Super Mario 3D World Glitches - Son of a Glitch - Episode 87

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son of a bitch Super Mario 3d World the game that takes the Wii U from oh man the Wii U blows - oh hey check it out you can blow on the Wii U now personally I love this game and best of all it's got some really interesting and quirky glitches so let's kick things off with this first glitch which is really easy to do and it's very surprising that nobody at Nintendo picked this up if you perform a rolling long jump and bounce up another character whilst wearing a tanooki suit or a cat suit the character that bounces off the other characters face will temporarily disappear and by disappear I mean you can see right through their heads and only their eyes stay visible if I slow the footage down you can see clearly just how clearly you can see through their clear heads now strangely this doesn't happen when you play as peach wearing a tanooki suit so what exactly is going on there who the heck knows although cat peach looks like she's wearing a literal eye mask it's a mask of just her eyes and you know I think the strangest thing about this glitch is that Nintendo didn't see this they looked right through it to get it because it faces is see-through sorry speaking of see-through in world 1:1 Super Bell Hill for some reason there is a pool of invisible water just off the side of the stage that you can long jump to and swim inside now it's not completely unusual that developers sometimes leave assets just outside of a stage or just off the camera but this one thing is like right there and you can swim in it I don't know why this exists maybe somebody just forgot about it now here's a completely useless and random glitch you can do on the world maps when you're around a captain toad course if you jump towards it and press a and then enter that course before hitting the ground for some reason you'll remain standing in the air as you enter the course there's really nothing to this glitch and it just looks kind of strange and to top it off it's completely useless another completely useless world map glitch is the fact that for some reason you can jump through all the slot machines that's a fun neat little thing you can do I guess wow I really think I need to get out more in world 1-2 if you bust open these purple blocks and then try to grab a green shell and jump down through the hole you'll actually just hang there because the green shell is too big however there is a simple remedy to this all you have to do is turn either left or right and you'll fall as in what a pointless glitch in a very similar glitch if you take a shell to these clouds in the exact same stage you can kind of just hang off the edge and the clouds will take you either up or down now you may be asking me does this have a point no it doesn't I guess while we're here we may as well talk about the one up exploit you can do with a green shell in this kind of tiny little hole all you have to do is face left or right throw the green shell and then time a jump on the green shell and you'll rack up one UPS like nobody's business look at those what ups go man this is an annoying sound okay that's enough of that on the subject of green shells there's yet another slightly interesting but also kind of pointless glitch we can do when you jump on a koopa troopa and it leaps out of its shell if you rub the shell with the wii u gamepad just as the Koopa trooper is about to jump back into its shell sometimes the shell will be duplicated there's some reasonably strict timing on this but it's just as the Koopa trooper is about to jump back into its shell and hey what do you know you're a magician you now have two shells however if you jump on the Koopa Troopa again the newest shell that you made will completely disappear and things will be back to normal or will they yeah I'm just kidding they will be well actually there is something else we can do with this glitch if we have another play with one player as rosalina and the other player is toad you need to head to the end of world one to where you can find this Koopa Troopa we then need to duplicate this Koopa Troopa shell and then have toad jump inside it and with that done correctly then have Rosalina jump on the koopa troopas head so that the shell that toad is inside gets warped you're now free to get rid of the Koopa Troopa because honestly he's just gonna get in the way you then simply have Rosalina pick up the shell fire it towards the flagpole and then knock it back with a Y attack and if you do all this correctly the game will softlock in a spectacular way just listen to this ah it's music to my ears and this is actually a really bad crash you cannot go to the home menu and you just have to switch everything off so yeah you broke your game well done it turns out that shells aren't the only things that we can duplicate using an invincibility leaf if you place any other powerup just next to it and then ground pound the two at the same time you'll end up duplicating the powerup that isn't the invincibility leaf so for instance you'll end up with one cat suit that you wear and the other one will become a backup and this will work for any powerup in the game although I'm not entirely sure how useful this can be as you're trading out the most opie power up for tanuki suits and fire flowers while we're on the subject of the invincibility leaf there's another couple of glitches we can do the first of which involves these baddie boxes using the invincibility leaf if you destroy one of these baddie boxes while it's active and glowing red the sound of the body box will continue playing long after it's been destroyed wow that's an annoying sound I kind of just wish I'd left it alone the second invincibility leaf glitch is also really simple to pull up all you have to do is using the invincibility leaf go into a stage where you can find but bombs and then simply pick one up and wait for it to explode whilst continuing to hold Waipa the bomb will explode but because of the invincibility leaf you won't actually get hurt so the character you're playing as will continue to hold the bomb in the air as if it's still there as you can see Mario is now holding absolutely nothing and it looks like he's just kind of running around in terror and as you'd expect letting go of the Y button means Mario will now throw absolutely nothing it turns out there are a couple of other glitches in the game which also involve enemies for instance in spiky spike bridge you can find this fire bro who just refuses to actually attack you this is because this particular fire bro is only programmed to attack you if you approach him from head-on so if we approach him from the side he actually just stands there and does absolutely nothing is it ok if I stand here am i bothering you oh-oh-oh or me oh wow that's that's awkward another glitch you can do in the game involving enemies takes place in deep water dungeon with these mad poles when this pool of water rises all the way to the top you can freeze these mad poles in place by using the Wii U gamepad screen if you then wait for the pool of water to go all the way to the bottom what we'll have if you unfreeze the mad polls they'll kind of just snap to the surface of the water no matter where they are is it the most amazing glitch ever probably not but is it fun to mess with the enemies in this game absolutely positively yes so why not carry on doing exactly that in papers fog fog we can mess with the snow pokies and snow pokey is now one of my favorite words to say how the snow pokey follow you around until it reaches about this point and then activate this power block and what will happen is the blocks will now kind of just appear underneath the snow pokey and now he's just kind of a head on top of a block he's kind of just vibrating in pain snow pokey if you thought that was the only snowball related glitch in the game you'd be dead wrong in snowball Park playing a small toad if you long jump into a snowball and then hold it pressing the Run button what will happen is you'll kind of just glide backwards here's a thing that makes absolutely no sense something else that doesn't really make any sense is another glitch involving ice for some reason when you're running on ice if you now mash the Crouch button you'll gain insane amounts of speed from nowhere the best way to do this is find a long stretch of ice and then run and crouch like crazy you'll gain even more speed if you do a long jump and then hit the ground and then begin crouching however if you pair this glitch with a propeller box or a tanooki suit you're gonna see the best results of all because this glitch is speed mixed with insane airtime means you're gonna go pretty far pretty quickly and that's great and everything but what if we wanted to go beyond pretty far and pretty quickly and really want it to break the game well in order to achieve maximum potential for this glitch we need to head towards a corner like this one we need to start running downwards and crouching into this corner but when we're in the corner we need to be facing exactly diagonally right and angled like this we can maintain some speed by repeatedly mashing the Crouch button and continuing to hold this down right position on the control stick until what eventually happens is the game kind of completely slows down that's because now we're exponentially gaining speed in this corner and the game is just trying to process this if we now stop mashing the Crouch button but continue to hold it the game will slowly return back to a normal speed however during this process if we now let go of this down right position mark has now gained so much speed that he'll just shoot off-screen now admittedly this is a pretty tricky glitch to pull off and you never really know what you're gonna get at the end of it but it's definitely worth a try ok let's go over some more minor glitches in Super Mario 3d World in trick trapped our by the flagpole at the end of this level you can find this small patch of wall that has no collision at the back of it which means we can cat dive through this wall and kind of stand inside the floor if that's the sort of thing you're really into and if you really are into that kind of thing there's another glitch we can do with captain toad that's very similar in the level captain toad plays peekaboo if you stand around here and then activate this block you can walk straight into it and now captain toad is inside the block I mean there's at least three of you out there that are gonna get a kick out of this right okay well how about in tricky trapeze theater if you slide down this clear pipe when you reach the bottom you won't be standing on anything does that float your boat at the end of any course after getting the flagpole if you then blow on the mic of the Wii U gamepad the sound of wind will continue playing much longer than it actually should I know it's amazing alright that's it I'm done with these tiny little glitches it's time to really lose our heads and I mean literally in Bowser's Bullet Bill brigade you want to head to this point with cat toad and here you'll find two cannon boxes and what we want to do is stand about here and then start walking up and left and when you're about to be underneath the cannon box you need to call and then immediately jump while still holding up left and you'll then immediately see that cat toad now has no head what's happening is we're kind of entering the cannon box in a weird way where we don't actually activate it properly and instead cat toads arms and head are actually being shrunk as they usually would be but the cannon box isn't where it's supposed to be now aside from the very obvious and hilarious side effect of not having a head or arms it also transpires we're completely invulnerable to attack the game acts as if we get hit but doesn't actually carry through so despite not having a head we're completely untouchable not even boom-boom can touch us if only we didn't look so ridiculous I don't really know if this is insanely cute or nightmare fuel I think I'll let you guys decide of course nothing great lasts forever and as soon as you touch the flagpole everything returns back to normal maybe it's for the best let's talk about one of the one and only major out of bounds in this game and this particular out of bounds takes place in World Bowser on the main map when you first enter World Bowser you'll notice this clear pipe and it just so happens we can get on top of this pipe if we do a running jump from about here now this can be kind of tricky and you probably won't get this first attempt but if you keep trying you will land on top of the clear pipe and once you do get on top of it it's then possible to jump onto the other part of the clear pipe and then you're basically free to kind of venture out of bounds but mostly it's just falling to other parts of the map now apart from the obvious glitchy side effects of doing this there isn't really too much to this out of bounds however it does help create a significant skip during a speed run where we can actually drop down to the world for Mystery House and pick up a bunch of green stars enough green stars in fact that we can actually skip getting them elsewhere so it's not entirely useless and kind of makes the tricky jump trying to actually get on the pipe sort of worth it moving into our final glitches now and they all concern something that's a very useful technique in speedrunning and it's something that's going to help us break the game just a little bit more this is a technique called cat momentum basically it's a way of keeping your momentum by storing the speed you get from a cat day and the technique goes a little bit something like this when running at full speed to a jump and then a cat dive and before you hit the ground claw and then jump immediately afterwards and if you keep repeating this process you'll see that you're maintaining the speed you get from the cat dives and keeping your momentum and for the best results with cat momentum you want to use peach because she has a bit of air time from her jumps which aids in keeping that momentum further now if you ever see a speedrun of Super Mario 3d World you're gonna see cat momentum everywhere it's used to keep speed and obviously it's a really great technique but that's not really how we're gonna use cat momentum is it no of course we're gonna use it to break the game and the first way we're gonna break the game is by heading to mount beanpole with a cat suit and a tanuki leaf we need to climb up to where this secret 1up is found and then place a tanuki leaf right on the edge of this platform we then need to step back a little bit and begin cat momentum by jumping up in the air core diving chlorine before we hit the ground and then jumping immediately afterwards keeping hold at the jump button and holding down on the control stick we touch the Tanooki leaf and then we're able to use all that momentum to fly out way further than we ever should be able to so far in fact that the game actually begins to visually break down and once you get a certain distance out the game actually starts looking like this where it stops clearing out old frames this is because all the way out here to be efficient the game isn't actually drawing anything all clearing anything out some modern games are programmed this way where they only draw out what they absolutely need to and because nothing's actually being drawn out here nothing's being cleared away either and that's why you end up with these weird after images and that's also why if you now press the home button and then resume the game everything will now be completely black as there's nothing to render out here aside from that there's actually nothing else to this glitch and you'll basically just keep falling until you either quit the stage or the timer runs out now that's one way to break down the game but we want something that's actually useful we're now going to hit to the great tower of Bowser land and in this stage we can see a cutscene where Bowser turns into meowser now this isn't a particularly long cutscene but paired with the ride down here it's a significant amount of time if we can skip it which it just so happens we can for this glitch we're gonna use peach again and we need to place a tanuki leaf right about here we then need to jump and do a cat dive towards this ramp and slide down the ramp and then jump at the very end of it to the right performing another cat dive to get more speed and then hopefully jump and then hover into the tanuki leaf and topping the whole thing off for the jump up into the right now this is an extremely complicated set of moves in such a short space so I've slowed the whole thing down to explain but it all happens pretty quickly if you manage to gain enough height and speed from this you'll actually be able to glide over to the section where the meowser boss actually begins only because we didn't go through the meowser cutscene there's no music trigger so this whole thing is just sound effects now to say this skip is particularly difficult would be an understatement and honestly outside of a speedrun it's really not worth the hassle but it's definitely an interesting skip within the game and that about wraps up this episode with some interesting quirk and hilarious glitches in Super Mario 3d World hey guys Andy here and I hope you enjoyed the new episode of son of a glitch but right now I want to talk to you guys about live streaming I'm live streaming more consistently now on Mondays Wednesdays and Saturdays and here is a list of times for your time zones around the world and these live streams will take place on Twitch also if you're on Twitter follow me at a start show I post updates and sneak peeks behind upcoming episodes and also put it to you guys which episodes you'd like to see next I'm trying to hit 50,000 followers by the end of this year on Twitter so if you can help me out with a channel this size I think we can do it thanks very much for watching guys and I'll see you in the next video and if you liked this episode why not check out the other episodes from the series there's a handy little playlist right there you can follow me on Twitter or Instagram and as always a huge thanks to everybody who supports the patreon you guys the ones that make it happen [Music]
Channel: A+Start
Views: 1,517,077
Rating: 4.9186406 out of 5
Keywords: Super Mario 3D World Glitches, Nintendo glitches, Mario glitches, Retro games and glitches, bugs and glitches, Meowser Skip
Id: 7rPdbTaBrBQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2019
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