[OLD] Crash Bandicoot: N. Sane Trilogy - Caddicarus ft. SomecallmeJohnny

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The Jet-Ski rant was fucking perfect.

👍︎︎ 38 👤︎︎ u/Dark_Knight6996 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2017 🗫︎ replies

I like that caddy was big enough to say that he was wrong in his other n.sane video

👍︎︎ 34 👤︎︎ u/WselfWulf 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2017 🗫︎ replies

18:49: " And because I do love the original game soundtrack a bit more, I do think it would have been very cool to at least have the option to choose between the remix songs for this game and maybe some uncompressed pre-console mixes of the original soundtrack by Josh Mancell"


👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 10 2017 🗫︎ replies

I knew that SomecallmeJohnny and Caddy doing a review together was gonna be great.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Recreatee 📅︎︎ Jul 10 2017 🗫︎ replies

I'm glad he enjoyed but still... the moveset in Crash 3 would break the other two.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/PootisMcPootsalot 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2017 🗫︎ replies

Good points all around. The alterations to the controls do present a greater challenge in the first game, but nothing that's impossible given enough time. I love the character design adaptations and the visual style of the trilogy, along with just about everything else.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/CrypticQuery 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2017 🗫︎ replies

I don't get Caddy's comments on Hang Eight's music, I thought it sounded excellent and really close to the original one.

Other than that, I agree with him and Johnny pretty much 100%, even if I actually found myself sort of liking the new Jet Ski controls (once you get used to them, they're not actually too bad, even if Hot Coco is a load of old shite)

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 10 2017 🗫︎ replies

I feel like Caddy is a bit too nitpicky at times. I know how he feels because Crash 2 was my first video game and I vastly prefer the new one, though there are a few things I prefer in the original (mostly music).

Otherwise this is a really great collaboration by two of my favourite YouTubers. Made my day seeing this posted here!

Also am I the only one who think the jet ski controls work fine? I got the Gold Relic for Hot Coco easily in 5-10 minutes.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Laihoard 📅︎︎ Jul 10 2017 🗫︎ replies
hey there everybody and before the video comes on today I'd like to take a second to thank the sponsors for today's episode of cat Icarus app bounty which is an awesome little app servers which I've actually promoted before in which you download other free apps and in turn earn points which can then be exchanged for gift cards and spending money for Amazon Xbox Playstation Google Play iTunes Steam Netflix all sorts of things and it can be used worldwide from any device no it's not an app where you can find bounties and earn real money from bringing them in dead or alive you're you're sick I'm promoting them again because of the new features that get you more rewards for actually playing through the apps that you download essentially rewarding you for playing games on your devices that you may have wanted to play anyway all you need to do is follow the instructions right below this video in the description for fast access or instead go to app bounty dotnet and use the invite code caddy with the correct application lowercase letters to get bonus points early and get the gift cards quicker it's easy as piddle to do it's unlimited and if you don't want to use the app anymore I want to save space on your phone you can always opt out and delete the app with no issue at all you won't lose anything but you won't get as many points compared to when you actually play the game that's the cool thing anyway enough of me rambling and on with the video Oh I'm back crashes back pressure five precious my precious bus crashes must press back crashes banks present back the crash splash quest master s price and parting game crash through violence equal to rotisserie and roasted black roses by Nickelback Travis Bickle is the main character in taxi driver crisis bang bang crash messaging question - [ __ ] that way called crash bandicoot a spectator across milkshake to this question but please shut the everlasting [ __ ] ah there's this you're really you're really rude you must be American not rude you're just annoying I asked something call me Johnny how could I not know you the only person that called me annoying I'm Reggie do you know the crashes battle say it again alright let's so in which case oh do you want to do like a collab video about the new crash on ps4 oh well yeah sure but you never asked I'm wrong to look past your annoying Britishness for a joint video about crash bandicoot you want to crash down scoffs [ __ ] off angel means don't call me Johnny so thanks very much to Activision for giving us early redo codes two distinct it didn't pay us to make this video but they were kind enough to do that's now opinions are solely our own ok Eunice the [ __ ] children holy [ __ ] man Crash Bandicoot yeah who would have thought she would make a resurgence in today's gaming climate I didn't think he would honestly but now I don't care I'm ridiculously happy to not only say that crashes back to his roots but also say that for a remastering of three classic games 20 odd years down the line the N same trilogy is [ __ ] awesome and is now one of my favorite games of all time because of how it already has one of my favorite games on it but now updated and with two other amazing games stuck to it like a special stroke and I think I'm more pleased to say that than most since I made my video not too long ago describing my feelings on everything I thought looked pretty bad about the new games in the reveal trailer and boy did it prove me wrong well that is of course if you consider this a total note-for-note remastering nothing that newark fancy there's a couple of bits and pieces added in for replayability and a few new features but what you see is what you get here three classic ps1 games simply redone from the ground up a lot and thrown into a ps4 collection at a discounted price for 2017 well you have here is not only a total visual overhaul with some of the most gorgeous graphics ever put into a cartoony platformer but also much better control consistency over every single game crash plays and feels exactly the same way in every single game this time but it is a completely different control style than before focusing a lot more on pinpoint and precise jumping and maneuvering and much faster in twitchy responses from crash or cocoa themselves Oh calm down John we'll get there soon enough ok ok well either way I think it's also worth mentioning that there's more underlying gameplay also present across every game there's auto-saving now making the first game a lot less of a ball egg tank [ __ ] there's full analog control everywhere but also the twist to use the d-pad whenever you press it which is what I use because when it comes to crash bandicoot [ __ ] this rubber nipple and all of the bouncy one per fruit crates not only lasts 5 bounces that have 10 like it wasn't the original crash 1 & 2 which I can only imagine you like just the bait caddy yes by the way John did you ever wonder in the original games where crash kept all of the gems and crystals he picked up in the levels or this time crash kept them in his ears in his stomach and of his [ __ ] asked why is there a popping noise when he does that well if you never put a gamma of a Bandicoot rectum before but [ __ ] is wrong with me I also really loved the new animations and cutscenes the animations within the game especially make this a lot like one of the closest things to a full-on high budget 3d cartoon that you can actually play since Ratchet and Clank on ps4 all without losing the original point of crashes chaotic goodness clashing against cortex is insane evil it's the same idea just executed incredibly well with the updated tech and the lip-synching bouncy stretching and large amounts of charm present in the makes them really stand out and feel like a true step up even though I'm not the biggest fan of the intro to crash 3 and how fuku because introduction makes him have a total flying fist all over the [ __ ] screen instead of his dark and imposing scars of total domination and power surrounded by shadows like in the original and entropy just arriving out of nowhere isn't anywhere near as threatening as his silhouette waiting in the background then slowly walking up the darkness with camera zooms into his face of complete malice I mean what looks scarier to you let's from deep inside might get pretty personal simple instructions to follow but you lost the genders you lost the crystals and I am lost my pleasure all right game is on whatever as much as simple as such as of all I want your homage and you but god damn I mean I agree the game looks fantastic and I also agree there was something a little lost in the presentation but so once again use entropy as an example while his entrance is not as imposing as the original true just check his facial animations during the vortex seems I swear it's like I'm watching a Disney film how far we've come since the 90s and the animators did a damn good job getting all the little nuances down pat just from a simple change in inflection I movement you can get the entropy think fondly of Luca Luca but doesn't really give a [ __ ] about cortex Oh God Luca and dr. cortex have sent me to end this little ah I personally also loved the improved crisper and cleaner sound design a new sound effects thrown in to make the gameplay feel a lot better and more satisfying with running jumping and attacking enemies damn I lost macking in the boxes in this game it is fun it makes big old power rack hair the sounds are perfectly mixed into the action and the controller vibrations and heavy cartoony stretching animations of enemies reacting to your attack are fantastic to further the game field the games over although I found a little bit trickier with the more precise control tweaking apart from the first game of course that was just all cheesier in my books especially where the new control anything is better than the original games controls but in the other games i still massively welcome the new control style crash falling to the ground after the top of this jump arc is faster than the last game and that means that jumps are a little bit trickier to pull off this time since timing has to be more on the nose than ever and yeah YT what about three or four stages and crash want to get the controls down but once I did oh my god I [ __ ] loved them i love the way i love the fastness of them i just really love the controls there that made me is a hugely nostalgic crash fan actually concentrate in all the levels that I know like the back of my hand and I didn't rush through this game like it meant nothing because of that I was fully invested and I suppose there'd be no point of a remake if you didn't change how it felt along with everything else oh okay John [ __ ] hell you can share with the class in a bit I even really liked how if you died so many times the random box to break in the stage actually changes into an additional checkpoint block so you can get yourself a little further and fall back less and the enemies also tend to attack a little faster when also monster was having totally different timings than I remember I was surprised how many times the plants in crash two managed to take a bite out of me and these little electrical bachelors in stages like twisting in a way until [ __ ] up their hit boxes at the last time I played the games definitely all feel different and can throw you off guard a lot you know if you grow up with these games in the first place they're more consistently challenging than the original games but never impossible and new players will certainly have the work cut out for them how did you find the game played as well because I heard so many people talk about how awful it was to be locked at 30fps but we both played on ps4 Pro with the Boost mode enabled and I don't know John this doesn't look quite like thirty to me I mean maybe it's the animation in the game or the tightness in the control but it never felt like it was running like that it looked and felt way smoother maybe I don't know 4000 something that's definitely thirty frames per second listen when you play so many [ __ ] ports a Sonic Adventure one day learn a thing or two about frame rates but 30 FPS or 60fps I couldn't care because I think the insane trilogy plays just fine that is though the amount of load times are slightly intrusive now maybe it's because we both use the ps4 pro but they didn't feel that long nothing whatever the grass or text but there's still a lot of them there presentation-wise it just these boring black screens with no residual Flair it harkens back to a more basic age but ultimately breaks my immersion from the otherwise brilliantly call for world of Crash Bandicoot I can't lie though it always does make me giggle in the load times whenever a queue a queue slides into the screen like mm-hmm did I ever tell you how much I [ __ ] love your voice like you don't only manage to make your point sound so cool but also inherently sexual thanks anyway okay then let's get down to brass tacks and more specific are you ready to talk about a few things in each individual game Johnny damn right yeah I mean this was developed by Vicarious Visions with the assistance of the company that made Madagascar on ps2 it's a relief to hear we're in good hands also please keep in mind we both have already done our own videos on the crack trilogy and all that we thought that we didn't like about them so yes so these games are practically identical in most ways we won't go on for far too long about the base games themselves just take our words when we say right now that we already love these games before playing them and that hasn't changed at the remasters or so what we know and love we're not going to go crazy in depth with this video instead just talk about the new thing so let's start with this I think this is the definitive and only version of crash 1 you should ever play just about every single thing in my opinion is better here the visuals look so much better than the initial reveal I talked about in my video a few camera angles have been slightly altered for better depth perception in scary platforming sections and the new controls work so well for the more bottomless heavy and claustrophobic level designs compared to the other game it's even fun to jump on enemies this time around in it's way more graceful and less clunky if a little bit jarring me fast and so like I said I played like a couple of stages and then I nailed it straight away if there's anything I would still consider a little dopey from the original game it is the jumping but for a different reason crash still weighs about as much as a waterlogged and tongue blade but compared to the original game he flips and falls a hell of a lot faster in this game because I played the original too many goddamn times it messed with my timing overall because I kept expecting crash to speed away in a particular spot at a particular time but that doesn't quite work the same here nevertheless didn't take me very long to adjust even as a strict user of the d-pad I still felt in complete control of my actions crash goes where I wanted to go with no issue and that's when I screw up it feels like something I did wrong the good thing is though even if you aren't the biggest fan of the controls will prefer the older game's controls literally every other thing is better in this game and not just the fact that you can save anywhere this time the inventory actually has a boss breaking tally this time there are way more hints for you to discover secrets are way too hidden in the past game which applies to the rest of the trilogy as well and when you collect regular gems you can actually [ __ ] die and not lose your chance to get the gem thank God mmm but when you want to get one of those few colored gems you still to finish the level break all the boxes and not die once and wouldn't you know that slippery climb is home to one of these lovely non-death gems don't worry though because in my opinion the vastly improved control is compared to the original first game makes these stages and staying alive nowhere near as hard as the original game and on the colored gem stages in particular if you find all of the cortex Brio or torna bandicoot tokens for a bonus stage but then die in there not only can you retry it straight away but it doesn't count towards a death in a stage okay I retract my [ __ ] you crash you've been a good boy today so why don't you reward yourself and go [ __ ] that pig it's also great for Vicarious Visions to notice that the plot of crash 1 you know going to stop cortex is David girlfriend Kanna made absolutely no sense in the original since you could always find her in high-fibre at her leisure of the treetops now when you find her in the tree's cortex swoops in and takes her away a little details like that along with the fantastic visuals more than make up for the fact there aren't any ways to use newer power-ups or even fly jumps in this document levels like upstream when the water within looks fantastic as - oddly enough all the darker areas like the temples and even row - nowhere sometimes they don't need to go crazy with additions for the sake of no technology this game can do a lot put very little even if the lighting on occasion can look like total [ __ ] against crashes firm yeah seriously what the hell happened here what the [ __ ] happened to the temple ruins theme as well what used to be dark ambient and creepy as hell has been given jazzy bouncy happy accents we're doomsday percussion would be used before it simply isn't as good in my pitch [Music] so the rest of the soundtrack is great and that's true over every single game it uses all of the classic themes we know and love but changes them up in ways to be a little bit more energetic and platforming on occasion and most of the time there are different instruments used instead of the memorable jungle percussion heavy tunes of the path there's more diverse genres at work here I mean this is true across all three games the original soundtracks are something that are near and dear to my heart and I will always love them more but as far as an update goes I mean it's the same compositions but it just sounds much crisper and much better for a modern game it is cool not to mention it's not afraid to be atmospheric and there are some tracks here but I actually think maybe better than the original game the soundtrack gets a thumbs up from me of course and I agree that the remixes for the most part capture the original feel the levels quite well yeah some just sound playing better but I think it's because I've listened to the originals for so long that I expect certain issues to play at times when it doesn't happen I'm like a few child and suddenly hate everything in the world oh by the repetition do yourself a favor though Johnny don't do what I did and slave over the [ __ ] time trial relic yeah I had a feeling there were allies when inclusion Oh were they I hardly know after around 2 hours or so I managed to get every relic in the game with 14 platinum and 12 gold with over 100 percent completion and I got nothing for it other than a Playstation trophy oh look at that even got me the platinum trophy it was the last one I needed to get that's very cool I guess but it's not [ __ ] worth it stages like the high road with the huge gap difficult tiny platforms invincible enemies and timing with hitting the bouncy Turtles at the right time and then leaving the large gaps correctly with them we're a total nightmare for the relic and even though personally I thought the time trials were a really cool little addition that do add a lot of replay value when you place it in stages that were not built to be rushed at all like in crash 2 or 3 it can be few dripping ly frustrating I guess now I can brag about it and I was very proud of myself for doing it but man it was so odd I also wonder to myself like I understand this is a remastering and nothing much more but with all the conceptual levels present in the original game that never made it in why couldn't they you know edit them in here if you check the trophy for the game a notice another side game called lost treasures with its own trophies and I hope that God's free DLC or something that has because that'd be pretty sweet stormiest scent is the beta version sunset Vista yeah sure I love getting shaken addiction no excuse me I'm answering a question I got over here coming to model the way so I guess that means you don't want to do a crash dance-off [Music] cortex strikes back on ps4 is also in my personal opinion probably the best version of the game to have ever existed I mean yes some of the things I worried about in my video are still present I still think the theme to hang out is over exaggerated and unnecessary with the distorted guitars but everything else I thought was pretty [ __ ] great the game is still so much better than I thought it would be it's beautifully rich and vibrant as hell holes are pretty bad replaced by so much and I can't get over how modern and crisp yet cartoony and poppy it looks with all of the realistic effects like the rain in everything and some atmospheres like in snow go I thought were absolutely on the Nugget and the animations are way better than crash 1 on Pierce or purely from the increased character interactions and cut scenes with embryo himself being a hilarious highlight with his animations the fact the weather can change for different stages in the same theme is an incredible touch the light reflecting off of the crystals and gems around the environment I [ __ ] loved the tiny little splash effects for grabbing the crystals I actually came to really like against the exuberant flashes of the previous games and the warping effect looked a lot better than I remember looking in the reveal I guess so but where's the sound effect for the warping something that sounded so cool the previous games now sounds like well nothing and they didn't fix the camera for backtracking levels at all but we move it back a bit yeah I get it to pitch by pitch remake but why not fix would need a little bit of fixing before well hey at least I think they fix the backpack levels tremendously along with the controls being way more reactive to input it hasn't got anywhere near as much heavy momentum you can invert the controls use the triggers to go forward and back it's so much more natural and make the pathetic final cortex boss all the more enjoyable as a result yeah mostly personally I still like the [ __ ] thing and I think the cortex battle was just made even easier to compensate the jetpack for all intents and purposes of this was final boss I did think that the updated snappy controls worked wonders on slide jumping so just as satisfying the soldiers is incredible to do and again much faster than instantaneous without much hang time in the air compared to before so Johnny look there's no slippy slide the animation for when you're standing on these platforms in ruination this game at a two out of ten too much like Super Meat Boy stocks all is a platform and like I said earlier though everything that made crash to the great game it is still here and accounted for and it's less of a difference from the original game like crash horn ps4 is to the original the platforming and logo design is still top-notch and great to experience and challenge yourself with today the difficulty curve is just right even with all the hidden secrets and gems and alternate pathways for you to get the actual ending and now there's more hints here for you to discover them and I'm only going to guess as well that you didn't go for all the relics this time did you can no I did not at least not for this video after the agony I enjoyed in crash 1 I checked the trophy list and did see anything new that would happen if I did four time trials so I will do it in my own time l you can even unlock the crash - boots in this version of the game so I'm excited to replay the stage is no much different and faster way but for now I'm not going to take that risk funnily enough here's an update I managed to platinum trophy every single game by the time this video was made since and there how about instead we jam out to yet another brilliant adaptation of the soundtrack aside from the pre mentioned hangout theme and sadly enough the bear riding theme it sounds too much like I'm playing the bonus level of a [ __ ] Aladdin game [Music] and because I do love the original game soundtrack a bit more I do think it would have been very cool to at least have the option to choose between the remixed songs for this game and maybe some uncompressed original pre console mixes of the original soundtrack by Josh Mansell in fact he's actually uploading these original tracks onto his soundcloud so shout out in the description go and listen to the pieces there are marvelous listen especially if you love the original game soundtracks it's sad to hear what could've been but just didn't make it in going back to the game though the ice physics have also been changed they're much heavier than before but a lot less slippy and more controllable which makes the infamous stage of cold hard crashing it's hidden desperate you then have to backtrack through a lot less of a flicker than us oh it's still undec quite true the ice for the garden is bad but unless you got admissibility from a cuckoo you're still required to be painfully precise with slippery jumps between these goddamn nitro boxes which I swear are closer together than they were in the original and in the route itself there's even a lot of metal boxes shaped like a big metal thing here they knew they [ __ ] knew okay yeah but now they do have the Box tally so that hidden box in the bonus stage and the problem anymore I don't care okay fair enough this bit still does suck and with the ice visit specifically it's different absolutely but I wouldn't argue bad like many journalists are saying for the entire controls in general and comparing it to the [ __ ] binding of issac like Johnny said himself earlier it is a tiny bit strange to get accustomed to the controls as a whole but it only takes a few stages and that's mainly because my mind is engraved to expect a different control style and physics when I look at crash and the levels that he's running around in it's not what I expected for sure but not bad whatsoever and if anything I thought it was awesomely different which doesn't happen too often I mean at the end of the day it's still Crash Bandicoot 2 a game I [ __ ] adore warts and all but now it looks better it sounds better and is now available for a new generation oh yes and let's not forget the POTUS Platt in the great to talk about crash bandicoot again yeah Crash Bandicoot rushed and occurred cash Beluga rush Dan because why do you have to ruin everything [Music] when well well crash three would be the hardest to please for me personally since three was the first game I ever played and I love it dear to my heart and so do I think this is the best version of the game well no but I do see on equal ground for the original which is still very high and fantastic it does the most things questionably compared to one and twos remasters but it also improved in other areas so I was happy it was done justice overall I mean Christ I know this game so much that I was able to beat engine without taking a single hit so I was going to be hard to impress anyway damn daddy I do actually agree with you overall crash working the ps4 is the same excellent and varied game from before with a few things wrong but still overall a brilliant time with the controls especially they even managed to improve the feeling of the baby t-rex with a fast and less bloated control style which can also be said for the water board in crash - now that I think about it and the plane stages are way more accurate with aiming as well smoother to pilot making the stage is not only fun and shooting down planes fun but also the final secret stage brings of power is a rockin good time and hey John if we're talking about smoother piloting the bazooka controls are so much better than before nowhere near as sensitive much more accurate smoother to control bigger explosion radius no need to worry about hitting one per fruit anymore and just explode boxes and enemies instead I was impressed that they took the time to fix these things on a totally optional mechanic and I actually ended up using the bazooka specifically way more than the original game because of how much nicer and satisfying it is to use I even like the belly-flop improvement the smash radius is much larger and it's a quicker action to perform in general I use this a lot as well man I'm just happy to get my power-ups back at all because I love them so much yeah I also use the belly-flop a lot more because it's faster reaction time but the double talked about the detonators spin I will never tire of that the bazookas great the crash - just as thrilling as before especially in the chase levels and I was surprised to see that some glitches were still available like the slide spindle which gives crashed extra height making encounters like Dingle Dawa I mean if you want me to nitpick I noticed that there was a shadow on this mummy here but not over here hmm and I also didn't like how the stage wore portals just kind of appeared really quickly and jagged out of nowhere instead of the smoother and slower inserts like it's growing from before Wow that [ __ ] really is nitpicky dude I can't help you I know crash story better than pretty much any other video game I was going to pay attention to this [ __ ] however like I said for everything slightly questionable the rest of the game is just as great as before and if not there's more greatness thrown in bosses for instance are just as adrenaline pumping as before but with entropy and dinga dials case specifically they were a lot more aggressive and faster to attack you which was a great change it makes it even better Faiz than they were before and it isn't it great to finally see Koko doing the crash pants look at her go and watch what happens when you get an invincible accuracy state while using the monkey bars Koko is one of the most hilarious [ __ ] things you'll ever see in a platformer this footage by the way is not sped up oh by the way Johnny what did you think of the animal controls over the three games personally I thought they were all right as stiffer and less natural feeling as before but still responsive and worked really well very different and not as good in my opinion but certainly not bad at all and the stages weren't any harder because of them for me I thought out of all of them the hog had the stiffest controller to chew on the original unity Sara but veering left and right thumb will let us struggle this time it's appropriate given how crash hijacks the animal but I didn't think the Barrow tiger controlled much differently it's just I think the smoother animation is like a logical [ __ ] with me it's more of an issue when I'm going for the relics I missed more time Chris than I could count but during gem hunts where i could proceed at my leisure i think they're just fine as for the other vehicles though I thought the bike was pretty similar to before and I loved how luminous green out and slowing down the speed of the stage moving towards you makes them still very good and with those changes specifically the UFO stage but I hated before is now a million times easier and actually way more fun to play compared to the impossible guesswork of the original however this might sound like another nitpick but this was really distracting for me whenever you jump off the ramp and land there's a sudden screen jump every time you do it I mean I know he's trying to emulate the feeling of jumping off something and landing and it's all heavy and it makes the screen shake but I don't know this doesn't look right to me the original games is this a lot better this just looks like the [ __ ] games clipping through the ramp and glitching and John what did you think of the Koko jetski stages Jesus what did they do to the jetski it's way heavier than before I can't turn this tightly making box collecting harder to be precise with it's such a pain when I passed by even a single box because now I got to turn this thing around just grab the box this permeates through every ski level ironically unlike the animal levels I find it easier to speedrun these than gem hunting because being meticulous with this thing of the goddamn chore and when all I have to worry about is driving in a straight line then I guess that's okay actually you know what wait Johnny do you mind doing me a favor and turning on your famous thanks from videos that you've done in the past [ __ ] if you need it now this is going to be good okay that's on brilliant thanks man so with the changes to the jetski physics and controls and the fact that I wanted to get all of the gold or platinum relics of this game since you need the relics to unlock the secret stages the hidden level hot cocoa can [ __ ] right off and shove it hairy than a [ __ ] burning top I didn't mind the controls too much when you were just trying to get a crystal or a gem but gang a [ __ ] relic in the hot coco stage with an open-ended level design and [ __ ] box player on other ends of the [ __ ] you say little centimetres away from certain death traps all of the time is made a million times harder than it was in the original when you take away the less slippy and more responsive control every single [ __ ] time you want to jump over a [ __ ] ramp you need to be deaf assured that you jump as straight as an hour overnight because otherwise you slip and slide all over the place okay nitro craze in the air it's like in this game they were too focused on making it feel realistic like you were actually skidding across the water but that just makes everything more [ __ ] frustrating it's a platformer in the original games if this control [ __ ] perfectly and it was really fun so why did they change it and seeing as you can't shall turn any more team the time crates around moving boxes of clothes in possibility when you're trying to [ __ ] roster everything this stage I swear to god was just built with no source of a possibility would be to complete with the time to unload and I played this [ __ ] you say for about an hour and a half try to get the [ __ ] ball running another fact exact good [ __ ] this station is the worst thing I've ever done in a crash game you can turn off censored mode now what the [ __ ] you broke the damn thing I only have one of those oh it's not like you used it that much anyway not the point oh it's working again well now I can see why they call it a non sane trilogy yeah too right because that part drove me it's ok well let's see what the positive spin this game looks in Southwick nificent ok to be honest I think this is visually and musically my favorite out of the ps4 trilogy with some stay like gee where's looking [ __ ] breathtaking when the Sun rises over the background and the car more and more mystical approach to the hangar my theme I thought I wouldn't like as much but I actually really digged it the drums bass lines different instruments and genres there in the original game was great but now it really [ __ ] kicks arse from the big-band feel the tracks now have however I must protest against the wizard enemies not being in their underwear when you kill them right so not having the slippy slide the animation in crash to make this game a 2 out of 10 but now it's a [ __ ] zero this [ __ ] is unacceptable we never had that in the US version of the game Canada overall though if you ask me the N Seine trilogy is an awesome little collection and a must-have if you liked or loved the original crash game I tell you the insane trilogy is very much like the Super Mario all-stars of the original crash bandicoot games enhanced graphics with enhanced sound enhanced gameplay mechanics better intent every reason to get this let's face it you probably do already on this but newcomers room for a blast from the past as well they get to experience one of the few games that pioneered 3d platforming in the 90s with a beautiful fresh coat of paint all for 40 bucks I mean let me save that [ __ ] price in the UK is breakfast or thing typical American kid also talking [ __ ] I know my 83 0 1 2 CS okay so the Ensign trilogy is the absolute only way to play these classic games with all of the bells and whistles and on the odd occasion it isn't but to be honest with the amount of game you have here the amount of great [ __ ] that you have here the things it doesn't do quite as well they don't really register it's way too good of value and too full of effort and love to ignore I do wish that at this point there was a little bit more additional content especially for remakes this late on I mean having power-ups in crash 1 & 2 would have been a [ __ ] amazing option if you wanted to use them but I honestly don't care because I had a total blast from start to finish as I 100% of the entire trilogy over a few days I had the biggest goofy smile whenever I pick the game up and because of that I definitely get the salvage caddy why didn't you just do that the salvage gun because I forgot to film it okay Johnny hello aha now I have thoroughly tucked into my class and tables of turns would you love delicious monkey okay fine I give up for the crash there's off [Music] perfect your hand okay smooth yes you don't only use your mouth aha now the tables have turned that of [ __ ] we wanna do a crash repairs over even though the what the wall
Channel: Caddicarus
Views: 1,574,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: caddicarus, caddy, james, caddick, game, review, hiddenblock, hidden, block, balrogthemaster, gaming, dykgaming, didyouknowgaming, completionist, ps1, ps4, pc, modern, retro, reviews, comedy, crash bandicoot, crash n sane trilogy, n sane trilogy, crash, crash n sane trilogy gameplay, crash n sane trilogy walkthrough, crash n sane trilogy review, crash bandicoot ps4, crash bandicoot n sane trilogy, n sane trilogy music, n sane trilogy trailer, intro, somecallmejohnny, johnny vs, collab, ft
Id: VT0ysLg2RaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 2sec (1802 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2017
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