SCP-2764 The Eldritch Antarctic (SCP Animation)

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It’s day nine of Joseph Mann’s expedition into the extreme wilderness of Antarctica. He’s been following the tracks of a mysterious creature - a massive, anomalous beast that has been spotted in the snowy wastes. As he follows the tracks he sees something… it’s his own tent. But he had been walking for days after leaving this camp, how was he back here after only a few hours? Time and distance were starting to feel off, like they were stretched out and folded over into knots. Maybe he was confused about the tracks. Maybe he hadn’t been chasing after something, but following the tracks of something that had been chasing him. Maybe… he was wrong about everything. Hi! I’m Dr. Bob, and this is SCP-2764, also known as... The Eldritch Antarctic. SCP-2764 is a massive biological entity, standing over 380 meters tall and estimated to weigh over 150,000 metric tonnes. It possesses around 80 tentacle-like arms that it uses for movement and simple actions like grasping objects. It also has what looks to be a head with four eyes. SCP-2764 possesses a number of anomalous properties including the ability to communicate telepathically with humans, though the language used changes based upon the person who is receiving its messages. Strangely, this communication appears to go one way only, as it has never demonstrated that it understands any attempts to communicate back to it. Its physical state has also been observed to be quite anomalous. Its size does not follow normal Euclidean geometry, with the creature appearing many times larger or smaller than it should based on the viewer’s distance from SCP-2764. There appears to be a critical zone lying roughly 50 kilometers away from the creature that stretches around it in a circle. As you move away from the creature and approach this line, SCP-2764 actually appears to grow larger, until the critical zone is passed at which point it begins to shrink as you move farther and farther away. Its body has a number of other strange properties too. Its tentacle-like arms rapidly translocate around its body at random intervals, jumping around all over its body creating a twitchy, writhing mass that makes it impossible to count how many tentacles it actually possesses. But perhaps strangest of all is that not only do the creature's arms seem to break the laws of physics by jumping around its body, but so too does the entirety of SCP-2764. It’s been observed to spontaneously relocate itself to different places, as if it is flickering in and out of existence. It appears that the creature flickers into a new place like this at random intervals, but it may be following some yet unknown rules, as it has never been seen appearing more than 25 kilometers away from where it was last seen and always flickers back to its original location within 48 hours. SCP-2764 was first discovered by a civilian team that was conducting detailed surveys of the Antarctic landscape. The team observed the creature and were immediately alarmed by its strange properties, especially its bizarre geometric qualities. They returned to their home base and described what they had seen to a colleague, who was actually an SCP Foundation researcher in charge of investigating anomalous activity in Antarctica. This researcher sent word back to his superiors who activated Mobile Task Force Eta-5, also known as the Jaeger Bombers. Eta-5 administered amnestics to the survey team and any other exposed civilians before setting up a perimeter around SCP-2764. What they would eventually learn was that the perimeter they established was far too close. In his investigation logs, MTF Eta-5 Commander Joseph Mann noted that he immediately experienced strange anomalous effects, such as how the creature seemed to shrink the closer he got to it and the strange voices in his head. His curiosity soon got the better of him, and he decided to do some of his own research into the entity before the rest of the SCP Foundation scientists and guards arrived to take over the investigation. Mann gathered a couple volunteers who were also curious about the nature of the anomaly and set out on expedition to gather more information. Just as they had experienced before, the more they walked towards the creature, the more it appeared to shrink in size. They also made note of strange prints in the snow. At first they looked to be human prints, but then seemed to change into something that looked as if a squid had pulled itself onto the land and was dragging itself through the snow. After several days, the whole team was hearing voices. They also realized they had left their tissue analyzer back at a previous camp and would have to back track to retrieve it. As they moved away from the creature they expected it to now increase in size, but it didn’t, it stayed the same. Either something had changed about the anomaly or SCP-2764 was moving towards them. After recovering the tissue analyzer, they continued on towards the creature again. Commander Mann began to understand the voices he was hearing and could even make out certain words like “snow” and “back.” Their perception of time was affected too, hours seemed to stretch out or pass by in the blink of an eye. The voice he was hearing started to become more direct and the message was clear - “turn back.” Mann was compelled to press on though, even with the extremes of the Antarctic cold beginning to weigh on him. But then SCP-2764 suddenly vanished, flickering out of existence, and the team was left with no choice but to follow the strange tentacle-like tracks in the snow hoping they would lead to the creature. The tracks lead them back to their old tent, the same one they had left the tissue analyzer at before, which should have been impossible based on the time and distance they had walked. Just then Commander Mann realized that he had been wrong. They were the ones who had been pursued. They hadn’t been following the tracks forward, but backwards to where they had been. Even worse, he realized that his team had disappeared. He was completely alone. Commander Mann continued to trudge through the snow, walking without direction, when he spotted SCP-2764 again. It was circling him, trying to maintain its distance, but he raced towards the creature and sliced off a piece of its flesh for analysis. Something strange happened when he placed it in the analyzer though. The machine displayed a “zero,” which was the reading for human tissue. This strange result required further analysis from the Foundation researchers who should now have arrived to take over the investigation, so Mann began to make his way back in the direction of home. He spotted what looked to be members of his team off in the distance and assumed that they must be on a mission to rescue him. Try as he might though, the spatial anomalies prevented him from ever getting closer, it felt like it would take him an entire day just to walk a few feet. He assumed it must be the same for his rescuers as he watched them off in the distance, seeming to never get closer. At one point he could even see as they stopped and turned back, appearing to return to an old campsite. He couldn’t understand what they were doing, but then they disappeared entirely, only to reappear much closer to him. Commander Mann, now sure that there was something terribly wrong happening, tried to approach the now single rescuer he could see to tell him to turn back, but before he could, the man rushed at him with a knife, and cut a piece of flesh from his back. It’s at that point that Commander Mann finally starts to understand. He hadn’t been watching a rescue team come for him, he’d been watching himself. He had been walking towards the creature, and yet at the same time he had also always been the creature. Commander Mann was trapped in a time loop where he was doomed to transform into the monstrous SCP-2764 and then watch himself meet the same fate over and over again… forever. The voices he had been hearing telling him to turn back were his own, words of warning that he was doomed to always ignore. SCP-2764 has been classified as Keter and is currently located in a classified area of Antarctica. A 150 kilometer radius has been established around the object which is to be monitored at all times by Mobile Task Force Eta-5. Any civilians that come within the 150 kilometer radius either by accident, or due to SCP-2764 flickering to a populated area, are to be administered Class- A amnestics and any civilians that may have knowledge of the event are to be administered Class-B amnestics. Should any civilian or Foundation employees come within 30 kilometers of SCP-2764, they are to be detained and immediately questioned. Following their psychological examination and depending on the results of the evaluation, they will either be administered Class-A amnestics… or terminated. Now go and watch another entry from the files of Dr. Bob, and be sure to subscribe as we delve further and further into the SCP Foundation’s classified archives.
Channel: Dr Bob
Views: 1,216,536
Rating: 4.9517608 out of 5
Keywords: the rubber, therubber, animation, animated, SCP, SCP Foundation, SCP Animation, DrBob, Dr Bob, anomaly, anomalies, SCPs, anom, anoms, scp wiki, scp animated, scp explained, scp-2764, scp 2764, 2764, scp cthulhu, scp eldritch antarctic, eldritch antarctic, eldritch, antarctic, antarctica, antarctica monster, snow monster, non euclidean geometry, keter, keter class
Id: WHdzMX8smps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 7sec (547 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 16 2020
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