Cr1TiKaL (penguinz0) Stream Mar 27th, 2018 [Far Cry 5]

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no [ __ ] I think I just immediately closed the game mm-hmm that's certainly a rocky start okay nevermind just minimized Far Cry 5 just came out I'm gonna get this out of the way right now I do not really like the Far Cry series not my cup of tea but I'm still going into this one with a positive attitude and a slight stiffy [Music] get Drake on the podcast if you're watching Drake I'm up to show you the ropes on fortnight as well as have you on the podcast which manikin do I want to play us I'll take this guy [Music] I also don't know anything about this one I think it's about a cult right or is it about the Amish mafia [Music] I knew turn subtitles on 'treasure state people got a lot of names for it I just call it home lived here my whole life still amazed at how beautiful it is maybe that's what blinded us to how ugly the people were getting Doulos very rude you don't understand no one took these groups seriously they were different religious militant it was a goddamn call they started buying up every farm for moms then the radio station not long after that they even had the [ __ ] cops their own sovereign logistic I can forgive you when you but bill right here under our noses hey character no one come and help us government can't do [ __ ] we're on our own people don't want to believe groups like this exist can't do that surfed off scared I'm a never-nude wish to destroy together some betrayals oh my god it's Jared Leto nobody's capable hi sky walking dog their leader Joseph seed they call him the father knows in the outside world are blind do not believe have no faith but I will make them see guess it's a nursery for me once again I'm sorry Colby but yeah I got a game to complete in one sitting [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's good to see dress can I turn the subtitles on no I'll turn them on the second I can got that mustache means business [Music] I wonder if the helicopters gonna get shot down that would catch me by surprise what's your favorite mean right now or so - the glob Gilad Villa easily I remember right Peggy is also a rating system for video games is the second way out I'll edit it you post it tomorrow stay tuned tyrant what's up screw P up only the top a despite that the game times to tell you vectors are the actually piggy through changes Marco this game is based of honking I assumed it was Peggy from king of the hill can I just stay on the helicopter I don't want to [ __ ] with no Peggy Oh to jesus' now this can't be real [Music] confirmed whoo-whee damn they wouldn't let me just stay in the helicopter we turn subtitles on because I know I'm gonna forget if I don't do it immediately there we go [Music] subtitles confirm to you in the church stick talks I am lactose intolerant as most people get when they age but uh no I don't drink milk very often what happens if I go out of my way here you think I'm afraid of you hot [ __ ] boy looking like a [ __ ] Neanderthal out here what do you burning [ __ ] it's a good start I guess all right really want to family I have to be up early for work god dammit been wondering if this was coming no worries always random videos uploads all of them isn't that in their entirety he's focused he's just tuned in there I find that hard to believe just good dancing are you going on here what's that on your forehead nerd don't you ever point that thing against me again you're first on line to [ __ ] list sleep with one eye open I might come put a dick in you whether or not your eyes open or not appreciate it Lyndsey do I remember your real name cow guy did you tell me your real name is it Marshall you gotta find Hudson on the door watch our backs don't let any of these people what's your opinion on fan fiction on me it's entertaining just do anything stupid relax Sheriff you're about to get your name in the paper in the paper god that's embarrassing welcome aboard pop killer Tintin appreciate the sponsor enjoy those emotes Chris now I'll remember cow guy I'm sorry if you didn't tell me that before that is why I would start the project because we know what happens next you've come well beautiful timing on a sponsor message audio I've been waiting for you friends why are we interrupting a sermon this game microtransactions could you jack rest I all check eventually tyranny won't you step I'm sorry and the dick list is reserved for Peggy's only what's up Charlie they are got super drunk the other night ins donated V Lake the returns are to live that massage just made you appreciate it wet ok thanks Chris [Applause] we knew this moment would come don't know if alcohol effects sceeto here but I'm gonna take some shots of mezcal and watch aha she is it does affect it but it's moderation it's fine God will not let them take a men don't cuff him I didn't even know that cuffing was coming up he seems like an innocent man to me why would I even bother cuffing him or the noise why not do both watch and play what do you mean calm down I'm not not getting all worked up grace brookey cuff this son of a [ __ ] I still appreciate it meow meow God will not let you take me oh if God won't let me take him why maybe gonna bother cuffing him in the first place put the cuffs on I'm not gonna arrest my own [ __ ] father this is sick what is this with you three anyway Eden gate Eden's gate put down your guns take your friends and walk away alright [ __ ] it man that sounds fine to me I don't know I have two bananas tattooed on your chest under your collarbones though it's kind of weird someone's got to try Derrick I respect that come on Ricky like I said this seems like an innocent man to me I'm my morals will not allow me to do this what she knows and he will judge you why don't you choose Jeff sort of ask is an innocent man exactly real Jeff what if I was gonna say Sora's the father and I want to say you've made the past few years a lot less shitty thank you so much for the laughs I appreciate that dad milk oh they're doves kind of goddammit rookie don't you ever say that to me again don't you ever use the Lord's name in vain in his own church you sick [ __ ] sheriff long how long do I have to sit here for some time is best to leave well enough alone first Danae shudders a song your videos also [ __ ] YouTube didn't notify me of this 10 tenths relation root yeah it sounds like you use them in you put those cuffs on in none of us get out of here alive that's exactly how the Lord will smite us so be it talk about a speedrun those [ __ ] easy well thanks for tuning in to the 100% far cry 5 run all right well let's uh let's go ahead get this action again I guess I can refund the game now I already did everything there was to do [Music] was that a world record for the speedrun I think it probably was right quietly calmly you got it fine Hudson on the door I'll replay the game I guess [ __ ] it no many of these people how long was the game I think on May 13 minutes you just and that was with one mistake accidentally got burned by Jesus relax sheriff you're about to get your name when did I get my ears pierced [ __ ] I don't know a while back you'll be fine something is coming you can feel the game now creeping toward the edge and there will be a record that is name looks very pretty so far because we know what happens next they will come you can see the chesty goddamn right I can waffle take our freedom take off faith maybe I can convince them I'm having a seizure or some sort we will not let their greed whether immorality or their to pray but he hurt us anymore sure there will be no more suffering fighters Joseph see I have a warrant issued for your arrest on the suspicion of kidnapping with the intent to harm just suspicion once you step forward and keep your hands where I can see him I don't think he did it they are locusts in our garden see they've gone from me they've come to take me away from you they've come to destroy all the we fear God these are such good looking people - it's a shame how nice they look boy go got a nice guy God will not let down and take me they all look like pirates on the Black Pearl behold depends on what you're going for gazelle protein powder is very nice and what brand you should go for it's hard to say they're all very similar but what you want to avoid is high sugar protein powder because a lot of them have a lot of unnecessary [ __ ] in their time to enhance flavor but it's not worth it so not a the best thing to do to walk away I already did that I already beat the [ __ ] game seed you don't need to tell me that much man let's go alright I got him I'm gonna give it a little pat on the ass and tell him good game [Music] they really like this day I appreciate the longtime support nice salmon art I'm guessing our tan is short for artorias Pendragon just a guess she's having a [ __ ] heart attack she loves him so much I imagine this is what it was like at One Direction concerts any time the security guards who take him out of the building after the concert this sounds really loud for me but I also have the game volume turned up real loud in my headphones oh wow Jesus they're like zombies oh wow the whole game would have been avoided if that one lunatic didn't hit the helicopter blades we did it it's pretty lit it's pretty loud on stream - I can turn it down I'll take that bet wolfy [Music] yep we're all good it's fine on stream iron [Music] [Music] amen this is so romantic he's [ __ ] serenading me thanks nudge I know I can forgive that appreciate it [Music] dispatch everything is just fine here what oh my god they're all working for the dad all of the world that's not true wait until the Transformers hear about this one everything is unfolding according to God's plan I'm still here with you her seal has been broken la we will take what we need okay tie to my arm please now I can get some superpowers [Music] these see the truth oh man who's spitting fire out here Oh way to mine control oh no no no now I am well let's [ __ ] do it but if you don't mind I'm going to turn down the volume slightly out today and you already have the world record for beating this game yeah all hail Charlie the new father of fresh tech cult for Charlie a grid can we form our own cult here spoken with a broken jewel step to the side but not to brawl autumn sweet we call it forward you make it to the moon if I have to draw poetic I like that it voices to load hold on I can fix that real quick by just stepping a little bit away from the mic quietly stealth is my middle [ __ ] name oh that beautiful slide rest in peace old pop will go beg it to bury give me that oh I like this I got i [ __ ] with that [Music] what do I throw it or do I hit oh no I want that back all right let's pop some dicks in there goodbye colt boys too easy that'll teach you up there's more hey I was afraid to shoot ya don't worry I'll give him what he deserves a good old kiss on the lips for leading such a beautiful Boy Scout Troop here baseball bat only run what's the name of our new Colt hmm Fairplay Alliance rook I'm sorry I thought they got you know I'm a good marshal come on check the room Brooke looks clear oh Jesus I had no idea [Music] [ __ ] we're putting this whole family away all of them now like your hutzpah but we're not very well equipped to take on literally the father of the entire nation here did you not see my baseball bat oh I need that we're gonna do there's a road out there we're gonna take it when a head northeast it's probably only a few hours back to Missoula and then I'm gonna come back here with a goddamn National Guard well it's got a huge oh god damn it Marshall you gave us away don't worry I got us covered oh my imaginary gun Jeff Jeff Jeff Jeff Jeff Jeff Jeff Jeff Jeff Jeff Jeff Jeff Jeff Oh Jeff Jeff Jeff Jeff Jeff Jeff Jeff Jeff piracy alert whoo pirated something I've got you covered yeah you never want to drink against the liquor I'm the stealthiest baseball player you've ever seen yeah [ __ ] oh god there's another one knows worth a try southern baptist church you mean the Westboro Baptist Church been having an anxiety attack for the last two hours and 20 minutes into your stream Monday morning future thanks don't thank me thank the father I had nothing to do with that you've been healed by Joseph seed I feel like I'm playing around if Nazi Zombies I got you covered let's [ __ ] hit it and [ __ ] at Marshall oh is it John seed not Josephson sorry I got them I have unlimited ammo I don't need to be so frugal with it watch others dear now they're invincible the father is blessed with wildlife with immortality Oh I got us covered marshal calm the [ __ ] down can change fire mode what do you mean I'm a bit confused what is that but Jay what do you mean I didn't join your cult well I really should have been looking at the game I've been trying to [ __ ] figure out how to change the firing mode I don't see I think I picked up some dynamite or something now how do I take the baseball bat oh [ __ ] yeah and now the pipe [ __ ] oh wait did I blow that up with my pipe well [ __ ] I'm confused how do I check on the weapons wheel I haven't learned the weapons wheel yet these change firing mode thank you yeah that worked okay let's go I'm about this action Marshall let's do it pinpoint accuracy control the heel yeah I know that one that one's right in front of my face yeah I know how to use the med kit oh did I actually get that one [ __ ] I feel bad hipfire only run I got us covered Marshall I've never missed a shot in my life okay I'm gonna need to heal again god damn is this supposed to be a super [ __ ] hard right now or am I just bad at the game how do I use it that's not it baseball about the hero another pipe no how do I switch to it oh yeah yeah - easy I got us covered marshal calm the [ __ ] down why is that so hard to believe there's an old crop duster that's nothing to be afraid of thanks man never missed a single shot in my life what are they shooting us watch out for the cows I took out the real villains Jesus Christ I'm fighting a whole nation here there's so well-equipped meanwhile flopping around with our dicks out here in this truck [Music] what would happen oh my god kickflip please hot YouTube girls that is the goal you want to please the hot YouTube girls I agree I'm loving the sound for the soundtrack right now the score is beautiful [Music] I don't know if you should buy this game or not I'm literally just in the tutorial I live an hour from Missoula in real life and I can confirm that there is a group of paramilitary Scientologists killing everyone oh yeah I knew that I'm playing it right now no remember I believe I'm fine she just died from unknown cancer I'm literally crying as I'm writing this I'm sorry to hear about that tasty Tesla that's awful I'm looking forward to this moist gameplay for the rest of the night 100% worth the negative four hours of sleep hope I can deliver some high quality action appreciate it Colby [Music] oh he's a good guy he's not a cult guy you know what that [ __ ] means it means the roads have all been closed means the full minds become it means there's no signals getting in and out of this valley but mostly it means we're all [ __ ] not true at all Dutch I'm a virgin goddamn collapse they all think the world is coming to an end now they've been waiting for it for years waiting for somebody to to come along and fulfill their prophecy kick off their goddamn holy war well you sure [ __ ] kit hmm-hmm I've been known for my kicks some would say you gotta have my kicks smartest thing for me to do would just be to hand you over that's not what you're gonna do yeah that's what I thought [ __ ] you couldn't [ __ ] do it you know the balls get air to that uniform we need to burn it I see first clothes there when you get changed you come and see me hmm we'll see if we can unfuck this situation words well spoken Heisenberg all right let's get a new outfit going here put on a little fashion show for the boy mmm so many customizable options can I make myself look exactly like this guy and surprise the [ __ ] out of him by being like his doppelganger did that be like another secret ending looks good to me it's fine [Music] Wow now there's white trash uh yeah that's what's what I'll go for I'll go for the biggest inbred hick character I can make oh those are my only two customizable options why even [ __ ] bother giving me here we go now we're cooking Oh looks good oh you have a cam out mm-hmm [ __ ] no that ruins the beautiful hair style yeah yeah that looks good that's like a retired father who went into a biking gang looks good all right let's hit him with a Cletus I show them what it's really about [Music] I'm gonna give a [ __ ] about the peggy's but I will collect some [ __ ] in here just a piss pan nice anything else that I can collect before going on my mission thanks no nice and I don't want to read any more I've had enough I just had my fill of reading for the day welcome aboard Wrigleyville three four two three we need to talk I'm here properly introduce myself back there most folks call me Dutch I've been trying to piece together what's happened enough time ain't good looking like he doesn't believe in climate change a male seems they've been messing it up each one handed off to a different member of Joseph's family you've gone back again friends I got friends to the door of fate shall open probably all right been waiting for you what's going on here and they won't know until it's too late there's gotta be people out there willing to fight back against this call we just we need to show them how we have all the help we need with no resistance no no again the first thing we're gonna do is get control of this island once we got some breathing room we can figure out what's coming next there's a gun and a map I'm safe over there appreciate that no thank you I'll give you a call on your radio once you get your bearings okay nerd be careful out there let's crawl I ain't afraid of no piggies Oh shovel Oh baby time to go full Yorick mode on him all right understood okay I think I get it change reticle position to centered it looks better how do I do that I appreciate the kind words Mac it's good to see ya I'm probably the options huh all right let's try that I'll be honest I don't notice much of a difference but hoorah whoo-wee since you is incredibly unnerving no he's a cop guy that's not a lot done friend Roger that Dutch by your orders Dutch oven I'll go for the civilians all right I'm gonna wrestle some crocodiles first let's start recruiting the marine life into our ranks I don't think those fish would what do you mean leaving the Lycians on you Thank You Louie nice table there sir I can honestly say I am [ __ ] hated the new movies for the most part [ __ ] hated relatively speaking but comparatively to the other ones I really just didn't care for them they're fine movies but they're just not very good fine is like the best compliment I can pay them they're functional there's a beginning middle and an end who's out here trying to catch this lead pipe wait whoops that's not what I wanted how did I do that what am i tracking Oh an animal but I'm too busy hunting these cult animals hey-ya hey-ya you should have never [ __ ] with me boys bang oh well that was sexist they got it they got melee weapons to the mouth and she got a [ __ ] bullet swear to god I'm not sexist oh wow that was easy try harder next time nerds where's Diana she's sleeping [Music] who the [ __ ] are you high school frat bro I don't trust you yet oh well wait that's not good wait hey it was a joke do they not have jokes here nerd here what hold on where's my shovel oh god damn it I lost a valuable highschool friend yeah I make like one a week for the infomercial stuff now you forgot it's about me that was close indeed I almost pulled the trigger oh hey almost did it exert out of control if you want to protect yourself I think there's a purse - near the boathouse mm-hmm all right you're coming with me let's let's do it boy group hug in the shower tonight god I keep [ __ ] doing that I want to track an animal I guess I can only track when it tells me to I need more melee weapons I'm not gonna get very far without a shovel no action to be found down there what's this is like a little powerline cool hey if you want some help with the name it strict like ranked Oh watch this because I wanna play is some dollar reduce oh I'm sorry Shrek - I appreciate it so far the game is totally fine I'm enjoying it thus far what am i tracking good shot nothing nothing too valuable here Franklin I don't see what the big hoopla is that what's what's the big deal I'm you have to drain it I mean I was able to sniff that objective out just fine but the question becomes how do I drain it there's like nothing to do here you need to hold your breath a little bit better rook I'm gonna be any one of these things yeah oh you do it at the boathouse that makes sense let's see what we got in here then got my trusty pipe make farcry great again and greed I'm liking this so far I haven't really played much but I got to impale a man with a shovel and I just do it like fortnight and bust through the ceiling this collecting metal I've been watching a lot of games since lakely and I can't help but see them everywhere have caught about ten in as many minutes so far game sins III got you what a dive our trees meant to be peed on yeah I guess you'd depends on who you're talking to I hope this guy's super deaf yeah he's very deaf hold on I got you and you'll never catch me take this Martha you should have never joined the cult equip a throwable via the weapon wheel mm-hmm understood you can swim in to the boathouse do you think we can still do story in coop unless you want to experience it by yourself I was gonna solo it fine I typically solo most games let me move this body and by that I mean I'm throwing it in the river pardon me nice backflip I'm not gonna pick that up yeah I would think so you were just getting beat to death on this dock I don't think you'd be too pleased with them nice one damn this guy's a speed swimmer all right calm down touch up and I will just give me a moment easy yeah hey Aaron no don't do that Aaron there's bad guys according to Dutch oven I'm going I'm going where are they where's the bad guys whatever [Music] how's it where we got oh yeah completed oh hey [ __ ] yeah well how do i how do i craft the dutch okay so i've got some some equipment or some throw bowls here I got them all etaf I can't pick up any more loot I only have nine arrows but I just saw like a couple over here ya know at least I know where it is if I ever want to come back for it where'd my boy Aaron go there he is holding the fort down what would I do without Aaron oh wait check out this beautiful shot ready ready I've been playing enough for tonight to nail this thing all right I got to hold it back bang really let me go get those arrows well needless to say it probably wasn't worth that for the arrows damn well I don't want to give up I have full faith in Erin's medical prowess I think you can CPR me back into life thanks Erin yeah I don't know what happened there and the water was shallower than it looked cube didn't notify me even though I mind the old barrels yeah I don't know Jake it's blame YouTube men I always do because it's literally their fault all right let's try this again oh wait here watch this trick shot or this chance the golf golf Oscar tango oh the edge all these [ __ ] saw me they have good eyes trick shot we're ready watch watch [Music] I think this guy ate it OOP didn't work the first time but it worked the second time calm down Aaron I'm charging ya this isn't even on the lowest difficulty who else is next get away from it Aaron it's gonna blow oh Jesus Aaron I Aaron god damn it did I not tell you what was gonna happen it's like you just didn't believe me now you got your hand in the cookie jar don't ya huh god damn it Aaron don't you ever make a rookie mistake like that again you listen to my orders I know physics I went to school once [ __ ] yeah it was intense Aaron yeah it wouldn't have been if you just moved down the way when I told you to mmm let's rock yep can't wait to storm this one right in I'm gonna canoe paddle the [ __ ] out of them and you just you just sit there and smell my ass tell me how great it smells how does that plan work for you less responsibility probably a lot less explosions - since is a [ __ ] canoe paddle check out this trick come on [ __ ] order him around okay cool I'm not going to use that right now cuz I have a trickshot in mind ready that guy over there hmm well then I'm gonna try that one more time actually watch this ready and then how did God how did he get so lucky maybe this cult really does have God on their side yeah I'm here for my canoe paddle boys you should have just got hit by my canoe paddle if you knew it was good for you type fade away fade away bang canoe paddle [ __ ] wrong button I see you now do it [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my canoe paddle oh that's it Dan I was hoping for more thanks Dutch oven I'm saying that I'll keep my eyes peeled got a lot of ammo that's gotta count for something my trusty player still alive huh still alive huh getting the hydrochloric acid can do I'm sorry to report there are no civilians left alive here they're all dead by the time I got here Dutch oven brutal these savages are absolutely brutal moving into position gonna free up the comms let's go Aeryn you don't end up like that guy do you this does look a little like a shake weight doesn't it who else wants to tango with the true father of this island I gave birth to this island far before John ever laid his seed appreciate it kale where's that [ __ ] duck Erin you see the duck I only hired you because your renowned duck hunter you see him anywhere all right Erin don't get hit by that and see if you're worthy would that go No Aryan the man the myth the legend hashtag man's man man's man for real all right don't get hit by that Aaron nice one of these days he is gonna get hit by it and god damn it's gonna be gross begin oh [ __ ] cry yeah I mean that's a staple of far cry let's go Aaron hope you're not afraid of heights don't get don't get hit by that Aaron's where'd it go what'll happen if I do this nice work there and you really came a long way damn you're resilient I understand that reference I know Jamestown keep up the good work it [ __ ] do I have to climb all the way down or can I just Assassin's Creed my way off yeah I can zipline I see classic sitting there coming in loud and clear air and we did it our Jonestown James sorry I meant Jonestown sounds good Dutch oven what am I looking at - pussy-ass island looks like if you're damn good at it looks like Conor McGregor oh I like it quite a bit done in backs I think it's very pretty everything in the name of the cult food supplies and worst of all people I'll keep you posted on anything that'll be useful oh wait I don't want a fast travel uh just look oh wait do I have to choose one of these right now I go for Conor McGregor good like I heard something about stupid microtransactions also keep up the good work I'm enjoying it so far albeit I just started oh I just auto get off the tower that's nice I guess eliminates that hassle incest is cool that's not incest if the volumes off wrong wrong wrong we are all centers grande brought one of us oh it looks so nice you mean wrong wrong even the father knows thanks Chris appreciate it it's a poison that clouds our minds what if I told you you could be thanks Fustat oh sweet what if I told you that everything you ever dreamed could come true what if I told you that everything could be overcome embraced I'd say that that's unbelievable unless you sponsor my stream that's the only way those things can happen can come from the power of just one sponsor [ __ ] [Applause] yes I am a sinner yes I wish to be unburdened yes I must be redeemed hmm I didn't pick this though that I her watching this know that you have been selected you will be cleansed you will confess your sins and you will be off this sounds like the backing track to every facebook video ever yes yes yes CSCS yes you don't have to do it yes indeed welcome to Eden's gate [ __ ] confirmed world of [ __ ] confirmed where's Aaron Aaron Aaron no whatever you think's best I don't care yeah [ __ ] like a new paddle you can't escape me that easily wildlife you will be recruited the revolution will be televised I'll get you next time dear so what is this just a big old [ __ ] truck in the middle of nowhere do I do anything with this or is this just here for fun what is that a trash can the best way to lose love handles losing weight overall you can't spot treat fat there we go oh my lord wake up thank you for the baseball about everything else I don't really need but the baseball bat was integral craft molotovs and explosives in the weapon wheel yeah well that's simple thank you I like that I like when it doesn't have like a convoluted one not enough I mean why would it tell me how to craft if I don't have enough can I craft anything at least have a throwing knife that's cool how do I choose what I throw though see like I didn't want that so how do I choose the throwing that whoops that's the wrong knife oh wait what come up now yeah but now how do I choose the Molotov I think I just click on it makes sense canoe paddle only baby oh it's a truck where's my canoe paddle did I swap it out for the baseball bat whatever who gives a [ __ ] stop right there god I was hoping the code Oh Mike a new pillows back good [ __ ] yeah just dim it come back here you won't escape me that easily caravan can I upgrade my throwing strength mate okay luckily I got my hunting gear here with my metal baseball bat I'm gonna go for a spin instead where's a mission a skunk yeah I'm sure they'll pay good money for skunk meat where do I choose missions I guess they just come as they show up I don't I guess I can't target them come I got you now and that's how an expert hunts his food don't scream at me I didn't want to do it I'm such a prime hunter I was able to cut it open with a metal baseball bat change FOV bra just your cousin perk points I ain't cool cool I don't care about any of that where can I spend my perk points nice all right let's see what do I got this is a human fish useless unlocks parachute why would I want that useless thing grapple that's cool I don't need any handgun where's like the deserting melee enhancements what's the deal with far cry 5 why is everyone playing it instead their game love yeah there's just a new game and it's part of a very popular series all the wingsuit I'll [ __ ] with that yeah oh my god I'm a [ __ ] master hunter here get on my four-wheeler oh [ __ ] they're coming [Music] where is it wait I want my bird what am I gonna eat tonight if I don't collect my bird where'd it go this is it change view what do you mean how do I I love dungeon order do that I'm guessing here hey pastor Manning no you passed it I don't I don't see f of you anywhere in here you drove right over fov what what do you mean feel the view is it's a setting release brakes oh that's kind of a cool feature video oh I see [Music] yeah 90 is the other one right [Music] there's that better whiny baby boys not today a [ __ ] boy yeah too easy 120 Jesus wanna alright 120 seems a bit high in fact it's maxed okay wow that's disorienting yep thanks for that I'm changing that back holy [ __ ] [Music] [ __ ] that I'll go back to 90 there that's better now if you'll excuse me I have some gnarly stunts to rip yep [Music] they won't escape me that broke and I could just throw cans that's [ __ ] cool oh wait motion blur right that is definitely something I want to turn off where is that yeah get that [ __ ] off of my screen I don't know why motion blur is still a thing in 2018 much better I've gotten so used to it auto-drive where taste the coca-cola hey yeah oh this is a good guy you come welcome aboard kale friends hey door oh he's still alive open I've been watching damn you're tough one friends saved you my ex told me the wind shark he found out the cult went crazy Sharky laughing like a sick kid grabbed a propane tank and then took off running towards his trailer park what a [ __ ] with that freaks up - hop on Sharky bullsháá hey hop on hey hey nerd hop on hop on get on the bat I've been drinking cokes all day I can throw this [ __ ] endlessly don't you dare don't you [ __ ] dare stop turning auto-driver you think you're gonna escape me that easily goddammit yeah you'll never escape the cans oh [ __ ] whoa he led me right into an ambush yeah wow what a shot damn it get boomer oh what the [ __ ] oh I thought I was in like a dream sequence where the [ __ ] did I just spawn oh damn that guy had a rough go oh not the dog I could give a [ __ ] less about the people in the town but damn it I hate when they use animals like that you came to the wrong neighborhood yeah yeah I have unlimited baseball bats [ __ ] pump up here [ __ ] yeah that definitely sounds like America in a nutshell all right where's my millions of aluminum bats I just threw do you want more of this yeah yeah good lord how many are there old trusty nope too easy I think the [ __ ] melee weapons when thrown are more effective than using actual weapons used a quick trouble I have played quite a bit not of siege though I played um Vegas mostly this is gonna be a dope trickshot on this guy ready yeah whoops well I honestly wanted to do a trickshot on you but like oh is this a good guy oh god this guy looks like he just came here to study abroad [ __ ] man I'm sorry where's my throwing knife though you know whatever I don't need it anyway I've plenty all I need is my trusty canoe paddle get back here goddamn got him oh you're gonna wish you didn't break down here here's a can [ __ ] excuse me canoe paddle well not quite a canoe paddle but no oh thank God it's safe oh they almost ran it over hey hey no God that was [ __ ] slow-motion scene in my head how does how do you become a sponsor two ways you can click the link in the stream description and then click the sponsor button you can go on the channel and click the sponsor button or if you're on your computer right now on the top of the super chat there is a green sponsor button you can click so three ways actually no no they don't I got you what do you saved your [ __ ] life hey you gonna work for me enough tries to win either side but mm-hmm she's no more - honey trip yeah yeah nice all right let's [ __ ] do a TV your hop on get nice and comfy with me are you ready for this all right down to clown let's [ __ ] get it what's up man fact I appreciate the longtime support hang on Evy it's gonna be a bumpy smooth one you're still alive back there Evy I got a can did somebody order Amazon Prime and as you got an iron iron grip good old canoe paddle who wants it you don't want to stop your pals I'll tell you how much Oh Ethan thank you that might just have to go on a [ __ ] rampage now don't you ever say that Evie you found me didn't you Bliss oil nothin really useful here let's get out of here Evie don't get hit by this oh nice oh damn it damn it oh alright let's go easy hop on where is she no alright special ops Evie what are you doing with your hand there's no gun in that hand and the blood was fake what else is a lie appreciate it Chris do you want to be recruited hey hey I'm talking to you do you oh wow what a teabag you are a TV a [ __ ] [ __ ] right he doesn't even know how to drive hop on Evie we got to recruit another one oh I see him oh it's a drunk driver Evy he's drunk out of his [ __ ] mind pull over pull over this is a pull over you see the canoe paddle I am the law all right I will oh Jesus can't you see I'm an officer oh Jesus I've got him is the guy safe oh he's so unfaith hey what the [ __ ] all right caed I found a new partner I wish you the best of luck though I truly do let's go agent Stevens God how drunk is this man much better I go where you go now receive you with us - oh yeah here comes Evie nice we got a little caravan going now I'm glad you went through all of it Chris appreciate it I don't want to waste my canoe paddle because I don't think Chris's our agent Stevens is gonna stop I have I reached out to him he'll be on the podcasts in a couple months looking good even looking good appreciated triangle man watch this beautiful shot watch out Evie there's a madman with rowing not wait hold on yeah [ __ ] oh wow that's something you never want to see if I hit a bird with a throwing knife everyone's sponsor [ __ ] if I hit a bird with a barrel if I hit a bird at all everyone's sponsor if I hit a bird with an arrow [ __ ] god damn it agent Stevens learn to drive Evie I'm coming back in your car the man's way too [ __ ] drunk to be operating a vehicle of any kind now you drive me I go where you go Oh what's the tow truck driver is evil get out of your vehicle [ __ ] I'm sorry I got a little a little anxious let's go easy we got a world to liberate she doesn't even want to hop on my vehicle anymore that's fine I'm not offended I would like to do an objective now are you talking about evening oh this looks like a bad spot for bad men we're the bad minute bad man Evie we got bad men [ __ ] they're mutants Charles Xavier is gone mad oh my god it's a hyena I think maybe a wolf I got it [ __ ] - Moo it's immune to canoe canoe paddles oh wait we're in a conflict right right oh nice work Evie I'm having fun so far but I've only really just started saved another one where is she 25,000 should do definitely thanks in your [ __ ] seven [ __ ] Evie Evie I made a mistake Evie Evie Jesus can see now we're cooking Evie straight up going primal on him Wow Evie holy [ __ ] thanks wolf welcome aboard Cassidy Jesus Christ [Music] you know you can never trust Eevee to do anything you know I mean that's another gun-for-hire down I got a TV oh nice dodge you've become friends hey y'all open okay let's do an objective action makes your progress and we'll go for this one oops wrong way I know this set a waypoint it'll make it easier maybe the [ __ ] is my waypoint [Music] oh it's just dear miss super chat no I saw some ordinary gamers are streaming from ri5 sorry I saw that gotta watch out for the white flowers confirmed I really just want to do an objective yeah I'm a genius shoot at the moving vehicle like a [ __ ] dog chasing cars who is this guy what does he know that I don't [Music] we're fine we got this guy leading the pack nerd [ __ ] where the [ __ ] is a good objective is that gonna be one get a maybe nice oh this looks like something maybe fun maybe thanks Randy cool tree house using parrot I want to use my parachute parachute soft landing if you don't worry about me you have a parachute taking the nerdy way down let's hit it makes this oh that looks like an important building all right let's do it liberation time oh don't worry I got a me v oh wait that's the good guy got him damn it I was hoping for a collateral alrighty V you're gonna want to move out of the way Erin made a very similar mistake you know what maybe she'll follow me Eevee god it's like the npcs want to die okay well she moved I'm coming down sir don't worry I have a parachute go to the pumpkin farm to get the dog all right I'll do that god this guy's just eating all the toxic gas where's my paddle will do you too man okay so where is the pumpkin patch I see it all right he's gonna get the dog boo is this game good but like I said I'm having fun but I'm just [ __ ] around wait this is a good guy are you good guy Oh your shop yeah you know I'll pass really why can't I just kill her and take all her [ __ ] oh that's why cuz you got a cute dog let's go Evie umm it's not a crime to have bad taste I'm kidding it's fine to not like for tonight can you move your dog I don't want to run it over [Music] [Music] alright let's get my own dog where oh [ __ ] found him this vehicle might not last much longer but we need the dog alright let's hope it's a submersible you're right in there Evo she's bailing doesn't read my super chat joke we dean i saw it i haven't missed any super Ches i don't know for some reason it's just a very common word that makes people uncomfortable don't worry yeah it sounds like something Bad's happening there hop on what mobile apps do I use the most just Twitter Twitter's the only app I actually use you enjoy that stun TV hang on tight we're almost there first alright let's get out long time watcher from way back during the bf fun tactics days my girlfriend and I love watching keep it moist I appreciate it Cassidy and I appreciate that sponsor and it means a lot hey it's another shop it's the same girl man she moves fast true facts cougar wow I don't believe that for even a second is he be still alive okay good so where's my dog yeah it sounds about right me this is the pumpkin farm right I'm at the right spot where careless would they you recommend this game save careless who's careless I don't know if that means but I mean I'm having fun I'm not super far into it or anything though oh here's where he is he's up in the tree I guess where the [ __ ] is he or is it Timmy or is this not like the exact marker okay so it's got to be over here what to expect the next podcast it's a guestlist episode and then after that we have a nikkie huntsman coming on famous porn star so it's got to be here I'll probably like the main building all I need is my trusty canoe paddle can I climb this no and I blow this up really is it a large thing to blow up get out of the way Evie what is she doing Evie come but watch out for this thing because apparently I can blow up the whole [ __ ] City with this I'll use all my ammo if I have to EB majestical testicle majestical testicle nice I like that man oh no worries I appreciate it Chris okay I'm not gonna play this stealthily but I don't think I even needed to say that much you coming or not even Jesus Christ that meant to be strong charlie careless is Latin for charm I might get this but I don't want to play just another Far Cry game I mean I like I said I've never really been a big fan of the Far Cry series but this is pretty fun so far if you keep killing allies oh dear I'm gonna have to call the Fairplay Alliance on your ass you don't have the balls and full-on medkits so watch this shot what whatever watch this shot ready easy yeah parachute they'll never even find me wha hey it's my pet dog be free have fun I guess what the [ __ ] God don't you know any loyalty move on weication there's a [ __ ] bear here oh the worst outcome possible I know he said I'm sorry well I was easy you can't escape the bear that easily you may have escaped the bear outside but you haven't escaped this bear ass wait did the bear do all the work for me he hints I only saw a couple people no don't come here Evie there's a [ __ ] bear on the loose no don't do it no don't do it I'm proud of you dirty Dan no I guess I was easy $1000 undetected bonus that's probably the first time in any video game I've ever gotten that well hopefully the Bears you don't say release them somewhere safer oh that's good you think I couldn't be mad at you either it's making them act all crazy it's too dangerous to cancer we got to put them down no it's the mess Takeda meeee I definitely thought you said he'd [ __ ] down madness chaos in the brain beatdown madness else in the brain beatdown madness chaos in the gray chaos in the brainer let's go ahead and use a perk point here do I have any yeah I have three human fish useless yeah all the small caves indeed I'll take this I guess definitely want more melee weapons that's nice I'll just grab all of them why not I have enough let's go easy even though you were no [ __ ] help at all liberating this camp where's my dog kick bubblegum and shoo ask classic where the [ __ ] is my dog what do you mean I should think about joining the resistance I am the [ __ ] resistance wrong house for the dog it'll watch you blow at a 1990 found everyone remains your homies goodnight her lips and make sure to sponsor the screen I'm hunting for bears using my trusty canoe paddle no I got you covered [ __ ] I missed hold on hold them down Evy I'll spank him not getting away from me that easily oh god he's strong yeah [ __ ] paddle got him bear neutralized good ideas right using a canoe paddle as a bear Annihilator yeah we did well this guy didn't yeah the [ __ ] mauled but yeah I got one any more bears errs at the end Oh two more bears yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] Evie Evie good without like a new I'm nothing look I hit him at least I heard it I heard him yell get the [ __ ] back here this is rude Leonardo DiCaprio let's [ __ ] did he go he thinks you can elude the Master Hunter I can smell his farts can smell them where is he EB DVDs iam oh I took a tumble Evie I fell down yeah Evie I fell Oh God got him [ __ ] a canoe paddle word [ __ ] put the fear of God into me but I don't know where he went what do you see [ __ ] is he what the [ __ ] happened to him dad damn this bears an assassin and a half EVD sim and parachuting down too many hoes and your [ __ ] meals I'll at least get the one in here maybe not Evie Evie he ambushed me [ __ ] Evie oh my god Evie no BB move you just let him get away Oh Charlie in order to find Betty's win hope county you must first find the dog within yeah maybe that's the problem I haven't found the dog within nor can I find this [ __ ] bear god damnit Evie get ready for year of the snitch boys the moisture will become biblical you will check it out - Charlie but first listen to TMS I'll check it out has anyone seen the bear look at the HUD oh I didn't realize that was the Bears is the new shoots maybe that's what I'm saying this is the new [ __ ] does this actually leave me the Bears it doesn't look like it oh [ __ ] got it another bear down according to the HUD the last one should be here no it's no might have been this guy maybe you seem classic my [ __ ] appreciated Ethan sleep well I took its Pelt where the [ __ ] is the other one it's not on the hood nope now it might be you see mev parachuting down no this is definitely not where the bear is unless he's infiltrated the camp is he in here oh my god Evie how did you let him get this far I don't even want to kill him though he's like our little pet now Evie what say you do a tranq Dart do we have any in the satchel well can I just inform the boys that I domesticated one appreciate it Kolby sleep well trust me I didn't want to have to do this buddy I'm sorry Paddington that's such a waste all right no another one damn it I love animals [ __ ] you Julie uh so I went to the wrong camp for the dog which means it's got to be oh Jesus holy [ __ ] appreciate it attorney Jim okay so it's got to be that house over there done don't you ever say that to me again Julian why can't I it's not letting me change directions there we go I had the alt-tab out am i at the dog police track the dog spot oh my god I keep [ __ ] shift tabbing and going to the steam overlay okay here the dog I'm coming whoo happy Halloween I pick one of these up yeah take that oh my my paddle Evie I'm naked without my paddle [ __ ] I didn't know there's a durability system here all right I knew that I don't care about mommy's plan I need it I need another melee weapon quick stat son of a [ __ ] oh my god it's [ __ ] clone hot spot Wow appreciate it southern there we go finally be free yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah don't ignore me eat the bullet oh oh well that was sad no one told me I was gonna be sad there we go I almost threw the baseball bat out it I would have screamed I would have reloaded to save so quick yeah Oh his dog better be a mortal each specialist can be upgraded through perks Oh so I call upon the power of the dog okay so the roster son yeah yeah yeah yeah isn't man I like mommy you like money I have here take my money and make stuff all sound like a little kid don't iaugh you thought I was a hashtag k-y wow they just betrayed him I had appreciated know you mother [ __ ] goddammit leave my dog alone give me the [ __ ] where is it [Music] [Applause] yeah Edom no but is my new friend yeah unfortunately my paddles gone you can't escape yeah almost I want the crossbow back and I didn't forget about it I hope my dog can hijack bars where is it where did I drop my crossbow over here right yeah there we go [Applause] you liking the game charlie I am super addicted already the American setting is a great change to the sea-ice yeah I'm liking it I'm enjoying it quite a bit that's so cute I can just endlessly pet the dog good maybe you've been replaced just carving the pumpkin here I can't even get that back god dammit all right let's move out next mission did the dog get into the four-wheeler with me Kenny hang on to my back come on where's my dog I don't have to pick him up there happen evie make room for him [Music] evie make room for the dog so can I just call the dog at any time we do I have to stay right on it like for the rest of the game oh okay I just had to replace Eevee oh no not a good dog that's bad dog goddamnit now I've blocked myself in because of that huh how the [ __ ] did he squeeze his way out Hey oh god damn it this way come on boomer boomer I'm very well trained come on boomer all right well you know let's let's make it a little easier for him hop in all right boomer oh what the [ __ ] you get away from my boomer yeah yeah nobody looks at my boomer like that yeah yeah [ __ ] don't let him get away boomer holy [ __ ] God Jesus Christ it's it's a lost oh my lord Wow boomers a maniac [ __ ] I better not lose boomer no no no no boomer here not that big uh I'll save you oh [ __ ] I hit boomer [ __ ] yeah yeah are you good oh don't you ever scare don't you ever scare me like that again boomer a TV yeah I should have really gotten on the ATV close call let's go boomer where is he oh there you go we got missions to complete now god damn it bringing up the map really shouldn't be tab and I know I can change it but I'm not going to let's go liberate this area let's go boomer what are you growing up no no no no more animal fighting haven't seen you I hope everything's all for you you gotta be able to fend for yourself yeah yeah everyone rolled their eyes when they talked about the end of the world I look round might as well be true yeah yeah yeah yeah just let me tell you my pelts oh my god nobody protecting us anymore so we got to do it ourselves only thing that matters is stayin alive and stay in fact I just want to buy some [ __ ] for owners I'm not a dick oh I can skip useful stuff your panties in a twist you go out oh I click talk instead of uh whatever what do I got body armor useless throw bowls me yeah whoa what the [ __ ] explosive arrow huh I'll come back for it when I have more money just be careful out there diamonds tab for missions let's see what yeah I'll figure it out let's go this way Oh bad guys yeah yeah and you came across the world's most aggressive baseball player got it under control boom get out of here can boomer pick me up I'm like lick my face or something no I got it boom there oh god it's it's resilient yeah shakes baseball bats here comes boom I like that oh man I really [ __ ] it up with that toss now I feel bad what do you think boomer oh well boomer I really didn't think I'd hit it a and B I I didn't think I'd annihilate it well [ __ ] hey silver bullet yeah I mean tell YouTube man they need to fix their [ __ ] let's go boomer I got a perk point for it though hos worth it well what was that boomer what was that worth to buy please someone reply it's really you need to look up more gameplay from people who are further along than I am to make the decision I got you covered boomer gotcha he all said uber without detection again to get a sponsor boomer how do I heal you boomer how do i heal boomer how does he heal himself wow what a hero a sponsor for another no detection run next next camp [Music] so as Boomer gonna be okay Hayes good holy [ __ ] yeah oh my god there's so many more holy Lord down G to make follow you and stop chasing them but he teleports to you okay well that's good alright I'll boo Murr I'll stop using only the baseball bat Wow this is a much better position hang with me there we go all right let's do it you in danger you're all free where's boomer yeah doesn't make a difference now rose or chance since the dark souls life panics all of your videos and wish the best for you may the moisture live forever I appreciate it your mom guy problem is thanks for the kind words I'll show those folks I'll make sure the folks here safe hmm there will go on a rampage against those [ __ ] [Music] pretty hard Rev I'm gonna switch out boomer I really I don't want him to be in trouble I'd really hate to see boomer get hurt again where's Evie oh wait I can have a bear what the [ __ ] all right well that's the next door I'll take Paddington along for the ride but how do I switch the Evie I don't understand oh here yeah that's better mm yeah I'll stick with Evie okay I really just don't want to lose Bhoomi [Music] who Larry Mayfair grave I'll be talking no [ __ ] gibberish to me lady what is this let's play a little arcade game I guess what is this the [ __ ] is this this has three and a half stars so I guess I'll give this a try all right whatever I've come this far let's [ __ ] check it out welcome to another new game that sounds fun oh wow salt oh wow it's actually just a whole nother game in here well more or less it's the equivalent of a halo 3 custom game I like that I mean zombie modes kind of boring though that's what I'm saying more like for burger one day I'll recruit there I find it hard to believe I missed all of those shots [Applause] alright I'm gonna just let this end here not even close celsa one lock of hair $10,000 nailed it [Music] oh I'll skip the rating [Music] that's rural where's the mission up [Music] mm-hmm well far away's this wait what the [ __ ] 2,000 meters Jesus you got me [ __ ] up I'm not going that far wow they're all that far [ __ ] it yeah let's do it I'll go that far where's Evie what's up what did you say me nerd yeah I've used the shovel I like the shovel it's just hard to find I'll die permanently he just leaves for a few minutes if you don't revive him but most important that you know this well that's good I still don't want to even hear him in pain I'd hate to see him in any sort of discomfort and I throw my fists and chop down some trees with my fists help me out with the firewood Evie hope that doesn't help me I'm sorry I'll take a car make this a bit faster I guess what is this uh I found a secret cool oh [ __ ] oh god I'm stuck I'm stuck excuse me Thank You Evie I've got it oh that was an innocent civilian he was hiding behind him I see got him now well you know you win some you lose some drive me chief oh that's a bold strategy I'm not gonna help you [ __ ] that's your own problem - Evie sure [Music] oh all right let's let's do it really semi-truck can't plow through that what's up skinny penis nice robe said let's see how much damage this will do not a whole lot we got a movie maybe another fun well that's a good guy you're welcome hold on wait let me untie you all right just just yep more good oh wow man they really wanted him back oh wow Nate Mac hey I still haven't seen love Simon yet do you plan on it though [Music] what do you mean I don't look at the comments I got did it constantly look at the comments section who [Music] oh [ __ ] did I hit him no can you all right no I'll get a movie any minute now you'll hit him beautiful [Music] another free man [Music] how's your night going man pretty well I'm enjoying this damn hope your nights going well well that'll do it [Music] you know the aiming is fine it's not like a revolutionary fps or anything but it's functional let's take this semi offs and ramps here for some dope stunts [ __ ] yeah yes all right that's the end of that good work Evie I am gonna see that yeah I see most new movies there's very few new movies that I don't see this is another mission over here so I might as well do this yeah indeed watch this watch this watch this watch this oh god not now bear god dammit you ruined it bear ruined my cool play oh wait oh god damn it well [ __ ] well I'll just let the bear do all the work no no I'm on your side yeah I wish you didn't do that well whatever I'm sorry civilian I did my bestest Avery are you also need a melee weapon Oh another arcade nice oh wait here's a grapple point finally where do I use it like here I have to do it at that exact spot I see hmm how do I get in damn my fists aren't strong enough well now whoa whoa whoa now I have been using boomer but I don't want to see him in pain these are bullets bullets hurt I don't want to subject my dog to that alas [ __ ] knows what to toke anyway thanks it's my beautiful child Oh trouble I appreciate it have a good night maid you [ __ ] testicle [ __ ] blew the pronunciation there we go Oh was that okay good so how do I use this grapple that's a drastic Park stock sound effect you're not fooling me another bear Jesus Christ are you all righty you'll be fine I'm not too worried about it do I use the grapple got to unlock the grapple and perks I did oh [ __ ] Evie it's not letting me use the grapple what the [ __ ] I'm trapped all right easy calm down calm down you're fine it's just a bear yeah Oh found the entrance hmm what the [ __ ] I'm missing how do i free this place or whatever I'm super good oh there we go Oh luckily she was right behind me all right Evie you stay there and press that when I tell you to I don't know if she can do that so I'm just I'm just gonna play the floors lava is she gonna follow me no let's see what that was she gonna don't obey that order what is wrong with you oh she's made out of rubber she's fine Oh what the [ __ ] why'd you wait until after I left there we go calm down Evie there we go calm the [ __ ] down TV oh oh I'm coming [ __ ] BB Here I am [ __ ] [ __ ] what have you done Evie you piece of [ __ ] are we about to hold hands I didn't want to let her die on the team player what can I say give the Bears salmon and I'll catch some salmon please don't have to redo all that [ __ ] no I called you an [ __ ] how long until she evolved that's what I'm wondering did we record with Mickey jakey yet no that'll be next week no fine it's just a bad that's what I'm saying what a [ __ ] bitching about a bear and [ __ ] how embarrassing you know wait I need to switch to my shovel what the [ __ ] where no Evie don't update me on everything you do how do I switch why isn't it letting me sit oh here we go I have to click on it first that makes sense okay watch this beautiful play huh and then I toss the shovel I don't know why I even bothered I wouldn't even know if it hit anybody what's [ __ ] waste where's my shovel hey you [ __ ] seen a shovel around here wait let me try that again all righty you follow me - you have your parachute ready oh hey my shovel okay I can try again ready this is gonna be super [ __ ] cool get ready to clip this for the CNN special yeah even my parachute malfunctioned need assistance Evie Evie Thank You Evie I don't know why my parachutes not the point hold it hold down the 40 V I'm going for a montage play much more important all right let's try this again yeah [Music] goddamn it [ __ ] Thanks I'm sure seeing it I love it oh I wasn't paying attention yeah Oh God oh boy I'm in a I'm in a rough spot all right I'll use a medkit I didn't really want to but I will how did they get you these are amateurs oh you're fine I know it's not exactly undetected frikkin you're still sponsored due to high quality gameplay Oh oh my god the fire hurts me too Evie Evie I'm not immune to flames god damnit Evie well I kind of did torch like the whole [ __ ] the whole [ __ ] earth really scorched earth but [Music] 30 big ones saying hoopla your fan of the word hoopla at least this gives me another chance to try the my shovels gun god dammit alright where are they oh here's another grapple point I can grapple down here how cool can see if that'll hit almost they'll never expect this ja I almost made the same mistake again I'm robbing the till oh wow holy [ __ ] it really does light everything on fire yeah yeah Evy I'm taking damage to all like the whole goddamn building on fire Wow wait can you actually just light everything on fire now [ __ ] oh that piece of [ __ ] deal just plain throw and we deal with tourney Jim don't [ __ ] Evie where is she I keep hurting myself with fire god damnit Evie god [ __ ] damn it okay this would be the one and I got it this time no more mistakes I'll start by lighting the forest on fire it'll start subtle and then the flames will spread under this order meanwhile I'm just lighting my [ __ ] self on fire again yeah evey I'm the one who started the [ __ ] fire let's see what happens oh it's starting to spread in how will they deal with this one I'm kind of in the middle of it as well why not spread it a little closer the fire is indeed spreading eagle eye but how are you gonna combat it where's Evie what are you doing you stupid [ __ ] evie just wanted to play in the flames should trigger a screen shake [ __ ] yeah maybe that's not about idea I can't I can do nothing for [ __ ] god this raging wildfire no I took too much time setting the fire Evie I can't help you don't play in the flames next time [Music] I don't think it's gonna spread far enough yeah I'm gonna have to get up close and personal don't do it don't you [ __ ] do it oh you're gonna spread the fire now oh wait I can use that as a viable strategy wait watch this maybe while I'm dying too fast [ __ ] in my head the idea was far more intellectually sound than it turned out to be goddammit [ __ ] it's hard to liberate this with only the flamethrower I'm trying to use tactics but it spreads like real-world fire and it's unpredictable take the snipers out first I can't I have to use only the flamethrower else attorney Jim won't sponsor I can make it work it just takes a little getting used to with this strategy let's go Evie same plan different result I'm gonna start with this guy shit-shit overdid it I overdid it no I'm fine no oh I was close [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] forgot about his corpse EB why my uh Nibbana [Applause] it's a really bad line damn it yeah I'll show you sin easy oh god no Evie watch out what a piece of [ __ ] do I use movie pass no I don't but I should finally I think all of it no I don't use movie pass what exploded what the [ __ ] just exploded I know I should use movie pass well alright a tip number five this is the lucky number this is the one the gas tank exploded I didn't even see the gas tank there we go there we go there we go I've got this plug out a strategy now I don't even know if I can burn this building to the ground but I'm gonna try we're looking good we're looking good [ __ ] his eyes were open my only weakness Oh easy I'm so sorry you scared me yeah I can't burn this building down all right get up get up get up just fire [ __ ] I'm well aware if you don't tell them maybe they haven't noticed there we go oh yeah I think I think I think I got it like there's one guy left last guy no more [Applause] I did it finally another one Jesus all right now I'm good finally I'll take 3,800 sponsors now please yeah I didn't think the drink was a good idea on her part either wow it's beautiful they're even using fire in the cutscene [Music] easy now let's go to the other one what's up was he here Oh oh it's this guy again Oh what is that look he's giving me trying to [ __ ] oh this is a real intellectual looking man all right let's get the next mission loaded onto it we got to get it back before the cop goes around making Swiss cheese out of everything don't worry I got this the way I do beer [Music] is somebody hitting a gas station the closest one why are you hitting me what are you doing are you hitting me Evie this gives you guys some burn wounds on you huh don't run away my [ __ ] flame to our next time how about that I'm stealing your car by the way it's my [ __ ] car now you like that sound that's the sound of me stealing your car [Music] no I'm not stopping you oh wait yeah I'll just throw in our guys real quick shout out where's that medic I mean I know what it means but shot water road trips are sponsoring mm-hmm the [ __ ] past where I needed to go not on my watch [ __ ] well I could have definitely avoided that oh my god it's a monster trucks gravedigger let's go Evie thank you I'm holding you to it attorney well keep up the good work Evie oh I don't want to hit anymore wildlife [ __ ] [Music] it is fun yeah it's kind of like all the other fart cries but it's still fun I got you coming no oh wow actually I actually did save him I thought he ran under my tire alright that'll do it I got you truck what do you mean warning get back in with him oh I see alright Merle let's throw an auto drive for another peaceful ride tonight super serious so I kept my place Merlin's [ __ ] up 10 years worth of food put together air and water filtrations I was why don't you shoot Moreau is he shooting through the ground at him damn the auto aim is intense taking I'm taking control night moisty bagels why is auto-drive on [Music] explicitly turned it off okay get Amuro go alright Merrill I'm taking them with me to show-and-tell I guess Wow this thing just lifts up [ __ ] all right destroy him Earl you're on the mounted machine gun you [ __ ] I can't see anything [Music] why is it echoing well how the sound quality's going to [ __ ] real hard I feel like I'm gonna dream what the [ __ ] is happening with the audio because you on drugs I don't remember taking any drugs I missed it didn't I I did it [Music] good shot Merle smokin buttholes baby whoo [Music] [Music] those easy and leveled up oh god I never abandon the death wish no I did try well I release my high school photos anytime soon I don't have a whole lot of them is Eevee around Annie GeV how cling to life night Luke oh hey Evie man she's got a set of wheels on her vibrating me back into good spirits where do I want to go now Falls in its closest yeah do that oh wait it Otto did it I see oh wait no it didn't where is it why isn't it on my mini-map oh there we go just couldn't see it I'm probably gonna get a bet here in a moment truly the elite let's go Evie alright nevermind [ __ ] you then Evie who needs you anyway I got you covered Evie as you can well tell [Music] ooh [Music] No and she's uh she's a little bit away the Ubisoft of this game is starting the show in what way [ __ ] Jerry em [ __ ] wrong one wrong one oh hell up there in the whole town to the [ __ ] ground if I have to you [ __ ] what are you playing this on how much man all this interest in the game is this PC and it's far cry 5 I thought a way out was really good it was very slow getting going but about like the last hour and a half was just super [ __ ] fun and emotional all right even I'll finish this mission that I'm gonna head to bed [Music] oh you're not escaping me this time [Music] too easy what did what the [ __ ] did Evy just activate her suicide vest how did that happen what the [ __ ] night Nicholas [Music] fuel truck I barely even touched it all right well I'll use that to my advantage then damn it go all right let me try that again hold on excuse me I have a plan Oh can you help me out Evy worked like a charm I'm gonna try the same strategy again and this time it's gonna work I just feel it it's one of those things you can feel like a area [Music] so I'm gonna hit this guy when he runs off to the right and then I'm gonna bailout into the fuel truck got it alright that didn't work hi Charlie it is the great caves out here what's up Kaiser dr. MA I saw a door for them to be dispensed watch me to sit no I do plan on seeing it soon so yeah I really don't give a [ __ ] Evy Oh what happened Oh Ramon explose it's not easy that's what I'm saying he's not cool at all do I have any oh this one [ __ ] idiot Oh tell you just downer No welcome aboard Josh Morgan friends the door of fate shall open I got it I've been waiting for you friends trusty flamethrower it's never let me down outsmarted Oh what the [ __ ] fistfight [ __ ] you chi up there [Music] I got GV even [ __ ] move oh my lord Eevee I'm gonna down you myself if you don't move [Music] EB EB move all right well you shoot a town that I don't [ __ ] care who does it nice that's a good shot all right I've got it now Thank You Evie let me show you how our forefathers did it on the beaches of Normandy Wow calculated I haven't blew up the guy that was charging me Thanks crummy gamy - easy [Music] hmm [Music] [ __ ] Google for not letting me use my PayPal buyout account now everyone who knows my secret you're nothing to turn in your name's not Jim I can't believe it but I appreciate it Josh fronting all the plans I have made for you to clear the Lord is this a boss battle not harm you plans to give you hope and a future I don't claim to know God's plans but I know a good thing when I see it hmm getting quite a reputation deputy yeah I do have a 6.5 inch penis you're the first good thank you that this valley in a long time I don't know yet Joseph but it's fun to [ __ ] around with [Music] she is you sorry I didn't realize I feel like I'm almost done with the game I thought that even ski confiscated all of this [Music] [Music] this town it's been through a lot deputy will you thanks I know you looked at for you yes the truth is you ain't the only one it needed help mm-hmm pastor and I can only do so much you can see about lending a hand I'm sure to return the favor what do you say Bopha appreciate it run away when you get the chance come on church I'll be there oh I'm not sucking you off in the church pastor I'm gonna head out for now I'll probably play more of this tomorrow all right thanks for tuning in everyone so everyone who donated massive thank you really appreciate it to the new sponsors welcome aboard and enjoy those custom emotes and yep thanks again everyone see ya [Music]
Channel: Cr1TiKaL Full Streams - Random Videos
Views: 251,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cr1TiKaL, penguinz0, youtube, youtube gaming, livestream, live stream, charlie, theofficialpodcast, kaya, kayaorsan, moist meter, jackson, andrew, huggbees, zealotonpc, critikal, cr1tikal, critical, cr1tikal livestream, Tiana, cr1tikals girlfriend, girlfriend, steam, game, video game, stream, critikal livestream, critical livestream, streaming, Speedrun, critikal live stream, Hearthstone, Overwatch, h3h3, Runescape, full stream, Playerunknown's Battlegrounds, PUBG, Fortnite, VRChat, Far Cry, Far Cry 5
Id: E3M7t9hRzvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 164min 4sec (9844 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 28 2018
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