Spongebob Battle For Bikini Bottom Rehydrated Glitches - Son of a Glitch - Episode 96

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[Music] spongebob squarepants battle for bikini bottom rehydrated in this modern age of the remake and the remaster a lot of developers take another shot at getting these games perfect and fixing a lot of the bugs that were in the previous versions however spongebob squarepants battle for bikini bottom rehydrated is maybe more broken than the original but hey we really like broken hair so let's kick things off with this very first glitch before we get started some of these glitches may or may not have been patched during the production of this episode so if they don't work consider going back to a previous version if you can when playing as patrick he has this move where he can slam his whole body down on the ground and there's a really weird side effect when you perform this exact move on top of an npc repeatedly slamming patrick on top of any character in the game will result in this character actually growing in size this can take a bit of time and there may be some kind of rhythm to it but if you stick at it long enough these characters can grow to be absolutely enormous now one theory for why this occurs is there's kind of some animation applied to the npc where they kind of squash and stretch as you bounce on top of them and each time you do this you may be resetting the value for the actual scale of the character each time but it's doubling up over itself as you're repeatedly and rapidly bouncing on top of it so as it's trying to reset back to a scale of one you're bouncing on top of it as it's doing that resetting it to a scale of two because it's kind of stacking on top of each other that theory seems to make the most sense in my mind but whatever's really going on here the results are hilarious now you may be wondering to yourself can spongebob do a similar kind of thing and yes he actually can but this is where things get really weird when spongebob repeatedly slams on top of npcs they actually shrink in size so now we have a teeny tiny patrick honestly i'm not entirely sure what the mechanics are of this glitch but it's incredibly easy to perform and with results like this can you really afford not to try it out next i want to talk about a very small oversight in the game to do with characters as you may be fully aware you can play as spongebob patrick and sandy in this game you'll also know that you can warp to any spatula you've previously collected simply by entering the map screen and selecting that spatula and here's where this oversight comes into play if you choose a spatula that the character you're playing as wouldn't get regularly for instance if you choose sandy and go to the spatula that you get in the tree dome you'll arrive in the tree dome playing as sandy while sandy is already inside the tree dome there are two sandys now clearly this isn't super game breaking but it's definitely a very hilarious oversight that i'm not entirely sure how this ended up in the final game i think basically it's only intended that spongebob is the character that can warp around and the game doesn't actually check which character you are when you arrive in a new area another amazing side effect of characters being in areas that are exclusive to spongebob is that that area only has spongebob's voice programmed in so when the character is supposed to be speaking his voice comes out of their mouths and it's all animated and everything a note from mr krabs and it even smells sweaty just like him that is something very strange that i did not wish to see are you subscribed to the channel it turns out that 80 of the people that watch this channel aren't even subscribed so hey be a pal and hit that subscribe button now let's move on to a really awesome glitch which surprisingly wasn't in the original spongebob battle for bikini bottom the glitch in question goes by many names like flying squirrel but the one that seems to have stuck is the infinite lasso hover as sandy if you jump off a ledge and then turn around to grab the ledge as she pulls herself up you want to use the lasso if you perform this just right you'll see that sandy doesn't actually descend now from her glide she kinda just hovers in place and this for all intents and purposes is the glitch but there are some very useful ways of getting around this game using this glitch one of the most noteworthy things about this glitch is while you're now in this state if you press the jump button sandy will gain height indefinitely and once this happens there's not an awful lot you can do you can move around in all directions but you continuously go upwards the only thing you can do here is press the start button and go to any other spatula to warp back to the ground and have things act normally however there are ways of actually controlling this glitch so you can move around levels in unintended ways but before we actually get into that we need to understand exactly how this glitch is working when you first perform this glitch and you're now hovering infinitely the game doesn't consider you grounded that's why when you jump you ascend infinitely the way to counteract this is simply put sandy back on the ground this can be done by walking off a ledge and then walking back onto the ledge or simply by pushing into walls which can either increase or decrease your height preferably pushing sandy back onto the ground so the game can now consider her grounded this means that now when you press the jump button you will gain height but you can actually descend by pressing the lasso button again with that in mind you can now fly around any of these stages with sandy in them using this glitch the world is your oyster well that seemed deeply appropriate i absolutely love glitches like this it really reminds me of the air walk in ape escape 2 where you could basically do a similar thing and in terms of application in a speed run i mean this is invaluable tech and it has the added bonus of being super easy to pull off so you're definitely going to want to try this one next let's take a look at a very strange glitch that you can do with spongebob standing next to any of the npcs in the game that you can talk to what you want to do is begin a bubble ball and talk to that character on the same frame so as an example if you're playing on the ps4 version what you would do is press circle to bubble ball and then r1 at the exact same time this may take a couple of tries but if you do this exactly right what will happen is spongebob will now begin sliding forwards the dialog box for whichever npc you are talking to remains open but spongebob is now just sliding along now aside from this being visually entertaining this actually has a strange side effect where as you slide along in some cases like here in jellyfish fields after you talk to mr krabs hands won't actually stop you going out of bounds you're able to just kind of slide off into the distance and explore around this isn't the case for a lot of areas in the game but hey it's definitely a case for this area presumably the game believes you're in a conversation with an npc character and therefore you're most likely stationary which means there's no reason to stop you from going out of bounds because you're in a conversation right and so in some cases the trigger for actually stopping you going out of bounds is kind of disabled it makes perfect sense in my head this is a pretty difficult frame perfect glitch to get down but hey try it out it's a lot of fun getting out of bounds was a very easy thing to do in the original battle for bikini bottom but in this game it's just as easy if not easier if you can believe it so here we are in downtown bikini bottom and i want to show you some of these glitches in real time because they're so simple and this might be kind of fun we can kind of explore you know some of the out of bounds areas now the first one this is incredibly simple stand on top of this unexploded warhead and just jump jump spin that's it you're out of bounds now it's that simple uh we can explore around a little bit uh obviously some of the objects as we can see like the clamsicle stand is not solid neither is this uh ticket booth um but this is actually used in speed runs now because there was a very inconsistent way of getting out of bounds or at least over an invisible barrier to get to later parts of the game but like i said it was very inconsistent so this is a much easier way in fact it's hilariously easy and i'm surprised developers you know miss this uh stuff like this is invisible or not invisible but it doesn't have any collision i mean you can go right out into you know just nothingness out here everything is kind of you know you could just walk straight through it it's amazing these are the things that i love about outer bounds you know you never know what you're gonna discover out here obviously you were never meant to see this kind of thing this feels now feels more like a boundary break episode like this is solid you can stand on this and that's not solid but the part this kind of ends over here you know you were never meant to see this stuff so it's it's kind of cool how they kind of you know constructed everything to make it look like oh hey it goes off into a really distant land but really it's just invisible pathways everywhere now obviously this doesn't mean you can reach later levels there is still a spatula requirement and as you can see i only have one spatula but i'm already in this kind of kelp forest area but i wouldn't be actually able to go to that level but i can go inside the tent which is kind of hey look at me i'm camping now the cool thing about this game is there are no solid walls um when you go out of bounds trying to get inbounds necessarily so what you can do is just kind of jump and now we're back in bounds but there are some kind of wacky side effects to being out of bounds and in areas of the game that you're not supposed to be at this point i bet the next move you teach me will be the best one ever that's the funny thing is if you do this glitch and you go out of bounds to an area much later in the game uh for instance bubble buddy is not actually here um so you're just talking to nobody he's a disembodied voice yeah yeah maybe later not paying my entires when you're not aiming so now we have bot no but you don't actually gain the ability now something that's curious with this is i've tried this exact same getting out of bounds and this is on the 1.0 uh patch of this game and for some reason it doesn't let you out of bounds so easily but there is a fix for that um for some reason every time you get grabbed by hands and he takes you away um you're placed back in the air and if you do a jump you gain a little bit more height so each time he takes you away and puts you back you gain a little bit more height so we can use this to kind of jump over this barrier that's stopping us from getting out of bounds in the first place uh it may take a good little bit of time but see how you're able to jump in thin air that gives you just the amount of height that you need to eventually get over the top of this barrier and there we go we're out of bounds so that was something i've found very strange so uh yeah but another thing i want to show you is i feel compelled to show you this also uh because shift a very popular speedrunner for this game and the original battle for bikini bottom will come for me if i don't show this to you guys uh for any potential speedrunners of this game in the future uh instead of going around that way to get uh to the next areas and this would be much later in the game uh it's actually quicker to double jump on top of this rock and go over here stand on the very edge of this yeah you don't want to do that because uh if you do that you'll get captured and taken away um and it doesn't leave you in the best position because now i think i'm technically yeah okay i screwed it up that's what you don't want to do what you want to do is get right on the very edge of that double jump up to here bosh that's the quicker way of doing it then when you get around here what you want to do is kind of this very tricky uh yeah i messed it up but what you want to do is you want to try and get on that dumpster um because otherwise the game's going to put you in this very weird state where you're kind of inbounds out of bounds it was it was friendly that time it let me do it but i've had instances where it uh just kept trying to grab me um say bubble buddy enough bubble buddies here now that's interesting but you still don't gain the bubble ability still only have one spatula so anyway that's something i wanted to talk about very quickly otherwise shift would come for me if you do have the cruise bubble here's a very simple way to also get out of bounds you go up to any area where hands would kind of try to stop you from getting out of bounds specifically this area in bikini bottom and just mash the cruise bubble button and what will eventually end up happening is hands stops trying to grab you and put you back inbounds and then you're free to just explore out of bounds it's very simple but what i will say is this doesn't work on version 1.02 i tried to get it to work and they must have patched it in the newer patch obviously but it does work on version 1.00 and 1.01 um and again you're just out of bounds and you're free to explore as you'd expect a lot of things are invisible and if you just look off to the distance there there's well not a lot of distance to be seen this is in fact the edge of the world and you can actually just kind of well you saw it earlier if you go off the edge you fall and you die well you don't even die you just fall forever it's kind of nuts but again yeah everything doesn't have a collision out here why would it collision costs uh memory resources uh so you know don't need it now these rocks for some reason that that was strange they're kind of uh they're solid it's very strange what's solid and what's not when you're out here it doesn't make any real sense those rocks should never have been solid are these solid yeah those rocks are solid too why is that where do these go exactly i've never actually seen it just kind of oh we're just this is more it's just more out of bounds you get the point guys out of bounds incredibly simple in this game so for the last kind of very simple out of bounds something we already kind of touched upon is jumping out of bounds using hands now this does take a little bit longer but as you'll see and this is the kind of thing that it may need to speed up but each time hands grabs you and replaces you back into the world he kind of elevates your position ever so slightly higher each time so you'll see after about a minute of doing this i'm way higher than when i started so what's going to eventually happen is i'll be over the top of an invisible barrier and it will just let me kind of wander around out here now this is how you'd get out of bounds in stages that aren't the hub world and don't have that very easy kind of jump on top of the warhead um jump out of bounds this is something a little bit more time consuming but it's very easy you could sit here and each time you do this you gain a little bit more height each time we get loaded in we're seeing just a little bit more of the highest mountain in the background see how we just see a little bit more the snow is getting lighter at the top we're seeing a bit more of that each time so we're still gaining height i don't know how much height we're gonna need but eventually we'll be able to get over the top of this barrier a few moments later hey that was the time we did it nice okay so there we go now we're out of bounds and as long as we don't walk back inbounds we don't have to do any of that again hey look spongebob who lives in a pineapple under the sea spongebob it goes something like that oh hey look there's no sounds kind of crazy oh what oh of course cause uh it's culling on the other side how crazy so there you go yeah it's it's a very time consuming glitch that was maybe about eight to ten minutes of just doing that but eventually you have all this freedom we can just go wherever we please we climb all the way to the top of this of course we can it has collision for some reason so why not i bet it just ends this is just going to end at the oh there's more there's the edge of the world i don't want to show off too much of this because i want you guys to be able to explore like here we have jellyfish fields so one of my favorite things about this game is that all the environments kind of live in the same world they have this very cool connectivity where you can see other levels within other levels i love that about this but this is just going to be some kind of low poly craziness right yeah as you'd expect another way you can kind of get out of bounds is by using hands in a different way and to demonstrate exactly what i mean by this i'm going to get spongebob on top of the tree dome and then slide down the back side of it and have hands kind of drag me back in bounds now if you basically copy what you've just seen what will happen is hands will actually drag you inside the tree dome but you're not actually inside the level of the tree dome you're inside the hub version of it which if it isn't immediately obvious is not somewhere you're usually able to get but curiously there are some solid objects inside here for no apparent reason and this isn't the only place in bikini bottom you can actually do this if you do this similar glitch next to the theater what happens is you end up inside the theater model and for some reason there's another sock here there are 80 socks in total in the game and if you collect this one that's 81. you're impressed by my math skills aren't you which means you would have 81 over 80 socks which makes no sense and i have no idea why this is here some people have alluded it to a kind of easter egg from the original however if that's true that means the developers intended you to get out of bounds or inbounds however this works to get this sock which means they know about this i have no idea if any of this tracks really now anybody who actually pulls this glitch off will immediately realize they're trapped inside this building because the collision is one-sided so there's no way out apart from if you simply just choose another spatula and warp out and the same thing is true of the tree dome glitch also finally let's take a look at one of the most broken things in the entire game and this is called taxi glitch and essentially what this glitch will allow you to do is warp to any spatula in the game and you know the bonus thing is it's surprisingly easy to pull off in this example i've started a brand new game so there are no spatulas open to me aside from maybe the very first one pause the game to reach this menu and then go to bikini bottom select the first spatula and then confirm to reach the taxi screen you then want to confirm this option by pressing a or x if you're on ps4 and then immediately press pause afterwards there's about a two or three frame window with which to do this so it's very tight this is then followed up by another immediate pause which should take you back to the main menu with the taxi load active so for me on ps4 in real time this was x to confirm then pause pause and this should take you back to the main menu this now means you can select any spatula in the game and once again press pause and it should load you into that spatula doing this on the first chum bucket spatula takes you to the robo sponge boss and the cool thing is the game intends you to have everything you'd need to fight this boss which basically means it gives you all the power-ups you'd need or would have acquired through the course of the game which is a pretty neat side effect of this glitch actually now this glitch will work with any spatula in the game but i decided to walk back to the very first spatula during the robo-sponge boss and for some reason the fish that commentates during the bosses decided to stick around it didn't matter where i went he was always just kind of there flapping his mouth and gave me a chuckle i guess but there you have it guys some amazingly broken things you can try out in spongebob battle for bikini bottom rehydrated thank you so so much for sticking through this episode till the very end if you have a twitter account please please please follow me at a start show it's my number one weapon against the youtube algorithm to get my videos to you without you missing them in sub boxes believe me it's a real issue and if you follow me on twitter you can actually see these videos when they drop and lastly a huge huge huge thank you to all my patreon supporters you guys are really keeping the show running and i love you so much thank you for supporting the show i've taken up enough of your time so thank you so much for watching and i'll see you in the next episode bye
Channel: A+Start
Views: 863,519
Rating: 4.9390125 out of 5
Keywords: Spongebob Battle For Bikini Bottom Rehydrated Glitches, Glitches, Classic video games, Speedrun Battle for bikini bottom
Id: c1wQTkuMZYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 3sec (1203 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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