Heaven Is Waiting (2011) | Full Movie | Curt Doussett | Kirby Heyborne | Michelle Money

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[Music] [Music] [Music] stay [Music] it seems like yesterday it's been three years to the day it's time for you to move ahead with what your young handsome available if I were single I'd go for you in a heartbeat fact I did I was a long time ago things have changed I've changed Ned I know you're trying to ignore the situation just tired of women making overtures right they must be desperate to go for an old guy like me you're 43 yeah but after 40 all the decades run together what about Brenda Schofield oh you're kidding right she's cute the only thing we have in common is that we're both mammals only walk upright besides she reminds me of my great aunt violet well I think she's nice you know you never met my granddad violet you're scared spending the rest of your life alone what about your jogging partner Carroll Holly sounds like something to sing at Christmas time besides the woman's too forward I mean I don't mind somebody who's honest but she's pretty sort of very well she's not my type I think you like her this is fun Oh Kate don't do this not here not today not now I'm I'm happy with the way I am liar look if you're not gonna be honest then I'm not gonna talk to you fine don't talk to me thank you from the flowers they didn't have your favorites so I got you these instead [Music] Ned and I live with our daughter Liz in the quiet town of Midway come on buddy it's crisp and brilliantly white in the winter breezy and brightly colored in the spring warm and yellow in the summer but my favorite time of year is the cool and vibrant fall when the earth changes its colors I met Ned in the third grade we passed love notes back and forth under the watchful eye of mrs. Reese I saved every one of them and there were junior high dances long walks home after school high school proms we married while in college Liz came along a year later Nets career took us to California he retired early and we settled here in Midway a beautiful little town for a beautiful little family history says the town got its name because it was midway between two settlements people here say it's because it's Midway to heaven [Music] right you are now qualified [Music] we mr. Stephens Scottie working are yes sir saving up from my own bike yeah that one's kind of embarrassing anyway yeah it's my little sister's hey you want to earn some extra money sure how about mowing my lawn on Saturdays sounds great 20 bucks how about 30 are you saving up for college yet no I'm just a kid tell you what I'll give you a 35 if 10 of that goes into a college fund how's that sound awesome sounds great right man thanks mr. Stevens porch okay [Music] [Music] now if your morning run hey Ned hey girl looks like you made it a little farther up the hill today yeah well for my buddy how are you oh great just been enjoying the beautiful Midway sunsets cuddled up with a good book some dark chocolate yeah me too that's that's what I've been doing and catching up on my reading except for the chocolate part and cuddling stuff so do you have a list or do you choose as you go over lists maybe we should sometime yeah I can bring mine over on a tray with a casserole let me know it's cute how was your run it was good the usual make it to the top one of these days bump into Carol I think she's smart funny blunt you seem worried worried just worried I'm not worried well I like her he would please hey daddy's sorry to call so early but you can have already gone out of my morning jog yeah I tried that one time I didn't like it are you coming home tomorrow after a couple of tests I just don't know what time they are no organization never was your forte was it I look like a mess right now I should have never cut my hair so short would it be okay if if I brought a friend home with me um I was hoping that we could just spend some time please yeah sure again that's fine well I'll see you at 5:30 6:00 6:00 yeah which means sevenish at the earliest dish I know I'll see you at 6:00 yeah okay I love you and you are my idol my icon the symbol of all yeah not to mention the sole source of all your income especially that goodbye did you really pull another all-nighter yes I brought you some nutrition look at it it's like a bowl full of vitamins so did you ask your dad about bringing a friend home yep you're sure he's okay with it yep well today maybe you should think about I don't know taking a shower clean up a little bit no one hurt you to study [Music] you know dad my friends sorry uh dad misses oh this is this is my friends come on this is my friend David Markham and this is my dad it's a pleasure to meet you sir that view that is amazing yeah dad and I like to sit out on the deck it's always cool up there at night it's exciting you must love it here yeah it's been comfortable hey you guys I made some dinner reservations but they're not for a few more minutes you want to sit down and let's talk so um David yes it's David were you from Greenwich Connecticut do you know the Mitchells I went to high school with the Melissa Mitchell yeah that's their little girl yeah do you know the parents David's actually a senior he's gonna be graduating this spring really what do you studying I've got a double major in history and philosophy oh that's too bad I'm gonna be able to find a job with that Dad digger is actually planning on going to medical school is that right yes I'm thinking about being a pediatrician you know for the kids he's actually going to Yale and Harvard and Johns Hopkins we're after him oh stop so where'd you say we're having dinner I didn't wisdom I come here all the time yeah everything on the menu is amazing that looks good and it's on me well thank you mr. Stevens call me Ned I will Ned welcome to the snake Creek Grill can I get you something to drink um just waters all around be great thank you okay how long have you guys lived in Midway um since I was 10 when mom was diagnosed with cancer dad sold his business to take care of her I came up here and he built her her dream home she loved it so what business were you in consulting restructuring businesses most dad's being modest he helps tons of businesses even wrote a bunch of bugs oh no way I'd love to read one yeah have you had a chance to decide yeah may I have the blackened chicken salad this salmon looks yummy um I'll have the pork okay thank you so I finished that marathon and just said I gotta start training for the next because I wanted to improve my time and what was your time well for me it's not about time but I did qualify for Boston so it is about time well not really it's more about the enjoyment so what is your dad do oh it's hard to say he's kind of got a lot of irons in the fire what do you like to do everything that's my problem a jack-of-all-trades type of thing a master of none huh no he does everything well no she exaggerates but you probably know that about her yeah and we're dad no really I mean he was a sports star in high school choir newspaper staff debate team he even was a counselor at a Christian youth camp choir Alto soprano no I was a tenor realize I'm a boy so as he moved here when you were 10 you said yeah um when we moved here mom was she was pretty sick you know she's going through chemo and radiation treatment must have been really difficult for you yeah yeah she wouldn't remission a couple of times but you can see what was happening to her just didn't want to accept it especially I mean I was I was a teenager I named my mom I remember the night of my junior prom she was so excited can we talk about something no no I I want to tell David we picked out we picked out this gorgeous dress and on the night of the dance all she wanted to do is to see me with my dates she couldn't get out of bed I never made it to the dance chuttan last very much longer after that excuse me are you okay yeah I just need a minute that's all why does Liz have to tell him all about her personal life she likes him I can see that I can also see right through him what come on Kate this kid's too perfect I mean he's too good to be true no he's got it together I'm sure he does star athlete debate team pediatrician his wait till some kid picks on his perfect little shoes I don't see the problem it's all this pretending to be humble I mean he he's kind of down to an art form I think he's the real thing oh come on Kate this kid is slick he is he's so slick but he won't tell me what his father does for a living he's been a evasive he's like one of those guys that when you you see him you know right away that he saw the storm last night too huh Wow Hey take care of yourself no better nope all right you guys good night Liz I want you in the guest room next to my room David there's a storage room downstairs in the bait I'm kidding there's a bedroom down in the basement well it's still early I think we're gonna go downstairs and watch a movie uh all right well just uh don't save too late okay okay no problem what do you think's going on down there you think we should go check yeah yeah this is Ned Stevens look I know it's late but I've got kind of a situation going on over here Gilbert Markham you have a son named David what's the emergency Ned their son David is dating my daughter Liz and I'm just not too sure about the guy this is a prank phone call he seems like one of those kids who's you know pure as the driven snow and then he turns out to be okay if I thought I could get him to date my Abby I'd I'd fight you okay well thanks I appreciate it has anyone talked to you about the grieving process I'm fine good night What's Up dad what are you doing just trying to get this speaker to work where's David he's downstairs I was surprised for you I cannot handle any more sometimes so my dad just give me five minutes five minutes five minutes what is this I sort of signed you up on a dating website sort of did you have to pay for this oh you did okay before you freak out you promised me five minutes there's no the woman who checked you out checked me out what am i a library book um totally awesome Oh sixty-eight years old oh that is an old picture yeah tiger kitten she's cute kiss-kiss yes okay jellow hello I like her next what too much love to give Oh step away from the cake yeah moving on when hot jogger you set me up didn't you you like this one I'm not going out with Carol Holly you know her he does will you mind your own business dad sorry how well do you know her they're jogging buddies please be quiet I think I had a nerve you did not hit a nerve well do you know where she lives about three blocks from here does she have cats no I don't know no no perfect no we jog on the same trail that's sad she is gorgeous I mean athletic periodization five minutes are up I just think it's time you thought about dating again I date a ton right now so this was your big surprise one hot jogger okay well at least she didn't come out here to tell me that you were marrying baby David whatever Hey look why don't you go grab David and we'll head into town grab some food for dinner I think you're in study study who are you and what have you done with my daughter dad no just come on you guys take a break let's go okay she is one hot jogger she's smart and educated okay I know okay all right here's what I'm thinking grab a couple of steaks take them back we'll stick them on the grill that's some of my sauce grabs potatoes boom look what David doesn't eat red meat no really I do a little sometimes this medical or mental no you know we just threw a chicken breast on with the sticks I'd be in heaven what guy doesn't love a big fat steak you know practically raw with the juices dripping off hey you know what we could do sometimes on Sundays my mom gets a turkey puts it in Windows plastic bag super easy comes out nice and moist oh she has this recipe for stuffing that is so delicious we actually say prayer after we eat it Wow dad doesn't that sound like a good idea I mean this night is so much better for you and it's got stuffing sounds awesome yeah we can make sandwiches with the leftovers okay so start grab a big turkey are you sure yeah we'll just find the fattest turkey here you know and stuff it dad I'm sorry dude did we hurt your feelings no you know what men's meets another man's poison right look we'll just find a big fat turkey we'll bag it roast it stuff it and then we'll fall down on our knees and prays again don't worry about him he gets like this sometimes let's just call your mom and see what we need for stuffing okay that was a verbal tantrum you just threw all because they wanted a turkey instead of a bunch of five pounds surly are you talking about I got a turkey didn't I I'm saying I like David the more I see more can we give him the chance Dudley do-right prays before and after his fuels he loves her well who wouldn't I mean that's not an accomplishment what I want to see is a sign that this guy's normal you know what are you looking at nothing oh hey Ned my mom's on the phone she wants to say hi [Music] hi yep yep she's she's beautiful we can use the pie filling for cakes for pancakes funnel cakes there's all kinds of things I mean uses pasta I'm excited actually Ned I think you've really talked yourself you're right I behaved miserably in fact you know what I'm gonna make it up to him oh really yep I'm gonna buy a humility boy Oh one way to get back to Connecticut and he can take his stupid stuffed turkey with them and the viability stuffed with pie filling that's right hello Carolyn ed here yeah um I was wondering if you wanted to eat together and start up book club by any chance made the first person you called actually you were the last person on my list I just happened to pick it up upside down cute so tell me now do you like me I like you do you like me what aren't we in the third grade but I'm pushing 40 in case you're wondering and I'm done with subtlety and indirectness that's cool married to his former secretary I'm sorry am i giving you too much information no no no it's fine roller coaster so if I tend to get to the chase you can understand why no I hate those things me too look can we start over yeah hi Carol lemon I was wondering if you'd like to get together sometime you mean like a date yeah you know just get together nothing serious you know I really that's fair um how about one date no strings attached they can do that right dinner it'll be just dinner I think I'd like to have some time too sounds great so six-issue but I really did have my heart set on a book club I'm sure you didn't all right well we'll see you bye [Music] hey good morning do you know what's have it is yeah it's no no do you realize what time it is well I just thought I'd get the turkey in before we went to church David churchism for hours yeah well I started get a head start David do you feel like you have to be perfect all the time I mean don't you ever wonder we don't know human yeah I know what you're saying I know the impression that I gave but I got my share of problems really name one name one thing that you're struggling with one thing that you can't do better than everybody else I'm forgetful mr. Stevens I told you to call me that there you go then please okay um I can't whistle come on no really I can't I just can't wrap my head around it I can make the shape and no sound comes out well a little bit of air but there's no tune David okay fine I'm self-centered and I'm prideful I'd dwell on my weaknesses and then I try to fix them and for some reason that bothers people you're not alone there's a lot of people that don't like me look I did say I didn't like you okay you want never mind me I'm cranky in the morning sorry man yeah it's okay hey um you know what I really think that we can get to be good friends if we got to know each other a little better um Ned I love your daughter yeah oh yeah you know what you know what you're thinking right now it's not a very good thought so don't don't don't think it don't let it come out of here head keep it in your head because what you're thinking is it's not girl look David she's she's too young okay maybe nobody maybe you shouldn't don't okay we I can't no way dad what are you doing in here I live here let's go for a drive okay well let me just make sure David everything needs isn't working like a mania yeah [Music] I am steady-state so what really happened back at the house well David and I got into a bit of an argument an argument well he didn't argue I did he told me that he loved you and before he could say anything else I told him to stop this how serious is this thing getting would I really like him that doesn't answer my question he first told me why this is such a big deal well because top chef' back there just told me that he wanted to marry you and you've never mentioned his name to me before he really said he wanted to marry me no well I really didn't say it what per say yeah he was wearing an apron time and it you know it just didn't seem right to let him continue and how could you not like it he's perfect no that's just it he's not perfect but he's wonderful and good I know I know he mentioned all that he also apologized for not being able to whistle I'm sure about that figured by the time we get back this guy's not normal no that's what I thought at first I mean he was way too sweet well sometimes your first impressions are right no dad I was wrong he's a good person filled with the love of God don't forget angelic flawless peccable they were approachable his big fault is he's trying to be the man that God wants him to be I mean you'd immediately like any guy Ramu wouldn't you [Music] [Applause] [Music] daddy you know I love you but I'm not a little girl anymore you coming in a second okay I went about this wrong way didn't I you asking me I mean David's not such a bad guy he's so annoying and completely wrong for Liz but he's an adequate guy for someone else's daughter he's perfect for Liz it's natural for a young girl to get blindsided by somebody who's so athletic perfect spiritual and soon-to-be doctor she loves them I have to do is a little research I need to get past these surface features and probe the ugly underbelly of the beast perfectly natural thing for a father to do right Ned what is going I just can't rock the boat right now I need to play it cool but my time until it slips up not something to thank you [Music] oh hey Liz here's what I'm thinking for your birthday oh you know what Deb that's actually something I wanted to talk to you about one well I was thinking about my birthday and I really like what the mark comes due for birthdays do for birthdays yeah you you told Nathan well it's just something we decided to do okay we decided to set that price limit for the gifts this year wow that is really admirable no dad that's not the most important why would it be um they also sing at retirement homes and volunteer at the soup kitchen so much fun dad you cannot believe what amazing singers all the markets are yeah bet they're like a regular Von Trapp family aren't you huh well I think well yeah don't you think that's a good idea yeah know what I'm thinking is maybe we do one of our old fashions over price self-indulgent hedonistic birthdays you know the kind that we love yeah I have everything that I need though but I'm sure there's a family at church that can use something you know what Liz everybody's different I say that if your dad wants to give you something this year you let him David that's great seriously thank you you're welcome yeah hey why don't I meet you guys back here in about two hours okay okay what see if you know Kate if I work on that boy I bet I can find a [ __ ] in his armor and wouldn't that make you proud of yourself absolutely this debauchery with how can I help you honey my daughter came in here a few minutes ago where is she no idea hey hold on hold on honey you know what don't call me honey my daughter's not even 21 years old shouldn't be in a lousy place like this alright listen daddy if she's under 21 then she's got a fake ID you know what my daughter has never had a drink in her life real and she certainly doesn't have a fake ID this Elizabeth Catherine Stevens David and Liz Liz who are you just going around making sure everyone's got everything they need you guys good couple changes begin good what do you guys drink beer I'll have whatever all right and you get a couple of ginger ales my friends down there at the corner so hey wait a second isn't that your daddy [Music] all right this is I apologize more of a family man why don't you tell me about it maybe I can help you sort it out your father you know I'm beginning to wonder okay here's the deal I thought she in this young man we're going into the bar and and she's not even 21 years old decided to start yelling dad [Music] let me call you back I'm sorry where's David oh he went back to his apartment you didn't have to do that yeah we did in fact I wish I hadn't brought him what's going on what are you talking about dad I know you better than anyone mom's been gone three years and you're still talking to her sometimes I just think you need someone in your life you know get acquainted with some women go out once in a while that refrigerator is filled with casseroles that have marriage proposals attached to them so maybe no no it's not even that it's I thought I'd have more time for what not time for time with you oh yeah you know I finally felt like I was starting to deal with your mother's death he said you weren't dealing with it I mean you're still talking to her yeah but still I mean I was comfortable then you changed all the rules what see I thought you were coming home with a girlfriend and then I see captain flawless standing there in the doorway and I knew that everything was gonna be different we resented that and him thought I'd have you for another five or six years yet graduate from college to a master's program do an internship you know we talked about all that stuff those were the rules well yeah I guess rules changed but I think I'm falling in love wasn't that one of your rules yes but not this fast we're supposed to wait I guess life isn't always predictable hmm guess not you know I really think now would like to what she doesn't master [Applause] welcome to ripples hey mr. Stevens can I take your order yeah can I get a grilled chicken absolutely right buddy scratch that Jonah let me get a double bacon cheeseburger extra patty can I get some fries and some onion rings and chocolate marshmallow shakes supersize that anything else mr. Stevens um yeah can I get two beef patties for my date huh yeah trust me so uh [Music] I believe that everything happens for a reason we're not just tossed by the wind and left in the hands of fate but sometimes life sends a storm that's unexpected and we're forced to face our deepest pain and when I feel the heartache begin to pull me under I did my heels in deep in a fight to keep my ground still at times the hurt inside grow strong and this I can do but let it out so just let me I know it's hard to see away today so just let me cry till every tears falling don't ask [Music] when I agreed that God could put this hot I understood that there would be a chance that it would break but I know he knows exactly how and I know it in time they'll take the but for now just me cry I know it's hard to see the pain I feel isn't going away just me cry till every tears father don't and square don't ask why just like I felt joy the kind made so my tears [Music] this justly [Music] Mieke [Music] it Carol that Stevens here I'm not very good at this not even sure what I'm supposed to say but I think it was a bit premature and asking you out it's still a lot going on right now plus there's you know some other things anyway sorry you know you might think about getting rid of that DVD good or at least put it high enough on a shelf that you can't reach for it every time you overload on junk food I don't really want to talk about this right now what's wrong with now I'm a little bit confused maybe I can help I don't think so is it Carol you didn't even give her a chance did you I'm afraid huh only then love again afraid that you might be really happy for the rest of your life you're my wife Kate and another woman changes everything you're trying to hold on to something you can't have I never thought you would leave me I didn't leave you I died tell is you love her no matter what and don't push Carol out of your life what if one day a whole day goes by and I don't think of you not once [Music] you're better at this than I am cake [Music] not really [Music] [Music] 90 of you [Music] if you're all that Stephens here I'm not very good at this not sure what I'm supposed to say I think it was a bit premature and asking you out right now [Applause] hey net how's it goin good Yulin Oh fine stand it funny though last week I had a couple of strange phone calls and I wonder if you knew anything about me I a counselor from the college called saying that somebody had called him wanting to know some information about one of his students okay then after I got a call from the campus police what does this have to do with me like what both of them said that the guy who called was pastor Len Nelson from Midway I'm pastor Nelson yes you are yeah I didn't call you didn't know do you know caller ID yeah and I'm pretty sure it's a federal offense impersonate ecclesiastical yeah probably is so who's David Martin uh-huh it says kid who's dating Liz I just wanted to do some research that's all because well have you ever met a kid who just throws off glitter when he smiles and you and you know that he's he's not everything you think yes but have you ever met a father who thought nobody was good enough for his daughter yeah but okay girls so you don't like the mark no no no why I don't know but I'm working on that Liz liked him she's crazy about him maybe that's the problem my problem swearing I'm sorry about the phone calls we got a net of course oh hey look Carol hi how are things things are good yeah listen that if you don't want to go out with know about that message that I'm sorry I'm just going through some things right now well we all are it's not you it's me it must be me it's not you at all Carol insist it's me me me mad you're right it is you [Music] what's going on ready to go [Music] Thanks Thank You Susan you've been a lot of help I appreciate it and you're positive you've got no record of a David Markham no that's ma RK h am you're sure okay no no problem at all thank you very much it's exactly what I thought and you have a good day too okay bye [Music] [Music] you know someday this is gonna thank me for this this is gonna be a bad scene better now than later though right hey Lizzy yeah this is a surprise yeah I need to talk to you yeah oh you okay actually I've never felt better okay well I've been doing some checking this week and I know you think David is a really good guy but anything I've done I've done because you are my only daughter and I love you but I don't want you to have a life full of grief and your husband in jail David is not who he seems why don't you just tell me what you need to tell me I'm gonna rip the band-aid off you know how you said David got into Medical School well I checked what yeah I called David suppose at Medical School why well I wanted to see if you really got in why would he lie about because he wants you to marry him yeah you know what the schools never even heard of him well how did you get this information well because I called the school and I told him that I was his dad and the issue is that Harvard has never heard of David Markham that's cuz you called the wrong school what he's going to Yale hello hey how you doing hey honey Rockefeller group just finished singing at the retirement home really which one if I called that rich no seriously David where were you really we're at a retirement home Med is that okay with you now I'm gonna ask Liz if she wants to go with me to sing at a hospital but maybe that isn't such a good idea no it's a great idea David I love to say you know what Ned I am sick of you jumping on my case every chance that you get I don't know what you're talking about I do you know exactly what I'm talking about you've got problems okay justjust go home dad fine you know what David while you're at the hospital why don't you just swing by the lab cure diabetes Lissie how's the hospital what are you doing dad nothing I'm watching TV no what are you doing to me nothing you David's a wonderful guy but you're in the way and and I really don't I don't understand why if you're afraid of losing me you need to get over it he could David barely even know yeah don't don't make me choose between the two of you I'm sorry mom's dead and I'm sorry you're alone but but that's not my fault and I can't fix it [Music] liz is right any it's hang with her just kids you will lose your daughter I'm not gonna lose Liz I think you just did well that's that's a woman telling her father to stay out of her life I will talk to her what are you gonna say I don't know tread lightly then eyes wish me luck just come [Music] Hill is it's it's dead um when you get this give me a call okay oh hey what's up hey amber is uh Liz here um your she is my chance okay be like that oh great what's he lived [Music] if your father can't accept me then I don't know maybe this whole thing is just a bad idea super bad idea now your father's crazy just leave leave him out of it how can i you have no idea what he's going through I didn't sign up for this Liz no what did you sign up for us [Music] [Music] hey dizzy what's going on I don't know I mean David's in love with me honey don't let my temporary insanity come between you two you really mean that daddy yeah I just gotta get my head on straight you know do some restructuring that's all I'll come on that's okay but first I just want you to know I'm sorry and then I love you Elizabeth Catherine Stevens and I love you Edmund Stevens you know you're funny yeah yes you are [Music] [Music] [Music] I think there's hope for you yet so I'm not a total loss not yet I know what you're getting at and I'm just gonna need a day or two Carol won't wait around forever thank you do you think this is easy for me it's not not at all [Music] [Music] you didn't bring a casserole no chocolate no jewelry what just making sure you're paying attention flowers are nice Thanks can I come in maybe what's up dinner hmm difficult my date will be here any minute oh really no joke so dinner Wow an actual date with Ned Stephens I'd say please but suddenly guys begging oh we wouldn't know how about one date no strings attached I can do that and after the message you left me it's gonna have to be somewhere really nice can I choose yes the tree room and I like steak okay and lobster let's go right now yep we've had the longest day at work and I'm starving yeah all right let's go okay [Music] [Applause] so are you rooting for in the super or no thank you I'm kind of full Ned as you know I'm in love with your daughter yeah I know you can marry her and I haven't had a lot of girlfriends I don't know why it just never appealed to me I've had lots of girls that were friends it just never has gone to that next level just wasn't right that's great you can marry her I think that if you're living your life right and you meet that right girl then you know and I met Liz and I knew and I just wouldn't feel good if I asked her to marry me and you didn't feel good about it too so I'm David you can marry Liz that was easy so when are you guys thinking of doing this how we want to do it probably around Christmas yeah we were thinking Connecticut say something nice make him feel good about this all right okay all right um despite my best efforts Liz seems to be madly in love with you yes I am and that's good enough for me David you're not who I imagined for Liz you're actually a lot better nicely done that good for you all right well I've got a lot to do so yeah I'm sorry so are we engaged yeah let's pay attention work so shouldn't we kiss I'm gonna go listen David heading back to school are you kidding me yes I am but you totally believed me now we just ran over something and got a flat tire and well David doesn't have a jack I know I know that feeling can you help us hey girl listen David let's say that once the roast right now in might silver with you my apologies are you thinking about kissing me tonight no it's Sunday okay that's cute I'll see you in five [Music] if you want to stay in the cup okay hey Carol and Carol Holly yes I know David hey David come see if the Joe are you two hanging out or a little are you dating well I wouldn't do yes oh really our David we need to get the tire off let's we should work what [Music] [Music] then she came running into the room and she said that what do you get when you cross the Atlantic Ocean with the Titanic I said what she said about halfway yeah and then she asked me what the Titanic was I don't know maybe yeah as a great memory oh how cute hey does two sitting here with me make you a film uncomfortable no maybe a little sometimes it's different for me Brian just left one day I came home and there was a note on the fridge Wow was he having an affair no I don't know I think the real reason he left is because I can't have kids yeah I was wondering you didn't say anything so it's not really something that I like to talk about you guys ever think of adoption hmm he didn't want to something about having his own yeah did he ever get his own three we don't stay in touch so how are you in Kate how were we we were perfect pretty close yeah you'll always love Kate that's one of the things I really like about you what else do you like about her well you're tall you've got beautiful blue eyes you've got a great smile you put an alright sense of humor yes plus you don't like book clips no I don't hey Brenda Schofield in the book club I can get you no you no I'm good I'm good with with Brenda yeah no I don't want that besides I think I'm already seeing somebody else really so tell me about her oh she's she's beautiful independent strong doesn't have any cats lucky girl yeah is that because of me or the cats both but mainly you think so definitely you told me once that you didn't want to take me until I was ready to get serious I remember and how serious doing me to be pretty serious but about that guy that I seen you walking around with what about him won't he be you know jealous me no I'm not jealous I mean you're kind of a little I'm not and he's my cousin really okay oh we do thing out every night okay that's fine son I'd do you like me you want to watch that movie that we run it yeah which one was it Sleepless in Seattle Oh fun romance I don't want to lose me Hannah yeah really meg Ryan I don't want to let this go I don't want to waste one more [Music] when you need to know [Music] I can't stop myself [Music] there's no one else um for [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's true I'm scared [Music] you what am I supposed to do [Music] [Applause] [Music] you would thank you this is wanna fake you [Music] be afraid of just just think [Music] [Music] I'm proud of you took me long enough so now you can let me go yeah we could stick around you'll be fine and dad I won't be there when Liz gets married or when she has her first child and there will be bumps along the way I won't be there to help to give hugs to wipe away tears but you will so make sure you enjoy every step along the way every precious moment sterling silver roses Liz's favorite for her wedding make sure you find sterling silver roses okay goodbye Kate i am i interrupting no not at all sir we okay net not if you keep asking silly questions like that no I'm sorry David I I give you a pretty hard time didn't I you know you just looking out for you no I was out of control I just needed some time I really do love her you know I know how do I hey guys what you doing just having a party I'll be inside so dad you gonna come join the party yes yes I am [Music] it seems like I've watched a million sunsets and stood at a thousand forms sometimes it feels like I've been here forever and sometimes it all feels Brendan I could never come from the day I was born until now but not a sea [Music] by him who breathes life in me some what if if I knew that I could not sleep I know how I spend my only head [Music] see I tell you I know once I just land [Music] I would never change if I only had today I'd wake up before the Sun and I'd watches you I pray the time to move slow No [Music] all the kids that head everybody the [Music] memorize every detail I tell you I love you I wouldn't let excuses bad [Music] [Music] today [Music] No [Music] honey guarantees [Music] [Applause] [ __ ] tell you you [Music] judges [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: EncourageTV
Views: 2,402,286
Rating: 4.7942567 out of 5
Keywords: bridgestone multimedia BMG, God, Movie, christian, EncourageTV, movies, Jesus, trailers, Curt Doussett, Kirby Heyborne, Michelle Money, Shelley Bingham-Husk, Michael Flynn
Id: 6qGU6LJtqdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 0sec (4800 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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