Country Fried Steak - The Hillbilly Kitchen

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howdy folks and welcome back to the hillbilly kitchen today we're going to be making country fried steak my mother's favorite thing in the whole world to do was go out me and her absolute favorite meal was country fried steak but if you go on a restaurant nowadays you're not going to get the country fried steak that my mama loved you're going to get a deep fried greasy grizzly piece of sirloin steak that's not how it's supposed to be so today I'm going to show you how to make the country fried steak that my momma loved we're going to start with some ground round you can also use ground sirloin if you just want a really lean ground beef and we're going to bread that in some flour I've got about a cup here we've made it a little more by the time we finish with the gravy it does not matter what kind of flour it is you can use plain you can use self-rising whatever and I like to add a little flaxseed and this is ground flaxseed and the flaxseed makes it really crispy and it keeps it kind of moist we're just going to season it with salt and pepper and onion powder that's the taste and we're frying them in grapeseed oil and you don't need a whole lot of grapeseed oil because you do have fat in your meat you just coat the bottom of your pan with the grapeseed oil your pan is going to look you know about like that I don't have much in it at all I just have the bottom coated real well and to make this all you're going to do is cut your ground rounder ground start on whichever one you wanted you would not want to use anything with any more fat in it than ground round this is about a pound and a quarter and I like to make these about a quarter of a pound each and I'm just going to kind of cut it in strips I've got a piece of wax paper here that I'm going to mash these out between because if you've watched my other videos you know I'm not real fond of playing with raw meat okay we've got our meat pit up and with the bowl black paper over and mash this out really thin but you do want to kind of hold it together that's all there is to it then we're going to season it with some salt and pepper just sprinkle on however much you like and a little onion powder okay let's move this over out of the way we want to get our hands on the stove and get this oil preheating you want to put this in a really hot pan so I'm going to turn it kind of medium high until it gets hot and then I'm going to turn it down to medium maybe even a little lower just watch it as you're cooking it so you don't burn it take your flour and your flaxseed and you just kind of mix them together on plate lift your meat off of your wax paper and just put it on your plate with your braiding and you want fork or something to kind of cover this really well you can use your hands I guess if you want and you will have huge hands a little bit kind of move it around and get it out of way so you can be the next piece if it tears like that one did when you're putting it in your breading just take your fork and kind of mash it back together it's not a big deal it's oil start only but it's hot enough and you can test it by sprinkling a little bit of your breading mixture in it and you can see how it's sizzling so it's definitely hot enough very carefully because oil can always pop just start placing your braided pieces of meat in it okay and we're going to let that fry until it's brown then we'll flip it over and we may flip it over more than once but we want to make sure it gets a really good brown on both sides I'm going to finish the bread in this so I can get this wax paper here out of my way anytime you're handling raw meat you do want to make sure that you wash your hands really well and I'm going to go ahead and turn that down now because it's way too high to cook this will get burned on the outside before it gets down inside and I'm turning it down there just a little bit below medium as this is cooking you do want to take your Forks and kind of loosen it at least I have to do my hands if yours are better maybe you won't have to but you don't want to stick if it sticks it's going to feel all your breading off and you lose that crispy crust I'm also outlets cooking and going to make us some green beans and mashed potatoes and corn to go with it because it's not a meal by itself as your media starts to cook and it reduces a little you can certainly add another piece because you don't want to be in the kitchen cook it all night long okay this has been cooking about ten minutes and it's ready to flip over these first pieces that you're putting in this is going to cook free fast because you mashed it out thin and it is a ground meat and ground meat cook faster than a solid cut of meat wood see how pretty and brown that is that's what you want okay this is being took in about ten minutes on the other side and it's done and crispy and I'm having an all time keeping it from speaking tonight but I'm going to put this on a little wack and put it in the oven to keep it warm while I finish cooking okay you do or wash your hands literally every time you pick up a piece and put it in a pan because you're touching other stuff in your kitchen and you will contaminate like a salt pepper shaker or the cooked food that we already took out of the pan let me clarify that I'm not putting this in the oven to finish cooking it I'm putting it in the oven to keep it warm I finish cooking the rest of my meat my walk my hands again in the box if they didn't keep it one okay our meats all done down so I'm going to take the last two pieces out and put it on this pan that I have any oven and put this is back in the oven because we still have to make our gravy now I've got about twice as much grease in here as I mean maybe more I do not like gravy with a lot of grease in it so I'm going to get rid of some of this grease okay that's what I've got left maybe a couple of tablespoons that's all you need and you want to leave all that kind of burn looking brown stuff in there because it's full of flavor and for the gravy we're just going to use some of this flour that we had left that we use to bread our meat in and we're going to add the flour until we soak up all the grease that's left and there's no grease left at all and it looks like about enough that was probably a quarter of a cup and we're done with that flour now make sure you throw that away you don't want to save it for anything else because it did have raw meat in it you want to mix this around and get all the stuff out of the bottom of your pan and I'm going to add some salt and pepper to this and this is to taste it's however much you like I did use plain flour today so I'm probably going to need a little more salt than what I normally use because self-rising flour has salt in it already and that's something to keep in mind when you're making this if you use self-rising flour kind of watch the salt when you're making your gravy and I'm also going to put some more onion powder in here and again this is to taste every much you like but the onion powder will really add a lot of flavor to the gravy and to the meat and when you serve it okay and now I have two cups of cold milk I'm not sure how much of this we're going to use probably all of it as you add your milk you want to stir around your roux and kind of dissolve it in the cold milk and you have to get it dissolved in the milk while it's cold if you don't your gravy will be lumpy so you kind of got to work fast here alright you just want to keep stirred in gravy until it starts to boil and it gets thick see the only chance we have left in here now are the little chunks of stuff that was in the pan before we add in the flour we have all the roux whipped up good you can see this is getting pretty thick and it's still not actually boiling so I'm going to add a little bit more of my milk and you can add milk after you start cooking gravy but you cannot add more flour once your gravy gets hot if you try to put flour in it it will make huge lumps and it will not even be edible it'll be really slimy it's just not good at all but if it starts to get too thick too fast you can certainly add more milk if it's not getting thick enough all you have to do is keep cooking it and as you cook it the liquid will evaporate and your gravy will get thick but you don't want to get it real real thick because it thickens as it cools that's why the meal plan was getting too thick and it wasn't even boiling yet okay that's about as long as I'm going to cook this you'll start to feel some resistance as you drag your whisk through your gravy and that's what you want because it will get thicker fast that's pretty good some heat off and move this off heat don't wanna have to slice it and put it on top of my country fried steak I won't be able to pour it on there and now we can pull our warm meat out of the oven and let's fix us a plate meet some dinner thanks for joining us again in hillbilly kitchen don't forget to click like and subscribe and I hope you enjoy your country fried steak as much as mama did and he dripped a little gravy on your shirt while you're eating it don't worry about it because she always did too
Channel: The Hillbilly Kitchen - Down Home Country Cooking
Views: 254,853
Rating: 4.8931575 out of 5
Keywords: Chicken Fried Steak (Food), Cooking, Country, country fried steak, steak, steak and gravy, Gravy (Food), the hillbilly kitchen, betty's kitchen, martha stewart, sirloin steak, country cooking, recipe, gravy recipe, steak recipe, how to, how to make country fried steak, how to make country fried steak gravy, how to make gravy, ground beef (ingreadent), cooking from scratch, Healthy Diet (Diet), real food, whole food, ground beef recipe, frying, comfort food
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2015
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