Crash 4's Platinum Trophy Is PUNISHING!

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I decided to attempt crash Force platinum trophy and quickly realized how punishing this game would be Ashford is a known insanely difficult game to platinum boasting a 9 out of 10 difficulty and requiring an estimated 100 hours to complete the first step was to complete the story and unlock all of the extra content this game has to offer boy is there a lot of extra content here's just a few unmissable trophies crash 4 it's about time introduces new masks which allow for plenty of new abilities while running new playable characters and some of the most difficult and time-consuming levels of the entire series and maybe in the entire platformer genre as a whole after completing the story I was free to decide how I wanted to tackle this platinum trophy Crash Bandicoot enthusiasts are well aware of the time trials that await them in every level as they have in the insane trilogy but crash 4 steps it up one notch every level also provides a challenge of an insanely perfect Relic which can be earned by breaking every box in the level without dying sometimes that's much easier said than done some levels even have over 400 boxes you can blame the extra playable characters for that one I started with the insanely perfect relics because the time trials were harder left the miscellaneous trophies for later in order to start with the perfect relics I had to get all four color gems first these gems open up extra paths in some levels which have boxes in them so you need these gems in order to get every perfect Relic starting with the red gem which you earn by jumping on these Platforms in a specific order foreign the green gem is earned after escaping a monster truck you have to control a remote car to blow up this Nitro box right here which reveals our prize next up the yellow gem is found at the start of another level there we go color gem found they don't give you a trophy for that I want to be rewarded for my efforts topaz Pizzazz and finally it was time for the last color gem the blue gem okay we have to go through this level without breaking a single block you also can't die because there's no checkpoints a few moments later this I've seen someone do you come this way and no clearly clearly you don't like that I was navigating through this level very slowly to not hit a box and then look what happened and the TNT I gotta figure this part out yeah it's not bad at all I just needed the momentum nice so this is a checkpoint just come in here jump right off and that's a checkpoint that bonus level serving as a checkpoint is super nice but I can't help what's about to happen bro no I wasn't even thinking I have to start the whole level over because of that one checkpoint box I had to restart the entire level run through everything again just to get back to that point oh this is where I hit the damn checkbook okay got passed so I kept on keeping on and this happened soon after okay good foreign it's okay it's okay it's okay I'm good from here I took my time with each jump so I wouldn't break a box or hit an enemy and eventually I made it to the end of the level for the blue Gem and my trophy all right we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good we made it we made it and just because I'm gonna break that too just because Sapphire acquire with the four colored gems completed I could finally pursue all of the insanely perfect relics I started with a level I was just playing you'd think having just familiarized myself with the level I would find it easy to complete but no I struggled how did that kill me how as you'll soon see there are plenty of challenging moments like this one in Crash four not with this specific mask but just subtle ways that cause you to die and force you to restart are we serious building up your frustration levels little by little I kept dying on different moments on this level here but eventually I completed the level it was a reminder that with some patience and practice absolutely Platinum this game we got our boxes we got our perfectionist I'm gonna kill these Lions just because I want to here we go now this level is done I was earning plenty of insanely perfect relics on the earlier levels pretty easily but let me show you how I occasionally struggled especially on some of these ice levels oh my God oh my God why why is that a thing you can't tell the angle dumb same level has a rail grinding portion with the time mask and look at what I did [Music] you might be wondering if I'm dying on this level how could I possibly Tottenham crash four well let me show you half an hour later I made it to the end of this level we did it insanely perfect done that did take me like half an hour it's like I thought that was gonna be easy That was supposed to be easy it actually took longer than I thought but we got it done later in the game there is a level called the crate escape this level has us playing as cortex who is our fourth and final playable characters for a majority of the levels before switching to crash now crash's portion is widely known as another difficult part of the game and can kill plenty of unsanely perfect runs oh we can just jump on it oh I missed that saying we'll jump after that box oh my goodness I can see the end I'm getting closer wait foreign I didn't move fast enough so I didn't make it to the end so I immediately restarted from the beginning completed cortex's portion and got back to this point the trick here is you cannot stop moving forward and you cannot miss a box for obvious reasons and look how far I got on my very first attempt live on stream for the insanely perfect Relic boom yo my heart is racing right now my heart is racing my heart is racing oh I was locked in that's called Focus you know how long how did the cortex Parts take me 14 tries and I got the crash in my first try back that's right I beat one of the hardest parts of the game with little to no practice if you didn't believe I could Platinum this game by now wait till you see what happens after no there's boxes down there this level here is another popular level popular for the wrong reasons I don't remember what's coming this level crash landed is a very lengthy level I continuously forgot what was coming up next which is a prime recipe for disaster when you have only seconds to break a box before you miss it foreign this is one of the levels I came back to a few days later after some more practice I finally had most of the level memorized but that didn't mean I got it done easily you'll see I was still missing boxes and even died in silly ways like this the Platinum crash 4 then you know how punishing crash land it can be I practiced this level for hours on stream and finally made it to the end I even paused to Proclaim that this attempt would be it it's about this is gonna be it I knew I made it this far and nothing was left to stop me from this perfect Relic part is one I've done so far that is the hardest level level so far perfect we can do this level of course there was a much harder level waiting arguably the most infamous level from this game toxic tunnels is up next some boxes over there man oh my god oh what oh you're all the way back here I can't even practice the rest of it oh these these cards go fast [Music] bro I didn't even get a chance to practice I died like I want to practice that part one eternity later go after the cricket is empty oh there's not an empty one there's an empty one get the cricket yes yeah this level took its toll on me the insanely perfect Relic on this level requires several absurdly difficult rooms that you can't even practice I finally made it past these Minecarts and look what happens next no oh I just got hit twice back to back I was definitely more careful on my next attempt but I had no idea what was coming I was warned about these TNT boxes right here I actually made a huge mistake by not jumping over the small Gap above the metal box oh wow but it actually didn't matter I was just lucky how did I make it back like that that you didn't expect that but then no yep I had to restart the entire level from the beginning because I was careless yo I will catch you guys tomorrow that's gonna be the end of the stream the next day I was determined to complete this level I got past these bouncing boxes with some strategy which by the way is an insta death if you don't jump past in time and once the hardest portion was completed I nerve-wrackingly proceeded through the tunnels how did I even die yeah I'm telling you this level is Extreme I jump past these boxes again and was extra careful on this platform I learned my lesson I'm walking underneath it I really mean it this time I was really extra careful and extra focused the rest of this level I was tired of dying and finally the end of the level was in my sights okay we did it we did it yes yes finally finally we did it the hardest level in the game wasn't even that hard why you always lying I'm lying one of the final levels in the game cortex Castle has some really cool mask sections but before we get to that check this out [Music] you know what are the odds I was just checking my phone and I didn't die right there yeah I don't know how I did in Thai but moving on we've got some cool gravity mask sections then we get to ride a laser near the end of the level for a hidden box and a Hidden Gem and then finally some of the coolest mask platforming of the entire game before our perfect Relic I actually didn't have too much trouble on this level boom we did it we did it there we go that was a lot easier that was a lot easier than toxic tunnels that was a lot easier than toxic tunnels at this point I went back to a dingo and crash level called No dillow dallying this level cost me some of the most heartache I've ever felt while gaming it was One Singular box that caused me to restart the entire level over and over and over that's the box I messed up on yesterday when you restart you have to play it as dingo all over again and it takes a few minutes to get back to this point I failed this box so many times and it might have caused me the most frustration I felt during this game I messed up man a few minutes later that box is so evil and again bro I jumped oh and again oh did you think I got it that time you can't make it back though oh no you probably can this box is so evil oh my God time to lock in the remainder of this level is a jet board section that looks daunting but really isn't too bad because you can drastically slow yourself down and just a few moments later it's been was very careful finally that might have been the hardest perfect Relic so far honestly that was insane that was insane one more perfect Relic remaining if I planned this correctly we should be able to get four trophies in one level here it's finally time for the final insanely perfect Relic I set it up to get several trophies at once here which include all of the perfect relics completing all levels beating a level as Coco and beating a level in pass and play mode which is a forgettable two-player mode for this game after completing cortex's portion of the level we're back to the end of Vortex castle for another really cool use of all the masks let's go yo almost died after that stylish ground pound we've got all the new masks synergizing together and I earned some extra style points while riding the laser again I knew I could do it if I can do it got my style points all that was left between me and completing a large portion of this game was some platforming that I had already completed before and this is what happened foreign I I literally beat it I didn't even know you can die I've never died there I've literally never died there yeah I'm not sure why I decided to double jump but I went through the entire level again cortex and all before getting back here one more time which by the way took another hour worth of attempts we did it time we did it should get we should get a few trophies right here the whole picture that's for completing the timeline ladies first for playing as Coco perfectionist which is the hardest one which is the the perfect relics it's my turn for playing in the co-op mode at useless co-op mode I was also only one gem away from a fifth trophy in that clip so I went to clean that up right away okay next up I went to complete every level on the inverted mode which means playing every single level again with a new filter which is why this level looks like this so our first inverted level done it's messing with my head man beat a level in inverted mode if you ask me the inverted mode was an unnecessary addition to this game they did not change up the levels enough and luckily you didn't need to complete them insanely perfect if you did so on the regular version of the level after a few hours I beat every level inverted for another trophy which happens to be king of blink spells backwards [Music] king of bling backwards okay there we go I decided at this point to skip ahead to step four miscellaneous trophies I guess that makes it step three I don't know okay so for this Trophy called bad signs we are in dingo's first level called Home Cooking and we just have to shoot these purple signs there's five in the level and that's the fifth one bad sign for this next trophy we are back near the beginning of the game you can actually get this trophy as soon as you get here we have to make some music and to do that we have to hit these barrels and this one right here and a couple more down the road okay so the other three barrels should be right here there we go junkyard jams we're back at the level called dragon on this is the same level you get the blue up here or a trophy there's four of them throughout the map the second one is right here and here's number three and four they're right next to each other so we should be able to just hit this right here that's three and then the one in the back over there is number four make it over there hope you don't die foreign very nice and then the very next level called off balance this is the fastest miscellaneous trophy you just jump It's been this tree droppings is what we get okay so I've already finished every level inverted but I haven't beaten the bosses yet so there's a trophy for beating a single boss in inverted mode and then there's another trophy for beating every level in inverted mode and the bosses count as levels I believe so there should be two trophies in coming in a few moments here man this fight is really jarring with this inverted mode it's just so drawing but there it is beat him any which way there we go backwards and forwards we just beat the boss levels in inverted mode and we unlocked 100 completion if we watched that ending it gives us another trophy which I'll do right now over achiever for watching the 100 ending but there's another set of levels that we need to complete called the flashback tapes in these levels you just have to break all the boxes can die as many times as you'd like and there's checkpoints so they're kind of easy they're kind of like puzzles in a way many many minutes later and just like that there's only one level left so after I complete this level right here getting all the boxes we get ourselves the truth okay so I am coming up to the end of the level here so this will be the end of our flashback not mess up this time I did not mess up this time oh we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go we got that's a dead one dang that's tough I'm back here again we need to move it go okay I made it this time our trophy should be coming closing the experiment all right so there's two more miscellaneous trophies for me to get before I start working on the time trials which is the last thing I need to do we need to play a game of checkpoint race and crate combo and we're gonna do the same strategy for both games but the point of this game is to be a race but the strategy here is actually just a die in between checkpoints and then it just advances you to the next player and to the next track which is the fastest way to get through this mini game I am dying in record time here 76 hundredths of a second I don't think that time was right I've been 76 000. should be getting a trophy in a second that is the end of the level complete of Fleet we have to do that one more time for crate combo all right we are coming up on the last checkpoint here we go settle the score okay so I should get a trophy right here I thought I did at least oh there we go and now it was time to earn a platinum Relic on every time trial in the game to do so we unlocked a new ability called the triple spin after beating the final boss which also gives us a trophy the first time to Triple spin whoa so it was finally time for the conclusion of this platinum trophy a Race Against Time on every level we beat it with 11 seconds remaining and we beat it I ran through most of these levels in just a few attempts and it would help to know what time I needed it this Vietnam sub one minute this is it I don't remember what it was but I got it there we go by now it was really not too bad with just a little bit of practice on each level remember crash landed this level gave me nightmares earlier on the insanely perfect Relic but the time trial not so much all that practice paid off I even earned A Relic higher than platinum on this level yeah I thought the time trials were harder than the perfect relics maybe it was after all my time spent on the game but I really did speed through these time trials I left the infamous toxic Tunnels for last and look what happens when I complete it throw away these final runs on toxic tunnels were after midnight so I was dead tired after that gold Relic right there I jumped right back in I was seriously more motivated than ever at this point oh I remember what I needed I don't remember what I needed bruh looking back at it it really was kind of ridiculous I kept getting a gold Relic on the last time trial I needed but then this happened yes faster than sound oh my goodness 106 com oh my goodness that means the platinum trophy is going to pop in five seconds here let's do it over achieve over over achiever Master marsupial finally that took like a month to complete I don't even know how to feel right now it's insane that like I've finally done with this game it says I played it for 89 hours I don't know how accurate that is but at a minimum 89 hours with that said I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you guys are new to the channel you don't want to miss out on future videos I have a lot planned make sure to hit that subscribe button so you don't miss out on the future videos if you do want to see another difficult platinum trophy like this one right here click on the screen to see my cuphead Platinum video
Channel: 3PointGamer
Views: 349,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crash, crash platinum, crash platinum trophy, crash bandicoot, platinum trophy, hard platinum trophy, hardest platinum, crash bandicoot platinum, hardest trophy, hardest platinum trophy, coco, crash coco, ps4, ps5, ps5 trophy, bandicoot, crash bandicoot platinum trophy, longest platinum trophy, long platinum trophy, platinum trophy collection, trophy collection, crash 4 plat, crash 4, crash 4 platinum, crash 4 platinum trophy, crash 4 its about time
Id: K3GtVXcyRqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 54sec (1254 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 01 2022
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