Start and then restart the time trial if you get the timing just right crash will try to ride polar who's nowhere to be seen and you'll kind of get stuck in this state you can press the Run button to do this but there's not really anything else you can do but there is more to this glitch that meets the eye if you keep pressing the Run button you'll eventually make your way to the door and you can actually get outside if you're patient enough I think you're able to slightly steer crash to aim him in this direction but I'm not entirely sure when I finally managed to get crash outside he slowly but surely made his way to the water and then when he got there he fell and died that was pretty much the moral of that story don't try to ride invisible polar bears you will drown and die and polar will just kind of watch this whole thing happen and thanks for their help there bud seriously it's well done now on to a glitch that's completely different which happens in snow go before you do anything get the stopwatch to begin a time trial in this stage what you need to do is make your way to this platform that takes you to the next section of the stage you need to jump on this platform and then press Start with the correct timing and then restart the time trial and if you get it just right what happens is crash respawns at the start of the stage and then you have this crazy dense fog that covers the entire world and the fog will also lag the game big-time crash is actually in a weird limbo state right now where the game thinks he's actually on his way to that next section of the stage but really he's still in the main section basically this equates to crash now being invincible and unable to be hurt by any enemies which when you think about it is a really fortunate position to be in when everything kills you well you can still die from pits but you know everything everything else is you know won't touch you here's a strange glitch that happens in crash three in the stage hog ride all you need to do for this one is start a time trial and then make your way to the big ramp that sends you to the end of the race what you need to do is veer off this ramp either left or right and when aku-aku picks you up lakitu style press start when you're placed on the road and then restart the time trial there's some slight timing with this glitch but if you do it correctly when you restart the race you'll actually get to keep that glowing shield that you had when you'll place back on the track also when you get to the end of the race you can see aku-aku is still just hanging out you can actually repeat this glitch multiple times to get a really bright shield and a ton of aku-aku masks at the end of the race so give it a try there's a completely random glitch in the stage slippery climb from crash bandicoot 1 this will take a good few tries but if you jump under this platform in a strange way crash will actually get launched upwards and this creates a really cool shortcut for the stage it's basically just the weird wonky physics glitch but it's really funny to watch and if it skips all that dangerous platforming well it's alright by me and finally have you ever wanted crash to this disappear well there's a glitch they'll do just that in the stage behaving I swear this stage is really glitchy what you need to do is jump up in the air and then press the r-1 button to do this slam if you then spin as crash hits the ground sometimes he'll turn invisible the only thing that Clues you into where he is now is the faint shadow on the ground or if you have an aqua ku mask you can see him that way too I guess I think this is a really cool glitch but it does make an already hard game that much harder because you won't be able to see where crash actually is and to fix this glitch all you have to do is burrow into the ground yet again and everything's back to normal and that about wraps it up for crash bandicoot insane trilogy there are a ton of glitches in this game that I haven't even mentioned but maybe I'll come back to this game at some point but for now have fun messing around with the glitches in crash bandicoot and sane trilogy and if for any reason you're really interested in what I thought about this game you can check out the games club podcast episode on crash bandicoot and sane trilogy I'm joined by beta64 and she says of boundary break can we just have a big discussion on whether we even like this game or not there's only one way to find out go watch now and if you're a big fan of Crash Bandicoot why not check out this episode of low poly where I discover the history of all the is used in the crash bandicoot games up until this point you can also follow the show on Twitter or any of the other social media to keep up to date on all things son of a glitch and if you really love the show why not subscribe and I'll see you in the next episode
Channel: A+Start
Views: 3,909,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy Glitches, Son of a Glitch, Glitches and bugs, Glitch, Crash bandicoot, Sony, Playstation glitches
Id: 5i8E5hmObVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2017
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