Sonic Mania Plus Glitches - Son of a Glitch - Episode 84

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son of a sonic mania plus now I know what you're thinking didn't we already kind of do this episode with Sonic mania well yes we did but this is sonic mania Plus which means there's more glitches you know what how about we just roll into the first glitch this is gonna that was a pun that was a pun at the beginning of encore mode you have to choose which other character is gonna join you on your adventure whether it be mighty or Ray and for this first glitch we're gonna choose to partner up with mighty and then head to this floor that only he can break now that we're down here we can see that there are two breakable rocks one big one and one small one if you now spin dash towards the rocks and then jump before you hit the smaller one mighty will now just be rolling on the spot huh look at that he's just rolling around at the wait note don't you do it [Music] all right you get the idea this now means the game is softlocked and there's nothing you can do you're unable to pull us to restart the stage so we have to restart the game entirely now you know don't ever do this why would you do this well I guess if you're gonna do a softlock there you might as well do another one also in Angel Island zone for this one you don't have to do anything special literally all you have to do is take the same path with mighty but when you land in the water just stay in the water you may want to switch to Sonic I think that's maybe how this works and you just wait out the timer until both of them drown yeah I know I get it it's a little messed up so when both mighty and Sonic drown this happens the camera kind of pans back to where you first rescue mighty and Ray and then it just locks up as with the previous glitch all you can do is do a hard reset and start again I guess the mania team never actually expected anybody to drown in this pool and therefore there's no actual contingencies in place where if somebody does in Green Hill Zone Act 2 you can find this moto bug at the beginning of the stage which is rolling around on a crumbling platform if you now make that platform crumble that moto bug will fall down into a pit of spikes below now I don't think this is a glitch necessarily but it's definitely not intended I will say this one thing though haha that is how it feels moto bug that is for the many years of falling down into pits of spikes I hope you stay down there and he does stay down there because he's stuck oh I think I've been carrying that around for a long time we should probably forget that happened and just move on here's another random glitch you can do with mighty and chemical plant zone act 2 when you're in the pipe heading to the Puyo Puyo boss what you need to do is time a hammer drop really well and if you do this correctly the alignment of the Puyo Puyo screen will be slightly off and not exactly centered it's not game breaking or anything but it's the thing you can do here's a glitch that is however game breaking once you finish this boss and get flowing out of a pipe at the other end towards the animal capsule what you want to do is keep the animal capsule off-screen and use the other character to unlock the animal capsule while it's still off-screen you can do this by having the other character face the other way while you face the wall and do a spin - and then if you timer jump correctly the other character should land on the button on top of the animal caps I'm not gonna lie this is a huge pain in the butt to set up but if you get it just right this will happen the game never intends you to be on this side of the spring when you've finished the stage and so what happens is this spring still has collision and Sonic or whoever is unable to actually pass through what this means is the characters are gonna be pushing against that spring for a pretty long time the game does however correct itself and eventually sends you to studio AAPIs without doing any of the zone transition stuff but hey at least we're not softlocked something very similar to this happens in press Garden Act one once you've fought the act one boss and the signpost drops down what you need to do is keep knocking it to the right of the screen until it reaches about and keep going a little bit more and about there now all you have to do is wait for the Act one result screen to disappear and and if you really enjoyed that act transition glitch why not check out this glitch transition from lava rezone to metallic madness so for this glitch we'll need tails on what we have to do is once the active boss is over and done with the animal capsule or dropped from the top of the screen we need to fly upwards towards it free the animals and then fly above it until the act results screen is finished tallying the score the second it's finished you're able to land on top of the animal capsular tails and then just as the cutscene is about to begin jump as the cutscene begins to play it carries the momentum of this jump and tails gracefully soars into the air it's so beautiful haven't quite had enough of messing with these cutscenes well there's just one more after the amazing metallic madness act - boss what will happen is you're supposed to run into these lasers to grow big and then end the stage is normal however playing as Sonic and Tails all playing an encore mode you can use the secondary character to do the same thing as we kind of did earlier by having the character face the other way towards the animal capsule that will finish the stage and then spin dashing and having them jump on it we can once again initiate the end of the zone while the animal capsule is still off-screen and if you actually pull this off what will happen is it will mess with the cutscene transitioning into titanic mana the camera here is expected to be centered on the animal capsule when this cutscene starts so when we start messing with it it ends up with Sonic and Tails just tearing at a wall while the Titanic monarch is ominously in the background kind of seems a little ridiculous now we're looking at it I think we should move on from breaking cutscenes in the game and once again talk about soft locks but this next soft lock is something slightly different which is very funny to look at this particular glitch takes place in oil ocean zone act 2 and we'll need to be playing an encore mode there's one specific point in oil ocean zone act 2 where you're on top of a submarine and you have these kind of spikes that go across the screen like this and only have to do it's very simple is with zero Rings jump at this spiked object thingy just above where the entrance is to the submarine and if you do this just right your character will look as if you just told them they aren't actually real beings and you guessed it you're gonna have to restart the entire game because ain't nothing gonna stop that look on knuckles this base however don't bother trying this with my teehee immune to the spikes you are wasting your time there is one very interesting side effect of this glitch which I kind of accidentally discovered while trying to do the first glitch if you actually fail landing on the edge of the entrance to the submarine and actually go inside it the game actually considers the character you're playing with now as dead or somehow in a very glitchy state to the point where you can actually pause the game and the character will still be moving around while the game is paused I've never seen anything like this in the game glitch wise and always jumped out of my seat when I discovered it a very cool glitch to mess around with indeed but now we just have to talk about one of my favourite glitches in the entire game this particularly funny and amazing glitch takes place in Studio palace zone act 2 whilst you're playing an encore mode there's a section where you go through these kind of electric pipes that teleport you from place to place and players were finding when they went through this very specific tube in the stage that when they emerged out the other end the other playable character is now an absolute giant now this took me some time to actually figure out why this occurs and really it's very simple you set this up by having the other character go in this tube first and then you follow shortly after while you're holding left the entire time this glitch has a lot to do with this particular badnik just outside the entrance to the tube basically what we're trying to achieve is had the other character hit is badnik while it's off screen and this actually screws with the way the character is scaled when it returns to us they always have this animation where the character kind of comes from the front of the screen and lands next to our character well we're trying to interrupt that so it actually ends up miss scaling the character and they end up like a giant now there's definitely some timing involved with this but one of the cool things is you could actually hear the other character get hit by this bad nick while they're off screen and that's more or less a good indication that the glitch is actually in effect now needless to say I got this glitch to work quite a few times and ended up with some pretty funny results I ended up with a giant tails that could still fly sonic around I mean look at this it's both adorable and terrifying all at the same time and check out this giant mighty I mean now the name makes perfect sense knock knock it's knuckles and he's extremely mad you've taken his Chaos Emerald now one of the things to note about this glitch is the characters hitbox is exactly the same as it would be when they were normal-sized this means they'll interact with everything on screen as you'd expect the sad thing is though you can only really play with this glitch in this one area because the minute you enter this thing everything returns back to normal but you know something that's not the only instance of this kind of glitch there's another one that happens in metallic madness act 1 and as you can see this glitch is the exact opposite to the last glitch in the fact that we're actually really tiny now the gimmick of metallic man this act 1 is that you go into the background which shrinks your character but they're not the tiny character that you see in act 2 no this is just the sprite being shrunk and I'm pretty convinced this is a very similar glitch to what happens in studio plus x-two although how you actually set this up is beyond me this happened completely by accident and this is just a regular playthrough and this happened which doesn't stop it from being any less funny to look at it's tiny tails the two-tailed terror ah you know I just love it when things with characters go completely wrong like this next glitch that happens in lava reef zone act 1 now this is a very funny glitch that I didn't show off in the sonic mania episode but it's still here in Sonic mania plus for this glitch you'll need knuckles and it's amazingly simple to do literally all you have to do is glide at this one ramp that launches you over the lava in act 1 and you'll see this knuckles is now rotating in the air like he would if he was being launched off the ramp power they he's not actually going horizontally he's just kind of going up and it just looks kind of crazy especially when you try and change directions in the air now what I find most interesting about this glitch is that the developers definitely know there's something like this in their game because they've already solved this issue that happens with these things in Studio + acts 1 & 2 in fact the footage you're actually looking at is from the developers but as you can see they probably had no idea people would even try this and so the glitch is still in Sonic many a plus and it's a very fun easy one to pull off another very simple and interesting glitch is this spin - glitch where if you stand up against a solid object in the game facing right and then do a spin - and start holding down and left as you perform the spin - you'll actually start sliding to the left now this be done with item monitors or Springs or spikes it doesn't work with every single object in the game but if it animates or it's interactive in some way shape or form chances are you're gonna be able to do this glitch for some reason this only works if you're facing right perform the spin dash and start holding left if you do the other way around nothing happens however there is one point in Titanic monarch act one just before the pass where you have this spring and if you stand on it just like this and start spin dashing when the other character comes along and activates that spring your character will start spin dashing and climbing the hill and it doesn't matter if you're facing left or right you will climb that hill it's very strange it's definitely pointless but it's fun nonetheless and I have no idea why I get a kick out of this like why am I still going oh and you can also do a very similar thing with the eight that silver Sonic during the metal sonic fight where if you stand right up next to him start spin dashing and he starts spin dashing you'll be sent backwards at such speed so you won't even know what's happening let's briefly head back to Titanic monarch Act one to do yet another glitch in this area to do with the boss now when you enter this boss usually what happens is the lights get dark everything gets Moody and then you initiate the boss as normal but we don't do normal sort we're going to do is have the other character say for instance tails enter the boss area off screen and you'll see the lights dim for just a second and then everything kind of goes back to normal now if we step into the boss arena what happens is the lights stay up and we can see this boss without any palette changes whatsoever you could almost say we've seen the light here's another glitch that kind of randomly happened to me again during a regular playthrough I wasn't even searching for glitches and what this one is is some kind of weird moon jump now this is in mania mode with the end knuckles cheat turn not if that makes any difference and I kind of just noticed that knuckles was jumping insanely high and I was like what the heck is going on here what category of strangeness is this well I think debug mode in this game might shed some light on what is actually happening here with debug mode switched on we want to play just a regular game and get let's say sonic in a pool of water and wait for him to drown why have I spent half of this episode trying to drown a fictional Hedgehog anyway once Sonic finally runs out and guys that's when you activate debug mode we now want to play sonic outside of the water on solid ground and immediately once you start jumping around you'll notice something isn't quite right we've now basically given sonic the ability to moon jump and this is really fun actually you should definitely try this one but my question is is this the reason that Knuckles was able to jump so high earlier I mean I don't know I was I was asking you while we have debug mode we may as well mess around with it some more and there's another cool thing we can do back in Studio palace act - a running theme of this episode seems to be messing with characters sighs and this one's no exception remember these things whatever they're called well if you activate debug mode at any one point in this you'll get a different size of character based on where you did it so for instance if I activate debug mode while the character is closest to the screen I'll end up with a much larger sprite and if I do it further away from the screen the characters will be teeny-tiny I'm gonna wrap this episode up with one of my favorite weird things to do it may not be a glitch it might be I don't know it just looks weird let's get into it with debug mode unlocked go into a file with Sonic and Tails and then activate debug mode once inside a stage now choose the item boxes and then cycle through till you reach this specific powerup it'll now cycle through each of the characters but you have to make sure you hit it when it's on tails and now you should have two tails on screen but that's not the weird thing oh no the weird thing is when you can get tails to carry tails in an airlift this can be pretty tricky to pull off and I don't really think it's a glitch but it's definitely weird to look at but there we are guys I'm gonna round this one off and there are some crazy glitches you guys can pull off in Sonic mania plus if you're a big fan of son of a glitch why not consider following me on Twitter at a start show there I post updates and screenshots of wave glitches that I'm working on you can even show me clips of glitches you guys have found and you can even suggest games to me that you'd like to be turned into son of a glitch episodes I'm incredibly active on Twitter and it's easily one of the most active social media platforms I have and I really love hearing from you guys I'm trying to reach a goal of about 50,000 Twitter followers so hey why not follow today and if you liked this episode why not check out the other episodes from the series as a handy little playlist right there you can follow me on Twitter or Instagram and as always a huge thanks to everybody who supports the patreon you guys the ones that make it happen you
Channel: A+Start
Views: 2,357,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sonic Mania Plus Glitches, Son of a Glitch, Sega Glitches, Christian Whitehead, Pagodawest, Aaron Webber, Tee Lopes, Sonic Glitches, Sonic Mania, Glitches, glitches and bugs, Sega, A+Start
Id: 6w5A1_5vZYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 24 2018
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