[OLD] Caddicarus: The Complete SEASON 1

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that's Josh hmm Mario Kart anyone no crash team racing no no Star Wars super bombard racing not even that okay you deliberately just trying to annoy me okay then what's your great idea then rascal races hmm never heard of it seems kind of adventurous doesn't it we're diving into new territory here I wonder if it's any good it wasn't it really really wasn't greetings and salutations my beautiful people and I am cat Icarus but you guys can call me caddy because you know Kid Icarus is a bit mouthful and I know that talking about and reviewing and discussing retro games has already been done to death and that was the topic that jontron kind of scratched over but in my case my generation refused forward so my earliest memories of gaming and my true nostalgic roots are actually in the PlayStation one but enough about me let's just dig into rascal races and see why it shouldn't exist picking up a game like this is in itself a dangerous and exciting expedition you will either come out of it with a rare gem and valuable life experience or an ancient piece of fossilized mammoth dung with nothing to show for it even though I suppose they're actually quite valuable he'll what do I know and this is an ancient piece of fossilized mammoth doll that you accidentally ate somehow let me tell you I have nothing to show for it just the fact that I paid real you know money for this game still mystified me hey big deal I was 10 and I liked SunnyD judge me so why waste any time talking about it so I can think of plenty of reasons but I need to purify myself and review this [ __ ] let's go all right let's play some rascal races uh-huh miracles designs Jesus made this game are you Jesus guys are you sure about that ad thank you I'll just go and have a long hard look in the mirror and you won't sir Jesus and in the UK this game was distributed by Midas games who are well known for such classics as truck racing Equestria 2001 and full start tennis hey yeah hey hey hey hey wait wait wait wait a moment what's this versus you ever yeah over you have you ever thirty you ever 30 30 30 PlayStation titles available well that's fun why have I only got the one I want more than one I want all the collection I want all thirty I want over 30 of them I want them all on my shelf I want I want more than one this isn't fair no church you know I've just life [ __ ] sucks with a game that looks as innocent as that it can't be that bad could it I mean it seems harmless enough you have a dragon and a chipmunk racing go cuts through the snow on the front cover and then litter 18 title kind of like Ridge Racer revolution generation feels so good don't you agree and even proof of how rascally these races are by having the dragon stick his tongue out he's clearly a sore loser what more hijinks could we possibly be involved well there isn't a plot of some sort so I won't even bother commenting on the story because there isn't one yeah I guess they knew they were only gonna mess that up so it's safer that way the story is kind of like sex and the lack of it is kind of safer stay in school got a decent education and make something of your life you have ten races two of them unlockable unfortunately they're not actually there I'll see you have to actually play the game and they are all whimsical animals with whimsical names unfortunately they were even too cheap to alliterate the names big disappointment we have Argyle the aardvark and yet we have poorly the beaver shameful this is a kids game right what kind of names so what's the goal to win all nine yeah nine races that split over three here three environments fit the state win the tournament and probe you wasted time summer guess what it isn't well one word you'll notice me using a lot in this review is meh meh la la la so just be ready for that okay and I think I'm gonna pick the raccoon cuz you know I'm a badass visually it's very new you have the city the forest and a noisy place hearing by the word you like the names of those levels I love them I mean it looks okay 2004 same goddamn unit three and Snake Eater we're released I mean I know there are on earth next gen sisters but that's no excuse look at crash 398 even mgs2 at amazing graphics for his time and that was three years expected to market I'm getting off track apart from those yeah paper character models it's all uninspired than just bland stock graphics in terms of animation characters only move their heads and left and right like think about the original Super Mario Kart on Super Nintendo now make it more 3d that's all no special environmental hazards nothing in the background you get the odd pill every so often well gee I didn't see that but they are all the same just colored and shaped differently oh we got a bridge nothing more to add nothing in terms of design again it's very new hey by the way you're liking this music or get used to it these are the only two tracks in the game's title screen boom racing now before the fans of this game start raging some hormones at me I am certain that there are more songs than this but when I came back to record the gameplay for this video the other tracks freakin ran away before I could pounce on them the race tracks are all basically the same boring flag design they go around and come full circle that's it no hazards gaps holes nothing just a bog-standard told stock racetracks sound effects and music a dull soulless again stock it's all just the leftovers of older racing games that have been put into a blender and the concoction isn't that tasting I mean you try putting a lot of your week's leftovers into a blender and then having a nice little gulp of it later on on the Sunday evening it's it's very disgusting but you know you know you know you know five a day keeps the friggin doctor away the controls are stiff momentum is wrong the turning is wrong and it all just defies physics and the natural racing gamer instinct let me know look at this notice braking is exactly the same as letting go of accelerate and there was one thing that shocked me so much I couldn't speak for the rest of the week I spent an hour of my time trying to finish this game pletely I mean all of it an hour it took me it took me it took me an hour to finish it all completely like a bus and what do I get well how about the ability of not being able to save the game I will say that again baby what were they thinking I mean Jesus Christ on a bicycle I have a memory cut what could I use it [Music] biggest summer place it's not there isn't an option or anything but for one reason or another when I bought this brand new from Asda youngster go it just didn't want to save as far as gameplay goes again it's very new firstly it's far too easy I understand this is a much more younger oriented kind of racing game but this makes three to one Smurf look like contra in go cuts in the forest with the Smurfs you get Time Trial arcade and tournament the weapons give you no satisfaction and whoa whoa whoa hang up are those real grenades like army in boom real grenades Call of Duty God when you're in first place and you get a shield damn busy boring no one will ever catch up to you and even if they do they can't really harm you anyway it's just one big huge punishment for waiting commands might play it on your own oh it's funny you know what now that I think about it speaking of that did I mention that there's no multiplayer mode I'm just gonna let that sink in for a while no multiplayer mode not even on the arcade racing game I might play I'll tell you what kind a bad one the only thing salvageable about this game is its loading time it's as quick as oh I paid money for this game and I feel bad about it I could have bought some meet or something for the same price you know something freakin useful just pop this [ __ ] in and immerse yourself in some crazy and nonstop action on your own because there's no multiplayer and then do it all again because you can't save the game and it is easily wanted the worst way she took the ps1 no no I stand corrected faces of all time my advice stay away from this game and don't let your inner child tempt you to get it no matter how much it cries and begs and scratches at your mind just leave it it's not a good game a fun game or even so bad it's good it's not even a guilty pleasure it's just bad [ __ ] oh hi [Music] good old crash unders universally successful debut on the August 31st in 1996 and it was about this thing created by this guy who escaped from this guy because this guy is evil and wants to steal this thing's girlfriend and enslave humanity a very basic gaming narrative formula but nonetheless extremes are successful selling roughly 6.8 million copies worldwide as of today the appeal to this game was the fact that it was just essentially the simplicity of the original mario flipped into a 3d game as in that you only use two action buttons and move around primitive and not up to spec with mario 64 tall but as I said effective the series continued to evolve throughout the years and constantly add more meat to the bones with new power-ups characters environment changes platform excels even different dreams uncle forever and the company developing these great games was the strangely title of Naughty Dog who may be known nowadays for the Untied series as well as jak and daxter and Naughty Dog will also churning out these games once a year impressive guys you think you're so tough Ryan though I look funny to you while I like oh ho oh well ok you're pretty tough so everything was sailing smoother than Christopher Walken smothered in sunflower oil until hey what's this no a dog [ __ ] drops fresh just brush candy coat I don't know about you but I can only see failure and misery after that choice so Howie oh yeah kind of forgot about that yeah nice thank erected but yeah they dropped crash for other things and so will Tom integrated software came along to leach off his success with crash bash while a boom ting bang ding-a-ling what what what were the first crash game after the departure of Naughty Dog hey at least Sony Computer Entertainment's still had a part in it it might just pull something out of the metaphorical hat so you put the game and close the lid assault the power button and bam aggression betcha and here we have as always kick-ass music as to be expected and even crashes doing something and we have a wide selection of things to press the first thing that strikes your attention is battle and tournament it shouldn't come as any surprise I mean CTR had multiplayer but this is taking a platforming approach so what exactly do they have in their metaphorical sleeves oh you know now you decide to show descriptive text once I start moving thanks game anyways adventure home sorry it's just that too many questions have flooded my mind right now two-player adventure interesting aku aku and Luca Luca with lines of good guys and bad guys to pick from interesting tiny and dinga dollar on the good line interesting gorilla monkey anus face who isn't from any other crash game and never appears in future installments interesting anyways this is looking like a very interesting kind of game no I'm saying I'm just gonna pick crash cos I'm pretty boring and here we have the story now I must admit as far as the plot goes it's magnificently underwhelming for something that's presented so epically this it's kind of silly really ok listen to me calling a game with a walking bandicoot silly I'm my basically the plot is chugging along nicely ultimately because hookah hookah and aku-aku are bickering as they say so right from the get-go you can tell this is gonna be good when the entity of good and the entity of having an epic wobble like in a married couple and this obviously only leads to one way to settle it - violence not to mention they summon other people and make them undergo absolute carnage in order to determine who exactly is top dog Oh a Bandicoot should I say Hey Oh give you a 5 anyone and it won't give you fun anyone know how well [ __ ] you then but yes that's all it is they want to see who's indeed the better mask by sitting floating back while these innocent by standards are thrown into tanks as they blow the everlasting eyebrows off of each other that makes sense Gracie Bashi and now that I have your undivided attention I would like to take this time to address a few things in a little section I like to call the top whatever number reasons this intro makes no [ __ ] sense whatsoever number one why can't they fight each other ok then number two who are the ancients these guys ancients and three why did you burn each other at the end of crash 3 that looks like bloody fighting to me number 4 why the strange choice of characters and number 5 isn't REO of good going crash - why did he end up on cortex aside all of a sudden not what about engine and entropy instead we have old bum face over here and number 6 crash I'm sure what you're doing is incredibly relevant and really fun but please stop can you not see how serious this is told you now why am i complaining let's place them crash lip Ashley and then Ashley medicate so right away we're here in the warp room no yeah but I can't jump what the hell I can spin like it's going out of style but I can't jump oh man I think I'm gonna be okay basically this is much like crash one style of warping and not like the more freedom based two and three one step forward two steps back so in case you didn't read the box or get the freaking memo because you're a stubborn old sausage that's expecting a classic crash game this is in fact Mario Party but this so I guess we should see how it all holds up I'm gonna run through the first world on its own because these four minigames here act as the main recurring minigame and through every warp room they alter it slightly to add a bit of since it's a neat little idea and it makes it more fun and challenging as it goes on you do have other really fun games such as the battle tank levels and even the medieval stages but we shall stick to these levels for the term okay right first game for wait pond queue but the only real major difference here is that there are so many balls everywhere balls they fly from the left they fly from the right they fly from the front they fly from that's it but yeah it starts off slow but it's only building up to the craziness that follows it it's actually good fun for the first time it's all well and good and everything but you have to keep soldiering on until one player wins three times it's a good time to mention that this is much better suited to multiplayer where it's a bit more competitive in fast paced but the AI here couldn't give less of a [ __ ] so the game does tend to drag on especially when playing it three times over the graphics as well are actually quite pleasant the characters look good and the sleeker and simpler stages aren't overcompensated by over coloring other stages it's the typical crash style and it's nice it's nice yeah I like I like theming theming that's what this game does it themes did I mention I like theming okay next game polar panic when it comes to playing something three times over this is much more fun than crash ball partly because of how quick a match can last it's also pretty cool having some minigames depending on who you pick and determine what special powers you have in different mini-games for example in this game everybody has a charge attack and a meter if you pick cortex or Brio they will use their jet packs to deliver a devastating blow to opponents unfortunately the charge runs out completely after one use and you have to wait for a recharge dinga Dolan asked for a face both have the weakest charge which is I don't even know but they have loads of charge remaining before running out meaning that they can deliver three or four attacks sequentially that's a nice wallet secuence oh my god that's a nice work I do like how this adds a bit more strategy and lead you to overcome and adapt to each player's strengths and weaknesses it's good and I don't know what that noise is every time crash charges but I like it maybe more than I should there are even some additional power-ups in this stage given by this thing a lightning storm an anvil a shrinking ray and a Titan ray but again best suited multiplayer ok stage 3 Pogo paint ok I know this is my second video but there is too much [ __ ] here crasher Basha how am I an average consumer supposed to react to all this crazy on screen the main objective here is to paint as many blocks as you can and then hit the purple boxes to claim your points depending on how many squares you painted but challenges can willfully paint over your life's work passed on and this is a fairly quick game as well the AI is a little more refined here and the power-ups include fast boots missiles and line painters this does get a little overwhelming and you can choose to have a strategy but I wouldn't recommend it I would just go for a purple box whenever you see them the best solution to our problem is usually the easiest and again more suited to multiplayer I hope you see what I'm getting out with this unless you don't of course that's always fun stage 4 jungle bash nearly the same as crash bash but here we have a much simpler objective go or michaelbay on everyone and laugh as you brutally pummel everyone to an insignificant pulp this usually ends up the craziest and the trickiest explosions stone boxes health pickups and a short time limit as the AI actually cares for once in his miserable life I can actually find myself enjoying this with or without a friend and that's all good in my book talking about my book go bite now it's called the cat dictionary nothing in it because it doesn't exist not much more to say here except right now the first boss level you must defeat the mighty Papo Papo Papo Papo mighty so mighty that a few spins and three smacks on the head wipes him out oh look it's pappu pappu I remember him he was hilarious and he was very easy no disappointment here ladies and gentlemen he is still hilarious and still very easy dodge the attack killed the creepy baby crashes and hit him when his shields are down and he really gets into it even with the whole evil laughing thing after I kill all of his minions which makes no sense and he even ends up leaving himself exposed to my projectile and don't get me started on his noises Oh his noises so the first world of crashes bashes can we judge the game by the first world of adventure in this case no become it isn't the most exciting or promising start of an adventure mode but I will be honest the bosses do get trickier the repeating games do add more quirks and more fun this as you progress fun this what ponce wrote this script oh yeah me stick it in the collection arey and going through the game is all worth it to unlock the additional 97 levels that are available in a multiplayer mode or he could just be a dirty skanky little cheater couldn't you hey my face and the camera and don't get me started on the Holika one night and there are loads of things to get done and complete in the adventure such as the additional gem and crystal challenges for every stage and even the relics when you get really far despite the fact that some of them are annoying frustrating but it doesn't escape the fact that there is a lot of game play time out of this if you're willing to go through all the repetition in the process and the major issue is that even though the adventure is crucial to unlocking multiplayer events the game is a hell of a lot more fun to play with someone else even if that means playing adventure two-player just avoid playing this alone it cries for a soulmate to play with nearly 24/7 as far as a party game goes with Crash Bandicoot I would easily say that this game is really fun in some places and definitely worth the pittance it would cost to buy nowadays little to the studio executives know that from this point onward the crash universe would forever plummet into the depths of oblivion one mediocre game off for another further deviating what make rice no fun and casting a shadow of sorrow other values of original crash but don't get me started on crash Boom Bang to the deers easily go over you have a problem if a problem with larger said you want to say it to my face and rough look at you thinking you're all that come at me bro I do I don't do rich gold but not only have I got a new haircut I have also got new location and even a new camera so you can see my disgusting face in much crisper high-definition and hey you tell me what better way to celebrate all this brand spanking new stuff than actually doing a new type of video gaming video video game video you know I was thinking the other day that I should make a gaming top-ten list but then it occurred to me wow I don't actually know how to make a top-10 list and it is also occurred to me that I am too young and inexperienced to try such an immense task but then I had an idea that maybe I should make a top 10 that no one has ever done before and that avoiding a cliched list could be the perfect opportunity to demonstrate my abilities so after that thought was processed I made this silly video now obviously a few rules must be taken into consideration like the one game per franchise rule and also this list is limited to characters I'm aware of so if I miss any are more obvious or even better characters to pick then please let me know but then thinking about it who really gives a rat's ass about shopkeepers so any use I hope you enjoy let's start as trainer right merchants in a video game refers to a character that doesn't necessarily advance the plot but instead acts as the provider and an enhancement now you will advance the plot so actually in a sense they do advance the plot I guess maybe I could ignore me these merchants can be described by that media theorist Vladimir Propp as the donor character who provides the hero or heroine with essential information and tools to help complete the quest and for one reason or another some video games want your visit to the merchant to be as memorable as possible so that all of your efforts collecting gold or cheap [ __ ] will not go and recognize and oftentimes it's actually impossible to beat the game without paying at least one visit to the merchant making them a necessity in the video game world I feel that they're a little bit under mine hence why we're going to be looking at 10 of them today so without further ado let's start at the beginning [Music] okay okay I really don't know anything about top tens or anything and these things in Bioshock aren't even merchants but goddamnit racially insensitive ammo dispensers in a 1950's underwater city overrun by scary druggies just had to start this list off just listen to it's just incredible already I don't know why I love him so much and I don't know why I couldn't play an actual merchant at the top ten in a video called the top ten merchants but this is my list of shut up okay I'm sorry again a little bit of a cheat as he actually really isn't a merchant in real life and he isn't exactly a video game character except in Guitar Hero but he is anyways the self-proclaimed guardian of metal in brutal legend Oh screw it you just gotta be calling him Ozzy aren't you was a merchant that you always just wanted to go and see and he always seems happy to see you too well it's about [ __ ] time I also like his house not to mention that he provides a crap-ton as a real unit of measurement of useful and awesome looking accessories and [ __ ] he also ends up one of the most quotable characters in the game with such gems as I've got a couple of moves I can show you yes take care of you you've got some demon flesh on your bumper anyways you get my point so yeah [Music] another somewhat obscure choice we have the hip-hop hero parappa the rapper and the third mentor in his quest prince flee swallow this guy is really important as you can't actually advance without finishing his ridiculously easy rap and you really need to repair your dad's car that you foolishly busted earlier he teaches you in the ways of selling pumps with trucks bottle caps and skunks what but I think that the best thing about him is that he's a rapping Jamaican paper cutout frog that earns a living selling dead animals hang your head in shame jay-z Japan is on the offensive and trampling over everything you've ever done how can you compete with you can't you just can't compete with that and oh okay maybe you just sucked but hey at least you've been working here since your mama was a baby what's but it's okay for somehow this raises enough money for a brand new car you know what this has just given me an idea okay this is the first official merchant of the list and his name is pox genuine Destroy All Humans delivers exactly what it promises and the way that it plays out like a 50s b-movie was an ingenious touch leaving many opportunities for comedy as well as over-the-top pulverizing on pox over eras cryptos leader and for some reason he also sells you [ __ ] are actually doing as well as being your leader pox is also an inventor so whenever you do your hard work of killing people and all that jazz and then come eating brains and whatnot he can then experiment with everything you've collected so I guess I still cheated again he isn't really a merchant but oh but this guy doesn't want your cold hard cash he wants other people's cold hard DNA the missions allow you plenty of time to grab the juicy stuff and every return back to the mother base allows you to spend it all on guns big guns and saucer upgrades sawsan big and collecting coins what's wrong with you from 1943 how about smearing gooey goo food or the policeman and teenagers for their brains not to mention his voice is exquisite the humans drive their carbon combustion transports in and then spew projected images for the purpose of entertainment he even replaces you whenever you die which is nice okay now I don't really care too much for this game and to be honest I couldn't tell you anything that happened at any key characters or hair even the title of the damn game but instead facts temperature if there was one particular character that stood out this guy girl he she pops up about thirty minutes into the game and immediately you're unset look I'll even test on you as weird as he/she looks where he/she shines is in the business end of things yes like all merchants he she sells all the things that you need and often very silly prices but what makes you she stand out is that and you can haggle any price that you want well not any any that would be stupid and excuse me sir but you to order the atrocious voiceover with the side dish hilarity why yes yes I did every merchant in the world needs a voice like that alright don't shout I'm sure that everybody on God's earth knows this guy and to be honest I would have put him higher up on the list if he was I mean he's forgivable for the most part in the later games anyway you know when you're buying useful things from him and he has a different kind of dialect but in the early games particularly two and three he is simply a douche he claims to be working with the bad guys and that by disobeying them he's doing you a favor yeah whenever he's confronted by the bad guys he is always owned he's like that annoying douche at school that used to try and get along with the jocks and the Nerds at the same time yet actually doesn't appeal to either and acts like a douche plus his prices are outrageous so why is he so high on the list and why was I gonna put him up higher am i nuts well to be honest despite his daughter factor who doesn't remember him not to mention it's impossible to finish the games without at least buying one thing off of him no matter how much you don't want to also one or two lines do make me chuckle but not as much as I'd love to take you're just seeing him there in the distance all douchey you can't resist paying him just a little visit and listening to an overdressed and ridiculous proposal of his he also does try to con you in a kiddie game welcome to the real world [ __ ] and maybe it's simply because he's a bear in a suit with a monocle and it just kills me let's not forget the retribution in spyro 3 as well getting money back never felt so damn good okay sorry I can hear everybody screaming right now game and he does nothing and heavy rain is bad but it just won't be quite an event I suppose the haters have got a hey and admittedly he doesn't provide any consistent goods that you need throughout the game but first things first I love this game more than you can imagine and secondly this guy was so high on the list yeah because this scene or stage chapter oh who cares it perfectly paints a picture of a decent guy trying to live his regular life after the death of his son he's polite friendly and willing to cooperate without breaking down into a sea of tears he is also very stern yet respectful and despite rejecting to answer a few questions about his son he still doesn't forget customer service and points our beloved doughy Scott Shelby towards the inhalers a few seconds pass and another man enters same innocent scenario seems to take progress but instead of a few questions this guy has an order empty the register this particular bit is what made him stand out so much for me for he ungodly and courageously refuses to hand it over for a good two minutes or so with a gun at his face he states that he has worked very hard for his earnings and not even a death threat in between his eyes will stop him [ __ ] King Legend although if ol Shelby doesn't come to the rescue in time he will get killed dead but Jesus what a brave guy and if you do save him he takes back what he said earlier and ends up aiding you further in your investigation oh the things you have to do for compliance hey Scott ask my face [Music] up next I guess I don't really need to explain this one in this case I will refer to winwaker because now it is commonly known that eight out of ten Zelda characters are pretty weird and this is no exception let me just look at him now obviously he's high on the list for his usefulness in the game and the prices and the membership card system and whatnot but it's also the little things he is always mobile like a real merchant he over-exaggerated s-- everything like a real merchant he has a stupid voice like a real merchant try to know I must stay at home I don't know any merchants I need to go outside why should I so yeah he holds a very special place in my heart it's a privilege to go and see him it's just like oh look I got a few rupees let's splurge it all on him because he's so awesome it's like you constantly want to be with him and his adorable music and oh I love it and in typical merchant style the silly voice is almost imperative so how silly is it probably the silliest and all Mouse [Applause] ribbon I love this guy I love this game I love disfranchise but seriously I do love me some Metal Gear Solid easily in my top 5 franchises of all time but I always wondered how could kijima possibly include a merchant character in all the single man no backup balls-to-the-wall operations let alone a cohesive and simple buy and sell system I didn't think it could be done but then I remembered this is her day of freaking Kojima yeah didn't you know this is real middleman and he pulled it off flawlessly with Drebin I shan't go into too much detail about his actual character as it may involve some spoiling so if you haven't played this yet or any other metal gear solid game get them all and play them in chronological order trust me it did this closed-door gaming bliss yeah but beside that point Drebin is one of the coolest mofos you could ever find in a Middle Eastern war zone and he never really gets stressed out any point either he also works with anyone and everyone he doesn't take sides which makes him both trustworthy and shady so that makes him number two because he also has one of the most god damn easiest shop systems in modern gaming history at modern history offered squarely basically whenever you pick up weapons ammo and other items that you already have or can't carry they will instantly be sold to him like instantly let's time it boom not even a millisecond instantaneous and during the certain events that occur throughout the story his offers will alter such as the 50% closing down sale towards the end of the game and so on and not only the in-game events but even the time and the day that you play the game can have an effect on the deals such as playing it on a Sunday for example which is awesome not to mention convenient as all hell just a pause button away 24 freaking 7 he also has a monkey there has no fur and drink soda and milk what's not to like Boone's pissed the merchant for such a minor character with occasional appearances and resi for this guy stood out even more so than Ashley or Sadler or even freakin Leon he left an everlasting impression on me even the first time you see him don't I even need to explain how brilliant he is firstly it's almost impossible to make a list of video game merchants without actually talking about someone named merchant just running around those desolate wasteland popping lead-in to the naughty spaniards the game can get pretty tense and just seeing that blue flame envelops you in comfort even though he actually never sells em oh and this guy leaves so much intrigue with the player and so many questions are left unanswered why is he in rural Spain where did he get his ass nor from why is he at so many places at once why isn't he infected where did he come from does he have a family why wasn't he in Razzie 5 why did resi 5 destroy the point of resi already 6 be any good how are you today should I just shut up now ok well so if you shoot this caring man however he will die and never come back and bearing in mind this game is pretty tricky with him there that is an unbearable thought he is everything a merchant should be mysterious trustworthy unintrusive shady creepy neither friend or foe helpful comforting plus dat voice welcome ah I'll buy it at a high price got a selection of good things on sale stranger what are you buying stranger stranger now that's a weapon ah that is why he is number one I don't know maybe I can't explain it but for me this beautiful man will always be my number one shopkeeper ever greetings and salutations my beautiful people and welcome to the category show where I always have the most difficult task of deciding whether or not a game should be slaughtered or salvaged and today or more appropriately tonight we're going to be having a look at a little gem from 1995 known only as fade to black that looks so [ __ ] cool apparently this little doozy was released as a sequel to a 1992 cinematic platformer known as flashback which is now actually in the Guinness World Records as the highest selling French game of all time I'm assuming that at the time it did very well as well as it managed to warrant this sequel which isn't good rushed back to you but I'm perfectly sure that there's a discernible reason as to why that is even though I can't think to within an inch of my life as to what that could possibly be anyways this game seemed to do pretty well itself selling enough copies for a platinum standard and it was also only on ms-dos using different 3d modeling techniques and the PlayStation 1 only just winning against the Sega Saturn and the Nintendo 64 releases though were actually cancelled now this must have been a huge gamble either that it was good enough to be worth the high tech Playstations time and money or that it wasn't actually that good at all for the other systems to invest in who knows well certainly not me as after much research led me to the conclusion that the world rejoiced in harmony as video game critics around the world all came to the astonishing verdict that took the world by storm hands joined and heads held high people all over the globe played this game and said unto the world nay and so I have no real foundation for an initial opinion is it good is it bad who knows let's fade in to fade to black to find out be more appropriate so this epic tale begins with what else a monologue from our main character Conrad Hart now why am I telling you this when you can listen to the riveting dialogue yourself deep in cryogenic sleep for 50 years I've been drifting around the cosmos so after this unbelievable Star Wars ripoff stars reporter and this side sweep of a pink lychee looking spacecraft we hear who the bad guys are I was back in the clutches of my worst enemy the moon bastard moon I knew it was never to be trusted with a tritium the more oh-oh the moths okay wait wait the moths oh my god anything anything but some more it didn't take them very long to decide my fate [Music] well the [ __ ] we're going with it off we go okay I kid I kid this intro is actually quite promising B it's a bit long and being that it came from the early ages of computer-generated playstation FMV which is a little bit terrifying in my eyes it isn't that bad for 1995 I actually looked forward to playing this after the long drawn out bit so after that little startup we have our credits seems to me these guys combined to be a real hit day of freaking Kojima wannabe as we even have a game director no less and we have the great names of the industry that we all know and love today such as Sebastiaan Clement gave me the hot I do Stephanie I sell dia bonds hans-juergen pants and even Paul Puma yeah I hope this game isn't too French anyways let's get on with this Oh more FMV game have you been reading my diary well hell Alcatraz on the moon where's Clint when you need it okay Wow we can escape in a cargo vessel I'm John O'Connor John O'Connor really oh what a truly pathetically lazy yet hilarious use of pop-culture referencing I must warn you fade to black I'm subject to charm and I didn't think I'd have to use this again but I think it's a must but because I'm given no backstory I need to yet again address the top whatever number reasons they center make no [ __ ] sense whatsoever number one what did I do why was I kidnapped in the first place number two if I'm a threat why don't they just kill me number three why is this Mac security lunar prison staffed by people who get shot at point-blank range with no one else patrolling or even noticing something is amiss number four why did he shoot the camera what was the purpose to look cool John O'Connor absolutely number five why is this max security prison somehow slipped the little fact that a gun and a PDA is in my damn cell and for that matter number six how did Conrad not notice this before number seven what is actually bloody going on well I'm guessing this will be answered in the gameplay aspect so let's not waste any more time wow I've seen some menus in my time but what a menu this is not much to say here pretty boring so let's resume the game oh yeah I got you good we haven't actually got anything towards you and so right away different from games nowadays is that the game just almost starts straightaway yeah you know that FMV earlier that one yeah well you have to sit through all the company flashy logos in order to get to it it's actually one big supermassive FMV if you skip those splash arts you miss the story all what little you can make of it anyway so after a surprisingly short loading screen the game begins and what in the name of all that's holy is this look Maris I mean it's tough I actually get art or anything but I guess if you compare this to Picasso or something this is actually a masterpiece in virtual gaming art I mean for God's sakes starfox look better than mix the FMV you're pretty good why not this so anyways we start off stuck in a Cell yes sucks right and it seems that we have to use all of our gaming instincts all of our combined wits intellect an unquestionably pinpoint detective work to help escape this twisted nightmare or we just walk out excellent excellent anyway before I get bombarded by an army of guards let's check out the controls it works very similarly to Tomb Raider but in these claustrophobic space areas it moves more like Resident Evil which doesn't really work in this kind of game there's also an aiming mode which brings the camera right behind your [ __ ] head which also looks like a piss poop what are you a map wherever is directly in front of you which you can't see we also have a run button a duck button which doesn't let you move a painfully slow back walk and a weird side shot of Conrad whenever I press r2 hmm what does he do I have no idea he seemed to be getting jiggy with it though we shall call this the buggy button oh he's reloading bottom line without actually experiencing the controls for yourself they suck so after I get the hang of the control scheme I move onwards oh wait wait I forgot one button and what does this do Wow seems as though I'm literally leaping into action all that open up straight here how are you it'll be easier to explain if you open the door or stranger I must warn you I'm armed and dangerous [Music] hello oh oh yeah you know just invite yourself in you know make yourself at home you know I don't worry I understand I do I really do I love it when you do this yeah by the way are you doing in my house no and why do you sound like the merchant from Rosie for hey aren't I all you've been dreaming about no get out well can't I just stay for a cheeky little cup of flavorless tea and a chocolate digestive biscuit no no please get out of my house okay but before I leave just ask yourself what do I benefit from kicking out an innocent little creature anyways where were we oh yeah shitty game so I exit the Saturn already I'm shot out by an indescribable object but yeah you just kinda point and it kinda locks and it kind of shoots with kinda not so very good effect that was easy well I say that I hope I have a lot of ammo for this thing I'm assuming that it's unlimited who the hell knows well at least I can sidestep in a mode so after that I start jacking my swag as I exit the vicinity or not huh you know given the state of things Conrad really acts like a pimp as mofo in dire situations I love him for it so I solved this mind bender by standing on the switch and having a brisk jog towards the time-constrained door you know mass high-security prison doesn't use key cards just a little race from one end of the room to the other so cute so the next room like I always say when in doubt head left so walk around the beer stand on this thing and then another camera angle shows me that a rolly death bot is heading towards me at top speed naturally I shoot it and it blows up or does it and it's at this point where we get to see just what Conrad looks like while in a mode I kid you not this is one of the greatest a modes I've ever seen looks like the terror of the situation got to our little Conrad's head and into his bowels and his downstairs problems don't even end there as we can see here that now he really needs a widdle this guy needs to start out his issues so I enter the next room suckling moves shoots me I've lowered up but something instead attacking me yeah well what do I do um Rick what who's white Jesus now there's a terrifying death scene turn that down a bit I didn't turn that up that is genuinely how loud is this is redonkulous so here we go again I do all this crap again and finally I see what was supposed to be attacking me none other than but now I'm stuck what do I do I can't enter any cells there's no switches there's nothing to kill I can't go back so I decide to press select and see that the screen fades to black and a look around and notice that I have a new message that I've actually had since the start of the game so let's have a look see and it gives me an ungodly important message that tells me exactly what I have to do and why couldn't the game just start with it why wasn't I told about this why wasn't it in the FMV but oh well it may have given me a good idea what to do but it does not I repeat does not help me right now I was so stuck here I got pretty bored and I also noticed that whenever you hold the X button it almost acts as an accelerator for Conrad doesn't matter if you're standing dead still you'll just die straightforward not great seriously I'm stumped I have no frickin idea what's today a what oh god I don't care oh this place is too damn big can I be asked to explore it no I can't I'm losing patience with this I also began to notice this indescribable flesh-colored growth on Conrad's behind I'm guessing it's the PDA but I'd rather think of it as bare bum flesh it's skin coloured bite me so I do this and I do that spider boss level boss by the levelled sponge spider level boss oh do this do that and access granted to South Corridor a passageway okay what does that mean where is it what is it oh oh who cares amber going in this is now over here and here is what I like to call the impossible section with endlessly responding enemies an untouchable attacks in a few seconds pass and surprise surprise I die wait for it it's coming give it a second it's coming stop taunting me Jesus game over well call me a quitter but you know what I've lost patience with this game all of it lost it oh gone out the window windows over there actually which I guess now means I'm actually on the negative half of the critical response dated and awful graphics broken controls little instruction sporadic difficulty and for me little to no fun which I guess means the dear old fade to black deserves the slaughter [Music] such a shame really [Music] [Music] oh wow brats girls you really do have a passion for fashion excuse me sorry I was um just um wanking yeah I think I got away without anyways greetings and salutations my beautiful people and welcome to the Quebecers show where I have to do the dirty deed of deciding whether or not a game deserves to be slaughtered or salvaged and finally in the United Kingdom last week saw the arrival of the British summer yeah it's the start of August and it might be a little bit late but let us rejoice but yet despite the joy I'm feeling right now I can't help feeling that something is amiss well I know curiosity is for tourists you know what why would I stay in and play a game when I can live a little and indulge in this glorious weather let us go to paradise you know what I shall phone the holiday blokes and we'll go right now why not shall we good morrow to you young wench tell me when and where is the next flight to paradise you [ __ ] why I suppose it's better than nothing when will it arrive [Music] huh-ha lay low and stitch I actually really like this movie as a kid and I still like it to this day the animation the humor the music the issues that it tackles it's a fun and decently executed family movie but like everything I like something has to be made to compromise my faith towards it and so we have today right here right now this bawling ape of Mount dumb movie licensed games when will you ever learn ever now I didn't think so so this game was made in 2002 a decade ago doesn't that make you feel so old now I can understand that now you're probably feeling a bit blue about that fact stitches so to lighten you up here's the title screen stitch is just chilling everything's cool you cool we cool we're cool yay and here pops up the venue screen first impression is that it doesn't actually look that bad not exactly a surprise for Disney games of that era such as Tarzan and Toy Story 2 looks good so maybe this is actually amounting to something I hope and we also have a polite little role model for the kids lilo who greets us with a friendly but a highly low and find thanks how are you oh right but yeah the menu here is pretty basic not exactly fade to black level don't get me wrong but it's a close second we've got all the basic stuff so I shan't bore you with it all but suffice to say this game delivers a promising star and this is even heightened by the in-game movie clips which actually look pretty good as well all in all this game has my attention but the question is can it muster up enough juices to keep me invested what does this game store and its leaves and how will it win me over Wow um um hey nany you feeling all right you you look kind of okay again I forgive you don't worry I'll keep invested I'll keep invested maybe the story will suffice my cravings oh so we collect photos that's it that's the goal that's the point of this game no one's trying to take over the island the aliens aren't invading looking for stitch nanny doesn't need a [ __ ] trip to the hospital or something it's just can't be the whole point of the game where's the so-called trouble in paradise that the box is advertising to me okay whatever game what Edd's in it Brad I can stand that I can stand that really really I can but before I get too overexcited let's run around for a second see how this pudgy little Hawaiian girl controls she can move anywhere and jump good star however her jumping feels really really really heavy she can get airborne for show but inevitably plummets to Planet Earth like a sack of baking potatoes for a platformer that's not great and all the other buttons do mr. Jack [ __ ] of the coal and gas works 22 limited apart from circle which does this this is our attack well is it though and if we press select we have our map you see that there that's paradise that is okay jokes aside let's just get this over with seems okay let's play some trouble in [Music] Oh again in level tutorial yes right let's see oh so that's what Circle does foodies introducing black magic for the little [ __ ] killin is such a [ __ ] in danger trouble the creatures punished in France by means of extreme [ __ ] violence and best of all quick and pink simple assembly with no [ __ ] mess cool now to disintegrate today and receive a free think of blowing a finger drop and we also get taught a bum bash that is not me trying to be funny to quote the game we just performed a bum bash man no personally I like to call it the homing ass drop myself I'm guessing that you can see a huge resemblance to Crash Bandicoot here which is very true the layout pickups breakable objects hell even the enemies they didn't even try with this so we go around this paradise like stage while Everything Everywhere is trying to destroy you seems legit no peeking clown we think thank you yeah oh my oh okay wait wait wait is that gonna move seriously I think the tutorial just call it a little bit a lot why on earth would you tell me of all people to press X to jump here when not a moment ago you told me to jump with their press circle to bum bash kids may be dumb and all that but don't insult their intelligence that blatantly hey game you see that line over there that line over there yeah yeah you just cross that line game not cool anyways each stage features a hundred collectibles are bonus clapperboard and the four main things that you need to advance the story in this case photos it's all so basic and pointless it started to remind me of a certain racing game oh my god no oh my no no oh my god no not the music but at least lilo and stitch is music is forgivable its pleasant enough if not a bit stock ish and hound dog at the beginning menu was cool enough let it pass I guess well we finished stage one and off we go to our second hub seems pretty calm no trouble in paradise as of you are my good bloody god oh is that Disney why is it here why does it want lilo dead some questions I fear will never be answered but what I can say about it is that these are mini bosses that block each locked stage beat this thing that belongs in nightmare creatures and you may advance I'm starting to question unease Guardian skills and how many people actually sleep at night knowing that that thing is lying there hell why is no one outside anyway while they're letting a little girl get mauled by Colossus over here good god fireballs to Jesus say to be fair actually this is a pathetic excuse for a boss here is the epic battle in its entirety for you to the home ah well it may have been easy it may have been pointless but at least it follows the movie now FAFSA oh nice stitch where in God's name did you come from okay here we are on stage - still looking for the photos but now we shall terrorize the town for them the first thing you'll notice is two different attacks a pathetic spit attack and a spit yeah also I noticed that whenever you attack an enemy leader will stitch fries momentarily it's hard to explain that basically you can't move past the obstructing enemy until they are fully disappeared and giving how sensitive these moving controls are that makes it very scary near water or a crevice where you can just dart forward at any given moment anyways this stage also features some human enemies who apart from all looking exactly the same and having the same occupation all respond to this monstrous alien with a firm sweep away the young whippersnapper and along with the more varied attacks stitch also has an ape [ __ ] ohmmeter yeah that's what the manual says and when you collect enough coffee cups the ape [ __ ] Demeter allows you to unleash your energy in one big invincibility special move this move allows stitch to curl into a ball and destroy everything for about six seconds where that may sound handy it's anything man the control is broken beyond belief where does this go I don't know sometimes you bounce sometimes you don't and you were just the speed no and when first receiving this power the moment it gives you incentive to use it ends up bringing innocent little children to this platforming section with a special power that can't jump or remain still this is one of the most grueling things you could ever hope to achieve control over in your life even trickier than a woman it's that job also on a little side note you might have seen me die once or twice but this game is chock full of lives of plenty there is absolutely no way you will ever get a game over absolutely none I know it's a kids game but there's no way the game just it doesn't give you an excuse to stop playing you've just got to keep going you're given all these extra lives that difficulty doesn't actually get much harder you just have to keep going anyways finish the stage on we go hey lilo um listen do you mind kind of just you know you might know yeah I know oh okay okay no worries many vaults nothing different here except we get a decent lesson in how to panic with stitch doodad braless next stage equals lilo really spicing up the gameplay a notch the more I play this the more I realize how pointless our momentously boring this is there is literally no point to the creation of this game and the contribution to the video gaming world is just one big massive stock fest much like rascal racers but from a Disney game you'd expect some standard some efforts some hearts some thing instead we're doing the same old [ __ ] every level except the collectibles in this case pineapples some of the enemies in this case a plant that attacks three times instead of one kind of catching me off guard bastard and the environment changed slightly and what was it that I said earlier [Music] well I take that back look how empty this paradise is it's nicely smooth and all that jazz but honestly where's the Disney imagination with this and I think I have to take something else back as well despite the fact I said earlier that this music was okay and is better than Roskill races by any means it still Stein great at me although I suppose this game delivers nail-biting dilemmas such as whether or not I should destroy this Tiki statue to grab the flower inside it or jump on it beforehand to grab this good kill and science no to be honest that's as much diversity as the game allows great stuff and oh when you power look at this B no you know because OB son but men are hilarion extension blah blah yeah falling lock what was that about and who the hell planted TNT all over this godforsaken Island what am i playing what am I telling with my life first boss level Myrtle oh yeah because because they had to follow the film somehow it's a race image deadly Merkel gets blowed up it's funny it's easy [ __ ] off oh when Cobra bubbles is in this game too we are being spoiled my friends but I'm sorry despite how cool your voices you cannot redeem this and look for our final present photos have now been changed to record God shoot me well that was tarnish yeah this game gets the slaughter no second thought [Music] [Music] if it's a birther today we're watching this video then happy freakin birthday to you if you're British enjoy this weather and remember to stay beautiful [Music] greetings and salutations my beautiful people and welcome to the kadokura show while I have to do the unthinkable and put games in their rightful place by deciding whether or not they should be slaughtered or salvaged but before we go any further I have to give two very special thank yous to two massively brilliant and very very friendly and just genuinely fantastic channels I have a very strong feeling that you know exactly who these guys are and hell I'm half of my subscribers that I picked up over the last week know of my existence because of these guys so two very special thank yous are a must for the guys at did you know gaming and of course of the completionist and I can't thank you guys enough for checking out my videos and sharing them and just basically being very supportive and just brilliantly brilliant people and letting me grab a few more beautiful people for myself and giving me a chance in the masses of the the gaming watching video content watching audiences all over the world and to have a chance to swim in that crowd for me is just fantastic and I can't thank you enough for that and who knows something magical might happen out of this where we're not too sure yet it's far too early to say but if something fantastic does spring out of this then these two channels over here these brilliant guys these guys these guys are the initial thank-yous and I've got thank you again if I could do anything from all the way over here in the United Kingdom to pay back this or just do something to show my gratitude I would so if you guys watch it well I'm offering myself if I can do anything just let me know and I'll be more than happy to do it and I've said all my thank-yous I've rambled on long enough so yes get on with the show and I'm gonna warn you just in case you guys [ __ ] yourselves I'm about to go nostalgic on your ass yawns yes yes yes I love the Rugrats as a kid and I shan't lie I will watch it if I'm flicking around TV and stumble across it the show apart from being hugely nostalgic for me fill me with a strong sense of fairness and it softened me with a steady vibe yeah there were one or two floors here and there and it wasn't the best show on TV by any means but come on the nostalgia levels are just off the charts for me now I'm just gonna cut the [ __ ] here because you guys all know the characters and you all know the show so why am I saying anything about it there's no point whatsoever moving up naturally the show was a huge success on nickelodeon and merchandise flew off the shelves in vast numbers leading to titty huffing to develop eight Rugrats games spanning a few different genres over a few different formats although despite the fact that I was a massive Rugrats fan I only own five of these Rugrats games and wouldn't you know I was a dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb kid and so I just happened to own the only game dedicated for much younger players and not just any much younger players mind you but younger players of the opposite crapping sacks totally and this is one of the few games in my whole collection that is dedicated solely to young female players apart from that one but this right here is something truly special godly fashion pioneer this game is perfect for my taste now first thing to note is that this is the only game I have in my whole collection with a mangled spine ah go on ask what go on ask why it gets stuff done reading oh just ask [ __ ] wanker oh okay what was that for no it didn't you did you did I heard you I really didn't okay then what did you call me a [ __ ] so why was the phone mangled well I'm glad you asked because I didn't actually like this infant girl game at all when I was an adolescent little boy so I actually drowned it in wine many years ago and ten years later the faster things still won't open properly ah totally Angelica I've missed you look at the prank hideous desk look at those disfigured pages those dirty wine stains and look at this horrific now even though this isn't too pleasant to look at per se I think that the main problem is that is aimed at the kiddy girl demographic yet it stars the only character in the whole show that was a complete fanny of a person not one thing was likable about her she may have been relatable to one or two girls out there but why would you use her to promote this why would I play a game based off a fanny over here Mara no but nevertheless I did and I finished it as well I'm not gonna be finishing again don't worry about that but for old time's sakes let's have a revisit of totally fanny and see if it's just as bad as I remember it so I really wanna press Start if I have to okay so after one of the longest loading screens I've ever seen in my life we get this pleasant little opening [Music] didn't need them anyway so our plot for today is that darling little Angelica's playset for her doll was destroyed by herself and so we make our own Fashion Show in a mall welcome to make-believe mark just as cute as I remember ah what a delightful little cameo made my day you know it's a shame we're actually stuck with fanny though by the way all of this dismal this fashion show this bloody game it's all in her imagination all of it so I'm assuming that the babies have all passed out on the floor in the living room is this fantastic and utterly pointless premise is carried out in Angelica's head how does this plot come full circle well by completing a very somewhat diverse variety of minigames every completion of set minigame awards you with an item of clothing makeup jewelry etc all depending on the shop of the mall that you entered I'm not going to bother critiquing the controls as you only move left and right an X makes you walk very slowly and you can enter an exit each shop with forward and back this deserves I've got there's nothing much to say the controls are pretty responsive in the minigames but we'll get to that in a bit graphically it looks like Rugrats just a little bit Here I am just dumping around can't decide where to go first where am I gonna go welcome to the cookie Church oh hi Tommy oh he's so cute cookie catch sounds fun let's have a look-see catch the phone seems simple enough so let's begin I hope this is like a crashing bashing level because if it is then yes are we in for a treat so the aim of this stage is that we go left and right and catch all the falling cookies and that's it okay well that just sucks why in the name of Mad Max 3 Beyond Thunderdome with this big glasses anything we're sampling a game that was pointless horrible do I feel accomplished or got a pink dress if any [ __ ] rain let's hope I win this fashion show hey sorry I'm sorry that won't happen again that that isn't fair I'm sorry but seriously I know that crashing Basham was made for multiplayer and the campaign mode got a little tiresome with the repetition of the minigames to win the trophies but in this game you're expected to replay this [ __ ] for about 4 or 5 times because you can and almost need to win these different items of fashion in each category there's no other way to require the different items you have to repeat the same game on each floor about 5 times to win everything oftentimes even more and if this is all in little Angelica's imagination the little girl in the cartoon who wanted everything in the world spoon-fed to her without any effort or hard work on her part then why on earth would she go through with this it makes no sense this is slowly losing my patience okay maybe that game was just a dud I've got another two to try guide me to it Tommy do you Muppet Fluffy's pinball maze pinball maze sounds awesome I'm thinking Zen Pinball meets doom I can't wait okay one-button folks bounce the ball around I've got nothing guys I can't say or do anything to exacerbate the ridiculousness of this situation this is just awful unfortunately nearly every minigame uses perhaps one or two buttons maybe even three if you're lucky this game slender everyone's playing it why the hell are you playing it's not what it looks like I can explain are you playing at a girl's game no no I'm not you are hilarious status no don't don't be I told you it's not what it looks like here it is caddy and now the whole world will know that you're just a wussy girly girly girl I'm warning you mister if you make that a facebook status I swear to god oh the little baby girly girls getting stress II think it's time for bed I mean it man [ __ ] off who was a little girl ago daddy's little girl ego I'm not a girly go caddy is a totally funny so anyway got myself some fetching outfits let's accessorize modernize caramelize and bastardize I'm actually a little bit excited here this is actually kinda white next-level stuff here just a few more things yeah haha here we go awesome ah darling you look [ __ ] sex okay let's go moment of truth we have our judges hardened by experience and years of fashion grafting and our supermodel looking for a chance in the big harsh world the outcome no one is quite sure of yet this may alter the course of this aspiring young woman's career and give new insight to our veteran judges I oh sorry little angel I don't think you made the cut whoa not even your own grandfather is giving you a break fanny sorry darling I'm gonna be brutally honest here you look [ __ ] hideous and I'm afraid I'm gonna have to give you a 2 out of 10 for looking terrible and being a fatty of a granddaughter [ __ ] you good god you wouldn't believe that this is all you do but yes this is it four five floors no change no spikes no salt no pepper no sweet chilli sauce no milk no charge no herbs no dirty washing water absolutely bugger all great game you know what for shits and giggles let's just go in as our normal self and see if that makes a difference okay that was kind of funny Congrats game you made my day yeah well I don't really want to reply any mini games but the game can't be that badly program that we are able to just enter with the same outfit and accumulate exactly the same point that'll be stupid that's right why are you [ __ ] me yes the game just shocked me are you telling me that I can just keep replaying the same fashion show with the same clothes and accumulate the same points in order to advance to the next floor therefore completing the game it can't be it just can't lose but in order to get to the next floor you need to collect a certain amount of points from every fashion show you do obviously and it seems to me that I have reached my goal and I'm not gonna lie this is probably the strangest victory music and celebration I have ever seen from any movie game book or table I know I kind of feel indifferent about that I don't know if I should be happy or just sick anyways next floor let's see what other minigames we have here Oh Oh God [Music] pink everywhere where are we are we in Katie Price's mmm actually let's not go there ever again everything is the same here except the minigames include frog catching one button follow the leader two buttons and Metal Gear granpa which uses the arrow buttons what's the point in saying anything more about this honestly thanks for planing I star ahold Tommy you're beginning to outstay your welcome got me a wig and some jewelry I look positively fantabulous ah so let's wow the imaginary audiences once more okay fill it in that place okay okay just stop laughing stop pretty damn good if you don't mind me saying I am NOT going through with this again boy Oh Fanny stop gang so pissy at me it's not my fault that you headline such a horrible game it's not my fault it's your fault welcome dude Tommy shut up hey [ __ ] Tony Angelica I just heard no one must know [Music] I like to play Legos I like to touch them I like to snap them together I love those little brit-brats and there's no finer feeling in this life and standing on a lonely and abandoned piece of Lego preferably a 2x4 piece of the deep red color like a solidified blood cube ready for soulmates to bond and share an intimate connection and create extraordinary things I love now you must you must leave at once I must have my fix and I can't do it while you're watching leggo leggo leggo leggo I love Lego you love Lego we all love Lego everybody loves Lego mega bloks bollocks to you because it isn't lego why is it called Lego who cares actually I care so let's wiki up Lego and see what Lego means oh I see so Lego is shortened for the Danish for play well well how appropriate because I don't know anybody that didn't play damn well with Lego God all this talk of Lego is made me want to go and buy some Lego ok oh dear sorry Lego I do go by the philosophy of don't touch what you can't afford and in your case I ain't ever gonna touch you again nowadays there is too much Lego too much of it and at too high of a cost and I doubt that you won't ever leave the house without hearing about Legos somewhere I mean if they can get away with whatever this thing is then why not make Lego everything everywhere and then some okay I'll give Lego a break because my sister was actually telling me what I should review next and she was all like you should do this and I was all like no [ __ ] way man no [ __ ] way I'm a man and she was like all up in my grill and she said hey but you know I wanna see you play it and you know do a review and I was like [ __ ] you ain't got nothing on me and then she was all like ok and so I get to play Lego Racers for the ps1 it must be good surely it's got Lego in it it made the Star Wars prequels actually look good so I guess we can't go wrong am i right I said am i right I said am i right I said if this game gets sorted or salvaged I guess we need to you know play the game before we can actually decide and I cannot apologize enough but if you're over 99 years old I am so sorry you won't actually be able to play the game because it's a legal or some [ __ ] like that now first things first I love this opening even for a Lego game on the play well station you see what I did there because you know and play well means Lego this opening gets me hyped up to play this game alone or with a friend and as the FMV isn't of real people which I'm sure most of you know terrifies me then they can easily get away with Lego characters and make it look pretty cool let's not forget as well that the ps1 graphics will work in Legos favor as most of the attempts of real [ __ ] people in ps1 games always look like Lego anyway ok what language do I 1-4 svenska I don't want it to be oh my god I'm completely regretting what I just did some on anyone help me please I'm I'm kind of lost help help me also the soundtrack kicks you in the balls from the minute you start it up every song is nicely themed and placed and there is never a dull moment in the soundtrack it's always fast-paced and exciting to match the vibe and hell there isn't even a dull moment in this game saying that and everything is always amped up and ready to blow at you at any given point all over your face now the box claims that this is the first racing game ever to incorporate building and driving simultaneously and with that undeniable fact I don't want to research it because that means researching I head for the build option because why would you build things in real life when you can use video games a naturally I was just picking around and I decided to make a Lego spaceman super future high-tech Lego ancient kung fu master super sonic Lego ultra beta version 0.01 Lego Pi made from Kill Bill Vol 2 because why not and for the car bingo bingo bango Bungo now if there was any a better pair of racer and driver for this game I reckon that these two would be pretty hard to beat don't you say we also have a few modes to explore and each one surprisingly does have something to offer Time Trial yeah like in every racing game ever made well now because you'd actually want to beat the times shocking I know because you can actually unlock mega powered bricks for your car to help you beat the circuit races and two feet the reigning champions in circuit mode as for the champions they each have different floors strengths powerup uses and cars and people parts ready for the taking if you beat them that is okay I'm gonna slow down I think I might have overloaded you there now you'll be fine so I started the pyro Cup when I get this pretty ballsy message from my first champion I must defeat he seems like a good sport well we'll see if that's the case when I beat him oh yeah I meant that and here we go and as you can see this is really damn fast and for an intended kids game it's very hard to grasp the control scheme firmly and despite the fact that I'm driving the best aerodynamically designed car on planet Lego but doesn't help with how the car steers or drives which is a shame but my favorite part is when I'm flicking through the different driving views and I wonder what exactly does that look like from primase perspective and here it is yay hi May can't actually see anything from his car ah I can drive me there okay enough screwing around time to get real behind the wheel the races feature a neat little powerup system where yellow blocks represent obstructions red represents projectiles blue represents shields and green represents speed boosts now the white blocks are where it's at because you can pile up to four white bricks on top of your desired color to upgrade the powerup you're currently holding for example I got myself a speed boost here yet for white blocks on top means that I can leap through dimensions and beat the game yes and I also picked up the old Redbeard it's very kinky with his projectiles they're the only thing that he picks up and uses against you and when you get here then you'll be lucky to catch up to him again unfortunately the game isn't that cool enough that the bricks of your car disappear when you get hit even though that was solved in the sequel so instead you lose your current powerup or one brick of it if you upgraded your computer players as well are almost too good in this as well I must say for child orientation this game may be slightly off-putting this is the first circuit remember and even I an 18 year old loser found it a bit tricky well they're saying that the difficulty for me anyway was perfect every race I finished made me feel like I had triumphed over something genuinely difficult and it made me feel pretty good it's not too easy and it's not too hard unless you're super human which caused us to impossible man I love the environments in this it makes me feel like someone had built this playground for me to race around him and unlike oh [Music] they're actually quite more varied than that every track feels fun to navigate and there are even shortcuts that at times can be tricky to figure out all the elements of a good racing gamer here and the only thing really holding it back is the difficulty in the stiff controls for younger players other than that not bad Lego not bloody bad ok what I mentioned earlier about difficulty well this is the first ever circuit and it really proved quite a challenge for me damn ah damn it wank stain and shakes all - boom I mean it's like every time I inch ahead old Redbeard catches up god damn it so close okay last lap I'm not gonna let him win [Music] now I'd like to call myself a pretty avid gamer but that right there made me feel like overlord of the universe genuinely incredible well it turns out I came first on everything oh you know because I'm [ __ ] boss level and we get to see Redbeard salt in defeat yeah I think you may have been telling porky pies earlier you little cutie you you big little silly wanker and look at that we've even unlocked his parts for ourselves life rules sometimes I can't believe this this might be the first time ever on mechanic or a show where I've actually found a game worth salvaging I mean for kids anyway there are one or two minor control issues and mind-fucking ly crazy races and absurd difficulty at times but you know what I me had real fun with this the most fun I've had in anything else I've done so far over there yeah you know what [ __ ] the negative critics [ __ ] the kids uh-oh I think this game is getting the salvage just gotta set my Star Trek phaser to Salvage mode yep [Music] [Applause] [Music] well I guess if it's your birthday today we're watching this video then happy freakin birthday to you and remember to stay beautiful I guess today was a good day I'm so happy [Music] greetings and salutations my beautiful people and welcome to their character is show where I have to do the map let's go let you go going to decide whether or not I gain deserves to be slaughtered or salvaged and today I'm reviewing something new yes I know shocking to think but you know I don't live under a rock 12 but anyways yeah I'm doing a new game but this game explores much more mature and adult themes than that of totally Fanny or Lego Racers because this game deals with such themes as isolation paranoia and Kingdom you know as opposed to imaginary fashion shows and um lego pirates and you know I kind of surprised myself with the step up here and I've probably shocked you guys as well so you know to prove that I'm not a was really really good I am reviewing the recent indie horror game on the PC known simply as slender Halloween yeah I first heard about the Slender Man after playing Minecraft and wondering what in the name of satan's portion that was and why was it so creepy and random in the middle of this minecraft universe teleport so after looking into the matter I discovered all about the endermans backstory on minecraft through the history of the beast best known as Slenderman via YouTube documentaries mythological studies and of course the marble horny entries and I don't care what anybody says I'm a sucker for this kind of paranormal stuff so despite the unknown opinions on whether it's blind truth or a complete sodding lie I thought the whole entire mythology behind the Slenderman was fascinating and very well constructed as well as blooming unsettling yeah even more so than ps1 FMV of real peoples yeah so it was only a matter of time before some fancy pantsy indie game company would come along and make a fancy pantsy indie game to accompany the legend and let innocent fools experience the horror of the Slenderman for themselves what we got out of that was a little title known as slender obviously being an indie game this survival first person horror experience is set at a very low budget with a limited control scheme and a simple objective not to mention a completion time of about 10 minutes once you know what to do so parsec productions had to really heighten the bar with the horror game genre if they wanted to create a memorable and downright scary experience in a gameplay span of about 10 minutes the game slender has to make you feel and from the reaction videos I've seen so far the truth about men is demonstrated it makes men scream like girls it fixes them into women so the truth is slender can make you tender as well as being a gender member and you know what I'm chicken [ __ ] when it comes to this kind of stuff I love it with a passion but I'm chicken [ __ ] when it comes to it so what I've done I've waited until night time to do this for you guys because you're looking especially beautiful today and there is a bit of light behind me the beam of light which is the living room because there are lights on because people are still calm creating downstairs Kong ranting congregating downstairs and the only artificial light is coming from the computer monitor in front of me so we have done this in the most efficiently incredible bombastically fantabulous ik way possible and yeah I'm [ __ ] alone so now I'm actually ready to properly tackle this little lost puppy which isn't really a puppy and more like a demonic death machine of death machine so we boot up the game and naturally the graphics can only be fantastic video hahahaha straight away boom in the game no [ __ ] around no story just skip the foreplay and [ __ ] it in the face I love that it's just like Atari it just drops you in the middle of that I adore it so in case you're stupid the objective is collecting eight pages apart from that initial complication it's a pretty straightforward show you were given a torch at your disposal so in case you're stupid you can turn it off if you wish and that's it the minimum naked bare necessities of a game and also the first thing you pick up is that you know so goddamn slow sprinting doesn't out much either using those simplistic mechanics within the game heavily works in its favor as you really do feel helpless lost and hunted by something that will no matter what you do eventually yeah that's for Slendy um you don't really know much about him but what you do know is that he really doesn't want you taking his beautiful drawings so he begins spawning and stalking you until you eventually die where does he spawn why Oh bad programming maybe or maybe not where this can mean that sometimes you never see him once in an entire playthrough the random occurrences you will witness from him will guarantee to give you chills and the fact that there are no set rules to how or where he pops up makes it that much more horrific the music is droning the sound effects a harsh and repellant and it really wants you to remember what you just played now I did play this after coming away disappointed by fear 3 so stepping into this was a hugely refreshing and raw experience much like how fear itself is one of mankind's raw rest' emotions and this game loves to grab your fear by the skin and give it a little bit of a massage it's quite nice give it a little tweak possibly then maybe give it a bit of a harsh pinch and when it comes to horror games that's what I like basic an atmospheric tension fear of the unknown fear of even seeing what's chasing you now and you can say that about your game you can tell that you've fulfilled your life's goal now the only real problem is that the game is set in a forest this may be true enough to the Slendy mythology but still the open environment can really ruin the claustrophobic feeling it should be putting across it's like you've always got a chance to escape which does give the player that little glimmer of hope which is kind of nice but it still means that Slendy isn't too much of a threat once you start setting ground now or I can't really play this game since every attempt of mine usually ends like yeah that so as you can see when the screen starts going all got on you it means you're about to be taken by him so you can just sprint away except for me it didn't work it makes no sense am I missing something here okay oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I should I should I should I should I [ __ ] oh my goodness gracious me I've been checkup I know what's going on can you get me out get me out of here lesson for today kids if you don't get what you want [ __ ] scream yeah I think it succeeds in its goal pretty well another thing I picked up on is how the game is actually when all is said and done pretty easy once you've figured out what to do anyway and not when you get you know one page but yeah once you figure out the secrets such as never looking behind you never stop moving and remembering your set path you can get this game aced in no time which isn't the best of things but when it comes to showing off to your cowardly adversaries it really does come in handy to be honest for the most part it's like a lottery of game programming you can get the hardest and damn well scariest playthrough in the whole world well the one time where it's as easy as breathing a frizzy cheesy bruise under the three frizzy beasts trees you just sit here and you think what's the point of everything for life death okay you know just you can't just do that you you turned me away I was going along nicely and that wasn't me that was the game I'm not even joking that was the game that did that the game did that when did when did games [ __ ] disobey that's not right game it's not [ __ ] right you should sort yeah [ __ ] as for me even though it's very easy to figure out and ace the game without a sweat for being a free download yeah a free download the simplistic mechanics creepy as hell atmosphere and potential scares it could squeeze out in a 10-minute sitting given into consideration of the past independent history of the game then it's easily deserving of the salvage if it's your birthday today we're watching this video then happy freakin birthday to you don't let the Slenderman take you and remember to stay beautiful [Music] legend has it that it was developed by the Dark One's maloom defunct a ave atresia roughly translated evil dead hail to the king to trace the origins of this game we must go back back to the days when Harry Potter was still an awkward little [ __ ] and when the world was graced with Windows XP it was probably this operating system that was used to design the inlays and the instruction manual de I don't know that to be fairer and I'm just assuming baby anyway the game was released in 2001 in the PAL format it was then the dark skirts rose again to publish it it is said that a hero came from the UK a man who defeated this evil and buried the game in a friend of a father of a friend's country house and it lay there for a good few minutes for the purposes of this opening because it actually stays on my shelf most the time and then his hero bought the game was small cabin where he could play it undisturbed no he didn't like it okay so I'm connect as you know I am and I say bla bla bla bla and I decide for the night games this being sort of salvaged but you know you know that this game already deserves the slaughter but you're probably thinking the same thing that I was thinking which is uh I guess the AVO day no spin-off of Google day because you made you could possibly be awful but no you'd be wrong very wrong wrong with with a capital F anyways you're probably wondering why this is so without further ado let's resurrect this demon into a manifestation with the flesh and give it the beating that it deserves first things first this intro it's alright I guess it adds absolutely nothing new in terms of the Evil Dead universe but for pure giddy and warm feelings of seeing this intro on a ps1 game it serves a nice purpose and Bruce Campbell is in this good enough start I suppose sort of atmospheric interested in playing this so let's give it a go [Music] what what's with this soundtrack am I playing the Evil Dead or the omen video game Damian goes wet I don't know it seems a little bit out of place let's go let's go okay what are we waiting for what are we waiting for oh yes more FMV I think my dream catch a quarter dream [Music] seeing ash Williams and ps1 FMV I've always wanted to see that just keep it away from me okay Jenny nice read there Bruce I almost felt like you actually gave a [ __ ] oh yeah okay that was epic or good so far I suppose except the story ash babycakes after all we've been through in all three movies why oh why do you think that Jenny is alive and why would you bother searching for her remember Linda ash remember her I do and I remember that you saved her oh wait no you didn't I mean come on ash you and Mario need to realize that some things are just too pointless to fight for and you know what just for that I'm not gonna read your stupid [ __ ] nose movie okay that was pretty cool let's do it again movie movie movie oh god is this actually the equiping sound bite let's make this double groovy oh WV okay guys that's enough bumming each other for one day so let's sit down and play the game oh no it seems though someone slipped me a copy of resident evil or not evil dead hail to the king and don't worry I'm not going to be talking about Resident Evil that much so be cool so we've got to go and pick up the pages of the Necronomicon because it's Evil Dead remember but did you see the book prior to this how do you know the pages aren't in Istanbul or something I don't know ask the writers who were as high as a 747 flying a kite attached to a satellite in space naturally what I do with most games of this era is press every single damn button on the controller and see what I can do to Bruce Campbell I can see something on the desk assuming it's a collectible so I try picking the thing up and this is where I discover the random moves firstly I found out that ash is a figure skater and the character animation isn't too bad either but these two good things are then trampled on by the bad stuff listen to this chain saw swipe how very threatening don't whip me with that thing heaven forbid I might get a scabby boo-boo so we get started with to hand-to-hand weapons and a handgun as well as the boomstick later on no less and I also know is this the one-liner button which I reckon every game ever needs in its scheme come good son let's go yo it really brightens everything up anyways your arm chainsaw can be started up as it runs on fuel which runs out very quickly I might add but it seems that it can be only started with your ma anyway I'm trying to pick this thing up here and I can't really cut I'm trying every button there and nothing is working like what it's one bullet why am I wasting my time at one but it is it [ __ ] it I don't care and so I have a little walk about everything actually looks quite nice Oh pre-rendered backgrounds almost like Resident Evil and after some wandering around I come across a christ jump scares almost like Resident Evil and this battle goes on for a good while I must say it just keeps going and going and going and going and constantly if I can go and they aren't easy to kill and believe it or not they pop up absolutely everywhere and usually they drop a health pickup meaning that the health that you wasted fighting one of these things is immediately replenished like nothing ever happened they are just a paid in my plebeian hours and completely pointless and you move like a caravan almost like Resident Evil so after this happens I look at my step backwards command and not only can a Sh turn on his chainsaw with his mind he can also teleport with this green change glitch I found you know I like you when things are broken because then I can fix it we glue but I can't fix this cause she's video game yeah I can't use get on it where's my script go and have a look at this fixed camera angles almost like Resident Evil and as it turns out there is a pickup button you just can't be pressing any other buttons in the process I'm kind of aggravating anyway we gotta find these pages and we've got a banished Slenderman I suppose so where on earth could all these pages be exactly okay right we're getting somewhere let's continue this cabin is actually making me feel very tingly it's just like in the movies I really do like that and the enemies aren't in the movies as far as I can remember but they are Deadites so I guess there's no rules to them I wonder what outside looks like look [ __ ] that I want to go in the kitchen what's this over here a few broken dishes Oh also during these numerous battles there isn't really any dodge mechanic that I can find so every battle is long frustrating health draining and far too frequent not to mention that they can constantly respawn every minute that they can and once this limited ammo and chainsaw fuel along with other supplies almost low resonant even it really isn't a good siren programmers make you want to run away from your enemies more than fight them not because they're scary but because they're too difficult I'm not enjoying this experience it feels like labor and this game shouldn't be doing that okay sort it let's move oh just [ __ ] off away from me okay that was kind of fun okay what hey hey what I uh just uh okay okay I'm stuck I'm [ __ ] stuck this is really [ __ ] curious what this [ __ ] do I do here finally okay you know I'm just gonna [ __ ] go run run - run Oh I mean prong sash bronze gallop away to the woods with you leave your sons and daughters and just guys bronze like you'll never brass before okay peace and quiet dad thanks shall we try this again Penfold by the way save your game of tapes almost like Resident Evil right now I'm not gonna fight a single enemy I'm just gonna go another way and see what else I can find whilst running ish that seems to be working a lot keep on prancing ash do a brother proud okay there now where the spooning won't be gone am I now whoa watch out skeleton Deadite alright what is with that shitty little Queen aim what is this evil Dedham do be scooped right I really can't be asked with labyrinths right now oh well back up back up yet and get out of there Oh Christ's sake this isn't scary or tense or even close to enjoyable this is pure condensed raw aggravation not even poor old Bruce Campbell is saving this right now Wow ah now get something different a page look yes they progress I'm making progress a car look it's a car it isn't pre-rendered it's interactive Oh looky we can we can interact with the new look at it ah thank the Lord Oh grace happiness [ __ ] you [ __ ] you game why why did she have the kids what is the point of a yes oh god damn oblivion alright watch dish is yeah boss battle hmm yep you just saw me I just beat it I'm amazing and I also get the health which refills anything that I would have lost fighting the damn thing [ __ ] I send me to a parent call me Wendy someone please get me a point survey I'm calm I am calm I am a calm gentle fair honest sweet little ocean breeze these things here no no not even here no no here I'm just ignoring them oh not again just [ __ ] off all of you oh my god man bugger me and piss all over the garden paving slabs let me slow I just want to slow Splore is fun I want fun oh okay dead end now I'm just beyond caring die die die see if I care I'll just restart it and now the game breaks so I can't try it again this game is just unbelievable I mean I'm a huge fan of the Evil Dead franchise and picking this up in the bargain bin I thought was just amazing but this is just bad now obviously this is a shameful resident evil clone no longer than five years after that game's release and to be honest they obviously must have thought that that game was too slow because the combat system is hugely implemented into it but yeah it's just useless and frustrating so what's the point the gameplay is bland repetitive the soundtrack and the sound effects are bland and stereotypical and not even dear old Bruce Campbell could say there was so much potential here just got wasted away I guess clearly this game gets the slaughter but you know what I'm not gonna shoot it this time no I'm about the [ __ ] I'm going to let it rock I'm gonna let it rock in this remote isolated demon free cabin probably next to her something dead or something like that so happy Halloween to you all if it's your birthday today or watching this video happy freakin birthday to you and remember to stay beautiful I suppose [Music] [Music] love [ __ ] greetings and salutations my beautiful people Halloween it's come and it's gone and that's British we don't even act like it's ever happened so you know who gives two shits and a great big wolf found standing staring at me but you know what Britain does go nuts over bonfire night bond and fire and lips are pretty exploded not to mention the health and safety precautions good god we can't buy anything under the age of 18 sparklers fireworks cutlery party poppers and fireworks razorblades non-alcoholic beer fire but yeah we do love our bonfire nights Guy Fawkes night the night of many centuries ago of gunpowder treason and plot so here's a video on my top ten moments in video gaming I really couldn't take that seriously it's got nothing to do with bonfire you know whatever a game tries to establish itself as a force to be reckoned with a powerhouse a dead serious deep and cinematic atom bomb yeah those games whether or not these games try to be meaningful or philosophical or epic or hell even amateur experience that makes the game of think [ __ ] yes these guys mean business these games really try to accentuate the idea that you should take them at least a little bit seriously not a kid story that you can throw at the fat kid at school and sometimes within these games the intended seriousness of the experience is completely shattered by a variety of mediocre ridiculous or even downright hilarious moments which in turn ultimately suck you out now the only real rule here in this list is that I'm not gonna include any games with an intended tongue-in-cheek attitude to them so anything like Mario to joke Nukem would not suit this list by the way there might be one or two spoilers to everything I talked about today so if you don't want to see them bugger off [Music] okie-dokie kicking off this list is a little game called thief deadly shadows where you do indeed thief but the shadows are actually your friends now I must admit I am really really really late for this bandwagon as I only started playing this game last week and from what I've seen so far me it's pretty good but everything dark and brutish about this game was picked up the bottom when I ever heard this British guy at the start of the game now the rest of the voice acting is pretty hokey cokey and math tolerable jokes gross but it does make the game feel a lot less dark and brooding and the tension just kind of fizzles hey at least the other voice actors get their pronunciations right but this British guy in the tutorial stage takes the number 10 spot as well as the cake listen there is a passage leading you know Hey at us we don't talk later I mean we do say things like grass bath glass and all that crap but that was overkill passage passage well don't be angry allow me to our plea walk our way and eat this our tribe tea of our fault mmm okay up next is a game series that a lot of people including myself really seemed to like Kingdom Hearts but the sake of confusion I'm only gonna reference Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2 anyway trust me these games are fantastic great gameplay visuals control you name it however when I do agree that the Final Fantasy meets Disney theme was very risky I really do think it worked a bizarre yet delectable combination kind of like a crisp sandwich disclaimer I am aware that America refer to them as chips but chips in Britain are what America would call fries apologies for any initial confusion let us rejoice at the rhythm of stumps topper West River okay well yes the mixture works out but it was never gonna be smooth sailing they were bound to be one or two things that made you think wait what the [ __ ] am i play and so for number nine I'm going with certain moments of Kingdom Hearts one and two when I say certain moments I mean stuff like this the silly plot and the constant barrage of talk about hearts and souls and love and darkness because in my opinion when the game takes itself relatively seriously that stuff ends up being quite stupid and then once the stupid seeps through the greatness you then realize you're surrounded by Donald Duck as a wizard trying to save a gangster hoodie Mickey Mouse and then Goofy has a dramatic fake death scene at this point yeah it's sad and everything but look at this bloody situation sorry Kingdom Hearts can't take that too seriously Kingdom Hearts great games but a little bit [ __ ] silly sometimes but not all the times okay at number eight a somewhat dumb choice but I really needed to add this in Tekken Tekken I loved Tekken maybe contradictory to others but for me Tekken is my favorite fighting franchise I played them for years growing up and I got stupidly good at one point and I always love seeing the ending clips and reading the backstories and the manuals and then upon Tekken fours release this was the real deal the plot was gonna get deep and serious with real voice actors and really [ __ ] sweet computer animated cutscenes yeah so I got the game and I started off with borrowing story I kicked some serious ass from the start get to the end and I get this you're finally here so what do you won't I never got to fight you at the tournament I'll take you on right here right now there's no reason to fight you ain't got one well I do yeah I get it Tekken got really done and why not it's a fighting game with a double gene and a genetically modified bugs again guru but this plot was taken so sternly and so stone coldly that when this excellent display of voice acting and direction was presented to me I died inside from laughter it might not mean anything to you guys but personally number eight goes to hora is ending clip in Tekken 4 fro destroyed any serious thoughts I felt towards the nature of Tekken story I just can't defend it I just can't why do up next one of my favorite game franchises ever Silent Hill Silent Hill 2 in this case back in the day my good friend and I used to spend day after day playing through and finishing the supposed scariest games of all time with no walkthroughs or cheats we finished Silent Hill 1 with pants intact and then we got to Silent Hill 2 and we got a riddle difficulty to choose we both loved the puzzles in the first game and felt really brilliant about working them out by ourselves so logically we felt like Stephen Fry McGurn Stein and decided to pick the hard setting what that led to was getting stuck getting stuck and getting stuck leading us to the shite e ending and these games I'm sure you're aware are dead serious ultra serious you cannot comprehend the seriousness of these games the plots are great the characters are deep and the town itself is an achievement in artistic visionaries but number seven spot has to go to the bad ending in Silent Hill 2 also known as in water but I know that this will certainly stir controversy so let me explain this is and always will be a sad ending very sad ending a heartbreaking ending and don't get me wrong we did bad we get the bad ending that's fair enough mr. game but listen here alright don't [ __ ] rub it it just like salt on an open wound this ending clip goes on and on and on it just never bloody stops and [ __ ] yeah the things that are spoken by our protagonist a dead wife are touching deep and it really leaves you feeling empty for the punishment of doing bad but while my good friend and I was sitting in my room with about three other people or were different gaming views and all being very tired and going slightly mad this moment skewered into childish yeah okay it was our fault that we shat on such a tearful moment all the fear in the room then converted into sheer pathetic laughter as every paragraph read by our darling Mary finished off only to then begin again in an endless seeming monologue instead of ah oh no the room sounded more like oh thank I really want to enjoy this ending but after that fateful night of immaturity it ruined it for me forever hey James listen we're on the same level here I mean you know my name's James you're noise check you know hey so good and I actually get why you killed your wife because you know she she never gave me a strapless doesn't you know best best factor [ __ ] never shuts up okay looking day of freaking kijima we love you I do anyway but why did you do that on a highly anticipated sequel no less years in production the epitome of ps2 gaming up to that point teasing us with Solid Snake gameplay segments on MGS 2 and they're never even mentioning Royden until players found out themselves Oh emotional whether or not to Mabel you a genius or a filthy fifth-ranked yes I love Metal Gear Solid I love all of their everything every single game and I can take it all deadpan seriously any sad moments get me every single time but for number 6 I must pick Ryden just in general for Metal Gear Solid 2 some may argue that the philosophy soak dialogue over-the-top characters and cutscene lengths can turn you off for taking it even remotely seriously but all that stuff is gold dust to me gold dust up my bum what isn't gold dust to me however is proceed little naked blonde cartwheeling [ __ ] nuggets and not the one that comes from absolute nowhere and is never changed in the story don't worry guys Metal Gear Solid 2 is one of my favorite games ever but when you hear this line from this guy from Hideo frickin Kojima I find myself getting sucked out of this incredible universe ridin what's your status colonel I've got Emma Emmerich here we've managed to avoid drowning good job even if the indication of him appearing was there then I guess it would have cushioned the blow but it's still inexcusable and if I can take a be spawning commando backflipping bad guy from the sixties in Metal Gear Solid 3 more seriously than a rookie stealth agent good guy then you've really done something screwing love your Kojima but that was hilarious okay number five doesn't even need explaining you're alone week lost in a mansion and separated from your closest partner you end up stuck in a nightmare of ungodly proportions you slowly uncover tragic diary injuries discover nightmarish creatures and delve deeper into what actually happened and the punchline is rosy ones voice acting if you know me you would have definitely seen this coming whoa this hall is dangerous but hang on a sec there is still something quite fishy about this number five spot as the rest of the game is genuinely well paced atmospheric tense and sometimes pretty damn creepy this voice acting seems almost so out of place I begin to wonder whether it was trolling Lee deliberate or a homage to the classic 50s and 80s B movies and movie remakes if that was the case and I can kind of see what they were doing with it what a monster I can't believe what the hell is this place anyway but that's no fun I like to think that this was the absolute pinnacle of their accomplishments the best actors they could find the best takes they could get the best they could translate that little glimmer of hope is what still keeps resident evil a classic in my heart but it's still pretty [ __ ] silly nonetheless and it really breaks up the tension whenever it happens but oh joy when it happens it's still incredible I'll just go and get some fresh air and be eaten by a monster oh yeah maybe now we're getting into the real hardcore bubbles we oh why why we why why we wha we won before is undoubtedly this entire gargantuan masterpiece known as we music now before you start commenting I know that the Wii is light hearted and supposed to be silly and all that good stuff and you have this silly old tosser over here but Nintendo really tried to push Wii Music as a gateway a transitioning tool to grow gamers into pro musicians like a suburban exaggerate or at least get people interested in music and keep the classical and Baroque periods alive in today's modern world and for 40 of our hard-earned pound sterling what did we get shake the stick and press the button to the glorious classics of happy birthday frères Jagger and Yankee Doodle I mean seriously Nintendo you presented it more professionally than [ __ ] rock band and yet here I am [ __ ] rapping along to joint gods game I mean really I don't care that this game looks stupid and play stupid is completely pointless the controls are delayed by like a [ __ ] second which in a music game by the way is not very good and the drumming studio is a pile of [ __ ] and everything about this game was just terrible but the way that it was pushed ruined it for me if it was a budgeted stupid little wee title I'd see it as hilarious but look at the fanciness look at the effort look at the price tag look at the lack of content look at the bloody dog suit this game is actually offensive and I can't even look at it anymore with a straight face screw oh boy I'm so hungry I could eat it octorok number three and again I don't even need to say one word about this not one I don't know at all I've never played the Zelda CDI games and nor do I intend to but the fact that these games even exist is a joke in itself that he really thought this was good they've really tried to emulate the epic and graceful tones of the predecessors they thought hardcore Zelda fans would suck all the giant questing characters and cutscenes in and not laugh at them ladies and gentlemen the room of video games Zelda CDI hilarious number 2 also needs no introduction Oh Sonic Team you have this beautiful ability to somehow disregard fan response all the time and just keep getting weirder weirder and weirder and somehow not actually getting better except for Sonic Generations okay so any [ __ ] often and the reigning champion of goofy gaming as well as probably the dumbest premise to ever grace planet Earth give a hedgehog a gun Shadow the Flippen headshot number 2 goes to the moment in okay okay not a man yet the whole game yeah the whole thing yeah the whole bloody thing why not after a decent enough intro nothing in this game works to its advantage dumbass story dumbass combat dumbass bosses dumbass controls dumbass characters dumbass everything and this was supposed to be the bad ass reimagining of the darker side of Sonic Shadow is cool and he can work weapons but that's all that kept me invested in this game it's no different from any other bad Sonic installment and the fact that shadow uses artillery doesn't actually slightly change the gameplay it just makes it [ __ ] funny and because it is of course Shadow the Hedgehog this game is dark edgy and it takes itself so goddamn seriously that you'd swear Apocalypse Now is pepper twatting pig in comparison there isn't even a hint of dark humor in this it's all played like a bloody statue and it's so very very stupid this was the first game I actually ever played as a child where I couldn't believe how unenjoyable and cold this game was you can't go from Sonic Heroes to this and that like nothing happened in between the cheesy metal song in the intro should have set the classic sonic tone with guns but instead it only made it into my list of the top ten video game moments I couldn't take very seriously oh thank you very much and number one in my honest opinion and I hope you can see why the sex scene in heavy rain honestly you can trust me right can you okay well even if you can't can you believe it when I say that I'm not actually that immature to laugh at nipples okay I lied but that's not the only reason why this moment in heavy rain made my number one spot I can understand that some people may think the voice acting in some places and the QTE events were enough to lose it's serious vibes but honestly I like them both but for me the story characters and integration of different game changing decisions really stiffen the glue for me I can take this game how it was intended depressing and seriously except for the sexy firstly this isn't your normal average sex no no no no this is post murder sex Ethan either did or didn't kill a drug dealer before this moment but either way Madison wasn't to get on that [ __ ] the scene itself you can kind of see coming but the fact that Ethan potentially murdered a family man and his only son is drowning in a well somewhere makes this all seem a little bit inappropriate secondly I know you guys tried I can really see the effort here I mean just listen to the music in the middle of it but why do they all look like it's a little bit too much like walking trout sucking each other's faces it looks awkward is what I mean and thirdly you can [ __ ] around with the QTE during sexy time I'm gonna take Josh I don't know I gotta stand forth is this actually what I always wanted to use the sixaxis for I'm surprised it took until 2010 for a game to utilize the here's three six axes properly [Music] I love you dearly and always will heavy rain but this was truly my number one thing I couldn't take seriously in video gaming I am so so sorry and there you have it my personal top 10 moments in video gaming which I really couldn't take seriously I really hope you enjoyed this pretty dumb list and I really hope you enjoyed this pretty dumb video oh and I hope you really enjoyed Guy Fawkes night if you did anything for it yeah and to be honest I'm curious to hear what your guys personal moments were that you couldn't take seriously in video games so leave a comment and please tell me your experiences I'm actually genuinely quite interested and must have missed out on a couple of tasty ones if you see what I mean shifty shifty yeah anyways I must be getting on so if it's your birthday today we're watching this video and that happy freakin birthday to you and remember stay beautiful love you all guys take care now greetings and salutations my beautiful people and welcome to the can Icarus show where I have to do the dirty deed of deciding whether or not a game deserves to be slaughtered or salvaged Christmas okay it's fast approaching let's make no mistake about that and so to commemorate this I think it thought I'd play something grippy for a change you know her hell they might even be half decent I mean I need a game to salvage every once in a while don't you agree so come on kids let's go have a look-see hmm let's see let's see baby [Music] possibly not a cotton-picking minute here yes [ __ ] is this I can't do a video on this surely I mean look at it look at it it's clearly for babies I don't know man well seems interesting enough I suppose another treat myself to full screen for this book [Music] but do I sacrifice my dignity to play this okay by the looks of things we're in for some pretty cutesy awesomeness we get a pretty attractive intro that works in the same way as a j-pop music video we get no explanations no backstory or anything it just shows us pretty pictures while you wonder what that glowing dragon of imminent death is doing with a catnip cap oh there's pac-man so this is klonoa [Music] clone a clone or a simple game with a simple story and simple controls and it was developed by Namco no less and apparently a Swedish to Japanese hybrid now if that isn't a surefire success I don't know what is oh and our mission is finding a moon pendant and saving a singer a singer a singer a singer whoa free point blank demo inside well kick [ __ ] ass oh and from what I gather this isn't the most common of ps1 games fetching relatively high prices on the internet for a pre-owned copy but does this game live up to its price tag well that's why I'm here to tell you isn't it [ __ ] bastard and so we get greeted with this menu jingle [Music] I'm so mmm no save file [ __ ] oh well back to the jingle okay let's try this again oh come on no space [ __ ] oh well back to the jingle okay enough of that I'll just start a new game shall i what's my name boom face obviously hmm actually that's a little bit too informal if we just do this a little bit here fix this up a little bit boom boom faces ah yes and we also get the cutest intro dream sequence I've ever seen like ever well until this happens and then canal wakes up all just to see and let's start shall we we begin with whatever the [ __ ] just happened there and proceed with level oh oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] tit I'm sorry I'm at vision one yeah why no is this game a tree or is all of this a dream or is klonoa actually dreaming about us and we're just playing out his sick demented fantasies oh look there's the windmill what I can say so far about this is cute cute that's all we have cute visuals and cute music so it's cute ages 3 to 10 you say I don't see how you came to that conclusion wait wait wait wait a second is that my enemy the one that's trying to you know physically harm me and prevent me from achieving my goal it can't be just look at it it's adorable oh well I better do it for the fat of the land so let's see hmm I can't jump on it snow Murray ah okay okay [ __ ] camera well as you can see kind of like Dig Dug burn or inflates his adorable victims however in this game you can then use the enemy as ammunition for anything interactive throughout the game like switches and so forth and you can throw them to the sides as you'd expect but you can also throw them towards and away from the screen bizarre perhaps well no because this game plays with the gimmick of which essentially is a 2d based game that plays around 3d environments and obstacles another example of which being tombi or tomba in north america or even more recently LittleBigPlanet but i must be honest here I feel bad for killing these guys I mean just look at them just look at them well ok then it's not exactly hitting and more imploding into a vast array of colored shapes because that's a thing and not only can you defeat these guys but you can also use them to your advantage for some enemies feature different functions after you inflate them such as flying and bombing in turn this makes the simple control scheme just like Crash Bandicoot 2 action buttons and directional keys all that more enjoyable and fought Riven and all the enemies also offer clan owl a double jump which can then be chained on top of other enemies for endless jump time which I absolutely loved but hey whoa I've been stopped on my merry way no this will not do at all who could do such a thing oh this guy apparently his name's value and he's one of the many weird characters you'll be bumping into during your adventure but I think this guy is probably the way it is I mean if you thought initially this game was cute well you're right but there's a lot more weird in this game than I initially remember take this guy for example he's the guardian of a tower that he's been building for years to reach the Moon Kingdom which may or may not exist weird yeah but no it gets worse he's also a stalker and an obsessive fan over this diva singer leafies having dedicated an entire sculptured mountainside of her torso for the world that's a little great but what isn't a little creepy is the platforming it's a pretty much basic shenanigan to be honest but it's really tight for a 2d feel the jump arcing distance is practic perfect and you can even slightly hover and steer yourself before landing which does become a necessity later on if I could describe the controls I'd relate it very closely to Raymond but just a little bit lighter and a little bit more forgiving with the jumping you also have creatures to rescue checkpoints and these gems no 100 of them gets your new life like I said I'm look basically also have these branching paths nice little bit of spice what's this bonus bonus bonus bonus bonus battle and I know I've already mentioned it before but I need to question it now because I feel like now is the right time what is your attack exactly I mean I know it's this thing coupon huy poll keep out I can't pronounce this game I mean it makes no sense you fire him out and then [ __ ] inflate a bad guy I don't get it take it take it take it oh hi wall how's the wife and kids Oh in a bad mood I take it ok I'm getting a little carried away here I need to apologize for the lack of review in this review but to be honest how can you blame me when your end of level stats screen is this and on to the next level one great thing about this game is if you couldn't gather the visuals not only are they cute and detailed but no two environments in your adventure feel or look the same and if it begins to look familiar they throw something else at you a dead end well whole shoot is very Oh what I'm going forwards in a side-scroller no screw it [ __ ] it all yo look at this fat [ __ ] and that's the other thing I love about these stages not only the environments but the enemies they all vary and change during every level and they all offer different ways of putting them down which keeps the game fresh and I know I said that it was a gimmick but this nonsense is actually implemented pretty strongly it gives cloner a lot of decent puzzles hidden items and labyrinths to submerge himself in and also the obstacles and challenges get trickier and trickier again keeping it all fresh on our way to the first boss what is that somebody know I need to say that this guy right here gardius is one of the most intimidating creations I think I've ever seen or heard in my life it might be because he's so out of place with this kiddie environment but it actually makes him pretty damn scary but then that happens and some of this happens and then the boss level again all of these bosses throughout the game are nice and varied creative and sometimes really quite threatening in comparison to everything else that you see Plus that music and the soundtrack is different for every boss pure bliss and it seems as though I just made fun or an ultra badass with this epic pose less to be honest this game it's kind of engrossed me I'm lost in its cutesy little ways but that's what this game does it sucks you in it's a sucking in experience and that's what it seems to be really really good so I guess just to finish off and we'll do some deli filler yeah some filler for you so ladies and gentlemen boys and girls my other personal experiences with granola come out clone a clan or a net but overdue leaf oh my god I miss ocean take it take it take it take it [Music] my god what is buddies buddies buddies buddies but ah that wasn't so am I gonna get up there yeah there's no frame it out what's this now okay I'm gonna okay what do I get the key oh yeah why don't I get the kit Oh where's the key I don't have to look for the key thank you you know what you're a prick that wasn't that Pleasant I don't know about you but right now I'm feeling pretty damn Christmassy this game well to conclude this game is unique tons of fun and it read does feel like a proper adventure it gives the player a decent sense of progression through the changing environments puzzles control usage enemies bosses and musical cues all of which are of excellent quality and the loading times giving into consideration the amount of things that it has to load are the quickest I've ever seen in a ps1 game for a long time and even though it might be too cute for its own good and relatively sure I mean I did finish it in about two days it doesn't make it bad it just makes it a special little experience that I would recommend to absolutely anybody unless you're a tech klonoa guess the salvage [Applause] [Music] if it's your birthday today or watching this video then happy freakin birthday to you and remember to stay beautiful take care guys what [ __ ] rascal racist God boss crisis no damn it where's Rosco races gone where's Rosco race has gone where house rascal racers go the doorbell but we don't buy or sell at this door you don't miles [Music] oh we don't I made sure my seriously we ain't buy it we ain't sentiment miss doorman you know when I was your age we ever did was buy and sell second potatoes nobody ever bought me but it was a pretty dumb idea you know we would - you know you can't I'm sorry but we don't buy or sell at this door huh I sure showed her [Music] [Music] damn you rascal races [Music] this game right here it's something else I can tell you that much if I showed it to you right now you wouldn't even believe it existed it doesn't look real it looks fake it doesn't belong and you know what I can see with you beautiful people at home drinking some tea having some biscuits looking at the title of this video and thinking to yourself God what a handsome chap but we're not talking about me we're talking about this I can't believe I'm holding this right now I can't believe I'm alive after playing it I can't believe that I've got this picture on my wall that was drawn by my sister did you call no oh [ __ ] off but for the good of all that is merry and wholesome on this fine season I'm gonna play it again for you let's get a brief synopsis shall we experience I'm difficult it is to be said to call 256 color graphics parallax background scrolling digitized cell defect animated in game cartoons defeat guards and other creatures with snowballs and other cool defenses it's got a four unique world indeed my beautiful people from the creators of rascal racers Santa Claus saves be best put seat belts on your brains kids because I'm about to [ __ ] plow them into the nearest tree ha ha ha ho telly games you [ __ ] [Music] oh oh oh oh oh why why is Santa in a red jumpsuit why does he have a ladies handbag why is that tree so badly sized and etched in why is the snow so violent and who's this Johnny John Johnson over here what the [ __ ] do you call that music it sounds awful why is it entirely in sevens yeah Santa Claus saves the earth I know what I'm talking about in music well I guess we should see what options we had uh-oh we have a grand total of two two options you can't even begin to understand how difficult it is to make a joke about that but that don't matter let's just start a new game huh more of this classic festive music and just what I always wanted FMV Wow only one day until Christmas Wow oh yeah cuz because you know that never happens I think I'd be more wild over the fronton calendar name and that guy from earlier was a wicked fairy and she wait wait wait she Johnny John Johnson will be hurt and she has a magic copper copper that ain't no copper it may be a pot that's made from copper but it [ __ ] cop oh by the way happened and she saw Santa getting ready for Christmas and that's why she's going to destroy the earth ah yes the classic video game evil motivation Watson the kids are getting presents and she is a selfish and jealous [ __ ] I don't I can't I just and those well let me tell you about those they're definitely some graphics well they could actually be Playmobil horses I don't have a clue anyways nilam said Papa and became pretty furious damn look at her rage so what is she gonna do about all of this oh and so Santa is trapped The Consumerist and commercialized spirit of Christmas is in jeopardy and that somehow means that Santa needs to save the I don't [ __ ] know and with that welcome to level one bricky brick villains and brick [Music] you what can I say straight away dkc looks better than this 32-bit monster and sounds better might I just add as well that every single song presented to us throughout this entire shitstorm is a crappy MIDI sound byte that constantly loops 16-bit [Music] thirty two-bit and this song sounds a little bit I don't know three with each other and not only does this hunk of dick look and sound worse than dkc it actually plays worse as well probably the worst I've ever played in my life the screen doesn't scroll until Santa is about three-quarters of his way across the whole [ __ ] stage and whenever it moves it locks into position until you make the effort to drag it along behind you as for jumping there's no real jump arc you just kind of float upwards and then heavily to the ground like a brick did you see what I did there and just when I'm getting a grip with these horrendous controls I fall into a beginner's death trap before I even figure out what the buttons do I'm thrust into the heart of war with these pricks and the AI I must say is hideously unfair how it works is that every enemy will start a course towards you whenever they enter a specific radius emitted by yourself whenever they exited they stop slow enemies are fine with this but these [ __ ] over here are faster than you and then also run past you after attacking you only to repeat the same pattern on the opposite side meaning obviously you are given no time to attack back or even run away but how do we attack back what is our method of defense well snowballs obviously but we can switch between different weapons such as sac sac green sac Oh sans Oh watch where you swing that thing and every time you love and every time you use the same Center automatically moonwalks you know inside that sac was probably a present for a starving little boy and now Santa is beating the [ __ ] out of everybody wait and get this you need to hold the attack button and then time each swing with every given enemy yep no tapping attacks here they will require holding down until they are fully committed to actually working basically if anything comes near you you're [ __ ] OAS watch out I can't change my attack what is their ammo in this game no now balls I'm stuck with this useless attack here Oh and then I vaporize me we Christmas okay that's the best game over screen I've ever seen in my life Santa's suffocating in the snow and then the bluntest most lacking of hope and encouragement game over message for little kids I have ever seen kudos you're like dare continue though oh well there's the Susan turbo jolly okay well I'm not taking any [ __ ] this time ran out of snowballs again so toast okay then let's see what it does all my haha my god oh [ __ ] Santa's back in here and I don't know why Santa hovers down slopes like an invisible escalator but regardless it's pretty sweet [Music] oh and everything and everyone makes the same damn nice and not to mention the terrible side-scrolling can even get you her from incoming [ __ ] that you can't see I do love this enchanted land that nilam sent us to though extractor fans deep underground Batson chances and why the grandfather lookee over here perfect example this is how the enemy AI makes this section impossible without me taking some damage I can't get out of this without taking some damage okay well I'm not dead yet so it ain't too bad whoa Santa when did you get so nimble you're like the Tom Daley of Lapland my brother and what's this yellow triangle I don't know is the game explained nope it explains doodly-squat and when you're plunked into the middle of these labyrinth like stages with no sense of direction or goal it makes this feel so much like a chore there's no guidance help interactivity nothing oh and superpowers are useless I got myself a super jump over here and it runs out after I have a rail ride [ __ ] you well I wonder what's up here okay apparently we were in Egypt or something this whole [ __ ] time who knew maybe the lush organic grass and the snowy underground caves inhabited by cavemen kind of [ __ ] gave it away well there see curse of the slow is our side scroll returns where am I going I've got nowhere else to go do a drop see [ __ ] II guess I just need to remind everyone that this is level 1 and I keep running out of goddamn ammo for everything with no indications I thought it was something to do with these science vials up here but hand if I know what they do so I'm just gonna look this up let me just pause it for a second so much more now all of my ammo counts are there and all those triangles are keys apparently so much wrong that went into this design choice but bugger it it helps me out quite a bit right now every time I run out of ammo I must burn and keep stopping to check my stats what a piece of sh MIT I mean this game delivers no feedback to the player made a mistake you'll never know all you can do is scavenge around until you can find items that you haven't picked up yet but then if your journey is stopped and you fall back from something off screen that you couldn't see you need to do the whole climb all over again to get another chance and it doesn't help on how slow Santa moves he makes this teeth grinding Lee slow and most of the time you got to sit your ass down and wait for the platforms and things to revolve around you and by the way those triangles they fit into keyholes because [ __ ] science oh man I don't remember turning onto Hobbit in 48 frames per second the hell is that doing here and why is he using a torch idiot well dead again ace any death in this game also resets [ __ ] everything and where these levels may not be too big themselves Santa is and he moves as slow as cranberry sauce dripping down my arm and so all the slow speeds crush any kind of fun replayability with this unfortunately due to the way that this game is designed essentially you can actually be playing the exact same game about four or five times if you keep on dying there's no way to spice it up and no variables or anything you just got to play it the way it wants you to play it so I replay all this [ __ ] again Hubble the MIDI music file finishes and then silence bliss calmness and serenity golf your mind you feel at one with nature and indeed your Holy PlayStation you give this game another chance to redeem itself as you question your motives of judgment towards a seemingly innocent game then the music starts all over again you back so after 40 minutes I get somewhere okay I got a key so let's head back to the beginning where the red door was dead end however I found it now and level yeah school okay hasten level 2 looks a little bit more interesting but was 19 minutes of grinding and level 1 really worth the shitty music shitty visuals shitty controls shitty everything has returned ladies and gentlemen I just remembered something this game was released in 2000 and [ __ ] - wait is that a clown picture a clown picture yeah it is it [ __ ] is it's a [ __ ] clown picture a [ __ ] brained clown picture why in the nah my beloved I must save you I can't see the games infection is spreading it's already consumed you this this is the only way I can't watch you suffer you're practically dead already [Music] [Music]
Channel: Caddicarus
Views: 898,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: caddicarus, caddy, james, caddick, game, review, hiddenblock, hidden, block, yungtown, brutalmoose, spacehamstergames, jimmy, whetzel, balrogthemaster, dyk, gaming, dykgaming, didyouknowgaming, completionist, pbg, peanutbuttergamer, ps1, ps4, pc, modern, retro, reviews, comedy, entire, complete, season 1, volume 1
Id: L3JMfiDm96E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 171min 20sec (10280 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2018
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