Crash Bandicoot 4 but N. Verted

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bet you guys thought that i was done with this game well i should be this is like a katana zero vibe imagine putting crash in katana zero he would not fit in that game i think i messed up so i'm actually playing this on a playstation 5 which is that's that's why i died right there because i'm not used to the the dual sense yeah that that's it okay so i think this is just like small challenges i haven't done any of the flashback tapes yet so my suffering will be immense speaking of suffering you guys spoke up loud and clear when you said you wanted more crash so i figure before we go into the insane trilogy we'll die here some more are these just all side scrolling levels because i can i can get behind that or on the side of that i only have three of these unlocked so we're going to do a little bit of these and some other stuff we'll do some inverted levels because i kind of ignored why can't i do this oh finally a checkpoint okay so i'm assuming getting the boxes here is probably what we want to do i don't know if that's like the whole i don't know if that's the whole challenge but it seems like it would be considering this is all boxes i spun through them are there lives or do i just infinitely keep playing here i don't even think i'm on any specific mode or maybe i'm still on modern because i gave up in the last video the dual sense is it's so stiff compared to my seven-year-old broken in dual shock four okay staying alive here i don't know there we go okay all the 118 boxes what do we get for that i i don't think we got anything i think that was just about notoriety this skin actually makes sense it's called through the wringer because we really went through it and all you have to do is beat the game crashes is everything okay at home dude i love the art style for some of these inverted levels this is so cool i don't like the the darkness going in and out though but the colors dude the colors that's going to be an obscure 90s reference i just want to get some more skins i feel like i really missed out by not getting all the skins in this game the spiders are just slightly more terrifying in red okay i i really i can't see anything okay we're grinding in the dark which is something you do at a nightclub not recently though give me some vision i can't see if it keeps going out i'm gonna end up jumping to my death okay yellow is bad yellow means it's going to fall so i think what's gonna happen here is we're gonna play through the entire game again but inverted and if you want that let me know down in the comment section and get this videos likes up so i know you like it i really do feel like going back to the crash insane trilogy is going to be infinitely easier after suffering through this because like i said in uh the last video i don't know i said it somewhere the last couple stages in this game are some of the hardest that i have ever played ever oops okay i see i'm still on uh on modern which is which is fine i was talking smack about it and then karma came and gave me a dose of reality and i had a switch to it all because of cortex castle i still have nightmares oh we got all the boxes which means we got another gem and this should give us the chicken skin they went and called it mother clucker can they do that there it is oh that is a thing of nightmares okay so this stage is the same so i'm wondering if the inverted stages for each world are all the same but i guess we'll find out when we get to the next one green is good we swing on the green it's hard to remember what some of the enemies do because they're just silhouettes i see a silhoue this just feels like a really elaborate version of limbo you guys ever play limbo it was that indie game that was kind of just a silhouette and you died in hundreds of different ways man that was a good game so for those of you who have watched the last couple episodes and uh you've cringed at my lack of getting all the boxes feel better because it seems like we're doing much better this time my goal here is to finish all the inverted levels assuming you guys want to see that and also to uh to get boxes maybe that that's gonna end up like changing as we progress i already know it [Music] oh okay the goal has changed i just wanna get all the skins uh hello i don't even know what you are anymore it's a giant red silhouette slide spin spin slide uh i went back for it i made the mistake you know what the sad thing is i didn't even need to go back for that box i just i wanted to get all of them because i'm so close but i have enough gems to get the skin for this stage oh by the way i went back and i actually watched the speedrun of someone doing cortex castle what the hell was wrong with you people oh come on crash run run we're safe did i i think i got all the boxes i did that is a demon that looks like a demon the style this one is throwing me off a little bit but i kind of dig it i want to know who is like you know what the opposite of a wompa fruit is well it's got to be a blackberry will it explode if it's inverted it just poops oh things just got really bright they just kind of turned up the saturation for these levels they're like how do we do this one i don't know just like increase that saturation max it out am i just too good at earlier crash stages now because i i beasted the last couple by the way we probably have different definitions of the word beasting how am i supposed to get that one that's not happening i guess we don't need all the boxes am i right as long as we get all the skins wait oh stupid mask i'm curious can i stand next to this while it blows up i can that saves me a whole lot of headache wait where are the other two boxes did i not get everything okay well getting all the boxes lasted for a whole two stages welcome back to i guess just being typical octopus where i say one thing and then the other thing happens i'm wondering if i switch it right now if it'll kill me because it'll phase right through his skull nope but you see how i tried it right well that's because i'm an idiot okay damn that one hurts why does this crash skin look like he belongs at an insane clown posse concert you know i don't understand why did they take out dropping all the boxes on crash's head when he completes a stage for all the ones that he missed that seemed like a staple in crash games yeah i hear you zombie baby baby zom he looks like a zombie baby you gotta check all the all the corners because they're sneaky they hide boxes because they know how skilled i am at getting them so they have to put them where i can't see them it's the only way that they can stop me i'm convinced we have to get like gems for that right i don't i don't have those gems i'm not that good okay easy that that's a lot of nitro that's a lot of nitro you're a big boy the bigger they are the harder they fall i'm talking about they put them in the corner okay take back that whole insane clown posse concert thing because i think even crash dress like this looks way too civilized maybe more like mad max mad crash if you see these bouncing boxes you can always count on there being something up there oh you almost torched my butt i didn't see that happening am i really just gonna go through the entire game again is that really what's gonna happen here it just it it makes it feel all new and i've waited for crash four for a long time so i want to get my money in time's worth [Music] i could just see the comment section now mom he's not getting all the boxes mom can you can you cut the crust off my pb and j oh i got sliced oh i'm not getting them you know why because i'm gonna earn my diamonds by other means that suit just seems dangerous i would have just went straight to hr then like i i would like to file a an unsafe work environment complaint yeah i have lit flames on my head okay well now that's ruined whatever okay that don't know how i survived that but that's how it would work i would be the one to survive the nitro and then die to the tnt and we watch it explode as we fly off into the sunset crash bandicoot blasting off again can i can i can can can i can come on all right so that was neutral exchange okay oh wait oh i wasn't i wasn't looking oh i forgot it's a treadmill okay at least i didn't die at least we're not dead oh um of course so is this it am i just fated to have my legacy tainted and be known as the guy who sucks at crutch bandicoot but just you wait and see i'm going to redeem myself in the insane trilogy this level's much longer than i remember how we're gonna get the ball now here comes the mad max chase scene again i probably would have just chose to run maybe like climb over one of the ledges here because this thing's just a truck then he'd be forced to get out of the truck you know what's he going to do what's he going to do throw hands or crash rash will whoop his ass like if you just came down to a street fight it was just crash versus embryo or crash first neocortex and you only got to use your fists i'm putting my money on crash right now we unlocked tie-dye fruit by the foot music festival crash crash looks like one of the members of lmfao whatever happened to them they still make music i mean the answer is most likely because they're millionaires all right green is jump red is slide it couldn't be any more straightforward than that come on crash don't know the shutter shades aren't in anymore they were never really in they had a brief couple months back in like 2011 those were dark times for fashion dude this this stage is hurting my eyes this one it's hurting the retinas yeah that's one gotta knock out the other two uh speakers watch i'm not even gonna get hit again because i'm a pro i like how he just stands there he's not even really using the drumsticks he could have just whacked me on the head with them where is he hey hot head oh i fell in the water or the crowd of ghosts i would not want to crowd surf here seems a little dangerous also those arms look a little scrawny i don't think they'd be able to hold me up oh my god that is so cool i wasn't expecting that oh i love this and the messed up part is like no matter how many times i die i just i keep coming back to this i can't put crash four down it's a little weird though because we're just spewing rainbows over here like crash just ingested a couple pounds of skittles hats off to toys for bob though for just the sheer creativity and love that went into this game i think a lot of us were worried that this game was not going to be difficult and it was kind of going to be a cash in but is clearly not the case dude this is so cool this might be my favorite inverted level yet oh i missed the box oh well i'm missing plenty of boxes what else is new all this grinding i promise you guys are gonna get some sonic adventure content i want to say soon but let's say 2021 just to be safe all right now how do i kill this guy again we hit him in the butt right i mean he's got a hole in his pants it's clear indication that he's oblivious all the black and white is just throwing me off just a little bit because everything being monotone it kind of it throws me for a loop did i go this way originally i don't i don't know if i did okay so i think we got a jumping spin maybe i know you guys told me like if i stand still i hit the bottom one but look at that pure skill okay so we hit these i think that makes nitro go boom and then we can come back okay at least we're gonna get all the bonus boxes because i do want to get more skins because i think that's the best part of this game i should easily just be able to knock those guys over just let them fall in the water and just watch them drown can my swim okay now we can just learn exactly how much of a failure we are all right not too big of a failure i guess booty seeker did we get that we did you can now be pirate crash oh wait we got a coco skin too oh classic coco okay we're gonna give her some love right now oh no oh she can literally kick colors dude that's dope it may be kicking colors but the only thing you're gonna get is black and blue you know this reminds me of you guys remember epic mickey the first game was fun and then they came out with epic mickey whatever the second one was and i didn't play it i think that was the one where you get stabbed i think that was the one where you can play as oswald too i think bring it mr krabs hand over the krabby patty secret formula figures the one stage where i'm like hey let's play coco that didn't happen this guy's not even gonna see it coming hello oh you killed me you know i'm not gonna lie when i first beat crash four i was like oh good i'm done with this game then i was like what if i just died i was like what if i just played like one or two inverted levels and i recorded it and then you guys were just like hey play the whole thing again we we want to see that suffering so we're gonna just finish it off we might as well then i promise the insane trilogy will follow like i said that one's gonna be a cakewalk because i really think that this is one of the harder crash games and who knows maybe we'll play twin sanity which i've i've never played which everyone said is like one of the good ones this crab just kind of looks like a donkey kong villain i don't know why but i get huge donkey kong energy from it oh we only missed 10 that time well i'm glad i picked coco for this stage but at least we got the skin you guys think that if crash does end up coming to super smash brothers ultimate that we're going to get a coco alt i mean it makes sense i mean the proportions are not exactly the same but i feel like they could make it work look what they did with enderman and zombie and alex i mean they nerfed for enderman he went from being a tall boy to being under six foot i know that pain b is for bert c for coco unless c is also for crash in which case like maybe let coco have a little bit of the glory oh that's right we have to wait what are the buttons for this again watch out for the whirlpool hang on going for all the boxes at least all the ones that i can get slide slide jump nope gotta get from making the same reference in uh multiple videos because rob is like chuck we're tired of your reused jokes we're just we're tired of this subpar comedy this guy's sticking his neck in everyone else's business because because next long watch out for the big bombs or okay we drown you like this don't you you enjoy this well you know what you can do if you enjoy this you can kindly go hit the like button i'd appreciate that in fact every like is one box that i have missed so it better be a lot of likes see now we're just flying through the level just had to get my momentum see for octopus i feel like we might have gotten a lot of the boxes here but i also feel like we probably didn't because when things feel good they're likely wrong that's a life lesson what feels right is most likely wrong what feels wrong is most likely right okay oh watch out for the cannonballs there's the end there's no bonus in sight which means uh we we didn't do this right now we gotta fight the big fishy boy [Music] the mice just kamikaze into the tentacles really doing the most look look at this we're just having a good time enjoying the water is nice by the way should come in i'm dead can i just tell you that the incredible amount of athleticism that these mice have i need to stop talking i've come to find that whenever i have something interesting to say i die because i get distracted i'm just going to commend them on their athleticism to balance on a barrel while holding two other mice on their shoulders while twirling scimitars okay one more come on come to coco oh well you're a bigger failure than i thought we were this one's straight sepia tone this feels like a 2006 myspace filter having flashbacks man having cortex castle flashbacks i gotta take a look at my trophy list because i feel like at this point we're we're probably going for platinum no it says i have the brain of a nine year old reflect this i've gotten too good at turning on and off the natural disaster crash as i was saying what does akuku say oh my god that's my best aku impression i like just spinning around sometimes how long do you think crash can do this before he throws up bile okay almost died there bounce off that lily pad we're almost home free close enough just one shy getting tiger crash tasmanian crash embryo's voice actor sounds so familiar and i can't pin it but i know like it's a voice actor that has done a ton of work from my childhood he's the same voice actor that has done pinky from pinky in the brain right he sounds just like him and i've been watching the animaniacs reboot lately and also like crash it's a good reboot it's faithful to the source material it's fanservicey out the ass i'm just a very nostalgic person i've been wanting to do a video for so long where i'm just kind of like talking about my favorite things of the 90s and what i miss most about it but i i guess we could just kind of do it here i truly miss how innocent the internet was in the 90s and what i'm saying is i feel like interactions used to be a lot more meaningful because it was an event you had to log on to the internet and some of you don't know what that means some of you just know you pick up your phone and you everything is a meme there were no memes back in the 90s i got my news from magazines and anyway what i'm trying to say is i don't even know if this voice actor is from thinking the brain but he sounds like it oh i i get it now this stage is called a dragon on because there's a lot of dragons i thought only i was capable of such godlike puns how do i get that one i think i just got up yeah that's it wait i'm missing one i ain't leaving here until we get every damn box that was unintentional there we go see boxy i was never gonna give up on you even though you've given up on me why am i so focused on one single box you say well it's because if that's the only box that i missed this entire stage i'm going to be angry i was right there no come on no no no no no no no no no oh geez oh god come on see i told you all along i could do it and some of you have been wondering chuck how are you so bad at this game well i don't have an answer to that but i would like to know why do they keep giving me money to play video games i mean they say to make it as a content creator you either need to be good or you need to be entertaining and my god i'm definitely not good at this game so i hope i'm at least entertaining or you know what maybe i'm neither and the algorithm just really likes me in which case thank you very much okay we're at the top we're safe not for long come on give me the rest damn it see crashes he's going insane i didn't even mean for that to oh persona like a fur sona dude how cool would crash be as one of the phantom thieves dude look at this costume this is awesome i think half the fun of replaying this game inverted is i don't really know what to expect from each world so i have no idea what we're gonna be going into in the next world that is reuniklus and he ate me man reuniculus is a pokemon that i have not thought about in quite a while just making me relive the horror days of pokemon duel those are the days though hitting my first thousand subs playing pokemon duel i was so proud i was like man my channel is really blown up i had no idea what was in store for me that's not meant to be a humble brag it's more meant to be like thank you for allowing me to do this for a living i really wish they would bring the game back i know there's like an unofficial pokemon duel thing happening right now which is really cool you know what's not cool wait look at these cute little ghosts they remind me that studio ghibli movie i don't know which one don't ask me i've only seen like two studio ghibli movies i just i saw the cover for that one checkpoint is such a sight for sore eyes man for that reason i said this before but my wish for the next crash game whatever that may be is put a percentage of boxes gathered along the way or maybe have like i don't know some way of indicating how many boxes you've missed along the way i feel like would just save me a lot of time and insanity i can't stop with the insanity puns this game is changing my dna is that me complaining when i went video game too hard because i promise i grew up in an era where if you ran out of continues you went back to the beginning of the game i forgot how long these stages are oh outrun the flames that run the flame oh well this is going to oh yeah sometimes you get a little glimmer of hope only for it to be shot down immediately slowly and slowly we're missing more and more boxes with every passing level we're going to finish this off with artist crash the artiste haha i'm french crash that's what she said this is the easy boss right we should have to shoot the booger dogs back oh he's drinking the juice oh that's right okay how do i oh knock him he pulled a bane and just snapped crashes back is embryo the bane of the crash universe why did i just fall off the stage goodbye why does this look like an old-timey cartoon from like the 20s even the music is different i mean oh first death of the new year a lot of you probably thought hey chuck forgot about crash four no i did it i just needed some time to collect myself because after a while this game it really breaks you down i've been playing super mario galaxy lately which is much much less punishing let me come back to reality really quick where you can die in one hit i think everything's backwards because if you look at crash the c on his jacket is backwards which means the whole stage is mirrored see how i use logic there come here you stup oh i have to get in your mouth head your head mouth your mouth head [Music] that is a terrifying jack in the box the graininess has actually kind of thrown me for a loop and maybe that's just me making an excuse but it is i am making excuses i mean how else do you expect me to sleep at night this is the only way so afraid of getting crushed between the two of those okay where's all these boxes that i have to hit is that all of them nope i'm not quite sure i can stomach a whole world of this because i kind of feel like i'm trapped in steamboat really you see the thing about this stage being all grainy is uh it's kind of hard to see i like that the cannon is holding a hat which implies that he wears it over the giant hole in his head so it likely doesn't stay very well or maybe he's just holding it out for tips in which case hey this man you know i was thinking that mobile crash game crash on the run is supposed to be coming out in the spring i mean the game looks fun for at least a video it's kind of like crash temple run or something similar so i'll probably end up giving it a shot just to see what it's like like i said close enough in fact that wasn't close at all time to switch off to redneck king k rool you ever wondered what king k rool would be like if you kissed his cousins well here's your answer it's dingodile can i reach him [Music] i love how this game is geared more towards adults and people that grew up playing crash than it does to kids even though crash can predominantly appeal to children with his bright colors and such it just goes back to me saying that i would love a crash tv series that is just a little raunchy and there was a leak floating around a while ago that was kind of like crash's five-year plan you know it's like he sat down on a job interview and they're like all right where do you see yourself in five years and if the thing is real we will get him in smash soon plus there are a whole bunch of other things and i should probably go look it up so we can talk about all of them but that you know what fine i'll pause the game to do it okay so i actually looked it up and it's 2017 through 2021 which means we are very well at the end of the five-year plan 2017 was the insane trilogy uh yeah that happened and i promise that sometime this year we're gonna start playing through that i did promise it because you guys enjoy watching me suffer through crash 4 so we can definitely make that happen at some point 2018 was the crash insane trilogy on other platforms which also happened 2019 was crash team racing nitro field that happened 2020 was crash on the run and crash four crash on the run is coming out next year and then you have 2021 which is crash for smash which i still believe i just think the old timey piano music is just funnier with dingodile's fat alligator butt waddling around or crocodile i never know the difference between the two always have to have a tnt barrel you know i keep that thing on me i stay strapped all right how'd we do we got a bunch of gems here right oh we just went away from getting the coco skin damn well guess we're never getting that one i almost feel like i should be commentating these stages in some kind of old-timey carnival barker voice step right up and see the amazing surfing bandicoot play stupid games win stupid prizes come get your tickets only one nickel that's right for the same price as a carton of cigarettes you too can experience pain she's like hey crash i think we got some tnt boxes in the way can you be a real neighbor and get rid of those for me i'll repay you and all the gumbo you can eat what's in the gumbo you ask don't worry about it did you see that i like bugged out crouching and he wouldn't get out of the crouching position uh i should slow down but things are going too well for me right now which means it's about to come to a screeching halt ow we did it yep not even close typically it's close enough this time it's not even close all right let's head out of the mosquito martian see what waits for us in the 11th dimension which apparently takes place in 1954 why am i just noticing this oh this one looks like a comic book this is cool oh wait wait it's even got comic book effects uh i probably should have slowed time first crash man okay i i like this what i don't like is having to slide around everywhere like i'm ice skating like crash is competing for the olympic gold in figure skating it's even got some sound effects honestly this game is incredible but you really didn't need me to tell you that i feel like you already knew you know i'd totally be down for a crash comic book too i feel like it would be somewhat in the same scope as the old sonic comics like when sonic comics were done by archie and not idw although i don't know how good the idw comics are i'm sure they're great i just i've long escaped that universe it's been a while since i've read a sonic comic however i have to take a look at my attic but i have a lot of the original archie sonic comics i'm talking like issue one i think this set of stages is just like proof that winner is the worst of the seasons no wonder some birds migrate they have the right idea all right another stage down another box score that makes me feel bad about myself oh crash is tired so it's coco time i don't blame crash for being kind of tired he's doing a lot of the heavy lifting here crash is single-handedly responsible for a lot of the recent subscribers on my channel by the way if you are not subscribed to this channel if you went and clicked the subscribe button i wouldn't be mad i'd actually be kind of happy because we're approaching 300k which is an absurdly large number and further than i ever thought i would make it you think all these sound effects were just public domain or do you think they recorded all of them huh do i want to take the death route or the safe route i'd love to know what these scientists dudes are doing they're just kind of standing there like look what are you attempting i don't know if you ask me that was the easy route being able to freeze time is op as hell oh wait i i thought that was a platform well i thought i was gonna be able to do this sub three deaths and get that gem but uh that dream's out the window oh he ate me in slow motion i just want you all to know that this was going swimmingly up until now pun 100 intended oh and the exit was right here well that sucks i would not go skiing here it just seems kind of dangerous i mean what would this stage even be rated double black diamond oh wait that's the hardest right not a skier so all the skiers out there is there anything harder than double black diamond this could easily be solved with a quick internet search but uh why do that when i have the comment section because now i can wait several days for this video to be uploaded and then i'll have my answer that's a lot of nitro so now we get to do a cool action movie explosion thing skiing i wouldn't take neocortex for a an avid skier he's like i've missed the slopes the fresh powder the broken bones he's pretty good he's actually doing tricks and stuff i mean why ski when you just hop on the back of a very cute polar bear i gotta say riding on the bear is less slippery i just died it's less slippery than having the platform on ice and i'm here for it this bear's got some ups he's got some hops this one's called fourth time's a charm which i'm assuming means they're just ignoring every crash game between three and four i mean i asked you guys about it in previous episodes if uh it was worth playing any crash games between three and four and some of you said twin sanity and some of you said just skip it so i don't know we'll we'll take a look we'll revisit that idea after we finish this in the insane trilogy ow wait for him to get tired and then spin to win oh oh never mind okay where's that last robot send him out send him out you coward there he is all right let's finish neo cortex off and end this episode with a little bit of dignity or the one after that you know i've been trying really hard to be cool and not use the mask on this last hit but uh things aren't going so well for old chalk because i keep dying show me the damn robot oh i was so close oh i'm so mad if it's not one thing it's another thing is either calling it fourth times the charm but it's more like 24th times the charm all right the bot's out he's out he's out he come here come here i hear that ding ding come for you ding ding you know i think cortex was on to something i think pushing all the buttons at once is definitely the way to push all my buttons at once no yes goodbye that should not have taken me that many tries let's finish this what is the stage look like it was colored by like a six-year-old i mean i kind of dig it but also it's gonna get annoying really quickly and now with the game coming to the nintendo switch i think more people will be able to enjoy this game and by enjoy i mean i can't wait to see all of you suffer it also kind of feels like my work is never truly done because am i going to play this on my own on the switch probably that's probably something that's going to happen does that mean we're also finally going to get crash and smash who knows but i'm kind of hoping so because uh i gotta be right at least once i've had more and more people telling me that they've been trying 106 the game and credit to you guys to anyone that is trying to do that that is probably one of the ultimate gamer achievements the amount of dedication and grit that goes into wanting to 106 this game is what killed me i'm just trying to complete an inverted run i'm not looking to get 106 on this game because i love myself trying to do something like that for people who don't love themselves i'm just kidding i love you i think it's mainly because i want to see all of the uh cool levels and how they're redesigned and inverted and then i realize in the back of my brain that i have to do cortex's castle again let me finish coloring this one in look they left the background all black and white i always forget that on the grinding parts i have to actually turn the mushrooms off or phase them out of reality i wish i had this mask in real life be nice to just not have to deal with somebody be like oh you're invisible now and let me know in the comments section if one of the crash masks were real which one would you wish you had although i i feel like it'd be pretty cool to have akuku like just because you got a homie with you 24 7. i mean he's a power up but kind of not really it's like crash's best friend like his roommate lived together they go out clubbing together i always forget how to do this part damn it there we go i keep forgetting that i can slide and then jump out of it which is mostly why i never make the jump because i have to remember the mechanics first you think after playing this game so much i would have the mechanics like memorized but i play so many different games and a lot of you are probably frustrated you're like man chuck sucks at this game he's been playing it since october there's something you have to know it's i am going to break my controller it's that i spread myself so thin between so many games that i'm great at none of them but i'm mediocre at all of them easy fido i'm out of here why do the inverted levels here just look like that episode of spongebob where squidward goes back in time and into the future [Music] my brain is too much spongebob it's just that when we were kids like me and my friends all we would do is damn depth perception just all we would do is just quote spongebob to each other we didn't have memes those were our memes i still think that dude has the worst job potentially electrocuting himself my brain can't process the right side up upside down mask too quickly it takes me a second my brain is like windows explorer i guarantee if i played this game as a kid i'd be trying to wall run like crash and my parents would yell at me for scuffing up the walls sweet sweet checkpoint happy to see you like i said as the stage goes on i just i care less and less as the death toll rises you know what maybe this is just setting me up for a huge comeback story when i get back to cortex castle like i'm gonna fly through it it's gonna be easy why am i rocking the skin where crashes beat up and has a bunch of casts on it's a metaphor because that's how i feel right now that's me i didn't know that was there i feel battered i feel abused and i have a feeling that the abuse is not going to end because there are flashback tapes come on you can't stop hurricane crash i'll just do this the whole time i'll spin my way to victory a shallow victory but a victory nonetheless why why is this stage so slippery again what's going on i'm a broken man i am a shell of who i used to be but that's okay because the numbers that define my existence is my sub count and surely enough you've definitely already hit the sub button right i don't even want the boxes anymore i want nothing to do with these crates i'm going to have pcsd post crate stress disorder in 30 years crash's kids are gonna just show him a crate and he's gonna go into an episode like he's remembering the war what's this tubby little dude's name anyway i like him who's the city planner here who's like you know turtle highway is a great idea i just want to talk to them i just i have a couple choice words for them the first one begins with the letter f which is actually today's letter of the day so make sure you put those f's in the comments section see the trick here is you got to go for the slow ones because it gives you a second to kind of regroup that maybe it wasn't that slow i remember being a kid and growing up on a one-way street and then finally when i was old enough to cross the dreaded two-way street this is much worse than that was come on come on come on run crash run it's coming it's coming i just got hit one more time that's all just one more time how bad could it be oh no we're coming into the hard levels now oh no you have to be kidding me all of these levels are under water this is actually terrible i don't know if this is going to make things easier or harder but just the constant warping is likely going to make me feel sick also like is this easier now or is this harder but also when you kind of stop time the water physics go away and this is so weird we were coming into the challenging level so i was actually kind of excited to see what they had in store but now uh i i regret this immensely catch it catch come on even underwater what do we got to make it through three levels like this all right i got you no problem okay maybe a little problem i kind of feel like i'm looking at a playstation one game does somebody like scan lines and everything's blurry this needs to be played on a crt okay maybe that was somewhat painless this thing kind of looks like a fisher-price metagross oh it dies the same way too can tnt work underwater i feel like all the uh gunpowder or whatever probably uh wouldn't explode i don't know how it ignites how does that make sense but then again there's a lot of things in this game that don't make sense we have a cross dingo crocodile wielding death even underwater this traffic this is a complete nightmare why do i just hear the sonic underwater drowning theme playing yeah woohoo we're going about three miles an hour this reminds me of that fairly oddparents clip when do we get to the ride this is the ride yippee this just further solidifies proof that if you get 106 this game no one will ever be allowed to take away your gamer card that thing is microchipped into you it's embedded in your skin forever all right we're back here you know what just skip to the interesting part some of you might remember but uh we failed this miserably over and over again and i took a break from the level came back and i was able to do it on my first try back and that went on to become one of my most viewed videos of all time so here we are doing it again on the uh on the first try again oh this is beautiful dude it's like an arcade game i love this this might be my favorite set of inverted levels yet i didn't play the other ones i know it's coming i know the pain is coming and the novelty will wear off even the music is like 8-bit this just this feels very right for a set of levels that takes place oh okay yeah for a set of levels that takes place in the past this is very appropriate i mean maybe i'll feel a little bit better about going through cortex's castle again if it's cute like this i wonder if the score has any significance like i'm getting points but i wonder if getting a certain number of points actually oh you can't touch those i also just really love the arcade sound effects and the very pixelated graphics decree security he says as the mice tilt their shields forward and somehow i still get impaled the stage really gives me that sonic spinball vibe which funny enough i learned recently that um is a very bad game despite me loving the hell out of it when i was a kid but i haven't played it since so i guess uh nostalgia is fogging my vision a little bit i wonder if crash will have a stage like this when he gets into smash or maybe it'll be insanity beach that's right i said when he gets into smash it's just you wait e3 2021 they're going to announce crash bandicoot as challenger pack 10. and then you can all come back to this video and say man chuck you were right and i'll say i know see last time i made a huge mistake here and that was not using the time slow ability and trying to muscle through but not this time i've learned my lesson especially here and that's how it's done we only got 78 boxes disgraceful the bleeps and 8-bit soundtrack is like video game asmr to me play this as i'm falling asleep why don't you guys tell me that the most strenuous levels are also the most awesome when inverted why didn't you guys actually you know what i'm glad you didn't spoil it for me in fact don't spoil it for anybody all right it's all coming back to me now it's all coming back all the pain all the misery i'm starting to remember it oh no get away mice on minecarts i just spin on my way down to my death you know it's funny that i brought it up recently and just it so happened to come out in recent news that there was a crash cartoon in development and just got canned because it looks like it would have been great better than me getting to the end of the stage and dying oh we did it okay oh boy and we didn't die that many times here that's okay we're saving all the depths for cortex castle hello darkness my old friend all right i want to say it feels good to be back but uh you know what it doesn't oh okay we died right off we died immediately still charmed by this uh eight bit oh no all right only two deaths so far three deaths so far all right how do we do this again oh that's right just like that i don't know why i'm going for a cuckoo because it's not like it even matters you die in one hit anyway regardless of whether you have his little mask friend no okay no we're good we're good we're good aku actually helped me there this is the hard part okay i don't remember what's okay it's backwards see the challenging part is i need to remember that this is entirely backwards so muscle memory is not going to serve me too well so i think we have to just walk off here switch switch oh a little late look at this now i'm just attempting to speed run who do i think i am there we go look they put two checkpoints next to each other because they know they know what's up maybe it's not as hard as i remember because we're starting to get it now uh what do i do here come on crash me and you buddy we're home free we've been at this for a couple months now i'm ready to retire fresh deserves a nice retirement plan nice pension okay we're still good here still good where we going oh god oh did you see that you saw that it was right there all right this is it this is the run we're here this is the end we're getting through this we're done we're done we made it suck on that neo cortex and that's it just like that we're moving to the final boss the inverted run is almost complete please remember that we have to fight like every single mask in the game it's in like such a slow frame rate it's so trippy can i do it yes splat that does work i should have been doing that way earlier but not that i don't even have the commentary anymore i think everyone is just ready to see this game be put to bed i mean don't get me wrong there's still more that we can do i just don't have the insanity to do it listen pal i'll do this upside down right side up backwards forwards wherever you want whatever your fetish is it's even better that we're using the classic crash skin because more appropriate i feel like if you play this stage you're not using the classic crash skin why even bother not a very good assistant you might want to consider docking as pay oh okay i did i always think it fast oh no not fast enough but who am i kidding i'm probably gonna end up picking this game up on switch and playing it again for myself because i'm a sadist when this game comes out on pc i would love to see what this stage looks like in the absolute lowest possible settings it's just gonna be like a couple blocks running around on the screen there we go finally i feel like this mask is capable of so much more and he's like i don't know how about spinning lasers like he could have used the spinning mask for so much more ah come on oh there's more there's oh no the only thing standing in the way between me and salvation is a couple pimply-faced interns one two three there he is come on yeah we're done oh we're finally done that's it we didn't get a cut scene or nothing because we beat the game already but thank you for watching if you guys enjoyed the series make sure you hit the like button at some point this year we will be doing the crash insane trilogy when i don't know but i promise it's gonna happen at some point and that doesn't mean you shouldn't ask for it anyway in the comment section because algorithm we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Choctopus
Views: 228,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crash bandicoot 4, crash bandicoot, crash bandicoot 4 its about time, crash bandicoot 4 demo, crash bandicoot 4 trailer, crash bandicoot smash bros, crash bandicoot smash bros ultimate, crash bandicoot smash, choctopus raid boss, choctopus amiibo, choctopus raid boss training, choctopus raid boss tournament, choctopus, choctopus smash ultimate nuzlocke, crash 4 its about time, crash 4, cortex castle crash 4, cortex castle, crash 4 cortex castle, crash bandicoot 4 full game
Id: hVOo9uNRmXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 23sec (2783 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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