Sonic Heroes Glitches - Son of a Glitch Episode 101

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[Music] oh boy it's sonic heroes sonic fans everywhere either love it or they hate it yeah what else is new what's that division in the sonic camp i can hardly believe it but if there's one thing that every sonic fan can agree on is that the glitches in this game are pretty hilarious so with that in mind let's kick things off with this very first glitch there's an area in seaside hill where if sonic uses his tornado jump repeatedly it messes with the camera for some weird reason performing the move over and over again in this spot causes the camera to go through the wall and the more you repeat the move the further away the camera will go doing the tornado jump over and over again for 10 minutes will get the camera so far away some of the objects are still culled out in parts of the stage you haven't yet reached and performing the move repeatedly for 20 minutes straight will get the camera to the very beginning of the stage to the point where you can see beyond the game's boundaries yeah that's right i wasted 20 minutes of my life on this so you never have to unless of course you think you'll enjoy hearing this over and over again it's important to note that the game isn't actually stuck like this if you want to fix things just switch back to tails or knuckles and everything will return to normal if you're into glitches where character models get twisted up in strange ways then you'll love this as the power character grab one of these pulley switches change to the speed character and then to the flight character now go back to the speed character and then keep switching between the flight and speed character yeah that wasn't confusing at all doing this repeatedly will make the power character's legs rotate in increments around their body which is quite the sight to behold and you can do this over and over again until things get really weird this glitch works on every power character but not always every pulley like this one in grand metropolis with knuckles switching character just moves them all over to the right so sometimes you need to alternate switching characters differently to get the desired result but this is a very easy and broken looking glitch that's worth a try the next time you're using a pulley switch now onto something similar with everyone's favorite giant purple cat and we're about to learn just how flexible he is if you stand on a ledge like this one jump and then switch to cream the rabbit whilst in the air just before big touches the ground use big's body press attack and if you did all this correctly big should now be doing this [Music] yeah you saw it with your own eyes this move destroys big spine in the strangest way possible for the best results try doing this in places where the death plane is much further below the stage so you can experience this glitch in all its glory the routine begins with beautiful form adds a somersault a perfect dive there it is the gold medal if for some reason we haven't established that big the cat is broken this next glitch will surely cement that idea at the start of ocean palace with team rose as amy cream and bigger launched into the stage quickly switched to cream at about this point and something truly strange will happen big will now be curled up into some kind of ball or it could even be the fetal position i have no idea not only that but he'll begin sinking into the ground and the rest of the team helplessly follow it's now just a sad slow ride to the ocean and death below as big contemplates his existence a giant dumb purple cat looking for his amphibian friend this is unbelievably tragic let's move on now one of the main enemies in the game are these egg pawns and even they cannot escape a glitch or two with team chaotix head to grand metropolis and reach this part of the stage where you'll find two egg pawns standing on crates now use sbo's leaf swirl attack which makes him invisible to enemies and then destroy the crates the egg porns are standing on if you are expecting the egg pawns to fall then you'll be waiting a while as now they just stand floating in the air ah they look so helpless when they're sleeping it's only once you attack them that they fall to the ground as they should in some kind of wily coyote type logic they don't fall until they realize the ground has disappeared beneath them clearly an oversight in the egg pawns code that doesn't check if they're grounded when sleeping this is the kind of dumb pointless and easy glitch i can really fall for but this isn't the only odd thing that can happen to eggplants in seaside hill if you use sonic's blue tornado to whip them up into the air and one happens to land on the trunk of a palm tree it'll now be stuck there just flailing about usually they're supposed to land on their backs and get up after a short time but once again the game doesn't consider it grounded to initiate that state so it'll do this for as long as you allow it okay now i kind of feel sorry for it time to put it out of its misery egg pawns really can do the funniest things usually i don't consider cheat's fair game in terms of glitches but there's one glitch in sonic heroes that's just too funny not to show in story mode with team chaotix the mission in casino park is to collect 200 rings and a small cutscene plays at the beginning of the stage which looks like this [Music] fancy place where there's light there's shadow terrible however if you use an action replay cheat to have infinite rings the cutscene plays out a little differently i want to play fancy play [Music] now obviously having the criteria to beat the stage before it actually begins causes the opening cutscene animation and the stage complete animation to play at the same time and this results in two of each character appearing kind of both charmie and espio are floating heads and one of the vectors is slightly contorted i have to say the combination of espio's giant floating head and the animation along with the serious line delivery are just the perfect recipe of a funny glitch [Music] at various points in the game you'll encounter these cut scenes just before some of the boss fights like this boss fight with eggman's robot carnival this is how the cutscene looks normally so nothing unusual here however if you press the b button three frames before the shot cuts to the heroes in the scene for some reason the game registers this input and it messes with the character's animations as you might imagine hilarity ensues and a variety of weird and wacky antics play out such as characters just bugging the heck out [Music] my favorite shot of all these glitch cut scenes is easily this shot of team sonic's heads floating as they angrily look at eggman now this is a frame perfect glitch so it'll be tough to get most of the time mashing b might help but it's not guaranteed but man this game is the gift that keeps on giving come and get it on guard there you are you mustache he's the one right this is gonna cost you extra throughout sonic heroes you'll find these power gongs intended to be used by the power character as you'd expect to launch you great distances to another section of the stage as you reach the gong if you use the power character then immediately switch to the flight character and activate team blast in that order you'll actually enter a weird state where the game tries to use the gong and the team blast animations at the same time an unexpected side effect of doing this is that the team blast sequence doesn't play out correctly and actually soft locks the game the characters will be stuck in flight formation while the animation tries to play out correctly but it never does the sound effects associated with that particular team blast will play out normally but the rest of it will just be in total darkness while the game now doesn't function as normal you're still able to pause and restart or quit and return to the title screen so at least you have that this is a pretty difficult glitch to activate due to the tight timing but it basically involves using the power character's attack on the gong then switching to the flight character and then using the team blast and all this has to be done incredibly quickly during team sonic's team blast you may notice that the characters just kind of disappear and it's nothing but a black screen well sonic and knuckles have just completely disappeared but tails not so much if i use a free cam to turn the camera around you can see that tails is actually still there but he's missing his tails and for some reason his mouth this looks kind of nightmarish i'm not gonna lie honestly this is a really rare glitch simply because of the inputs but it is an amazing soft lock if you manage to pull it off in the stage egg fleet sonic and team reach this section where you have to run on a conveyor belt and then destroy one of eggman's ships once that's taken care of they land on grind rails and the stage continues as normal nothing to see here however if you use team blast towards the end of the conveyor belt just before the small cutscene activates the team blast will actually carry sonic into the cutscene but will turn everything completely black the game has effectively stopped functioning in any way resembling normal gameplay aside from the visuals being completely black now the timer has also stopped and you're no longer able to switch character so you're stuck as knuckles now knuckles is also unable to perform any secondary moves like the triangle dive you'll notice that you're able to stand on platforms that you obviously cannot see but these are in fact the giant fans that you'd use knuckles as triangle dive on but in this glitch state they don't actually work [Music] this obviously means you're unable to progress to the rest of the stage and there's only one way that can end at the end of team rose's power plant stage there's an area behind the goal ring that has an invisible wall that prevents you from going into the rest of the stage a kind of cut off if you will however the invisible wall doesn't extend down far enough and it's possible to use cream's flight and spam the attack buttons to get into the gap under the invisible wall or i guess in this case it would be a ceiling in doing this in flight formation an invisible ceiling pushes the characters together so they occupy the same space creating this interesting visual glitch you're able to move around pretty freely but the ceiling will prevent you from jumping i have to say the invisible wall isn't all too successful either as you can get into the area beyond it although you won't be able to proceed into the rest of the stage proper as they'll just all fall to their deaths a similar kind of glitch involving weird team formations can be seen if in flight formation you fire off the other two characters in a thunder shoot in extremely quick succession this is achieved by mashing the jump and attack buttons together until both characters are fired and then letting the flight character come to rest on the ground now i'm not entirely sure of the logistics on this one but sometimes they'll end up in this very odd and rare state where you'll control only the power character separated from the rest of the team the power character will behave as though they're still in flight formation hence not having a run cycle and instead floating along the ground with their arms held high you'll also see that the other team members also behave oddly staying in one spot but mirroring the power character's animations performing a double jump will warp the power character back to the rest of the team so you could be miles away and then instantly teleport across the stage which is kinda neat getting hurt in this state will have a similar effect but will actually cancel out the glitch what's also interesting is that if the power character say jumps into the ocean or tries to interact with a death trigger below the stage they'll pass straight through it like here in seaside hill jumping into the ocean should kill me but doesn't instead we just continue to fall forever this glitch is easy to achieve after repeated attempts with all teams but not team sonic for some reason even though the same method is applied they never quite go into this glitch state which is strange but then again so is this glitch one of the more useful glitches in sonic heroes makes it possible to refill the team blast gauge incredibly quickly and it's very simple to pull off in flight formation pressing the action button and switching to the speed or power formation on the same frame will send the flight character into the air and charge up roughly one third of the team blast meter the flight character will attempt to use thunder shoot but won't have a character to throw keeping the buttons pressed during the throwing animation will rapidly charge the team blast meter and repeating these steps three times will charge it fully this now makes tackling bosses or certain tougher enemies a heck of a lot easier plus you can use this glitch anywhere and as many times as you need meaning this is one of the more useful glitches in the game so you want to win big at the slots and get those sweet sweet rings in no time at all well thanks to the janky nature of the game it's never been easier in casino park as the power character shoot the other two characters off the stage like this and then use the power character's attack as you touch the slope of the pinball table as they begin rolling up the slope switch to the flight character which if performed correctly should result in the whole team being launched high into the air if you now fly above the entrance of a small slot machine and thunder shoot one of your teammates into a boost pad on the pinball table your teammate will go inside the slot machine if you're positioned correctly right above the entrance your teammate will get stuck in the slot machine trying to return to you and will repeatedly enter and leave the slot machine resulting in an infinite amount of rings needless to say this will finish team chaotic's ring challenge incredibly quickly making this little glitch very useful in the fight against team rose with team chaotix there's a very cool exploit to finish this boss in mere seconds as soon as the small cutscene ends quickly get vector over to where team rose was initially standing and then perform vector's body slam before vector hits the ground pause the game and then select restart if your positioning and timing is correct you'll actually take out team rows in one move this is because the move is still active when the new scene is loaded and this can be seen if we slow down the transition into the restarted fight team rows are loaded on top of the blaster radius which in turn hurts the whole team and then knocked back off the main platform thus ending the fight so needless to say this can be used and abused to get through this fight which is easy anyway but hey you want to get through it quick right well it doesn't get much quicker than that roger one of the most fun looking glitches in sonic heroes is called the ultra glide while your gravity is altered by an incline or a loop glide with the power character and if you perform this correctly there's a high chance you'll fly up into the air and gracefully glide great distances however this glitch is exclusive to the pc version of the game and is simply the result of this version being unfinished and never having this glitch truly fixed glide should always restore your gravity to the default but in the pc version this function doesn't work as intended and instead gives you a lot of height and speed perfect for crossing large distances and the more your gravity is altered the greater the effect the input is to literally just glide under the right conditions and then watch the power character do their thing i guess now we can see why it's called an ultra glide one of the more broken elements of sonic heroes is a glitch involving charmy and the flight meter in flight formation using thunder shoot in a very specific way causes the flight meter to refill whilst in the air allowing team chaotix to fly for an infinite amount of time and gain a lot of unintended height whilst in the air in flight formation thunder shoot espio then a second later thunder shoot vector pressing the jump button to maintain height and as vector returns fire off sbo once again you can now let charmy fall to the ground slightly and what we're looking for is a particular animation from vector as he returns to formation sometimes vector will curl up like this as he rejoins the team and it's during the short window for that one frame the game flags charmy as being on the ground which refills the flight gauge and jumping rapidly allows charmi to begin flying from that current position giving you a boost into the air the key to the exploit is knowing when to begin rapidly jumping in order to get the jump from that one frame where charmi is considered grounded and it's pretty finicky most of the time but if you know what to look for you can get it fairly consistently as mentioned this will enable team chaotix to get much higher into the air than the game ever intends but sadly doesn't serve much of a purpose outside of gaining height it's a pretty cool bug to mess around with though provided you have the patience it's no secret that speedrunners like to skip things in games they run to save time and sonic heroes is no exception the stage bingo highway features one of the largest and more complex skips in the entire game which involves some ai manipulation and basically splitting the team up by gliding on this ledge and letting the two cpu characters fall to their doom essentially well the flight character at least as the speed character will reappear safe and sound and then it's a case of keeping the flight character falling for about 30 seconds which means they'll fall through the death plane far below the stage and we can then swap to playing as them as they fall downwards towards the goal ring it sounds fairly convoluted i realize that as mentioned the setup for this skip involves all kinds of manipulation of the flight character using camera angle specific placement and actions of the player to get the desired result and the reason this works is because the stage design is very vertical and bypassing the death plane is a huge part of it and all in all this saves so much time than playing through this stage normally critical sid shows this skip beautifully and i'd recommend watching the detailed tutorial on his channel if you're interested in trying this one for yourself as not gonna lie it's a little tricky a useful trick in sonic heroes specifically towards speed runs is the ability to go straight through solid doors which most of the time require either the use of a pulley switch or a long-winded solution to open doors like this one in hand castle in order to skip doors you need to use sonic's rocket excel and then switch formation at the right time to completely go through the door's collision in this instance you'd press and hold the b button to start up sonic's rocket excel and then press b once again to boost forward and then switch to flight formation just before you hit the door and with the right timing you should pass straight through the door it's actually possible to pass through this door just using sonic by starting to run forward pressing b to roll and with the other team members behind sonic pressing b once again at the right time aiming for the middle of the left door and if you timed everything correctly once again you'll shoot straight through the door i have to say this method does seem harder than switching formation so bear that in mind mystic mansion uses this same method to bypass this door but here you need to aim for the corner of the door in order to clip through these doors in bingo highway can also be skipped by using rocket excel to build up speed and then press b just before you reach the door these are the most simple doors to clip through in my opinion again just time your button presses correctly and through the door you go there's a door and grand metropolis that uses a method of switching to knuckles just before you reach the door whilst aiming for the corner similar to the mystic mansion's door skip once again if you time the switching of characters just right you'll clip through these door clips are merely a way of cutting out the inconvenience of waiting for doors to open or skipping sections of a stage saving seconds in speed runs and if practice can become very easy over time plus they look really cool when done correctly one of the more interesting glitches in sonic heroes is known as a bop boost a glitch that allows you to travel at extreme speeds in a straight line in the air by getting the speed character damaged as the power character hits the ground while in flight formation this will knock the speed character out of the flight formation totem while the game still thinks the totem is complete if you then start a flight when the speed character is in this state you'll get pulled towards the stunned speed character's location this is because the power character is programmed to grab onto the speed character whenever a flight is started however if you put a wall in between the speed and flight characters and then start a flight you will instead be launched away from the wall at a very high speed and this will always happen perpendicular from the wall that's in between the flight and the speed character the speed of the bop boost is determined by the distance between the flight and speed characters when you initiate the flight and the duration of the bot boost is determined by when the speed character manages to recover and rejoin the formation so the faster you initiate the flight after getting the speed character damaged the longer the duration okay with that in mind the most common setup for the bop boost involves getting the power character damaged to give him invincibility frames and during that time starting a flight close to the ground while leaning towards the enemy to get the speed character damaged right as you land due to the varying size of power characters the amount of leaning you'll have to do varies per team the exception to this is team sonic who are unable to do this setup due to knuckles his small size relative to the other power characters instead they can jump above a robot and as they're close to hitting on the head start a flight and this will damage knuckles but make him recover instantly and on the way down knock sonic out of the totem although this setup only works on normally sized egg pawns and the hands of the giant hammer robots now the cool thing about bop boosts is they can be used to cover large distances in a speed run for example here i tried to use it to skip the turtles in ocean palace but it didn't work out but after repeated attempts i managed to get pretty far bob boosts are an amazing glitch that once you get it down you can have some real fun with one of the most amazing glitches in sonic heroes involves breaking the gravity and flying around as the power character aptly named power formation flight and it goes a little something like this firstly this only works with big and vector because of their body press attacks whenever the gravity is altered like in a loop jumping from the middle of a loop and immediately body pressing whilst keeping the attack button held down will send the power character upwards for a few frames so essentially they're body pressing upside down following it up with a jump and then another body press attack and repeating those actions over and over again will enable the power character to fly around the stage now this is kinda complicated but with some practice you'll be able to consistently pull this off press the attack button keep it held press jump release the attack button repeat you even have a degree of control regarding the direction you move using the control stick too which is useful for maneuvering through the stage whilst in power formation flight this glitch is easily a favorite of mine for how ridiculous it looks and it's well worth a try sonic heroes isn't always a great game but it does have some truly great glitches
Channel: A+Start
Views: 565,850
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sonic heroes, Sega, Bug, Glitches, Retro games, gamecube, ps2, playstation
Id: t4pp2jcu6xk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 27sec (1407 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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