moistcr1tikal Twitch Stream Dec 18th, 2019 [Star Wars Battlefront II]

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[ __ ] all right so what's the most of one the most fun Jesus Christ Jesus Christ have you set up all your stock odds it's safe to say I have not let's go multiplayer assault and let's try galactic assault do so do I need to choose my heroes now or in game do I get a choice you get to do it in game if you're good enough to get I'll be good enough so is it capital supremacy or galactic expand salt we just we just did galactic supremacy your capital supremacy hi everyone kick yourself combine them both yeah go galactic so since when do you play battlefront scoots who the [ __ ] still plays yeah dance just got a massive update well that's true that's your cold the [ __ ] stream doesn't say yeah I thought that was a cool title paying homage to the great George Lucas's famous Darth Jedi herbs to Sith Lord oh my god I have to meet you in-game scoots it is unbearable quality let's do this any second now we'll find a match if anyone's playing the game got updated they took out microtransactions apparently it's significantly better we'll say thanks for the reset meter II I'm curious to say what you think I'm hard to please we'll see we'll see it's the prime janitorial I'm like the Simon Cowell of the Star Wars judge booth plays native 5 who is a pressed tab look at the teams that's what I like to see I'm gonna go I'm gonna go oh wow how many skill points do you guys have you have one skill points yeah unlock star cards well that we can't unlock anything with one skill point you can upgrade your cards for one scale well that's good I can't afford any star cards so star cards can be unlocked at level ranks like once you reach a rank [Music] then they are looking that you can buy them for one point or you can upgrade to existing cards at one point okay thanks Teresa man dis this gingy in the primes tracker and Zach resub Sammy isn't capital supremacy galactic conquest what does that mean you didn't play the original battlefronts oh you mean the one way you go around the galaxy conquering planets that that would imply the name you should you have any star cards at all May yeah okay how did you get those I'm playing originally I assume I don't know think if you got the deluxe edition of the game that just gave you a whole bunch of me thanks for the prime Big Boy salad you got the deluxe edition back when it came out oh no no wait I have urgent from the ooh baby got my first kill Jackson that was big throwing grenade in is that you that job no I died a while ago I'm murdering them is this law breakers it's close yeah hopefully they fixed wall breakers next Cliff Bleszinski was saying on Twitter he wants to come back it's game his rebounds and quickest for time and ever like one year I don't think he even took a full year off you can't even do a retirement properly he's genuinely just not good at anything that he does except investing in crypto currencies was he good at that yeah basically tier one big is that how he made more not lawbreakers with the other one radical Heights I'm really not sure to be on it because no one funded that right it was for me time company yeah and by no one funded that I mean it went on three weeks I know yeah it's a shame it was such a good game too I enjoyed though yeah oh no I was being sarcastic I was the shittiest game had ever played it was really like I I didn't play for any length of time that I have a good time for when I played it are we thinking the same game that's the game that didn't have a ridiculous one all right I was like right and you can roll around to a bunch it was really fast no I I don't think we're thinking of the same game well it wasn't fast it was yet BMX Thank You people yeah there was bikes but that was about it I think it was fast basically resub gingy carl panda don't storm in Charlie I'm right behind you how do I change shoulders our programming wouldn't let us through see Christi and alt is wrong thank you yeah I knew oh it was a roll I just couldn't change first person's the optimal way of playing see most of the world take it all in Thank You recent one dead moose I don't see any enemies rather nice a couple blasts come up I see them on the landing pad there's at least one is there like spread patterns on the blasters here cuz I feel like I'm missing so many shots probably this is the most realistic style of game to exist right that word it's the ARMA 3 of Star Wars tell you should spawn you know one of those star fighters and cover us from the air how would I be able to oh I can afford one here I'm coming I remember we played this a little bit when it came out but I don't remember [ __ ] all about it now because it was so goddamn bad back then I'm moving on the platform how you turn up the hair you wouldn't believe the kind of dogfighting maneuvers I'm pulling off up here God if he could just see me right now Jackson that was solid are you dead maybe I'll spend some points to come up there with you yeah I was a strafing run it was calculated Oh a suicide run yeah yeah the problem was the ship that I've changed ships now and I should be much better oh yeah I'm laying ass on this guy up here Jackson you up here with me no I'm Danny I'm on the ground I think I should go pro this game Oh Danny's a [ __ ] monster at this game oh I'm a monster in the air base I'm coming in any second on the leaderboard what are you doing that sniper never sees a really strong that's cheating yes I mean they just quite clump up together holding hands in the shower well don't take that away from Daddy I'm just saying I'm not impressed Danny that's all what do I have to do impress you I keep trying nothing works do what he's doing 20 to 22 eliminations good good I'm coming I've got the Droid I'm gonna try and do a little bowling ball maneuver here Danny is clearly full sensitive in real life now what do you think you're midi-chlorian count is Danny if you had to guess that's a good answer makes the resub senpai clearly it's pretty high do you like space balls Jackson because meme priest is a big fan and they wanted you to know I've never seen that parody yeah it's an old it's an older one but I'll watch it I I don't really like it very much I don't think you'd like it yeah no I'm not messages whether you can watch it I'm not your dad I can watch it's not gonna take the belt to you and force you to watch it or not watch it Thanks rely on stream we both know that's not true what it make me what should Bowl [ __ ] what if I made you do anything ever well I wasn't very good you make me defense dollars even though I don't want to what if I ever at oh no that's that's straight garbage I've never forced you into a corner to defend Star Wars constantly this guy's got a shield how did I level up that I'm just standing around doing nothing in the face of the prime judge in the back you're gonna do something with lurker playing the objective it looks like I'm going nuts right now I'm coming for the top of the scoreboard Denny I'm taking it away go one up to me and I'm down the bottom of the list yeah but I'm on a kill streak I just killed a hero what are you playing is going I'm playing is i heavy now but I was playing as a droid Cup you have to make hogs I don't have any star cards yeah your abilities oh those yeah well star cards do more than just abilities some of them are passives oh yeah yeah yeah those are booster stock dogs but those are what do you call him ability replacement star thugs look how much hope those like I have oh he's playing is a Anakin yeah I see Anakin I'm scanned dotting us it takes J I'm right behind you I'm giving you oh god it's ray I did it I saved the new trilogy it's a bit late this one's for Yuri and Johnson is it Randall Ryan I think it's Brehon what a pretentious name I said Ryan once and people told me I was wrong so I'm just gonna stick with Murray and what did Ryan tell you that no I don't think he'd ever talk to the little people like us he seems nice and the interviews I've seen of him he seems like a very sweet young boy I just wish you knew what Star Wars was about oh you didn't care about Star Wars before we in anyway I didn't care about I didn't care about Star Wars until you like forced it upon me you Tim you like Star Wars trivia once a day hey Charlie isn't it how [ __ ] cool is it that Darth Bane 6,000 years ago invented the rule of you're gonna touch me not me you're like a [ __ ] evangelist for Star Wars and lack a little rain washed Disney should hire me instead yeah you'd be doing much better job this sniper seems like ass thanks to the resub cloud dispenser the [ __ ] would they come from it does seem like a fun game I agree yeah it's much better than it was originally but I think this might be because we're playing with Danny and Danny's a god of the game he's only got 30 kills another 30 killed we're both sitting around 10 yeah and it comes on the point I think I only saw a blue lightsaber thank you the research Oh which one of these guys can fly Oh what the [ __ ] this just trying is one of the hero and you should go with kylo Ren make it relevant Oh Adam driver Jesus Christ it's Yoda I've got you covered boys Keating Adam drivers attractive Charlotte I think in the right light he is the very that's like a specific angle oh yeah I'm kylo ready he's a very interesting looking man did you watch marriage story like I told you to I was going to watch it last night but didn't get a chance I watched a clip from it it looked really intense it is well you probably watch the best [ __ ] clip from it the whole point of the movie dick what's the whole point I thought the whole point of the movie was like a marriage story no but that that is one thing I've seen that you probably saw which is their argument I take it oh yeah once you're right Jesus your [ __ ] mind reader yeah well that's like the emotional Pendleton environment in the movie they just ruin the entire movie for yourself I don't believe that hey oh yeah but that's because of Charles wholesome thank you we've know AB spy the drawbridge 8 to 10 thanks another one just landed over there those oh the buns wick just blew you out of the water Danny Takei he was up he was hurried yeah that's true we didn't that was close where was I they should have the worst of players screen that's where we can aim for you owe me 11 kills Jackson did you pay 16 oh I play with lag [ __ ] it's Star Wars baby there is no lag it's an artistic choice thoughts on Batwoman return of the jerker I started Batwoman because I thought I'd be like a really fun bad show it is the most boring goddamn show I've seen in a long time it is so goddamn boring have you started Batwoman Jackson no the CW one yeah with a ruby rose like entertainingly bad no yeah it's just really boring bad that's in this one I'll tell you what's a really fun bad show though Jackson is Supergirl oh yeah I sent you that clip the well I'd seen it before you should've that was there a trailer promo I was fantastic that one's definitely a fun bad show I don't know hurry boys I'm going in huh good look I'm coming off did he die I charged their stronghold Jackson could he think thanks to the recent suka I feel good though I've got a kill I'm on top of a head of Danny now oh and you oh I just noticed the streams lagging a little bit their calves burn the moment I care no I probably won't boys me to the Irish minim I'm like 30 minutes away from finishing it I need to fix this it's good movie but if you cannot even finish the movie then it's not a good movie there's something wrong with it Jackson how do you choose the resource management for an app like to make it a priority excuse me oh my god they're all that what how do I change the priority of an app because right now the the reason this is lagging on stream is because of the priority planks dollars remember in destiny when I had the lagging issue I couldn't even play you didn't help me for six oh yeah Thank You Danny I'm in my task manager cue dad daddy correct information well he's where do I right-click on the process and then click set priority to higher I don't have that option let's go in a different tab I don't agree which tab it's not in process maybe that's where I am oh details thank you someone in chat told me and that seems to be it okay this oh [ __ ] I think I just got a double kill from one grenade [ __ ] yeah lady the prairie dog and the resep shoryuken in Dylan and crazy are they just standing near grenade we get to figure out how to add Matt without making a brand new cult that should fix it or just make a call and thanks for the resep Kolby that's where all the fun is now he's ready take the top of the leaderboard Oh should we do with Optive much that's a second oh my god I'm going nuts Yoda and I are teaming up yeah well Denny you have camouflage don't know oh that's a hero Oh brothers color red no she's only attractive and really he's wearing a mosque thank God show you so close yeah the heavy class is pretty good from what I say you have like a little shield feel good yeah okay tell me if this means no how are we looking on stream smooth focus on the objective Kelley we might actually win thanks to the tier one King honey if you aim for that the heavies legs when they put the shield out does it still be damaged or does the shoulder damage yeah it does damage we did it that was me right there by the way I got the last like 15 kills and do anything that gave me you are the bottom the very bottom yeah well I was afk for the first like five minutes I was fixing things I got 36 kill aren't you Wow it is this is not fixed at all why the [ __ ] you telling me it's smooth does this happen to every stream of yours feels like good only with EA games man EA games are the only goddamn games that are so [ __ ] poorly optimized that when I try and stream them it shits the bed every time I'm gonna triadic mad it might stop the call and Thank You Stormcloak I'm sorry go get mattered Oh God Jesus Christ how am i searching how do i stop at the top click cancel uh hit quit no I'm still in oh I have two crates I think I've added meant to the cold wish me luck on this Legion star bundle Wow hello Matt Oh quit for me I really gave now I think is it quit on your own it looks like oh yeah they get them back out I turned off excess weight will I finish this match I don't ever want to leave a match a met hello how are you my style was fanclub ISM got together why is this so laggy it's about time right my game is currently trying to open thanks Teresa tell me when you're in actually Charlie laughing about you leading this group staring at a big line of masks that's a good sign I've heard great things about the helmets depends on why the [ __ ] is this so laggy oh the line of helmets run away if you have this just a black screen Jackson what are you discord settings this is apparently my discord that's [ __ ] this up it's not just good well how would my settings yeah it's it's the game is there a process it's eight years no there's not it is actually just discord 100% I've tried everything that fixes anything else and I remember the discord being an issue like we said we had to turn off the overland oh it's making me refresh the game one second why don't you just blow a bit right there's nothing to do with that yeah intensive on the CPU the CPU is literally at like 15% power too much it should be bad you're wrong Jackson you're wrong give the CPU more power thanks for the tier 1 Bingle's oh that's cute revolution I do love the Flex tape Oh differently this time looks like a good different let me try just closing a chrome tab you've got chrome open set discord usage to real-time in the command prompt that seems like don't do that yes dangerous it seems like the worst thing I could do for it to be processed at real time interestingly enough I I can't even do that for discord I can do it for everything else though makes the recent read mom so my game full screen this time but it's still a black screen what do you want for me man I want you to fix my game how do I change my origin settings without revealing like every single straight with you cuz it's me it's this [ __ ] origin [ __ ] this is horrible I'll back him up there I don't like origin at all it's just bad it's real stinky great didn't you tell me a couple days ago it's going away I believe so yeah I said I think they're putting all their games on Steam I also said that to Danny in confidence but I still wasn't a hundred percent sure oh well Jackson's the one who said it to me so I said it to you yeah or playing humans fall flat the interesting game of Chinese whispers well we've each told each other actually what he said was hey Charlie so it must be a hundred percent sure Charlie didn't tell me you Jackson do you know how can I turn off my origin overlay now it's in full-screen with the helmets on I think we're there boise hey Danny let's go customization options for your clone troopers who should we be let's all like look similar okay oh I thought you just meant you and Danny I was like hey Charlie what should we be yeah we'll make our own for the Republic I'm just turning off everything here there's a little loading ball in the top right corner I think I think we're taking steps in the 91st recon Corp yeah that looks interesting we can go over that now the mosque looks different it has little bull's eyes for them de menthe wait why do you guys know about restricted access mode wait for what yeah thanks for the ten gifts up Stormcloak god damn restricted access mode that says yeah that's a that's what they have me directly into the mainframe to give you CPU extra power to extreme I'm gonna I'm gonna try reloading the game real quick and maybe I'll leave yeah okay that doesn't make sense it took me off of it took me off of restricted access mode all right I'm gonna try restarting the game again this is for you Stormcloak I'll be like seeing it it's just sitting there on the main screen with some some helmets as Jackson called them well they are you don't know what my screen looks like these metal face plates or helmets as Jackson likes to call them lace of the price Sollux you're acting like I was using sub up like high sighs really Australian I don't know what this is we really want to go 90 first recon cause there was a better one what's your favorite color daddy I'll tell you what is colorblind gray across the board did you know like donate I chose that's gonna have zero of any of these so I'm trying to make it stop lagging on a stream of thank you the fiber first Legion is good those are the ones that fight with Anakin we can close and open down the wrong body happen hey this is fun they didn't really did make this game fun hang on I can't lock somebody let me see it just says you're going offline and online constantly men at the bottom Waverly I highly doubt this will fix anything yeah it doesn't get about the you say 500 in the first Legion yeah like that go for anything bluey right that's not gonna do yeah yeah what is that ok with you mmm I don't know I don't know why that ever gets suggested as an anti solution oh did you have fun welcome yeah well I go do that that'd be a heavy and stuff as well research a dog that's like 20 thousand credits Sam I'll do it for assault in first sniper because that's what I use Jesus the the problem was vsync was off all right we're good I fixed it you sure that's the problem we haven't entered game yet how would you know because the main menu screen was lag restarting until dough and me boys it's game time we're going in real lot didn't you just hear that Matt's restarting his game that means we have plenty of time to play around while we wait no wait for god you're bad friend who's Caden Shawn that's me oh that's you wait is that your Star Wars Oh says Kate he's just said that you knew it was your name well yeah that's the name I used to use for I guess when I first made it work for me it's still yeah halo Jackson I was my first name I use for everything at the beginning uh what does it mean so a kite on is the head of like like a family of elites in Halo mm okay well that's good he's such a sweetheart Stormcloak I appreciate it [ __ ] I want to get in there again I got a taste and now I need more Riaan Johnson has done it again you didn't believe me you should thank you the prime walnut King it's a good game they fixed it boys I got great news we're starting I can't no [ __ ] first thing I hear is you stabbing me in the back yeah that's Charlie feed thinks he's technical issues he doesn't want to be he doesn't wanna know what good art yeah customize your clone tryin hey Matt did you like the new Sawa's movie yes it hasn't come out here yet I was gonna say I did not see it but it entered what I did and I don't want that to be portrayed as me saying I did enjoy it clip it Jesus really appreciate another oh no holy [ __ ] my integrity has gone down the drain it's okay to like the last Jedi and being wrong is not a crime but apparently the new ones so bad that even Jackson doesn't defend it he saw it last night whoa he says it's the worst of all nine yeah I mean I don't know if it's worse than Attack of the Clones but yeah it's bad but telly you buddy I I did like Attack of the Clones what's that Matt was charged are in it oh I wish that would have made it instantly better thanks to the reefs of Incubus that would've been a cool twist like Snoke was actually Jar Jar but he got like really old that's why so you guys can play what if you want well I try to figure this out that sounds great thank you we're going in boys yeah we can do supremacy when Matt gets here though I have no idea how to fix this at this point capital supremacy is pretty long for what we played yeah but that's kind of what you want from a good one yeah it's mostly just defending points but if you like that I guess that's okay that's yeah that's probably Jackson likes that I do thanks to the receptor ISA you don't know me Oh literally just opens as a black screen look it up Oh be something good to do with your discord oval I was just about to say you have to turn off your discord overlay in origin no it's good yeah critics say it's good no they don't it sounds like a 50 on run tomatoes and for a big-budget movie not having a 90 that's a death sentence and he's a [ __ ] hated 8 i overlay is not enabled so now we're gonna turn it on and see if that yeah that'll fix it but also Charlie a lot of the critics I so did say they like the surprising that's literally almost every if you type in rise of the sky Walker the top five articles are all very negative one saying it's the worst one yet if you do rise the Skywalker bad you get even more bad results that's true yeah I could really skew it I saw a lot of like the negative reviews was saying that it undid the legacy of the lost Jedi and like ruined the potential of the last Jedi so a lot of the negative ones bridges fans of lost yet I really wanted that kind of style to continue that's oh I can unlock some star cards baby improved thermal detonator it sounds good [ __ ] the skin Follow Me gentlemen look at me Danny turn around wait let me see where are you whoa how did you do that beautiful I chose the out of driver option he turned into like one of those voodoo heads like a shriveled nutsack did you get that from a crate or did you just have it unlocked if you have Audrey from yeah you get older the unlocks Oh immediately filled with Nexus the prime D Lee meets deadly me ooh someone got blasted [ __ ] blanked I should play heroes versus villains have you guys tried yeah well you it's just for V for Heroes I think yeah we can try it off yeah I'm down to try everything I think the fun of battlefront though always came from the chaos of its scale that's what I want to do the cap capital diplomacy or whatever supremacy preparing the game files for three and a half minutes I'm in trouble it's not a sniper myth it could be all you need is a sniper do you think this game is still one of the best looking games ever made Charlotte it's definitely still a really beautiful game that's for sure a scheme is really good looking I'm in trouble I'm pushing back to you guys so I'll hold some Alex Alex Mercer a prototype fan I haven't heard that name in a long time oh you can't unlock and upgrade you'll get skill cards until you get to the main menu hmm I'm right behind you Danny let's see if you're telling the truth Danny let's see if it really isn't a sniper Matt yeah it's really not yeah yeah we shot if you push outside ever it might be oh just [ __ ] snipe them out of the air Oh an idiom Pete god damn monster I'm providing covering fire this is absolutely a sniper now hope you guys are excited pruvit alley going a 10 kill streak and if I do what'll I get Jackson how will you reward me this always ends up being a quest for gifts of somehow I never said that five gifts ups your words not mine I didn't say that how else could I get gifts of that ejection today oh my Kip Jesus Christ it's a kylo Ren I'm about to kill him yeah they have a kylo what is this thing that keeps blinding me yeah that's basically tier one crack shot Oh coming you up top up top Danny okay there let me tell you Oh tell me down here on me I'm on a three-player kill streak Jackson I'm halfway there thanks to the ones he said six why'd you ask if you knew [Laughter] thank you the resub spell too bad last Charlie's [ __ ] that meal that that's a bad mean good guy and all I grenades can bounce off of the back of your teammate spongebob the heavies pretty powerful yeah being told that my game has been repaired that's great news Matt let's see let's see how it goes this guy's strafing real hard back there you want to constantly roll in this game that's the only way to move around the mountain I think jumping's better that guy we watch stream this he was always jumping and it worked really what was jetpacking that's true he was jetpacking which is a form of jumping it's flying in an airplane a form of jumping what are you talking about you've lost your goddamn mind [Music] only if it's going straight up let's see sweet Andrew I'm Kipling's I'm gonna kill strike you sons of [ __ ] you don't have what it takes to kill me who was i watching I'm not sure who did we watch play this Jackson so what that means he's not important enough for you what a douchebag no I mean well actually that is what I mean I guess I'm stuck on the loading screen instead of a black screen now but sounds like we have improvement I think it's because I bought the basic version of original which only unlocks the loading screen if I bought premium that sounds about right marketing hello Charlie six play kill string I'm better than you finally it's because I stop sniping thanks to the tier 1 DG blitz finally death trooper Oh they spawn behind me my kill streak that's why you got to stay 360 degrees okay it's degrees aware you watching too much out of a talent yeah getting a little too kauai brings in the resub diplomat and i'm gonna let it sit on the loading qt1 andrew [ __ ] yeah yeah I'm gonna give it like two minutes I'll be right back why not don't you have a cat thanks to the pride of Jesus chip this free bus gun is [ __ ] insane one is a jump trip other sell tomato yeah kill him holy [ __ ] what was that new point on I would like to spawn in as a hero but I can't because they're constantly full I just died as a CEO no say should be good yeah baby I'm going in his land Oh why that was the first one I saw I don't know what my abilities do but we'll see what the [ __ ] we did it we got the last point no don't eat it yet with three no there's three but I think we're gonna do it then I got [ __ ] realize I'm still thinking land oh wait I'm right behind you are you at least the childish gambino no but he is an option in this game I know yeah I think I'm using a handheld shotgun I can't go it's not very long range I've learned that what the [ __ ] I'm going to get I'm coming in mark han solo where are you Lando to help I'm trapped is that you just throw everything maybe [Laughter] alright I'll I'll protect you all right your turn I'm almost dead get them Han here I'm giving you cover don't be afraid Jackson make sure they can't see you now elevators on the right Vader hey son thank you hon Oh Jackson excuse me hon I'm taking huge damage yeah I smoked them hon raise the tier 1 wedding out in DC you've lost your much run on rolling away don't know he's still there yeah what the [ __ ] you didn't kill Vader I killed a regular kill the minimum wage worker I'm coming with you Jesus Lando's get help are you doing I kept them being arrested it told me I was speeding and I tried to fight the ticket that's colored red my son this three first gun really does pack a wallop the what the three burst gun well yeah the cat troopers gun no I didn't get a jet trooper I have oh no she I guess she does have a jet pack I didn't notice the rocket Oh replay kill streak gun I think we've lost you only have five lives left thanks to the reset demon bull [ __ ] this has been a rough round for me Han is this the celebration edition and enough that's you Jackson too ugly to be kept alive I say we worked really well together Jackson this is a lot of fun yeah this is very enjoyable so far not great have you tried contacting Rian Johnson on Twitter let me do that right now have you tried looking up the issue yeah it seems like a lot of people are having the issue but it's just a whole bunch of the devs and community managers saying we're investigating nothing makes me feel safer than when they say that and that was yesterday so they're not doing a great job well they actually meant is they're going home right it's almost Christmas yeah well do capital capital supremacy in just a bit that's what y'all that's what Jackson's saying as well by the way Josh sorry what am I saying don't put words in my mouth the new rise of the Skywalker is the worst of all nine I disagree it's great that's what you get for putting words in my mouth he's kidding if you can't pick up on this are yeah well I'm not Jackson you're making me look like a liar now you were just [ __ ] on it we were just [ __ ] on it prove it you can't prove it without spoiling the movie oh and you'd be the dick makes for the resub CKY Cameron oh yeah I keep forgetting to unlock cards why are we waiting on it oh you can unlock cards now yeah I put on an improved blast radius grenade wait I can't on look gods wait this only goes to one class oh I thought it was universal [ __ ] not each class is different bugs oh I see you get different amount of skill points for them it's not universal yeah you level up age claws like okay it's time to take our revenge thank you the reset barking Matt's coming in suits how do you spawn on someone though have you guys been doing that yep how do you do that I didn't see that on their name why not you have the chance to spawn in grenade oh yeah nothing else he had a full decked out star card I never stood a chance oh it's starting yes you did it Matt all I did was cook you literally close and click play ten times in a row and it started that's all you need I don't know why you didn't try that to begin with you know they tried nine oh you got an unopened crate that's a big one though those crates are huge mine came with mine came with a stormtrooper skin that looked like he fell in a septic tank oh let me go get my credit card oh I think I got that one too lucky man Wow the officer makes the reset Bruce has a pistol that like two shots people I'm not really liking the heavy I might try the officer you're not using the heavy correctly but probably not I'm trying to fight from a [ __ ] distance with him yeah that's not what you did what is this that's true prevail only do those and it's perfect we got a turndown why can I not Swan you guys are we in this tense what yeah what on you [ __ ] oh these are the dudes from rogue ones that was seen at the start of the movie and then on the beach at the end remember that spoilers as wholesome thanks Josh cranium I'll try and remember thanks to the recent dad not the belt who's this dude overloads my gun names the reset Becca that sounds useful what the over lighting I guess I don't know is it good all right I'm on the death troop of that I don't know yeah this way to blame Carly for that what I don't even know he waited for him that's impossible I think we've almost won anyway yeah this has been a slaughter these poor children Oh God oh-ho I'm an animal this is one of those games you have to fight to get your kills because there's nothing so fast well I'm not having a problem I have one kill I'm getting a lot of assists is there anything I need to do before we play or not really no just have fun that's right it's gonna be a message that kills just thank you chip that was a dollar purchase yeah I just started going on a kill streak hey I'm fifth on the later book death troopers say it's pretty I pay in tight let's do capital supremacy now that Matt's ready get me get me in there noted we get you boys have to quit for it to work and does anyone have Matt added oh I do I do as well I do I can get rid of but it's not to be too hasty he could come in handy how do I mute the party yeah that's the first thing I did you click top left and then just go to mute the audio will that voice is coming through yeah the audio quality and this is worse than apex legends my graphics are set to medium oh you write well that's alright oh you know getting the full experience quickly crank it up I have a lot of skill points now I'm so I'm I'm looking all the cards have you really been doing wait what I mean you're unlocking Oh Oh like level one of all the cards yeah gotcha I have sixty thousand credits weak-ass [ __ ] I'm at a hundred and eighteen thousand credit what a credits useful now since the you that's you by the appearances celebration edition fair warning capital supremacy can take like an hour really yeah from what we played before those like forty five pretty sure so you do like a big domination game and then the winner of that gets to you like so and I think if if the pushing team will lose is that I think it goes back to domination that sounds faucet really I think so yeah place is the prime and II I think that keeps happening until one of the sides wins did you know that Darth Maul didn't die in the Phantom Menace he dies in Star Wars rebels the TV series its Canon yeah they built him up over the Clone Wars animated show and it was really cool and then in rebels they like obi-wan kills him in one second and a fight pretty funny Star Wars is such a [ __ ] mixed bag all the time I love it I don't want consistency in my life the boys is a great show I mean a whole moist meter that shows incredible did you see the season 2 trailer I actually know I know it came out but I didn't see it yeah Jackson let's push D or C wait you guys are in the game already yes how could we not know yeah no Matt's in the party yeah I took in five people I figured it just mix him out I think there's a max of 4 maybe that's a Geonosis no no that's not yeah no you just taking you a long [ __ ] time to get here my game is your computer [ __ ] maybe no it shouldn't be well I didn't answer the question is it no it's not ok that's good always keeping me in check you got to make sure we're getting the proper Intel keeping you humble oh man want to start oh yeah you just destroyed those two clones and I'm gonna scan dot up ahead [ __ ] I'm century gunning I'm in a bun I write Charlie I see him I got him I'm gonna push one of them I saved you oh you're dead oh I did everything I could so as long as we hold three points will win oh man Jackson this is my game mode three kill streak already and we're just getting started is this even possible am I gonna get reported [ __ ] Rock a troop up oh there goes my game wow that's good there's a good run though you're getting better did you have fun we're getting further each time don't forget to leave it a review I don't know I thought I could get that kill two of them were BOTS what do you mean other biologics are BOTS yeah makes the resub square you're going up against the mix of actual players and robots that's the future God you feel like a god though so yeah I just go double kill on BOTS but I still have a bone on my man yeah I said I just killed two actual players it's doing wonders for my erection I'm on the point did you see this have you ever seen this story before Jackson the commando bot yeah yeah yeah they're in the Clone Wars this thing looks gnarly it's gonna like a enemy sword yeah where are you know it's Danny oh you should be able to see me on the map oh you're all the way over at the yeah I'm excited to see what the commando bots can do I'm a pump of fat dick in here [ __ ] seven play a kill streak and they're all BOTS no I killed actual players don't believe it well it didn't go very far Oh God here's how they how they losing when we've got less points I can be Grievous oh that's uh someone shot me in the back and paralyzed me I just crumpled the Droid oh yeah as long as it ain't kosher if anyone needs tank support let me know this commando bot school did your flips and [ __ ] no not that I've seen yet but I'm popping off I can tell you that much Oh tank on me boys five player kill streak Jackson I can hear that boner getting smaller on you I had seven beat that hooah I'm at seven I've beaten it up at eight I believe it has healed up you made me you'd never catch me well Christ Yoda is a bad man but he's a bad man he's not on our team nine huge it from my point of view you're the bad man Christ Yoda's heart did bite shoot yeah I'm just sitting at our base of the tank you thinking s Hillary diversify that'll do I see I think Luke maybe he's also down at a might be Anakin actually damn Danny's already at twenty eighty sniping again yeah you disgust me it's so good well I see you Jackson animal this looks like a fun way of playing I'm doing work I keep missing them though I won't let you see I'm having a dramatic battle with anikanova can you see through my smoke yeah how about the tank there's another thing coming towards me help there's heroes you know mrs. hyouta yeah that's good on me Oh totally help you get the take you front of me with water it is my [ __ ] machete yeah no we're not playing like cause there's human beings that were playing against we should try the co-op mode there's like a interesting co-op mode football players I don't know what it is oh Jesus are you in yet Matt Oh God have you given up no I'm trying damn it I'm having a hard time hitting anything Jesus I [ __ ] suck with this I just killed another tank I'm on a 10 kill streak Carly beat that yeah but can you be proud of that I'm very proud you shouldn't be what's your point eleven they're not both slow she Jackson's killing bots I'm killing human beings Oh God kill the tank kill the tank it's gonna run like who would holy [ __ ] me to go dark move oh that's unlucky maybe the primary you gonna hang out with me Charlie no you can be Darth Maul's buddy assistant I can spawn in as a Segway with guns yeah do that I'll hitch a ride with you where are you oh hey oh right through oh well I'll run you follow ya I'll cover you you can tell by the name whether or not they're bots I know I haven't seen a single BOTS name in someone I've killed this thing doesn't turn very well I'll tell you right now I landed zero shots Jackson I've got you covered did you die oh [ __ ] unlucky well far be it for me to make this Oh behind you Jackson it's your de please help I've got you covered you didn't so my fault you suck at lightsaber battles no challenge to it oh I didn't have any stock odds I figured the prime Milton oh I hated that little thing do it again there's only 150 points yeah it's [ __ ] useless cost effective it's really hot to shoot with it well yeah there's no way of aiming it it's just pure chance if it hits and I found a shot in the dark let's see if it works what did you do down low like a third-party launcher it's a game called game of bones but apparently it's gotta work I'm gonna show to the doc I'm just gonna jerk off instead it's going great so far things are the resub garrison Danny was that you what right behind you I see you Danny there's a hero over here [ __ ] I see him it's run boys Danny help I'm trying baby doesn't do you have the tripmine ability dummy no God I ran so far for that - I would be ones on the point of seeing he's floating I'll take him out George let me guess he killed you I killed myself Jackson I caught on my own terms sizing my shaders that's good this is modern warfare [ __ ] he's a mean man well I'll be right back while this optimized shaders Tony Nexus M Colbert oh you can jump is droidekas while you're rolling mm-hmm I'm back in my nest that's much better Oh God well that did a lot more damage than I expected give me an officer it's time to get serious no well I tried to take that point but no one would help me no we're 80% Jackson we're crushing him but they have three points useless means nothing yeah I know about where's first entry powers I think it's more fun in third person I've Obi and Yoda running every right now no I'm coming to help here's my century why do they care so much about you we're just running never reputation as the galaxy's best sniper and when you run these heroes to open up sunny Leone I've got 16,000 battle points Wow yeah what the heavy is not good at the range mmm I disagree I was doing good work I think you just don't understand the full power of them I'm playing Dooku don't worry I'm behind you get out of there Jackson I'll cover you lead us to victory - you're right Jackson's I'm not shooting you on your ass it's your de oh don't worry I I absorbed this force push did you see me like the sky can't say I did Jackson I got blasted like Team Rocket escaped this is already a better story than saw was episode I'm most Coolio he's running away yeah Yoda still a lot on the left he's running yeah he ran I almost killed Oh oh [ __ ] we're gonna win Oh annihilated so don't give up boys we're taking a seat I mean first person just not all that fun I think it's more fun in the third he got real lucky there those were perfect headshots in the making obi-wan is still not left a or D whatever this is son of a [ __ ] I couldn't get my turret down oh god there's so many of them on they have 28 kills yeah you're doing really bad I keep spawning in the [ __ ] back I keep forgetting to change my spawn what's the mail a button does anyone think it's F no I'm sorry not up the middle mouse button works dude [ __ ] you know does it around see somewhere I'm going that well I'm here I keep getting more fun when he's running talk me a lot of enemies a lot of enemies on say there's a lot of them is right Jesus Christ my shaders are almost optimized yeah baby I'm excited we should have played human folds but instead disagreed at least Matt could play [ __ ] acceptable losses to get to the boarding things now quickly don't let you bug aboard no way board walk Yoda he hates this guy's himself as a droid oh god all the enemies oh I didn't [ __ ] Yoda I'm just gonna main the commando droid I'll specialize in we I was at the end of the game no no here's the next phase now if the windows win the game so if you lose this do we go back down there and do that again we lost might as well go back down in the sand get ready to go back up again you get your points back I'm Danny I see your Grievous 8089 the limbs on the first place guy here [ __ ] me I'm taking massive dick in the face from these guys at the hall I just got destroyed by obi-wan holy Oh dammit who is this guy das small but he's old Wyatt it's probably just the skin what didn't make more wine I don't know I haven't played the game enough I'm just saying it's probably just a [ __ ] scam it looks like a navvy I heard buff Bowl that would be the equivalent of making das veda pink Oh the game's opening that's huge but we'd been let down by this before that's true don't get your hopes up let me let me try playing a game what should I multiplayer what's the quickest one probably like heroes and villains lost this law specifically course that under operations or assault Oh multiplayer and bended over like other modes it's on the right it's just a bluff holy [ __ ] this was a bad idea that must only be in premium oh [ __ ] searching it's a good start now all good matches begins no help Anakin Anakin zl-- mezack were you say help come yeah it's Anakin yeah like I was I was right up in Anakin's ass I hit him with my machete so now he knows who the real bosses oh he's never that maybe once ever there take him out I'm going all the way around there's gonna be a huge play this is why I'm the commando droid 20 on the sniper quest are you going all the way in to get a good vantage point [ __ ] people up damn I can't shoot through that oh I'm on a 7 player kill streak I assisted you killing someone I know it was objectives yeah what no I'm in a game like Shane Dawson's suit tattoos what does that mean I don't know I never talked to Shane what do you think Jackson would Shane Dawson suit tattoos what does that mean I have no idea like what I thought I would assume that he already has that is things the prime bones and two fat turtle oh hey all four of us are right now right next to each other uh-huh that's awesome what the [ __ ] just killed me no no they dropping something rig your arm there that says that was like force destroying people oh yeah just gone black [ __ ] me that was a bad spawn help how there's two heroes on the left side that are just like holding up everything for us I'm playing his count dooku boys wait they're still packets formed army chased down dammit dammit the are they still at spawn it seems like they are son of a [ __ ] bucket Oh Charlies uh yeah they said that all right let's go where do we have to go I have no idea [ __ ] I'm out of the battlefield the doors closed behind me I'm gonna die out here there was a republic trap my liege well I killed myself though to be fair I didn't know what any of my [ __ ] did feel like we should probably push it right do I believe in you say uh I don't know say I'm gonna suck my dick here I'm coming where is so much damage oh [ __ ] he's very hurt did you go what 20 I got him i assassinated everyone what how do I think there's a you Oh way there you can shoot the objective from like you don't do a run all the way in and they keep the shoot from that little it looks like who are we trying to get the red bar around it down or fill it up looks like down okay well looks like you almost destroyed all right I'm [ __ ] feeling it now boys I'll leave the Y's follow me [ __ ] Oh everyone - granite ran is behind us again as well there's all in that room Shelly's destroying it your job telling ya I'm poppin off right now no I got forced pushed off the ledge son of a [ __ ] I was in my god damn jello me Anakin was there I keep spawning in the very back why do I keep doing this to myself we only have two minutes I really need these heroes taken out thank you the prime seku Jesus how do you do kind of our uh general room just kind of sucks in this yeah I tried to get your night off that's one down I keep doing this why don't keep some honey king son of a [ __ ] I need to spawn on you guys why do I keep doing that Oh [ __ ] that should've hit him being shot from all angles god I can't even survive in this room is a hero I actually just saw you die I could have been a little faster there and saved you but I I didn't aah we're in we're in we're in this for the thing holy [ __ ] look at that cluster [ __ ] did it die I shut everything middle why don't you don't on there right now I got it Oh be ones in here I eat so he's so close to that I did so much damage come on boys is your game over yeah yes thanks to the t1 come on slow game all right send me another invite 15 time is the charm can we do the new content I want to see the okay what's the new content you tell me do I dare you subscribe with twitch primer my dad I'm not gonna take the belt till you make it it's up to you but sure thank you Dad I don't think it's like a game mode in anything Jackson no I know it's not like game mode but there was new content for the new like the sequel trilogy stuff so we need to sequel trilogy Maps but I don't know how to get them I think the game mode we're playing right now the capital supremacy is only the droids and Republic they said new content is in galactic assault okay so we just gonna do it I'm fine with whatever but look I'd like to see the new content I'm gonna take a little pipi real quick I'll be back I'm just gonna stay here with Jackson I don't I don't like that don't leave me here with Matt Wow alright then I'm leaving too no Matt please they is I need someone say in your life you're cutting out of it I don't know if it's a good your computer's booting up the game and we're loading in it's probably kicking you out oh here I go where I'm in a Ewan it says optimizing shaders but that's good because that means it's doing something it does that every time I load into a game so we're fine see I'm in haha what do you do to fix it I had to go into the right back in the hole not to it makes the reception direct x12 had to run it as an administrator this isn't the new content charlie this looks brand new to me what is this tattooing in the most overused planet you're not in our squad Jackson I don't need to be why the [ __ ] not why was I kicked out of a squad there's only five slots can you kill normal people oh yeah I was all had got it spoon I can't climb that what can I get new map is on Friday we're not even a new map yet no I guess not what's new then goddamn it Danny I finally remembered to spawn on a teammate in your afk son of a [ __ ] found the you world my squad I'm running with nickels oh I thought it was e to get on here alright how's it looking we're popping off gotta go squad yeah Jackson didn't make it Jackson didn't make the cut oh he's coming in with a ship yeah you can't pilot that as well as I could I can promise you that thanks to the resub just that prime uh so far this is fun did not being paid a win is rich damage my blaster does that ship oh we're doing it star cards you should have them oh you level up and then yeah uh I'm pinned down coming for cantina oh the co-op has new stuff I don't really wanted to co-op though cuz it's not competitive who's having the most fun oh cool competition how are the people that asked spawn [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm stuck in the door cool dot this is just a galactic assault there's a lot of mothers all right oh and that girl I guess son of a [ __ ] thanks to the research looks how is he still alive I'm gonna go death trip I can't do a Viking braid like [ __ ] beards not nearly long enough and it doesn't grow that long Jesus hold on a beer deck they're coming around from the back from the back yeah we all in the same point though all right we're set the one that we took okay yeah there's a hero at the cantina and just hanging out how are we gonna push in aggressively how's yours here go on let him go on and the ones over there get em as I come out of the [ __ ] building any that I got him uh okay careful ready yeah and they're still in the outside of the kitchen one back oh I just got back just in time how do I roll oh thank you so if it's just a new map I'd say it's probably not worth my clock tick assaults find yeah I mean it's the same thing some of the other matches take a while longer yeah but it was cool seeing him have 180 let's just go back to capital conquest or whatever - why quit or do I just just just will play one more I don't know cuz that there's a lot of big numbers I'd like 80 something kills it's a big old [ __ ] you know over an hour fine I don't care but still new reinforcements on sequel maps yeah how do you get to the sequel Maps only through this play Ewok hunt I saw a little Ewok hunt oh yeah maybe we should play you welcome am I in your squad this time that's gonna blame yes wait maybe I think maybe I'm not in it I see four green let's see four green as well okay why is the 80s the only two hundred on this map we'll roll out is for next time scoots you're hitting the bench it's a cutthroat League we're running out here Andrew Jackson's feelings are getting hurt I don't want to make friends of dk64 six six one two rum ham one one one and stuff returns those guys are legends with a shitty sniper thanks to the resub burrito and tried the officer I think so right met oh I got stuck that's getting towards the offs there in the cantina help come on I'm on you daddy I don't know why I keep top at the cantina I was losing I tried I didn't go very well yeah the cantina was a disaster really run Matt let me spawn on your 11 of them in there it looks like place of the resep corn Matt's not trying to fight his Ron all right [ __ ] me that canteen is full of stolen trophies maybe we should just old go to the other point in no go to cantina I'll lead the job is lost I'm gonna try the age behind us steady behind us yeah that's a good grenade son of a [ __ ] I don't see him I'm with you Danny I just care for their coming they're coming this way I don't believe that oh okay this is just this is not a good map for a heavy I need to be more agile I'm going back to my bread and butter what what's your betta butta officer officer just significantly better there's three of them the point oh right that's the point okay I mean something that can't shoot in math god dammit it looks like this two heroes in there oh I don't like how we're on the offense and we're trying to take our room holy [ __ ] that TIE fighter this is good that means the game will be longer which means more kills we'll see a whole new part of the map to want to write this little dinosaur guys running around can you ride the dinosaur guy [ __ ] Outsiders coming back in for a passing run does anyone want to hop in my Lamborghini Darth Vader in the cantina or the junkyard I can't see and the flash bang they can't see a [ __ ] thing oh that's two heroes oh good that's still the enemies coming in he just threw his let's see Rumi oh my little my little handheld turrets really trying super hard to kill the flying thing wait we haven't lost the junk out yet oh yeah run oh how played [ __ ] I'll pick off the stragglers I'm behind enemy lines well I see you met I'll cover you this is the resep chip skylark are we defending auction house looks there's someone inside already well they have an 80 did it well this is big it's a good position for the 80s - yeah Darth Vader's on where it is yeah yeah god damn it just I'm constantly like keep firing at him otherwise he accomplished in he's going left it looks like oh no I still though I'm spawning on you Danny I'll I'll give you back up I'm trying to sniper out later [ __ ] I can't see yeah that blinding grenade it's really good I'm having such a hard time with this blaster like leading my shots I can't tell how far I'll have to lead them this to jet troop is right next to death later I think we're still getting flanked by ships in the sky yeah on the roof top of the option house what is the melee button is it be I've been using the middle mouse button that works for me okay Oh get him with the old haymaker they're starting to take the auction house oh yeah there's twelve of the Mona I'm leading this a dinosaur to it he'll help me 12 shots with my sniper Darth Vader behind you guys go that starts Vader he's low ish it's also an aps-c in there yeah that's bad auction house is going just leave [ __ ] it they can have it I figure some weight he's hurt oh I'm coming to you he's a pop he'll never know keeps getting a lot of hopes back every time oh my god I'm popping off [ __ ] it's Darth Vader yes she has a repair [ __ ] the Wookiee worry is good I'm gonna play an ATR T know what that is doing it I said that's the small little running robot thing I would really like if I missed you looking at me and I died okay oh I'm a wookie warrior I'm on you Matt all right let's go allow me your own make will be noise this don't do that do it it's not worth it oh I killed off Vader I'm a hero of the Republic welcome they're all dead they're still in the auction house where we're on the auction house we have it take it back no no I mean that like right outside oh yeah [ __ ] flanked again check out flanks they can come in through the alleyway on the back no one's guarding it I'm gonna play a wookie as well right [ __ ] I'm being flanked there's another a TST it's down I thought this was a teammate no it's not oh one is down oh they pushed they're pushing on the back of option house yeah I'm in here dammit I want to play as a [ __ ] hero I can't wait to know what I'm doing hey why is the time to kill so high oh it's coming they're wearing high-tech armor good luck oh you see that No overtime boys which is overtime and happy to have it that means they must be on like one of the point yeah my good not throw hangs you're welcome for the carry that time around boy damn Matt three kills my first game really yikes no do you want to try it you walk hunt ego is too bruised so quit yeah what do you do for eat walk on no I don't know how do you kick from party click on them no that's not an option I don't know so where is it co-op maybe yeah first order resistance galactic Republic or separatist any of those well I think what wait with guy through it again galactic Republic resistance first-order or separatist and no it's not here they say he's on the main manuel/oh operates in operations I see it yeah I'm gonna felt my water real quick I be right back and thanks for the prime part dick dong dong you could just Koji Danny yeah it's kind of rude what exactly is he walk on do we know no it's a brand new experience for everybody it's brand new experience for me I've played it a lot I'm gonna guess we hunt Ewoks that's silly we can't find any available game to you no one's playing me welcome it must be really fun there were no games touch again what touch again okay yeah this game is pretty fun so far AJ what are my specs out of [Music] we're in boys hmm hey this isn't fun more than a few times it's possible Oh baby I'm coming to you Jackson oh Jesus I can't see I see you lead the way Jackson I'll be your back we do I don't know if I'm Italian that's two Ewoks if you hit tab I think we'll be okay and this let me - hey Jackson we're hunting them - extinct are we supposed to find them are they supposed to find us I guess the Ewoks kill us and then we joined the maybe I don't know I feel like we're on the wrong side of history though they're like poachers oh you can turn off your flashlights if you want to stay get him go dark yeah let's crash around listen for those little [ __ ] I'll follow you Jackson polymath you go mad lead the way the arrogant engaging is stealth protocol this is pretty cool what's cool about it's just dark nothing's happening like this weird forest that's in the box we lost we lost someone to the forest that's what they want you to believe it's the Ewoks there wait I think I just saw any wall stick together well Charlie where are you over here boys it's just wearing a stormtroopers olive I found so much yours as where he owes to be getting them or not what you find a house with WI the circles read this one trace okay with Matt Matt's found their hideout goddamn storm book thank you again holy [ __ ] keep your eyes peeled everybody go in yeah we'll get them on their way back from work well there's a red thing on the map up ahead follow waffle wait I hear shooting [ __ ] we lost charger there's lost to the forest hey we know you guys are way ahead of me they're gonna get me quickly go God you front me the trap you guys are trying to steal honey from a beehive witness hey Janeen walk sweet Jesus wait I see him good work look at this bastard Jackson you've got it everything's bright boy I got him I got him i clotheslined him Oh God we're losing Danny we're losing Danny he didn't make it I was getting poked yes Charlie you're HuffPo I know there was a tough battle you guys aren't past a weapon it's just our teammate taking damage and I don't look down to see if I'm just gonna hit in the knees I go keep pushing forward they're inside my house well quickly I see I see stairs up to the house weak way to hear what I hear one he's dead right when people start shooting he's combat rolling I got him the ewok chief Walter is down Oh God I got to know what killed me I'm not doing so well oh I think we found their spawn of dibs chili we're not allowed to talk Charlie build suspense yeah I'll take this buzzing you take that Willie I'm blowing a horn I'm already I see all the stove through this spinning around shooting everyone with utter confusion there's only three stormtroopers left we got wouldn't I see one over here we're getting close oh my goodness is too easy oh I'm right behind you Jackson let's roll out what does the whiskey's bet of whiskey's are the bees blow the hordes the hole is a victory what is the horn do though it sounds cool it strikes fear into the air buy me buy me buy me I don't even see him on my infrared vision oh I see him he'll never beat us all holy [ __ ] he's ours boys overwhelm him he's blind I'm hitting him with a beehive get the wisdom good work boys good work why don't the whiskey's attacked us I'll be right back I'm saying the rule yeah I could see that being kind of not fun after a couple games what you won't come yeah how's fun though it reminds me of the old hunt modes from a battle run I remember used to be out of place at wampa on Hoth hmm like pop-tarts I'll be kind of cool yeah if you could unlock Eli II walk star card [ __ ] I'd be better equipped to fight them or attack as an Ewok that'd make it more competitive pick series of epic [ __ ] yeah I don't know mega moist but that is very cute that you've done that I appreciate it all right are we all together again yeah oh wait you're you up to begin oh yeah always never see me coming shining my flashlight into the sky Charlie I won't answer that I could smell your small penis Jackson it might be right behind you you guys hear that horn all right Jackson hi don't blind me oh we're staring directly into your flashlight as disorientating yeah watch opal to you well maybe my Brian this is July flamethrower app I see you guys are getting serious just watching us maybe what happened incendiary good night I like the force of fire I bet you he's up in the trees I have my target set on one special man it's me I'll lead him away don't follow me I'm not what I see you every always were together except for Matt I don't even know where he is then Charlie Collier chose me with you though son of a [ __ ] oh I see you mad look oh you're back you made it [ __ ] well I'm having a real hard time here hitting anyone with my staff I tried I hit someone I did a little damage one guy with these [ __ ] bumble bees all gathered up you [ __ ] idiots how do you combat the bees you don't get hit by them yeah all right I really I'm gonna give up on the spear I'm just gonna be like a [ __ ] bumblebee sniper leg to the prime Waldo I'm just firing blindly mm-hmm here the whole jitter one seems to know where they are I really can't see anything sorry [ __ ] these animations take so long place the reset slide balloon goddamnit the Ewoks are at a huge disadvantage they seem to do fine last time I hit that man with my spear four times and it didn't even do half health damage yeah in the cave in the cave no they're coming into the caves late the cave party Danny I don't want to leave the cave party Matt your was dead yeah yes are you horror it up behind me and stabbed me in the butt I never fully recovered walking with a limp this entire time one butt cheek lift thanks the machine oh the horn gives you a damage in melee buff well I wish I had known that I thought it was just for fun I can rally the troops I didn't do well we met up with the other players oh that's right I got to help I'm good what the [ __ ] this does no damage holly was that you I was slapping the [ __ ] yeah why does it do no [ __ ] damage I even blew yeah hey you four times and that was a horn buff as well at least the bees do damage Matt you're gonna die you've got like one HP that's okay oh I promise you I won't kill you and the Scout oh we can make it to the did you weak there first I'm most important use them as bait oh I threw a fire grenade god damn it oh god we got to survive 55 seconds here are your fire into the woods [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] thanks for the tier 1 infernal syndicate in the resub angel genocide is anyone shooting funny me first I'm the weaker piece how do you do this how did you do it oh gee I think hey I got you with the bees yeah my first [ __ ] Kelly walk suck Jesus the Ewok suck holy [ __ ] that's all [ __ ] 20 damage pokes with the spear they did find the first time in groups I can't play solo what no no no like the two stick like when people stick together I tried this solo it's impossible I'm the [ __ ] horn only bumped it up to 40 not bad though yeah that was fun there was a cute little game-mode every state I really know we can do something else I mean we can say if you want I've already quit we have to wait for Matt absolutely abstain well I already backed out I just said we're gonna have to wait for Matt why quit in it said join game so I click join game and it put me back then sighs Matt still on there I didn't get that option thanks to the tier one told me not a weed I'm quitting again all right no up you are waiting for Lulu oh we're back all right I'm not gonna join at the top I'm not going back sleep well big V energy cut some nice wet dreams heroes versus villains is honestly the best mode hmm this is where you clash the hero characters and villain ones from battlefront to obviously using my expert deductive capabilities I was able to sniff out exactly what kind of game mode it was I can say with confidence it's brought out the best hello sure like this yeah is there competitive no well I don't think so the aid definitely still [ __ ] blows yeah thanks Shandor appreciate it min well so did anthem get taken off origin you were telling me that anthem in my game library says it's no longer on origin because you talk [ __ ] about of their who wears it from here no I'm pretty sure they shut it down I mean I'm almost a hundred percent sure it's taken down yeah I do I click join now but you gold together mm-hmm oh wait there's no joint button now Oh aim at the party well do heroes and villains okay thanks the prime Vincent you're welcome for what for the paren okay oh that's cute rafter I wanna be I'll be ID and versio everyone's favorite here i captain shaders that I'm optimizing who the [ __ ] is I didn't versio the main character from the campaign oh you can change the appearances - okay I can be boss it's always a useless character boss phasma [Laughter] who is busk he's like a Daddy Transocean bounty hunter what was he in Bubba Fett using Empire Strikes Back reach with all the other Benihana look at me rocking those toes did they ever expand upon his lawyer he's a fan favorite Danny looks like edgy yeah he looks like he's coming in for a boxing fight right now I'm gonna say I think we all have guns on me on me on me they Bluff guns I got whoo looks dead on the Left Yoda it's your turn it's the execution of oh god I've lost my footing I have a useless sniper rifle that I have to charge which is yeah baby - this is great they all know you teach character whatever you want yeah they all have max star cards boys I'm staying with Bossk he deserves my she's not most respect Oh on me oh you're getting gangbanged I'm going for a kill my research into Palpatine blank what what the [ __ ] is hitting me just like an attack of the clones Anakin Anakin and obi-wan this gangbangs me they're working together as a team is there any strategy to lightsaber fighting because all I did was spam left click and I eventually beat him thanks to the resub ck and i think it's any strategy God Anakin and obi-wan is constantly killing us yeah hello thank you for the kind words CK they're all behind this building I don't know China that Magnus what do you mean Oh empty trash can behind you ray it's a free kill well I can't believe that I can't beat boss I mean can't be raised boss what the what's happening yeah you boys need to step your game up I'm popping off with Dooku oh god yes I killed him now I fly away I was so close when I got forced something very low I'm here I got both of them above us Anakin Yodas free he's so low check out them holy [ __ ] have you met hello I'm the left-click prodigy you to use your abilities go down behind you Matt Charlie I don't care I'm left clicking I'm talking about them that jerk was actually useful it's done love them why am i walking where my controls reversed it's a Jedi mind trick used by Ray yeah if Ray mind trick you don't control to prevent rays chasing me I got you me who's Sidious on our team daddy I got you covered Daniel petit [ __ ] yeah yes oh is it the same person you spoiled it for him yeah kill them yeah spoilers I see what you're saying Magnus the game's good though now at least I've been having fun they took out all of the problems with it we brought it we're grouping up follow me [ __ ] [ __ ] I just keep getting pinball come to you guys I got a ob1 got him oh I'll be raised on me oh we're coming back charlie Obi one in front of me he's trying to retreat don't let him know reinforcements kinda come off oh good I lost him I try to give kill him where is he here's two more oh my god oh he's still mocking me always chasing me ray where's ray up in the air right here I'm confused I kept swinging the wrong me [ __ ] I'm dead does he want on me I'll be Grievous we got him oh my god we're destroying behind us behind us yah yah oh yeah I don't really have anything to contribute here other than for light sabers we're back yeah again throw it all over the place what the [ __ ] oh I just so low Daniken boom as we're making a comeback they're on me they're all running towards you hope they're coming I'm here if one of them's changed the loop oh [ __ ] they're all on me this [ __ ] idiots trying to block a new strategy or jet push like 14 they all agreed the same time I'm choking I'll be there soon Yodas almost did they're off their fourth force wishes are not silver god Yodas fast yes yes oh god help I'm here [ __ ] I got you I'm I flanked Anakin oh nice charlie you made your grandfather proud no [ __ ] god these pushes I'm fighting over one back here it's not going well [ __ ] I don't know maybe together are we losing yeah we're five tickets left for we were mounting a little bit of a comeback there for a minute but this my daddy my god I broke him kill him nice kill Yoda oh I got him boys oh he might wind oh he's run up door [ __ ] oh this [ __ ] idiot he's alone follow me bouncing in the air they have so many pushes [Music] coordinated damn we should have won that that was fun though I like that I was fun we should do that again and I won't play busk [ __ ] you all play busk alright one person uses a gun from a distance it would be too bad how are you first I had more kills how many kills did I have 19 same as me but I had a thousand whole more points in you oh that one of that team members only had four kills and they still won no now we have to play as these guys oh they call dibs on Leia well no yeah I'll play Leia I've been here I'll play Han Solo I'll go Finn well is he even on here phasma's on here Ray's on here Finn's gonna be on here too but he's more of like a side character in this trilogy doesn't really do much Cosmo yeah it's true cuz it was less of a side character actually she's not even a character why not yogurt I can't believe how big of a meme yogurts become not a [ __ ] lame ass meme well you guys are all going gun people hang on there's one lightsaber now I have the shiny lady they're all gonna run right at me Oh lair and Finn the gangs back together baby guys we look a lot scarier than they do major the prime that dogs get all bosque what is mine where guys I got us Oh die still never fight though we got a channel Marty what the [ __ ] why can't I fly like in the movies you really like that one huh I see him over there that sort of Leia's ability when she's dad she just blows away way to spin have order win they can just write their bullets back at us don't give up yeah what is the [ __ ] point of playing the here okay because if they can block everything they can block but they can't fight back when they're blocking you see I just do undercover team if they can they can direct their bullets back at us yeah behind us I'm gonna swap to Allied side okay yeah get under my own squad shields I killed one here maybe it's better with it like a different team composition like a mix of faders I think like like three lightsabers in one shooter look I missed god damn it the amount of [ __ ] force bondage I'm getting involved in here Jesus Christ why didn't we have that freeze ability that was you how am i dying so fast meet a group up we're not goofing up Livvy the last time well we're spawning on opposite sides right here yeah what is this time with Matt alright they're running for ray I can see where they are oh I hit one they have someone sniping on their teammates mosque oh I'm here damn it they're both so loud Charlie's going for basketball people no I'm not I'm right here Kyle oh is super low guys I think we're winning we've killed two of them yeah you set your [ __ ] up though I have a kill with Leia that counts is like Tom what the [ __ ] that's from so far away I'm just frozen forever yep there we go oh okay these guys have full star cards all right that's why their range is so far I think god it's Bossk Velasquez super little boys finish him I'm changing characters last awful okay there's got just four okay good yeah that kylo Ren freeze the two of them have oh no those I killed boss are you talking about a playing Finn of speculative hey actually Hans pretty good he throws a grenade that's done look we're doing it well Jesus he forced choked me through space in time I felt like I was going back in [ __ ] 1980 holy [ __ ] I switched to a lightsaber character let's get serious yeah with like 17 behind me boskie's actually slow soloing me oh oh I'm frozen I lost them I killed boss Charlie don't worry oh wow yeah kylo Ren has cool bubble stuff yeah so does Bosque yes so far I've seen three people with that well they did last game too though oh here we go boss goes over here be careful he's scarier than emergency he's super low why is no one I thank you guys we're all stuck I'll try Luke now these guys [ __ ] Maine this game mode like better start okay because they have like their ability card set up for it it seems which does not have full star cards but the other is that the refs got nothing [ __ ] Darth Maul's super low you guys are really good oh damn I just get frozen and then one shot oh that was such a good grenade throw [ __ ] Darth Maul's coming around all the way in the back good luck happen there Jesus I just did ragdoll oh man I'm popping off now popped off a little bit yeah yeah you and me is there Yoda oh yeah my mind tricked him come on check him again please he's killing me we're on Oh I saved you to kind of what hates me damn now I'm gonna do Han again he's got a grenade that like really stuns them good this game types actually a little bit yeah I mean I think the strategy comes more than like before the game starts with your star cards thanks for the tier 1 Z man but we're leveling up the characters through this is not the best game for me there Leia wasn't doing that well I had a little bit of success 27 who was I so bliss tick play Kyle oh yeah he had one move that's freaky froze everybody for I use all my force abilities what are you talking about blocking with the lightsabers useless horrible you don't need it does nothing they need a saqqaq qui-gon and Ventress I don't know any of them oh my god I know though I'm going hon wait I'm gonna go Yoda getting is good Matt didn't make it in yeah I'm here doesn't show you yeah just show select my character hmm this seems useless but okay what the stock ads behind I thought you meant Chewbacca no leave me alone Jackson stop attacking I'm gonna go as the young-looking oh do they not have ability cards the other day oh no they don't swap the abilities they're just like buff them in different oh okay nevermind then I thought because it looked like they had like different loadouts cuz I swear to god some guy was forced pushing and forced joking with the same character that's bully beta oh can you do both maybe he's got an ability that when he falls so goofy team team follow me to the center well host yeah follow uh Jackson mommy we're going oh if he's open well lost they're all pulled out to the enemies over here over here over here same flying around I'll lead the charge it's Kyle Oh is he alone no no you solo I got a few beta price [ __ ] oh you're just jumping around ya killed lightning man he's always dead oh I mean he's so fast hey he doesn't have maxed our cards though that's a first really low I'll finish the job don't run in wait for us I thought that was a lightsaber throw I kind of want to get good at this this what [ __ ] Jesus great what how can you see the range on your abilities I got an eye later I think you just kind of know it Vader's on me yeah I'm trying to go in the back I don't know my god I love riddles coming all the way around I don't god damn it I'm frozen we need to work on combining our abilities behind me man catching on the edge of the map catching Darth Sidious is pretty hard yeah he's fast well remember that scene in episode 3 no just knock somebody off the map oh good that's what he's one shot Thank You sabzi minute did I get the other dude that was that - I don't know I'm taking the fight he's blocking you can rush in I got him with the old force joke or pull oh my god I keep going down this hole in the middle of the map [ __ ] fate is on heart health in the middle middle god dan open it yet freeze got him nice we're doing it boys this is the one you're like wait push them to the we should push them to the grenade over here damn Yoda's fast I'm doing some scouting right here a trap I want them to fall in them day they come on the sand from the doorway oh I thought I just died are they pushing on the Left kylo Ren [ __ ] I'm soloing Vader downstairs yeah I got him I would kill me Oh healthy jump down nice Matt what he's one shot Jackson get down there and finish it I'm coming upstairs yeah Darth Vader super low I don't see yeah I'm with you Jackson Palpatine is hard to catch oh come back Oh get him get a good lay to the firm's run count him whichever Vader behind you yeah he's still alive oh yeah no I got him yeah I'm pushing back out I'm coming up the stairs go Keota I'm coming there I forced pull them let's get him holy [ __ ] I'm coming they're gonna be stunned here I'm getting out Oh unlucky unlucky one of them but let's regroup one of them changed one of them changed to boba yeah okay I might want a gun come I want some wanted to arrange them on me they're both on me Oh gosh dammit why got somebody there I got them all I got them all with that how are they how did Vader not die how am I the one that died there yeah what I'm really had to be Boba Fett or something from the distance yeah alright let's group up should I switch you a shooter what we were doing was working here y'all show react these are the gifts of the two gifts subzi man [ __ ] yeah I'm very generous man thank you they're all on me you're really getting in there man oh my god Oh behind us two of them are very look how walked by something my god are you old dead yeah they're just unlocking in a book with it's destroying us from a distance I can stun look with my grenade we just need them all together well no stun look but nothing over goddamn I cannot believe we didn't win that fight I [ __ ] force blasted they got all four moles down on the ground oh I'm getting four strokes Jesus all of them let's do that again I'm much much better on Chewbacca yeah when Chewie and that's when the magic is made baby yeah move back up here hey Darth Maul's over here behind you guys he's not anymore I scared him did that land no I wonder if I could knock one into the pit what's that enough flakes I'm going for it we're all that dark moles dancing around the pit I'll make him regret it oh my fetch right oh damn okay guess that's happening he's blocked over I got to get I'm gonna get him why can't I do my big push right now my God how putting is so hard to hit it's unbelievable I'm like on top of my still hang on oh yeah palpitates annoying keys he's lucky he's got lightning his lightnings really mobile you can blow it with all those abilities what was it like Jedi's Academy something like that it's nothing like Jedi Academy how's it alike Jedi Academy I might not be Jedi Academy there was an old-ass multiplayer game I think you I think you have Jedi Academy yeah but this isn't very similar wasn't it just multiplayer four-on-four and you play there's all lightsaber people for the most joke run Danny I'm saving you get out I'm grenading at the I knocked him face down I pulled them in take us on twenty I got a what William gets it back up I think doesn't she know that better than anyone why would I know that better than anyone from the one else around I'm moving back to you guys Dorit Sidious is [ __ ] [ __ ] to hit he's super bet he's so low yeah always gets away how does he jump around so much he's a little dashes I think well I'm not feeling too good the moment they're all there you can hold down your ability what good would that do me if I could never get it off yes Anakin if you hold it down and charges up yeah I don't think that would have done much to win one of these okay I think we suck at this but I mean we're going up against veterans the only people that still play this are the ones that put down we're playing together why would that matter fifth place baby makes the resub bludgeon killer I don't know about that legend killer we'll see though I am excited to learn more about it what he's a professional mykhailo Cod's were almost fully maxed out I want to try that flying tornado lightning storm what what does it say now Matt didn't pick someone right what I was on somebody so who are you a force ghost yeah just watch yeah you didn't show up to practice wait what am I you guys in yeah I'm still in the I'm under the emperor palpatine scream oh yeah what did it make me oh you're I've known in the game how do I know he's not a trooper he's I didn't Versa don't sound sure if I quit holy you saw this green staring at Emperor Palpatine they're all swarming me guys I got force grabbed from a long way for people swinging or three people swinging what is this I'm gonna quit and try to rejoin Jesus face this is God thanks to resub skarner oh [ __ ] okay I got you covered I've been confused Ron Jackson like we did they'll never stop me they killed me it was the blood Bob how are we going for this one it's not great how he's almost dead oh [ __ ] he's unbelievably low oh [ __ ] I got two people in gorilla I think they just have more versatility to them I don't we just look I think they could definitely do that Bruce Lee Baroness ah I didn't realize they had different roles oh Jesus Jesus ray gonna how did she just go so [ __ ] how is she still alive raisin 1 haytch be someone killer please I got her you think Rivas I just picked him I think he's awful great you know cross look that's one of his abilities as he goes into crawl mode oh I'll give them one more try but yeah I disagree they're half of it just became bad spam I definitely disagree the same recycled memes yeah wow that every type that we've come up against has been played well so every character can be played well we just suck yeah we're spit at it how they have a han Solo nail yeah hums good I'm gonna try try yeah [ __ ] rules man Jesus I'm Count Dooku help boys where are you why I wish I knew what my abilities did Han what is the e ability do it's a little thunderstorm I think Anakin raise I'm doing some deep scouting thanks the t1 Barberini Jesus oh it's gonna push son of a [ __ ] well you can block for powers can you yeah yeah you guys just learned that yes yeah you just block good with the [ __ ] times boys and the Sidious strategy is not working for me it's hard when there's three other sucks I advise you back to her we haven't been a group yet from you guys I'm with you how do I get to me so quickly [ __ ] [ __ ] okay well I rented kill I've been doing left and right click with Palpatine doesn't change anything still not enough damn boys I need more trying to group up oh now that we're together the bestest never be able to even do any damage I'm here Anakin is his ability there's a lot of damage well I'm gonna go just oh we have a Oh son of a [ __ ] try to puke thanks for the prime holding shadows I've found my calling as Ivan would be pretty wild jigsaw I don't think it'll ever happened though it's impossible but that would be pretty cool they'd probably like a mod pack for more now this is a close game boys I got one kill he was just standing there not moving I couldn't kill him I don't think we grouped the single time though in all fairness there was no cohesiveness to us what do you expect I need you to step up and take charge I'm a follower oh I made the board nice let's count dooku looking like the pedophile living in the back those are close one boys now he's still gonna keep playing hero versus villain I'm fine with whatever you choose I'll leave it up to you how long we'll be going for 240 oh good a couple more games left in me I don't want to do co-op mode Jesus Christ that sounds boring let's take Oldman never say that again Jackson I mean I haven't seen any new content what was new in the update everything's new to everyone cuz no one played this game for like two years Oh are we I do know I didn't get one here I didn't leave let's try what we did loss thank you twist I'm gonna go on I'll go Chewie this is painful to watch I think there I think there is there's nothing more nerdy than saying that to a videogame like that's got to be embarrassing the type I play this game so much i can't watch someone not as good as me at it but fair enough man yeah I'm brand-new [Music] [Laughter] I'm on your ass Danny let's go all right play Anakin seriously this time challenge shirt ahead so it seems like the only way to play is just spamming abilities yes I'm going indeed oh they're behind us Wow I just dice what oh I got mine tricked nice because I wonder if our star cards are really strong well I'm sure they're definitely helpful if nothing else because the main difference is all of I feel like all of them just have full or fully stacked guys and with you Jackson waiting for the place in the resub CMD trying to get to you guys both are like separate directions let's go meet with Chuy they're following me I think all right come let's go back to him hello all right they're coming here I'm gonna raise star cards he's still better than no star cards I don't think a single one of us have a single star card in any shape come out of that door I'm gonna blow it up hide back here it's tight behind the tree I'll fire yes they know where we are yeah I'm gonna go learn the matter you ready you gonna they won't see you you're too small either where'd they go I see them is there a time limit to this game-mode that sucks how do you emote wait I'm wearing them here we go this is gonna be what's my grenade do some work are they moving on the right I did flip my grenade over there they're all coming up they're coming be careful my grenade Jesus why does that do so much damage when they do it but not for me are you boys still alive I'm coming Danny oh Jesus I just ruined me I got him back home oh how did he get up so fast I couldn't do that when I got pulled yeah Jesus his light one light saber slash from him just did a hundred Knights riah thanks the prime master Oh Mike Renee did put Emperor Palpatine directly on his face which is useless considering he gets right back up the second he hits the ground which is [ __ ] sad yeah baby [ __ ] oh god help diesel Oh I was stuck against the wall got this Oh behind you Jesus Christ alright okay this isn't working very well I hit him with my e he's still alive wow I charged it and everything which opens back you can't lean less damage one single slap from General Grievous was 150 a single one for me is 20 right down here oh god that's a big move Danny or Matt they never saw coming I got him at the [ __ ] they did they did see oh Jesus are you all dead Jesus Christ I got one when it cousin Palpatine just rolls away and then kills us all I really don't get Palpatine though the second he gets knocked down he can get right back up yeah he seems pretty strong I tried playing him it wasn't that way I can promise I think we're just terrible this it's a star card it has to be he immediately recovers somehow it's the lag to the left yeah can you see them through the wolf yeah yeah come here grievous [ __ ] oh my I may have saved him no we killed him where's the advantage now oh yes I killed beta [ __ ] I can't block that storm oh I broke his Republic should he kill me and how his grave is still alive he's underground oh that's a stark ability does anyone know where kylo Ren is I haven't seen him in a while what did he slopped agree this movies he might be afk if we're lucky which means we're being killed by three players I think we are well Darth Sidious isn't oh I'm gonna say it's just Palpatine the only mister just a distraction they're all here yeah in the news only three just go right in got him I got a pop what CD said is our fight kill vada what the [ __ ] I forced grab that it didn't do anything didn't do anything my career ends over here attacking the wall good Jedi mind-trick Jackson I'm so low master the jinchuriki up there up here push him push why does my [ __ ] not blastin back that he was not even blocking how do I get through this I can't get through this window but he could shoot no way he's almost dead he's almost dead Grievous is coming through the window now I don't think you can go through it ok this is like 1 hp he's running up the stairs someone how is he so fast Oh Grievous Sidious I was running away from him I'm coming boys what is footage got him finish him [ __ ] we should be winning this kylo ren's afk or he's not human okay those are hero with a hard to say it again oh wait are you guys all dead yeah [ __ ] I just be usual well get out of there Matt problem is so hard to hit it is unbelievable it's just been chasing him around this area yeah what the [ __ ] yeah you could be right next to him and what [ __ ] and you still won't hit him really Jesus I'm gonna try uh ray I'll wait for the regroup oh god he's barreling towards me kyle is alone we can take him right now Danny [ __ ] I can't force a joke or grab hope I guess that's the chargeability got him they're all rushing to you yes Oh well the game guys could've been worse we have to win one of these right I don't think we're winning against these people thanks to the prime key five-time when it's all said and done we did kind of come back either in there a little bit hey I'm right up there yeah yeah you good third place I thought I would have third place I had more kills than you we had so many points yeah huh yeah try you're gonna be really underwhelmed sidious when you get them to how were they playing him so well I don't know man but he does not get up very fast unless they have him does every character have the same passive ability - health and elimination go down to abilities yeah there's a pet yeah just think if we lose like a hundred times well we all have at least level one Stargardt's thanks Teresa uncle daddy I do not have a top 10 anime list surprising planning on getting something for winter what like a present or something that makes sense considering it's Christmas that's typically the time you get [ __ ] and get [ __ ] I'm not playing co-op not happening no why not could be fun it might be but the amount of [ __ ] backseat gamers demanding co-op out of spite now [ __ ] that you know who's on the other team this is our game I could feel it it was a big team comp those hands old and wrinkly oh he's got a custom skin for ob1 skin Andy had a non hooded Yoda okay so how how do i - alt oh okay I need to refine that it's a terrible oh Jesus with those [ __ ] be honest [ __ ] I got mine tricked what the [ __ ] is up we're actually winning don't give up I got him link Yoda knows what's happening that's good I don't think we know what's happening that's fine they're both on me I'm here [ __ ] where are they uh on me he's out of stamina open he's got his stamina back I'm out of stamina Wow Loeb is actually really good [ __ ] I thought I'd hit it out yeah Bobo's rockets to a [ __ ] ton of damage I'm getting in there where is everyone come on son of a [ __ ] I got blasted thanks to the prime boy named doe mad damad okay when they stun us all of us freeze instantly for 15 seconds when I stun them they just keep moving that means they blocked it back oh here what is the range on the force choke I feel like I get four stroke from across the [ __ ] map but for me I have to be like I know they've got to be like right upfront yeah I think there are a lot of star cards increase like range of abilities how are we tied I feel like we're doing well none of the gun wielders can block any of the force [ __ ] right Anakin Anakin Matt attack him oh I'm trying I'm healing right now yeah I got on a force choke nope it's out of range of course somehow - oh they're concussed [ __ ] Chewbacca tried slapping me good work boys [ __ ] Oh God wowthat's [ __ ] he should have died then would be once on 20 health up where I died he's up in the window he's coming down now oh I see him nope I immediately just got [ __ ] blasted by something I think it was do you think they can use the Force to jack off I doubt it that's impossible George Lucas never planned for that Oh God I thought I was safe because of you there no place mom like on top of them where is my four-stroke Oh must have used it I need help I don't understand how other help thing is we're like one two shouting right there literally one shot on me [ __ ] - we need to stick together again we're splitting up too much I just I killed to kind of obi-wan is almost dead you guys you're hope that already no I thought I was walking yeah baby all right hold us well thank you sir this is a really bad spot cuz it's so many different places they keep coming man behind if I defy the best I got chewy we're doing it boys we're coming [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah they're all up here if I can get in range for like a - force choke we'll be in business yeah that's like Julie's fists do just about as much as my lightsaber oh yeah he's pissed I can toss them hurts like a [ __ ] get in there I forced choke the ha and he's on me milestone complete how is that person not dead Oh behind us I got makes the recept a concussed up here on me I just don't well he was down and he wasn't it didn't actually get stuff how's work you wanna move that here ad into the open but I think we do better than closed but yeah I don't give a [ __ ] it's hot to jetpacking clothes I got a voice choked it's free it's free it's free I got him [ __ ] there's a bunch of them on me right now [ __ ] I thought I got away help boys you do something Charlie I got him I got it I was low behind you Jackson I'm helping her pub yeah group up on Charlie yeah tele dead no I'm fine thank you I'm popping off right now actually I'm like 13 and one they're on meat [ __ ] yeah Bay that's pretty good yeah boys behind me behind me everyone's coming oh it's free Jesus lei has gone bad what I was blocking I must have been out of stamina this is our first lead of the night we could do it if we stayed out here my guru I / the Sun fitness oh my god I'm coming how they have shooters in here I can't be standing here are they I hope they will follow me oh I like that player above us above us you're doing what Leia did Charlie don't run it no I'm not I got it oh I thought the force grab would work yeah you I never jumped you oh he's so low Lucas so low in there come on boys yeah we're still in the lead though we still have it plays serpentining of thing who's running away from her I'm coming to you Oh nope there you got a force choke on him Oh around I'm just getting bounced the ropes please guy move oh thank god what I was blogging god dammit Oh everyone's on the other side somebody pushes me and I fly so far is one shot where is everyone I'm on my way chased out here he's concussed how is he he just blocks all my damage I got them both with a four-stroke now's the time I can jump the ring has any of my cut Tim white Savior slash is connected with this guy who's little I got him here that's my thing is it doing anything I think it stunts them if they go within the circle get him only to kill three more he's down to the right [ __ ] is this [ __ ] good he circled back hey I don't know where he would I always took her back around oh I got him forced joke darling is the last Jedi this one's pretty good yeah oh that was beautifully timed slap you're welcome for the carry boy like I like we all did good then yeah I still didn't feel nearly as strong as the people who were ruining us though not even close not even close Anakin all right let's go back to like Capitol diplomacy Matt was a kept man faster on the edge agree I don't see I think yeah I don't think I service captive festival one minute I imagine that was my turret you saw I'll take a piss we could second so [Music] let's go boys all right I'm in it this school map this looks like a pretty little app yeah does every does every supremacy game always end up on a star killer base yeah well where we going soon and I'm just running straight what Oh God the glare and the Sun is a little bit extreme I'm huge right now boys they're killing BOTS charlie don't go oh no not that was Texas poon topper that's not a but yeah Google's deep a I [ __ ] Texas poon Tapper right up there with r2d2 is I just got run over by a little guy in a PTSD looking thing it's Texas Punta but no I killed him I shot him in the spine Oh Charlie it's a little lovely house up here come visit me I'm right next to you come in here it's safe no [ __ ] I'll put a trip line up here come up the stairs I keep clicking off the screen during this by accident thanks to the researcher watch the battle hold on I'm gonna spawn on you and like no I can't no again yeah look you're my house I can't even shoot through this yeah we can just live here if you want I'm putting tripmines all around do you hear the beeping yeah I think we're about to get a visitor we're not doing so good I hold on I love do a little trick or treating okay let them know that it's safe to come in this is a good this is a great plan okay we could just watch the Battle of always coming look at him taking the point I got us don't worry your reflexes leaved a little to be desired you all do what did you do what do you mean I wanted to go back and take back that house yeah I'll spawn on Danny and we'll try and find it this map does that coaster it's so much happening wouldn't wait out here I think I'm here Jackson I think a minute yes I'm coming get up in there I'm here it's her wakey - oh you can shoot out the back there oh it's a pig for minor defense I'm not like it's gonna be utilized against us you can hide behind this corner it's a lovely little fireplace sir bring fire deviled eggs pizzas in the oven no what the [ __ ] just cruising on to see the tanks pretty low I was doing it a bit how do you emote does anyone I had it I don't think there is emotes yeah there I think there are I so how to use them I just tried to about f1 nope you see matters left the game wait what you're kidding oh we need to find a different house Jackson no one's gonna visit us here I don't know if there is any other oh there's a house up there where Oh quickly up into this house Charlie I'm coming skander oh this is a lovely view - I can see everyone wait no Jackson this house wow there's a lot of houses the one I'm in Santa Claus of his reindeer well I'll try a jetpack in ready what's this right I'm watching let me aim oh that's almost huge how do I get around to get in I kind of overshot it on the initial jump alright I'm up in it now no although I'm gonna try and get us a little activity with Jesus I can't hit my thing I blew it I can't spawn on you Jackson quickly it's one of me they know where I live Jackson know what'll be I'm trying it still says you're in combat I can't see it I'm heated behind the phone it's killing them ok I want to be in there Jackson thank God shoot me because I'm hiding behind the furnace I would love to change my okay can you move a little bit more so I can spawn on you no I just want somewhere else and come to me no they're all gone now but this worked like a tree I I found the new meta I forgot where that was are you at B I'm European yeah yeah thanks the resem self [ __ ] I ran out of battery otherwise I would have killed that clone commander dude oh did they kill you yeah but yeah I'll come back to you right you're just growing on me [ __ ] don't kill them you see that play that turn around yeah get it get in the house I want to show you yeah this this hassle dude all right I made it what you're a completely different a CD no our vehicle with guns on that coming towards see yeah look oh okay they cause to be sick oh we've got him now Jo God they're coming in big forces help no oh God he heard tales of this house he's doesn't kill me they were yet I'm spawning in his boss oh yes that guy everyone's favorite hero what does this do oh it's friendly [ __ ] 80 te up on the ridge the [ __ ] is an 80 te the one that looks like an 80 80 well they have one point we don't need points why the [ __ ] do I keep running into Oh be one with boss we need real estate I'm trying to get some nice kills going here but I can't [ __ ] get anywhere that will be one finding me I'm capturing a command post boss geez doing it or boss Ches doing it it's just busking for boss the K is silent I can you shoot that guy in the up on the gun Oh probably well I can [ __ ] no you can't oh I wanna get one of these vehicles in the house maybe why is no one afraid of Bossk dammit Oh jelly over the fruit for the staff the noscoping is not working for me I'm trying to like spawn trapped in here but my aims not good enough for this I'm riding the town where'd my smoke go Yodas impossible day wasn't good holy [ __ ] I'm still alive back here holy [ __ ] no they caught it they actually can't hit me on top of this house I'm invulnerable 1 hp in a dream I'm still alive forget about me why doesn't my smoke ever go off I'm actually invincible up here you wouldn't understand I have been in their spawn this whole time barely surviving is anyone near me predator is inviting you today for like 10 minutes I'm on a 15 player kills through 16 player kill streak or you play boss thanks to the prime golden beast you know boss might just be the strongest character in the game thanks to the receptor it man dammit this BOTS really putting the moves on me oh Jesus I still don't really understand what that but oh it's poison why the five fumes yeah yeah I thought it was smoke [ __ ] I wasted that 18 player kill streak I'm going for the tactical nuke [ __ ] Yoda I'm gonna solo Yoda I killed Yoda oh my god Oh monster as boss yeah I'm on a twenty one player kill streak thanks to the resub Caesar and MIG and turret man Bossk is nuts no I mean I just so loud you know like I said [ __ ] Bossk is [ __ ] nuts what ascending good luck Jackson I'm busy I want it [ __ ] to do again he's angry twenty-four player killstreak I'm one away from the nuke predator instincts engage 26 player killstreak 27 pyre kill streak [ __ ] [ __ ] this is nuts man alright his sniper is confusing me how are you killing them I'm no scoping with the sniper they're all rushing me right now I'm on a 29 player kill streak oh [ __ ] dude again [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah 29 player kill streak though boys thanks for the tier 1 Jake ability and the resep so a pandemic yeah Bossk is probably the best I'm just letting you know right now where are you going Danny I'm trying it to a but they seem to always have a lot of people there well now that I'm not here patrolling it unfortunately I'm not killing anyone I'm just [ __ ] around with the vehicles I'm a pacifist book I'm stuck I think zooming in right clicking is just [ __ ] useless on all this I have not found a single situation where that's been helpful for me you're not wrong look Bryce I was huge in yeah I've heard of world chase tag I just don't really like it I don't find it very fun to watch I see you're still in this house huh what's yet anakin where he's outside he's outside it's too late i made a sacrifice so you wouldn't think of you i want to put the table thanks to the prime obnoxious and the resub onyx yeah there we go [ __ ] Jackson he's coming in look at our deal with him Charlie don't go out there oh we just got you got killed Texas poontang has been slayed yet again I am just turning into a true monster at this game ever since playing Bossk I just feel like all the strings are connecting [ __ ] and yet Danny still is one more kill than I do what are you doing Danny I'm playing officer right now but every I keep trying to go take points and every time I get somewhere there's just a hero waiting waiting for the house drop second are you won like 57 kills I'm just kind of killing people really I didn't know you're good at shooters Danny do this in every single game I'm just I think I'm just slightly above average you know and a lot of shooters I'm gonna I'm gonna be right behind you I want to see it in action but it's gonna be judged good taking your performance coach obi-wan is pretty low I'm soloing him I should have thrown a grenade yeah good [ __ ] damn metal water commando druid time let's get silly oh I don't want to play a fun hero I would recommend bosque that was nuts it takes so long to come up I've been able to get into horrible the rocket druid is pretty fun actually being a little fly around this pretty awesome yeah uh Anakin on me where are you I don't know II taking C oh that was close like I did so much [ __ ] damage Jesus Christ no I couldn't make it in the house unlucky what a goddamn shame oh I can do another one though what are you doing Jackson I'm chillin well what woody are you building Legos or something I'm holding eight and then what are you doing in real life Jackson you know you're not playing you are afk I was checked for once if that's what I was asking Jackson Jesus Christ Jackson we need to communicate if we're gonna win these games these conquests ones are so [ __ ] long this one's taking everyday life after it's closed yeah see but I like these conquest games just because you had a number your kill number goes up oh yeah that boss G rampage the bus it's such a caveman is that you right in front me yeah it is what's how you was sandwiched by two tanks and I'm the one that died I'm stuck that was so upsetting I got stuck on that no commander tried again Charlie we can be commander George let's do it I spawned on Danny all the way on the other side of the map well why didn't you spawn on Danny wait there I'm running toward you is there any way to go faster yeah dodging is faster Oh your dodge count is down the bottom next to your health how many times you will come here [ __ ] I'm almost to you guys what's your ETA jack oh we just want me oh I just you're running away from me oh how was I supposed to know unless there's going to be well let's get to everything yeah I gotta get to the building I'm just going to stay out here and kill people to be honest though is that a good idea I don't know I'm on a six player kill streak right now though did we get oh just like a number of tickets to get [ __ ] do i board it hold you god damn it I made it Charlie's too far away we're leaving him behind that's all right I went down fighting b2 super Jordan God look at that fat 72 kills from me right now second most in the game how the [ __ ] can someone possibly only have five kills in this I've been doing nothing I'll be [ __ ] out with house 24 thanks to the resub Raynor I don't remember killing a single person actually good work Danny it was my turn I'll roll with you it's all roll with Danny holy [ __ ] I'm here Oh Danny behind you there's a rocket trooper smoke grenade swings when they hit them then I crouch through this No and see I wouldn't happen if you picked Bosque holy [ __ ] he told me one thanks the prime star drop that was ambitious from that guy just for rushing everybody yeah you know in his honor I'll do the same [ __ ] well I panicked hey someone on our team is playing Bosque [ __ ] is Jackson afk I think so full starting star cards on some Rando I just can't do much as this droid your droid oh god the commando one the commando droids great what do you mean I kind of get pop I can't get into them no show you how it's done off the commando droids following around the outskirts I'll be stuck in this room you think no I got ray holy [ __ ] that blasted me Oh God Yoda killed me I'm sniping man sniping his nuts on this here yeah this is a good area for it but you're still gonna push that I'll cover you well you guys it's like summer in fire yeah take out all the others two people sniping down nice I'm going nuts Yodas on the right Danny be careful I had it is I'm handing up he doesn't take any damage is this game still bad no that's the reason why we hopped on they took out all the microtransactions no longer pay to win huge improvement that was a big falling noscope Matt do you think the game's going better I do it was really good doc Dave I'm glad they fixed it Yoda who's behind me Steph liquor net daddy you want to be behind you Matt careful behind me yes you are they're like on the other side I did have not once look at that radar what is this No I'm with you Jackson why is no one defending the point look we're in them where they generator room [ __ ] quickly hold it oh if they let me get boss it's over there's a hero following you guys I'll try them I'll try it as long next time I get a chance I'm here where's all of us what is it okay right on alright I got should let matter writing it wears out in science kthuman what are the only ones it is Oh God Jeff Gerber just came in ooh okay so you didn't just ruin all of us yeah let me get ya is good though you guys really push that [ __ ] in so I can't go in there oh okay that poor guy I have a plan I'll just sit here with a shotgun damn just ran out of time I'm pushing another back in there today I'm just gonna stay here and camp this oh [ __ ] oh I got a grenade in there that's gonna be huge nothing happened [ __ ] Yoda ruined it ninety-two eliminations I'm right behind you Danny why is a normal B to super battle droid more expensive than the rocket also I see that you can't like spam the same hero so I played Bossk and it wouldn't let me pick him again maybe because someone else was playing him that's possible too that even stop to consider that I'm getting in there I haven't found any enemies yet oh did we win we've got 102 is it your own mate [ __ ] all I see do is hold right clicking no one can damage oh oh I was so unlucky that ob1 spawn there I wanted to pop off give me the first one I can click on spider walk yes thanks to the reset immortal Sparta I have no idea how this guy works [ __ ] that guy I'll lead the way Denny okay holy [ __ ] guys don't walk out that hallway it's bad I ran out I hit one person I Rebecca I flanked them they can't see me I'm on you Charlie I've only got two minutes destroy the thing god damn it I'll distract him with my spider walk Oh get over there it's the last one boys yes we did it revisit an assassin droid good over there did I bring 100 no 99 for both you and me Danny oh god damn it but I had the longest I had the longest kill streak though no doubt 29 with Bossk that's pretty good I'm gonna hop off I'm gonna call it a night as well boys good work out there boys oh yeah next time yes okay I'll talk to you boys later say yeah yeah all right all right everyone thanks for tuning in everybody donated big thank you appreciate it new subs welcome aboard some means a lot to me I hope you enjoy the emotes and I hope you all sleep well take it easy everyone
Channel: Cr1TiKaL Full Streams - Random Videos
Views: 460,954
Rating: 4.700635 out of 5
Keywords: Cr1TiKaL, penguinz0, youtube gaming, livestream, live stream, charlie, theofficialpodcast, kaya orsan, moist meter, huggbees, zealotonpc, critikal, cr1tikal, critical, cr1tikal livestream, Tiana, game, video game, stream, critikal livestream, critical livestream, streaming, Speedrun, critikal live stream, full stream, Full Streams, twitch, twitch stream, moistcr1tikal, cr1tical, the official podcast, big moist, VOD, stream archive, cr1tikal stream, twitch archive, bigmoistcr1tikal
Id: WVfxzxSbMFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 218min 30sec (13110 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 31 2019
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