Kindness Matters Official full movie

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[Music] this is a story of some simple acts of kindness that happen in this tiny part of the world kindness can truly make a difference [Music] [Applause] [Music] i love my boss i love my boss i love my boss i love her boss i love my boss me love my boss good morning good morning dad it's still dark out it is you know i love you right can i start tying you up at night well just at seven knots yeah well in 22 minutes and 34 seconds we have to be walking out that door around it up to 25. i'm not sure if my boss would appreciate me being late dad yes does your boss love you what no um you're just stalling come on up let's go [Music] do you know where shoes are they're probably where you left them how come you're not ready yet link did you at least eat your toast i can't remember where i left it could you please go find it you've got to eat something come on [Music] it's 6 15 not 7.35 it's too early it's just a little early a little early i have an important meeting today what am i gonna do until they open just go over there sit down on the benches until they open the doors [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] one more time did you even hear me ring the doorbell you usually use your own key well if i remember right you were the one that said mom you need to respect my privacy do you remember that one i think you've ever done that why is it so stuffy in here please open the door and let some air in [Music] didn't you like the meatloaf yeah it was good you don't have to cook me food right you know that but listen i need to talk to you i'm gonna make us some coffee and you and i we're gonna have a chat sure i'm really concerned about you a man your age should be married by now you really need to stop blaming yourself and get out of this house i do get out i go to work every day i mean get out of this house and get some fresh air you know i've been thinking about going camping so camping is actually getting further away from people i don't know why you care so much if i get married or not anyways because i may not be around forever well i've said my peace eat it was warm okay [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] uh oh that's bad [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] that was the day that he released me from that wretched box who was this giant looking down at me all i knew was that he was kind and that's all that mattered to me another little thing aren't you [Music] hmm oh no you can't get hmm good little guy i just can't believe how much longer it takes to get into the doctor's office for peace safe i mean i made an appointment well oh you've got a dog oh my gosh you never said you were getting a dog that's cause it was odd how i how i got him wait a minute it's a he yeah why because boy dogs pee everywhere you didn't think about that you'll never believe where i found him somebody threw him away in the alley in the garbage can you believe that somebody actually threw that dog away i cannot that's the most horrible thing i've ever heard that's what i thought you know one good thing about this dog is you sure are smiling and i like that but son have you really thought this through puppies are a lot of work [Music] so [Music] hey stinking [Music] look stinkin's an artist stop it and what are you going to do nothing nothing why is your stuff all over the grass i tripped and phoned it off fell out you fell you okay i'm fine you don't have to pick me up from school anymore i'm older enough to walk home by myself i like picking you up from school look i'm sorry i got caught up at work today come on [Music] [Music] so [Music] i was a puppy puppies have a lot of energy especially when they're left home all day it's what we do we chew stuff up scrappy the tough part about being a dog is you never know where you're going next but to be totally honest i had a feeling it wasn't a good place don't worry don't find you a good home hey hey what are you doing huh what you doing okay okay you need to stay in one condition [Music] okay oh i almost forgot about that dreaded cage here this is gonna be your new home while i'm at work i hated that thing so get used to it but it's what humans do they lock stuff up [Music] a couple years went by and that cage got a whole lot smaller [Music] the thing about that cage i quickly forgot about how much i hated that thing every time i was let out that became my motto you can never get enough hugs [Music] let's see so your last job you were a babysitter um well not exactly a babysitter i was a nanny oh yes i looked after a young girl she was a handful for her parents i homeschooled her and took care of her needs her needs right she was very disabled she couldn't walk or feed herself she needed constant attention oh well i see well i'm gonna be honest with you i mean uh mostly the clients that i deal with they're receptionist or secretary answer the phones type of people you know what i mean yes um that's that's why i'm here okay well good uh so why did you leave that other job the little girl's illness finally caught up with her and she passed oh i was very attached to her passing really affected me so that's when i knew it was time for change i see and then that's when you moved here to the united of my dual states yes yes um my father was an american he has since passed away oh okay well yes it all makes sense like i told you uh the jobs that i can offer you are secretarial office and that kind of stuff that's fine okay well then why don't we give these a shot okay thank you you're welcome good luck on that too all right okay i have somebody coming in next so oh right yes thank you much bye good luck [Music] greenhouses is oh sorry to keep you waiting i was on the phone with client uh from africa he's been uh how you say difficult your resume please oh of course thank you looks good your passport up to date yes my passport is up to date good because i am looking for someone who will travel to various places travel to various places yes that is what i do i travel the world i collect artifacts i sell them to my clients it is very good money so uh i would of course be uh paying for all your expenses oh um so it is assistant job you would be assisting me i i don't think i'm qualified for this job you're married something like that thank you for your time what it is good job good pay you travel the world first class [Music] accommodations what does he want everything okay dad yeah everything's fine you just start eating okay hey no yeah no i saw the email look he doesn't appear to be dissatisfied no i you know hey link start eating no yes no we'll i'll take care of it in the morning okay i understand look and we'll include that in the disclosure in the yes it has cinnamon i don't think it has cinnamon no no just okay you know we will take care of it tomorrow i will get everybody on the same page i promise okay i'll talk to you later keep breathing [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm sorry it caused you so much trouble link you're never in trouble to me i promise i'll work on doing everything better something happened at school today i just don't understand why all the other kids make fun of my name i think it was a great man i have to give them a call again they just don't get it lincoln was a great president he did a lot for our country kids can be mean it's not your fault it's about them not you let's get some rest [Music] i've accepted your decision and i haven't bothered you but you and i both know that lincoln's a lot to deal with thanks for not helping mom i wanted to show you that i got a b-plus on my homework let me see you work hard for that b-plus yeah you know something tells me you would have gotten a plus if you're working on that ridiculous stutter of yours i'm sorry i promise i'll work on it you know what actions speak louder than promises [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] so [Laughter] so [Music] [Laughter] oh squirrels i have a thing for squirrels i don't know what it is about them but they make me crazy [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] please move just tell me the wrong reason why [Music] i can't do this anymore i get it you don't want to be married all right but what about him just please just move you won't be a mom i guess i'll hear you saying okay i don't want to be his mother anymore okay now can you get out of my way [Music] so [Music] [Music] lincoln link link lincoln link where are you naked lincoln lincoln [Music] lincoln [Music] so what are you doing in the closet why didn't you answer me i just wanted to take a nap in the closet [Music] okay so as you know things didn't turn out too well on those interviews i'm afraid right yeah perhaps it wasn't meant to be perhaps god wants me to go back home i think today might be your lucky day a new job posting came in this morning that i think you're perfect for oh now i know you had some hardships with your last job with the little girl dying and all that but i think you're perfect for this one really yes yes there's this little boy's been having some hardships and difficulties with his social skills and you know other minor things and he needs to be homeschooled he needs to be taken care of and it's a full-time job here's the guy's name and address thank you um thank you for your time [Music] oh god are you wanting me to go back home can you give me a sign please hello now listen you're thinking of not going on that interview aren't you you're right i was considering going back to england and living with my sister and her family really it's a bad idea isn't it but it's the only plan i have listen you said something to me that struck a chord you said that you thought perhaps god wanted you to go back yes i think it's the other way around really yeah let me tell you a quick story okay a couple of years back i was in a bad place i mean a really bad place and a perfect stranger told me to start over so you think i should start over no no no no okay uh forget that story i could hear it in the father's voice they need you maybe they do they need you okay now uh i gotta go i got another appointment thank you so much for all your help hello i'm uh i'll start again my name is miss davies and i'm from the agency you've probably already found someone to take care of your boy haven't you so i'm just gonna i'm just gonna go so actually i haven't decided to come in lincoln i've got something for me hello you must be lincoln come on don't be shy are you from england yes i am from england do you like castles yeah they're pretty neat we have them all over the place kings and queens lived in them but some people still live in them to this day do you know what we call the old castles no what we call them crumblies crumblies because they're so old they begin to crumble does everyone in english dress like you not exactly it's just something i prefer to wear thank you my resume so you have some experience with homeschooling i was a public school teacher for 12 years i taught children about your age that's quite the last job you had yes it was um was very intense the family no longer need you right why did i stop working there um [Music] the young girls succumbed to an unfortunate circumstance oh yeah so can you start tonight i have the job sure oh wonderful we can learn the power of words and use them well excellent all right stevies why do you wear black gloves well i have a skin disorder i'm a bit embarrassed by it but um the gloves help can i see them you want to see my hands all right do they hurt if i stopped wearing the gloves they would don't worry they're not contagious can i touch them why is it that young boys are interested in gross things i don't think they're gross [Music] they feel normal do people make fun of your hands yes sometimes they do all right off the bed with you lovely [Music] boy [Music] good night so what do you think you think that'll make a good painting what you don't like it well ain't you picky [Music] huh i've been in the house looking everywhere for you i was beginning to get worried hi mom hi i brought you some leftovers you know you don't have to do that i know but how do i know you're eating right i see you're back to painting yeah it's been a while looks good i like it i need to talk to you about something do you remember my friend charlotte i know you have a friend named charlotte i forgot you met her well anyway i was talking to charlotte about your situation you know living alone steady job loves animals well her daughter is a widower now husband had a heart attack probably all that extra weight if you ask me mom you're driving me crazy [Music] okay what did you want to tell me okay charlene and i were talking and we decided that we wanted to fix you up on a blind date what it never works out when you set me up on a date yes it does no it doesn't okay maybe that one time no it was four times no no yes it was and have you ever thought that maybe i enjoy being single that's ridiculous because everybody wants someone why do you care so much if i'm married or not because i'm not gonna be around forever and who's gonna take care of you when i'm gone i know you're lonely i just wanna help i'm sorry mom i'm sorry what time did my dad say he would be getting home he didn't say what he said he'd check in on you while you're sleeping how about we give it another try rory wonder what jumper would do you make fun of me at baseball because of the way i talk i'm afraid i have a confession to make i stutter too not like i do oh yes but i have heard you stutter once that's because of something i learned to do years ago what was it can i tell you a story well this was a long time ago you see i loved the theater theaters are everywhere in england almost every corner every corner well not quite but there are a lot of them anyway i was rehearsing for this play i was to play the princess that lived in a castle let's just say they weren't exactly thrilled with my stuttering and they almost cast another much prettier girl what did you do well the director was so frustrated with me that he grabbed her chair he threw it across the stage and then he sneers over at me looks me in the eye and screams out in this big booming voice just be that princess already were you scared well yes i was and then he shouted out from the beginning so you know what i did i took a deep breath i closed my eyes and i imagined myself the most beautiful princess loved by all the people of the court finally when i spoke the words of a princess came out of my mouth perfectly well from that day forward i imagined myself that wonderful woman loved by all and i spoke through her who is the woman well she was simply a better version of me and soon i became that woman and then the stuttering grew less and less until finally one day vanished all together do you think it would work with me it may let's try something all right close your eyes take a deep breath i want you to imagine a boy he is smart he is funny and people adore him isn't he wonderful okay let's stand you up shoulders back chin up can you still see that boy in your mind now repeat after me my name is lincoln my name is lincoln i was named after one of the greatest presidents that ever lived i was named after one of the greatest presidents that ever lived i am smart i am funny and everyone loves to hear me talk i am smart i am strong and everyone loves to hear me talk lincoln that was perfect you didn't stutter once i didn't no you didn't oh come here lovely boy oh that was great one more thing i've never told anyone about my character before you're the only person i've ever told so i shouldn't tell anyone exactly think of it like your little secret oh that was so good oh lincoln [Music] oh jackrabbits i have a thing for jackrabbit's name dang maybe next time buddy [Music] there you go that's a good boy it's pretty comfortable isn't it happy guy [Music] was that a bird oh i can't take it anymore let me out let me out let me out let me out let me out you're mine buddy where'd you go oh scrappy what do you think buddy need to sleep good give me trophy [Music] scrappy scrappy [Music] crappy [Music] scrappy scrappy [Music] scrubby [Music] scrubby [Music] [Music] scrubby scrappy grubby [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so that would make it 5 15 wouldn't it [Applause] hello daddy um organizing homework his math has greatly improved hasn't it lincoln you've been working really hard you know what i think i think you and i deserve a day trip tomorrow tomorrow sure why not things at work are going really well thanks miss davies dad what where are we guys you know what i think that's gonna be a surprise and we can all use a day off tomorrow you can enjoy your day off we'll be back tomorrow night you can get some stuff done okay [Music] [Music] ready to go yeah let's go do you miss your old school no so you'd like uh miss davies to keep working with you yeah why i just thought i'd ask why couldn't she come with us because she's not family is mom's still our family [Music] your mom will always be your mom i thought families live together you're right they should live together just sometimes they don't i still don't get it do you miss mom do i miss mom yeah i guess i miss miss davies [Music] it's nice out here you know i love you right [Music] [Music] i think someone's following me [Music] oh it's a boy he seems nice lincoln thank you [Music] oh water [Music] oh water [Music] mike you can never get enough hugs [Music] link link [Music] thank you thank you come to me all right back away from the dog no come to me now come here come here hey you can't just be feeding wild dogs that are out in the desert already we have to leave him here come on let's go [Music] don't make eye contact come on where are you guys going [Music] i can't just leave him here we're not taking him with us [Music] dad dad he likes me [Music] still don't understand why humans like to bathe us i mean what's wrong with a little dirt [Applause] anyway [Music] [Applause] laughs [Music] that's why i like him we should name him bingo it's gonna be a lot of work i mean you're gonna have to walk and feed him and bathe him it's a lot of responsibility i'll take good care of him i promise there's one thing i won't budge on because if he destroys anything ruins anything he's gone you understand i understand he's my full responsibility oh there's something good in here oh there's something good in here there's something in here [Music] that's pretty good [Music] where you going working dad that's what i do do we have a stapler yeah it's the first draw in the hallway thanks are you coming back [Music] that was fun [Music] [Music] [Music] excuse me i'm sorry to bother you but i'm looking for my dog and i'm wondering have you seen him hudson miller do i know you probably not you were quite the football star back in high school yeah that was a long time ago let me see the picture oh cute dog yeah he is you've been looking for him long well he kind of ran off last week and i've decided to come out this weekend and see if i could find him i'll tell you what i'll uh i'll help you look for him if you give me a lift back into town i'll give you a ride in town if you need i i mean you really don't have to help me look no it's my ankle does this from time to time just being too ambitious you know you really don't have to help me look for him i i don't mind giving you a ride into town oh it's fine um i have to admit that i don't actually remember you you were a big football star and i was invisible yeah i was a bit of a jerk back then i thought it was god's gift everyone's a gift from god so we gonna look for a scrappy or what thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] don't tell my dad what happened at the apartment why don't you want me to tell your dad what happened to the park because it's not his fault that i'm stupid now you listen to me you are not stupid you shouldn't even say that word i'm sorry i let you down hey you could never let me down you are perfect in every way so tell me what happened i was out in the desert hiking and some guy stops me and says he's looking for his dog then when i got a better look at him i realized he was a guy i had a crush on in high school high school did he remember you no he didn't oh he's a popular guy and i was kind of quiet so what happened i gave him a sandwich and then we looked for his dog and then he took me back to my car oh this is a picture of his dog oh he was married no i don't think so and you didn't exchange numbers no we didn't come on what happened to the new aunt i know i know i just i didn't think he was into me you just met him han what did you expect just not meant to be okay see this this is what i've been telling you you do this to yourself every single time doing the best i can what's his name hudson miller it's not a very common name i think we should look him up all right got an address there you go go visit him just show up at his house yup oh i don't know if i can do that you are returning a picture of his dog oh that's lame it's not that lame it's a good excuse [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hey buddy oh i'm sorry i must be fall asleep what are you doing out here looking for my dog when was the last time you seen him well it's been a couple weeks a couple weeks huh thank you look i'm out here every day i haven't seen a dog out here [Music] you know the nearest water supply is a good eight miles from here i don't want to get your hopes up because that's a long time to be out here with no water and um i must have taken it by mistake thanks i'll be honest with you as i've gotten older i decided to not waste time and to live in the now anyway i just picked up some takeout and i bought way too much don't know what i was thinking probably already have plans for dinner no i actually was just working him back i hadn't even thought about dinner but i'd love to have dinner with you oh well then i'll just go grab it from the car great i'll wash up that was delicious i'm glad you liked it so how did you find my address not that i mind that's easy nowadays technology huh i don't even have a computer it's a little creepy huh no not at all actually i'm glad you stalked me do you think i'm being overly dramatic about scrappy no i think you need to take all the time you need thank you lincoln he's not due for another hour get back to this oh he's home [Music] oh [Music] no anybody yeah no um now i've got that here also listen let's see in the morning okay all right hey how is everything okay it's miss davies here yeah she went back there in the in the bathroom you think she'd be interested in staying to have pizza with us we'll go ask her um definitely know if you wanted to have pizza with us oh yes i'd love to have pizza with you oh hi yes i would like to have a pizza with you okay we'll get it ordered i'm gonna go wash my hands right he likes pizza i'm just quiet enough to ask him nine times to get his hands done [Music] i'm gonna go order the pizza now okay [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] i've seen some big improvements in him it doesn't stutter as much anymore no he's just a different boy he's actually a very smart boy well i couldn't have done it without you being single parents hard i don't know how other people do it i suppose they just manage with what god has given them i've never asked about his mother i'm sorry i i shouldn't pry into your business no it's it's fine i guess you didn't want to be a mother anymore she had other things to do i truly believe that god has a plan for all of us you may be right [Music] coming good morning good morning he's still in the best getting ready i've got an important meeting to get you of course go ahead got this oh no no no oh my please don't tell me that it was important i need these notes for a meeting this morning what did it tell you about the dog if he messes up he has to go i gotta get to work we're gonna talk about this tonight [Music] do you think he's gonna take dingo away come here i'm not sure i think i'm ready can let you go buddy if you're watching okay please don't let them wander around alone up there please find them and take care good [Music] so [Music] lincoln can you come and finish today's studies please can we be done for the day course [Music] i wasn't sure what was happening but i could feel something bad was coming [Music] before you say anything i'd like you to hear me out i understand that it's not my place to interfere and there's no question that the dog destroyed something of great value to you i i don't know may have even cost you your job but please i'm asking you will you can you not punish lincoln the dog is too much for him to handle i'll take full responsibility of the dog just don't do this to your son look you probably want to fire me but i'm not changing my mind on this i'm not gonna fire you link you can keep the doc really we can keep dingo karen what are you doing here hey how's my little boy i see you got a new dog i found him in the desert [Music] he even got a little taller i'm sorry i don't know you i'm lincoln's mother oh um i'm lincoln's nanny a nanny my son has a nanny she helps him with homework and then watches him while i'm working you know working i'm sorry can you give us a minute of course thinking let's continue with where we left off shall we but i don't want her to come back it's okay i made a mistake i was just so confused but i've had a little time to think about it just came to tell you i'm sorry [Music] hello hi i brought your favorite thank you i was hoping to cheer you up i'm fine hello is that anne i hope you like her she's special to me i'm so excited mom this is anne it's a pleasure to meet you oh you have no idea i've heard so much about you uh-oh you brought pies too yeah um well i hope you're hungry [Music] i'll go get some dishes she's a darling girl yeah she's pretty cool why are you crying because i'm just happy for you you've had so many ups and downs and now everything's just perfect you know what a crier i am i don't want to cry but i'm just happy for you i cry when i'm happy and i am [Music] oh sorry i thought no no it's fine it's just it's me really just i've been in a bad place for a really long time watched a wonderful career dissolve right in front of me for years all he did was go to work and go home i never went out i don't have any friends and this little dog comes in my life started to get out a little bit and the next thing you know i met you i know it's silly but i really i really believe a dog helped me that he that he gave me the reason to to get out of my sadness well maybe scrappy taught you to forgive yourself i think you're right it did teach me how to forgive myself [Music] no can we try that again but i don't want you to leave everything's going to work out it's god's plan you've got to trust him what if he's wrong he's never wrong oh i almost forgot to give you this you're going back to england i'm going back to england now what happened to lincoln the superhero huh he died oh i think he misses you why don't you give him another chance now come here and give me a big hug bye-bye you [Music] she gone too bad i didn't get to say goodbye all right you ready for dinner all right let's go get washed up come [Music] i'll on sure they didn't put any cinnamon on it this time thanks dad that's cinnamon yeah thanks allergies you do that yeah yeah i remember that so excited for school tomorrow see all your friends i know it's gonna be tricky let me show you okay what you do is take this one put it right over there like a pencil and put that one on your third finger and then wrap your thumb there you go you'll get it here like this watch see that and like this you'll get it good job thanks it's okay we're not in any rush okay did he just growl at me your dad lets the dog sleep in the bed with you giggle helps me sleep he doesn't mean anything by it oh i meant it all right try it again lady get your sleep okay you got a big day school tomorrow all right [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is that who i think it is dad [Music] hey do i know you this is my dog [Music] how do i know that i lost him in the desert where'd you find him hi i miss you so much look scrubby yeah i mean it looks like him come here i miss you so much you know what here take him thank you come on boy come on come on thank you very much oh my gosh you should have seen it i was chasing after this rabbit he was really really fast at you know and then where did you go [Music] it's a miracle right he was over 40 miles from that camp area what are the odds that's exactly what i said the woman didn't give you any trouble i showed her the picture of scrapping and she knew well there's no denying those legs [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i can't believe he gave the dog away to a perfect stranger the dog came right to him he even had a picture of the dog you should have called me a guy loses his dog in the desert okay are you having trouble putting two and two together here it's his dog it's not yours how are you gonna deal with lincoln i don't know you know maybe it's about time he learns that life isn't easy hey link [Music] she ruins everything [Music] so he needs to go to a special school he's not like normal kids normal kids have friends normal kids play together there's just there's got to be a school that knows how to deal with kids like him kids like him i need a break good morning [Music] [Music] link [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you all right it was the man's dog it was my dog we can get you another one it would be him he was my best friend why does she have to come back because she's your mother she deserves a second chance she's not like miss davies did you know she used to starve like me no i didn't can i go live with her in england we can visit you in the summer you can come that's not gonna happen come on let's get ready scrappy what's going on come on wait what lincoln lincoln [Music] what's up when you leave [Music] call ms davies like she's gone she went back to england my name is lincoln i was named after one of the greatest presidents that ever lived i am smart i am strong and everyone loves to hear me talk [Music] scrubby scrappy hey scrappy hey buddy what's so i was feeding him i put his food down like always and he's not eating he's not acting the same something's wrong with him well it's only been a couple of days he's gonna need some time to readjust it's a lot for a dog to process do you think so yeah yeah maybe you're right yeah give him some time he'll come around [Music] he's happy come here come here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i know you said to give us some time but there's something different about him he's not the same so here's the person that took care of scrappy either call this person or throw the caller out no he's my dog not theirs i just wanted to go back the way he was and what if that doesn't happen [Music] and priscilla found my dog he was he joined the team senior year he was the new guy i can't believe he found your dog are you gonna call him no [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hudson adam it's good to see you it's good to see you too come on in boys we're not kicking that ball i remember that one and peterson wasn't open like he usually is and you were you gave me that nod and i gave you that ball and you cut through their defense like it was butter that was a long time ago so did you ever get married i was then it's finally finished link hey there's someone i want you to meet went to high school with this guy play football with it he's a little shy so do you ever think you'd like to play football someday what kinds of things are you interested in i would like to be a veterinarian i would like to help animals okay i don't know how you found me but i am sure glad you did me too adam me too it's nice to meet you you too [Music] well it's good catching up so you guys used to be friends yeah went to high school together he was one of the best football players i ever knew he had a bright future ahead of him and then it just didn't go that way [Music] i wanted to thank you buddy you got me out of a real bad place it weren't for you i don't think i'd have met anne [Music] i think maybe that's why god put us together [Music] nice to see you come on in have a seat yeah so i wasn't exactly honest the other day when i stopped by yeah what are you talking about i had to scope things out [Music] i assume is your ex-wife that gave him back to me yeah she said she gave to some stranger in the park [Music] i think that lincoln needs him you mean he's going to live with us it's okay with your dad okay dad are you sure about this [Music] yeah i'm sure [Music] [Applause] hi honey so you should have seen him it was like reuniting two family members i can't imagine how difficult that must have been for you it's really sweet oh i'm so proud of you [Music] is the position still open yes the position is still open where is he he's out back come on miss davey [Music] we went over to dad's house all the time [Music] i still call him dad [Music] you want to know the really neat thing about this is that we are one big family now [Music] you
Channel: Life to AfterLife Spirituality Series
Views: 2,062,410
Rating: 4.8589845 out of 5
Keywords: kindness matters
Id: lHrFXTYPofc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 22sec (6142 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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