SCP-823 - Carnival of Horrors (SCP Animation)

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Jay and Michael were a pair of urban exploration  YouTubers looking for their big break.   You might remember their video exploring  the dead mall on the outskirts of your town,   or the supposedly “haunted” 1950s  insane asylum out in the styx,   but you certainly won’t find these videos  anywhere online. After The Incident at SCP - 823,   all of their content was scrubbed away from even  the most comprehensive internet archives. “Why?”   you ask. Because these unfortunate urban explorers  decided that their big break would be exploring   a certain abandoned theme park. And it would  be one of the last decisions they ever made. Michael and Jay had heard rumors about the  theme park. Its name was lost to time, as   was the date of its opening and closing, and the  reason it was even abandoned in the first place.   Even some of the most hardcore urban explorers  didn’t dare to tread there. Something about it,   a good friend had once told Jay, just didn’t feel  right. Sometimes, if you dare to venture into the   forest near the theme park at night, you can  still hear music. The jolly, piping tunes of   rides and carnival stands still beckoning. As  if to say, “We’re still here. Come and play.” Of course, none of this frightened Jay  and Michael. They could already smell   the sponsorships from headlamp  and compact camera companies.   No amount of anxiety would stop them from  making their doomed trip to the so-called   “Carnival of Horrors.” It’s a terrible shame -  if they’d listened to the stories of this place   about how unnatural and evil it could  be...They might still be alive today. Like all the best urban explorers, they arrived  at the woods near the abandoned theme park in   the dead of night. They ignored the signs warning  them about everything from structural instability,   to dangerous wild animals, to asbestos.  Nothing would keep them out. Nothing. They reached the abandoned theme park not  long after, though it was a mere shell of   its former self. During the several decades  of abandonment, nature had reclaimed it.   The ferris wheel was covered in overgrown ivy  and the carnival stands were blanketed with mold.   As the duo swept through the grounds with their  flashlights and cameras, they saw a faded sign   that bore the words “Thriller Chiller” - next  to the rusty skeleton of what had once been the   park’s most popular roller coaster.  They also took their time to marvel   at the exceptionally creepy-looking Tunnel  of Love, the broken down House of Mirrors,   and a huge, grinning statue of the  park’s former mascot, Happy Hippo. This theme park was like something  out of a nightmare, which, naturally,   made it potential video gold. But as the  excited duo wandered further into the park,   they couldn’t help but notice the quiet,  tinny carnival music. Music that seemed to   be drawing them closer. Michael asked Jay if  he could hear the strange, impossible music,   and felt a chill creep in when he answered  that he did. Could all of the stories be true? They were lost in thought, but their legs kept  moving. They were getting closer to something now.   They could feel a presence. And  was that music getting louder? An instant later, though, another sound  cut through the silence - BANG! BANG! It echoed out through the still night air.  Birds flew from their perches in the trees.   Jay and Michael both fell to the ground,  dead, their heads taken off by the fifty   caliber rounds of a highly-trained Mobile  Task Force Sniper on the payroll of the SCP   Foundation. Their recording equipment, along  with their bodies, were taken and destroyed.   Any trace of them was scrubbed from the internet.  It may seem a little harsh, but a bullet to   the head is a much kinder fate than what would  have awaited these two if they’d kept walking. That’s because the Carnival of Horrors is  no dark fairytale. The rumors are all true,   and something really is waiting in the  dark. That’s why this abandoned theme park   is known to the SCP Foundation as SCP - 823,  a Euclid class anomaly with a violent history.   What’s even more unnerving is that the researchers  studying 823 have repeatedly implored the O5   Council to increase the park’s classification to  Keter and allocate more resources for containment,   only to be denied. But after you’ve heard  about the horrors that unfolded there,   and the danger it poses, you’ll  probably take the researchers’ side. The park is divided into two different zones:  The Yellow Zone and the Red Zone. There are to   be at least six members of Foundation personnel  present in the Yellow Zone at all times to ensure   that no civilians wander in. Our two urban  explorers earned themselves a death sentence   not just by wandering into the Yellow Zone,  but passing dangerously close to the Red Zone.   This is the true epicenter of the park’s  dangerous, anomalous activity. It’s a place so   hazardous that anyone entering, whether they’re  a civilian or a member of Foundation staff,   is to be executed at a distance  by sniper fire without hesitation. Once upon a time, though nobody knows exactly  when, there was a theme park that seemed no   different to any other. Eager children and  thrill-seeking teens arrived by the busload,   ready to stuff their faces with cotton candy  and corn dogs, and then reverse the process on   a vast array of rollercoasters. But even then  during these good times, there was something   dark lurking behind the cheerful facade. Little  by little everyone, visitors and employees alike,   started falling victim to strange and  horrific accidents around the park.   Of course, when it comes to theme parks, accidents  come with the territory, but none like this. Here   are just a handful of the horrific and mysterious  deaths that occurred while the park was open.   So strap in, because just like a roller  coaster, this isn’t for the faint of heart. A pair of young lovebirds decided they wanted  to enjoy the romance of the Tunnel of Love.   The two sat in a swan-shaped boat as they  were ferried through darkened passageways.   Anyone would assume that they were  having a great time, but at some point,   terrible shrieks of pain and fear began  to echo through the ride. Attendants,   confused and terrified, stopped the ride and  found that the screaming persisted. Just some   stupid teens playing a prank, they figured, and  started the ride again. But when the swan-shaped   boat finally exited the Tunnel of Love, the park  employees were greeted to a horrifying sight:   The two teens, dead, their bodies somehow  fused together at multiple points. Another unlucky customer met a gruesome  fate inside the House of Mirrors.   They entered, but while inside, they were  stalked by a mysterious, carnivorous,   humanoid entity known as Subject 79. The customer  was pursued and eventually caught by Subject 79,   and brutally dismembered. Some parts of the body  were fused to the House of Mirrors’ interior while   others - like the right arm - were never found.  This customer actually survived their ordeal - and   whether that’s a happy ending is up to you. But it wasn’t just the customers at the park   who were in danger. A 23-year-old park employee  working a summer job collapsed while entertaining   children dressed as the park’s cheerful mascot,  Happy Hippo. It wasn’t uncommon for people to   get overheated and collapse in the heavy suits  on hot days, but one thing was different here:   He was screaming, crying, and trying  desperately to remove his mask.   People rushed to help, but nobody could get the  suit off, and he was declared dead soon after. When he was eventually cut out of the suit,   coroners found that the employee had choked to  death. His mouth, trachea, and lungs were filled   with a fibrous substance later determined to  be identical to the stuffing of his costume. An intense roller coaster known as the Thriller  Chiller was a magnet for horrific accidents,   which became more violent and intense over time.   The first accident seemed like a typical  theme park tragedy - A safety harness   failed dropping a rider fifteen feet during an  inverted loop. They landed on the track below,   breaking their neck and skull, causing instant  death. While this was a tragedy, it wasn’t   exactly anomalous. But the next major accident  on the ride was an entirely different story. This time, fifteen people met with disaster  while riding the Thriller Chiller roller coaster.   Starting from the front and moving back one car  at a time, each group of riders was decapitated by   blunt force trauma. A new pair of decapitations  appeared to happen at every turn and loop on   the ride. Forensic scientists still have no  idea how this could have possibly occurred. Despite all of these disasters, the park was only  finally abandoned after a day known as “Bloody   Sunday”, when the anomalous powers of the location  reached a twenty year peak. It’s believed that 231   people were killed during the carnage of that day,  and another seven were horribly maimed. The SCP   Foundation contained the Carnival of Horrors not  long after, but the mysterious deaths didn’t even   end there. Foundation Mobile Task Force Rho-71,  also known as the Origami Toads, were sent in to   assess containment procedures and discover the  source of all the anomalous deaths. They were   unsuccessful though, and instead they merely added  to the list, in exceptionally horrifying ways. One agent was found dead, surrounded by empty  grenades and bullet casings. It appeared he’d   removed the explosive propellant from  all of his ballistics and consumed it,   dying in the process. Another was found with  his jaw broken, having apparently pulled out   and inhaled his own teeth, and dying of the  resulting internal damage. The commander   got the worst fate of all - so horrifying, in  fact, that we can’t tell you the full details.   All you need to know is that something was shoved  into his brain that really didn’t belong there. The Foundation considered having the entire  park destroyed with a massive airstrike,   courtesy of the Mobile Task Force Nu-7, aka Hammer  Down. However, the O5 Council denied this request,   on the basis that the park was  too close to populated land,   they’d have no plausible cover story for the  bombing, and they don’t even really know if   blowing up the park would prevent anomalous  activity from occurring. The Carnival of   Horrors is here to stay, folks, the Foundation  just hopes to keep it from getting new visitors.  So then back to why the researchers  want this place upgraded to Keter.   After all, these classifications aren’t about  how dangerous an anomaly is - they’re about   how difficult and complicated they are to contain.  But here’s the problem - according to researchers,   the Red Zone - where the dangerous, anomalous  activity is at its peak - isn’t bound to one   fixed position. It’s changed position at  least three times already, and even worse,   it appears to be growing. Not seeming so Euclid  class now, is it? After all, you might not even   need to visit the Carnival of Horrors to be in  grave danger. If it keeps growing then someday   soon, the Carnival of Horrors may be visiting you… Now go check out “SCP - 2000 - Deus Ex Machina”   and “SCP - 4205 - In The Eyes of The Beholder”  for more existentially terrifying SCPs!
Channel: SCP Explained - Story & Animation
Views: 1,337,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scp, scp foundation, animation, animated, secure contain protect, anomaly, anomalies, anom, the rubber, therubber, tale, tales, containment breach, scp animated, scp wiki, scp explained, wiki, scp the rubber, scp therubber, scpwiki, anoms, scp-823, scp 823, scp823, scp carnival, scp theme park, scp amusement park, scp roller coaster, haunted theme park, haunted carnival, carnival of horrors, scary roller coaster, roller coaster death, roller coaster die, roller coaster accident
Id: i99xsxSf_Ho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 08 2021
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