Cr1TiKaL (penguinz0) Stream Oct 29th, 2017 [Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus]

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I heard usual it's true did my stream settings even save yeah okay because I updated OBS today so god knows that's going to be a [ __ ] disaster I'm sure don't forget to pull out the channel there I am every time I upgrade our update OBS it just turns into a [ __ ] mess Wolfenstein - first oh hold on the stream just went black but he'll come back through yeah yeah I didn't beat it though why is the controller not working I'm being told the game is jizz worthy which is a glowing review I would say because it's plugged in his player - probably not this is an FPS so it'll be better without the controller I fired it up just a little bit ago just to make sure OBS was working so let's just do a brand new start what's difficult issue daddy dude I call me terror Billy welcome aboard Jake miner you should play death incarnate I can't play me and laban death incarnate no I'll just do bring on the standard friends it's agony let's go I think yeah oh yeah this rating for Lyon car reason yeah um it must initiate the sponsor jerk it's office they come you know if Jesus Christ don't install McAfee you have to trap good kid see the footside captain general Denson it's near to us no than he's been in years he eliminate the general we cut the head off a trade war machine are you paying attention baby missing all of the Lord let me make you to the one they would have me dissect truth tell now he does sing how intense does this look to you then [Music] Kimura a trophy does that well do see he had rich Nagel I think I see someone she takes good care of me 1960 sounds like Kiefer Sutherland someone trying very hard to be Jack Bauer I respect it though I think it sounds nice this is about Nazis and [ __ ] in case you haven't gathered is over you know I can understand two words in German that robbed Putin Eisen bond to train source of the Nazi technology will probably do me no good in this adventure but I have it welcome to the sponsor train Burke appreciate it Ciaran max mr. max max doesn't like violence he doesn't want to see anyone get hurt the Seaford is an ancient mystical society we invent things the technology the development that's here for the centuries ahead of anything you ever see imagine Berlin blast garbage blaster which is a great tear do there BJ blast roots fundamentally the sponsor thing is the exact same thing as a twitch sub with custom emotes and a badge the emotes are by far the best in the entire streaming universe okay that brings us to now it's time to get excited babe what's up J birdy more or less your father won't be home tonight my mom was abused that's not my mom she's younger than the main character you need to buy the Nintendo switch and streamed Mario Odyssey you'll love it I'm thinking about it I really want to I love the Mario games I know it's a controversial opinion not too many people love Mario but I'm a big fan who should I say been save fergus or safe why well why it looks like he's very indifferent about this situation oh these people in the you can't say that one no guy looks [ __ ] when we're doing safe Wyatt Arab Fergus yeah no I'm losing time okay I'll save Fergus oh really I didn't know that is the game volume really laughing you heard just rewind it when I said it just make it your ringtone I guess means real hard my guy's a [ __ ] sociopath he has no emotion I shouldn't have saved Fergus gives a different story you heard Marshall bed it is an engagement ring it's been with our family you know incest already eat it boy is what they call him I guess I just didn't think they'd flashback that 1960s you're right I didn't notice Jesus it's paul blart mother am i acquitted was I right yes and just I feel so silly now even Burke was like how do you [ __ ] minute know Santiago has a question for you how's it going Santiago good to see you homey the cow man emotes are this looks like an intense situation yeah I'm gonna do that after this can I turn him on now no I think I've hit escape it's dips have you ever shoved a pencil up your ass that it just gets stuck I don't think I've ever shoved a pencil up my ass so that was really good censoring from the guy who just donated to lose my reputation because my boy damn it's like comedy night with this man over here just drop in the hard racial slurs comedy nights a game that crash and burn so goddamn hard rest in peace comedy night my father will not let you shut your damn mouth or shut it for you what is it with you damn Jews have all the answers do you smart mouth god damn Jew I married you I figured you fathered be an asset but you just a damn millstone sticking your nose into my business dead I handling your own if you can't raise a boy right I'm really glad you and tiana exist thanks so much for all you both do less than 3 I appreciate that Jay birdy Jesus Christ that one-timer that man's got the hardest bright hook in the world Jesus Christ give me a gun oh I thought it was like a dildo or something I wonder how long I can just stare at him but now I'm just kind of toying with him yeah all right mom Jesus what a shot Oh God give me the vase he's coming no I blew it this in his face Billy I'll probably just have to redo it I wish I had hit him with the vase now there it's an F PFA there's no such thing as strength categories when can I turn on subtitles I don't want to say I don't wanna risk skipping it can you feel the key my god it's like hell blade length of the intro cutscene but actually interesting all right Christian gray kill the dog commands a [ __ ] maniac give me a vase I've changed my mind it's on us to straighten out the queer give me a [ __ ] vase that's right now break my wrist so I can aim it at him oh well this is an easy decision I just won't do anything I know he's gonna kill the dog one way or the other but at least now I can go down with some dignity in there and look at me appreciate her card are good to see you again now run Betsey Bessie [Music] Jesus's man's Patience's ironclad oh wait I can do subtitles now probably under gameplay yeah I had I guess I had to do something so I shot the wall did he load the gun yeah it looks like it you better not let me near a vase we got a little morning what's going on there though half job [Music] the old and the wait are doomed I regret not hitting him with the vase now well I wanted to explore a little bit well time for some wheelchair action Oh baby Fast and the Furious why write it in just to make the dad as evil as possible you couldn't hear me rolling over here and hitting him with my wheelchair I've got you covered new concept I guess it's just little articles little artwork I'll look at this advanced strafe no it's all just a mo right now it's not like I can do a wielder anything I have to have one hand on the wheel he's really good in a wheelchair I mean he's an expert doing up steps and everything he's a strong guy there's a speedrun for this whole game already someone beat it an hour and 19 minutes I hear it's only a four hour game I obviously can't confirm since I haven't beat it but I hear it's only four hours 6:30 mm-hmm how did I just get an environmental kill I didn't do anything oh I should have listened to him that'll do it but I didn't cause it to blow up that seems a little unfair know when I'm sprinting damn it's called farting douchebag I'm coming let me sprint okay the brightness is way too high I completely agree I'm gonna turn the brightness down in just a second five months nobody is broken understand I didn't know they'd change the cast around that is interesting just let me use my schmeckle these are not getting that trap they just Canada and your schmeckle get me to the elevator God they just don't [ __ ] learn help me Lord I love it that's [ __ ] great to get killed if you don't like and that hold my schmeckle I'm changing the brightness it's right there that should be better all right that looks much better you're hungry got that backwards lady uh-huh than you I'm sneaking up on him after what video oh this video that he's watching right now that would make sense Oh Tony Hawk's Pro wheelchair 5 how's dope I want to slide down again I just I did I activated it how did I I thought it said activate ya know it's it active it was that was on yeah see that I thought maybe it was just a visual glitch obviously I wanted to go down the halfpipe again I'll go down this way damn I wanted to make that look cool for my montage of Wolfenstein it's gotta be so embarrassing does having this man in a wheelchair scoot up on you I have to go this way - the panel was over here oh wait the armor did I pick it up all right let me climb this one man in a wheelchair wreaking havoc against highly-trained Nazi soldiers he's been training it's like the hyperbolic time chamber but with wheelchairs why are you still sailing enough mass I like shooting their leg because you can really see the damage I wonder when I get the ability to use my legs again that's always exciting Oh goddamnit ya see how faster you're healthy I mean come on show mercy I'm in a wheelchair I wasn't going only for the legs Evelyn let me throw in a trap I'll do a little bit of stealth the [ __ ] that sound it sounds like a wheelchair it doesn't make any sense does he see me you saw me I thought I could sneak around him I don't know how I'm able to turn left with only one hand but I'm almost [ __ ] right here yep there's one guy left and I think he's right here there's nobody left oh yeah there was already told him I'm fine see now I got a ramp to make my quick escape in collectables you know there's not collectibles always following I guess his full health is the man in the wheel kit wheelchair could be yeah me my legs look like ass like they're very torn up oh that's just mean it threw me off of my wheelchair I know they're Nazis but this is low even for them I'm [ __ ] for time for a reload ignore the pain find a way to reverse the belt and get up to the sale platform elevator did you not watch the previously on Wolfenstein new order episode at the very beginning or can I do a stealth kill on them [ __ ] hit the wrong button but yeah I could I could I would love to know what a stealth kill in the wheelchair looks like he got into a really intense situation it's hard to break it down I'm really upset that I missed the stealth kill I am Charles Xavier my mutant ability is just a lot of bullets I mean you're not wrong as the x-men I mean Charles Xavier wasn't ex- marvel but Charles Xavier wasn't exactly a Nazi killing you know I'm just the name certified customers - oh that's so sweet alright don't reversed up the go a little hamburger action over there I got a collectable how yeah how would come in bear here well he'd wreak havoc he come and doesn't use guns and he would be body-slamming BJ here in the wheelchair no mercy appreciate it real light sponsoring the one rogue World War two veteran in the wheelchair it's going down this reminds me the boss baby if the baby was confined to a wheelchair and had a lot of guns I've been waiting for you friends he draws anime now Britney Spears son that's going no thanks yes I was can I was debating but I didn't want another vase situation can you spit my wheelchair upright please welcome aboard Rey Jesus Christ it's about [ __ ] time just compressing my [ __ ] spine you've come friends the door I've been waiting friends no I'm sure she's but she's far more pregnant than that let's get you outside oh we don't have enough time for schmooze Louie so wait it's after I just got there what he is go with the guy you didn't want to be seen with a guy in a wheelchair well I thought that was chappy why she in a warframe suit that's dope I mean why is the wrong question where did she get a warframe suit yikes no Fergus I just saved you oh god dammit Fergus and she's overweight yeah how'd you know it's gonna be a big plot point as her weight what the [ __ ] did I tell you I wonder who's gonna shoot who the large lady or the bad lady I already knew Toby I can predict the story I think the Nazis are the bad guys I can't say for sure yet but they look like they might not be good [Music] [Music] melee take 12 hours Jesus so what no Nazis took over its alternate reality six days Nazis won the [ __ ] did you I just killed an hundred men in a wheelchair I'm not weak I'm anything but weak right now the wheelchair is giving me strength why are they making fun of them literally go downstairs and look at all the dead bodies I just piled up in my [ __ ] wheelchair hey Fergus good to see you what kind of armored takes itself off if it gets bit hard why is Fergus always didn't what's this is where you save either no this is not where you save anybody I've already saved Fergus well yes I do Julianne Moore please don't kill Fergus I spent a lot of time saving him it's like elementary school all over again mr. shekel Steinberg a light soft ski said to the tailor did nothing wrong what do who was skinned Col Stiger smirky Wiggy jaegerman jensen that makes more sense then so what the hell was BJ's plan just to watch them all day on the chunga bash the fashion go chunga bash the fashion go chunga bash the fashion is John Heroes the fashion hero John man hear of the NFL she's turning on him I guarantee it as far as plans go I think this is one of the weaker ones I've ever seen I'll show them I'm not weak by getting captured and being completely weak hit her with the ax she gets killed right here [Music] what do you think baby my right is she about to kill her I think - look sorry we'll put that back on later it's all part of the plan please stop looking at me Caroline you're gonna eat it [Laughter] is going on here it comes here it comes I'm calling it I called it three minutes ago superb acting from Caroline so far she's really selling it Oh what that puts a damper in the plan oh I thought she tossed him another offer don't worry I brought this with me to eat it later for a snack but you can have it oh [ __ ] yeah baby get me in there [Music] okay come on BJ put on the roller states there we go Oh almost ready I called the from the get-go take this I can't shoot her I was gonna kneecap her she stood by while Caroline got killed for every 15 melee kills i will donate another $5 challenge accepted I guess I'll try and do a lot of melee kills they seem very well sought after where can I find Mayweather to fight him you get it cuz he has an Irish accent what let's [ __ ] do it power slam I really do kind of want to play this with a controller but whatever that works furgus gotta respond together you've gonna lose his arm and soldier on like it's nothing well how about Caroline she lost her head she's still doing alright how do I open this it says I need a tool to open it okay so I have to find the tool I mean I have like a super fist that should be okay a lot of things you can do in a hatchet and a Nazi it's kind of counterintuitive but I can make it work those are Scottish accent [ __ ] from angry Scotsman so he's probably well versed oh here comes my first melee takedown that's fair yeah that is a fair point as well Caroline told you it was all part of the plan I'm very I'm still very confused on what BJ's plan was I don't know what he expected to happen he didn't know that the large lady would turn sides take out the commander's first first you have to sniff their [ __ ] to see where they've been this is the commander because he's dressed differently I'm gathering as much Intel as possible let me get a little closer here I want to [ __ ] a wee wee that was interesting that's it I think I've got it as much Intel as I could oh well it's not gonna matter I'm BJ [ __ ] blaster which I can handle them all see what I mean kid in melee kills are pretty goddamn cool simple put their whole body just for some reason gets all bloodied I wasn't I wasn't quite as cool Odin automated security system my back hurts I saw you go there yeah I don't know your back they worked out earlier today I might have pulled something I forgot to turn the speaker off by the way oh yeah I did I also did forget to do that notice of fact I can't see oh there we go I'm speedrunning this [ __ ] right now all right I think I misread the situation okay OU's grenade to destroy the tank I don't do I have any grenades what's the key for grenade no there we go F got myself a new exit it's like the middle of my back it's really story heavy is that right I mean that can be okay I guess as long as the story is good doesn't really strike me as a game that should be very story heavy though it's about killing Nazis what's up he'll hunt Oh I mean Helheim was to pluck the place in the game but he'll blade is what you're thinking of wow this commander has no sense of urgency I don't know if I'm gonna grab it for the PC I played it on the ps4 and I got really far into it I'm gonna really want to start over how was that weird it's an expression so she's an angel now controller BAE I am noticing a large abundance of cutscenes that's for sure can I actually turn the film dreamed up Granof that wasn't under the impression that I couldn't so if I can [ __ ] the I'll do it filmic green you can't tell that it looks a little pixely just to give it like the old-timey effect it was all part of the plant Anna scheme looks really nice check his smackle [Music] that's right you to appreciate it dear charlie I had a nightmare in which you started dating my crush and rotted in my face the same ever since I'm sorry to hear that kami I didn't mean to Caroline I'm at least he was hammer I'm heading back to our people I hate to ask will you stick around this is cute so I can keep your wings a little longer boss battle he already lost track of me I think no he still sees me I have to hit his tanks so I'm trying to get behind him this is how all flamethrower battles go oh all part of the plan oh film grain right right right let's turn that off that's that was the problem I couldn't see him because of the film grain Oh motion blur ooh that's got to come off as well where's film grain I can't turn film grain off Advanced Settings oh it's an advanced mm-hmm I'm sorry to hear my little pony ended but I'm glad I can be there to help Oh shouldn't blur does it vulture you got turned it off so won't matter what it's at ah there we go oh wait [ __ ] that I just I left without saving the settings oops but keep your way ended I'm just as surprised I guess Jesus means a machine oh he was actually quite easy to kill why do not see chicks have to be so [ __ ] hot and my rabbis name is senior shekel Steinberg our soft ski is that is that for real that is your rabbis name okay Alex's finances secret daddy I'm back I love your goddamn [ __ ] content keep being a [ __ ] amazing [ __ ] I love you Charlie oh I appreciate that Alex this thing's cool you don't have a lot of it left by the way I know I have to go charge it I'm sure there'll be a charging station up here well no you have to charge it it's not about letting it settle it's like an RC car but with killing Nazis so kind of exactly like an RC car oh oh I got him good with that that guy doesn't even know what's going on I was gonna let him live but well what the [ __ ] did I fall down the stairs what happened to me there it looks really blurry now how can it look grainy now I just turned all of that off [ __ ] dubstep gun if I ever heard one it is a dubstep gun boots it's nice who doesn't love dubstep right we're still in 2007 issue dubsteps all the rage Oh gah be charged I mean [ __ ] [Music] did you turn up the quality on YouTube because it might just choose I wasn't paying attention and I [ __ ] up so let's not do that again have to recharge this thing somewhere well is it laggy for other people in chat or pixely for other people in chat [Music] hey Charlie and Tiana how are you two today also can you stream next Saturday that's my birthday what's up Lone Star and who knows maybe I never really planned the streams too far in advance but happy early birthday in case we don't stream on Saturday ok so then it's got to be because I turned off the film great well motion blur is just when I move around it blurs everything and it looks like ass but let's do a little 0.5 film green see if that does anything [Music] Oh charlie don't forget $7 77.7 $7 $70 $7 $70 $7 $7 $70 $70 seven John $7 seven dollars even dollar $7 $70 $7 $7.99 of filled makes it blurry but I didn't touched up the field this isn't hentai appreciated smart antenna so good to see you though well I turned down the depth-of-field if that's what people were saying to do so see if that fixes it how could it be getting really bad I'm not touching anything except for depth-of-field and [ __ ] it looks like exactly this him I'm just changing the flips Oh command console I'm just gonna change it all back any more plans I mean there's no depth of field field of view and depth of field is the same thing and I don't know maybe more Bible man in the future no telling I mean there's no reason it should be anywhere so I'll turn on motion blur though see if that fixes anything apparently it wasn't bad earlier it's not the same what do you mean feel the view and depth of field I didn't see adaptive field option excuse me while I inspect this I wouldn't let me finish reading it oh hey this is where Caroline was acting I'm here to help hope Jesus no they became friends no that's so cute thanks for continuously providing great content charlie all the best from Illinois oh wishing all the best to Illinois I don't know what Illinois has but I wish Illinois the best appreciate the kind words why can't I what's the difference between eating [ __ ] and driving in fog difference between driving and [ __ ] and eating and eating in [ __ ] and driving in fog I don't know luckily we're taking the headless corpse with us thank God BJ why did you leave out the [ __ ] ass part the bitrate hasn't changed a bit rates still at 4,000 it's a very traditional name shekel Steinberg Alex off now man would win so it'd be fine shekel Steinberg alit's got it burgle it here I'll change the bitrate real quick then since now it's become a complaining point I'll pump it up there's still time to act checker schmeckle wanted to free the u.s. and use it as a stepping stone to the rest of the wall that's as official as it gets let it be known she's no longer a Nazi [Music] and I just nice headphones an amp ended xou sounds more sexy thanks for the Herold birthday wishes and I'm glad it's sounding sexier they're the worst Nazis when is the next Gianna Street this is a Tiana stream right now can you tell : who's the traitor CTU has been compromised accurately flopped and there is no door tech is if someone is hiding in the transmitting that signal no [ __ ] complain more he just gave you a new arm [ __ ] not even to use it yet maybe he's just gonna go jerk off with a like the fiend he is I knew I shouldn't say Ferguson I miss Wyatt what a mistake I loved your video it's a great cartoon did you like Samurai Jack tell Samurai Jack it's my personal favorite and it's from the same era yeah Samurai Jack is great it's the both shows are really good but one of them is the best and that's courage oh let's get after it the laser Kraftwerk what are you saying you're saying vector what what huh well you speak up baby what what are you saying did I pronounce it like dead space also your streams are good stuff it does kind of look like Isaac Clark his mining suit Mele only runs looking nicer I hope yeah it seems like a bit of a reach they had an entire rogue crew down here that no one picked up on man this this Legion sucks so disorganized I don't know who's on their [ __ ] boat Oh sneak attack I like this gun this guns cool what am I supposed is this not the way I was supposed to go William I found the engineering map dank nuclear warheads talk about oh my god section F stretches along the entire hole of the u-boat and we rounded I have to read Ben I can't listen her right now see they're happy Blasco which is on their side and so that's what you have to stop and realize like where is little Hubert isn't the gameplay reminiscent of doom 2016 I wouldn't exactly call it reminiscent it's similar but not not exactly the same doom 2016 didn't have little Hubert I think that's kind of what what separates the two that and the Nazis this about Hubert no no break out the wheelchair need more ammo I did not see that coming I'll show myself out a classic Jesus stop deploying fireworks it's not my fault everyone down here is having a [ __ ] party with fireworks yes miss swimming babe William that was not sneak attack all right I started the stream up again too many times I don't think anybody even saw that I told him that we lost power use it back up again and working can you tell oh my lord yeah I lost the whole game I have to start over are you [ __ ] kidding me no it's not it's just replying it it'll come back up in a second [Music] oh that's so sad I'll wait for for it to come back up for everybody so what are we doing what do you mean are you restarting I think I might yeah well you want to play one of the other new games that just came out let me start it off stream I don't have a switch so I can't play Mario like four games came out maybe the only other one that came out of this asin's Creed well so those of you just coming back in my game file has now been corrupted because some [ __ ] [ __ ] ran into a power line and destroyed it a Nazi sleeper agent took down my game file so I guess I won't be able to continue that thrilling story this time I'll save Wyatt I guess I can't [ __ ] believe it because that's the only time the power blips like that oh those goddamn nazis striking even in 2017 by taking out the power lines around me I guess yeah this time I can throw the vase time for another new game look at that I like I want to even go to new game file corrupt Nazis win Jesus yeah that is that's it that's a heartbreaker right there that's a that's a [ __ ] maker yeah I'm not that far but school okay well we've already seen all this now but I have to go through the [ __ ] slow ass oh my god I can't skip this I would like to have my file back alright let's save why at this time I guess but people prefer Ferguson yeah but you know we've already seen Ferguson let's see what happens with Wyatt let's see how he takes it are you talking about I would me choosing wide over Ferguson yeah I'm glad I could help in perfect done unfortunately I fell victim to their plans here on the sides of the toilet we all create our own stool together that is the most inspirational thing I've heard in a little minute why it is a big mistake well I guess we'll have to find out Ferguson got [ __ ] by by the file corruption I'm sorry rest in peace Ferguson but I figured might as well at least check out why it now it's Ferguson forget Frigga wits schmeckel son now I get to watch the dog die again it has been with our family each generation uh-huh - from Skechers offense key to buy a better internet connection smoked cheese I wasn't the internet connections fault some stupid [ __ ] hit a power line again I can't I've never actually had a file get corrupted in any game I've ever played except Final Fantasy 7 on the ps1 right I can't [ __ ] believe that happened I have a UPS like a battery backup it didn't do anything yeah it's plugged in it's working it just didn't do anything just keep my schmeckle had the most time - nothing's changed because I saved Wyatt here come on Bessie oh now I get to see the racist father again click someone censor it with a donation damn no one censored at that time for all just oh just missed it : Thailand Jesus earnings left and right humiliating myself just to keep the business alive her name's Sophia because there's ophea get him Bessie captain pronoun now captain pronoun didn't make it who's dr. chaos I've never heard that I wonder what's gonna happen next is he gonna get her with a right hook you shut your damn mouth shut it for you what is it with you damn Jews have all the answers casual reminder to use the best this time thanks prey sticking your nose into my business data handling your own if you can't [ __ ] I'm so upset the file got corrupted you know this conversation was different it was exactly the same a hundred percent exactly you can rewind go back to the stream it's exactly the same because he said about marrying her he just said that well hold on a second candy ass Oh God this man's the [ __ ] terminator hit you with three vases not everyone's made out of cast iron like you dick exactly the same I wonder what's gonna happen to caroline it'd be a real shame if you got our head cut off with our fire axe that's going a little far don't you think dinnertime really I do you know that Ricardo depression that's [ __ ] nuts Oakley and I'm having a hard time with determination any tips for getting out of a rut love yeah distracting yourself as always the thing I preach what just distracting yourself is the best thing for sure it's on us to straighten out the queer it's on you there we go speed run apparently not the vases didn't harm anyone that man literally ate the vases out of midair you can skip this okay I'm in it to win it now let's go boys just give it to me you're already [ __ ] anyway speed running back to where I was before the file got corrupted I'll say let me see if I can save them this time maybe I can like blast out in front of it and take the bullets almost you ain't getting it bad I can at least do a wheelchair stealth kill now just a Brooke Mexican college student giving his daddy money love your content my dude keep up the good work I've reaching for boomers less than 3 less than 3 less than 3 less than 3 I appreciate that support hang on to your schmeckle because here comes the trap again Chim Chim coming madam blasting through this now all right let's see if I can pull off the stealth kill now ready bed that was underwhelming cool well this man's just blind I turned it off very nice of them to even include blind soldiers in the Nazi regime well I'm getting a lot of stealth kills now luckily they're all [ __ ] deaf I sound like a [ __ ] freight train out here stealth kill no maybe not isn't it pretty clear lovers what you saw was a flashback to Caroline when she was young when she gets beheaded that's current Caroline that was Caroline when she was younger that was Caroline when she was younger why are you saying no that's no no that was a flashback there are two different women Charlie yeah I thought they were the same yeah I thought it was just back in time I don't really remember the first game goddamnit [ __ ] this let me do a wheelie I don't need one hand on the wheel god damn it I'm just trying to blast through things and getting myself [ __ ] I mean just because she's the leader of the resistance didn't mean it made it mutually exclusive points she could still have been the father of his child and the leader of the resistance [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] there it is now I'm [ __ ] feeling it [Music] Tiana is right Charlie pannier and Caroline are different people Tiana is the real pro streamer she's the Lord God plenty of ammo fun fun blasts [ __ ] really i ain't against stopping me from talking to god with temple OS i will hit all the CIA [ __ ] with my car since they blowing [ __ ] Terry David Davis people like to keep [ __ ] up this game if I remember correctly what didn't Terry just get arrested recently buried it it's not the actual Terry David donating then no I know do you know who Terry Davis is that's Terry Crews he's a racist man who made an operating system find a way to reverse the belt and get up to the sound platform now I'm almost there I'm almost to the next level and then I'm only one level behind where my save file got corrupted I didn't throw any grenades when I was in the wheelchair last time now I will man they're deaf that man watch the grenade explode and didn't even react just normal procedure I didn't pick up the grenade this time so I can't use it it's all about stuff that I'm in for some reason they're all just turned around except that guy great battle [ __ ] do it I'm feeling it now just here at the state part of my wheelchair Oh your health can only be at 50 so if you get a health pack which gives you more than 50 I'll put it up but then I'll take it right back down how about right back down just slowly goes down richer stuff war has changed this is how wars always looked love someone ask your health went down No somebody said that last time well you might have seen it I didn't [ __ ] me no care on official podcast I don't know too much about him I've seen a couple of his things though I don't feel like inspecting that paper again I've already read it it's not about little Hubert so why should I care damnit reverse it thank you alright now reversed pop the gun why is everyone asking for meat okay right now I see you in the chat or something he's a man who can appreciate some high quality Nazi killing gameplay from the master of gameplays which is me Jim sterling would be a fun Gus to have I feel bad for anyone who's tuning into it right now because now I'm skipping through like all the cutscenes cuz I've already done it but my file got corrupted we're almost caught up get them on you I can't skip it no I've skipped a bunch so far but not i can't skip this one otherwise senior like one of the many multi sorry we're Anna Tori's of Professor sad this is perhaps how it came about yeah this is a very long one that I will not be able to skip hey look it's Wyatt I don't think so I don't think they'd let me save a traitor Steve Jobs yeah we could dig up Steve Jobs grave man I hope Caroline doesn't get decapitated that'd be just shocking if she did I asked Rob as if he'd be up for it he never replied I don't know who general Sam is oh my god I am peeing in a tube that's all that's so embarrassing take my head off with an axe leave Caroline yikes tom messner little pump would be a great guest if he could speak English I haven't heard any of his interviews or anything but if he talks like he does in his rap music it's gonna be very hard to to have a conversation why didn't the fat Nazi lady save the lesbian I am visibly upset I don't know I can't I couldn't tell you catcher but now you get to watch it again comic relief demands more fat German women well don't worry we're getting double dose over now for the second time appreciated Billy six hours long with four hours of cutscenes is that an actual statistic that sounds right cuz I heard the game is only four hours long so I guess four hours of cutscenes might be what they meant what no I have a water I'm good thank you babe is that right those six hours along with four hours of cutscenes there's no that'd just be ridiculous [Music] why it doesn't say or do anything he's a lot quieter than one circus shop you should try to listen to enemy convos before fights I've heard they can be super entertaining I can give that a whirl guy on the left is the acid dude from the trailer don't do it lady I didn't expect that to hurt but like what the [ __ ] that's so [ __ ] I would hate if she made me kiss that head right there I'd be so upset if she started picking up that head and making me kiss it no don't go near it don't make me kiss the head that's the only thing I don't want you to do no no not good oh oh no that's the one thing I didn't want to happen it's 10 to 12 hours long getting conflicting reports now if you hit a hundred subscribers in five days you won't eat for two days long what kind of incentive is that oh if I had a hundred subscribers I'll starve myself that's great incentive all right I missed the head stop again Wyatt [ __ ] sucks yeah he's already significantly worse than Fergus won't even get his arm cut off he got his ear cut off okay why does Fergus get the short end of the stick why does it want get his arm taken off too damn why it's a lucky man yeah this will teach you German don't be such a [ __ ] Wyatt Fergus got his arm cut off and didn't flinch why it sucks oh my god this guy [ __ ] blows frigates like interrogated her and still had her like you know on the edge I might kill you I might not why it's just like please just help spank me why it is awful he's such a [ __ ] yeah might do it again just to save Fergus I miss Fergus now I cannot believe how much of a [ __ ] Wyatt is hold on it's gonna go dark for a second I need to click something over there right keep your [ __ ] together why need you to step up now a lot of things you can do I like that when I had Wyatt his thing was man kids as I'm cut off and soldiers on like nothing happened why it gets his ear cut a little bit like [ __ ] paper cut on the side and he's like got to hold it together Wyatt I know it's tough ain't that the truth man we miss you Fergus I cannot believe the difference between white and Fergus is so significant I'm gonna have to baby him all game we went from a fearless madman called Wyatt you go upstairs this is for Fergus I got you I already heard the conversation with the commander earlier it wasn't that interesting oh boy oh Jesus I blew it you should complain to Steve Jobs welcome to the Wolfenstein to tech support stream wait no I'm good I got everything here I'm [ __ ] blasting through this now I know why it [ __ ] sucks why can't it does nobody have any grenades nobody has any grenades I mean I can throw hatchets but that won't do it automated security nobody read that I need the grenades damn it go to the armory well that doesn't help me I didn't design the Nazi ship I don't know where the armory is oh that sounded nice [ __ ] was that if you hold volume down in power it's an emergency SOS the send out that's nice somebody told me to hold it thought maybe that restarted like a thing because I know who usually it used to be holding down I wrote that last time said I read that last time yeah it makes sense where is the [ __ ] grenades yellow box what yellow [ __ ] box I haven't seen a yellow box oh Jesus I thank God as long as you can replace white at some point the yellow box across from the tank I hate when people like sounds so confident to tell me where it is and then I go where they say it is and it's wrong and I never apologize this box I see got it oops I hit the wrong button rest in peace patch it myself until exit Jesus where do I get the Kraftwerk waffle I like that guy I don't know what turning iMessage off and then back on would do considering it's not going through to any of my devices have you tried detaching from the Nazi u-boat was this guy gonna drop will you lend me your wings oops that's it controller BAE I'm blasting through this now I'm almost caught up to my C corrupted save and I'm heading back to our people I hate to ask keep your wings a little I'm making [ __ ] record time here No Oh hit the wrong button Oh God I really like how you can melt the cover that's nice it's a nice little plush the cover the things that they hide behind you haven't heard the word cover before cover sponsorship is the lifeblood Charlie needs he's right that's what will defeat the Nazi regime sponsoring the stream the only way to stop the Nazis I'm at 248 last I checked me nobody knows at four thousand sex tape what is 10,000 a good kiss on the cheek [ __ ] don't forget to bring down the railway you don't crack that code why is the broadcasting on time oh it's really on how close you get to it hope I thought that was a person oh I'm unstoppable I'm the best Nazi killer in business what amazing time I'm making right now and that's the end of that level almost the dark souls of Nazi killing that's not something I'd ever say but I will say it's the dark souls of BJ blaskowitz Inc all right let's go where is the overweight people here they are why it's probably pissing his pants yeah let's go Wyatt don't be so afraid let me in all right I'm trying caught up hold up why it's a [ __ ] no trying to forget about that I can't leave behind headless Caroline [Music] I'm sure it's just a problem full-service we're back unfortunately why it's still alive good schmeckel I know roses are red violets are blue your really gives let me suck out your goo oh I like that revelry solid stop shouting I know you're missing an ear Wyatt but we can hear you stop [ __ ] shouting go back and cry about it how about that courage is a great show the episode I remember best is the one with the hamburger head sculpture also I'm still a bad person you're not a bad person bird unless of course we're talking about because you don't sponsor the stream then yes yes you are a bad person and that was a great episode I mean this is very different now [Music] there is a section F rocks are not accurate we've looked and there's no door there what if there is what if someone is hiding in there transmitting that signal huh chap you assemble a team and investigate I'm on it let's hope somebody hits a power line again so this safe can get corrupted too [Music] well the chub from the other side thanks for the schmeckel oh [ __ ] that why it didn't come up with that concept Fergus big Fergus came up with that we know it yeah I'll probably just shoot tears I don't think there's a way to filter anything in chats oh wait this is a different gun this is the diesel Kraftwerk instead of the laser waffle stomp that sounds shitty no we'd have to fire it at this we've made a mistake on the section F just looks like a little laundry room we looked for it when we first searched the u-boat after you captured it but we didn't see the entrance door and with all the things we are worrying about back then I suppose we didn't bother looking too closely document the engineering map of section F yeah this is for Ferguson I wish I never saved Wyatt okay I like I will say I like why it's gun more oh baby yeah I'm gonna take a piss real quick go ahead oh you're still talking about your phone oh no I'm talking about live chat I want to play please all right how do I play I just blew myself up I didn't know how to jump stomp on the great things I don't think he can hear me so closely document the engineering map of section F I'll report back as soon as I find it I accidentally kill myself well here you go have fun that was the goal there we go push through the closely struggled with finding the word for floor oh we got a new sponsor who is it up Jesus no it's nothing over there oh really the door of fate welcome aboard Riley appreciate it it seems you've done a great job ruining my reputation is one of the world's best gamers I'm the speed-running God now we're all caught up this is where we learned about little Hubert and then somebody had a power line and corrupted what a massive oversight how would you like never fear the the Nazis in your boat you know what I mean like I understand overlooking it but is everyone in this whole goddamn universe deaf you would definitely hear some commotion down here with this huge I would never feel to the cha I just busted that man's back with the ax this is where it cut out right man they're [ __ ] Duff they're starving deaf and dumb I'm going full-on primal mode here it auto-saves its if someone hits a power line again there's nothing I can really do about it I think I'll just call it quits on the game if if that happens again you want to just crash in your power line we'll see William I took a closer look at the stockpile of nuclear warheads in Section F according to the engineering map there's thousands of warheads in there that's hoping not to have been tampered with them how the [ __ ] would you not know you were on a nuclear sub like come on why can't I charge oh this doesn't go by charged okay I will say that's one advantage Ferguson had over this besides just being a better person overall at least this gun worked with charge like a [ __ ] remote-control car yeah I pick it up off the floor I see oops Caroline don't think I'm gonna shut up be Jeremy fuzz Amy with your grace let me to [ __ ] up somebody else just to us a game playing four hours of cutscenes the one I'm hearing is six hours in total four hours of cutscenes so they said four hours total it's my bad my bad yeah that's the one I'm hearing quite a few times well I guess we'll find out I'll beat the whole game today hell yeah good [ __ ] Austin yeah Godspeed to you radio room ahead find a way no I've gotta weigh in [Music] I'm too goddamn good mailing he's the best way of doing this the hatch it's just a one-shot kill no matter this situation this is clearly better than just shooting as long as I can can't well no I can cancel the animation sometimes but I just keep [ __ ] it up by really windy I mean really windy Florida it's really windy for anyone know at school working on a lego model that sounds like at least a fun project do you have a dog getting a dog soon Wow I already finished that level I [ __ ] blasted through it it's me Isaac Clark you wanna see pictures of her at four weeks go by Twitter she's the cutest thing in the world all they've known will name her Caroline in honor of the greatest Nazi Nazi fighting rebel leader we've ever known they've gone are they sending her body out in a nuke that'd be the coolest [ __ ] way to go Ally shooted it something come on that's what Caroline would want send her out in an ICBM named her Harold that's not a bad suggestion hey Charlie what is your favorite destroy rebuild until God shows song I remember you used to drugs I I used to I don't really remember any drug songs but there they were good no please I'm listening to white [ __ ] can I kill Wyatt myself please Burgas lost his [ __ ] arm and was fine why are you nothing but complaining I don't apologize okay good so you're going to eat that model boosts I'll see you around all that complaining just for headphones would you go see sad kiss I'll show my smack open his workshop that he knows as well as I do what our God he can't cure let's go exploring a little bit here I'm going back to Section F to hang out with the Nazis oh my god jackpot [ __ ] medieval suit of Nazi armor Oh No I thought there was a fight I was excited I love to throw backs welfare [ __ ] wait did you read yeah what the throwbacks no appreciate Euler friends welcome aboard no fish fake shall open great reference waiting for you friends looks like a year ago I thought we saw it last year oh Jesus what a mistake his experiment high score have I played Metro I have I loved Metro I didn't play last light though I downloaded it but I haven't played it I got it during the summer sale activate shooting ranges okay this guy's just on vacation no she is just on vacation where's set are you schmuck 'l is this cigarette has really just made herself at home she's already changed she's already put on an extra 20 pounds just getting rid of our rations my god she's really just cozy gone up in here oh well she didn't get to take her cake the ships not big enough for all of her cake where the [ __ ] is this where's Anya lots of side trip side missions [ __ ] I hate side missions they're always so meaningless seems so trivial hello she just said it why it's gonna lead us he asked who's going to lead us now and she said I don't think she said Wyatt I think maybe why it will yes that was her response hmm where is Anya Oh Frau Engel cool mother she is hello honey no please call me BJ Oh what what did you two doing here I know their exact location no I don't mind side-missions as long as they're well done but most of the time it's just so trivial go slap five rats from the bottom of the ship go sweep the surface and there'll be some bad guys there who gives a [ __ ] about those kind of side missions they're so [ __ ] boring they give you bad ass upgrades I don't think she has my nudes as I've never taken anything else he's pretending like me that's a nice picture looks very nice talk to Wyatt I don't take nudes that's why it's done what's going on no leave him alone I'll save the pig no I'd rather save this pig than Wyatt I can't do anything to help I don't feel like Jesus what's happening [Music] oh it sounds good oh that's the worst note ever strawberry scratch scratch instead what the [ __ ] yummy no I swear I wasn't looking the strawberries again chief what is the schmeckel percentage introduce ourselves face-to-face I can handle it what don't talk down to me Wyatt you're looking strawberry stamps you [ __ ] freak I think we have a stack of printer paper in the closet if you'd like to eat that yeah I didn't know why it was this big of a [ __ ] bring as many bodies back as you can we're gonna need a lot of lot of food hi Charlie and Tiana shoots me again I promised a friend that I dress as a princess for Halloween this year what do you two plan to be I want a sexy nun with Andrew on Friday - happy hour John and I have Care Bear costumes though for any other situations that may arise before people take that seriously I'll have to blow that one up - aren't always - off my mo no that didn't work I'm gonna go back and refuel him going to the bar with my friend John wick tonight and he keeps insisting on bringing pencils weird right that's so that's all about I don't know but he's a good man you're lucky a lucky boy oh here we go see what the [ __ ] what am I not how do I open this okay well I guess I just missed with the grenade I'm not going to bother refueling this game's easy enough well maybe if you sponsor the stream like a good person would I consider it that's a joke Ricardo you don't have to sponsor this dream but I do plan on playing that at some point yep you mean the Nazi search party that is also deaf I'm not too afraid manière it's really [ __ ] dumb which way am I supposed to go so oh Jesus Ricardo now I feel the head Oh welcome aboard appreciate this spot city I'm stuck can I fixed it you've dumb friends the door of fate shall open I've been waiting for you friends why can't I find the marker and I do I plan on playing it don't know when but eventually I have it hi Charlie Chiana it's me again amazing costumes how adorable I'm not going anywhere in my costume my bearded princess can scar kins so why are you dressing up it's not about scaring kids it's about getting laid oh Jesus you got stuck there I mean I'm sure me again to get laid by you who tried yeah oh Jesus sometimes they get soup well my girlfriend I like that that's a man who understands the finer things in life I don't know why I'm doing a pistol only run but I've had enough of it now oh boy reload that got me good Flynn you should definitely go as dad 76 he went with that to the comic-con yeah she pulled the basketball the mug was pretty solid good work that 100% got picked up on stream there's no doubt in my mind you [ __ ] your pants I have absolutely no doubt store the costume just in case I need it that sounds like a plan I'm looking forward to hearing and seeing that please don't spam the cow man the Tiana's [ __ ] her pants that disrespects cow man and everything I stood for I don't think even God himself predicted it'd be like that you proud of yourself stewing in your own filth now confirmed fart on stream you rewind it and see if you hear it it was like a thunderous boom here I'm sure our neighbors probably heard it I'm blasting through this game right now the lightning quickness that's what they call me the lightning quickness are you listening oh Jesus they couldn't hear it over the shooting I guess you have to [ __ ] your pants again maybe with headphones on you can hear it what is my sensitivity up the default oh this is oh this is nice I like this give me that throwing hatchet Oh goddamnit waste of time that was I just went all the way back nothing down here can I jump over this oh [ __ ] yeah I can baby this is where I'm supposed to be on hell yeah feral dog oh Jesus God well the dogs are in body armor they're adapting where my testicles summer that's a Rick and Morty reference for all the high-iq viewers out there [ __ ] this was the wrong way what do I care about my family it's very cute make sure I saw probably some type of flat surface I just looked I saw it I'm focusing on stopping the Nazi invasion but if I don't no one else will that will definitely do it yeah Oh God Jesus the atomic head but don't we were the [ __ ] Goldberg Schneider erotic dream about widow-makers but oh and boom bubbles took the day off from work hella good day all-in-all how was your day guys it was pretty solid really haven't done much that sounds like did you take a day off because of the Widowmaker what dream or is that unrelated it's probably not a good reason to miss work that doesn't sound like a healthy reason and his work [ __ ] I keep forgetting about doki-doki literature Club that's like the third or fourth time someone's brought it up I don't know but it sounds interesting that's a game why would I play how would I even play in anime I don't [ __ ] played sorry baby boy boy who is also a baby Pope Jesus sorry have fun be careful see if there's some way to power up this old train you sure yeah be nice thank you be careful [Music] hey trainees got power let's find the controls and see even move I got an upgrade kit what should I upgrade what do I use the most this is my favorite weapon I think this is a really good one hmm that doesn't sound very nice I'll do this but I don't use it a lot what else do I have I use this a lot yeah okay sneak through a hostile area yeah I'm definitely I can be doing any sneaking here and defeats the purpose been using this quite a bit upgrade the anime it's definitely not a bad idea I can fire full-auto stealthily that is true what did I miss Jake oh you timeout [ __ ] on the floor yeah no I don't need it and your games pretty easy I can't decide shoutouts to bound for greatness his mom now your mom has to sponsor the stream and then contact me on the phone so I know she did it yes charities I was so turned on from that dream I had to call out no it was completely unrelated just wanted to share and [ __ ] work that makes sense I'm glad you didn't take a day off because you were too horny let's get after it well I went the wrong way that'll do it there we go now I'm in it to win it I kind of regret not getting the suppressor that could be kind of fun just full auto stealth mode there really is not a whole lot of gameplay between cutscenes Jesus six hours long with four hours of cutscenes actually seems about right but your streams always help to cheer me up appreciate the kind words Dave sorry to hear your week's not been going well hope next week is better for you touchdown who's going he's losing his [ __ ] mind if only I had the suppressor on they wouldn't have even heard that oops didn't mean to throw that where is it hurt us one shot one kill look at killed itself bid new is going up against the BJ oh [ __ ] New York City wanted to go there just you and me test the old man sounds good no I'm good that was easy not really I'm just blasting through the game right now oh maybe not I think I have to kill this thing there was a diesel [ __ ] stain in one of the buildings oh wow I can dual wield with the diesel waffle am I supposed to kill that thing or not I can't tell if I'm supposed to kill it or not oops it doesn't say anything about killing it I probably just have to go upstairs we'll get another upgrade kit though okay let's throw on the [ __ ] yeah let's throw it on that is this is the gun it's alright welcome back probably I mean he could just google it I think he was making a joke to have an unbiased about what we got it okay that was easy all right good [ __ ] oh it's still alive stop [ __ ] complaining I know I did I killed it you're always finding out that you have to spawn to the stream now that was part of the contract do I get up there how the [ __ ] where's the entrance up here the strings to two of your pairs of shorts came out I'm not gonna lose sleep over that that's fine that's fine how the [ __ ] do I get up there I don't I don't understand cuz there's a dog upstairs it is a robot dog I see this on an old man's dick depends on the man if he sponsors this dream probably find a way to reach the top of the state dog didn't even hear it with the internal suppressor how can they even hear me or see me they can't hear me come on you can't see what you can't hear oh boy now give me the armor close call hey Charlie love your videos keep up the great work you the man appreciate that Brian thanks for the kind words go spiral that takes a lot of time and patience with the strings back in the shorts I think I'm like halfway through the game right now oh I saw this in the trailers Jesus man's logic sucks no goddamn Nazi dad you bring some fish back in and you put him down it's super squash I got precious little time for your [ __ ] we've been trying to make contact with your group we're organizing for a revolution in America we the kreisau circle especially at this [ __ ] side especially I thought it was super splash it's a dangerous game to be playing oh yeah he's a good guy oh yeah but isn't he supposed to be trying to tell them aliens now oh wow that baby really looks like it's crying right time is 10 to 18 hours with cuss scenes playtime will very heavily with side-missions or not that's a good point side-missions I don't know if most people took those into account I don't know how many I'm gonna do it depends on if they're actually good side missions I'll do a couple if they all seem the same trivial [ __ ] and they probably won't do very many do you mind if I breastfeed that baby myself my breasts have been swollen with all of this excess milk with no babies to suckle on them can you pass the baby to me please he was wearing a shirt there was a couple of sizes too big now memories my she was crawling to get to him and a half of our body was oh no you're smoking right in front of the baby that's good for it when you know you losing everything you love what are you thinking in a moment like that huh luckily she has more cigarettes to smoke right next to the baby rest on all snug and warm and cozy and comfortable and the little wrinkly wrapper [ __ ] skin what's not a mystery is the sweet juice what sorry what are you sorry for found us well you got an escape strategy mr. paspalis oh yeah we under need immediate evac especially has one in costume for immediate extraction copy move your people the roof off stall the Nazis until our rides here let's get the [ __ ] out of here make sure somebody's breastfeeding that baby at all times why give that baby a cigarette well let's get after it I have a silencer they'll never hear me hope that was a bad call somebody come down here and breastfeed me sneak attack come here you can't even hear me my bullets are so quiet he doesn't even know who's shooting him excuse me I have to inspect this [ __ ] you're not allowed to shoot somebody who's inspecting I'm out of ammo I've got the ultimate strategy one Nazis could never hope to beat oh boy oh you just with the bad bounce I mean I can but I just don't have a whole lot of ammo pistol only well actually got them where's the gun where is it there it is that'll be fine now I picked up all the em of they had [ __ ] oh I stopped them well somebody's helping me from outside got ye olde eye in the sky breastfeed ermichine over watch boys out on my side or no yeah it is yeah I picked up all the ammo good work Wyatt engage operation breast feed I'm coming actually hold on I'm sure there's like an upgrade kit or something in here somewhere I'm coming Oh what did I do wrong here yeah that's where I'm supposed to go that that's where I'm supposed to go jump on board I did that what am I doing wrong yeah now get a good running start hold on a second I'm taking the long way for extra increase in speed it's just more [ __ ] to be picked up but I need to gather the speed I don't want to drop the gun I don't want to I'm taking it with me Oh at least let me use all the luck taking heavy fire I'm coming oh it was easy stop playing with its nose and pop out a titty for it breast feed made up packed up and giving in I guess they don't have the fighting spirit no more nah they just do whatever the [ __ ] Fuhrer tells them to do that's baloney fight the Nazis just as much as we do it's the Nazi regime babe Hitler have you heard of world war two he was the main antagonist in that season the anime was nuts but some say the manga was better about the turns ever only one viewer been focused on the grass and his name is Adolf maybe the American people grew comfortable living under tyranny maybe the Nazis will still be running the show after I kicked the bucket sister grace always right brother I learned that the hard way you take freedom away from the American people you're playing with fire and I intend to pour some gasoline people gotta know they'll have to take this [ __ ] no more nothing else that's what I'm gonna do you want to strike fear in the Nazis no I want to brush those dopes transition [Music] appreciate that tre thanks for the kind words Otis super splash question what do you mean question it why we're all on the same side he's hi that's the point he's a drug addict just killing Nazis make you moist I bet it's does new sexy bastard of course nice little soundtrack here what is 14 unread tutorials alright see what haven't I learned basic movement yeah I haven't mastered that yet enigma codes I don't have the Enigma code machine yet so that's useless vomitus you they hell yeah chuckles god that'd be miserable have thinking of having to ration toilet paper only three cubes per wipe what is this everyone needs to get an Edgar on in their lives a man who will send you were three years Arizona toothpaste and a cardboard Mari Archie that's so sweet the romance between Edgar and Aaron is amazing I [ __ ] love it how do I get to section F again you see the new house damn it move oh I'm stuck oh well I'd gear an errand went through the podcast goddamnit I just did the same thing again trying to speed run cuz it's faster yeah not when you died toys yeah [ __ ] that we'll definitely put a damper on my overall time god no so much slower what's up [ __ ] boy [Music] Gracie Reid go on fishing for that nuclear warhead now okay keep me posted oh I'll have his pistols now what happen to my good [ __ ] yeah now we're cooking yeah that's what I wanted how do I change the other gun yeah you can so how can you just suddenly walk this is that suit yeah it's the whole point of the suit to [ __ ] am I supposed to go oh I'm supposed to go up that'll do it there's a weapon we're supplying single-ply toilet paper at my office how do I handle this situation yeah I'd bring your own or complain to HR or something that's just downright disrespectful how did you endure it so gracefully it's fed it's so tight I struggle to breathe get inside Caroline you left the vacuum do great to fill let your suit then the cause is all I keeps me upright and now he's a so poetic our boys are lorry it boggles me like how the woman knew he loves and is carrying his children is less important to him than Caroline well I mean the suit lets him walk and be kind of important plus Anya hasn't done anything just sits in there playing with toys looking at the engineering there seems to be a defense system guarding the nuclear warheads stockpiled hibernation sarcophagi in the vicinity be ready for anything Gray's out fancy [ __ ] needs a light in here well this is right in the middle how did I gotta pee you can play I'm pushing it it's not I don't have my don't think but now I'm dead so fancy [ __ ] need some light in here Oh God oh my god they're two of oh man I don't even know what I'm doing right now how do I switch guns I don't have any ammo well I don't I don't even know how to mail a mailing would have helped against that going up against Tony Stark prototypes no it's done need some light in here well I tell ya this is how a real man does it it's a standard gamer controls bed mouse wheel duh hope Jesus there's more I was busy trying to collect - easy you still copy this is the conclusion I've reached whatever has stuck oh no she'll be rearing our babies alone it's my burden up there until it's hers what would you giggle at no you still copy what you have arranged whatever happens that means bones over here and our babies alone it's my burden up there need some [ __ ] help hopefully nobody shoots these easy no [ __ ] no I want the laser no and it's not a laser it's a flamethrower oh well there's more ammo for the flamethrower I guess I'll take this it's not as good so here's what I'll do keep away from her let nothing show Caroline this dime is making me alot her what I'm just talking about he's talking about Anya whatever having to take care of their kids alone well no I get that I don't get that line let nothing show Caroline dying's making him a liar I don't get that nothing show Caroline Turner show I don't even know why I'm bothering to shoot that thing it's useless [Music] oh I know I said thanks Trevor damnit I didn't mean to use that gun this way still hold much ammo there give me the hard hat I don't want the newspaper oh boy hold on I'm switching guns you have to wait it's part of the rules thank you Oh God I'm out of ammo no [ __ ] blew myself up is the game any good it's alright it's not bad [Music] having beaten the gate then how would I have an answer to that very possible what the [ __ ] killed me I have no [ __ ] ammo for anything Oh God fire extinguishers oh look at those quick reflexes Jesus is a ton there we go that was this unfortunate placement the one HP dream nope I really should explore the ship [Music] ooop do that stupid [ __ ] drone that i tried to spare blew up and killed me almost there we go easy and that's probably the end of the level called it another short [ __ ] River okay but it is a shekel Nazi killing fever friend this you need to rest before you die go to grace she's at the hell you know let's refill my numbers or my this the thing that'll refill my ammo is this Momo here the vendor what are you doing around here fill up my ammo in the sky that sucks hate modern pop music hey Anya alright that I'm leaving oh the pigs alive [ __ ] yeah we did it I saved you okay let's feed her let's do a little side mission here yeah I can't I think every grenade well here has food for the pig not really that's cute scrunch your fold folder how do I feed the pig I don't know but it won't let me choose the side mission it's a it's a mission baby you're supposed to feed the pig just got to find the food and I tried to put on the the side mission to the marker but it wouldn't let me got a lot of collectibles in here I don't want to talk to grace I don't want to start the main mission yet the cantina room okay well I need to find the armory too so I got a lot of exploring to do I'm finding a fuckload of collectibles though I can't stand here great will I meet her this moistness probably too early to say what I'd give it here we go to the cantina room okay what there's no food here yeah but there's nothing in the hallway except for this ladder in these things there's not I just went over there can't open that room hello Anna hello Angela hello KD Kevin Durant club Krishna oh I got I got potatoes for the pig Rose is gonna be eating good tonight what were you asking yeah I still need to find that [ __ ] Armory talk to me another please Francine it's a smart voice what do you think oil boiler no but I might be able to get out of bounds up here but I'm not gonna bother more collectibles hell yeah this ship is really [ __ ] big well this is one I don't really care about family like the notes that are about the main characters or story I know I'm just looking around I didn't find the armrest I can't open it this is the main area isn't the main floor see what we got the helm I remember what the pig is I'm just looking for the armory can you I should have done the I'm not gonna go back for it but that's something I should have done hello I was on drew more [ __ ] collectibles baby from sets lab okay well then let me get let me go to the pig first Rose it was this way no wrong way [ __ ] Rosa Rosa make noise for me honk for a squeal for me yep it's this way wasn't it god damn it this is labyrinthian other it is pig room hey Rosa beside quest complete what reward do you have them look for me Rosa be sad just pig [ __ ] great my favorite in PC do you remember where the firing range was because I've forgotten all right that's not very helpful go into the firing range earlier ammo Depot found it nope I've done this before because I remember getting this there we go it's the only way in here got an upgrade kit what's this this is the firing range see ya why is this guy invincible that'll teach him I'm getting upgraded kids yeah yeah fundamentally I am just wasting my ammo I think that's enough of that I'll at least finish running the course I can't leave okay here comes the world record time Jesus that dog was strong is that it nope there's still a lot more welcome aboard Newt you're witnessing the ultimate firing range champion here wow this is a long course you've come friends the door I've been waiting for you friends we really appreciate the sponsor Newt is that still not the end of it one really that's all it definitely seemed like it'd be a lot longer can you just get all sorts family it's only one kind the other kind is at the other end so over here it's the other ammo there all right let's start main mission I already did one big side mission I fed Rosa considered one of the best side missions in the game hello Anya I'm sorry I've been neglecting you yes I have I don't want to talk about it I've been breastfeeding how am I gonna get close to you I don't care I'll figure something out we always do this guy's just a dick don't [ __ ] die if you keep this up I'll shoot myself right now on you now the Haas to helicopter is spinning up in the hangar and it'll get you as far as Galveston but from there baby you'll have to improvise really going at it dying my boss blaskowitz head on up to the hangar and make sure that house 1 is mission ready alright I'll be in there for you not rare not Marquez that's too much to bear don't give up William because I will never ever give up on you we'll see about that on you I'll put that to the test you smell and then I'll breastfeed you I'll take it off I'm afraid I'll fall apart pieces won't fit back together again I just gotta keep going for as long as I can well Caroline thought [ __ ] up and told her Dan turns out I heard I tried this pair was mine got a lot of phlegm in my throat tearing up yeah cutscenes are making me tear up a little bit Rosa needs feeding refuel the chopper and refuel Rosa affirmative Rosa yeah where's the [ __ ] chopper how about that no there it is more fortnight I'm placing more fortnight eventually how do I get up there that was easy hey there how a moist could have moist moist moist moist good moist moist moist question that's plagued mankind since the invention of dampness I don't have a good answer for you I really don't looking good all right let's refuel this [ __ ] Oh was I gonna need more diesel what do you mean so a full diesel you keep going back and forth and bagging boys gameplay babe you wouldn't understand I hope I have to do this at least four or five more times choppers fat and sassy I'll do it one more time for good measure I'll hurt my [ __ ] missed Hey hello I'm going to see grace yeah I didn't hey grace all set helicopters good to go thanks man I think it's time we had a gathering enter and pass it through the gates to attain to the 32 pans this is why I saved Wyatt Jesus max I can see you there look max I'm doing something like really heavy reading here and your little toy robot is just not compatible with that type of soldier man ok look this is just way too complicated for you why don't you go play with your pig or something you see I'm trying to find the reference to these gates here and he just would not understand max max this is really advanced philosophical literature here ok you can't just start pointing and the day was saved thanks to max alright y'all we got some Hell to raise you got a boat full of news about to take a break here to go eat dinner but I'm gonna probably finish the game after dinner so around like eight o'clock which is two hours from now two and a half hours from now two and a half hours we'll probably start streaming again to finish really want to finish the game today hell yeah area 51 baby I miss city of heroes more than anyone can understand I miss City of Heroes so goddamn much yeah so what she's an odd seein her but we had 400 of them in the walls big deal existed 4,000 years long before America got subjugated by the it contained technology related to anti-gravity research something that could easily turn the tide we gave the US government taxes to it unfortunately was too late America fell not sit well with specially he had his bed on space aliens he wants to ship the crash back there in 47 what do you want with this place yeah baby let's roll those Big Shot jerks what in the Nazi war machine hangout yeah well the Nazis moved it into your safe keep set so whatever it is is so important that the whole upper echelon of the Nazi leadership left Berlin and set up shop so we need to go to Roswell and breastfeed them looks like a [ __ ] fire extinguisher what kind of nuclear bomb is that ah thank you it's great I'll take that oxygen tank and do my best with it there you will catch a ride to Roswell rendezvous was super special at Papa Joe's all-american diner and plant the nuke inside the very heart of the Oberkommando then he blow that [ __ ] the [ __ ] up you may think that's a hat but it's actually a portable microwave machine oh my god I'm in control of a fire extinguisher of a nuclear bomb yeah they have the KKK out here shit's bad out here but then there's pretzels and then you have to think you know what maybe it is time for a pretzel then you have this mindless zombie here can I even break cover if I wanted to I can't just fight everyone out here I'd be nice if I could oh it's the wheel machines time is it five forty I'm gonna play a little bit more we have time it's not fun I would like to breastfeeds does this frappe come in breastfeeding flavor look at you people celebrating your own destruction I'm vibrating you lost your spot and your wife pal okay I can't do anything here Papa Joe don't mind the fire extinguisher but he has no idea you bring in a day I'm atom bomb on such a good prank let's YouTube prank them it's not a fire extinguisher [ __ ] it's a bomb you one strawberry milkshake please would you like to eat my fire extinguisher no you know that's not me over there on the wanted poster I am a fireman or on the TV I'm not there either are you sure you want the papers I have a fire extinguisher right here can I have a sip of that milkshake ice cream and strawberry you dumb [ __ ] good work man thanks man right out of station six what is the location of station six familiar with this station are you interrogating me right now [ __ ] boy I don't know he's trying to haze me for sig up here you are going to be the first one I spank That's not me no it's not no I hit him with a fire extinguisher oh man blew his [ __ ] head off inside of his house yeah we do have Co all the robots doing it babe well I'll wait for him to clean up the blood what the [ __ ] is the purpose of the Burger Joe robot just to pick up hats yes Jesus babe what is your rush they're not coming in and I welcome it I have a atom bomb in my hand what are you aiming at me for super special why don't you whip up on a strawberry milkshake for me I'm gonna explore a little bit kind of displaced his eyeball there a little bit I mean there's clearly no rush see they didn't hear anything milkshakes there's nothing saying you couldn't be wearing a mask made you look like William J Blass wish to hide your alien space lizard facial traits so I mean the password a grace gave you breast feeding me one right off with a mask show me your lizard face [ __ ] super special Oh your weapon for I break your arm and put your lights out right Millennials who said Wolfenstein was promoting violence on right-wing people the franchise has always been about Nazis oh I heard about that controversy it's a sad day in the world when a game about killing Nazis is considered controversial oh good we're gonna need that all the lizard people out there that's my favorite part actually no thank you strawberry milkshake from the goddamn FBI pigs dropped up against her maybe one night Papa heard something on the police frequency and he brought me up north to move his ranch oh we found this flying saucer-like thing crashed in the ground and once you know it the u.s. [ __ ] military swooped in and quarantined off the entire Peru it was some kind of [ __ ] story about a wound I really hope there's a hard alien presence in this game hurry up before they come for their goddamn milk cheese chicks are just too goddamn good seems like that was the case we were on the clock there so you reckon what you saw was a spaceship oh I'm not saying it's a flying saucer from outer space but clearly extraterrestrial in origin if you catch my drift mm-hmm from the sewers ten klicks east of Roswell Applied bottomless lakes area 52 but our government captured an alien flying saucer and they stored the salvage bodies and technology in an underground vault the military pigs even the god damn king president pay himself area 52 51 over here I can't accomplish and it's connected by underground train tunnels Nazi aliens Jesus Christ I knew this day would come show me a picture of an alien god damn it after this cutscene and video eat dinner and then come back and like an hour and a half two hours to finish the game so good all your sponsors in quick-thinking for killing the Jews he's a piece of [ __ ] for not finishing your job I hope it's space alien you saying it then good I got a nuke this year virus - mm-hmm okay cool it I did not mean to rile you I'm on your side no way into the Oberkommando you get me in there I will use this new to blow the top brass of the Nazi leadership to smithereens yes of course that sounds so good we may defeat the Nazis but what do we do about the aliens this goes right to area 52 cargo train loading depot all right briefcase it's a fire extinguisher backpack I could think of no one better to help me out than this man a frosty Blastoise will do I'll stay lactating breast feeding the Nazis one Nazi at a time let me manually save I'm gonna go eat dinner okay let's make sure that saves I'm gonna do it again just actually no not it's fun one's good enough alright everyone thanks for tuning in I'm gonna pick this up in like two hours after I eat and I'll finish the game later on tonight thanks for tuning in everyone to everyone who donated a massive thank you really appreciate it to all the new sponsors welcome aboard enjoy the custom emotes in the badge yeah take it yeah take it easy everyone stay breastfeeding
Channel: Cr1TiKaL Full Streams - Random Videos
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Keywords: Cr1TiKaL, penguinz0, youtube, youtube gaming, livestream, live stream, charlie, theofficialpodcast, kaya, kayaorsan, moist meter, jackson, andrew, huggbees, zealotonpc, critikal, cr1tikal, critical, cr1tikal livestream, Tiana, cr1tikals girlfriend, girlfriend, steam, game, video game, monster, stream, critikal livestream, critical livestream, streaming, Speedrun, critikal live stream, Hearthstone, Blizzard, Yogg, Overwatch, h3h3, Runescape, full stream, Monkey Nuts, Playerunknown's Battlegrounds, PUBG, Fortnite
Id: 2wO-mQYNSTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 214min 53sec (12893 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2017
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